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Created January 4, 2022 22:04
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-- Solution to:
This prints:
*Main> main
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array hiding(inRange)
import Data.SBV
import Data.SBV.Control
data Dir = E | NE | N | NW | W | SW | S | SE | Bad
mkSymbolicEnumeration ''Dir
type Node = (SInteger, SInteger)
type Line = [(SBool, Node)]
type Triangle = (Line, Line, Line)
dir :: Node -> Node -> SDir
dir (x, y) second = match (x+1, y) sE
$ match (x+1, y+1) sNE
$ match (x, y+1) sN
$ match (x-1, y-1) sNW
$ match (x-1, y) sW
$ match (x-1, y-1) sSW
$ match (x, y-1) sS
$ match (x+1, y-1) sSE
where match x = ite (x .== second)
lineDirection :: Line -> SDir
lineDirection [] = sBad
lineDirection [_] = sBad
lineDirection ((xv, x):(yv, y):rest) = ite (xv .&& yv) (go ((yv, y):rest)) sBad
where direction = dir x y
go [] = direction
go [_] = direction
go ((av, a):(bv, b):ns) = ite (av .&& bv) (ite (direction .== dir a b) (go ((bv, b):ns)) sBad) direction
triangle :: Triangle -> SBool
triangle (l1, l2, l3) = lst l1 .== head l2
.&& lst l2 .== head l3
.&& lst l3 .== head l1
.&& distinct [lineDirection l1, lineDirection l2, lineDirection l3, sBad]
where lst = find . reverse
find [] = error "bad find!"
find [p] = p
find (p@(x,_):rest) = ite x p (find rest)
valid :: Integer -> Triangle -> Triangle -> Triangle -> SBool
valid n t1 t2 t3 = sAll covered [(x, y) | x <- [0 .. n-1], y <- [0 .. n-1]]
where nodes = triangleNodes t1 ++ triangleNodes t2 ++ triangleNodes t3
triangleNodes (l1, l2, l3) = l1 ++ l2 ++ l3
covered (x, y) = (sTrue, (literal x, literal y)) `sElem` nodes
mkTriangle :: Integer -> Symbolic Triangle
mkTriangle n = do t <- (,,) <$> mkLine <*> mkLine <*> mkLine
constrain $ triangle t
pure t
where mkLine :: Symbolic Line
mkLine = do ns <- mapM (const mkElt) [1..n]
constrain $ goodLine (map fst ns)
pure ns
range = (0, literal (n - 1))
mkElt = do v <- sBool_
i <- sInteger_
j <- sInteger_
constrain $ inRange i range
constrain $ inRange j range
pure (v, (i, j))
goodLine (x:y:rest) = x .&& y .&& good rest
where good [] = sTrue
good (x:xs) = ite x (good xs) (sAll sNot xs)
puzzle :: Integer -> IO ()
puzzle n = runSMT $ do t1 <- mkTriangle n
t2 <- mkTriangle n
t3 <- mkTriangle n
constrain $ valid n t1 t2 t3
let check = do cs <- checkSat
case cs of
Sat -> do let a0 = array ((0, 0), (n-1, n-1)) [((i, j), 0) | i <- [0..n-1], j <- [0..n-1]]
collectLine _ arr [] = pure arr
collectLine m arr ((b, (x, y)) : rest) = do bv <- getValue b
if bv then do xv <- getValue x
yv <- getValue y
collectLine m (arr // [((xv, yv), m)]) rest
else pure arr
collectTriangle m arr (l1, l2, l3) = foldM (collectLine m) arr [l1, l2, l3]
let dispTriangle arr = do let row y = let elt x = case arr ! (x, y) of
i | 1 <= i && i <= 3 -> putStr (show i)
0 -> putStr "."
m -> putStr (show m)
in do mapM_ elt [0 .. n-1]
putStrLn ""
io $ do mapM_ row (reverse [0 .. n-1])
putStrLn ""
dispTriangle =<< collectTriangle 1 a0 t1
dispTriangle =<< collectTriangle 2 a0 t2
dispTriangle =<< collectTriangle 3 a0 t3
cs -> error $ "Solver said: " ++ show cs
query check
main :: IO ()
main = puzzle 5
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