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Marco Cancellieri Marcocanc

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jampajeen / gist:d19f36a7309d0ead0e1f9735a26d66f3
Created January 12, 2021 15:35
Disable/Enable Mac OSX sleep on lid closed
# disable sleep
sudo pmset -b sleep 0; sudo pmset -b disablesleep 1
# re-enable sleep
sudo pmset -b sleep 5; sudo pmset -b disablesleep 0
lattner /
Last active September 14, 2024 20:24
Swift Concurrency Manifesto
bhrott /
Created March 1, 2017 22:16
Swift 3: Hex UIColor


import Foundation
import UIKit

extension UIColor {
    convenience init(hexString: String) {
        let hex = hexString.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.alphanumerics.inverted)
        var int = UInt32()
 Scanner(string: hex).scanHexInt32(&int)
Cosmo / m3u.swift
Last active August 21, 2023 09:59
Swift M3U Parser
struct MediaItem {
var duration: Int?
var title: String?
var urlString: String?
static func parseM3U(contentsOfFile: String) -> [MediaItem]? {
var mediaItems = [MediaItem]()
contentsOfFile.enumerateLines({ line, stop in
if line.hasPrefix("#EXTINF:") {
let infoLine = line.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("#EXTINF:", withString: "")
steventroughtonsmith / wwdc15sessionlister.m
Last active December 3, 2015 22:51
WWDC 15 Session Video Lister
// main.m
// wwcd15sessionlister
// Created by Steven Troughton-Smith on 10/06/2015.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
bsmt /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Dirty hack to enable using skype as a shell with something like "/echo testing"
//sudo cycript -p Skype
@import com.saurik.substrate.MS
var get = function(name)
func_ = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, name)
func = function() { var types = 'v', args = [], count = arguments.length; for (var i = 0; i != count; ++i) { types += '@'; args.push(arguments[i]); } new Functor(func_, types).apply(null, args); };
return func
NSLog = get("NSLog");
aaronksaunders / TiParse.js
Last active December 3, 2017 11:46
UPDATED PROJECT: Tested w/ latest version of parse "parse-1.2.18.js" I took a look at the latest Parse update to the APIs and they have made it even more complex to integrate Appcelerator and Facebook since they have integrated the FB Javascript API into the Parse Module directly.this hack just overrides the FB functions th…
* Aaron K. Saunders
* twitter: @aaronksaunders
* last updated may 23, 2014
* See more Appcelerator Information on Clearly Innovative Blog
mbostock / .block
Last active May 19, 2023 13:31
Population Pyramid
license: gpl-3.0