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Last active August 30, 2018 15:20
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Simple socks5 implementation using perl Mojo
use Mojo::Base -strict;
use Mojo::IOLoop;
use Devel::Peek;
use Data::Dumper;
my $DEBUG = 1;
my $users = {
# user1 => 'pass1'
sub _debug {
my ($type, @params) = @_;
say '-----------';
say $type;
my (@columns, @values);
while (@params) {
my ($c, $v) = splice @params, 0, 2;
push @columns, sprintf('%15s|', $c);
push @values, sprintf('%15s|', $v);
say join '', @columns if @columns;
say join '', @values if @values;
say '';
sub init_handshake {
my ($stream, $bytes) = @_;
my ($ver, $nmethods, @methods) = unpack 'C*', $bytes;
_debug('Receive', ver => $ver, nmethods => $nmethods, methods => join('', @methods)) if $DEBUG;
if ($ver != 5) {
_debug('Close connection') if $DEBUG;
return $stream->close;
my %methods = map { $_ => 1 } @methods;
if (%$users and ! $methods{2}) {
$stream->write(pack'C*', 5, 0xff);
if ($DEBUG) {
_debug('Send', ver => 5, method => 0xff);
_debug('Close connection');
return $stream->close;
if (! %$users and ! $methods{0}) {
$stream->write(pack'C*', 5, 0xff);
if ($DEBUG) {
_debug('Send', ver => 5, method => 0xff);
_debug('Close connection');
return $stream->close;
$stream->unsubscribe(read => $stream->subscribers('read')->[-1]);
? $stream->on(read => \&auth_handshake)
: $stream->on(read => \&command_handshake);
$stream->write(pack'C*', 5, %$users ? 2 : 0);
_debug('Send', ver => 5, method => %$users ? 2 : 0) if $DEBUG;
sub auth_handshake {
my ($stream, $bytes) = @_;
my ($ver, $ulen) = unpack 'C*', substr($bytes, 0, 2);
$bytes = substr($bytes, 2);
my $uname = substr($bytes, 0, $ulen);
$bytes = substr($bytes, $ulen);
my $plen = unpack 'C', substr($bytes, 0, 1);
$bytes = substr($bytes, 1);
my $passwd = substr($bytes, 0, $plen);
my $status = 1;
$status = 0 if $users->{$uname} && $users->{$uname} eq $passwd;
_debug('Receive', ver => $ver, ulen => $ulen, uname => $uname, plen => $plen, passwd => $passwd) if $DEBUG;
if ($ver != 1 || $status != 0) {
$stream->write(pack'C*', 1, 1);
if ($DEBUG) {
_debug('Send', ver => 1, status => 1);
_debug('Close connection');
return $stream->close;
$stream->unsubscribe(read => $stream->subscribers('read')->[-1]);
$stream->on(read => \&command_handshake);
$stream->write(pack'C*', 1, $status);
_debug('Send', ver => 1, status => $status) if $DEBUG;
sub command_handshake {
my ($stream, $bytes) = @_;
my ($ver, $cmd, $rsv, $atyp) = unpack 'C*', substr($bytes, 0, 4);
$bytes = substr($bytes, 4);
my $addr;
if ($atyp == 1) {
$addr = join '.', unpack('C4', $bytes);
$bytes = substr($bytes, 4);
} elsif ($atyp == 3) {
my $addr_len = unpack 'C', substr($bytes, 0, 1);
$bytes = substr($bytes, 1);
$addr = substr($bytes, 0, $addr_len);
$bytes = substr($bytes, $addr_len);
} elsif ($atyp == 4) {
$addr = join ':', unpack('(H4)8', $bytes);
$bytes = substr($bytes, 16);
my $port = unpack 'n', $bytes;
_debug('Receive', ver => $ver, cmd => $cmd, rsv => $rsv, atyp => $atyp, addr => $addr, port => $port) if $DEBUG;
my $rep = 0;
$rep = 1 if $ver != 5;
$rep = 7 if $cmd != 1;
$rep = 8 if $atyp != 1 && $atyp != 3 && $atyp != 4;
if ($rep != 0) {
$stream->write(pack'C*', 5, $rep, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if ($DEBUG) {
_debug('Send', ver => 5, rep => $rep, rsv => 0, atyp => 1, addr => '', port => 0);
_debug('Close connection');
return $stream->close;
Mojo::IOLoop->client({address => $addr, port => $port, timeout => 5} => sub {
my ($loop, $err, $foriegn_stream) = @_;
if ($err) {
my $rep = 0xff;
$rep = 3 if $err =~ m/Transport endpoint is not connected/;
$rep = 4 if $err =~ m/Can't resolve/;
$rep = 4 if $err =~ m/Can't connect/;
$rep = 5 if $err =~ m/Connection refused/;
$rep = 6 if $err =~ m/timeout/;
$stream->write(pack'C*', 5, $rep, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if ($DEBUG) {
say $err;
_debug('Send', ver => 5, rep => $rep, rsv => 0, atyp => 1, addr => '', port => 0);
_debug('Close connection');
return $stream->close;
if (!$stream->handle or !$stream->handle->connected) {
return $foriegn_stream->close;
$stream->unsubscribe(read => $stream->subscribers('read')->[-1]);
my $state = {};
io_streams($state, 1, $stream, $foriegn_stream);
io_streams($state, 0, $foriegn_stream, $stream);
my $localaddr = $foriegn_stream->handle->sockaddr;
my $localport = $foriegn_stream->handle->sockport;
my $atyp = length $localaddr > 4 ? 4 : 1;
$stream->write(pack('C*', 5, 0, 0, $atyp) . $localaddr . pack('n', $localport));
if ($DEBUG) {
my ($template, $separator) = $atyp == 1 ? ('C*', '.') : ('(H4)*', ':');
my $localaddr_str = join $separator, unpack $template, $localaddr;
_debug('Send', ver => 5, rep => 0, rsv => 0, atyp => $atyp, addr => $localaddr_str, port => $localport);
sub io_streams {
my ($state, $is_client, $stream1, $stream2) = @_;
$stream1->on('close' => sub {
undef $stream2;
$stream1->on('error' => sub {
my ($stream, $err) = @_;
undef $stream2;
$stream1->on('read' => sub {
my ($stream, $bytes) = @_;
Mojo::IOLoop->server({port => 3000} => sub {
my ($loop, $stream) = @_;
$stream->on(read => \&init_handshake);
Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;
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