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Save Leibinger015/799dd3c630e813b0755432bdbcbc5609 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Deutsch: Weather Mnml
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: yellow; icon-glyph: magic;
// Widget Params
// Don't edit this, those are default values for debugging (location for Cupertino).
// You need to give your locations parameters through the widget params, more info below.
//const widgetParams = JSON.parse((args.widgetParameter != null) ? args.widgetParameter : '{ "LAT" : "37.32" , "LON" : "-122.03" , "LOC_NAME" : "Cupertino, US" }')
// API KEY, you need an Open Weather API Key
// You can get one for free at: (account needed).
const API_KEY = "yourAPIkey"
// Latitude and Longitude of the location where you get the weather of.
// You can get those from the Open Weather website while searching for a city, etc.
// This values are getted from the widget parameters, the widget parameters is a JSON string that looks like this:
// { "LAT" : "<latitude>" , "LON" : "<longitude>" , "LOC_NAME" : "<name to display>" }
// This to allow multiple instances of the widget with different locations, if you will only use one instance (1 widget), you can "hardcode" the values here.
// Note: To debug the widget you need to place the values here, because when playing the script in-app the widget parameters are null (= crash).
//fake coordinate for debugging
const LAT = 52.53
const LON = 13.43
// Looking settings
// This are settings to customize the looking of the widgets, because this was made an iPhone SE (2016) screen, I can't test for bigger screens.
// So feel free to modify this to your taste.
// units : string > Defines the unit used to measure the temps, for temperatures in Fahrenheit use "imperial", "metric" for Celcius and "standard" for Kelvin (Default: "metric").
const units = "metric"
// roundedTemp : true|false > true (Displays the temps rounding the values (29.8 = 30 | 29.3 = 29).
const roundedTemp = true
// Widget Size !important.
// Since the widget works "making" an image and displaying it as the widget background, you need to specify the exact size of the widget to
// get an 1:1 display ratio, if you specify an smaller size than the widget itself it will be displayed blurry.
// You can get the size simply taking an screenshot of your widgets on the home screen and measuring them in an image-proccessing software.
// contextSize : number > Height of the widget in screen pixels, this depends on you screen size (for an 4 inch display the small widget is 282 * 282 pixels on the home screen)
const contextSize = 465
// mediumWidgetWidth : number > Width of the medium widget in pixels, this depends on you screen size (for an 4 inch display the medium widget is 584 pixels long on the home screen)
const mediumWidgetWidth = 987
// backgroundColor : Color > Background color of the widgets.
// const imageBackground = true
//const backgroundImage
const backgroundColor = new Color("#1C1C1E");
//const backgroundColor = new Color("#121212");
const accentColor = new Color("#EB6E4E", 1)
//From here proceed with caution.
//create icloud folder for store weather's icons and cache of location
let fm = FileManager.iCloud();
let cachePath = fm.joinPath(fm.documentsDirectory(), "meteoCache");
// declare variables
let widget = new ListWidget();
var today = new Date();
let weatherData;
let locationData;
let usingCachedData = false;
let drawContext = new DrawContext();
drawContext.size = new Size((config.widgetFamily == "small") ? contextSize : mediumWidgetWidth, contextSize)
drawContext.opaque = false
//get weather and location's datas from location of iphone
try {
//delete and recreate folder for not fill all memory
if(fm.fileExists(cachePath + "/location")){
fm.remove(cachePath + "/location")
fm.createDirectory(cachePath + "/location")
fm.createDirectory(cachePath + "/location")
//get data from openweather and geocode
weatherData = await new Request("" + LAT + "&lon=" + LON + "&exclude=daily,minutely,alerts&units=" + units + "&lang=de&appid=" + API_KEY).loadJSON();
fm.writeString(fm.joinPath(cachePath + "/location", "lastread"+"_"+LAT+"_"+LON), JSON.stringify(weatherData));
locationData = await new Request("" + LAT + "," + LON + "?geoit=json").loadJSON();
fm.writeString(fm.joinPath(cachePath + "/location", "lastLoc"+"_"+LAT+"_"+LON), JSON.stringify(locationData));
console.log("Offline mode")
//if it is not possibile to catch data, read cache data
await fm.downloadFileFromiCloud(fm.joinPath(cachePath + "/location", "lastread"+"_"+LAT+"_"+LON));
let raw = fm.readString(fm.joinPath(cachePath + "/location", "lastread"+"_"+LAT+"_"+LON));
weatherData = JSON.parse(raw);
await fm.downloadFileFromiCloud(fm.joinPath(cachePath + "/location", "lastLoc"+"_"+LAT+"_"+LON));
let rawLoc = fm.readString(fm.joinPath(cachePath + "/location", "lastLoc"+"_"+LAT+"_"+LON));
locationData = JSON.parse(rawLoc);
usingCachedData = true;
console.log("Error: No offline data cached")
// function to add suffix to day's number
function ordinalSuffix(input) {
if (input % 10 == 1 && input != 11) {
return input.toString() + ".";
} else if (input % 10 == 2 && input != 12) {
return input.toString() + ".";
} else if (input % 10 == 3 && input != 13) {
return input.toString() + ".";
} else {
return input.toString() + ".";
//set widget
widget.setPadding(-60, -60, 0, 0)
widget.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
//add day to widget
var days = ['Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag'];
drawContext.drawText(days[today.getDay()].toString(), new Point(30, 30));
//add month and number of the day to widget
var months = ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'];
drawContext.drawText(months[today.getMonth()].toString() + " " + ordinalSuffix(today.getDate()), new Point(30, 83));
//city name
//add name of city
drawContext.setTextColor(new Color("#EB6E4E"))
drawContext.drawText(, new Point(30, 155))
//if name of the city isn't yet ready
drawContext.setTextColor(new Color("#EB6E4E"))
drawContext.drawText("Locating...", new Point(30, 155))
//all weather data
//add image of weather condition
let image = await loadImage([0].icon)
drawContext.drawImageInRect(image, new Rect(30, 210, 150, 150))
//add degrees
drawContext.drawText(Math.round(weatherData.current.temp) + "°", new Point(225, 235))
//add degrees feels like
drawContext.drawText("Gefühlt " + Math.round(weatherData.current.feels_like) + "°", new Point(30, 380))
//if weather data isen't yet ready
drawContext.drawText("Loading...", new Point(30, 270))
//function to download weather's icon from a.animelweb
async function loadImage(imgName){
if(fm.fileExists(fm.joinPath(cachePath, imgName))){
await fm.downloadFileFromiCloud(fm.joinPath(cachePath, imgName))
return Image.fromData(Data.fromFile(fm.joinPath(cachePath, imgName)))
//let imgdata = await new Request("" + imgName + ".png").load();
let imgdata = await new Request("" + imgName + "_ico.png").load();
let img = Image.fromData(imgdata);
fm.write(fm.joinPath(cachePath, imgName), imgdata);
return img;
widget.backgroundImage = (drawContext.getImage());
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Settings for the widget:

1.) Copy and paste the code into the Scriptable iOS app.

2.) Change a few parameters in the code.

2.1.) Create a free account on for your personal API key and then insert it in the code under API_KEY.

2.2.) Latitude "LAT" and Longitude "LON", this is where your geoposition data will be.

3.) Create a new Scriptable Widget on your iPhone screen.

4.) Open the widget with a long finger press.

5.) Select EDIT WIDGET.

6.) Search for the code name at the SCRIPT item. For example: WEATHER MNML


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Einstellungen für das Widget:

1.) Kopiere und Füge den Code in die Scriptable iOS App ein.

2.) Ändere ein paar Parameter im Code.

2.1.) Erstellen Sie sich einen Gratis Account auf für deinen persönlichen API Schlüssel und füge diesen dann im Code unter API_KEY ein.

2.2.) Latitude „LAT“ und Longitude „LON“, hier kommen deine Geopositions-Daten hin.

3.) Erstelle auf deinem iPhone Bildschirm ein neues Scriptable Widget.

4.) Öffne das Widget mit einem langen Finger Druck.


6.) Suche beim Punkt SCRIPT den abgespeisten Code raus. Zum Beispiel: WEATHER MNML

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