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Created April 4, 2018 16:14
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Skill Test of IRC Skill for @merspieler

IRC skill

  • Platform: Mark 1 running 18.2.3b software
  • Who: Kathy Reid (@kathyreid / @kathy-mycroft)
  • Datestamp Thursday 5 April 01:52:24 AEST 2018
  • Language and dialect of tester English native speaker, Australian accent

How to install Skill

To install just say Hey Mycroft, install irc skill Verbal installation worked, Skill installed Verified by dir listing

pi@mark_1:~/skills/irc-skill $ ls -las
total 112
 4 drwxr-xr-x  5 mycroft mycroft  4096 Apr  4 15:49 .
 4 drwxrwxrwx 41 mycroft mycroft  4096 Apr  4 15:53 ..
 4 -rw-r--r--  1 mycroft mycroft  1095 Apr  4 15:48
 4 drwxr-xr-x  3 mycroft mycroft  4096 Apr  4 15:48 dialog
 4 drwxr-xr-x  8 mycroft mycroft  4096 Apr  4 15:48 .git
 4 -rw-r--r--  1 mycroft mycroft    78 Apr  4 15:48 .gitignore
16 -rw-r--r--  1 mycroft mycroft 12635 Apr  4 15:48
16 -rw-r--r--  1 mycroft mycroft 12955 Apr  4 15:49 __init__.pyc
36 -rw-r--r--  1 mycroft mycroft 35147 Apr  4 15:48 LICENSE
 4 -rw-r--r--  1 mycroft mycroft  2016 Apr  4 15:48
 4 -rw-r--r--  1 mycroft mycroft     8 Apr  4 15:48 requirements.txt
 4 -rw-r--r--  1 mycroft mycroft   337 Apr  4 15:49 settings.json
 4 -rw-r--r--  1 mycroft mycroft  2828 Apr  4 15:48
 4 drwxr-xr-x  3 mycroft mycroft  4096 Apr  4 15:48 vocab

Steps to test the Skill

Note that sometimes mycroft might not understand you correct. Please check that before you open an issue

Note that the default server is which connects to the freenode network. The default channel is #mycroft

  1. Connect to a server:
    • Say connect to irc
    • If this is the first time you run this skill, the skill will ask you for username. Choose a short, if possible one word, user name.
    • The skill response with Connecting and with Connected as soon as a connection is established.

SKILL WORKED AS INTENDED, username changed to kathy SUGGESTION: If the client is already connected is there an error message? I think I might have tried to connect and already been connected.

  1. Join a channel:
    • Say join irc channel
    • The skill responses with Joining and with Channel <channel> joined as soon as the join was successfull (the check isn't 100% complete yet) where <channel> should be mycroftright now.

joined OK, but it appears the username kathy wasn't saved:

[01:57] == dummy|m [~dummy|] has joined #mycroft
[02:00] == dummy|m [~dummy|] has quit [Client Quit]

That's my IP address - it seems to have made up a username

  1. Sending and reciving messages:
    • Connect with a different irc client to the network or use this link to open one in your browser. CONNECTED at
  • After joining it seems to disconnect; I can't seem to re-join

    • Say send irc message (For me, mycroft has problems to understand the send word correctly)
    • The skill will ask you for a message. You can simply say Hi to the people in the channel.
    • In your client/browser, check if the message appears.
    • Write an aswer in your client/browser.
    • The skill should response with <user> has writtent in mycroft: <your text> where <user> is the username in your client and <your text> is what you've typed in your client.

Could not get Skill to send a message. I would ask for a message after the send irc message Intent, but not do anything after that. Could not test the response for an answer ...

  1. Disconnect:
    • Say Disconnect from irc server
    • The skill should response with Disconnecting and Disconnected.

Skill responded with Disconnecting but not Disconnected

You know now the basics of how to use this skill. Play with it a bit around (settings can't be changed by voice yet) or just have fun chatting with your mycroft mates in #mycroft on freenode.

If you encounter any issue please try to reproduce with debug mode enabled.
Debug mode can be turned on by saying enable irc debug.

Note This will make the skill almost unuseable via voice (the client will spam you with information). Please use the console instead.

To exit debug mode say disable irc debug

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