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Happy coding

Andrei Antropov Laiff

Happy coding
  • Nicosia, Cyprus
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tomhicks / plink-plonk.js
Last active July 26, 2024 01:10
Listen to your web pages
import express from 'express';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
import App from './components/App';
import {flushServerSideRequires} from 'react-loadable';
let app = express();
let webpackStats = require('./output-webpack-stats.json');


  • This code handles any JS runtime error during rendering React components. Without this handling, once an error occurs, whole component tree is damaged and can't be used at all. With this handling, nothing will be rendered in production environment (error span in dev env.) + in production the error is logged to Sentry (if you are not using it just delete related code)
  • This is basicaly a workaround for proposed feature in React core - described in Issue: facebook/react#2461
  • Works for all variants of Component creation - React.createClass, extending React.Component and also stateless functional components.
  • To get this work, just put this snippet into your entry js file. Then it will work in whole application.
  • Also supporting React Hot Reload!
  • If you find this useful, please retweet :)


  • specify custom error renderer (global / per component, e.g. by implementing method renderOnError() in a comp
rauschma /
Last active October 6, 2023 18:30
Enum proposal

Advantages compared to using symbols as enum values:

  • Enum values are much more customizable. For example, one can have custom prototype and/or instance methods.
  • Enum values get two custom properties:
    • name provides direct access to the name of an enum value.
    • ordinal holds a number, the position of the enum value. Useful for some applications.
  • One can use instanceof to test whether a value is an element of an enum.
  • One occasionally requested feature for enums is that enum values be numbers (e.g. for flags) or strings (e.g. to compare with values in HTTP headers). That can be achieved by making those values properties of enum values. For an example, see enum Mode, below.

Static properties of enums:

Dr-Nikson / 0-redux-auth.MD
Last active October 23, 2017 17:16
This is a redux-auth concept

This gist is about token-based authentication (who you are?) with redux

Currently it for clent-side apps only. Not for universall (isomorphic) apps. Will add it soon

0. Requirements

I'm using the promise middleware to dispatch actions like this:

Dr-Nikson /
Last active August 12, 2024 10:45
Auth example (react + redux + react-router)
tappleby / 0_usage.js
Last active April 5, 2018 12:50
Experimental middleware + reducer which tracks performance of all dispatched actions in >= 1.0.0. Supports async actions which follow pattern outlined here
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { performanceMiddleware, performanceReducer, performancePrintTable } from './redux/util/performance';
import thunkMiddleware from 'redux/lib/middleware/thunk';
import promiseMiddleware from './redux/middleware/promiseMiddleware';
import * as reducers from './reducers/index';
// Util functions.
function asyncAction(promise, request, success, failure) {
return { types: [request, success, failure], promise };
vjpr /
Last active February 4, 2016 21:29 — forked from skevy/gist:8a4ffc3cfdaf5fd68739
Reduce boilerplate in Redux

Reduce boilerplate in Redux

  • Create actions similar to Flummox.
  • Generate action ids.
  • Supports actions with promises, and therefore ES7 async.
skevy / gist:8a4ffc3cfdaf5fd68739
Last active February 4, 2017 04:59
Redux with reduced boilerplate


I would recommend @acdlite's redux-actions over the methods suggested in this Gist.

The methods below can break hot-reloading and don't support Promise-based actions.

Even though 'redux-actions' still uses constants, I've come to terms with the fact that constants can be good, especially in bigger projects. You can reduce boilerplate in different places, as described in the redux docs here:

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to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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