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Created September 11, 2020 17:23
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Cartesian Coordinate Pairs in the 2-Space of Naturals is a Partial Order, but not a Total Order
module Point where
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; cong; trans)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-comm; +-identityʳ)
open import Data.Product using (∃-syntax; _,_; _×_; -,_)
data _ℕ≤_ : Set where
z≤n : {n : ℕ} zero ℕ≤ n
s≤s : {m n : ℕ} m ℕ≤ n suc m ℕ≤ suc n
ℕ≤-refl : {n : ℕ} n ℕ≤ n
ℕ≤-refl {zero} = z≤n
ℕ≤-refl {suc _} = s≤s ℕ≤-refl
ℕ≤-trans : {m n p : ℕ} m ℕ≤ n n ℕ≤ p m ℕ≤ p
ℕ≤-trans z≤n _ = z≤n
ℕ≤-trans (s≤s m≤n) (s≤s n≤p) = s≤s (ℕ≤-trans m≤n n≤p)
ℕ≤-antisym : {m n : ℕ} m ℕ≤ n n ℕ≤ m m ≡ n
ℕ≤-antisym z≤n z≤n = refl
ℕ≤-antisym (s≤s m≤n) (s≤s n≤m) = cong suc (ℕ≤-antisym m≤n n≤m)
¬sucn≤n : {n : ℕ} ¬ suc n ℕ≤ n
¬sucn≤n {zero} ()
¬sucn≤n {suc n} (s≤s prf) = ¬sucn≤n {n} prf
record ℕ² : Set where
constructor [_,_]
field x y :
[,]-monoʳ-≡ : {n p q : ℕ} p ≡ q [ n , p ] ≡ [ n , q ]
[,]-monoʳ-≡ {n} = cong [ n ,_]
[,]-monoˡ-≡ : {n p q : ℕ} p ≡ q [ p , n ] ≡ [ q , n ]
[,]-monoˡ-≡ {n} = cong [_, n ]
[,]-mono-≡ : {m n p q : ℕ} m ≡ n p ≡ q [ m , p ] ≡ [ n , q ]
[,]-mono-≡ m≡n p≡q = trans ([,]-monoʳ-≡ p≡q) ([,]-monoˡ-≡ m≡n)
origin : ℕ²
origin = [ zero , zero ]
sucx : ℕ² ℕ²
sucx [ x , y ] = [ suc x , y ]
sucy : ℕ² ℕ²
sucy [ x , y ] = [ x , suc y ]
sucxy : ℕ² ℕ²
sucxy = sucx ∘ sucy
data _ℕ²≤_ : ℕ² ℕ² Set where
p≤q : {p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂ : ℕ} p₁ ℕ≤ q₁ p₂ ℕ≤ q₂ [ p₁ , p₂ ] ℕ²≤ [ q₁ , q₂ ]
ℕ²≤-refl : {p : ℕ²} p ℕ²≤ p
ℕ²≤-refl = p≤q ℕ≤-refl ℕ≤-refl
ℕ²≤-trans : {p q r : ℕ²} p ℕ²≤ q q ℕ²≤ r p ℕ²≤ r
ℕ²≤-trans (p≤q p₁≤q₁ p₂≤q₂) (p≤q q₁≤r₁ q₂≤r₂) =
p≤q (ℕ≤-trans p₁≤q₁ q₁≤r₁) (ℕ≤-trans p₂≤q₂ q₂≤r₂)
ℕ²≤-antisym : {p q : ℕ²} p ℕ²≤ q q ℕ²≤ p p ≡ q
ℕ²≤-antisym {[ p₁ , p₂ ]} {[ q₁ , q₂ ]} (p≤q p₁≤q₁ p₂≤q₂) (p≤q q₁≤p₁ q₂≤p₂) =
[,]-mono-≡ (ℕ≤-antisym p₁≤q₁ q₁≤p₁) (ℕ≤-antisym p₂≤q₂ q₂≤p₂)
axes-diverge¹ : (p : ℕ²) ¬ sucx p ℕ²≤ sucy p
axes-diverge¹ [ zero , _ ] (p≤q () _)
axes-diverge¹ [ suc _ , _ ] (p≤q sucn≤n _) = ¬sucn≤n sucn≤n
axes-diverge² : (p : ℕ²) ¬ sucy p ℕ²≤ sucx p
axes-diverge² [ _ , zero ] (p≤q _ ())
axes-diverge² [ _ , suc _ ] (p≤q _ sucn≤n) = ¬sucn≤n sucn≤n
ℕ²≤-partial : ∃[ p ](∃[ q ](¬ p ℕ²≤ q × ¬ q ℕ²≤ p))
ℕ²≤-partial = -, -, axes-diverge² origin , axes-diverge¹ origin
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