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Last active September 24, 2018 19:59
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Swift Reflection
// The test code of Swift Reflection API:
import UIKit
public class Store {
let storesToDisk: Bool = true
public class BookmarkStore: Store {
let itemCount: Int = 10
public struct Bookmark {
enum Group {
case Tech
case News
private let store = {
return BookmarkStore()
let title: String?
let url: NSURL
let keywords: [String]
let group: Group
let aBookmark = Bookmark(title: "Appventure", url: NSURL(string: "")!, keywords: ["Swift", "iOS", "OSX"], group: .Tech)
let aMirror = Mirror(reflecting: aBookmark)
for case let (label?, value) in aMirror.children {
print (label, value)
let closure = { (a: Int) -> Int in return a * 2 }
let bMirror = Mirror(reflecting: closure)
print(Mirror(reflecting: 5).subjectType)
print(Mirror(reflecting: "test").subjectType)
print(Mirror(reflecting: NSNull()).subjectType)
let cMirror = Mirror(reflecting: aMirror)
for case let (label?, value) in cMirror.children {
print (label, value)
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