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Last active March 27, 2024 23:34
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import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client';
type IPrismaDateTimeFilter<
Prefix extends string,
Delimiter extends string = '_',
Operations extends keyof Prisma.DateTimeFilter = keyof Prisma.DateTimeFilter,
> = {
[K in `${Prefix}${Delimiter}${keyof Pick<
Extract<'equals' | 'gt' | 'gte' | 'lt' | 'lte' | 'not', Operations>
>}`]?: string;
} & {
[K in `${Prefix}${Delimiter}${keyof Pick<Prisma.IntFilter, Extract<'in' | 'notIn', Operations>>}`]?: string[];
} & {
[K in `${Prefix}`]: Prisma.DateTimeFilter;
export default IPrismaDateTimeFilter;
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