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Last active February 29, 2024 02:35
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  • Save MalikAQayum/11ae7ba9b7741eb9d01af883dadedca4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MalikAQayum/11ae7ba9b7741eb9d01af883dadedca4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adds clickable icon links to external sites (,,,,,, steamtrades, steamgifts)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Profile Linker
// @namespace
// @version 1.23
// @description Adds clickable icons to external sites in the "profile_rightcol".
// @author MalikQayum
// @include /^https?:\/\/steamcommunity\.com[/]+(id|profiles)[/]+[^/]+(\/|)$/
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
$J(function() {
const customPl = 0;
const defaultPl = 1;
const other = 1;
const trading = 1;
const statistics = 1;
const linkData = {
custom: [
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" }
default: {
trading: [
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" }
other: [
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "-753" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" }
statistics: [
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "/achievements" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" },
{ Sprofile: "", Eprofile: "" }
if (defaultPl === 1) {
if (trading === 1) {
appendLinks(, "#PLContainer_trading");
if (other === 1) {
appendLinks(linkData.default.other, "#PLContainer_other");
if (statistics === 1) {
appendLinks(linkData.default.statistics, "#PLContainer_statistics");
} else if (customPl === 1) {
appendLinks(linkData.custom, "#PLContainer_custom");
function appendLinks(links, containerSelector) {
const container = $J(`<div class="responsive_status_info" id="${containerSelector.replace('#', '')}"></div>`);
container.prepend(`<div class="profile_in_game persona online" id="PLContent_${containerSelector.replace('#PLContainer_', '')}" style="display: table-cell"></div>`);
links.forEach(({ Sprofile, Eprofile }) => {
const link = $J(`<a href="${Sprofile + g_rgProfileData.steamid + Eprofile}" data-tooltip-html="${Sprofile.split("/")[2]}" target="_blank" id="urlFavicon"></a>`);
$J(`#PLContent_${containerSelector.replace('#PLContainer_', '')}`).append(link);
function styleLink(link) {
"background": `url(//${getFavicon(link.attr('href'))})`,
"display": "block",
"float": "left",
"background-color": "transparent",
"padding": "0px",
"margin": "7px 7px",
"width": "16px",
"height": "16px"
function getFavicon(url) {
return url.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1];
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