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Created July 8, 2020 07:49
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Testing the presence of the template, validate that adls file can be read and convert it from a JSON string to a PowerShell object.
# azuredeploy.adls.Tests.ps1
param (
$Path = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "azuredeploy.json")
# Test for template presence
$null = Test-Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
# Test if arm template content is readable
$text = Get-Content $Path -Raw -ErrorAction Stop
# Convert the ARM template to an Object
$json = ConvertFrom-Json $text -ErrorAction Stop
# Query naively all resources for type that match type storageAccounts
# Might need to be adjusted based on the actual resource manager template
$resource = $json.resources | Where-Object -Property "type" -eq "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
Describe "Azure Data Lake Generation 2 Resource Manager Template" {
# Mandatory requirement of ADLS Gen 2 are:
# - Resource Type is Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
# - Kind is StorageV2
# - Hierarchical namespace is enabled
it "should have resource properties present" {
$resource | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
it "should be of type Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" {
$resource.type | Should -Be "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
it "should be of kind StorageV2" {
$resource.kind | Should -Be "StorageV2"
it "should have Hns enabled" {
$ | Should -Be $true
# Optional validation tests:
# - Ensure encryption is as specified
# - Secure Transfer by enforcing HTTPS
it "should have encryption key source set to Storage " {
$ | Should -Be "Microsoft.Storage"
it "should have blob encryption enabled" {
$ | Should -Be $true
it "should have file encryption enabled" {
$ | Should -Be $true
it "should enforce Https Traffic Only" {
$ | Should -Be $true
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