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Created October 11, 2019 10:31
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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Music (withMusic) where
#ifdef NO_SOUND
import Data.IORef
withMusic :: ((IORef Double, IORef Double) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withMusic f = do
a <- newIORef 0
b <- newIORef 0
f (a, b)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Fixed (mod')
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef)
import Data.List
import Data.StateVar (get, ($=))
import qualified Foreign as F
import qualified Sound.ALUT as AL
sampleRate :: (Num a) => a
sampleRate = 44100
withMusic :: ((IORef Double, IORef Double) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withMusic f =
AL.withProgNameAndArgs AL.runALUT $ \_progName _args -> do
tempoRef <- newIORef 0.5
pitchRef <- newIORef 0
notes <- tetrisTheme
_ <- forkIO $ do
sinks <- mapM (const AL.genObjectName) notes
forM_ (cycle notes) $
\chord -> do
pitch <- get pitchRef
tempo <- get tempoRef
forM_ (zip sinks chord) $ \(sink, note) -> do
AL.pitch sink $= realToFrac (2 ** (pitch/12))
case note of
Keep ->
return ()
Rest ->
AL.stop [sink]
Note buf -> do
AL.stop [sink]
AL.buffer sink $= Just buf [sink]
threadDelay (floor $ 400000 * tempo)
f (tempoRef, pitchRef)
data Note = Keep | Rest | Note AL.Buffer
-- Instruments
instrument :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> [IO AL.Buffer]
instrument waveform env =
let envelope = takeWhile (>0.15) $ sample $ \t -> (1-t)**env
waves = for [0..127] $ \p -> sample $ \t -> waveform (t * freq p)
in for waves $ toBuffer . map toU8 . zipWith (*) envelope
for = flip map
sample = for [0,1/sampleRate..]
freq p = 2**((p-69)/12) * 440
toU8 s = floor $ 0x1F*s + 0x7F :: F.Word8
toBuffer bytes = once $ F.withArray bytes $ \array -> do
let mem = AL.MemoryRegion array (genericLength bytes)
buf <- AL.genObjectName
AL.bufferData buf $= AL.BufferData mem AL.Mono8 sampleRate
return buf
-- Using this on the toBuffer function reduces loading time by ~25%, but
-- «unsafePerformIO» is scary. Not sure if it's worth it.
once :: IO a -> IO a
once io = unsafePerformIO $ do
state <- newIORef Nothing
return $ get state >>= \case
Nothing -> do
value <- io
state $= Just value
return value
Just x -> return x
tenuto, normal, staccato, staccatissimo :: [IO AL.Buffer]
tenuto = instrument sawtooth 1
normal = instrument square 3
staccato = instrument sawSquare 7
staccatissimo = instrument sine 10
-- Waveforms
sine, sawtooth, sawSquare, square :: Double -> Double
sine x = sin (2*pi*x)
sawtooth x = (2*x + 1) `mod'` 2 - 1
sawSquare = fromIntegral . round . sawtooth
square = signum . sawtooth
tetrisTheme :: IO [[Note]]
tetrisTheme = do -- This is really slow. I'd like it to be faster.
p1 <- part1
p2 <- part2
return $ transpose p1 ++ transpose p1 ++ transpose p2
z = 0 -- Simply to get another syntax highlight color
part inst notes =
forM notes $ \case 0 -> return Keep
(-1) -> return Rest
n -> Note <$> inst !! n
-- {{{ Just the music definition below here.
part1 = sequence
[ part normal
[ 76, z, 71, 72, 74, z, 72, 71
, 69, z, 69, 72, 76, z, 74, 72
, 71, z, z, 72, 74, z, 76, z
, 72, z, 69, z, 69, z, -1, z
, -1, 74, z, 77, 81, z, 79, 77
, 76, z, -1, 72, 76, z, 74, 72
, 71, z, 71, 72, 74, z, 76, z
, 72, z, 69, z, 69, z, -1, z
, part staccato
[ 40, 52, 40, 52, 40, 52, 40, 52
, 45, 57, 45, 57, 45, 57, 45, 57
, 44, 52, 44, 52, 40, 52, 40, 52
, 45, 57, 45, 57, 45, 57, 47, 48
, 50, 38, -1, 38, -1, 38, 45, 41
, 36, 48, -1, 48, 36, 43, -1, z
, 47, 59, -1, 59, -1, 52, -1, 56
, 45, 52, 45, 52, 45, z, -1, z
, part undefined $ replicate 64 z
part2 = sequence
[ part staccatissimo
[ 57, 64, 57, 64, 57, 64, 57, 64
, 56, 64, 56, 64, 56, 64, 56, 64
, 57, 64, 57, 64, 52, 57, 52, 57
, 56, 64, 56, 64, -1, z, z, z
, 57, 64, 57, 64, 57, 64, 57, 64
, 56, 64, 56, 64, 56, 64, 56, 64
, 57, 64, 57, 64, 57, 64, 57, 64
, 56, 64, 56, 64, -1, z, z, z
, part tenuto
[ 52, z, z, z, 48, z, z, z
, 50, z, z, z, 47, z, z, z
, 48, z, z, z, 45, z, z, z
, 44, z, z, z, 47, z, z, z
, 52, z, z, z, 48, z, z, z
, 50, z, z, z, 47, z, z, z
, 48, z, 52, z, 57, z, 57, z
, 56, z, z, z, z, z, -1, z
, part tenuto
[ 48, z, z, z, -1, z, z, z
, 47, z, z, z, -1, z, z, z
, 45, z, z, z, -1, z, z, z
, -1, z, z, z, 44, z, z, z
, 48, z, z, z, -1, z, z, z
, 47, z, z, z, -1, z, z, z
, 48, z, z, z, 52, z, z, z
, 50, z, z, z, z, z, -1, z
-- }}}
-- vim: tw=78 cc=79
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