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Last active August 22, 2024 20:34
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DuckDB: Query S3 Access Logs
Usage: you'll want to search for the strings <bucket> and <prefix>, and insert the S3 bucket where your access
logs are being delivered. Use (or delete) <prefix> to filter to a subset of your logs.
These commented out configuration settings you can either run yourself in the REPL and source this file using
`.read parse_s3_access_logs.sql`, or you can uncomment them and supply values for yourself.
-- install https;
-- load https;
-- SET s3_region='us-west-2';
-- SET s3_access_key_id='';
-- SET s3_secret_access_key='';
WITH parsed_logs AS (
regexp_extract(col1, '^([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\s+([a-z0-9.\-]+)\s+\[([0-9/A-Za-z: +]+)\] ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ("[^"]*"|-) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (\d+|-) (\d+|-) (\d+|-) (\d+|-) ("[^"]*"|-) ("[^"]*"|-) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)(.*)$',
'bucket_owner', 'bucket', 'timestamp', 'remote_ip', 'request', 'request_id',
'operation', 's3_key', 'request_uri', 'http_status', 's3_errorcode', 'bytes_sent',
'object_size', 'total_time', 'turn_around_time', 'referer', 'user_agent',
'version_id', 'host_id', 'sigver', 'cyphersuite', 'auth_type', 'host_header',
'tls_version', 'access_point_arn', 'acl_required', 'extra'
]) AS log_struct
-- Trick the CSV reader into reading as a single column
columns={'col1': 'VARCHAR'},
-- Use a *hopefully* nonsensical deliminator, so no ',' chars screw us up
-- Grab everything from the struct that we want as strings, exclude stuff we'll coersce to diff types
log_struct.* exclude (timestamp, bytes_sent, object_size, total_time, turn_around_time),
strptime(log_struct.timestamp, '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z') AS timestamp,
WHEN log_struct.bytes_sent = '-' THEN NULL
ELSE CAST(log_struct.bytes_sent AS INTEGER)
END AS bytes_sent,
WHEN log_struct.object_size = '-' THEN NULL
ELSE CAST(log_struct.object_size AS INTEGER)
END AS object_size,
WHEN log_struct.total_time = '-' THEN NULL
ELSE CAST(log_struct.total_time AS INTEGER)
END AS total_time,
WHEN log_struct.turn_around_time = '-' THEN NULL
ELSE CAST(log_struct.turn_around_time AS INTEGER)
END AS turn_around_time
FROM parsed_logs;
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Couldn't the integer casting be simplified with try_cast function here? I.e. instead of:

    WHEN log_struct.bytes_sent = '-' THEN NULL
    ELSE CAST(log_struct.bytes_sent AS INTEGER)
END AS bytes_sent,

it would look like

try_cast(log_struct.bytes_sent AS INTEGER) AS bytes_sent,
try_cast(log_struct.object_size AS INTEGER) AS object_size,
try_cast(log_struct.total_time AS INTEGER) AS total_time,
try_cast(log_struct.turn_around_time AS INTEGER) AS turn_around_time,

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Sure, go for it!

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