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Created July 30, 2019 09:48
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const async = require('async');
const pg = require('pg')
// QueryConnect: (QuerySource, Callback) -> Connection
// QueryDisconnect: Connection -> Connection
// getSmartQuery : (QueryConnect, QueryDisconnect, QuerySource) -> SmartQuery
function getSmartQuery(connect, disconnect, querySource) {
let conn = null;
function connectClient(query, _connectClient) {
connect(querySource, function _handleConnect(error, _conn) {
if (!error) conn = _conn;
_connectClient(error, query);
function runWithContext(runner, query, cb) {
runner(conn, query, cb);
// QueryRunner: (Connection, Query || [Query], Callback) -> Query || [Query]
// SmartQuery : (QueryRunner, Boolean, Query || [Query], Callback) -> QueryResult
return function smartQuery(queryRunner, shouldDisconnect, query, cb) {
const runQueryWithContext = async.apply(runWithContext, queryRunner);
const runSmartQuery = conn ? runQueryWithContext : async.seq(connectClient, runQueryWithContext);
runSmartQuery(query, function _queryRunner(error, result) {
if (shouldDisconnect) {
conn = null;
cb(error, result);
This allows you to run multiple queries in an asynchronous pipeline without caring about handling the connection.
It stablishes the connection lazily, only once you run it for the first time. And closes it when you call it
with shouldDisconnect=true, after you are done with all the queries.
Example using the Async library and postgres:
const dbString = 'CONNECTIONSTRING';
const pgPool = new pg.Pool({ connectionString: dbString });
// at this point we still haven't connected
const smartQuery = getSmartQuery(connectToPostgres, disconnectFromPostgre, pgPool);
function connectToPostgres(pool, cb) {
pool.connect(function _handleConnect(error, client, release) {
cb(error, {client, release});
function disconnectFromPostgres(conn) {
return conn;
function runSimpleQuery(conn, query, cb) {
conn.client.query(query, cb);
function runQueries(conn, queries, cb) {
asyncNode.eachLimit(queries, 50, conn.client.query.bind(conn.client), function runQuery(error) {
cb(error, queries);
function getData(selectQuery, cb) {
// since we pass 'false', it won't disconnect after this
smartQuery(runSimpleQuery, false, selectQuery, cb);
function inserData(data, cb) {
const insertQueries = => ({
text: 'INSERT INSERT INTO table2 VALUES('$1', $2)',
values: [, row.surname]
// since we pass 'true', it will disconnect after running queries
smartQuery(runQueries, true, insertQueries, cb);
const syncDataFrom = asyncNode.seq(
getData, // the connection will be stablished before the first query
inserData // the connection will be closed after this
syncDataFrom('select name, surname from table1');
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