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Last active February 24, 2024 02:59
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Demonstration of trapping exits in Elixir
iex(2)> pid = spawn Traps, :init, []
waiting to die...
Nobody tried to kill me! ^_^
waiting to die...
Nobody tried to kill me! ^_^
waiting to die...
iex(3)> Process.exit pid, :normal
(⊙_⊙') somebody tried to kill me! {:EXIT, #PID<0.88.0>, :normal}
waiting to die...
Nobody tried to kill me! ^_^
waiting to die...
Nobody tried to kill me! ^_^
waiting to die...
Nobody tried to kill me! ^_^
waiting to die...
iex(4)> Process.exit pid, :muereeeeee
(⊙_⊙') somebody tried to kill me! {:EXIT, #PID<0.88.0>, :muereeeeee}
waiting to die...
Nobody tried to kill me! ^_^
waiting to die...
Nobody tried to kill me! ^_^
waiting to die...
Nobody tried to kill me! ^_^
waiting to die...
iex(5)> Process.exit pid, :kill
defmodule Traps do
def init do
Process.flag :trap_exit, true
def loop do
IO.puts "waiting to die..."
receive do
msg ->
IO.puts "(⊙_⊙') somebody tried to kill me! #{inspect msg}"
after 1000 ->
IO.puts "Nobody tried to kill me! ^_^"
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