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Last active September 17, 2024 17:47
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  • Save Loki-Xer/a5a1cc408dfcc09c955bc6bb2191928d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Loki-Xer/a5a1cc408dfcc09c955bc6bb2191928d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const { System, isPrivate, getBuffer } = require("../lib/");
const image = '';
const thumb = "";
pattern: 'intro ?(.*)',
fromMe: true,
desc: 'Shows My Intro',
type: 'misc',
}, async (message, match) => {
const number = message.user.jid;
const logo = await getBuffer(image);
const thumbnail = await getBuffer(thumb);
const sourceUrl = '៚ʜᴇʟʟᴏ+ʟᴏᴋɪ+sᴇʀ+ʙɪɢ+ғᴀɴ+ᴠʀᴏ+🤍_';
const linkPreview = {
title: "➵⃞🎵ʟ͛σᴋɪ͛♬➣",
body: "ᴊᴀʀᴠɪꜱ-ᴍᴅ 💌",
thumbnail: logo,
mediaType: 1,
mediaUrl: sourceUrl,
sourceUrl: sourceUrl,
showAdAttribution: true,
renderLargerThumbnail: true
message.quoted = {
key: {
fromMe: false,
participant: "",
remoteJid: "status@broadcast"
message: {
contactMessage: {
displayName: `${message.pushName}`, // Ensure this variable is defined and contains the expected value
vcard: `BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:XL;${},;;;\nFN:${},\nitem1.TEL;waid=${number.split('@')[0]}:${number.split('@')[0]}\nitem1.X-ABLabel:Ponsel\nEND:VCARD`,
jpegThumbnail: thumbnail
const text = `0ཻུ۪۪ꦽꦼ̷⸙‹•══════════════♡᭄
│ *「 𝗠𝗬 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗢 」*
│ *Name :* ʟᴏᴋɪ-xᴇʀ
│ *Place :* ᴋᴇʀᴀʟᴀ
│ *Gender :* ᴍᴀʟᴇ
│ *Age :* 17
│ *Phone :*
│ *IG ID :* _aro_x_
│ *Protfolio :*
│ *Github :* Loki-Xer
╰═════ꪶ ཻུ۪۪ꦽꦼ̷⸙ ━ ━ ━ ━ ꪶ ཻུ۪۪ꦽꦼ̷⸙`;
await message.client.sendMessage(, { text: text, contextInfo: { externalAdReply: linkPreview } }, { quoted: message.quoted || '' });
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