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Created April 16, 2018 20:45
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#lang racket
(require rackunit)
#| Negation Normal Form |#
;; TODO: Add biconnection for NNF transformation
(define (nnf prop)
(match prop
['(¬ ⊤) '⊥]
['(¬ ⊥) '⊤]
[(? symbol? x) x]
[`(¬ ,(? symbol? x)) `(¬ ,x)]
[`(¬ (¬ ,p)) (nnf p)]
[`(¬ (,p → ,q)) (nnf `(¬ ((¬ ,p) ∨ ,q)))]
[`(¬ (,p ∧ ,q)) (nnf `((¬ ,p) ∨ (¬ ,q)))]
[`(¬ (,p ∨ ,q)) (nnf `((¬ ,p) ∧ (¬ ,q)))]
[`(,p → ,q) (nnf `((¬ ,p) ∨ ,q))]
[`(,p ∧ ,q) `(,(nnf p) ∧ ,(nnf q))]
[`(,p ∨ ,q) `(,(nnf p) ∨ ,(nnf q))]))
(module+ test
(check-eq? (nnf 'x)
(check-equal? (nnf '(¬ a))
'(¬ a))
(check-eq? (nnf '(¬ (¬ a)))
(check-equal? (nnf '(a ∧ b))
'(a ∧ b))
(check-equal? (nnf '(a ∨ b))
'(a ∨ b))
(check-equal? (nnf '(¬ (a ∧ b)))
'((¬ a) ∨ (¬ b)))
(check-equal? (nnf '((¬ (a ∧ (¬ b))) ∧ c))
'(((¬ a) ∨ b) ∧ c))
(check-equal? (nnf '(¬ ((a ∧ b) ∧ b)))
'(((¬ a) ∨ (¬ b)) ∨ (¬ b)))
(check-equal? (nnf '(¬ (p → (¬ (p ∧ q)))))
'(p ∧ (p ∧ q)))
(check-equal? (nnf '(p → q))
'((¬ p) ∨ q))
(check-equal? (nnf '(¬ ((¬ (p ∧ q)) → (¬ r))))
'(((¬ p) ∨ (¬ q)) ∧ r))
#| Disjunctive Normal Form |#
(define (dnf/dist prop)
(match prop
[`((,p ∨ ,q) ∧ ,r) `(,(dnf/dist `(,p ∧ ,r)) ∨ ,(dnf/dist `(,q ∧ ,r)))]
[`(,p ∧ (,q ∨ ,r)) `(,(dnf/dist `(,p ∧ ,q)) ∨ ,(dnf/dist `(,p ∧ ,r)))]
[p p]))
(define dnf (compose dnf/dist nnf))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (dnf/dist '((p ∨ q) ∧ r))
'((p ∧ r) ∨ (q ∧ r)))
(check-equal? (dnf/dist '(p ∧ (q ∨ r)))
'((p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)))
(check-equal? (dnf '((Q1 ∨ (¬ (¬ Q2))) ∧ ((¬ R1) → R2)))
'(((Q1 ∧ R1) ∨ (Q1 ∧ R2)) ∨ ((Q2 ∧ R1) ∨ (Q2 ∧ R2))))
#| Conjunctive Normal Form |#
(define (cnf/dist prop)
(match prop
[`((,p ∧ ,q) ∨ ,r) `(,(cnf/dist `(,p ∨ ,r)) ∧ ,(cnf/dist `(,q ∨ ,r)))]
[`(,p ∨ (,q ∧ ,r)) `(,(cnf/dist `(,p ∨ ,q)) ∧ ,(cnf/dist `(,p ∨ ,r)))]
[p p]))
(define cnf (compose cnf/dist nnf))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (cnf '((Q1 ∧ (¬ (¬ Q2))) ∨ ((¬ R1) → R2)))
'((Q1 ∨ (R1 ∨ R2)) ∧ (Q2 ∨ (R1 ∨ R2))))
#| Validity by Semantic Augment Method |#
(struct ⊨ (formula) #:transparent)
(struct ⊭ (formula) #:transparent)
(struct And (fs) #:transparent)
(struct Or (fs) #:transparent)
(struct None () #:transparent)
(define (deduce asmp)
(match asmp
[(⊨ `(¬ ,p)) (And (list (⊭ p)))]
[(⊭ `(¬ ,p)) (And (list (⊨ p)))]
[(⊨ `(,p ∧ ,q)) (And (list (⊨ p) (⊨ q)))]
[(⊭ `(,p ∧ ,q)) (Or (list (⊭ p) (⊭ q)))]
[(⊨ `(,p ∨ ,q)) (Or (list (⊨ p) (⊨ q)))]
[(⊭ `(,p ∨ ,q)) (And (list (⊭ p) (⊭ q)))]
[(⊨ `(,p → ,q)) (Or (list (⊭ p) (⊨ q)))]
[(⊭ `(,p → ,q)) (And (list (⊨ p) (⊭ q)))]
[(⊨ `(,p ↔ ,q)) (Or (list (⊨ `(,p ∧ ,q)) (⊭ `(,p ∨ ,q))))]
[(⊭ `(,p ↔ ,q)) (Or (list (⊨ `(,p ∧ (¬ ,q))) (⊨ `((¬ ,p) ∧ ,q))))]
[p (None)]))
(define (contradict? p asmps)
(match asmps
[(list) #f]
[(list q rest ...)
(match* (p q)
[((⊨ f) (⊭ f)) #t]
[((⊭ f) (⊨ f)) #t]
[(_ _) (contradict? p rest)])]))
(define (contradict*? ps asmps)
(foldl (λ (p b) (or b (contradict? p asmps))) #f ps))
(define (valid? p)
(define asmp (⊭ p))
(define (valid/aux? worklist asmps)
;(displayln worklist)
(match worklist
[(list) #f]
[(list q rest ...)
(if (contradict? q asmps) #t
(match (deduce q)
[(And fs) (valid/aux? (append fs rest) (append fs asmps))]
[(Or fs) (foldl (λ (f b) (and b (valid/aux? (cons f rest) (cons f asmps)))) #t fs)]
[(None) (valid/aux? rest asmps)]))]))
(valid/aux? (list asmp) (list asmp)))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (deduce (⊭ '((P ∧ Q) → (P ∨ (¬ Q)))))
(And (list (⊨ '(P ∧ Q)) (⊭ '(P ∨ (¬ Q))))))
(check-equal? (deduce (⊨ '(P ∧ Q)))
(And (list (⊨ 'P) (⊨ 'Q))))
(check-equal? (deduce (⊭ '(P ∨ (¬ Q))))
(And (list (⊭ 'P) (⊭ '(¬ Q)))))
(check-equal? (deduce (⊭ '(¬ Q)))
(And (list (⊨ 'Q))))
(check-equal? (deduce (⊨ '(P ∨ Q)))
(Or (list (⊨ 'P) (⊨ 'Q))))
(check-false (contradict? (⊨ 'a) (list (⊨ 'b) (⊭ 'c))))
(check-false (contradict? (⊨ 'a) (list (⊨ 'a) (⊨ 'b) (⊭ 'd))))
(check-true (contradict? (⊨ '(p ∨ q)) (list (⊨ 'b) (⊭ '(p ∨ q)))))
(check-true (contradict? (⊭ '(a ∧ (¬ b))) (list (⊨ 'q) (⊭ 'c) (⊨ '(a ∧ (¬ b))))))
(check-true (valid? '((P ∧ Q) → (P ∨ (¬ Q)))))
(check-true (valid? '(((P → Q) ∧ (Q → R)) → (P → R))))
(check-false (valid? '(P ∧ Q)))
(check-false (valid? '(P ∨ Q)))
(check-true (valid? '(A ∨ (¬ A))))
(check-false (valid? '(((P → Q) ∨ P) ∧ (¬ Q))))
(check-true (valid? '((P → Q) ∨ (P ∧ (¬ Q)))))
(check-true (valid? '((A → B) ↔ ((¬ B) → (¬ A)))))
(check-true (valid? '((((¬ A) → B) ∧ ((¬ A) → (¬ B))) → A)))
(check-true (valid? '((¬ (A ∧ B)) ↔ ((¬ A) ∨ (¬ B)))))
(check-true (valid? '(C → C)))
(check-true (valid? '((A ∨ B) → (A ∨ B))))
(check-false (valid? '((P → (Q → R)) → ((¬ R) → ((¬ Q) → (¬ P))))))
#| Tseitin's Transformation |#
(define (subformulae f)
(set f)
(match f
[(? symbol? x) (set)]
[`(¬ ,x) (set-union (subformulae x))]
[`(,p ∧ ,q) (set-union (subformulae p) (subformulae q))]
[`(,p ∨ ,q) (set-union (subformulae p) (subformulae q))]
[`(,p → ,q) (set-union (subformulae p) (subformulae q))]
[`(,p ↔ ,q) (set-union (subformulae p) (subformulae q))])))
(define (formula->string f)
(match f
[(? symbol? x) (symbol->string x)]
[`(¬ ,x) (string-append "¬" (formula->string x))]
[`(,p ∧ ,q) (string-append "<" (formula->string p) "" (formula->string q) ">")]
[`(,p ∨ ,q) (string-append "<" (formula->string p) "" (formula->string q) ">")]
[`(,p → ,q) (string-append "<" (formula->string p) "" (formula->string q) ">")]
[`(,p ↔ ,q) (string-append "<" (formula->string p) "" (formula->string q) ">")]))
(define (rep f)
(match f
['⊤ '⊤] ['⊥ '⊥]
[(? symbol? x) x]
[else (string->symbol (string-append "ϕ" (formula->string f)))]))
(define (encode f)
(define p (rep f))
(match f
['⊤ '⊤] ['⊥ '⊥]
[(? symbol? x) '⊤]
[`(¬ ,f) `(((¬ ,p) ∨ (¬ ,(rep f))) ∧ (,p ∨ ,(rep f)))]
[`(,f1 ∧ ,f2)
`(((¬ ,p) ∨ ,(rep f1)) ∧
((¬ ,p) ∨ ,(rep f2)) ∧
((¬ ,(rep f1)) ∨ (¬ ,(rep f2)) ∨ ,p))]
[`(,f1 ∨ ,f2)
`(((¬ ,p) ∨ ,(rep f1) ∨ ,(rep f2)) ∧
((¬ ,(rep f1)) ∨ ,p) ∧
((¬ ,(rep f2)) ∨ ,p))]
[`(,f1 → ,f2)
`(((¬ ,p) ∨ (¬ ,(rep f1)) ∨ ,(rep f2)) ∧
(,(rep f1) ∨ ,p) ∧
((¬ ,(rep f2)) ∨ ,p))]
[`(,f1 ↔ ,f2)
`(((¬ ,p) ∨ (¬ ,(rep f1)) ∨ ,(rep f2)) ∧
((¬ ,p) ∨ ,(rep f1) ∨ (¬ ,(rep f2))) ∧
(,p ∨ (¬ ,(rep f1)) ∨ (¬ ,(rep f2))) ∧
(,p ∨ ,(rep f1) ∨ ,(rep f2)))]))
(define (all-but-last lst) (reverse (rest (reverse lst))))
(define (cnf/simplify f)
(match f
[`(,p ∧ ⊤) `(,p)]
[`(⊤ ∧ ,rest ...) (cnf/simplify rest)]
[`(,p ∧ ,rest ...) `(,p ∧ ,@(cnf/simplify rest))]
[else f]))
(define (tseitin f)
(define ensf (map encode (set->list (subformulae f))))
(define conj/ensf (foldr (λ (f all)
(if (list? f) `(,@f ∧ ,@all) `(,f ∧ ,@all)))
(last ensf) (all-but-last ensf)))
(cnf/simplify `(,(rep f) ∧ ,@conj/ensf)))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (subformulae '((Q1 ∧ Q2) ∨ (R1 ∧ R2)))
(set 'R1 'R2 'Q1 'Q2
'(R1 ∧ R2) '(Q1 ∧ Q2)
'((Q1 ∧ Q2) ∨ (R1 ∧ R2))))
(check-equal? (subformulae '(¬ ((¬ (p ∧ q)) → (¬ r))))
'(¬ r)
'(¬ (p ∧ q))
'((¬ (p ∧ q)) → (¬ r))
'(p ∧ q)
'(¬ ((¬ (p ∧ q)) → (¬ r)))
(check-equal? (formula->string '(((¬ Q1) ∧ Q2) ∨ (R1 ∧ (¬ R2))))
"<<¬Q1 ∧ Q2> ∨ <R1 ∧ ¬R2>>")
(check-equal? (cnf/simplify '(a ∧ b))
'(a ∧ b))
(check-equal? (cnf/simplify '(a ∧ ⊤ ∧ b ∧ ⊤))
'(a ∧ b))
(check-equal? (cnf/simplify '(a ∧ b ∧ c ∧ d ∧ ⊤))
'(a ∧ b ∧ c ∧ d))
(check-equal? (tseitin '((Q1 ∧ Q2) ∨ (R1 ∧ R2)))
'(|ϕ<<Q1 ∧ Q2> ∨ <R1 ∧ R2>>|
((¬ |ϕ<R1 ∧ R2>|) ∨ R1)
((¬ |ϕ<R1 ∧ R2>|) ∨ R2)
((¬ R1) ∨ (¬ R2) ∨ |ϕ<R1 ∧ R2>|)
((¬ |ϕ<<Q1 ∧ Q2> ∨ <R1 ∧ R2>>|) ∨ |ϕ<Q1 ∧ Q2>| ∨ |ϕ<R1 ∧ R2>|)
((¬ |ϕ<Q1 ∧ Q2>|) ∨ |ϕ<<Q1 ∧ Q2> ∨ <R1 ∧ R2>>|)
((¬ |ϕ<R1 ∧ R2>|) ∨ |ϕ<<Q1 ∧ Q2> ∨ <R1 ∧ R2>>|)
((¬ |ϕ<Q1 ∧ Q2>|) ∨ Q1)
((¬ |ϕ<Q1 ∧ Q2>|) ∨ Q2)
((¬ Q1) ∨ (¬ Q2) ∨ |ϕ<Q1 ∧ Q2>|)))
(check-equal? (subformulae '(¬ ((¬ (p ∧ q)) → (¬ r))))
(set '(¬ r) '(¬ (p ∧ q)) '((¬ (p ∧ q)) → (¬ r))
'(p ∧ q) '(¬ ((¬ (p ∧ q)) → (¬ r))) 'r 'q 'p))
(check-equal? (tseitin '(¬ ((¬ (p ∧ q)) → (¬ r))))
'(|ϕ¬<¬<p ∧ q> → ¬r>|
((¬ |ϕ¬<¬<p ∧ q> → ¬r>|) ∨ (¬ |ϕ<¬<p ∧ q> → ¬r>|))
(|ϕ¬<¬<p ∧ q> → ¬r>| ∨ |ϕ<¬<p ∧ q> → ¬r>|)
((¬ |ϕ<p ∧ q>|) ∨ p)
((¬ |ϕ<p ∧ q>|) ∨ q)
((¬ p) ∨ (¬ q) ∨ |ϕ<p ∧ q>|)
((¬ |ϕ<¬<p ∧ q> → ¬r>|) ∨ (¬ |ϕ¬<p ∧ q>|) ∨ ϕ¬r)
(|ϕ¬<p ∧ q>| ∨ |ϕ<¬<p ∧ q> → ¬r>|)
((¬ ϕ¬r) ∨ |ϕ<¬<p ∧ q> → ¬r>|)
((¬ |ϕ¬<p ∧ q>|) ∨ (¬ |ϕ<p ∧ q>|))
(|ϕ¬<p ∧ q>| ∨ |ϕ<p ∧ q>|)
((¬ ϕ¬r) ∨ (¬ r))
(ϕ¬r ∨ r)))
; (tseitin '(¬ ((¬ (p ∧ q)) → (¬ r))))
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