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Last active August 22, 2024 21:23
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Meraki MR33 pinout

J5 is the Tag-Connect footprint, with ordering like this:

| O           O ----|
|    2 4 6 8 10 o   |
| o                 |
|    1 3 5 7 9  o   |
| O           O ----| J5
J5 (JTAG Tag-Connect footprint)
Pin     Location        Function        Voltage
-       J5-1            JTAG VREF       3.3
B18     J5-2            JTAG RST_N      3.3
C17     J5-3            JTAG TMS        3.3
-       J5-5            GND             -
B17     J5-6            JTAG TDI        3.3
A17     J5-7            JTAG TCK        3.3
A18     J5-10           JTAG TDO        3.3
C18     <unknown>       JTAG TRST_N     3.3

This is standard pinout for JTAG on Tag-Connect.

J13 (Factory programming connector)
Pin     Location        Function                Voltage
-       J13-1           Board power             12
AD9     J13-2           U29 I2C0 SCL            3.3
AE8     J13-4           U29 I2C0 SDA            3.3
AB24    J13-6           GPIO36/BOOT_CONFIG[3]   3.3
AB25    J13-8           GPIO37/BOOT_CONFIG[4]   3.3
AA25    J13-10          GPIO40                  3.3
P25     J13-12          GPIO67                  3.3
-       J13-13          GND                     -
AG17    J13-14          USB2_DM                 -
-       J13-15          GND                     -
AF17    J13-16          USB2_DP                 -
Y26     J13-17          GPIO41                  3.3
W24     J13-18          GPIO46                  3.3
Y27     J13-19          GPIO45                  3.3
W25     J13-20          GPIO47                  3.3

U7 (NAND Flash)
Pin     Location        Function                Voltage
U25     U7-18           GPIO55/BOOT_CONFIG[9]   3.3 //4.7k pull-down to GND
N24     U7-16           GPIO62/BOOT_CONFIG[11]  3.3 //4.7k pull-up to Vdd

SW2 (Reset switch)
Pin     Location        Function        Voltage
A16     SW2-1           CHIP_PWD_L      3.3 //10k pull-up to Vdd

U18 (CC2650 Bluetooth LE controller)
Pin     Location        Function        Voltage
H4      U18-10, J7-2    UART1 Txd       3.3
J1      U18-9, J7-3     UART1 RxD       3.3
J2      U18-22          UART1 RTS       3.3
J3      U18-8           UART1 CTS       3.3

P1 (Debug connector for U18)
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