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Last active July 26, 2022 21:47
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Save Kcko/d00dd3d7a35572359ca7c5899522195f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* This is the abstract factory, each factory should extend this (WebOutputTypeFactory & DataOutputTypeFactory)
abstract class AbstractOutputTypeFactory
abstract public function prettyOutput();
abstract public function uglyOutput();
* All class which represent pretty output, should extend this class
abstract class AbstractPrettyOutput
abstract public function getPrettyOutput();
* All class which represent ugly output, should extend this class
abstract class AbstractUglyOutput
abstract public function getUglyOutput();
* This is a factory which can create all types of web output objects
class WebOutputTypeFactory extends AbstractOutputTypeFactory
public function prettyOutput()
return new WebPrettyOutput();
public function uglyOutput()
return new WebUglyOutput();
* This is a factory which can create all types of data output objects
class DataOutputTypeFactory extends AbstractOutputTypeFactory
public function prettyOutput()
return new DataPrettyOutput();
public function uglyOutput()
return new DataUglyOutput();
* This class will represent pretty web output (e.g. HTML)
class WebPrettyOutput extends AbstractPrettyOutput
public function getPrettyOutput()
return '<h1>Imagine you had some really pretty web output here</h1>';
* This class will represent ugly web output (e.g. XML)
class WebUglyOutput extends AbstractUglyOutput
public function getUglyOutput()
return 'Imagine you had some really ugly web output here';
* This class will represent pretty data output (e.g. JSON)
class DataPrettyOutput extends AbstractPrettyOutput
public function getPrettyOutput()
return "{ 'text': 'Imagine you had some really pretty data output here' }";
* This class will represent ugly data output(e.g. CSV)
class DataUglyOutput extends AbstractUglyOutput
public function getUglyOutput()
return 'Imagine, you, had, some, really, ugly, CSV, output, here';
// this is used to create web outputs
$webFactory = new WebOutputTypeFactory();
$webPretty = $webFactory->prettyOutput();
echo $webPretty->getPrettyOutput(); //
// Imagine you had some really pretty web output here
$webUgly = $webFactory->uglyOutput();
echo $webUgly->getUglyOutput(); // Imagine you had some really ugly web output here
// this is used to create data outputs
$dataFactory = new DataOutputTypeFactory();
$dataPretty = $dataFactory->prettyOutput();
echo $dataPretty->getPrettyOutput(); // { 'text': 'Imagine you had some really pretty data output here' }
$dataUgly = $dataFactory->uglyOutput();
echo $dataUgly->getUglyOutput(); // Imagine, you, had, some, really, ugly, CSV, output, here
The factory pattern is a powerful design pattern in all of its forms. Some people may tell you the simple factory shouldn’t be used, generally having poor reasons not to do so. At the end of the day we just want to get things done and unless you’re working with someone extremely anal, nobody should have a problem.
The abstract factory pattern is by far the hardest to understand out of the three. It’s not always obvious when a good time to use it would be. Don’t force this, there is a huge amount of abstraction in place which is only required when building complex systems. As long as you know what an abstract factory is, sooner or later you’ll find a genuine use case.
interface WriterFactory
public function createCsvWriter(): CsvWriter;
public function createJsonWriter(): JsonWriter;
interface CsvWriter
public function write(array $line): string;
interface JsonWriter
public function write(array $data, bool $formatted): string;
class UnixCsvWriter implements CsvWriter
public function write(array $line): string
return join(',', $line) . "\n";
class WinCsvWriter implements CsvWriter
public function write(array $line): string
return join(',', $line) . "\r\n";
class UnixJsonWriter implements JsonWriter
public function write(array $data, bool $formatted): string
$options = 0;
if ($formatted) {
return json_encode($data, $options);
class WinJsonWriter implements JsonWriter
public function write(array $data, bool $formatted): string
return json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
class UnixWriterFactory implements WriterFactory
public function createCsvWriter(): CsvWriter
return new UnixCsvWriter();
public function createJsonWriter(): JsonWriter
return new UnixJsonWriter();
class WinWriterFactory implements WriterFactory
public function createCsvWriter(): CsvWriter
return new WinCsvWriter();
public function createJsonWriter(): JsonWriter
return new WinJsonWriter();
$writeFactory = new WinWriterFactory();
$writerFactory->createJsonWriter(); // or $writerFactory->createCsvWriter()
// Intefaces
interface TemplateFactory
public function createTitleTemplate(): TitleTemplate;
public function createPageTemplate(): PageTemplate;
public function getRenderer(): TemplateRenderer;
interface TitleTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string;
interface PageTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string;
interface TemplateRenderer
public function render(string $templateString, array $arguments = []): string;
// Abstracts
abstract class BasePageTemplate implements PageTemplate
protected $titleTemplate;
public function __construct(TitleTemplate $titleTemplate)
$this->titleTemplate = $titleTemplate;
// Factories
class TwigTemplateFactory implements TemplateFactory
public function createTitleTemplate(): TitleTemplate
return new TwigTitleTemplate;
public function createPageTemplate(): PageTemplate
return new TwigPageTemplate($this->createTitleTemplate());
public function getRenderer(): TemplateRenderer
return new TwigRenderer();
class PHPTemplateFactory implements TemplateFactory
public function createTitleTemplate(): TitleTemplate
return new PHPTemplateTitleTemplate;
public function createPageTemplate(): PageTemplate
return new PHPTemplatePageTemplate($this->createTitleTemplate());
public function getRenderer(): TemplateRenderer
return new PHPTemplateRenderer();
// Rest clasess see above
class TwigTitleTemplate implements TitleTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string
return "<h1>{{ title }}</h1>";
class PHPTemplateTitleTemplate implements TitleTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string
return "<h1><?= \$title; ?></h1>";
class TwigPageTemplate extends BasePageTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string
$renderedTitle = $this->titleTemplate->getTemplateString();
return <<<HTML
<div class="page">
<article class="content">{{ content }}</article>
class PHPTemplatePageTemplate extends BasePageTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string
$renderedTitle = $this->titleTemplate->getTemplateString();
return <<<HTML
<div class="page">
<article class="content"><?= \$content; ?></article>
class TwigRenderer implements TemplateRenderer
public function render(string $templateString, array $arguments = []): string
return \Twig::render($templateString, $arguments);
class PHPTemplateRenderer implements TemplateRenderer
public function render(string $templateString, array $arguments = []): string
eval(' ?>' . $templateString . '<?php ');
$result = ob_get_contents();
return $result;
* The client code. Note that it accepts the Abstract Factory class as the
* parameter, which allows the client to work with any concrete factory type.
class Page
public $title;
public $content;
public function __construct($title, $content)
$this->title = $title;
$this->content = $content;
// Here's how would you use the template further in real life. Note that the
// page class does not depend on any concrete template classes.
public function render(TemplateFactory $factory): string
$pageTemplate = $factory->createPageTemplate();
$renderer = $factory->getRenderer();
return $renderer->render($pageTemplate->getTemplateString(), [
'title' => $this->title,
'content' => $this->content
* Now, in other parts of the app, the client code can accept factory objects of
* any type.
$page = new Page('Sample page', 'This it the body.');
echo "Testing actual rendering with the PHPTemplate factory:\n";
echo $page->render(new PHPTemplateFactory);
// Uncomment the following if you have Twig installed.
// echo "Testing rendering with the Twig factory:\n"; echo $page->render(new
// TwigTemplateFactory);
* All animal should extend this abstract animal class
abstract class AnimalAbstract
protected $species;
public function getSpecies() {
return $this->species;
* used to represent a cat
class Cat extends AnimalAbstract
protected $species = 'cat';
* used to represent a dog
class Dog extends AnimalAbstract
protected $species = 'dog';
* used to represent a pig
class Pig extends AnimalAbstract
protected $species = 'pig';
* used to represent a chicken
class Chicken extends AnimalAbstract
protected $species = 'chicken';
* used to represent a zebra
class Zebra extends AnimalAbstract
protected $species = 'zebra';
* used to represent a giraffe
class Giraffe extends AnimalAbstract
protected $species = 'giraffe';
* used to represent a all factories should implement this interface
interface AnimalFactoryInterface
public static function factory($animal);
* this should be used to create all animals which are pets
class PetAnimalFactory implements AnimalFactoryInterface
public static function factory($animal)
switch ($animal) {
case 'cat':
$obj = new Cat();
case 'dog':
$obj = new Dog();
throw new Exception("Pet animal factory could not create animal of species '" . $animal . "'", 1000);
return $obj;
* this should be used to create all animals which are farm animals
class FarmAnimalFactory implements AnimalFactoryInterface
public static function factory($animal)
switch ($animal) {
case 'pig':
$obj = new Pig();
case 'chicken':
$obj = new Chicken();
throw new Exception("Farm animal factory could not create animal of species '" . $animal . "'", 1000);
return $obj;
* this should be used to create all animals which are safari animals
class SafariAnimalFactory implements AnimalFactoryInterface
public static function factory($animal)
switch ($animal) {
case 'zebra':
$obj = new Zebra();
case 'giraffe':
$obj = new Giraffe();
throw new Exception("Safari animal factory could not create animal of species '" . $animal . "'", 1000);
return $obj;
try {
$cat = PetAnimalFactory::factory('cat'); // object(Cat)#1
echo $cat->getSpecies(); // cat
$pig = FarmAnimalFactory::factory('pig'); // object(Pig)#1
echo $pig->getSpecies(); // pig
$giraffe = SafariAnimalFactory::factory('giraffe'); // object(Giraffe)#1
echo $giraffe->getSpecies(); // giraffe
$petChicken = PetAnimalFactory::factory('chicken'); // This will throw an Exception
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(); // PetAnimalFactory could not create animal of species 'chicken'
class Image {
static function create($type) {
switch ($type) {
case "gif": return new ImageGif;
default: throw new Exception("Nepodporovaný typ obrázku");
class ImageGif extends Image {
// metody specifické pro obrázky typu GIF
class MySQLDB
public function setHost($host)
// code
public function setDB($db)
// code
public function setUserName($user)
// code
public function setPassword($pwd)
// code
public function connect()
// code
class PostgreSQLDB
public function setHost($host)
// code
public function setDB($db)
// code
public function setUserName($user)
// code
public function setPassword($pwd)
// code
public function connect()
// code
class DBFactory
protected $driver = null;
public function setDriver($driver)
$this->driver = $driver;
public function makeDB($host, $user, $pass, $dbname)
if ($this->driver === 'mysql') {
$DB = new MySQLDB();
elseif ($this->driver === 'postgre') {
$DB = new PostgreSQLDB();
elseif ($this->driver === 'sqlite') {
$DB = new SQLiteDB();
return $DB;
// usage
$dbFactory = new DBFactory;
$DB = $dbFactory->makeDB("host", "db", "user", "pwd");
interface Logger
public function log(string $message);
interface LoggerFactory
public function createLogger(): Logger;
class StdoutLogger implements Logger
public function log(string $message)
echo $message;
class FileLogger implements Logger
private string $filePath;
public function __construct(string $filePath)
$this->filePath = $filePath;
public function log(string $message)
file_put_contents($this->filePath, $message . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
class StdoutLoggerFactory implements LoggerFactory
public function createLogger(): Logger
return new StdoutLogger();
class FileLoggerFactory implements LoggerFactory
private string $filePath;
public function __construct(string $filePath)
$this->filePath = $filePath;
public function createLogger(): Logger
return new FileLogger($this->filePath);
// usage
$loggerFactory = new StdoutLoggerFactory();
$logger = $loggerFactory->createLogger();
$loggerFactory = new FileLoggerFactory(sys_get_temp_dir());
$logger = $loggerFactory->createLogger();
interface SocialNetworkConnector
public function logIn(): void;
public function logOut(): void;
public function createPost($content): void;
abstract class SocialNetworkPoster
abstract public function getSocialNetwork(): SocialNetworkConnector;
public function post($content): void
// Call the factory method to create a Product object...
$network = $this->getSocialNetwork();
// ...then use it as you will.
* This Concrete Creator supports Facebook. Remember that this class also
* inherits the 'post' method from the parent class. Concrete Creators are the
* classes that the Client actually uses.
class FacebookPoster extends SocialNetworkPoster
private $login, $password;
public function __construct(string $login, string $password)
$this->login = $login;
$this->password = $password;
public function getSocialNetwork(): SocialNetworkConnector
return new FacebookConnector($this->login, $this->password);
* This Concrete Creator supports LinkedIn.
class LinkedInPoster extends SocialNetworkPoster
private $email, $password;
public function __construct(string $email, string $password)
$this->email = $email;
$this->password = $password;
public function getSocialNetwork(): SocialNetworkConnector
return new LinkedInConnector($this->email, $this->password);
* This Concrete Product implements the Facebook API.
class FacebookConnector implements SocialNetworkConnector
private $login, $password;
public function __construct(string $login, string $password)
$this->login = $login;
$this->password = $password;
public function logIn(): void
echo "Send HTTP API request to log in user $this->login with " .
"password $this->password\n";
public function logOut(): void
echo "Send HTTP API request to log out user $this->login\n";
public function createPost($content): void
echo "Send HTTP API requests to create a post in Facebook timeline.\n";
* This Concrete Product implements the LinkedIn API.
class LinkedInConnector implements SocialNetworkConnector
private $email, $password;
public function __construct(string $email, string $password)
$this->email = $email;
$this->password = $password;
public function logIn(): void
echo "Send HTTP API request to log in user $this->email with " .
"password $this->password\n";
public function logOut(): void
echo "Send HTTP API request to log out user $this->email\n";
public function createPost($content): void
echo "Send HTTP API requests to create a post in LinkedIn timeline.\n";
new FacebookPoster("john_smith", "******");
new LinkedInPoster("", "******")
1) The factory class must have a static method, this is called a factory method.
2) The factory method must return a class instance.
3) Only one object should be created and returned at a time.
* All animal should extend this abstract animal class
abstract class AnimalAbstract
protected $species;
public function getSpecies() {
return $this->species;
* used to represent a cat
class Cat extends AnimalAbstract
protected $species = 'cat';
* used to represent a dog
class Dog extends AnimalAbstract
protected $species = 'dog';
* The is the factory which creates animal objects
class AnimalFactory
public static function factory($animal)
switch ($animal) {
case 'cat':
$obj = new Cat();
case 'dog':
$obj = new Dog();
throw new Exception("Animal factory could not create animal of species '" . $animal . "'", 1000);
return $obj;
try {
$cat = AnimalFactory::factory('cat'); // object(Cat)#1
echo $cat->getSpecies(); // cat
$dog = AnimalFactory::factory('dog'); // object(Dog)#1
echo $dog->getSpecies(); // dog
$hippo = AnimalFactory::factory('hippopotamus'); // This will throw an Exception
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(); // AnimalFactory could not create animal of species 'hippopotamus'
SimpleFactory is a simple factory pattern.
It differs from the static factory because it is not static. Therefore, you can have multiple factories, differently parameterized, you can subclass it and you can mock it. It always should be preferred over a static factory!
class Bicycle
public function driveTo(string $destination)
class SimpleFactory
public function createBicycle(): Bicycle
return new Bicycle();
// usage
$factory = new SimpleFactory();
$bicycle = $factory->createBicycle();
// BAD
$student_obj = new Student();
$teacher_obj = new Teacher();
$classroom_obj = new Classroom($student_obj, $teacher_obj);
class Classroom_Factory {
public static function get_instance() {
$student_obj = new Student();
$teacher_obj = new Teacher();
return new Classroom($student_obj, $teacher_obj);
$classroom_obj = Classroom_Factory::get_instance();
imilar to the AbstractFactory, this pattern is used to create series of related or dependent objects. The difference between this and the abstract factory pattern is that the static factory pattern uses just one static method to create all types of objects it can create. It is usually named factory or build.
interface Formatter
public function format(string $input): string;
class FormatString implements Formatter
public function format(string $input): string
return $input;
class FormatNumber implements Formatter
public function format(string $input): string
return number_format((int) $input);
* Note1: Remember, static means global state which is evil because it can't be mocked for tests
* Note2: Cannot be subclassed or mock-upped or have multiple different instances.
use InvalidArgumentException;
final class StaticFactory
public static function factory(string $type): Formatter
if ($type == 'number') {
return new FormatNumber();
} elseif ($type == 'string') {
return new FormatString();
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown format given');
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