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Terminal Control Sequence Validator and Splitter.
/* Terminal Control Sequence Parser
* (c) Michael Griffin <>
* 12/27/2014
* Runs through passed string data to parse text and control sequences
* Handle the most basic terminal and a majority of Xterm Control Sequences.
* Window Text and String sequences are not handeled.
* The job of this class is to seperate text and control sequences,
* When control sequences are present they are parameterized into a vector
* with the sequence terminator as the first parameter and following
* paramerters incrimented to the next slot in the vector.
* ex.. ESC[0;21;30m would be broken up into:
* [0] m
* [1] 0
* [2] 21
* [3] 30
* Then passed to the Screen Parser for drawing to the screen.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
class SequenceParser
// Instaniate the Singleton
static SequenceParser* Instance()
if(globalInstance == 0)
globalInstance = new SequenceParser();
return globalInstance;
return globalInstance;
// Release And Clear the Singleton
static void ReleaseInstance()
if(globalInstance != 0)
delete globalInstance;
globalInstance = 0;
// Parser String data for ESC Sequence.
void ProcessSequence(std::string inputString);
// Sequence Parser State
SEQ_NORMAL = 0, // Normal Text Data
SEQ_START = 1, // Start of ESC Sequence
SEQ_PROCESSING = 2, // Processing for Complete Sequence
SEQ_DONE = 3, // ESC Sequence Completed OK.
SEQ_ERROR = 4 // Bad Sequence, Kill it!
int sequenceState;
char sequence;
int parameter;
bool foundSequence;
bool foundParameters;
bool invalidSequence;
bool sequenceCompleted;
int sequenceLevel;
void ProcessLevel0();
void ProcessLevel1();
void ProcessLevel2();
void ValidateSequence();
// Holds the interm data while we build the sequence,
// This is needed if inputString doesn't have a complete sequence
// Then we need to append so that the string will have the
// Original first half of the already parsed sequence.
std::string sequenceBuilder;
//Holds the breakdown of the entire sequence
std::vector<int> params;
// This string contains normal data passed through the sequence
// Parser, At the end of a processing loop, this data is passed
// for writting to the screen.
std::string validOutputData;
static SequenceParser* globalInstance;
SequenceParser(const SequenceParser&);
SequenceParser& operator=(const SequenceParser&);
//Setup the Class Type
typedef SequenceParser TheSequenceParser;
// Init the Global Instance
SequenceParser* SequenceParser::globalInstance = 0;
// Initalize Class Variables
SequenceParser::SequenceParser() :
{ }
std::vector<int>().swap(params); // Clear
std::cout << "SequencePasser Destructor" << std::endl;
* Level 0 Parsing check for Start of CSI or Alternate ESC Sequecnes
* Supported in Xterm that a server might send.
* Switch Statement catches the Start of a Valid Sequence.
void SequenceParser::ProcessLevel0()
switch (sequence)
case '[': // Control Sequence Introducer ( CSI is 0x9b).
// Xterm Sequences Not implimented, pass through
case ' ':
//ESC SP F 7-bit controls (S7C1T).
//ESC SP G 8-bit controls (S8C1T).
//ESC SP L Set ANSI conformance level 1 (dpANS X3.134.1).
//ESC SP M Set ANSI conformance level 2 (dpANS X3.134.1).
//ESC SP N Set ANSI conformance level 3 (dpANS X3.134.1).
case '#':
//ESC # 3 DEC double-height line, top half (DECDHL).
//ESC # 4 DEC double-height line, bottom half (DECDHL).
//ESC # 5 DEC single-width line (DECSWL).
//ESC # 6 DEC double-width line (DECDWL).
//ESC # 8 DEC Screen Alignment Test (DECALN).
case '%':
//ESC % @ Select default character set. That is ISO 8859-1 (ISO 2022).
//ESC % G Select UTF-8 character set (ISO 2022).
case '(':
//ESC ( C
//C = U → CP437 Character Set. (Not shown on most! MF)
//C = 0 → DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set.
//C = < → DEC Supplementary (VT200).
//C = % 5 → DEC Supplementary Graphics (VT300).
//C = > → DEC Technical (VT300).
//C = A → United Kingdom (UK).
//C = B → United States (USASCII).
//C = 4 → Dutch.
//C = C or 5 → Finnish.
//C = R or f → French.
//C = Q or 9 → French Canadian (VT200, VT300).
//C = K → German.
//C = Y → Italian.
//C = ` , E or 6 → Norwegian/Danish.
//C = % 6 → Portuguese (VT300).
//C = Z → Spanish.
//C = H or 7 → Swedish.
//C = = → Swiss.
case ')':
//Designate G1 Character Set (ISO 2022, VT100).
//The same character sets apply as for ESC ( C.
case '?':
// Set/Reset Modes
// Invalid, should have CSI = ESC[ preceeding ?
// Xterm C1 (8-Bit) Control Characters
case 'D': // Index ( IND is 0x84).
case 'E': // Next Line ( NEL is 0x85).
case 'H': // Tab Set ( HTS is 0x88).
case 'M': // Reverse Index ( RI is 0x8d).
case 'N': // Single Shift Select of G2 Character Set ( SS2 is 0x8e). This affects next character only.
case 'O': // Single Shift Select of G3 Character Set ( SS3 is 0x8f). This affects next character only.
case 'P': // Device Control String ( DCS is 0x90).
case 'V': // Start of Guarded Area ( SPA is 0x96).
case 'W': // End of Guarded Area ( EPA is 0x97).
case 'X': // Start of String ( SOS is 0x98).
case 'Z': // Return Terminal ID (DECID is 0x9a). Obsolete form of CSI c (DA).
case ']': // Operating System Command ( OSC is 0x9d).
case '^': // Privacy Message ( PM is 0x9e).
case '_': // Application Program Command ( APC is 0x9f).
case '\\': // String Terminator ( ST is 0x9c).
case '*':
//ESC * C Designate G2 Character Set (ISO 2022, VT220).
//The same character sets apply as for ESC ( C.
case '+':
//ESC + C Designate G3 Character Set (ISO 2022, VT220).
//The same character sets apply as for ESC ( C.
case '-':
//ESC - C Designate G1 Character Set (VT300).
//The same character sets apply as for ESC ( C.
case '.':
//ESC . C Designate G2 Character Set (VT300).
//The same character sets apply as for ESC ( C.
case '/':
//ESC / C Designate G3 Character Set (VT300).
//These work for 96-character sets only.
//C = A → ISO Latin-1 Supplemental.
case '6': // ESC 6 Back Index (DECBI), VT420 and up.
case '7': // ESC 7 Save Cursor (DECSC).
case '8': // ESC 8 Restore Cursor (DECRC).
case '9': // ESC 9 Forward Index (DECFI), VT420 and up.
case '=': // ESC = Application Keypad (DECKPAM).
case '>': // ESC > Normal Keypad (DECKPNM).
case 'F': // ESC F Cursor to lower left corner of screen. This is enabled by the hpLowerleftBugCompat resource.
case 'c': // ESC c Full Reset (RIS).
case 'l': // ESC l Memory Lock (per HP terminals). Locks memory above the cursor.
case 'm': // ESC m Memory Unlock (per HP terminals).
case 'n': // ESC n Invoke the G2 Character Set as GL (LS2).
case 'o': // ESC o Invoke the G3 Character Set as GL (LS3).
case '|': // ESC | Invoke the G3 Character Set as GR (LS3R).
case '}': // ESC } Invoke the G2 Character Set as GR (LS2R).
case '~': // ESC ~ Invoke the G1 Character Set as GR (LS1R).
case '\0': // Catch any NULL characters after ESC
case '\x1b': // catch any double ESC's from bad servers
invalidSequence = true;
// Nothing Matched, Shouldn't get here.
invalidSequence = true;
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "CSI parser exception: received ESC: "
<< sequence << std::endl;
* Level 1 Parsing Comes After ESC[ = CSI.
* Numbers and Seperators are found in the middle of sequences as Parameters
* Switch Statement catch the end of a Valid Sequence.
* Any nonSupported sequences can have certain charactes after the CSI
* and These are parsed so that they are skipped and marked Invalid.
void SequenceParser::ProcessLevel1()
// If we get here, only valid Sequences are ESC [ Then next Character.
// First Check for Parameters in Sequence
if (std::isdigit(sequence)) // Mark for Parameter
// Contine to next sequence
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "Is a Number: " << sequence << std::endl;
if (sequence == ';') // Mark for Multi-Parameter
// Continue to Next Sequence
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "Is a Seperator: " << sequence << std::endl;
// Catch Valid ESC Sequence Terminators.
switch (sequence)
case '@': // Insert P s (Blank) Character(s) (default = 1) (ICH).
case 'A': // Cursor Up P s Times (default = 1) (CUU)
case 'B': // Cursor Down P s Times (default = 1) (CUD)
case 'C': // Cursor Forward P s Times (default = 1) (CUF)
case 'D': // Cursor Backward P s Times (default = 1) (CUB)
case 'E': // Cursor Next Line P s Times (default = 1) (CNL)
case 'F': // Cursor Preceding Line P s Times (default = 1) (CPL)
case 'G': // Cursor Character Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (CHA)
case 'H': // Cursor Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (CUP)
case 'I': // Cursor Forward Tabulation P s tab stops (default = 1) (CHT).
case 'J':
// Erase in Display (ED). - DECSED has ESC[?J
//P s = 0 → Erase Below (default).
//P s = 1 → Erase Above.
//P s = 2 → Erase All.
//P s = 3 → Erase Saved Lines (xterm).
case 'K':
// Erase in Line (EL). - DECSED has ESC[?K
//P s = 0 → Erase to Right (default).
//P s = 1 → Erase to Left.
//P s = 2 → Erase All.
case 'L': // Insert P s Line(s) (default = 1) (IL).
case 'M': // Delete P s Line(s) (default = 1) (DL).
case 'P': // Delete P s Character(s) (default = 1) (DCH).
case 'S': // Scroll up P s lines (default = 1) (SU).
case 'T': // Scroll down P s lines (default = 1) (SD).
case 'X': // Erase P s Character(s) (default = 1) (ECH).
case 'Z': // Cursor Backward Tabulation P s tab stops (default = 1) (CBT).
case '`': // Character Position Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (HPA).
case 'a': // Character Position Relative [columns] (default = [row,col+1]) (HPR).
case 'b': // Repeat the preceding graphic character P s times (REP).
case 'c':
// Send Device Attributes (Primary DA).
//P s = 0 or omitted → request attributes from terminal. The response depends on the decTerminalID resource setting.
//→ CSI ? 1 ; 2 c (‘‘VT100 with Advanced Video Option’’)
//→ CSI ? 1 ; 0 c (‘‘VT101 with No Options’’)
//→ CSI ? 6 c (‘‘VT102’’)
//→ CSI ? 6 2 ; P s c (‘‘VT220’’)
//→ CSI ? 6 3 ; P s c (‘‘VT320’’)
//→ CSI ? 6 4 ; P s c (‘‘VT420’’)
// The VT100-style response parameters do not mean anything by themselves. VT220 (and higher) parameters do, telling the host what features the terminal supports:
//P s = 1 → 132-columns.
//P s = 2 → Printer.
//P s = 3 → ReGIS graphics.
//P s = 4 → Sixel graphics.
//P s = 6 → Selective erase.
//P s = 8 → User-defined keys.
//P s = 9 → National Replacement Character sets.
//P s = 1 5 → Technical characters.
//P s = 1 8 → User windows.
//P s = 2 1 → Horizontal scrolling.
//P s = 2 2 → ANSI color, e.g., VT525.
//P s = 2 9 → ANSI text locator (i.e., DEC Locator mode).
case 'd': // Line Position Absolute [row] (default = [1,column]) (VPA).
case 'e': // Line Position Relative [rows] (default = [row+1,column]) (VPR).
case 'f': // equivalent to 'H'
case 'g': // Tab Clear (TBC).
case 'h':
// Set Mode (SM).
//P s = 2 → Keyboard Action Mode (AM).
//P s = 4 → Insert Mode (IRM).
//P s = 1 2 → Send/receive (SRM).
//P s = 2 0 → Automatic Newline (LNM).
// DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET). ESC [ ? h
//P s = 1 → Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM).
//P s = 2 → Designate USASCII for character sets G0-G3 (DECANM), and set VT100 mode.
//P s = 3 → 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM).
//P s = 4 → Smooth (Slow) Scroll (DECSCLM).
//P s = 5 → Reverse Video (DECSCNM).
//P s = 6 → Origin Mode (DECOM).
//P s = 7 → Wraparound Mode (DECAWM).
//P s = 8 → Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM).
//P s = 9 → Send Mouse X & Y on button press. See the section Mouse Tracking. This is the X10 xterm mouse protocol.
//P s = 1 0 → Show toolbar (rxvt).
//P s = 1 2 → Start Blinking Cursor (att610).
//P s = 1 8 → Print form feed (DECPFF).
//P s = 1 9 → Set print extent to full screen (DECPEX).
//P s = 2 5 → Show Cursor (DECTCEM).
//P s = 3 0 → Show scrollbar (rxvt).
//P s = 3 5 → Enable font-shifting functions (rxvt).
//P s = 3 8 → Enter Tektronix Mode (DECTEK).
//P s = 4 0 → Allow 80 → 132 Mode.
//P s = 4 1 → more(1) fix (see curses resource).
//P s = 4 2 → Enable National Replacement Character sets (DECNRCM).
//P s = 4 4 → Turn On Margin Bell.
//P s = 4 5 → Reverse-wraparound Mode.
//P s = 4 6 → Start Logging. This is normally disabled by a compile-time option.
//P s = 4 7 → Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource).
//P s = 6 6 → Application keypad (DECNKM).
//P s = 6 7 → Backarrow key sends backspace (DECBKM).
//P s = 6 9 → Enable left and right margin mode (DECLRMM), VT420 and up.
//P s = 9 5 → Do not clear screen when DECCOLM is set/reset (DECNCSM), VT510 and up.
//P s = 1 0 0 0 → Send Mouse X & Y on button press and release. See the section Mouse Tracking. This is the X11 xterm mouse protocol.
//P s = 1 0 0 1 → Use Hilite Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 2 → Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 3 → Use All Motion Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 4 → Send FocusIn/FocusOut events.
//P s = 1 0 0 5 → Enable UTF-8 Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 0 6 → Enable SGR Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 0 7 → Enable Alternate Scroll Mode.
//P s = 1 0 1 0 → Scroll to bottom on tty output (rxvt).
//P s = 1 0 1 1 → Scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt).
//P s = 1 0 1 5 → Enable urxvt Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 3 4 → Interpret "meta" key, sets eighth bit. (enables the eightBitInput resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 5 → Enable special modifiers for Alt and NumLock keys. (This enables the numLock resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 6 → Send ESC when Meta modifies a key. (This enables the metaSendsEscape resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 7 → Send DEL from the editing-keypad Delete key.
//P s = 1 0 3 9 → Send ESC when Alt modifies a key. (This enables the altSendsEscape resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 0 → Keep selection even if not highlighted. (This enables the keepSelection resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 1 → Use the CLIPBOARD selection. (This enables the selectToClipboard resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 2 → Enable Urgency window manager hint when Control-G is received. (This enables the bellIsUrgent resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 3 → Enable raising of the window when Control-G is received. (enables the popOnBell resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 7 → Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 8 → Save cursor as in DECSC. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 9 → Save cursor as in DECSC and use Alternate Screen Buffer, clearing it first. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource). This combines the effects of the 1 0 4 7 and 1 0 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based applications rather than the 4 7 mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 0 → Set terminfo/termcap function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 1 → Set Sun function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 2 → Set HP function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 3 → Set SCO function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 6 0 → Set legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6).
//P s = 1 0 6 1 → Set VT220 keyboard emulation.
//P s = 2 0 0 4 → Set bracketed paste mode.
case 'i':
// Media Copy (MC). (DEC-specific) ESC [ ? i
//P s = 0 → Print screen (default).
//P s = 4 → Turn off printer controller mode.
//P s = 5 → Turn on printer controller mode.
case 'l':
// Reset Mode (RM).
//P s = 2 → Keyboard Action Mode (AM).
//P s = 4 → Replace Mode (IRM).
//P s = 1 2 → Send/receive (SRM).
//P s = 2 0 → Normal Linefeed (LNM).
// DEC Private Mode Reset (DECRST).
//P s = 1 → Normal Cursor Keys (DECCKM).
//P s = 2 → Designate VT52 mode (DECANM).
//P s = 3 → 80 Column Mode (DECCOLM).
//P s = 4 → Jump (Fast) Scroll (DECSCLM).
//P s = 5 → Normal Video (DECSCNM).
//P s = 6 → Normal Cursor Mode (DECOM).
//P s = 7 → No Wraparound Mode (DECAWM).
//P s = 8 → No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM).
//P s = 9 → Don’t send Mouse X & Y on button press.
//P s = 1 0 → Hide toolbar (rxvt).
//P s = 1 2 → Stop Blinking Cursor (att610).
//P s = 1 8 → Don’t print form feed (DECPFF).
//P s = 1 9 → Limit print to scrolling region (DECPEX).
//P s = 2 5 → Hide Cursor (DECTCEM).
//P s = 3 0 → Don’t show scrollbar (rxvt).
//P s = 3 5 → Disable font-shifting functions (rxvt).
//P s = 4 0 → Disallow 80 → 132 Mode.
//P s = 4 1 → No more(1) fix (see curses resource).
//P s = 4 2 → Disable National Replacement Character sets (DECNRCM).
//P s = 4 4 → Turn Off Margin Bell.
//P s = 4 5 → No Reverse-wraparound Mode.
//P s = 4 6 → Stop Logging. (This is normally disabled by a compile-time option).
//P s = 4 7 → Use Normal Screen Buffer.
//P s = 6 6 → Numeric keypad (DECNKM).
//P s = 6 7 → Backarrow key sends delete (DECBKM).
//P s = 6 9 → Disable left and right margin mode (DECLRMM), VT420 and up.
//P s = 9 5 → Clear screen when DECCOLM is set/reset (DECNCSM), VT510 and up.
//P s = 1 0 0 0 → Don’t send Mouse X & Y on button press and release. See the section Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 1 → Don’t use Hilite Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 2 → Don’t use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 3 → Don’t use All Motion Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 4 → Don’t send FocusIn/FocusOut events.
//P s = 1 0 0 5 → Disable UTF-8 Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 0 6 → Disable SGR Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 0 7 → Disable Alternate Scroll Mode.
//P s = 1 0 1 0 → Don’t scroll to bottom on tty output (rxvt).
//P s = 1 0 1 1 → Don’t scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt).
//P s = 1 0 1 5 → Disable urxvt Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 3 4 → Don’t interpret "meta" key. (This disables the eightBitInput resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 5 → Disable special modifiers for Alt and NumLock keys. (This disables the numLock resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 6 → Don’t send ESC when Meta modifies a key. (This disables the metaSendsEscape resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 7 → Send VT220 Remove from the editing-keypad Delete key.
//P s = 1 0 3 9 → Don’t send ESC when Alt modifies a key. (This disables the altSendsEscape resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 0 → Do not keep selection when not highlighted. (This disables the keepSelection resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 1 → Use the PRIMARY selection. (This disables the selectToClipboard resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 2 → Disable Urgency window manager hint when Control-G is received. (This disables the bellIsUrgent resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 3 → Disable raising of the window when Control-G is received. (This disables the popOnBell resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 7 → Use Normal Screen Buffer, clearing screen first if in the Alternate Screen. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 8 → Restore cursor as in DECRC. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 9 → Use Normal Screen Buffer and restore cursor as in DECRC. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource). This combines the effects of the 1 0 4 7 and 1 0 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based applications rather than the 4 7 mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 0 → Reset terminfo/termcap function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 1 → Reset Sun function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 2 → Reset HP function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 3 → Reset SCO function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 6 0 → Reset legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6).
//P s = 1 0 6 1 → Reset keyboard emulation to Sun/PC style.
//P s = 2 0 0 4 → Reset bracketed paste mode.
case 'm':
// Character Attributes (SGR).
//P s = 0 → Normal (default).
//P s = 1 → Bold.
//P s = 2 → Faint, decreased intensity (ISO 6429).
//P s = 3 → Italicized (ISO 6429).
//P s = 4 → Underlined.
//P s = 5 → Blink (appears as Bold).
//P s = 7 → Inverse.
//P s = 8 → Invisible, i.e., hidden (VT300).
//P s = 9 → Crossed-out characters (ISO 6429).
//P s = 2 1 → Doubly-underlined (ISO 6429).
//P s = 2 2 → Normal (neither bold nor faint).
//P s = 2 3 → Not italicized (ISO 6429).
//P s = 2 4 → Not underlined.
//P s = 2 5 → Steady (not blinking).
//P s = 2 7 → Positive (not inverse).
//P s = 2 8 → Visible, i.e., not hidden (VT300).
//P s = 2 9 → Not crossed-out (ISO 6429).
//P s = 3 0 → Set foreground color to Black.
//P s = 3 1 → Set foreground color to Red.
//P s = 3 2 → Set foreground color to Green.
//P s = 3 3 → Set foreground color to Yellow.
//P s = 3 4 → Set foreground color to Blue.
//P s = 3 5 → Set foreground color to Magenta.
//P s = 3 6 → Set foreground color to Cyan.
//P s = 3 7 → Set foreground color to White.
//P s = 3 9 → Set foreground color to default (original).
//P s = 4 0 → Set background color to Black.
//P s = 4 1 → Set background color to Red.
//P s = 4 2 → Set background color to Green.
//P s = 4 3 → Set background color to Yellow.
//P s = 4 4 → Set background color to Blue.
//P s = 4 5 → Set background color to Magenta.
//P s = 4 6 → Set background color to Cyan.
//P s = 4 7 → Set background color to White.
//P s = 4 9 → Set background color to default (original).
// If 16-color support is compiled, the following apply. Assume that xterm’s resources are set so that the ISO color codes are the first 8 of a set of 16.
// Then the aixterm colors are the bright versions of the ISO colors:
//P s = 9 0 → Set foreground color to Black.
//P s = 9 1 → Set foreground color to Red.
//P s = 9 2 → Set foreground color to Green.
//P s = 9 3 → Set foreground color to Yellow.
//P s = 9 4 → Set foreground color to Blue.
//P s = 9 5 → Set foreground color to Magenta.
//P s = 9 6 → Set foreground color to Cyan.
//P s = 9 7 → Set foreground color to White.
//P s = 1 0 0 → Set background color to Black.
//P s = 1 0 1 → Set background color to Red.
//P s = 1 0 2 → Set background color to Green.
//P s = 1 0 3 → Set background color to Yellow.
//P s = 1 0 4 → Set background color to Blue.
//P s = 1 0 5 → Set background color to Magenta.
//P s = 1 0 6 → Set background color to Cyan.
//P s = 1 0 7 → Set background color to White.
// If xterm is compiled with the 16-color support disabled, it supports the following, from rxvt:
//P s = 1 0 0 → Set foreground and background color to default.
// Xterm maintains a color palette whose entries are identified by an index beginning with zero. If 88- or 256-color support is compiled, the following apply:
//All parameters are decimal integers.
//RGB values range from zero (0) to 255.
//ISO-8613-3 can be interpreted in more than one way; xterm allows the semicolons in this control to be replaced by colons (but after the first colon, colons must be used).
// These ISO-8613-3 controls are supported:
//P s = 3 8 ; 2 ; P r ; P g ; P b → Set foreground color to the closest match in xterm’s palette for the given RGB P r /P g /P b .
//P s = 3 8 ; 5 ; P s → Set foreground color to the second P s .
//P s = 4 8 ; 2 ; P r ; P g ; P b → Set background color to the closest match in xterm’s palette for the given RGB P r /P g /P b .
//P s = 4 8 ; 5 ; P s → Set background color to the second P s .
case 'n':
// Device Status Report (DSR).
//P s = 5 → Status Report. Result (‘‘OK’’) is
//CSI 0 n
//P s = 6 → Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column]. Result is
//CSI r ; c R
// Note: it is possible for this sequence to be sent by a function
// key. For example, with the default keyboard configuration
// the shifted F1 key may send (with shift-, control-, alt-modifiers)
//CSI 1 ; 2 R , or
//CSI 1 ; 5 R , or
//CSI 1 ; 6 R , etc.
case 'p':
case 'q':
// Load LEDs (DECLL).
//P s = 0 → Clear all LEDS (default).
//P s = 1 → Light Num Lock.
//P s = 2 → Light Caps Lock.
//P s = 3 → Light Scroll Lock.
//P s = 2 1 → Extinguish Num Lock.
//P s = 2 2 → Extinguish Caps Lock.
//P s = 2 3 → Extinguish Scroll Lock.
case 'r': // Set Scrolling Region [top;bottom] (default = full size of window) (DECSTBM).
case 's': // Save cursor position (ANSI.SYS), available only when DECLRMM is disabled.
case 't': // Window manipulation (from dtterm, as well as extensions).
case 'u': // Restore cursor position (ANSI.SYS).
case 'x':
// Request Terminal Parameters (DECREQTPARM).
// if P s is a "0" (default) or "1", and xterm is emulating VT100,
// the control sequence elicits a response of the same form whose
// parameters describe the terminal:
//P s → the given P s incremented by 2.
//P n = 1 ← no parity.
//P n = 1 ← eight bits.
//P n = 1 ← 2 8 transmit 38.4k baud.
//P n = 1 ← 2 8 receive 38.4k baud.
//P n = 1 ← clock multiplier.
//P n = 0 ← STP flags.
case '!': // Soft terminal reset (DECSTR).
// Valid Sequences Ended.
sequenceCompleted = true;
// Unsupported Text and Keyboard Modifiers.
// These are Preceeding Modifiers ie after ESC [ >
case '>':
case '$':
case '"':
case '*':
invalidSequence = true;
case '?': // -- Switch to next sequenceLevel
// Ie.. handle ESC[?7h, ESC[?7l, and other ? DEC Sequences.
// These Sequences DEC Level Sequecnes and need extra Parsing.
case ' ': // Need to Precheck SyncTerm Font switching ' D' Space D.
// Nothing Matched, Shouldn't get here.
invalidSequence = true;
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "CSI parser exception: received ESC: "
<< sequence << std::endl;
* Level 2 Parsing Catches (2) Different Sequence Styles and Comes After ESC[ = CSI.
* Specifically for ? preceeding sequenceing, and ' ' Space D ending Sequence
* For syncterm font switching.
* Numbers and Seperators are found in the middle of sequences as Parameters
* Switch Statement catch the end of a Valid Sequence.
* Any nonSupported sequences can have certain charactes after the CSI
* and These are parsed so that they are skipped and marked Invalid.
void SequenceParser::ProcessLevel2()
// If the last addition to seqeunce is a space and we are now here.
// The only valid terminator = 'D' for Sycnterm Font Switching.
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "bad sequence check: '" << sequenceBuilder[sequenceBuilder.size()-2] << "' " << sequence << std::endl;
if (sequenceBuilder[sequenceBuilder.size()-2] == ' ' && sequence != 'D')
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "Invalid space found in sequence!" << std::endl;
invalidSequence = true;
// If we get here, only valid Sequences are ESC [ Then next Character.
// First Check for Parameters in Sequence
if (std::isdigit(sequence)) // Mark for Parameter
// Contine to next sequence
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "Is a Number: " << sequence << std::endl;
if (sequence == ';') // Mark for Multi-Parameter
// Continue to Next Sequence
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "Is a Seperator: " << sequence << std::endl;
// Catch Valid ESC Sequence Terminators.
switch (sequence)
case 'D':
// SyncTerm Font Switching Sequences
// Syncterm Sequences have a Space before the D,
// If a space is found, the sequence is passed from the previous level.
// ESC [0;0 D
// First we are catching DEC Style ESC[? Parameters here.
case 'J':
// Erase in Display (ED). - DECSED has ESC[?J
//P s = 0 → Erase Below (default).
//P s = 1 → Erase Above.
//P s = 2 → Erase All.
case 'K':
// Erase in Line (EL). - DECSED has ESC[?K
//P s = 0 → Erase to Right (default).
//P s = 1 → Erase to Left.
//P s = 2 → Erase All.
case 'h':
// DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET). ESC [ ? h
//P s = 1 → Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM).
//P s = 2 → Designate USASCII for character sets G0-G3 (DECANM), and set VT100 mode.
//P s = 3 → 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM).
//P s = 4 → Smooth (Slow) Scroll (DECSCLM).
//P s = 5 → Reverse Video (DECSCNM).
//P s = 6 → Origin Mode (DECOM).
//P s = 7 → Wraparound Mode (DECAWM).
//P s = 8 → Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM).
//P s = 9 → Send Mouse X & Y on button press. See the section Mouse Tracking. This is the X10 xterm mouse protocol.
//P s = 1 0 → Show toolbar (rxvt).
//P s = 1 2 → Start Blinking Cursor (att610).
//P s = 1 8 → Print form feed (DECPFF).
//P s = 1 9 → Set print extent to full screen (DECPEX).
//P s = 2 5 → Show Cursor (DECTCEM).
//P s = 3 0 → Show scrollbar (rxvt).
//P s = 3 5 → Enable font-shifting functions (rxvt).
//P s = 3 8 → Enter Tektronix Mode (DECTEK).
//P s = 4 0 → Allow 80 → 132 Mode.
//P s = 4 1 → more(1) fix (see curses resource).
//P s = 4 2 → Enable National Replacement Character sets (DECNRCM).
//P s = 4 4 → Turn On Margin Bell.
//P s = 4 5 → Reverse-wraparound Mode.
//P s = 4 6 → Start Logging. This is normally disabled by a compile-time option.
//P s = 4 7 → Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource).
//P s = 6 6 → Application keypad (DECNKM).
//P s = 6 7 → Backarrow key sends backspace (DECBKM).
//P s = 6 9 → Enable left and right margin mode (DECLRMM), VT420 and up.
//P s = 9 5 → Do not clear screen when DECCOLM is set/reset (DECNCSM), VT510 and up.
//P s = 1 0 0 0 → Send Mouse X & Y on button press and release. See the section Mouse Tracking. This is the X11 xterm mouse protocol.
//P s = 1 0 0 1 → Use Hilite Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 2 → Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 3 → Use All Motion Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 4 → Send FocusIn/FocusOut events.
//P s = 1 0 0 5 → Enable UTF-8 Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 0 6 → Enable SGR Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 0 7 → Enable Alternate Scroll Mode.
//P s = 1 0 1 0 → Scroll to bottom on tty output (rxvt).
//P s = 1 0 1 1 → Scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt).
//P s = 1 0 1 5 → Enable urxvt Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 3 4 → Interpret "meta" key, sets eighth bit. (enables the eightBitInput resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 5 → Enable special modifiers for Alt and NumLock keys. (This enables the numLock resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 6 → Send ESC when Meta modifies a key. (This enables the metaSendsEscape resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 7 → Send DEL from the editing-keypad Delete key.
//P s = 1 0 3 9 → Send ESC when Alt modifies a key. (This enables the altSendsEscape resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 0 → Keep selection even if not highlighted. (This enables the keepSelection resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 1 → Use the CLIPBOARD selection. (This enables the selectToClipboard resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 2 → Enable Urgency window manager hint when Control-G is received. (This enables the bellIsUrgent resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 3 → Enable raising of the window when Control-G is received. (enables the popOnBell resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 7 → Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 8 → Save cursor as in DECSC. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 9 → Save cursor as in DECSC and use Alternate Screen Buffer, clearing it first. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource). This combines the effects of the 1 0 4 7 and 1 0 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based applications rather than the 4 7 mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 0 → Set terminfo/termcap function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 1 → Set Sun function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 2 → Set HP function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 3 → Set SCO function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 6 0 → Set legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6).
//P s = 1 0 6 1 → Set VT220 keyboard emulation.
//P s = 2 0 0 4 → Set bracketed paste mode.
case 'i':
// Media Copy (MC, DEC-specific).
//P s = 1 → Print line containing cursor.
//P s = 4 → Turn off autoprint mode.
//P s = 5 → Turn on autoprint mode.
//P s = 1 0 → Print composed display, ignores DECPEX.
//P s = 1 1 → Print all pages.
case 'l':
// DEC Private Mode Reset (DECRST).
//P s = 1 → Normal Cursor Keys (DECCKM).
//P s = 2 → Designate VT52 mode (DECANM).
//P s = 3 → 80 Column Mode (DECCOLM).
//P s = 4 → Jump (Fast) Scroll (DECSCLM).
//P s = 5 → Normal Video (DECSCNM).
//P s = 6 → Normal Cursor Mode (DECOM).
//P s = 7 → No Wraparound Mode (DECAWM).
//P s = 8 → No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM).
//P s = 9 → Don’t send Mouse X & Y on button press.
//P s = 1 0 → Hide toolbar (rxvt).
//P s = 1 2 → Stop Blinking Cursor (att610).
//P s = 1 8 → Don’t print form feed (DECPFF).
//P s = 1 9 → Limit print to scrolling region (DECPEX).
//P s = 2 5 → Hide Cursor (DECTCEM).
//P s = 3 0 → Don’t show scrollbar (rxvt).
//P s = 3 5 → Disable font-shifting functions (rxvt).
//P s = 4 0 → Disallow 80 → 132 Mode.
//P s = 4 1 → No more(1) fix (see curses resource).
//P s = 4 2 → Disable National Replacement Character sets (DECNRCM).
//P s = 4 4 → Turn Off Margin Bell.
//P s = 4 5 → No Reverse-wraparound Mode.
//P s = 4 6 → Stop Logging. (This is normally disabled by a compile-time option).
//P s = 4 7 → Use Normal Screen Buffer.
//P s = 6 6 → Numeric keypad (DECNKM).
//P s = 6 7 → Backarrow key sends delete (DECBKM).
//P s = 6 9 → Disable left and right margin mode (DECLRMM), VT420 and up.
//P s = 9 5 → Clear screen when DECCOLM is set/reset (DECNCSM), VT510 and up.
//P s = 1 0 0 0 → Don’t send Mouse X & Y on button press and release. See the section Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 1 → Don’t use Hilite Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 2 → Don’t use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 3 → Don’t use All Motion Mouse Tracking.
//P s = 1 0 0 4 → Don’t send FocusIn/FocusOut events.
//P s = 1 0 0 5 → Disable UTF-8 Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 0 6 → Disable SGR Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 0 7 → Disable Alternate Scroll Mode.
//P s = 1 0 1 0 → Don’t scroll to bottom on tty output (rxvt).
//P s = 1 0 1 1 → Don’t scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt).
//P s = 1 0 1 5 → Disable urxvt Mouse Mode.
//P s = 1 0 3 4 → Don’t interpret "meta" key. (This disables the eightBitInput resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 5 → Disable special modifiers for Alt and NumLock keys. (This disables the numLock resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 6 → Don’t send ESC when Meta modifies a key. (This disables the metaSendsEscape resource).
//P s = 1 0 3 7 → Send VT220 Remove from the editing-keypad Delete key.
//P s = 1 0 3 9 → Don’t send ESC when Alt modifies a key. (This disables the altSendsEscape resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 0 → Do not keep selection when not highlighted. (This disables the keepSelection resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 1 → Use the PRIMARY selection. (This disables the selectToClipboard resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 2 → Disable Urgency window manager hint when Control-G is received. (This disables the bellIsUrgent resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 3 → Disable raising of the window when Control-G is received. (This disables the popOnBell resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 7 → Use Normal Screen Buffer, clearing screen first if in the Alternate Screen. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 8 → Restore cursor as in DECRC. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource).
//P s = 1 0 4 9 → Use Normal Screen Buffer and restore cursor as in DECRC. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource). This combines the effects of the 1 0 4 7 and 1 0 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based applications rather than the 4 7 mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 0 → Reset terminfo/termcap function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 1 → Reset Sun function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 2 → Reset HP function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 5 3 → Reset SCO function-key mode.
//P s = 1 0 6 0 → Reset legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6).
//P s = 1 0 6 1 → Reset keyboard emulation to Sun/PC style.
//P s = 2 0 0 4 → Reset bracketed paste mode.
case 'n':
// Device Status Report (DSR, DEC-specific).
//P s = 6 → Report Cursor Position (DECXCPR) [row;column] as CSI ? r ; c R (assumes the default page, i.e., "1").
//P s = 1 5 → Report Printer status as CSI ? 1 0 n (ready). or CSI ? 1 1 n (not ready).
//P s = 2 5 → Report UDK status as CSI ? 2 0 n (unlocked) or CSI ? 2 1 n (locked).
//P s = 2 6 → Report Keyboard status as
//CSI ? 2 7 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 n (North American).
//The last two parameters apply to VT400 & up, and denote keyboard ready and LK01 respectively.
//P s = 5 3 → Report Locator status as CSI ? 5 3 n Locator available, if compiled-in, or CSI ? 5 0 n No Locator, if not.
//P s = 5 5 → Report Locator status as CSI ? 5 3 n Locator available, if compiled-in, or CSI ? 5 0 n No Locator, if not.
//P s = 5 6 → Report Locator type as CSI ? 5 7 ; 1 n Mouse, if compiled-in, or CSI ? 5 7 ; 0 n Cannot identify, if not.
//P s = 6 2 → Report macro space (DECMSR) as CSI P n \* {
//P s = 6 3 → Report memory checksum (DECCKSR) as DCS P t ! x x x x ST
//P t is the request id (from an optional parameter to the request).
//The x’s are hexadecimal digits 0-9 and A-F.
//P s = 7 5 → Report data integrity as CSI ? 7 0 n (ready, no errors)
//P s = 8 5 → Report multi-session configuration as CSI ? 8 3 n (not configured for multiple-session operation).
case 'p':
case 'q':
// Load LEDs (DECLL).
//P s = 0 → Clear all LEDS (default).
//P s = 1 → Light Num Lock.
//P s = 2 → Light Caps Lock.
//P s = 3 → Light Scroll Lock.
//P s = 2 1 → Extinguish Num Lock.
//P s = 2 2 → Extinguish Caps Lock.
//P s = 2 3 → Extinguish Scroll Lock.
case 'r': // Restore DEC Private Mode Values. The value of P s previously saved is restored. P s values are the same as for DECSET.
case 's': // Save DEC Private Mode Values. P s values are the same as for DECSET.
case '!': // Soft terminal reset (DECSTR).
// Valid Sequences Ended.
sequenceCompleted = true;
// Unsupported Text and Keyboard Modifiers.
// These are Preceeding Modifiers ie after ESC [ >
case '>':
case '$':
case '"':
case '*':
case ' ':
invalidSequence = true;
// Nothing Matched, Shouldn't get here.
invalidSequence = true;
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "CSI parser exception: received ESC: "
<< sequence << std::endl;
* Validate Complete ESC Control Sequences
* Break up the parameters into a Vector
* For easier pre-parsing of Screen Display.
void SequenceParser::ValidateSequence()
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "Validate Sequence: " << sequenceBuilder << std::endl;
int sequenceTerminator = 0;
// Check and clear vector for fresh sequence
// We only Validate on complete sequences, so we can clear here
// to make sure each run.
if (params.size() > 0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "Params Size(): " << params.size() << std::endl;
// If we get there, we have full CSI with possiable ; ; seperators.
sequenceBuilder.erase(0,2); // Remove ESC [
sequenceTerminator = // Get Terminator
// First Parameter is always the SequenceTerminator.
// Remove Sequence Terminator from string to text for parameters.
catch (std::exception e)
std::cout << "Exception removing ESC and Terminator Sequences: "
<< e.what() << std::endl;
// Split String by ';' character to seperate parameters if it exists.
if (sequenceBuilder.size() == 0)
// We have no parameters, just terminator for single sequence.
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "No params Vector: " << std::endl;
int ii = 1;
std::vector<int>::iterator it;
for(it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it)
std::cout << ii++ << " " << *it << " " << static_cast<char>(*it) << std::endl;
// If we have a parameter seqerator, then tokenize the parameters.
std::string::size_type result = sequenceBuilder.find(";",0);
if (result != std::string::npos)
std::istringstream inStream(sequenceBuilder);
std::istringstream tokenStream;
std::string token;
// 0;33;47 Splits 0 33 47
// ignores spaces.
#ifdef _DEBUG
int ii = 1;
std::cout << "result = TRUE, found ; seperator." << std::endl;
while(std::getline(inStream, token, ';'))
if (token.size() == 0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "Empty " << std::flush;
token = "-1"; // Empty fields are set to -1 for implied parms.
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << ii++ << " " << "Token: " << token << std::endl;
tokenStream.str(token); // Token to Stream
if ((tokenStream >> parameter).fail()) // String to Int
// Skip this character.
std::cout << "Exception String to Int Parameter Failure."
<< std::endl;
params.push_back(parameter); // Add to Parameteres Vector.
// First check for ? DEC Sequence Starter
if (sequenceBuilder[0] == '?')
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "removing ? from sequence" << std::endl;
params.push_back('?'); // Add to Parameteres Vector.
sequenceBuilder.erase(0,1); // Remove ?
catch (std::exception e)
std::cout << "Exception removing ? sequence starter: "
<< e.what() << std::endl;
// No seperator, translate the 1-3 digit code that should be present.
std::istringstream tokenStream;
tokenStream.str(sequenceBuilder); // String to Stream
if ((tokenStream >> parameter).fail()) // String to Int
// Skip this character.
std::cout << "Exception String to Int Parameter Failure."
<< std::endl;
params.push_back(parameter); // Add to Parameteres Vector.
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Testing output of vector.
std::cout << "Vector: " << std::endl;
int ii = 1;
std::vector<int>::iterator it;
for(it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it)
std::cout << ii++ << " " << *it << " " << static_cast<char>(*it) << std::endl;
* Takes String input and parses for ESC Control Sequences
* State machine stays actives waiting for complete control sequences
* before pushing any actions forwards. Normal Text data is passed through.
void SequenceParser::ProcessSequence(std::string inputString)
//Parse entire string and remove any double ESC Sequences.
std::string::size_type result = 0;
while (result != std::string::npos)
result = inputString.find("\x1b\x1b");
if (result != std::string::npos)
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "Found Double ESC!" << std::endl;
catch (std::exception e)
std::cout << "Exception replacing double ESC characters: "
<< e.what() << std::endl;
sequenceState = SEQ_ERROR; // Reset The State
// Now loop enire string and find valid escape sequences.
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < inputString.size(); i++)
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "sequenceState: " << sequenceState << std::endl;
// Get next Input Sequence
sequence = inputString[i];
// Check for Start of Sequence, if we hit a sequence we then need
// To send all Valid Output that Proceeds this sequence so everything
// is FIFO with regards to how incoming data is handeled.
if (sequence == '\x1b')
sequenceState = SEQ_START;
// Pre-Handle the Parser State
// Normal Text Data, Append to Buffer
validOutputData += sequence;
// Start of Sequence, Push ValidOutputData Buffer Through
// Then switch to Processing State, So we have FIFO Data
// Parsing.
// TheAnsiParser::Instance()->textinput(validOutputData);
sequenceState = SEQ_PROCESSING;
sequenceBuilder += sequence;
// Were in the middle of processing a control sequence
// Keep is going till we get DONE!
sequenceBuilder += sequence;
// Validing the Sequence Bombed, Clear the vector and continue.
std::vector<int>().swap(params); // Clear for next run.
sequenceBuilder.erase(); // Clear Any Prebuilt.
sequenceState = SEQ_NORMAL;
if (sequence == '\x1b' && !sequenceCompleted)
// Error Checking, If were in the middle of an incomplete sequence
// Then we shouldn't get an ESC before we complete the sequence!
if (foundSequence)
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "Invalid Sequence, ESC in current sequence"
<< std::endl;
// We now determine the preceeding sequence is invalid
// And remove the ESC, then proceed with the current sequence
// Change to SequenceBuilder, don't touch input string
// If it's broken into multiple input, then this is no
// longer viable.
sequenceBuilder.replace(0,1,"^"); // ESC to ^
catch (std::exception e)
std::cout << "Exception replace escapePosition: "
<< e.what() << std::endl;
sequenceState = SEQ_ERROR; // Reset The State
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "ESC starting new sequence parsing" << std::endl;
escapePosition = i;
foundSequence = true;
// Each Level is the next character after the ESC
// Check the first few levels to make sure we have a valid CSI
if (foundSequence && !invalidSequence)
case 0: // Process first char after ESC '['
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "sequenceLevel: " << sequenceLevel << " : "
<< sequence << std::endl;
// Move to next Level if valid.
if (!invalidSequence)
case 1: // Process second char after ESC [ 'c'
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "sequenceLevel: " << sequenceLevel << " : "
<< sequence << std::endl;
case 2: // Process 2nd char after ESC [ '?' DEC Sequences
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "sequenceLevel: " << sequenceLevel << " : "
<< sequence << std::endl;
// Handle Completed Control Sequences
if (sequenceCompleted)
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << "SequenceCompleted!" << std::endl;
// Copy just this sequenec into string for validation
//escapeSequence =
// inputString.substr(escapePosition,(i+1)-escapePosition);
// Break up the sequence into seperate parameters for
// The Screen Parser.
sequenceState = SEQ_DONE;
catch (std::exception e)
std::cout << "Exception substring on escapeSequence: "
<< e.what() << std::endl;
sequenceState = SEQ_ERROR;
// If the sequence is completed, The Parse the parameters and
// Setup for ANSI Parser and Drawing to Screen.
sequenceCompleted = false;
foundSequence = false;
invalidSequence = false;
sequenceLevel = 0;
// Invalid Sequences, Replace ESC with ^ characters for display
// Then move on.
if (invalidSequence)
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << " *** SequenceInvalid!" << std::endl;
// Handle Invalid Sequences by removeing the ESC character, then
// Continue on to the next sequence.
catch (std::exception e)
std::cout << "Exception replace escapePosition: "
<< e.what() << std::endl;
sequenceState = SEQ_ERROR; // Reset The State
foundSequence = false;
invalidSequence = false;
sequenceLevel = 0;
// First grab the entire sequence parsed so far, from ESC position
// Place it into validOutputData to display on the screen,
// We don't want To reset the loop becasue it will incriment,
// so we grab all characters parsed so far.
validOutputData += sequenceBuilder;
//inputString.substr(escapePosition, (i+1) - escapePosition);
catch (std::exception e)
std::cout << "Exception substring on ESC Position: "
<< e.what() << std::endl;
// Reset the State
sequenceState = SEQ_ERROR;
// Post-Handle the Parser State
// Were in the middle of processing a control sequence
// Keep is going till we get DONE!
case SEQ_DONE:
// We hit an entire sequence, pass the vector
// TheAnsiParser::Instance()->sequenceinput(params);
std::vector<int>().swap(params); // Clear for next run.
sequenceState = SEQ_NORMAL; // Reset The State
// Validing the Sequence Bombed, Clear the vector and continue.
std::vector<int>().swap(params); // Clear for next run.
sequenceState = SEQ_NORMAL; // Reset The State
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Test Display Valid Output Data
std::cout << std::endl
<< "==========================================================="
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "valid data: " << validOutputData
<< std::endl << std::endl;
// Catch any echo'ed input that passed through with no sequences
if (sequenceState == SEQ_NORMAL && validOutputData.size() > 0)
// Display final screen.
// Test Cases for Class.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// ESC Sequence
std::string inputString;
// Test a split ESC sequence in seperate strings
// Valid Sequence
inputString = "\x1b[1;34;2";
// Part ][
inputString = "55;255;255m";
// Invalid & Valid Sequence Sequence
inputString = "\x1b\x1b[A";
// Valid Text Data
inputString = " ***Testing*** ";
// Invalid Sequence
inputString = "\x1b[0;0 M";
// Valid Sequence
inputString = "\x1b[0;0 D";
// Valid Sequence
inputString = "\x1b[A";
// Valid Sequence
inputString = "\x1b[422A";
// Valid Sequence
inputString = "\x1b[0;48;255;255;255m";
// Invalid Spaces in the middle
// Space only valid if Ending sequence = 'D'
inputString = "\x1b[0; 48;255 ;255;255m";
// Valid DESC Sequence with Pre-Control Characters.
inputString = "\x1b[?7h";
// Clear and Release Instance.
return 0;
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