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LuemmelSec / Get-AppsWithFull_acces_as_appRole.ps1
Last active February 16, 2024 04:16
Check for Apps that can read all user mailboxes and have no restricting access policy
# PowerShell Script to check which Apps have the "full_acces_as_app" EWS role, so can read all Mailboxes
# There might be ApplicationAccessPolicies in place that afterwards restrict access to only certain mailboxes, so criticality would be reduced
# This is reflected in the output as well.
# This was written for PowerShell 7 - to work with PS v5 you need to exchange some modules and calls
# Check if ExchangeOnlineManagement module is available
$ExchangeOnlineModule = Get-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -ListAvailable
# Check if Az.Accounts module is available
$AzAccountsModule = Get-Module -Name Az.Accounts -ListAvailable
LuemmelSec / cvemap_wrapper.ps1
Last active September 1, 2024 10:58
cvemap wrapper
# Run cvemap and give everything that is critical, has a poc and is known to be exploitable by CISA
#.\cvemap.exe -severity=high -f poc,vendor -poc=true -json > new_vulns.json
.\cvemap.exe -severity=critical -severity=high -es '> 0.01' -poc=true -l 1000 -json > new_vulns.json
# Paths to the JSON files
$newJsonFilePath = "new_vulns.json"
$databaseJsonFilePath = "cve_database.json"
# Read the newly fetched JSON file
LuemmelSec / Process_String_Extractor.ps1
Created May 9, 2023 07:48
A wrapper for strings2.exe to extract sensitive info out of processes
# This scriplet relies on
# Import the script: PS> import-module .\Process_String_Extractor.ps1
# Run the function: PS> ScrapeProcessMemory -Strings2Path "D:\Tools\Strings2.exe" -Processname notepad -SearchString "Hello World"
# To extract Cookies for O365 / Azure PTC Attack: PS> ScrapeProcessMemory -Strings2Path "D:\Tools\Strings2.exe" -Processname chrome -SearchString "ESTSAUTH","SignInStateCookie"
function ScrapeProcessMemory {
LuemmelSec / Azure_App_Consent_check.ps1
Created March 24, 2023 09:07
A simple PowerShell script to check to which apps the user consented to and which permissions were granted
LuemmelSec / GBC.ps1
Created December 9, 2022 07:43
Give Back Control over Windows functions script
$elevated = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
function Show-Menu {
Write-Host "======================================================"
Write-Host "================ Give Back Control ================"
Write-Host "======================================================"
if($elevated -eq $true){
Write-Host "Local Admin: " -ForegroundColor white -NoNewline; Write-Host $elevated -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "We have superpowers. Ready to continue."
LuemmelSec / disabledevicegard.ps1
Created December 1, 2022 08:51
Disable DeviceGuard with UEFI lock
# Steps needed to disable DeviceGuard with UEFI lock
# Disable DeviceGuard in registry
cmd /c 'REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceGuard" /v "EnableVirtualizationBasedSecurity" /f'
cmd /c 'REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceGuard" /v "RequirePlatformSecurityFeatures" /f'
cmd /c 'REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard" /v "EnableVirtualizationBasedSecurity" /f'
cmd /c 'REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard" /v "RequirePlatformSecurityFeatures" /f'
# Change UEFI settings. Reboot and confirmation needed.
mountvol X: /s
LuemmelSec / rbcd_demo.ps1
Created June 12, 2022 07:22 — forked from S3cur3Th1sSh1t/rbcd_demo.ps1
Resource-based constrained delegation computer DACL takeover demo
# import the necessary toolsets
Import-Module .\powermad.ps1
Import-Module .\powerview.ps1
# we are TESTLAB\attacker, who has GenericWrite rights over the primary$ computer account
# the target computer object we're taking over
$TargetComputer = "primary.testlab.local"
LuemmelSec /
Created June 12, 2022 07:22 — forked from S3cur3Th1sSh1t/
From RPC to RCE - Workstation Takeover via RBCD and MS-RPChoose-Your-Own-Adventure


In the default configuration of Active Directory, it is possible to remotely take over Workstations (Windows 7/10/11) and possibly servers (if Desktop Experience is installed) when their WebClient service is running. This is accomplished in short by;

  • Triggering machine authentication over HTTP via either MS-RPRN or MS-EFSRPC (as demonstrated by @tifkin_). This requires a set of credentials for the RPC call.
  • Relaying that machine authentication to LDAPS for configuring RBCD
  • RBCD takeover

The caveat to this is that the WebClient service does not automatically start at boot. However, if the WebClient service has been triggered to start on a workstation (for example, via some SharePoint interactions), you can remotely take over that system. In addition, there are several ways to coerce the WebClient service to start remotely which I cover in a section below.

LuemmelSec /
Created June 12, 2022 07:21 — forked from S3cur3Th1sSh1t/
Certifried combined with KrbRelayUp: non-privileged domain user to Domain Admin without adding/pre-owning computer accounts

Certifried combined with KrbRelayUp

Certifried (CVE-2022-26923) gives Domain Admin from non-privileged user with the requirement adding computer accounts or owning a computer account. Kerberos Relay targeting LDAP and Shadow Credentials gives a non-privileged domain user on a domain-joined machine local admin access on (aka owning) the machine. Combination of these two: non-privileged domain user escalating to Domain Admin without the requirement adding/owning computer accounts.

The attack below uses only Windows (no Linux tools interacting with the Domain), simulating a real-world attack scenario.
