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William Cahill-Manley Kindari

  • San Diego, California
View GitHub Profile
anonymous / gist:9011917
Created February 14, 2014 23:43
(2:54:27 PM) Watuhboy: okay, so commands:
(2:54:42 PM) Watuhboy: 'up' 8
(2:54:52 PM) Watuhboy: 'down' 2
(2:55:03 PM) Watuhboy: 'left' 4
(2:55:11 PM) Watuhboy: 'right' 6
(2:55:25 PM) Watuhboy: 'a' 7
(2:55:30 PM) Watuhboy: 'b' 9
(2:55:34 PM) Watuhboy: 'x' 1
(2:55:40 PM) Watuhboy: 'y' 3
(2:55:50 PM) Watuhboy: 'start' -
JeffreyWay / .vimrc
Last active August 3, 2024 16:51
My .vimrc file
set nocompatible " Disable vi-compatibility
set t_Co=256
colorscheme xoria256
set guifont=menlo\ for\ powerline:h16
set guioptions-=T " Removes top toolbar
set guioptions-=r " Removes right hand scroll bar
set go-=L " Removes left hand scroll bar
set linespace=15
wildlyinaccurate / AccountControllerTest.php
Created July 9, 2012 22:00
Laravel Controller Test Case
require_once 'ControllerTestCase.php';
class AccountControllerTest extends ControllerTestCase
public function testSignupWithNoDataRedirectsAndHasErrors()
$response = $this->post('account@signup', array());
rgranadino / .gitignore
Created May 7, 2012 23:33
magento ( .gitignore
(lambda n,s,I:n.classobj('h',(),dict(__init__=(lambda M,S,P,C:M.__dict__.update(
dict(R=(S,P),H=C,O=s.socket()))),C=(lambda M:(M.O.connect(M.R),setattr(M,'D',M.O
.makefile()),setattr(M,'S',(lambda l: M.O.send('%s\r\n'%l))),M.S("NICK hue"),M.S
("USER a b c d :LOL!"),setattr(M,'R',lambda n,m: M.S('PRIVMSG %s :%s'%(n,m))),M.
P())),G = (lambda M,S:S.split(' :',1)[1] if' :'in S else ''),P=(lambda M:next(I.
dropwhile((lambda Lu:((lambda L:((lambda: M.S("PONG :%s"%M.G(L))if L.startswith(
'PING')else(lambda P,G,S:({'001':(lambda: M.S('JOIN %s'%M.H)),'PRIVMSG':(lambda:
M.HC(L[1:].split('!',1),P[2],G[1:].split(),G)if G.startswith('!')else None)}.get
(P[1],lambda: None)())if len(P)>1 else None)(L.split(),M.G(L),M.O))()))(Lu.strip
()),True)[1]),iter(M.D)),None)),HC=(lambda M,(N,H),C,P,L: {'hello':lambda:M.R(C,