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Last active August 12, 2024 10:29
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An implementation of anonymous sums (AKA variants) with O(1) access, without resorting to Typeable or unsafeCoerce.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, GADTs #-}
module Sum where
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(..))
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
type f ~> g = forall x. f x -> g x
-- The standard implementation.
data Sum f xs where
Here :: f x -> Sum f (x:xs)
There :: Sum f xs -> Sum f (x:xs)
-- | O(n)
hmap :: f ~> g -> Sum f xs -> Sum g xs
hmap h = \case
Here fx -> Here (h fx)
There hs -> There (hmap h hs)
class x <: xs where
-- | O(n). Assumes @x@ does not appear in @xs@ more than once. If this
-- assumption is violated and an @x@ occupies a position other than the
-- first, `match` will fail to find it.
match :: Sum f xs -> Maybe (f x)
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} x <: (x:xs) where
match = \case
Here fx -> Just fx
There _ -> Nothing
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} x <: xs => x <: (y:xs) where
match = \case
Here _ -> Nothing
There hs -> match hs
-- An alternative implementation that pulls the data out of the nested
-- structure, allowing O(1) access to speed up some operations.
data Sum f xs where
Sum :: x <: xs => f x -> Sum f xs
-- | O(1)
hmap :: f ~> g -> Sum f xs -> Sum g xs
hmap h (Sum fx) = Sum (h fx)
data Index x xs where
IZ :: Index x (x:xs)
IS :: Index x xs -> Index x (y:xs)
(===) :: Index x xs -> Index y xs -> Maybe (x :~: y)
IZ === IZ = Just Refl
IS i1 === IS i2 = i1 === i2
_ === _ = Nothing
infix 2 ===
class x <: xs where index :: Index x xs
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} x <: (x:xs) where index = IZ
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} x <: xs => x <: (y:xs) where index = IS index
-- | Still O(n) due to the need to compare the supplied and captured indices.
-- Probably slower than the other @match@.
match :: forall x xs f. x <: xs => Sum f xs -> Maybe (f x)
match (Sum (fy :: f y)) = index @x @xs === index @y @xs <&> \Refl -> fy
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