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Created December 10, 2013 20:13
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Mail::AttachmentsList#[]= with hash clobbers hash
require 'base64'
require 'mail'
mail =
mail.text_part ={body 'body'}
mail.html_part = do
body '<html>body</html>'
content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
mail[:from] = 'from@from'
mail[:subject] = 'subject'
mail[:to] = 'to@to'
h = {
content: (::Base64.encode64 'some string'),
mime_type: 'application/pdf',
transfer_encoding: :base64,
key = 'abc'
mail.attachments[key] = h
puts h #=> {}
puts mail.attachments[key].decoded
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