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Created March 5, 2020 20:42
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def find_ravi_pairs_in_bound(n)
ravis = []
# Just setting an upper bound on this for now
(1..(n/2)).each do |i|
(i..n).each do |j|
# Add the two numbers together and convert them to binary string
a = (i + j).to_s(2)
# Multiply the two numbers together and convert them to binary string
b = (i * j).to_s(2).reverse
# just working with the upper bound
break if i * j > n
# the reversed string b could have a bunch of leading zeros which
# would not be present in a. We trim these zeros so we can compare
# (leading zeros in a binary string don't matter)
b = trim_zeros(b)
if a == b
# We found a pair, add them to the array
ravis.push([i, j]) if a == b
return ravis
# Removes leading zeros from a binary string
def trim_zeros(bin_string)
# Get the index of the first one
zero_pad_index = bin_string.index('1')
# remove all the zeros up to the leading one
return bin_string.slice(zero_pad_index, bin_string.length)
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