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Last active November 2, 2023 21:04
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In Unity 2019.1 Unity added a new custom EditorTool API, heres some example code showing some tools we could make with it!
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.EditorTools;
using UnityEngine;
[EditorTool("LookAt Tool")]
public class LookatTool : EditorTool
GUIContent cachedIcon;
// NOTE: as were caching this, unity will serialize it between compiles! so if we want to test out new looks,
// just return the new GUIContent and bypass the cache until were happy with the icon...
public override GUIContent toolbarIcon
if (cachedIcon == null)
cachedIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("ViewToolOrbit", "|LookAt Tool");
return cachedIcon;
public override void OnToolGUI(EditorWindow window)
var view = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView;
// If there are multiple selected objects, we want to focus the look position somewhere in the middle..
if (Selection.transforms.Length > 1)
Vector3 center =;
foreach (var transform in Selection.transforms)
center += transform.position;
center = center / Selection.transforms.Length;
// Lets draw a tiny sphere at that center point, so we can verify it works
Handles.SphereHandleCap(0,center,Quaternion.identity, 0.1f, EventType.Repaint);
// If we only have one selected object, thats way easier, we just look at it
else if (Selection.activeTransform != null)

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This is a very cool demonstration, thank you! It will be super useful for learning.

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