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[MD] Each server should provide a unique provider ID - probably as a http header where applicable. This allows for a very weak but quick and easy mechanism to tell that requests are going to official servers who's keys are already known.
Internally, even anonymous/not logged in users should all be assigned a temporary unique client ID (which is separate to the users session id) which is to be used to correctly route requests to the applicable end nodes that their processing takes place.
If the provider/client ID does not match the key(s) that server has (hardcoded in the case of the provider ID) - then the user is potentially attempting to compromise your site. See "./Potential Security Threats.txt" for the correct way to handle such an event.
Rules are configured per project, at the moment I have 2 proposed methods; 1) add a 'morals' or similar field to the projects package.json or 2) as a morals.js file in the projects root.
In either case the following support will be available via an api available to
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am mjcd on github.
* I am mjcd ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASBH-t602HMmZLLnoc8IWzjXLoIx2aBKMten6-RS9chcuQo
To claim this, I am signing this object: