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Last active August 21, 2020 21:57
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Lawfulness of applicative implementations than compile for homogenous pair
module Two where
open import Level using (Level)
open import Function using (_∘_; id; _$_)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; cong)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning using (begin_; _≡⟨⟩_; _∎; step-≡; step-≡˘)
data Two (A : Set) : Set where
TwoOf : A A Two A
pure : {a : Set} a Two a
pure x = TwoOf x x
-- ONE (lawful)
infixl 5 _<*>¹_
_<*>¹_ : {a : Set}{b : Set} Two (a b) Two a Two b
_<*>¹_ (TwoOf f g) (TwoOf x y) = TwoOf (f x) (g y)
identity¹ : {a : Set} (v : Two a) pure id <*>¹ v ≡ v
identity¹ (TwoOf _ _) = refl
composition¹ : {a b c : Set} (u : Two (b c)) (v : Two (a b)) (w : Two a)
pure (\f g x f (g x)) <*>¹ u <*>¹ v <*>¹ w ≡ u <*>¹ (v <*>¹ w)
composition¹ (TwoOf _ _) (TwoOf _ _) (TwoOf _ _) = refl
homomorphism¹ : {a b : Set} (f : a b) (x : a)
pure f <*>¹ pure x ≡ pure (f x)
homomorphism¹ _ _ = refl
interchange¹ : {a b : Set} (u : Two (a b)) (y : a)
u <*>¹ pure y ≡ pure (_$ y) <*>¹ u
interchange¹ (TwoOf _ _) _ = refl
-- TWO (unlawful?)
infixl 5 _<*>²_
_<*>²_ : {a : Set}{b : Set} Two (a b) Two a Two b
_<*>²_ (TwoOf f g) (TwoOf x y) = TwoOf (g x) (f y)
identity² : {a : Set} (v : Two a) pure id <*>² v ≡ v
identity² (TwoOf _ _) = refl
composition² : {a b c : Set} (u : Two (b c)) (v : Two (a b)) (w : Two a)
pure (\f g x f (g x)) <*>² u <*>² v <*>² w ≡ u <*>² (v <*>² w)
composition² (TwoOf _ _) (TwoOf _ _) (TwoOf _ _) = {!!} -- looks unlawful
homomorphism² : {a b : Set} (f : a b) (x : a)
pure f <*>² pure x ≡ pure (f x)
homomorphism² _ _ = refl
interchange² : {a b : Set} (u : Two (a b)) (y : a)
u <*>² pure y ≡ pure (_$ y) <*>² u
interchange² (TwoOf _ _) _ = {!!} -- looks unlawful
-- THREE (unlawful?)
infixl 5 _<*>³_
_<*>³_ : {a : Set}{b : Set} Two (a b) Two a Two b
_<*>³_ (TwoOf f _) (TwoOf x y) = TwoOf (f x) (f y)
identity³ : {a : Set} (v : Two a) pure id <*>³ v ≡ v
identity³ (TwoOf _ _) = refl
-- FOUR (unlawful?)
infixl 5 _<*>⁴_
_<*>⁴_ : {a : Set}{b : Set} Two (a b) Two a Two b
_<*>⁴_ (TwoOf _ g) (TwoOf x y) = TwoOf (g x) (g y)
identity⁴ : {a : Set} (v : Two a) pure id <*>⁴ v ≡ v
identity⁴ (TwoOf _ _) = refl
-- ETC (unlawful?)
{- There seem to be 12 other ways to implement this that would typecheck.
-- For each of the variations above, you could:
-- 1. Only make use of x (4 more)
-- 2. Only make use of y (4 more)
-- 3. Invert the final two subexpressions (4 more)
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