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Created October 22, 2014 20:33
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Template Meta Program to solve the Partial Knapsack Problem (works with clang & gcc)
* --- Template Meta Program to solve the Partial Knapsack Problem ---
* This little piece of code solves the partial knapsack problem at compile
* time. This is not useful in any way. I just wanted to discover the
* possibilities of template meta programming.
* Note that this code is absolutly awful. First of all: It's a "pure" template
* meta program, which is ugly on it's own. Furthermore my code is ugly in
* particular. The motivation to clean up super-ugly code to get a little bit
* less ugly code is... not that high.
* \author Lukas Kalbertodt <>
#include <array> // Just for output
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream> // Just for output
#include <ratio> // representation of rational numbers
#include <tuple> // Just for output
#include <type_traits> // useful type traits
// ############################################################################
// Basic Helper Stuff
// ############################################################################
// compile time struct to hold an ID, a Cost and a Weight
template <int ID, int C, int W> struct Item {
static constexpr int cost = C;
static constexpr int weight = W;
// is used to store a list of items
template <typename... Is> struct ItemList {};
// helper struct to concatenate lists (empty base declaration)
template <typename, typename> struct Concat;
// specialization for two item lists
template <typename... IAs, typename... IBs>
struct Concat<ItemList<IAs...>, ItemList<IBs...>> {
using type = ItemList<IAs..., IBs...>;
// ------------------- RemoveElement -------------------------------------------
// helper struct to remove one element Needle of a list Os
// (empty base declaration)
template <typename Needle, typename... Os> struct RemoveElement;
// specialization for empty list -> result is empty list
template <typename Needle> struct RemoveElement<Needle> {
using type = ItemList<>;
// specialization for a list in which the first element differs from the Needle
// -> result is Concat<Head, RemoveElement<Needle, Tail>
template <typename Needle, typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct RemoveElement<Needle, Head, Tail...> {
using type
= typename Concat<ItemList<Head>,
typename RemoveElement<Needle,
// specialization for a list in which the first element equals the Needle
// -> result is RemoveElement<Needle, Tail>
template <typename Needle, typename... Tail>
struct RemoveElement<Needle, Needle, Tail...> {
using type = typename RemoveElement<Needle,
// ############################################################################
// Sorting
// ############################################################################
// ------------------- MaxItemBelow -------------------------------------------
// returns the item with the maximal Cost/Weight ratio that is less than the
// std::ratio given as first parameter (Cut).
// Note: I don't actually use the "Below"-Feature of this anymore. This whole
// program should still run without that, but I'm to lazy to remove it ;)
template <typename Cut, typename... Ts> struct MaxItemBelow;
// specialization for just one item -> maximum is this item of course
template <std::intmax_t Num, std::intmax_t Den, typename I>
struct MaxItemBelow<std::ratio<Num, Den>, I> {
using max = I;
// specialization for a list with at least two items ->
// It removes one element (from those two) and "calls" itself in a recursive way
// with a list which size is decreased by one. To decide which item is dropped
// it evaluates this expression:
// valid(i0) && (i0 > i1 || !valid(i1)) , where
// valid() checks if the value of the item is below the Cut.
// In other words: With each recursive "call" it removes one elment from the
// list that is not the maximum below the Cut, until just one item is left
template <std::intmax_t Num, std::intmax_t Den,
int ID0, int C0, int W0,
int ID1, int C1, int W1,
int... IDs, int... Cs, int... Ws>
struct MaxItemBelow<std::ratio<Num, Den>,
Item<ID0, C0, W0>,
Item<ID1, C1, W1>,
Item<IDs, Cs, Ws>...>
: MaxItemBelow<std::ratio<Num, Den>,
typename std::
conditional<std::ratio_less<std::ratio<C0, W0>,
std::ratio<Num, Den>>::value && (
std::ratio_greater<std::ratio<C0, W0>,
std::ratio<C1, W1>>::value
|| !std::ratio_less<std::ratio<C1, W1>,
Item<ID0, C0, W0>,
Item<ID1, C1, W1>>::type,
Item<IDs, Cs, Ws>...> {};
// ------------------- SortHelper --------------------------------------------
// sorts all items in the given list whose value is below Max
template <typename Max, typename List> struct SortHelper;
// specialization for one item in the list -> the list is already sorted
template <typename Max, typename I>
struct SortHelper<Max, ItemList<I>> {
using type = ItemList<I>;
// specialization for a list containing more than one item ->
// max is the maximal item below Max
// newlist is the given list without 'max'
// type is a list of items containing all items in the input list with 'max'
// at the beginning
template <typename Max, typename I0, typename... Is>
struct SortHelper<Max, ItemList<I0, Is...>> {
using max = typename MaxItemBelow<Max, I0, Is...>::max;
using newlist = typename RemoveElement<max, I0, Is...>::type;
using type
= typename Concat<ItemList<max>,
typename SortHelper<std::ratio<max::cost, max::weight>,
// ------------------- PackHelper --------------------------------------------
// Gets a sorted list of items and creates a list of
// {ItemID, num, den} where num/den is how much of the ItemID is used in the
// result. WL = weight left
template <int WL, bool OverZero, typename... Is>
struct PackHelper;
// specialization for a list with at least one element and a knapsack with
// space left ->
// We calculate how much of that item fits into the knapsack: If the item weight
// is less than the available weight in the knapsack, we can fit everything of
// the item (1). Else we fit as much as we can, which is
// (left_available_weight/item_weight).
// After calculating the share of the current item we recurse.
template <int WL, int ID0, int C0, int W0, int... IDs, int... Cs, int... Ws>
struct PackHelper<WL, true, ItemList<Item<ID0, C0, W0>, Item<IDs, Cs, Ws>...>> {
using head = Item<ID0,
(W0 < WL) ? 1 : std::ratio<WL, W0>::num,
(W0 < WL) ? 1 : std::ratio<WL, W0>::den>;
using tail = typename PackHelper<WL - W0,
((WL - W0) > 0),
ItemList<Item<IDs, Cs, Ws>...>>::type;
using type = typename Concat<ItemList<head>, tail>::type;
// specialization for a full knapsack with still items left ->
// We can't fit any more items into the knapsack
template <int WL, typename... Is>
struct PackHelper<WL, false, ItemList<Is...>> {
using type = ItemList<>;
// specialization for an empty list and a knapsack which is not full ->
// We don't have to process any more items (easy problem instance)
template <int WL>
struct PackHelper<WL, true, ItemList<>> {
using type = ItemList<>;
// ############################################################################
// knapsack
// ############################################################################
// Main "public" "function": Instance of the partial knapsack problem as
// template parameter: Max is the the size of the knapsack followed by a list
// of items
template <int Max, typename... Is>
struct Knapsack {
// sorts the list of items
using sorted = typename SortHelper<std::ratio<0, 1>, ItemList<Is...>>::type;
// the resulting item list where (cost/weight) is the share of the item ID
using Result = typename PackHelper<Max, (Max > 0), sorted>::type;
// ############################################################################
// OutHelper
// ############################################################################
// Just some helper structs to create an array of the compile time template list
// to print it on the screen... Similar to STL's implementation in his variadic
// sorter:
template <typename Is>
struct OutHelper;
template <int... IDs, int... Cs, int... Ws>
struct OutHelper<ItemList<Item<IDs,Cs, Ws>...>> {
static const std::array<std::tuple<int, int, int>, sizeof...(IDs)> arr;
template <int... IDs, int... Cs, int... Ws>
const std::array<std::tuple<int, int, int>, sizeof...(IDs)>
OutHelper<ItemList<Item<IDs, Cs, Ws>...>>::arr
= {{std::make_tuple(IDs, Cs, Ws)...}};
int main() {
using namespace std;
// "call" the solver with a knapsack instance
// ID | C | W C/W
using res = OutHelper<Knapsack<200, Item<0, 20, 100>, // 0,2
Item<1, 15, 80>, // 0,1875
Item<2, 15, 40>, // 0,375
Item<3, 10, 20> // 0,5
// print result
for (auto& e : res::arr) {
cout << "ID " << get<0>(e) << ":\t" << static_cast<float>(get<1>(e)) / get<2>(e) << endl;
cout << endl;
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