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Forked from mklabs/bootstrap-plugins.txt
Created December 19, 2011 10:53
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h5bp + twitter bootstrap integration

h5bp + twitter bootstrap integration

Shell script to quickly setup a project using html5boilerplate and twitter bootstrap.


html5boilerplate + twitter bootstrap is a super combo.

Here is what I usually do to setup a project using html5boilerplate and twitter bootstrap. Following assumes a build process and relies on bootstrap's less files.

A single style.css file is used and h5bp's style.css is renamed to h5bp.css (not used in profit of bootstrap's css reset). Bootstrap less compile step outputs to bootstrap.css and an app.css is there to setup site's specific CSS rules.

The style.css file relies on @import, so it assumes the use of a build process, to inline and minify these import in a single file.

Following assumes you have both git and npm (so node too) installed and available in your path.


h5bp-twitter-bootstrap is a simple (and dumb) shell script, so you can drop it somewhere in your $PATH. It's particularly handy if you have a collection of dotfiles and bin helpers.

Relatadely, it is bundled as an npm package, so you may use npm instead to perform the install.

Through npm:

npm install -g


Just run h5bp-twitter-boostrap. You'll be prompted for a directory name, then by npm when the npm init is run.

Running h5bp-twitter-bootstrap -h will output usage below:

  h5bp-twitter-bootstrap [-h] [dirname]

Directory structure

→ build
|  → config
|  → tools
→ css
|  → less
→ examples
→ img
→ js
|  → libs
|  → mylibs
  1. Get html5boilerplate project (git clone into ./tmp/h5bp)
  2. Get twitter bootsrap (git clone into ./tmp/bootstrap).
  3. Create html5boilerplate directory/file structure by running build/
  4. Copy bootstrap's lib/ folder to css/less/ (or any other path you'd like, following assumes css/less/)
  5. Create an empty app.css file.
  6. Go in css, rename h5bp's style.css to h5bp.css.
  7. Create a new css/style.css file.

Add the following:

/* =============================================================================
   CSS App imports.

   These imports are inlined and minified by the build script. If
   you don't intend to use a build script, do not use @import
   statements. Use a single style.css file with h5bp's style first,
   then bootstrap.css, then your specific CSS files.

   h5bp's style first.

   ========================================================================== */

@import url('h5bp.css');
@import url('bootstrap.css');
@import url('app.css');
  1. Create a new css/app.css. This file is where you'll put your site's specific CSS rules.
  2. Init an npm package for your website (npm init and follow instructions).
  3. Tweak package.json, add a "private": true props so that you don't accidently publish to npm registry. You may kill off any of the props except from name/version ones.
  4. Add less as package.json's depdendency (npm install less --save)
  5. Add an npm script to trigger the less build:


  "name": "foobar",
  "description": "fancy description",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "dependencies": {
    "less": "~1.1.5"
  "scripts": {
    "less": "./node_modules/.bin/lessc --compress ./css/less/bootstrap.less > css/bootstrap.css"

Command is ./node_modules/.bin/lessc --compress ./css/less/bootstrap.less > css/bootstrap.css.

  • tarball download instead of git clone.
  • also get the bootstrap's JS files, have them handled by a build script.
  • fully integrate with h5bp's build script, or a lighten version.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
dirname=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
# need help ? if no args and help flags
if [ "$1" == '-h' ]
cat <<EOF
h5bp-twitter-bootstrap [-h] [dirname]
echo "
Cool, let's start.
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
# get a name for new project from command line arguments
# get a name for new project from input
while [ -z $name ]
echo "To create a new project, enter a new directory name"
read name || exit
[ -d $name ] && echo "Directory $name already exists" && exit 1
echo -e "\n1. Get html5boilerplate project (git clone into ./tmp/h5bp)"
! [ -d .tmp/h5bp ] && git clone .tmp/h5bp
cd .tmp/h5bp && git pull && cd $src
echo -e "\n2. Get twitter bootsrap project (git clone into ./tmp/h5bp)."
! [ -d .tmp/bootstrap ] && git clone .tmp/bootstrap
cd .tmp/bootstrap && git pull && cd $src
echo -e "\n3. Create html5boilerplate directory/file structure by running build/"
cd .tmp/h5bp && ./build/ project && cd $src
mkdir -p $name
echo "Created directory: $name"
cd .tmp/h5bp && cp -r -- css js img build *.html *.xml *.txt *.png *.ico .htaccess "../../$name"
echo "Created h5bp project's structure: $name"
cd $src
echo -e "\n4. Copy bootstrap's 'lib' folder to 'css/less/' (or any other path you'd like, following assumes 'css/less/')"
cp -vr .tmp/bootstrap/lib $name/css/less
echo "Create bootsrap's less directory in css/less"
# Commenting out the reset bootstrap drop. By default, the whole bootstrap's css files is used and h5bp's one
# is renamed into h5bp.css. The style.css file importing the css assets does not use h5bp.css.
# echo -e "\n5. Go in 'css/less', edit the bootstrap.less file and remove the '@import \"reset.less\";' line."
# cp $name/css/less/bootstrap.less $name/css/less/bootstrap.less.orig
# sed '/reset/d' $name/css/less/bootstrap.less.orig | sed '/Reset/d' > $name/css/less/bootstrap.less
echo -e "\n5. Create the app.css file"
echo "
/* =============================================================================
App specific CSS file.
This is usually where the site/app's CSS specific rules are setup. Note that you could
do exactly the same using less by adding a '@import "app.less";' at the end of
css/less/bootstrap.less file.
========================================================================== */
" > $name/css/app.css
echo -e "\n6. Go in 'css', rename h5bp's 'style.css' to 'h5bp.css'."
cd $name/css && mv style.css h5bp.css && cd $src
echo -e "\n7. Create a new 'css/style.css' file:"
echo "
/* =============================================================================
CSS App imports.
These imports are inlined and minified by the build script. If
you don't intend to use a build script, do not use @import
statements. Use a single style.css file with bootstrap's style first,
then your specific CSS files.
Following assumes an app.css to put specific CSS rules. Bootstrap also provides
an app.less file serving the exact same purpose, but using less instead.
========================================================================== */
@import url('bootstrap.css');
@import url('app.css');
" > $name/css/style.css
echo -e "\n8. Init npm package for the website"
cd $name && npm init
echo -e "You may want to tweak the package.json file, only name/version are mandatory."
echo -e "\n9. Add less as package.json's dependency (npm install less --save)"
npm install less --save
echo -e "\n10. Add an npm script to trigger the less build."
mv package.json package.json.orig
awk 'f==1{print last}{last=$0;f=1}END{print " , \"scripts\": {\n \"less\": \"./node_modules/.bin/lessc --compress ./css/less/bootstrap.less > css/bootstrap.css\"\n }\n"$0}' package.json.orig > package.json
cd $src
echo -e "\n11. Cleaning out temporary dirs."
rm -rf .tmp
echo -e "\n12. Running a first compile step to generate $name/css/bootstrap.css"
cd $name && npm run-script less
echo "
All done!
Check out the $name directory.
Simply run 'npm run-script less' to trigger the less compile step.
"author": "mklabs",
"name": "h5bp-twitter-bootstrap",
"description": "Shell script to quickly setup a project using html5boilerplate and twitter bootstrap",
"version": "0.0.1",
"bin": "./h5bp-twitter-bootstrap"
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