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Created June 26, 2021 13:58
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Bluetooth Gamepads connection and reception.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from evdev import InputDevice, ecodes
from selectors import DefaultSelector, EVENT_READ
but = [307, 308, 305, 304, 315]
devices = {'/dev/input/event16':'c' ,
gamepad1, gamepad2 = None, None
selector = DefaultSelector()
def bt_send_hat(path, que, val):
# client.send_message('/bt', [int(path[-2:]), que, val])
print(f'/bt, {int(path[-2:])}, {que}, {val}')
global devices
if val == 0: devices[path] = 'c'
else: devices[path] = que
def bt_send(path, que, val):
# client.send_message('/bt', [int(path[-2:]), que, val])
print(f'/bt, {int(path[-2:])}, {que}, {val}')
def input_bt():
global gamepad1
global gamepad2
while True:
# Si gamepad1 no está cargado, lo intenta cargar y registrarlo en selector
if gamepad1 is None:
gamepad1 = InputDevice('/dev/input/event16')
selector.register(gamepad1, EVENT_READ)
print('gamepad1 registred')
except OSError as e: print('/dev/input/event16 not connected')
# Si gamepad2 no está cargado, lo intenta cargar y registrarlo en selector
if gamepad2 is None:
gamepad2 = InputDevice('/dev/input/event20')
selector.register(gamepad2, EVENT_READ)
print('gamepad2 registred')
except OSError as e: print('/dev/input/event20 not connected')
# Si ninguno de los dos está cargado, vuelve a intentar conectarlos
if gamepad1 is None and gamepad2 is None:
print('Please, turn them on.')
# Revisa la lista de selector, esperando que llegue algo
for key, mask in
device = key.fileobj
path = key.fileobj.path
# Intenta leer en device. Si salta error...
for event in
et, ec, ev = event.type, event.code, event.value
if et == ecodes.EV_ABS:
# Analogo
if ec == 1: bt_send(path, 'h', -ev)
if ec == 0: bt_send(path, 'v', -ev)
if ec == 16 and ev == -1: bt_send_hat(path, 't', 1)
elif ec == 16 and ev == 1: bt_send_hat(path, 'b', 1)
elif ec == 17 and ev == -1: bt_send_hat(path, 'r', 1)
elif ec == 17 and ev == 1: bt_send_hat(path, 'l', 1)
if ec == 1 and ev == 0: bt_send_hat(path, 'r', 0)
if ec == 1 and ev == 0: bt_send_hat(path, 'l', 0)
if ec == 0 and ev == 0: bt_send_hat(path, 't', 0)
if ec == 0 and ev == 0: bt_send_hat(path, 'b', 0)
if et == ecodes.EV_KEY:
if ec == but[0]: bt_send(path, 0, ev)
elif ec == but[1]: bt_send(path, 1, ev)
elif ec == but[2]: bt_send(path, 2, ev)
elif ec == but[3]: bt_send(path, 3, ev)
elif ec == but[4]: bt_send(path, 4, ev)
# ... es porque el gamepad se apagó. Lo cierra y lo desregistra de selector
except OSError as e:
print('input_bt() - Except - A gamepad is turned off')
if path[-2:] == '16':
print('Did GAMEPAD1 turned off? Unregistering it...')
if gamepad1 != None:
gamepad1 = None
if path[-2:] == '20':
print('Did GAMEPAD1 turned off? Unregistering it...')
if gamepad2 != None:
gamepad2 = None
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