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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Save KatieHoban/c6dfd3c5af0c0e550204 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GRAI Calculator
def open_file(file_name):
file_object = open(file_name, 'r', encoding = 'ISO-8859-1')
return file_object
def water_calculator(weight, activity_leveler, size):
ounces = ((weight * (2/3))+((activity_leveler/30)*12))
total_ounces = ounces*size
return total_ounces
def calorie_calculator(age, sex, activity_level, size):
if age > 3:
if 3 <= age < 8:
if sex == 'M':
print ('M')
print ("child")
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size*1400
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 1500
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 1800
elif sex == 'F':
print ('F')
print ('child')
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 1400
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 1500
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 1600
elif 8 <= age < 13:
if sex == 'M':
print ('M')
print ("big kid")
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 1800
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 2000
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 2300
elif sex == 'F':
print ('F')
print ('big kid')
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 1600
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 1800
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 2000
elif 13 <= age < 18:
if sex == 'M':
print ('M')
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 2200
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 2600
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 3000
elif sex == ('F'):
print ('F')
print ('teen')
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 1800
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 2000
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 2400
elif 18 <= age < 30:
if sex == 'M':
print ('M')
print ('young adult')
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 2400
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 2700
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 3000
elif sex == 'F':
print ('F')
print ('young adult')
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 2000
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 2100
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 2400
elif 30 <= age < 50:
if sex == 'M':
print ('M')
print ('middle aged')
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 2200
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 2500
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 2900
elif sex == 'F':
print ('F')
print ('middle aged')
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 1800
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 2000
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 2200
elif 50 < age < 150:
if sex == 'M':
print ('M')
print ('old')
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 2000
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 2300
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 2600
elif sex == 'F':
print ('F')
print ('old')
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 1600
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 1800
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 2100
print ("baby")
if activity_level == 'sedentary':
calories = size * 1000
elif activity_level == 'moderate':
calories = size * 1200
elif activity_level == 'active':
calories = size * 1400
return calories
def construct_dict(file_object):
mydict = {}
country_list = []
year_list = []
for line in file_object:
lister = line.strip().split(',')
new_list = []
country_name = lister[0]
#print (country_name)
n = 1
#print (lister)
while n < 59:
population = lister[n]
#print (population)
n += 1
except IndexError:
n += 1
if country_name == 'Country Name':
year_list = lister[3:]
#print (year_list)
country_list = country_list[3:]
#print (country_list)
return mydict
def total_population (mydict):
n = 5
year = 1960
annual_population = 0
year_dict = {}
for key in mydict:
if key == "World":
lister = []
for i in mydict[key]:
while n < 59:
annual_population = int(lister[n])
year_dict[year] = annual_population
#print (year, annual_population)
year += 1
n += 1
except IndexError:
#print ("error")
n += 1
except ValueError:
#print ("error")
n += 1
return year_dict
def year_population (year_dict, year):
mini_dict = {}
for key in year_dict:
if key == year:
#print (year, year_dict[key])
mini_dict[year] = year_dict[key]
return mini_dict
def country_population (mydict, year, country):
n = year - 1955
population = 0
for key in mydict:
if key == country:
population = mydict[key][n]
mini_dict = {}
country_year = ""
country_year = country + ", " + str(year)
#print (country_year)
#print (country, year, population)
mini_dict[country_year] = population
return mini_dict
def run_calculator():
sex = input("Enter sex, M or F:")
age = int(input("Enter age:"))
weight = int(input("Please enter your weight:"))
activity_level = input("Enter activity level (sedentary, moderate, or active:)")
activity_leveler = int(input("Please enter how many minutes a day you work out:"))
size = int(input("Enter size of population:"))
water = water_calculator(weight, activity_leveler, size)
food = calorie_calculator(age, sex, activity_level, size)
print ("{} ounces of water and {} calories".format(str(water), food))
def print_entry(dicter):
for key in dicter:
print (key, dicter[key])
def main():
print ("Type 'manual' to manually input calculator values.")
print ("Type 'world' to view population over time.")
print ("Type 'year' to view population for a specific year")
print ("Type 'country' to view population for a specific year in a specific country.")
print ("Type 'world calculator' to calculate food and water needs worldwide over time.")
print ("Type 'year calculator' to calculate food and water needs for a specific year.")
print ("Type 'country calculator' to calculate food and water needs for a specific year in a specific country.'")
print ("Type 'q' to quit.")
continuity = input ("Please enter text:")
file = open_file('sp.pop.totl_Indicator_en_csv_v2.csv')
mydict = construct_dict(file)
year_dict = total_population (mydict)
while continuity != "q":
if continuity == "manual":
elif continuity == "world":
elif continuity == "year":
year = int(input("Please enter a year: "))
mini_year = year_population (year_dict, year)
elif continuity == "country":
year = int(input("Please enter a year: "))
country = input ("Please enter a country: ")
mini_pop = country_population (mydict, year, country)
print ("This feature is still under development.")
print ("Type 'manual' to manually input calculator values.")
print ("Type 'world' to view population over time.")
print ("Type 'year' to view population for a specific year")
print ("Type 'country' to view population for a specific year in a specific country.")
print ("Type 'world calculator' to calculate food and water needs worldwide over time.")
print ("Type 'year calculator' to calculate food and water needs for a specific year.")
print ("Type 'country calculator' to calculate food and water needs for a specific year in a specific country.'")
print ("Type 'q' to quit.")
continuity = input ("Please enter text:")
if continuity == "stats":
year_dict = total_population (mydict)
mini_year = year_population (year_dict, 1965)
mini_pop = country_population (mydict, 1965, 'Afghanistan')
continuity = input ("Press enter to continue: ")
##def print_entry(db, state, county):
## for key in db:
## if db[key][0]== state:
## if db[key][1]== county:
## #print (key)#('{}{}'.format(i[0],i[1]))
## lister = []
## for i in db[key]:
## lister.append(i)
## #print (i)
## #print(lister)
## print ("County with the smallest population: ")
## print ("State name = {}".format(lister[0]))
## print ("County name = {}".format(lister[1]))
## print ("PopEst = {}".format(lister[2]))
## print ("Births = {}".format(lister[3]))
## print ("NetMigr = {}".format(lister[4]))
##def print_stats(db):
## min = 1000000000000000
## max = 0
## count = 0
## total = 0
## for i in db:
## try:
## j = int(db[i][2])
## if j < min:
## min = j
## min_state = db[i][0]
## min_county = db[i][1]
## min_pop = db[i][2]
## min_births = db[i][3]
## min_mig = db[i][4]
## if j > max:
## max = j
## max_state = db[i][0]
## max_county = db[i][1]
## max_pop = db[i][2]
## max_births = db[i][3]
## max_mig = db[i][4]
## count += 1
## total += j
## except:
## continue
## print ("County with the largest population: ")
## print ("State name = {}".format(max_state))
## print ("County name = {}".format(max_county))
## print ("PopEst = {}".format(max_pop))
## print ("Births = {}".format(max_births))
## print ("NetMigr = {}".format(max_mig))
## print ("County with the smallest population: ")
## print ("State name = {}".format(min_state))
## print ("County name = {}".format(min_county))
## print ("PopEst = {}".format(min_pop))
## print ("Births = {}".format(min_births))
## print ("NetMigr = {}".format(min_mig))
##def main():
## db = open_file()
## #print_dict(db)
## print_stats(db)
## state = 'la'
## county = 'la'
## while state != 'q' and county != 'q':
## state = input("Please enter state, enter q to quit: ")
## if state == 'q':
## break
## county = input("Please enter county, enter q to quit: ")
## print_entry(db, state, county)
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