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Created January 27, 2020 02:45
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  • Save LawrenceHwang/6aa2e6663ce08532d3e6adb3defc05a6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Describe 'Unit testing the helper functions in self contained script' {
BeforeAll {
# Using AST to parse the function definitions from the self contained script.
# Then, save the script of the Pester test drive.
$FilePath = Join-Path -Path '.' -ChildPath 'ScriptWithFunction.ps1'
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($FilePath, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)
$functionDefinition = $ast.FindAll( {
param([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $AstInput)
$AstInput -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] -and
# Class methods have a FunctionDefinitionAst under them as well, but we don't want them.
($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5 -or
$AstInput.Parent -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionMemberAst])
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan -Object "`tFound [$($functionDefinition.count)] function(s)."
foreach ($function in $functionDefinition) {
$functionFilePath = Join-Path -Path 'TestDrive:' -ChildPath "$($function.Name).ps1"
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan -Object "`tExporting function to TestDrive: [$($functionFilePath)]"
$function.Extent.Text | Out-File -FilePath $functionFilePath -Encoding utf8
Context 'Testing the helper function: Get-MathSquare' {
$testCase = @(
Name = 'positive number'
Value = 4
Result = 16
Name = 'negative number'
Value = -10
Result = 100
Name = 'zero'
Value = 0
Result = 0
Name = 'one'
Value = 1
Result = 1
It 'Get-MathSquare should return expected result for [<Name>] input.' -TestCases $testCase {
param (
. TestDrive:\Get-MathPower.ps1
. TestDrive:\Get-MathSquare.ps1
Get-MathSquare -Number $Value | Should -Be $Result
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