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Created December 18, 2018 01:59
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import Data.SBV
import Data.SBV.Dynamic
import Data.SBV.Control
import Data.SBV.Internals
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
reachableCond :: SVal -> Symbolic SVal
reachableCond cond = do
st <- ask
let pc = unSBV $ getPathCondition st
return $ pc `svAnd` cond
-- A variant of ite, which returns the conditions whether we
-- can reach then/else branches explicitly
trackedIte :: SVal -> SVal -> SVal -> Symbolic (SVal, SVal, SVal)
trackedIte c t f = do tr <- reachableCond c
fr <- reachableCond (svNot c)
return (tr, fr, svIte c t f)
checkFeasible :: SVal -> Query Bool
checkFeasible c = do cs <- checkSatAssuming [SBV c]
case cs of
Unk -> error "Solver said unknown"
Unsat -> return False
Sat -> return True
example :: IO ()
example = runSMT $ do x <- sIntN 32 "x"
let i32 = KBounded True 32
y = x `svPlus` (svInteger i32 1)
-- compute the maximum of x and y, but keeping track of path conditions
(thenReachable, elseReachable, _max) <- trackedIte (x `svEqual` y) x y
query $ do tr <- checkFeasible thenReachable
fr <- checkFeasible elseReachable
io $ putStrLn $ "True branch reachable: " ++ show tr
io $ putStrLn $ "False branch reachable: " ++ show fr
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