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Luca Cappelletti LucaCappelletti94

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# We are going to setup the
# first-order LINE model for
# node embedding as a Python class
# We will be using numpy for the algebraic
# operations
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randint
# We will also need numba
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew cask install google-chrome vlc visual-studio-code spectacle imageoptim codekit google-backup-and-sync dropbox telegram transmission keka ccleaner drawio skype zoom slack gitter
brew cask install anaconda
brew install node git git-lfs duti wget htop byobu
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .mp4 all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .webm all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .mkv all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .flv all
LucaCappelletti94 / Sublime Text on
Last active November 17, 2023 19:23
A quick guide to get a super sublime text

Sublime Text on Steroids 💪

Getting Sublime

Sublime Text is an awesome text editor. You can get it either from its website or, if you are on a mac, by running the following:

brew cask install sublime-text

Package Control

Now you need Package Control, that you can either install via the command they offer on their website or, if you have an updated version of Sublime Text, you should find an option to install it under "Tools".

LucaCappelletti94 / Firing up LaTex on
Last active August 3, 2024 16:46
Firing up Latex on macOS

Firing up LaTex on macOS 🔥

As I'm writing this small tutorial, I assume you've read my previous one about setting up macOS, so if for any tool I'll use without explanation, look to that other article.


The full version IS NOT MANDATORY, as in the tutorial that follows I installed the smaller version of MacTeX and proceded installing every needed dependency. Installing the complete package is about ~3.5GB of download and ~5GB on disk, the smaller one is just about 80MBs.

Click here to download the complete version or here to download the smaller version.


LucaCappelletti94 / MacOs quick
Last active October 27, 2023 03:17
MacOs commands to get you started.

MacOs quick setup 🚀

Getting everything ready

1 - Xcode/Ruby/Command line tools

You need to have Xcode installed to proceed.

xcode-select --install
sudo xcodebuild -license accept

2 - Brew