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Created September 12, 2022 19:01
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Traversables as Graded functors
-- Traversables as Graded functors
-- Graded functors as functors that commute with grading
-- Graded endofunctors on KleisliApp are Traversables
-- Laws omitted.
module T where
open import Level
open import Function.Base as Function using (case_of_)
open import Data.Unit.Base using (⊤; tt)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl; sym)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂; Σ; ∃; Σ-syntax; ∃-syntax)
: Level
-- * Categories and functors
record Cat: Set (suc ℓ) where
obj : Set
_⇒_ : obj -> obj -> Set
id : {A : obj} A ⇒ A
_∙_ : {A B C : obj} B ⇒ C A ⇒ B A ⇒ C
-- laws (...)
record Functor (ℂ 𝔻 : Cat ℓ) : Setwhere
open Catrenaming (obj to C; _⇒_ to _⇒ᶜ_)
open Cat 𝔻 renaming (obj to D; _⇒_ to _⇒ᴰ_)
omap : C -> D
fmap : {A B : C} A ⇒ᶜ B omap A ⇒ᴰ omap B
-- laws (...)
_∘_ : {ℂ 𝔻 𝔼 : Cat ℓ} Functor 𝔻 𝔼 Functor ℂ 𝔻 Functor ℂ 𝔼
𝔾 ∘ 𝔽 = record
{ omap = G Function.∘ F
; fmap = Gmap Function.∘ Fmap }
open Functor 𝔽 renaming (omap to F; fmap to Fmap)
open Functor 𝔾 renaming (omap to G; fmap to Gmap)
-- * Graded categories and functors
-- Graded categories: categories indexed by a grade
record Graded (𝔾 : Cat ℓ) : Set (suc ℓ) where
: Cat ℓ
grade : Functor ℂ 𝔾
-- Graded functors: functors that commute with grade
record GradedFunctor {𝔾 : Cat ℓ} (𝓒 𝓓 : Graded 𝔾) : Setwhere
open Graded 𝓒 renaming (grade to 𝓒-grade)
open Graded 𝓓 renaming (ℂ to 𝔻; grade to 𝓓-grade)
𝔽 : Functor ℂ 𝔻
grade : 𝓓-grade ∘ 𝔽 ≡ 𝓒-grade
-- * From graded functors to traversables
-- KleisliApp-G : Graded category of applicative maps (with homsets A ⇒ B = ∃[ F ] Applicative F × (A -> F B))
-- Traversable : Traversable functors
-- EndoKA-Traversable : Graded endofunctors on KleisliApp-G are Traversables
-- ** Applicative functors
record Applicative (F : Set Set) : Set₁ where
pure : {A : Set} A F A
ap : {A B : Set} F (A B) F A F B
open Applicative
Identity : Set Set
Identity A = A
Applicative-Identity : Applicative Identity
Applicative-Identity = record
{ pure = λ x x
; ap = λ f x f x
Applicative-∘ : {F G} Applicative F Applicative G Applicative (F Function.∘ G)
Applicative-∘ 𝔽 𝔾 = record
{ pure = λ x pure 𝔽 (pure 𝔾 x)
; ap = λ f ap 𝔽 (ap 𝔽 (pure 𝔽 (ap 𝔾)) f)
-- ** The graded cateogory KleisliApp
KleisliApp : Cat (suc zero)
KleisliApp = record
{ obj = Set
; _⇒_ = λ A B ∃[ F ] Applicative F × (A F B)
; id = _ , Applicative-Identity , λ x x
; _∙_ = λ{ (_ , 𝔾 , g) (_ , 𝔽 , f) (_ , Applicative-∘ 𝔽 𝔾 , λ x ap 𝔽 (pure 𝔽 g) (f x)) }
Endo : Cat (suc zero)
Endo = record
{ obj = Lift (suc zero) ⊤
; _⇒_ = λ _ _ ∃[ F ] Applicative F
; id = _ , Applicative-Identity
; _∙_ = λ{ (_ , 𝔾) (_ , 𝔽) _ , Applicative-∘ 𝔾 𝔽 } }
KleisliApp-grade : Functor KleisliApp Endo
KleisliApp-grade = record
{ omap = λ _ lift tt
; fmap = λ{ (_ , 𝔽 , _) _ , 𝔽 }
KleisliApp-G : Graded Endo
KleisliApp-G = record
{ ℂ = KleisliApp
; grade = KleisliApp-grade
-- ** Traversables
record Traversable : Set₁ where
T : Set Set
traverse : {F} Applicative F {A B} (A F B) T A F (T B)
-- ** Graded endofunctors on KleisliApp are Traversables
data _≡≡_ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} (a : A) : {B : Set ℓ} B Set where
refl : a ≡≡ a
hcong : {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} {B : A Set ℓ} (f : (a : A) B a) {a b : A} a ≡ b f a ≡≡ f b
hcong _ refl = refl
module _ {ℓ} {𝔾 : Cat ℓ} {𝓒 𝓓 : Graded 𝔾} (𝓕 : GradedFunctor 𝓒 𝓓) where
open Graded 𝓒 renaming (grade to 𝓒-grade)
open Graded 𝓓 using () renaming (grade to 𝓓-grade)
open GradedFunctor 𝓕 renaming (grade to 𝓣-grade)
open Cat
grade-eq :
{A B} (f : A ⇒ B)
Functor.fmap 𝓒-grade f ≡≡ Functor.fmap 𝓓-grade (Functor.fmap 𝔽 f)
grade-eq f = hcong (λ (GF : Functor ℂ 𝔾) Functor.fmap GF f) (sym 𝓣-grade)
module _ (𝓣 : GradedFunctor KleisliApp-G KleisliApp-G) where
open GradedFunctor 𝓣 renaming (𝔽 to 𝕋; grade to 𝓣-grade)
open Functor 𝕋 renaming (omap to T; fmap to Tmap)
EndoKA-traverse : {F} Applicative F {A B} (A F B) T A F (T B)
EndoKA-traverse 𝔽 f with Functor.fmap 𝕋 (_ , 𝔽 , f) | grade-eq 𝓣 (_ , 𝔽 , f)
... | _ , _ , g | refl = g
EndoKA-Traversable : Traversable
EndoKA-Traversable = record
{ T = Functor.omap 𝕋
; traverse = EndoKA-traverse
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