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Created May 16, 2019 09:16
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Demontraste how to store a section of a JSON without decoding/validating it
module Tests.Main
open Expecto
open Util.Testing
open Thoth.Json.Net
let json =
"name": "Test HTTP Scenario",
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:55042",
"requests": [
"url": "/api/ticket"
"url": "/api/ticket/",
"method": "POST",
"body": {
"id": "1",
"title": "Test ticket 1"
"url": "/api/ticket/1",
"method": "PUT",
"body": {
"id": "1",
"title": "Test ticket 1 updated"
"url": "/api/ticket/1",
"method": "DELETE"
type Request =
{ Url : string
Method : string option
Body : JsonValue option }
static member Decoder =
Decode.object (fun get ->
{ Url = get.Required.Field "url" Decode.string
Method = get.Optional.Field "method" Decode.string
Body = get.Optional.Field "body" Decode.value }
type Test =
{ Name : string
BaseUrl : string
Requests : Request list }
static member Decoder =
Decode.object (fun get ->
{ Name = get.Required.Field "name" Decode.string
BaseUrl = get.Required.Field "baseUrl" Decode.string
Requests = get.Required.Field "requests" (Decode.list Request.Decoder) }
let printRequest (request : Request) =
printfn "----- PRINT REQUEST -----"
printfn ""
printfn ""
printfn "Url: %s" request.Url
match request.Method with
| Some method ->
printfn "Method: %s" method
| None ->
printfn "No method provided"
match request.Body with
| Some body ->
printfn "Body: %s" (body.ToString())
| None ->
printfn "No body provided"
let main args =
// testList "All" [ Tests.Decoders.tests
// Tests.Encoders.tests
// ]
// |> runTestsWithArgs defaultConfig args
let test = Decode.unsafeFromString Test.Decoder json
|> List.iter printRequest
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Here the goal is to decode the provided json. The tricky point is we don't know what type is body.

In order to still keep body reference/value, we are going to store directly the JsonValue provided by Newtonsoft. Like that we can later retrieve the content of body by doing body.ToString() for example.

Running the above code returns:

----- PRINT REQUEST -----               
Url: /api/ticket                        
No method provided                      
No body provided                        
----- PRINT REQUEST -----               
Url: /api/ticket/                       
Method: POST                            
Body: {
  "id": "1",
  "title": "Test ticket 1"
----- PRINT REQUEST -----               
Url: /api/ticket/1                      
Method: PUT                             
Body: {
  "id": "1",
  "title": "Test ticket 1 updated"
----- PRINT REQUEST -----               
Url: /api/ticket/1                      
Method: DELETE                          
No body provided 

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