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Last active September 19, 2024 08:45
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  • Save MansuriYamin/b648db1ad62012c634a9d0011300e6d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MansuriYamin/b648db1ad62012c634a9d0011300e6d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* A custom slider composable that allows selecting a value within a given range.
* @param value The current value of the slider.
* @param onValueChange The callback invoked when the value of the slider changes.
* @param modifier The modifier to be applied to the slider.
* @param valueRange The range of values the slider can represent.
* @param gap The spacing between indicators on the slider.
* @param showIndicator Determines whether to show indicators on the slider.
* @param showLabel Determines whether to show a label above the slider.
* @param enabled Determines whether the slider is enabled for interaction.
* @param thumb The composable used to display the thumb of the slider.
* @param track The composable used to display the track of the slider.
* @param indicator The composable used to display the indicators on the slider.
* @param label The composable used to display the label above the slider.
fun CustomSlider(
value: Float,
onValueChange: (Float) -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float> = ValueRange,
gap: Int = Gap,
showIndicator: Boolean = false,
showLabel: Boolean = false,
enabled: Boolean = true,
thumb: @Composable (thumbValue: Int) -> Unit = {
track: @Composable (sliderState: SliderState) -> Unit = { sliderState ->
CustomSliderDefaults.Track(sliderState = sliderState)
indicator: @Composable (indicatorValue: Int) -> Unit = { indicatorValue ->
CustomSliderDefaults.Indicator(indicatorValue = indicatorValue.toString())
label: @Composable (labelValue: Int) -> Unit = { labelValue ->
CustomSliderDefaults.Label(labelValue = labelValue.toString())
) {
val itemCount = (valueRange.endInclusive - valueRange.start).roundToInt()
val steps = if (gap == 1) 0 else (itemCount / gap - 1)
Box(modifier = modifier) {
measurePolicy = customSliderMeasurePolicy(
itemCount = itemCount,
gap = gap,
value = value,
startValue = valueRange.start
content = {
if (showLabel)
modifier = Modifier.layoutId(CustomSliderComponents.LABEL),
value = value,
label = label
Box(modifier = Modifier.layoutId(CustomSliderComponents.THUMB)) {
modifier = Modifier
value = value,
valueRange = valueRange,
steps = steps,
onValueChange = { onValueChange(it) },
thumb = {
track = { track(it) },
enabled = enabled
if (showIndicator)
modifier = Modifier.layoutId(CustomSliderComponents.INDICATOR),
valueRange = valueRange,
gap = gap,
indicator = indicator
private fun Label(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
value: Float,
label: @Composable (labelValue: Int) -> Unit
) {
modifier = modifier,
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
private fun Indicator(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>,
gap: Int,
indicator: @Composable (indicatorValue: Int) -> Unit
) {
// Iterate over the value range and display indicators at regular intervals.
for (i in valueRange.start.roundToInt()..valueRange.endInclusive.roundToInt() step gap) {
modifier = modifier
) {
private fun customSliderMeasurePolicy(
itemCount: Int,
gap: Int,
value: Float,
startValue: Float
) = MeasurePolicy { measurables, constraints ->
// Measure the thumb component and calculate its radius.
val thumbPlaceable = measurables.first {
it.layoutId == CustomSliderComponents.THUMB
val thumbRadius = (thumbPlaceable.width / 2).toFloat()
val indicatorPlaceables = measurables.filter {
it.layoutId == CustomSliderComponents.INDICATOR
}.map { measurable ->
val indicatorHeight = indicatorPlaceables.maxByOrNull { it.height }?.height ?: 0
val sliderPlaceable = measurables.first {
it.layoutId == CustomSliderComponents.SLIDER
val sliderHeight = sliderPlaceable.height
val labelPlaceable = measurables.find {
it.layoutId == CustomSliderComponents.LABEL
val labelHeight = labelPlaceable?.height ?: 0
// Calculate the total width and height of the custom slider layout
val width = sliderPlaceable.width
val height = labelHeight + sliderHeight + indicatorHeight
// Calculate the available width for the track (excluding thumb radius on both sides).
val trackWidth = width - (2 * thumbRadius)
// Calculate the width of each section in the track.
val sectionWidth = trackWidth / itemCount
// Calculate the horizontal spacing between indicators.
val indicatorSpacing = sectionWidth * gap
// To calculate offset of the label, first we will calculate the progress of the slider
// by subtracting startValue from the current value.
// After that we will multiply this progress by the sectionWidth.
// Add thumb radius to this resulting value.
val labelOffset = (sectionWidth * (value - startValue)) + thumbRadius
layout(width = width, height = height) {
var indicatorOffsetX = thumbRadius
// Place label at top.
// We have to subtract the half width of the label from the labelOffset,
// to place our label at the center.
x = (labelOffset - (labelPlaceable.width / 2)).roundToInt(),
y = 0
// Place slider placeable below the label.
sliderPlaceable.placeRelative(x = 0, y = labelHeight)
// Place indicators below the slider.
indicatorPlaceables.forEach { placeable ->
// We have to subtract the half width of the each indicator from the indicatorOffset,
// to place our indicators at the center.
x = (indicatorOffsetX - (placeable.width / 2)).roundToInt(),
y = labelHeight + sliderHeight
indicatorOffsetX += indicatorSpacing
* Object to hold defaults used by [CustomSlider]
object CustomSliderDefaults {
* Composable function that represents the thumb of the slider.
* @param thumbValue The value to display on the thumb.
* @param modifier The modifier for styling the thumb.
* @param color The color of the thumb.
* @param size The size of the thumb.
* @param shape The shape of the thumb.
fun Thumb(
thumbValue: String,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = PrimaryColor,
size: Dp = ThumbSize,
shape: Shape = CircleShape,
content: @Composable () -> Unit = {
text = thumbValue,
color = Color.White,
textAlign = TextAlign.Center
) {
modifier = modifier
.thumb(size = size, shape = shape)
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
* Composable function that represents the track of the slider.
* @param sliderState The state of the slider.
* @param modifier The modifier for styling the track.
* @param trackColor The color of the track.
* @param progressColor The color of the progress.
* @param height The height of the track.
* @param shape The shape of the track.
fun Track(
sliderState: SliderState,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
trackColor: Color = TrackColor,
progressColor: Color = PrimaryColor,
height: Dp = TrackHeight,
shape: Shape = CircleShape
) {
modifier = modifier
.track(height = height, shape = shape)
) {
modifier = Modifier
sliderState = sliderState,
height = height,
shape = shape
* Composable function that represents the indicator of the slider.
* @param indicatorValue The value to display as the indicator.
* @param modifier The modifier for styling the indicator.
* @param style The style of the indicator text.
fun Indicator(
indicatorValue: String,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
style: TextStyle = TextStyle(fontSize = 10.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal)
) {
Box(modifier = modifier) {
text = indicatorValue,
style = style,
textAlign = TextAlign.Center
* Composable function that represents the label of the slider.
* @param labelValue The value to display as the label.
* @param modifier The modifier for styling the label.
* @param style The style of the label text.
fun Label(
labelValue: String,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
style: TextStyle = TextStyle(fontSize = 12.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal)
) {
Box(modifier = modifier) {
text = labelValue,
style = style,
textAlign = TextAlign.Center
fun Modifier.track(
height: Dp = TrackHeight,
shape: Shape = CircleShape
) = this
.heightIn(min = height)
fun Modifier.progress(
sliderState: SliderState,
height: Dp = TrackHeight,
shape: Shape = CircleShape
) = this
// Compute the fraction based on the slider's current value.
// We do this by dividing the current value by the total value.
// However, the start value might not always be 0, so we need to
// subtract the start value from both the current value and the total value.
.fillMaxWidth(fraction = (sliderState.value - sliderState.valueRange.start) / (sliderState.valueRange.endInclusive - sliderState.valueRange.start))
.heightIn(min = height)
fun Modifier.thumb(
size: Dp = ThumbSize,
shape: Shape = CircleShape
) = this
.defaultMinSize(minWidth = size, minHeight = size)
private enum class CustomSliderComponents {
val PrimaryColor = Color(0xFF6650a4)
val TrackColor = Color(0xFFE7E0EC)
private const val Gap = 1
private val ValueRange = 0f..10f
private val TrackHeight = 8.dp
private val ThumbSize = 30.dp
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Very good, thank you for this wonderful composable
Can you please give us an updated version compatible with the latest MDC3 that use SliderState instead of SliderPositions

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Very good, thank you for this wonderful composable Can you please give us an updated version compatible with the latest MDC3 that use SliderState instead of SliderPositions

Thank you for your positive feedback! I'm glad you found the Custom Slider helpful. I've updated the code to be compatible with the latest MDC3 version, utilizing SliderState instead of SliderPositions.

Feel free to give it a try and let me know if you need any further assistance!

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inidamleader commented May 18, 2024

Hi @MansuriYamin ,
Thank you very much! Could you please provide a preview functions? Also some screenshots would be incredibly helpful for others.

I also have a suggestion: could you add a condition to the Thumb component to optionally show or hide the indicator inside the thumb?

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