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Created November 8, 2018 19:50
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function validateNumber(value) {
let error;
if (!/^('^\\d+$')$/i.test(value)) {
error = 'Only numbers allowed';
return error;
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Kyly commented Nov 8, 2018

  1. Why do you need ^ (start) and $ (end)?
  2. Why do you have \\d instead of \d?
  3. Why are you using parens?
  4. Why is i needed?
  5. What are possible inputs to this function?
  6. Per the specification of the RegExp.prototype.test what are valid inputs into the test function?
  7. Is there a way you could format this function without using the function keyword?
  8. Is there a way you could format this function without using a local variable?
  9. Give five inputs and the expected results for each.
  10. Write /^[0-9]*$/ in sentence form. (i.e. /foobar/i A string with the case insensitive character sequence 'foobar')

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ghost commented Nov 8, 2018

  1. To ensure that the regex check spans the whole string.
  2. copy paste error. changed it to [0-9] as this is more efficient as it doesn't allow decimal digits of a number of other character sets
  3. copy paste error
  4. it's not. i instructs it to do a case sensitive comparison and we don't need that.
  5. a string (for entries from old system) or a number: 1 '1' 1.5
  6. parameter must be a str
  7. const validateNumber = value => { let error; if (!/^[0-9]*$/.test(value)) { error = 'Only numbers allowed'; } return error; };

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Kyly commented Nov 8, 2018

If you're unsure of the type of a variable try using typeof to check.

> typeof 1.2
> typeof 1
> typeof '1'
> Number.isInteger('1')
> Number.isInteger(1)

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Kyly commented Nov 8, 2018

const assert = require('assert').strict;

const validateNumber = value => { 
    let error; 
    if (!/^[0-9]*$/.test(value)) { 
        error = 'Only numbers allowed'; 
    return error; 

try {
    assert.ok(validateNumber('1') === undefined);
    assert.ok(validateNumber('1.1') !== undefined);
    assert.ok(validateNumber(1) === undefined);
    assert.ok(validateNumber(1.1) !== undefined);
} catch(error) {


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ghost commented Nov 8, 2018

1.1 = false
'1.1' = false
'1a1' = false
1.1 = false
11 = true

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ghost commented Nov 8, 2018

/^[0-9]*$/ checks if input only consists of the numbers 0-9 appearing 0 or more times

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