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Last active August 25, 2024 02:46
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Userscript to allow you to download media from Fansly (no it doesn't work for media you normally wouldn't have access to).

Fansly Download

A work-in-progress userscript for downloading media from Fansly.


  1. Install a userscript extension (such as Violentmonkey).
  2. Click on this link and your userscript extension should prompt you to install.
  3. Go on a Fansly post, make sure to click on the post so the URL looks something like:
  4. Click on the three dots top-right of the post. You should see a "Download media" option:

// ==UserScript==
// @name Fansly - Download single posts & messages
// @namespace
// @match*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_download
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @require
// @downloadUrL
// @updateUrl
// @icon
// @version 0.6.0
// @author M
// @description Work in progress userscript for download media of single posts & message media on Fansly.
// ==/UserScript==
* Usage:
* - Make sure to visit a singular "post" (url = Click the three dots top-right of the post and there should be a "Download media" option.
* - v0.2.0 introduced experimental messages support as well:
* - Go to your Fansly messages and select a "message thread" on the sidebar.
* - Above the message thread list, there should be a download icon that pops up:
* - v0.6.0 should fix image downloading. Video downloading is still kind of low resolutions for newer posts, as Fansly uses M3U8 playlists (which can't really be merged into MP4s easily via a simple userscript).
* - Advanced users are recommended to set the `SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD` value to true, which will give you a Bash script that utilizes `curl` and `yt-dlp` to download images/videos.
const downloadIconClasses = 'fal fa-fw fa-file-upload fa-rotate-180 pointer';
* curl and yt-dlp (for m3u8 files) commands will be put into a .sh script and that will be downloaded instead.
* Alternative method, since browsers have a tendency to get a bit sluggish when you're downloading 30+ files all at once.
* For the time being, if you want this to work, you'll have to go on the "Values" tab at the top of this script and set `SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD` to true.
const scriptDownload = GM_getValue('SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD', false);
* Helper function to save text as a file (primarily for scriptDownload).
const saveAs = (function () {
var a = document.createElement("a");
document.body.appendChild(a); = "display: none";
return function (data, fileName) {
var blob = new Blob([data], {type: "octet/stream"});
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.href = url; = fileName;;
* Create a timestamp
function formatTimestamp(timestamp)
const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000);
return date.toISOString().split('T')[0];
function copyToClipboard(str)
const el = document.createElement('textarea');
el.value = str;
function getAngularAttribute(element)
const attributes = Array.from(element.attributes);
const relevantAttribute = attributes.find(x =>'_ngcontent'));
if (!relevantAttribute) {
console.error('Has no relevant attributes', element, attributes);
return 'unable-to-find-it';
* Extract token from localStorage
function getToken()
const ls = unsafeWindow.localStorage;
const session = JSON.parse(ls.getItem('session_active_session'));
return session.token;
unsafeWindow.getAuthToken = getToken;
* Gets the position of the current accountMedia
* @param {Object} input Full response of a "get posts" request
* @param {Object} accountMedia Current accountMedia object.
* @param {Boolean} asNumber Return the position as a number, instead of a formatted string. Default: false
function getPosition(input, accountMedia, asNumber)
const accountMediaId =;
const { accountMediaBundles } = input.response;
let position = null;
if (!accountMediaBundles) {
return position;
const bundle = accountMediaBundles.find(x => x.accountMediaIds.includes(accountMediaId));
if (bundle) {
const bundleContent = bundle.bundleContent;
const getPosition = bundleContent.find(x => x.accountMediaId === accountMediaId);
if (getPosition) {
// Positions start from 0, so we add 1.
position = getPosition.pos + 1;
if (asNumber || position === null) {
return position;
if (position < 10) {
position = `0${position}`;
return `${position}`;
let fileIncrements = {};
* For handling M3U8 playlists
* @param {Object} media
* @param {String} filename
* @param {Boolean} asCurl
* @returns String|null Either a curl/yt-dlp command or null if no playlist is found.
function getVideoDownloadCommand(media, filename, asCurl)
const { variants } = media;
const playlist = variants.find(file => file.type === 202);
if (!playlist || playlist.locations.length === 0) {
return null;
const metadata = JSON.parse(playlist.metadata);
let width = 360;
const resolutionVariants = metadata.variants || [];
for (const variant of resolutionVariants)
const w = variant.w;
if (w > width) {
width = w;
const location = playlist.locations[0];
const url = location.location.replace('.m3u8', `_${width}.m3u8`);
const cookies = location.metadata;
let cookieHeader = [];
for (const name in cookies)
const value = cookies[name];
if (asCurl) {
return `curl -L -o "${filename}" -H "Origin:" -H "Referer:" -H "Cookie: ${cookieHeader.join('; ')}" "${url}"`
return `yt-dlp -o "${filename}" --add-header "Origin:" --add-header "Referer:" --add-header "Cookie:${cookieHeader.join('; ')}" "${url}"`;
let cmds = [];
* @param {Object} input The whole post API response
* @param {Object} accountMedia The `accountMedia` object
* @param {Number} createdAt Timestamp in seconds (not milliseconds)
* @param {Object} media The `media` key inside the `accountMedia` object (legacy)
* @param {Object} metaType Used for differentiating between "preview" and unlocked posts.
function extractMediaAndPreview(input, accountMedia, createdAt, media, metaType)
let { filename, locations, id, variants, mimetype, post } = media;
let usesVariants = false;
if (!locations || locations.length === 0) {
if (!variants || variants.length === 0) {
usesVariants = true;
locations = variants;
* Download best quality of video even if the "original" quality currently isn't available
* Seems like Fansly isn't the quickest when it comes to processing videos.
let url;
let fileId = id;
* Variants aka... quality options? Rescaled/reencoded lower resolutions I believe.
* See if statement above.
* This handles the 'variants' section and retrieves file ID, mimetype etc. from the variant.
* The default/fallback `location` is basically the "root" media object.
if (usesVariants) {
for (const variant of locations)
const loc = variant.locations;
if (!loc[0] || !loc[0].location) {
url = loc[0].location;
filename = variant.filename;
mimetype = variant.mimetype;
fileId =;
console.log('Variant', variant);
// End the loop on first match, or else it will overwrite with the worse qualities
} else {
url = locations[0].location;
if (!url) {
console.log(`No file found for media: ${id}`);
* Remove the file extension from the filename
* And use the mimetype for the final file extension
let fileIncrement = parseInt(fileIncrements[fileId], 10);
if (isNaN(fileIncrement)) {
fileIncrement = 0;
fileIncrements[fileId] = fileIncrement;
if (filename) {
filename = filename.replace(/\.+[\w]+$/, '');
else {
filename = fileIncrement < 10 ? `0${fileIncrement}` : `${fileIncrement}`;
const filetype = mimetype.replace(/^[\w]+\//, '');
* Make sure metaType is formatted properly for use in filename.
if (!metaType) {
metaType = '';
} else {
metaType = metaType + '_';
let postId = createdAt;
if (post) {
postId =;
const position = getPosition(input, accountMedia);
const date = formatTimestamp(createdAt);
let filenameSegments = [
if (position !== null) {
filenameSegments.splice(2, 0, position);
const finalFilename = `${filenameSegments.join('_')}.${filetype}`;
let downloadCmd = `curl -Lo "${finalFilename}" -H "Origin:" -H "Referer:" "${url}"`;
if (filetype === 'mp4' && scriptDownload) {
const newCmd = getVideoDownloadCommand(media, finalFilename);
if (newCmd) {
downloadCmd = newCmd;
console.log(`Found file: ${finalFilename} - Triggering download...`);
if (!scriptDownload) {
method: 'GET',
url: url,
name: finalFilename,
saveAs: false,
else {
async function getMediaByIds(mediaIds)
const response = await apiFetch(`/account/media?ids=${mediaIds.join(',')}&ngsw-bypass=true`);
const medias = await response.json();
return medias;
* Filters media and attempts to download available media.
* Some posts are locked, but have open previews. Open previews will be downloaded.
async function filterMedia(input, noPreview, maxCount)
cmds = [];
if (!input) {
if (!unsafeWindow.temp1) {
console.error('No temp1 var');
input = unsafeWindow.temp1;
* New in v0.6.0
let mediaIds = [];
let medias = input.response.accountMedia || input.response.aggregationData.accountMedia;
const bundles = input.response.accountMediaBundles || [];
for (const bundle of bundles)
const bundleMediaIds = bundle.accountMediaIds || [];
mediaIds = [...mediaIds, ...bundleMediaIds];
// Get rid of dupes
mediaIds = [... new Set(mediaIds)];
// Get rid of any media objects we're about to fetch from the API.
medias = medias.filter(x => !mediaIds.includes(;
const mediaResponse = await getMediaByIds(mediaIds);
medias = [...medias, ...mediaResponse.response];
const mediaCount = medias.length;
maxCount = maxCount || mediaCount;
let currentCount = 0;
for (const entry of medias)
if (currentCount > maxCount) {
const { createdAt, media, preview } = entry;
const mediaId =;
const posts = input.response.posts || [];
let thePost = null;
if (posts.length === 1) {
thePost = posts[0];
} = thePost;
// Trigger download for `media` (unlocked)
extractMediaAndPreview(input, entry, createdAt, media);
if (!preview || noPreview) {
const previewId =;
const previewPost = posts.find((post) => {
const attachments = post.attachments || [];
if (attachments.length === 0) {
return false;
const attachment = attachments.find(att => att.contentId === mediaId);
return attachment !== undefined;
}); = thePost;
// Trigger download for locked media, with available previews.
extractMediaAndPreview(input, entry, createdAt, preview, 'preview_');
if (scriptDownload) {
saveAs(cmds.join('\n'), `fansly_${}.sh`);
unsafeWindow.filterMedia = filterMedia;
async function apiFetch(path)
if (!path) {
console.error('No path specified in apiFetch!');
let finalUrl = '';
* If a complete URL is specified, we just request it directly.
if (path.includes('https://')) {
finalUrl = path;
else {
if (path[0] !== '/') {
path = '/' + path;
finalUrl = `${path}`;
const request = await fetch(finalUrl, {
'headers': {
'accept': 'application/json',
'authorization': getToken(),
'referrer': '',
'referrerPolicy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin',
'method': 'GET',
'mode': 'cors',
'credentials': 'include',
return request;
async function apiPost(path, body = {})
if (!path) {
console.error('No path specified in apiFetch!');
let finalUrl = '';
* If a complete URL is specified, we just request it directly.
if (path.includes('https://')) {
finalUrl = path;
else {
if (path[0] !== '/') {
path = '/' + path;
finalUrl = `${path}`;
const request = await fetch(finalUrl, {
'headers': {
'accept': 'application/json',
'authorization': getToken(),
'referrer': '',
'referrerPolicy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin',
'method': 'POST',
'body': JSON.stringify(body),
'mode': 'cors',
'credentials': 'include',
return request;
unsafeWindow.apiFetch = apiFetch;
* Get post data for a post ID and print cURL commands.
async function getPost(postId, returnValue)
const request = await apiFetch(`/post?ids=${postId}`);
const response = await request.json();
if (returnValue) {
console.log('Post response', response);
return response;
unsafeWindow.getPost = getPost;
const cachedMessageGroups = {};
async function fetchAllMessageGroups()
const request = await apiFetch('/messaging/groups?limit=100000');
const apiResponse = await request.json();
if (!apiResponse.success) {
return null;
const { response } = apiResponse;
for (const groupMeta of
const { groupId, partnerAccountId } = groupMeta;
const accountMeta = response.aggregationData.accounts.find(x => === partnerAccountId) || null;
const messageMeta = response.aggregationData.groups.find(x => x.createdBy === partnerAccountId) || null;
cachedMessageGroups[groupId] = {
group: groupMeta,
account: accountMeta,
return apiResponse;
* Insert 'Download media' entry in the post dropdown
async function handleSinglePost(dropdown, postId)
const btn = document.createElement('div');
btn.innerHTML = '<i class="fa-fw fal fa-download"></i>Download media';
btn.setAttribute('_ngcontent-yeo-c123', '');
btn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
await getPost(postId);
dropdown.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', btn);
* Fetch messages and cache them during navigation.
const cachedMessages = {};
const messageSyncSelector = '.fal.fa-arrows-rotate';
async function handleMessages(groupId, force)
if (!force && cachedMessages[groupId]) {
const request = await apiFetch(`/message?groupId=${groupId}&limit=200000`);
const messages = await request.json();
cachedMessages[groupId] = messages;
console.log('Messages', messages);
async function getMessageMedia(groupId, messageId)
const cached = cachedMessages[groupId];
if (!cached) {
await handleMessages(groupId, true);
const messages = cached.response.messages;
const message = messages.find(x => === messageId);
if (!message) {
console.error(`Could not find message ID ${messageId} for group ID ${groupId}`);
const data = cached.response;
let medias = [];
let bundles = [];
for (const attachment of message.attachments)
const { contentId, contentType } = attachment;
let messageMedias = data.accountMedia.filter(x => === contentId);
* From what I know:
* contentType = 1 = accountMedia
* contentType = 2 = accountMediaBundle
if (contentType === 2) {
const bundle = data.accountMediaBundles.find(x => === contentId);
if (!bundle) {
const mediaIds = bundle.accountMediaIds;
const accountMedias = data.accountMedia.filter(x => mediaIds.includes(;
messageMedias = [...messageMedias, ...accountMedias];
medias = [...medias, ...messageMedias];
return {
* Adds download button in the message view
function addDownloadMessageMediaButton()
if (hasDownloadMessageMediaButton()) {
const sync = document.querySelector(messageSyncSelector);
if (!sync) {
console.log('Cannot find sync selector', messageSyncSelector);
const parent = sync.parentElement;
let cloned = parent.cloneNode(false);
cloned.innerHTML = `<i _ngcontent-opw-c157="" class="${downloadIconClasses} blue-1"></i>`;
cloned.setAttribute('id', 'downloadMessageBundles');
cloned.addEventListener('click', async function() {
const groupId = getCurrentUrlPaths()[1] || null;
if (!groupId) {
const modalWrapper = document.querySelector('.modal-wrapper');
if (!modalWrapper) {
if (!cachedMessageGroups[groupId]) {
await fetchAllMessageGroups();
const messageGroup = cachedMessageGroups[groupId];
const { account } = messageGroup;
* Set certain modal classes to other elements
const body = document.querySelector('body');
const xdModal = modalWrapper.querySelector('.xdModal');
* Add the modal to the page and allow for functionality.
const messageOverview = cachedMessages[groupId].response;
const messages = messageOverview.messages;
let messageOptions = ``;
for (const message of messages)
let messageMedia = await getMessageMedia(groupId,;
messageMedia = messageMedia.medias;
if (messageMedia.length === 0) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
const date = new Date(message.createdAt * 1000);
const text = message.content.trim();
option.textContent = `${date.toLocaleString()} | ${text.length > 83 ? text.slice(0, 80) : text}${text.length > 83 ? '...' : ''}`;
messageOptions += option.outerHTML;
const username = account.username;
const displayName = account.displayName || username;
const modal = `<div class="active-modal" id="downloadModal">
<div class="modal">
<div class="modal-header">
<div class="title flex-1">
<p>Download media message from ${displayName} (@${username})</p>
<div class="actions"><i class="fa-fw fa fa-times pointer blue-1-hover-only hover-effect"></i></div>
<div class="modal-content">
<p class="introduction">Select the message you want to grab the media from:</p>
<select><option value="">-- No selection --</option>${messageOptions}</select>
<div class="btn large outline-dark-blue disabled" style="margin-top: 1.5em;" id="downloadModalButton" disabled="1"><i class="${downloadIconClasses}"></i> Download! <span></span></div>
<div style="margin-top: 1.5em;" class="introduction">
The file count shown on the download button assumes that the message media is unlocked for you.
<br />
It may be inaccurate if it is a PPV that hasn't been purchased yet. Messages with 0 media are not listed.
<div style="margin-top: 1.5em;" class="introduction">
If you wish to download message media from another creator, close this modal and select their message thread.
<br />
A new download icon should show up above the thread list, click it.
modalWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', modal);
// Get the modal element after adding it, so that we can add event listeners
const modalElem = document.querySelector('#downloadModal');
* Handle selection and download
const selectElem = modalElem.querySelector('select');
const downloadButton = modalElem.querySelector('#downloadModalButton');
const downloadCount = downloadButton.querySelector('span');
const downloadIcons = downloadButton.querySelector('.fal');
function disableDownload()
downloadButton.setAttribute('disabled', '1');
function enableDownload()
selectElem.addEventListener('change', async function(ev) {
const selectedMessageId = selectElem.value;
if (!selectedMessageId) {
downloadCount.textContent = '';
const messageMedia = await getMessageMedia(groupId, selectedMessageId);
downloadCount.textContent = `(${messageMedia.medias.length} files)`;
downloadButton.addEventListener('click', async function() {
if (downloadButton.hasAttribute('disabled')) {
const selectedMessageId = selectElem.value;
console.log('Group ID', groupId, 'Selected Message ID', selectedMessageId);
const { bundles, medias } = await getMessageMedia(groupId, selectedMessageId);
// Disable the button and add spinner
// Since `filterMedia` just triggers downloads in the background, we're just adding a small delay before re-enabling the button.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500);
const parameter = {
response: {
accountMediaBundles: bundles,
accountMedia: medias,
* Add handlers for closing the modal.
const closeButton = modalElem.querySelector('.fa-times');
function removeModal() {
closeButton.addEventListener('click', removeModal);
xdModal.addEventListener('click', removeModal);
parent.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', cloned);
* Helpers for getting the download media button (if it already exists)
function getDownloadMessageMediaButton()
return document.querySelector('#downloadMessageBundles');
function hasDownloadMessageMediaButton()
if (getDownloadMessageMediaButton()) {
return true;
return false;
* Begin profile page handling
* TODO: This is very incomplete as of right now.
async function fetchProfile(username)
const response = await apiFetch(`/account?usernames=${username}`);
const json = await response.json();
if (!json.success || json.response.length < 1) {
const profile = json.response[0];
const neighborButton = document.querySelector('.dm-profile') || document.querySelector('.tip-profile') || document.querySelector('.follow-profile');
const relevantAttribute = getAngularAttribute(neighborButton);
// Don't add another button
const downloadButtonId = 'profile-dl';
if (document.getElementById(downloadButtonId)) {
const downloadButton = document.createElement('div');
downloadButton.setAttribute(relevantAttribute, '');
downloadButton.setAttribute('class', 'dm-profile');
downloadButton.setAttribute('id', downloadButtonId);
downloadButton.innerHTML = '<i class="${downloadIconClasses}"></i>';
neighborButton.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', downloadButton);
console.log('Profile', profile);
* Helpers for dealing with page load, page changing etc.
function getCurrentUrlPaths()
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const paths = url.pathname.split('/').slice(1);
return paths;
async function handleLoad()
const paths = getCurrentUrlPaths();
const root = paths[0] || '';
const secondary = paths[1] || null;
const selectors = {
dropdown: 'div.feed-item-title > div.feed-item-actions.dropdown-trigger.more-dropdown > div.dropdown-list',
if (root === 'post' && secondary) {
console.log('Found post - Post ID:', secondary);
VM.observe(document.body, async () => {
const dropdown = document.querySelector(selectors.dropdown);
if (dropdown) {
console.log('Found dropdown', dropdown);
await handleSinglePost(dropdown, secondary);
return true;
if (root === 'messages' && secondary) {
await handleMessages(secondary);
if (root !== '' && secondary === 'posts') {
await fetchProfile(root);
let oldUrl = '';
function checkNewUrl()
const newUrl = window.location.href;
if (oldUrl === newUrl) {
oldUrl = newUrl;
if (hasDownloadMessageMediaButton()) {
const button = getDownloadMessageMediaButton();
let interval;
function init()
setTimeout(handleLoad, 1500);
if (!interval) {
oldUrl = window.location.href;
interval = setInterval(checkNewUrl, 100);
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oeks01 commented May 9, 2023

script not working at the moment. just a heads up.

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M-rcus commented May 10, 2023


script not working at the moment. just a heads up.

Yeah, I've been mostly working on it locally and just never pushed any updates for it. I've pushed all the changes I've done, so it should be working again, but there are likely quite a few changes to things like the filename format and such.

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This is great actually. I'm working legitimately with a content creator to create promotional and artistic material and being able to get things from the site will make everything a lot easier for our workflow

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schleeb commented Jul 5, 2024

This script is great, but I do notice it seems to have issues the larger a set is, making it extremely hard to get every photo. I've seen it in photos as small at 10 photos. Sometimes, I can get it to work by refreshing and such, and trying to download half a dozen times... but it's unreliable at best.
I'll try to take a look at the code myself eventually, but if you have any ideas, that'd be great!

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schleeb commented Jul 6, 2024

I think the issue I described was due to too many downloads being sent simultaneously, I managed to resolve it by adding a brief interval between each download command (I imagine you still need to save them quickly, or you'll encounter the same issue)

Basically replaced the original line 387 with this:
setTimeout(function() {
extractMediaAndPreview(input, entry, createdAt, media);
}, 2000 * currentCount);

You might have a more elegant solution.

That said, sometimes I've also encountered an issue where the Download Media button doesn't appear (I think it's getting stuck on the flash screen). I haven't come up with a solution for that, yet.

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M-rcus commented Jul 28, 2024


Sorry for the late reply here, haven't really logged on GitHub lately since I've been busy with other things.

You might have a more elegant solution.

I'm not sure I'd multiply by currentCount specifically, maybe just have it as a static 2000 milliseconds, but this would likely be one of the ways I'd do this.
Might be better to look into the GM_download function used and trigger the next step once the previous download finishes (e.g. by adding handlers in onerror, onloadend, ontimeout etc.):
Would likely require a fair bit of rewriting though, since GM_download uses JavaScript callbacks that haven't been previously "hooked into".

I haven't really given the in-browser downloading the love it deserves, since I personally rely on the SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD flag, which triggers a .sh script that I can run locally.
Videos that use the new playlist format (m3u8) can't really be downloaded as a regular MP4 via a userscript - at least not as far as I know. Maybe at some point in the future, ffmpeg wasm will become a feasible option, though I am very doubtful.

That said, sometimes I've also encountered an issue where the Download Media button doesn't appear (I think it's getting stuck on the flash screen). I haven't come up with a solution for that, yet.

Yeah, sometimes the mutation observer might fail - or rather, the logic I wrote to work with the mutation observer fails lol. Definitely could use some work there, 100%.

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schleeb commented Aug 10, 2024

@M-rcus the cat-catch extension seems to work well for downloading videos, but I don't know how it works, and it's clearly doing more than just a userscript.

I was wondering, wouldn't Fansly be able to detect if a .sh script was run to do the downloads, instead of the browser?

For the Download Media button, I think I added an additional timeout before the detection would run, and that seems to work reliably for me, but there's likely a better way.

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M-rcus commented Aug 15, 2024


the cat-catch extension seems to work well for downloading videos, but I don't know how it works, and it's clearly doing more than just a userscript.

Hm, I might've thought it would be harder, but maybe it is possible within a userscript. I'll have to look into this more. Though it is possible it might require some permissions that are accessible to that specific extension, but the userscript extensions usually don't request.

I was wondering, wouldn't Fansly be able to detect if a .sh script was run to do the downloads, instead of the browser?

It's not impossible, but so far I haven't had any issues. The resulting shell script does spoof HTTP headers (user agent, referrer) to try to avoid any issues/blocks (hell, some of them might even be required for it to download the videos - its been a while so I don't remember exactly), which likely helps a bit.

For the Download Media button, I think I added an additional timeout before the detection would run, and that seems to work reliably for me, but there's likely a better way.

If it works, it works. I don't really like to rely on that too much in the script though, because all those delays add up in the end. Of course, better than it not working at all.

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schleeb commented Aug 19, 2024

I'm not sure if this is just in-browser downloading or if the .sh script would show it too, but when downloading at least one .gif it found an .mp4 as well, which would be preferred, but it was censored, unlike the gif.

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M-rcus commented Aug 20, 2024


@M-rcus I'm not sure if this is just in-browser downloading or if the .sh script would show it too, but when downloading at least one .gif it found an .mp4 as well, which would be preferred, but it was censored, unlike the gif.

I am aware that this is a thing, but I am not sure there's much that can be done. The GIF is likely what the creator uploaded, while the MP4 is just generated by Fansly as the censored preview. In other words, there's no already-existing MP4 version of the (uncensored) GIF.

At least that's how I think that works. I may very well be wrong.

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schleeb commented Aug 21, 2024

@M-rcus, the video had audio, and was otherwise superior quality, I believe you have it backwards. The creator uploaded a video (which makes more sense anyway, most people don't have tools to create gifs as easily as video), Fansly converted it to a gif, but also created a censored MP4. I suppose it's possible they deleted the uncensored MP4, but that seems unlikely.
It seems weird to me GIFs are even allowed, given video is superior in every way.

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M-rcus commented Aug 21, 2024


the video had audio, and was otherwise superior quality, I believe you have it backwards

You didn't exactly mention this the first time. I've only had the script give me a GIF like once or twice before (from the same creator), so I made the assumption based on that experience.

I'm not 100% sure what happened then. It's possible this (arguably crappy) logic triggers and picks a bad option, instead of the intended "highest quality" option - again, not certain:

You could enable SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD and see if the resulting script gives you the proper video, since it uses slightly different logic for picking out the video (mainly this:

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schleeb commented Aug 24, 2024

To be clear, the actual post was a GIF, the creator for some reason wanted it to be a GIF, not an MP4. Only once or twice did I happen to pick up the censored video as well, out of maybe 6-10 GIFs. I'm not sure if it's even technically supposed to show anywhere, I just happened to notice it had downloaded, which implies there is technically an uncensored MP4 original, though it may not be accessible. I convert GIFs to MP4s, but it would be preferable to get the original MP4, if possible.
I'll poke around with the logic, see if there's something there to mess with or not.

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schleeb commented Aug 24, 2024

After looking at the code, I think it's just a weird thing on their side, I saw it surface 2 jpegs as alternatives, and one MP4, and then 4 GIFs, so I don't think they provide the original MP4, sadly.
I've tried to enable SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD but for some reason ViolentMonkey doesn't seem to retain the value.

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M-rcus commented Aug 25, 2024

@schleeb Yeah, that's kind of what I figured it'd be. Not really sure what their logic is and why they don't just upload it as a video.


Not sure what that's all about. I'm using Violentmonkey too (on Firefox) and clicking on the "Values" tab for the script persists for me at least (just make sure to also hit the "OK" top-right).


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