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Last active November 1, 2022 02:53
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Merge multiple Excel sheets
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Program:
# This program will merge multiple sheets in an excel file.
import sys
import xlwt
from xlrd import open_workbook
def main(orig_args):
license = {}
update_license_dict('old.xlsx', license)
write_license_to_file('new.xlsx', license)
def update_license_dict(filename, license):
wb = open_workbook(filename)
for sheet in wb.sheets():
number_of_rows = sheet.nrows
for row in range(0,number_of_rows):
key = str(sheet.cell(row,0).value)
value = int(sheet.cell(row,1).value)
if key in license:
license[key] += value
def print_license(license):
count = 0
for key, value in license.iteritems() :
print key, value
count = count + 1
def write_license_to_file(filename, license):
book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
sheet1 = book.add_sheet('new sheet name')
sheet1.write(0, 0, 'License Name')
sheet1.write(0, 1, 'Scanner Count')
for count, (key, value) in enumerate(license.iteritems(), 1):
sheet1.write(count, 0, key)
sheet1.write(count, 1, value)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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