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Can't stop, won't stop

Karbon Dallas KarbonDallas

Can't stop, won't stop
  • Cascadia Bioregion
  • 13:33 (UTC -07:00)
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KarbonDallas / gist:d9723ea71be3c78c56d0b21150dbb20a
Last active August 17, 2016 23:53
#digitalocean is a welcoming place!
[12:43:03] <Guest48> ok cool, and do you guys get mad if I need help setting up znc on vps ??
[12:47:46] <Woet> Guest48: who is "you guys"?
[12:47:57] <Guest48> people using this channel
[12:48:10] <Woet> no, we do not get mad when people ask for help
[12:48:12] <rascul> what about the gals? do you not care if they get mad?
[12:48:26] <Woet> else daoenix wouldn't be here
[12:48:30] <Woet> he asks us for help with all the tickets he does
[12:48:41] <rascul> help me linux
[12:48:47] <rascul> how do i install facebook on my droplet?
[12:48:54] <gparent> apt-get install facebook you fucking retard (freenode)
12:36 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with spidervex
12:37 <emilyrose> hey, I just wanted to reach out to you so you know that I'm available to chat if you'd like to talk about being
unbanned in #node.js
12:38 <spidervex> Talk about getting unbanned? I'd rather talk about why i was banned
12:39 <emilyrose> well, same conversation really :)
12:39 <emilyrose> if you're not sure what resulted in a ban
12:39 <emilyrose> here it is:
12:39 <emilyrose> 12:18 < spidervex> Oh no. Progressives and their PC culture are now in my tech chatrooms.
12:40 <spidervex> Did that break some rule or something?
KarbonDallas / gist:46e6bbf44e29bb06024a
Created January 14, 2016 02:19
How to be a jerk on IRC (freenode)
20:58 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with aniasis
20:58 <emilyrose> hey
20:58 <emilyrose> do you have a minute to chat?
20:59 <emilyrose> I have a concern I'd like to discuss with you
21:00 <aniasis> ??
21:02 <emilyrose> I was noticing that you were using language that could come across as unnecessarily abrasive
21:02 <aniasis> what language?
21:02 <emilyrose> I was wondering if you'd had the chance to review the CoC for the channel
21:03 <aniasis> what language?
nexxy ⭐️ Spark-of-Madness ~/Particle/device-setup (master☁️ )
📖 💫 npm install -g particle-cli 🌜 19/10/15 🕥 20:04:39 🌛
> serialport@2.0.1 install /usr/local/lib/node_modules/particle-cli/node_modules/serialport
> node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
(node) child_process: options.customFds option is deprecated. Use options.stdio instead.
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
../src/serialport_unix.cpp:695:20: warning: comparison of array 'device.locationId' not equal to a
KarbonDallas / npm-error.log
Created September 22, 2015 21:21
Particle CLI Error with Node 4.x
Mac-Pro:~ anonymous$ npm install -g particle-cli
npm WARN engine particle-cli@1.8.3: wanted: {"node":"0.10 - 0.12"} (current: {"node":"4.1.0","npm":"2.14.3"})
> serialport@1.7.4 install /usr/local/lib/node_modules/particle-cli/node_modules/serialport
> node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
CXX(target) Release/
In file included from ../src/serialport.cpp:3:
In file included from ../src/serialport.h:5:
../node_modules/nan/nan.h:261:25: error: redefinition of '_NanEnsureLocal'
KarbonDallas / gist:c13b32b56688fb9a9ebf
Created May 28, 2015 03:34
Counter-trolling exercise with Daniel Amaya (freenode)
23:14 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with damaya_
23:14 <emilyrose> can I help you?
23:15 <emilyrose> 23:14 damaya_ [] requested CTCP
VERSION from emilyrose:
23:15 <damaya_> feel ashamed of yourself
23:15 <damaya_> amazed you use irsii
23:15 <emilyrose> I do
23:15 <emilyrose> every single day
23:15 <emilyrose> now what?
KarbonDallas / gist:b6f6380e3cec3d633bce
Created April 20, 2015 22:08
awkward and uncomfortable
18:02 < Guest80017> ok, i have to go to /b before i become to unintelligent for this channel
18:03 < Guest80017> respect to js devs everywhere!
18:03 < Guest80017> emilyrose: good night sweet lips
18:03 < Guest80017> harbhub: she does have a nice vocabulary
18:04 < emilyrose> Guest80017: it makes me uncomfortable when you make comments like that
18:04 < emilyrose> Guest80017: plese stop
18:04 < emilyrose> please*
18:04 -!- Guest80017 [] has left ##javascript []
18:04 < ScottMichaud> And they did o.o
18:05 < emilyrose> for now
KarbonDallas / gist:468eebf82251d86bf771
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
buu defends the right to offend, worries about the slippery slope of a compassionate community (freenode)
18:59 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with buu
18:59 <emilyrose> who do I speak to about being added to the access list for ##javascript?
18:59 <emilyrose> is that still you? :P
18:59 <buu> uh
18:59 <buu> Technically yes
18:59 <emilyrose> cool
18:59 <emilyrose> I'd like the ability to moderate the channel
19:00 <emilyrose> there are far too many trolls that seem to go unchecked
19:00 <emilyrose> and I have several years of experience
KarbonDallas / 1) node.js.log
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
mdev decides to make it their personal mission to discuss my name on #node.js
15:21 < mdev> that nick of yours :(
15:21 < mdev> I heard audio tapes of her, incredibly disturbing and sad
15:21 <@emilyrose> mdev: what?
15:22 < mdev> of emily rose
15:22 <@emilyrose> not me
15:22 <@emilyrose> this isn't a 'nickname', it's my real name
15:23 < mdev> she was a woman that was possessed and starved herself to death, defecated everywhere,
and who ultimately died, there's real life audio of her online, is very disturbing,
doesn't sound like a woman at all...there's been movies made about her
15:24 <@emilyrose> mdev: you're making me uncomfortable right now

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