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Created September 3, 2020 19:06
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module Foo
import System.File
import Control.Monad.Managed
withFile' : HasIO io => String -> Mode -> (Either FileError File -> io a) -> io a
withFile' file mode act = do res <- openFile file mode
a <- act res
either (\_ => pure a)
(\f => pure a <* closeFile f) res
main : IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "No files are open"
runManaged $ do
f1 <- managed $ withFile' "/dev/urandom" Read
putStrLn "f1 is open"
f2 <- managed $ withFile' "foo.txt" Read
putStrLn "f2 is open"
dosomethingwith f1
dosomethingwith f2
putStrLn "No files are open"
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