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Last active September 12, 2024 19:22
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A demo of calling Google Calendar API
## set scopes for calendar
options(googleAuthR.scopes.selected = "",
googleAuthR.client_id = "XXXX", ## add your Google project client Id
googleAuthR.client_secret = "XXXX") ## add your Google project client secret
## make sure calendar API is activated for your Google Project at below URL:
## this is taken and simplified from
#' Gets a list of events for calendarId
#' @param calendarId The calendar to get. Default is primary for authenticated user
#' @return a big list of JSON
events.list <- function(calendarId = "primary") {
url <- sprintf("",
f <- googleAuthR::gar_api_generator(url, "GET",
data_parse_function = function(x) x)
## ---------
# To use:
## authenticate with email that has access to the calendar
## should kick you out to Google OAuth2 flow. Come back here when done....
## get default (primary) calendar list
events <- events.list()
## events is raw JSON response,
## parse down to items by modifying the data_parse_function in events.list()
## or operating afterwards in code like below
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