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Last active June 25, 2018 19:40
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  • Save Manuel-S/f285795979f42f65a144bf87ac52013b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Manuel-S/f285795979f42f65a144bf87ac52013b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add markdown environment to latex files using pandoc cli
\PassOptionsToPackage{unicode=true}{hyperref} % options for packages loaded elsewhere
\immediate\write18{pandoc tmp/tmp\ -t latex -o tmp/tmp\theMarkdownId.tex}%
\ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0 % if pdftex
\usepackage{textcomp} % provides euro and other symbols
\else % if luatex or xelatex
% use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments
% use microtype if available
\UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts
}{% else
\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
\urlstyle{same} % don't use monospace font for urls
% Add ',fontsize=\small' for more characters per line
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} % prevent overfull lines
% set default figure placement to htbp
% packages etc...
Regular tex here like formulas: $ x \leftarrow \sin(y^2-b) $
## SubSection
A list:
* Item
* Another item
* even include tex here : $0 \leq x_2 \leq 1$
* braces might make problems though, needs testing.
``` {.cs}
Func<int, int, int> add = (a, b) => a + b;
private stativ void DoStuff(int x, int y)
Console.WriteLine($"{x} + {y}");
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