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Last active January 22, 2024 17:58
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Visualisation will be hosted on the internet. The data also needs to come from internet to maintain the continuity. These files are used in multiple projects.

We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
0,Im-a-high-school-student-and-Im-interested-in-AI-Where-do-I-start-looking-into-it,"Start by learning to program and problem solving using computer languages.
AI is, what you call a self programming program. You give the AI program the data, it will comes out with its own model program to solve the problem.
If that is correct then, you as a human first need to know how to program, and check whether AI has programmed itself correctly. If you find an error in AI behaviour, then you jump in and correct the relevant code.
Learn problem solving by posting your code to online judges. I have written about it in another question. Search for it, you will get some good idea.
Language easiest to pickup currently are, Python, R and recently Julia is becoming popular. Once you master one language then think about C++
have good time learnin.",Im a high school student and Im interested in AI Where do I start looking into it?,Start by learning to program and problem solving using computer
1,How-can-learning-to-program-make-a-difference-in-your-life,"Try coding one simplest program on a competitive programming platform like DMOJ. You will understand how life changing it can be. You will know everything about the logic, the syntax will be correct, the code you have typed will be prefect and yet two or three test cases fail.
Hours together is spent to not solve the problem but to learn the problem and take care of every mode of failure that you program can undergo. When you spend that muh time and get the solution correct, means the solution will for sure work in real world. That is how real world excellent programs are written. Excellent programmers can become good leaders, solely for their logical thinking and their thoroughness.
Many who intuitively solve the problem think such level of detail is unwanted. when their solution fails in real world they blame the nature or others.Seldom do they hold themselves responsible. They loose their credibility, get demoted and even loose their jobs.
I have been one of those intuitive thinkers. Now with training in programming I realise how important is Logic along with knowledge about the world and the subject. In fact the subject knowledge is useful to test the program than actually programming. Only the expert can come up with extremely rare test cases because he experienced it. But by persevering with the problem, the programmer can imagine test cases that might create problem and work for the same much before the problem happens.
We are programming in real life at many places. At our work, in our kitchen, with our family and friends. Most of the time we struggle because we missed one important point that comes and haunts us back. With programming, you will force yourself to slowdown. Think through the problem inside out. Those who think logically in these these places will progress faster and more easily.
There are downsides too but they are not logically valid downsides. Like overthinking, laziness and unwanted negative biases. These are there whether you one thinks through the problem or not. Problem solving is more profitable than thinking that solving the problem might lead to new problems. (You see illogic in our biases and negative thinking)
When you ask the question, whether it is Logical? Then your brain automatically compartmentalises the problems that you have and the problem you are working on. Have a great time gaining problem solving skills.",How can learning to program make a difference in your life?,Try coding one simplest program on a competitive programming platform
2,Why-is-Google-s-YouTube-increasing-a-number-of-ads-shown-per-each-video-and-what-is-your-opinion,"The services provided are slowly trending towards a business model were people don't need to pay. Youtube, Facebook and Amazon are the pioneers. How the service provider will earn and get cash? He resorts to giving away the data, and providing ads. Even OTT providers are thinking about streaming ads.
What if one does not want to watch ads??
Then download the videos of youtube using the python API called Pytube. You can use Kaggle platform to run python scripts and get the youtube files. All it takes is 5 lines of code in you notepad and connection to internet.
In case of pytube, you can download the audio and video seperately. There is lot of information that you can learn from youtube videos thru that library. Ranging from the number of videos the challel has, the views, likes, the author detail. Really a information treasure.
Solution is one of the three
Think how you can contribute to the community. Whether, Youtube or any other service. That is a major recuirement. New ideas are necessary to move the soceity to the next level of development.
Have a great time.",Why is Google s YouTube increasing a number of ads shown per each video and what is your opinion?,The services provided are slowly trending towards a business model
3,How-much-mathematics-is-enough-to-start-learning-how-machine-learning-algorithms-work,"ML algorithms are conceptually simple, and their underlying math and logic requires higher secondary level math training. Math in ML is not that difficult, and there is no fixed quantity of math that needs to be mastered. Lets take the basic ML algorithm, Linear Regression.
The model created by regression algorithm will be like below equation. Only 2 dimensions are considered. In ML, this dimension goes in range of 10s to even 100s. The idea will remain same. The equation itself can be shown using Python’s Sympy library.
Now for what value of ‘x’ the above model(equation) will have minimum output?
Sympy library can help to plot the graph for us visualise
We can see the there is local minimum values and a global minimum value. One of the algorithm to find these values is Gradient Descent. Linear regression uses gradient descent algorithm to find the value of X so that the loss is minimum. It is called “minimizing the loss”.
Example of visualisation in 3D space. The equation to generate this curve is simple.
Much of the ML and AI models do this “Loss Reduction” at various levels of complexity, in multiple dimensions.. GD algorithm is explained in school level Algebra. You can even implement that in python in simple way once you understand the steps required. This level of math is pre-requisite to those interested in Machine Learning.
Why am I telling this?
When you go into uncharted territory, you better know to use the tools at your disposal. Know them inside out. Math is Swiss Army knife in the forest of AI and ML. Knife is sharp and looks dangerous however we have to learn by using it.
First we cut soft fruits like mango and apple, then move to more hard fruits like water melon and even coconut.
Same way, we have to learn the Math through the visualisation, and theory to effectively master ML and its algorithm. Let the higher levels of Math be abstracted by the scientists, but at the usage level Math needs to be learnt.
Back to GD. Gradient descent algorithm finds the global minimum of the loss function. In order to use ML, we don’t need to know how GD algorithm is implement. The ML libraries abstract that and give us an interface or API to get solution. When the solution is calculated the math knowledge can support in checking if the solution makes sense.
If there is any doubt whether Math can be mastered, then start with simple problems and solve them. There is Project Euler, a platform where you can attempt simple to very complex math problems. There are many online competitive programming judges that provide you challenges and you can write program. The online testing platform will help to check your code.",How much mathematics is enough to start learning how machine learning algorithms work?,"ML algorithms are conceptually simple, and their underlying math and"
4,How-can-I-learn-problem-solving-techniques-for-programming,"This secret is not even considered as a secret by best problem solvers in this world. To us, who are newly entering the world of problem solving, software engineering and coding this secret is vey very important.
The Secret
One has to read a lot of solutions to many different problems. (Read on, before you decide to use this strategy)
Lets take the world’s top coder, and how he would have started solving problems at very young age. Whatever his level of genius might be, he has to still look at the answer to know whether he solved the problem correctly. This means, the top coders started reading the solutions, AFTER SOLVING THE PROBLEMS themselves before long time. Here is a ROAD MAP one such Genius coder’s evolution.
Zero Problems Solved:
Our yet to be Genius coder lets call him Top Coder, is last in the line thinking about climbing the ladder of problem solving, competitive programming. The usual process is to take different courses like Data Structures, Programming Language and even problem solving before the first problem is solved. This is fine for learning the programming language at the surface level. Top coder aces it within 2 weeks, by practicing the simple problems provided by the introductory book on the programming language.
50 Problems Solved:
The process continues, top coder solves the problems. No choice. But as a noob, it is very important he practices with simplest problems, and gain confidence. Once he starts gaining confidence more challenging problems are taken up. This is where most of the would be TOP CODERS drop off. Our Top Coder is not one of these dropouts. He regularly bunks work or school to solve the problems. Even at school / work he is thinking about the problem. He has the list of problems he wants to solve with him always… That is his level of determination…
51st problem being attempted
The problem chosen can be very high in complexity or it might need new concept that a layman cannot find out through trial error. When this happens, our Top Coder as beginner looks at the solution and learns from it. He then searches for similar problems, and applies the learning with slight variations.
He learns to come up with good test cases and starts sharpening his solutions so all the test cases are passing. Modular programming becomes his mantra. The notepads are filled up, and new refill pens are purchased. The next couple of problems might be partially solved, and other problems can be a road block and doesn’t allow him to progress. He pushes on forward and onwards
75 Solutions read : 60 problems solved:
This is the situation where learning curve of Top Coder is becoming steeper. Brain which is untrained till date, gets chance to make some new connections. The problems solved increases at slower rate. Top coder has already finished 3 books on various problem solving techniques, and another 6 or 8 is left. The time he spends on solving the problems increases from 30 ~ 60 mins to 3 hours. The days start flying without any break or his knowledge.
150 solutions read : 100 problems solved: (Re Solve with different Programming Language)
That is a milestone in Top Coder journey of becoming The Problem Solver. He has solved 100 problems all by himself, and he has read additional 50 problem’s solution. Now he “Re - Solves” some random problems that he had read the solutions in the past, as well as those problems that he solved himself. The top coder does this by learning a different programming language and hones his skills. He gets 2 things done with one activity. Efficient
150 Problems solved : Algorithm design & Efficiencies:
Over 250 to 300 solutions has been read and understood. Many of the notes taken is safely tucked in his repo or some note keeping software. Notes are ready for him to search. Now the problems are complex enough that multiple problems needs to be solved in certain sequence to achieve the results. More like chaining. This is when the design of new algorithms comes in. Efficiency in programming is the time taken by the program to run. The pros call it Big O notation. Top Coder learns about it at this stage, and even find algorithms that have better efficiencies.
Intermediate and Beyond:
More than 450 problems, read, understood and solved. Our Top Coder is at the intermediate levels. More like getting “Blue Belt” in Karate terms. Black Belt needs more training, additional practice and lot more involvement in finding solutions. Here on there will be NO READING THE SOLUTION AT ANY COST. This constraint will push the limits of Top Coder’s capabilities. He understands himself, and starts solving problems in his own style.
500 to 600 Problems solved:
Let us imagine for a moment you are that Top Coder, and you are at this stage. How will you feel? What will be your confidence level. What kind of challenges you might take up next? This has to be the goal of the Top Problem solver. It is a journey that has end only when your consciousness stops to exist. Enjoy every step of the journey. See you on the other side.",How can I learn problem solving techniques for programming?,This secret is not even considered as a secret by
5,How-is-web-crawling-used-in-data-science-1,"This is where it starts.
Data Science starts with Data, and that data comes from the web. On web there are many services,online platforms, social networks and companies that bring people together. These people generate data by interacting, and creating.
The Science and Target area
Data science is science of these interactions, and the modeling of them to predict the future. This is where web crawling comes into picture. There are established algorithms that can be used to crawl the web and get the links of interest. After that the page under the link needs to be soraped. We will simply try to get the links of our interests by first targetting a site or domain.
Scraping and parsing
To scrape, the most common libraries ar Selenium, Beautiful soup, Requests and PhantomJS. There are specific parsers neceseeary to get the data in the form the next libraries can use. Notable parsers are, libxml, htmlparsers.
Traversing the Tree
The webpage is a tree with data at the leaf. The page has many tags and these tags have attributes. Xpath is preferred framework to traverse this tree and get the data. The browsers offer this xpath traversing option in the settings. Selenium, and BS support Xpath.
Storing the data
Dataset and SQLite library are very useful when it comes to storing the data to sql databases. The data is stored datatbase files, so they can serialized and stored on harddisks.
Doing Science
We have the data. After that, we can use libraries like Pandas and Numpy to clean the data for modeling. The science and analysis starts earlier as explained above.
Each step has its own problems, libraries that solve it and unique skillset. Skill that is required at all steps is imagination , and problem solving. If these two are mastered, then programming languages and its libraries will take care of the rest",How is web crawling used in data science 1?,"This is where it starts.
Data Science starts with Data, and"
6,Can-I-become-an-AI-expert-with-online-learning,"Yes, you can become an expert at AI if you “learn” the following, irrespective of Online or Offline.
As you see, there is no AI involved to become in expert in AI. AI is a discipline that has been rapidly spreading because it is easy to get hold of data and computing power. Lets take a problem.
The above image is simplest image recognition problem. You give this image to a AI model and ask whether the line is going up or going down? AI model can be trained in such a way to find the line is first going down, and then up.
Let me share the points used in plotting the above curve (0,5), (1,1), (0,2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (5, 5), (10,6)…
How will humans be able find whether the above points are going up / going down / going up and then down or the going down and then up?
Human has no figure, only the set of points. Think for a moment If you want computer to solve, then we should solve first, and the write a program to instruct computer on the solving process.
In order to become expert in AI and not just be one in a million, you need to really understand how the computer works with the data, mathematics, and problem solving. Unlike what many of the online classes are (Andrew Ng’s Youtube Videos and Joel Grus book are exeception) directly jumping into solving the problem using ML / AI models after courtesy introduction about the mathematics and computers. By following that, you can learn to use the data, feed the data to the sophisticated libraries and make final reports. You can still do Data science with Online Courses.
If you are thinking about becoming expert then you have to dive deeper into machinery involved in creating these libraries, and the underlying Math that makes the machinery run. There are resources, good problem solving training books, and very approachable books on mastering programming languages. The key is, the code in these books have to be understood, typed and then executed by yourself. You have to hack the code, and try breaking it to understand.
I started with the naive idea that learning Data Science is simple, and can be mastered with 3 months. Yes, I mastered the libraries. Joined online competition to solve the challenges in Data Science. Then it dawned on me, that it is about programming, mathematics and proficiency in problem solving. Every step of data science, you solve problems. Whether it is visualisation, model generation, model deployment or reporting. (I did not touch about model explainability, that is another interesting area)
Solid Time commitment is required for master the Data Science Machinery and underlying Math. Time allocated for reading problems, solving problems and then writing code has to be the highest. You can learn new concepts and immediately take some real problems and solve it. If not create a fictional one with data and solve it.
Have a great climb to expert level in AI. It is a worthy pursuit. All the very best.",Can I become an AI expert with online learning?,"Yes, you can become an expert at AI if you"
7,How-do-you-control-your-hornyness-when-it-is-not-the-time-to-be-horny,"Disclaimer: Use this advice on your own judgement. Depending on your age, and level of maturity the content will either enlighten you, or make you confused.
It is not strange that there is no answer for this question.
The solution to your issue is simple. Masturbate. It is acceptable to Masturbate (With love and care and ensure no damage occurs)
When you are horny, either Testosterone or Estrogen, depending on your gender, are at high levels. These harmones reek havoc in your brain to such extent that, logical thinking collapses on its own weight. The imagery of having intercourse spontaneously gets created. The body starts feeling entirely strange. Voices of your loved ones, and their images flicker past your mind’s eye… Yep, all are the makings of these harmones….
The moment you release the “Rogue Harmones” from the body then the horny-ness vanishes. There goes the science of it. Now for some important things, which are non-sciency.
Depending on your age, the food you had, the people you have spoke with, things you have read and seen, everything affects the harmones that cause you to be horny. So try to learn about your body. Try to enjoy the act. Ensure you are not creating any skin damage in the process.
There are many religious and cultural taboos against Masturbation because, if you flog then you will not want to marry and have kids. If there are no kids then the religion or the culture will die. Be cautious about your belief systems. They are usually illogical.
Will my energy reduce?
There is no link between masturbation and how energetic you are. There are many movies, and books written about celebate priests or monks who abstain from the very act of human nature. None of these high priests or so called heroes discuss about their manly activity in the stories.
Will you become a Homo or Lesbian?
You can become a pro-wrestler or Pro-Pickup artist. It is in your hand. The human body and brains are wired in complicated ways, and this wiring can change as you age. You will still like to be with your opposite sex, have the urge to win, take responsibility and have a great life. More over, your partner will have confidence that, you are “Clean” when he are she comes close to you.
The advantages are really overwhelming. And there is no downside, except that your DNA is being wasted. For females the nature itself removes their egg every 28 days. For men as we are opposite to females, the release is in your own “Hands”. Have a great life ahead.",How do you control your hornyness when it is not the time to be horny?,Disclaimer: Use this advice on your own judgement. Depending on
8,Do-I-need-to-know-maths-to-have-a-skill-in-machine-learning,"Math is the language of this universe and the computer processors. If you want the Machine to learn, then only way is through math. There are many libraries that are developed to abstract away the math and let the user focus purely on getting insights, and gleaning wisdom from the data. All these libraries(Bento ML, Pycaret, SciKit Learn, Numpy, Pandas, StatsModel….) will give you garbage out, if you enter garbage in….
Yep. There is no short cut. Learning Math, and Logic is mandatory. However, math or Logic is not difficult if you learn from correct book or teacher with mindset to learn. Lets assume you did not listen to this advice and opened a apparel shop.
Your shop is prime location, and has good deal of customers around your locality. The customers are in few hundreds, lets assume. You want the shop to be futuristic, and have only limited man power(You believe humans have to design the apparels, and not stand in store waiting for customers). Based on customer past purchases you can do 3 things.
How to build such a recommendation system with your shop’s customer data?
You decide to purchase a recommender system. The recommender system that you purchased has just the basic functionality. There is a python library called Surprise, that can be used after learning from data and recommend. The recommender system just takes the data into the Library, then it gets ready to recommend apparels to your customer. You are surprised!!!
In your store, you have a camera which is used to identify the customer who has entered the store (Deep learning Computer vision model) and then automatically triggers the recommender program. On the wall there is a display which shows and vocalizes
“”” Welcome Back <Customer Name> ^_^”””
and then proceeds to recommend some of the apparels the customer might like, on the store display. Customer is surprised to be welcomed by SHOP and even to be suggested apparels!!!. Customer starts walking around the shop, and browses the materials. Lets assume for fun, the customer is a pregnant women and she is looking for some loose fitting cloth. Her age is 28. Now the joke starts…
The Shop display starts showing some tight jeans, and skinny T shirts that are trendy among the 28 year young females. The recommender system that is developed without the knowledge of Maths / Coding, and how to incorporate new information into the data, cannot consider the fact that the customer is “PREGNANT”. Recommender system cannot logically find that pregnant women cannot use tight jeans. Recommendation fails!!! Customer leaves your SHOP, ANGRY and Nostalgic about her care free days… Not a pretty outcome.
“””This case of wrong recommendations continues with new variants for another 10 customers”””
By that time, you realize the recommender system is junk because is not getting the data to recommend accurately. So, you decide learn about the data inside it and how it works. The code for the recommender system is directly downloaded from the product website. So you visit the website. There you find their code repository open for the users to review, modify and learn…. (This is the future, so get ready)
The LOGIC Correction
The code is written in languages that are popular for such systems, Python, R and frontend is written in Javascript and HTML Libraries. When you read the code, you realize the level of math that is being used is rather basic. There are clear comments about why some function is being called, and what is the logic behind the function. Bit more complicated functions are directly imported from the libraries elsewhere in the internet. The more you read the code, you start getting idea how to improve your recommender system. (Here you realize the impact of math and logic)
After some 10 hours of working, you have coded some additional logic into the recommender system and sent it to the code reviewer to check it. The reviewer finds some issues and suggests to edit the logic. Another 5 hours or so this goes back and forth and finally your recommender system is ready. When you deploy the system, based on your shop’s customer the recommender works and the customers are kept engaged, and delighted. You even made your recommender witty, by making it to tell jokes about the recommender systems that suggest tight jeans for pregnant ladies….
So math is very important, and understanding libraries at a deeper logic level will give you more power, and creativity. There are couple of books that introduces doing math with programming language. Search “Doing Math with Python / R/ Javascript” in Google, you will find countless books. Learn the concepts, and understand how to program math to computers. The code in the books that you choose, needs to be typed by yourself and executed to understand. Then you can fluently learn about the libraries that do the real Machine learning.
Have a great time learning. Reachout to google, stackexchange or here for clarifying and researching your doubts.",Do I need to know maths to have a skill in machine learning?,Math is the language of this universe and the computer
9,How-do-you-apply-neural-networks-to-your-social-relationship,"Neural networks can be applied for classifying your social network and understand some unique behaviours in them. NN does the modelling of your networks differently.
Neural nets can help you to analyse the data in many dimension, even the dimension your “gut feeling” will consider and your brain cannot. Our brain is strictly rooted in the present 3D world. It is difficult for it to visualise higher dimensions and try categorising things as per these dimensions. Try thinking of a problem that is time and space dependent, it becomes very difficult visualise without practice.
For example, If I ask you, why you like people with green eyes, or face with a particular shape or voice of particular pitch for that matter(Remember that irritating voice that makes you angry or restless). Your brain cannot answer, since there is no numerical rating for these characteristics. Brain cannot create a model. But neural nets can take these into account and model your social networks. I am only scratching the surface of what can be done.
There are other simple math relations you can find using Network Analysis. Here neural nets are not involved.
I had the same question that you asked before 12 months, and I started learning neural nets very deeply. Recent advances in Neural nets are very fascinating. If you don't understand, then it will feel like magic. There are huge libraries of programs that support modelling the social networks and other kind of networks. Please research and learn about it.",How do you apply neural networks to your social relationship?,Neural networks can be applied for classifying your social network
10,Can-video-analytics-and-machine-learning-solutions-help-achieve-zero-defects-in-manufacturing-Why,"There are algorithms used with Open CV library to analyse the videos, after converting the frames as pictures. There is really no need for Machine learning. You can program the camera module for example, a surface scratch defect. The module will work flawlessly, and detect only some kind of scratches.
If some new defect arises, then the whole process needs to done and camera module reprogrammed. This can be avoided.
Where Machine learning can excel is in applications where we humans know some thing is defective, but programming it is cumbersome and repetitive. Machine Learning, literally automates such repetetive programming. The variant is neural network called Convulutional NN that excel at learnin such defects and successfully classify the new defects.
There are many deep NN that can differentiate, dogs from cats and even differentiate dog breeds. So the defects are like that only. The more training samples you have better the training and validation accuracy will be. The ML solutions can speed up the basic classification, and instead of using more manpower, one operator can do the final checkin of the defect.
I have not even scratched the surface of ML. It is just a no theory intro of ML.
Explore more and you will find a lot of research is going on in this area. Have a great time.",Can video analytics and machine learning solutions help achieve zero defects in manufacturing Why?,There are algorithms used with Open CV library to analyse
11,Can-I-change-my-profile-into-data-science-after-having-spent-13-years-in-software-testing,"Data Science can be done by anyone, because it simply a type of programming to solve problems using data. When you are from testing background you will catch many of the libraries and algorithms very easily. So, Go ahead learn DS. But learn on your own, with intention to skill up. Not to change career.
Why not change carrier? Let me convince you that, your own domain has more opportunity, if you look.
You can learn DS and then look at your domain problems. The more you look in any domain there are areas where data is generated. Say, you want to know how many tests you are currently running. That depends on the number of projects, resources under you, and their profeciency. You must have a dashboard showing that.
There are just three dimensions. What can you do to increase the speed of your tests? Hmm, that needs analysis. You might find that relationship between profeciency and speed is less, but with increased number of resources the speed is more. How you prove this? Data Science.
There could be countless locations where inefficiencies will be there in your organisation. You can collect data, analyse and show these areas. Once you do that, you will realise that you are able to lead better, convince people easily and get things done fast. No wonder you will start liking what you are doing. This happens not just at work, but at home too.
Learn data science and use the skill to contribute. If good opportunity comes use it. Shifting job alone cannot be a good motivator. Have a wonderful career.",Can I change my profile into data science after having spent 13 years in software testing?,"Data Science can be done by anyone, because it simply"
12,Im-a-B-Tech-mechanical-65-8-in-2018-I-want-to-go-in-the-software-industry-Should-I-go-for-CDAC-or-learn-software-skills-self-and-apply-for-an-internship,"65.8% is a good score, it shows that you can sit and learn by yourself without.
Here is what you can do…. You have to complete 4 books and master the way of programming, documenting, testing and deploying. Once you complete and get confident, please share it with your friends or family members so they too can learn programming. Programming is an important skill in this complicated world. Lets dive in…
>> You will have to learn about to Jupyter notebooks, Regular Expressions and get introduced to SQL, HTML etc in coming steps. So the learning curve will be steep. Like KTM Duke / Yamaha RX 100 accelerating…
>> Test driven development is same as In-process quality testing in Mechanical Industry. (I am from manufacturing and mechanical background) If you remember the assembly lines where operators can stop the lines if there is defect. Software industry uses that idea efficiently and built lot of libraries around it. You will catch it very easily.
4. Lets level up a bit. Search for books that provide programming challenges that are more about problem solving through coding. Here too select a book which introduces you to problems that are easy to start, and slowly builds up challenge.
5. Solve the problem, Code the challenges, and then upload the code file to GitHub.
The above steps can take anywhere between 30 days to 90 days depending on your speed of understanding, problem solving and typing speed. I am considering that you are interested in sitting with the laptop all day long (14 to 16 hours). If you are working, then give additional 3 months time to master these steps.
These steps helps you to
Once you equip with these skills, you will understand many things that happen in the Software Industry. Also, you can confidently choose any software project you want, and approach it with confidence, and clarity that you will complete it.
Yeah, getting the job interview might be still tough, but after learning the above skills, you might even decide to go freelancing, or approach the job hunting differently. All the very best.",Im a B Tech mechanical 65 8 in 2018 I want to go in the software industry Should I go for CDAC or learn software skills self and apply for an internship?,"65.8% is a good score, it shows that you can"
13,How-do-I-overcome-the-language-barrier-in-a-job,"(I am assuming that you know the language your colleagues use. Even if you don't know, the below answer greatly reduces the barrier)
Listen without thinking to answer.
Listen with intention to clarify.
Listen with your eyes.
Finally ask for clarifying question before you answer.
When possible be kind to the other person and ask them whether they have any questions after you finish answering.
(Language barriers are reduced not by learning new languages to speak, but to listen to new friends, colleagues)
If you love talking, then best is learn programming languages and speak logically with computers and create software.
Not only your life but the entire world will be a better place.",How do I overcome the language barrier in a job?,(I am assuming that you know the language your colleagues
14,Why-is-machine-learning-useful-for-making-predictions-but-not-for-finding-causal-relationships,"ML doesn't have all the data necessary to prove a causal relationship. ML can work only on data that is fed. It cannot create new data or experiment. Some flavours of Reinforced learning can do experiments and learn, it is still not methodical experimentation. Allow me to elaborate.
Causal relationships are like laws of this universe. Starting from newtons laws of motion, Laws of thermodynamics, Energy conservation laws.
We have an age old wisdom that is,
Correlation does not imply Causation.
To imply Causation, lot of parallel study in unrelated feilds will be required. The physical experiments, the theory behind the causation needs to be verified mathematically. Many such discoveries yeild noble prize. We should also remember the creativity and meticulous work of scientists in finding such causation. Even then, many findings in the past were just correlation.
Machine Learning is purely mathematical. The universe it works is very different from our reality. The number of dimensions in some ML problems can go in hundreds of dimensions. But they are conceptual dimensions. Not something you can physically see or feel.
With help of libraries written in programming languages that can handle huge data, the theory behind the Machine learning is abstracted. Thanks to object oriented programming, it is much easier to abstract the machinery. If not today ML will be in obscurity.
With machine learning a new law or causation cannot be discovered, but only learned. The causation will be learnt using equations, variables and their outputs. They cannot be proved using more mathematics. But the outputs will have sufficient accuracy so we can make decision or influence someone.",Why is machine learning useful for making predictions but not for finding causal relationships?,ML doesn't have all the data necessary to prove a
15,Which-skill-do-I-have-to-learn-first-and-why-artificial-intelligence-or-data-science-I-dont-have-any-other-knowledge-about-them-even-I-am-also-week-in-programming,"AI and Data Science is one of the ways of solving problems in this world. Before there was Statistics. Statistics is very misleading when the data is not sufficient. You have countless books explaining how statistics can be misleading. AI and DS leverages on Statistics, and solves problems and does it so well. But do we need it??? You will find out, keep reading
If you need one skill to then it is Problem Solving. There are many aspects to problem solving.
AI and DS started flourishing because the data availability sky rocketed along with the Computational power. Consider the datapoint.
How can these 5 points determine whether the company will default on the loan? In past, there will be no way to find out, apart from lot of calculation, years of experience and finally taking risk and extending credit. Finally see if the company repays it. That was a problem to banks. Today, the problem is solved (atleast 97%), to an extent that it is possible to predict the default ahead of time.
The Key is PREDICT. AI and DS are used extensively to predict the outcomes. They are used to locate the correlations, that our naked eyes or paper pencil calculations cannot show. All you need is the creativity and intuition to predict what might happen next.
Programming, Math are just tools. If you can predict or if your intuition says something will happen, then you use programming to collect the data and math to work on the data to PROVE you are correct. This is a very powerful ability. Leaders and effective managers use data so skillfully to influence the world around them.
Visualise yourself sitting in a meeting with a potential partner, and he is sharing you the benefits of a investment Scheme. As he continues to explain, your intuition says is there some flaw in the investment opportunity. You are unable to find it out. What you do next? Go to Google and ask for reviews from other users, or directly ask for the pro and cons of the investment scheme. Here you are trying to predict what will happen if you choose the scheme. You solved the problem, correct?
If you want others also to solve the problem, or if you want to solve the same problem with different values, conditions, and time lines then you can automate the process by programming it. The steps you take manually can be programmed simply using any programming language, say python and execute the below PSEUDOCODE.
Each step above needs many steps, and many problems to solve. You have to imagine what you need as end result and walk back towards the current situation. Many things like programming, libraries, databases knowledge might be required, or you can hire someone to do it for you. Again, you can solve the problem that you have.
It is acceptable to be unaware of something and be weak in it. It is unacceptable to be weak after you know how to master a skill. All it takes to learn problem solving and programming is the passion to solve problems and create change in your own life and that of others.
There are so many free resources that is offered by many online Problem solving websites, that you can learn from. Many programming languages can be compiled on the websites. The data is available freely if you search in in Google. Change your mindset and start solving problems. Solve easy ones and gain confidence, then move to difficult ones. There are books which curate problems from easy to difficult levels. Search for them, and you will get it.
Have a great life and wonderful time learning to solve problems.",Which skill do I have to learn first and why artificial intelligence or data science I dont have any other knowledge about them even I am also week in programming?,AI and Data Science is one of the ways of
16,Im-15-year-old-and-I-want-to-learn-computer-science-How-should-I-begin,"Two points will be more important whether you pursue CS or any other engineering course.
Everything is about Logic. So solve lot of problems in your free time. Take a book that curates easy to difficult programs and start solving them. Most of the books will refer online judges. You can use the judge to chk your solution.
Learn one Programming Language, depending on the stream you choose.
For CS , IT guys Python/ Javascript. Electrical and Electronics start with Matlab and then Master assembly language. Mechanical and Civil it is Engineering drawing(language here is the geometries)",Im 15 year old and I want to learn computer science How should I begin?,Two points will be more important whether you pursue CS
17,What-brands-and-companies-fail-because-they-dont-improve,"Companies fail because they are not managed well and the cash flow is not sufficient to stay afloat. Companies can sustain on their sales, and remain sthgnant without any improvement. Take some of our Kirana stores. They don't change muck. They are still around because they manage well",What brands and companies fail because they dont improve?,Companies fail because they are not managed well and the
18,Im-confused-between-machine-learning-and-penetration-testing-even-though-I-love-both-careers-quite-much-but-I-cant-learn-more-than-one-skill-What-should-I-do-1,"Pentest and ML both are about creativity and needs sound knowledge in programming. Instead of choosing the field choose the tool that is common in both the feilds, that is programming.
When you can code fluently, meaning you can get the output that you want from the computer fluently for number of problems, you can learn ML or Pentest easily.
Have a great career.",Im confused between machine learning and penetration testing even though I love both careers quite much but I cant learn more than one skill What should I do 1?,Pentest and ML both are about creativity and needs sound
19,What-should-I-major-in-to-launch-my-own-Machine-Consciousness-company-building-artificial-general-intelligence,"Oh, you can come work for me, I already have the idea to create the AGI. Just kidding..OpenAI. Deepmind H2OAi are some companies already working on this route.
You need to major is physics, computer science and mathematics, specifically geared towards making emergent systems. That is just the start. Or you have to hire such people and pay them to work on creating the AGI. That is what Musk is doing, in Neuralink and OpenAi.
If you get to AGI,then you may have to let the AGI run your company… Hmm, interesting situation, rite? Think about it. Musk is alread fighting that such level of AI should not be created. Musk is a physics major too.
An AGI has to be connected with multiple AGI in order to show emergent behaviour. Then only AGI can become conscious. Because physicists have proved consciousness is a cause of an emergent system, our brain.
There are many books written on this topic. search for it in google. Then choose your career wisely.",What should I major in to launch my own Machine Consciousness company building artificial general intelligence?,"Oh, you can come work for me, I already have"
20,Are-we-living-in-a-real-or-virtual-world,"Nope, there will be lot more glitches in the simulated world for the level of complexity we are creating. Think this way. when a simulated world grows to level were that world can create its own simulation, then Recursion happens. Godel has written a lot on this idea. Take a look at his writings. Trippy, yet very gripping
With the advent of quantum computing, finding the matters that are why smaller that, a huge collider is required, the march towards metaverse, all these tech can help in creating a man made simulation. Which means, simulation inside the simulation. Recurrsion.
You must be aware of recurssion in programming, that is a function calling itself is a recursive function. If the argument given that function is very large then the system will run out of memory. If ours is a simulated world and we create a full fledged simulation, then there is possibility that our simulated beings to can create simulation. (Godel can be of help here, the math is complex). Then the main system running the program will run out of memory. And the designer of the system is lousy.
Lets assume a situation where an AI has already made paper clips out of the entire universe and a made a powerful computer to run simulations to gather data on something much bigger than this universe that this AI wants to control. Will the AI allow such recurrsion in its system, even accidentally. Will AI be a lousy programmer. Very less probability, that the null hypothesis can be safely rejected
So be assured, the world we live is not simulated. My views might change as the metaverse that many are touting really becomes simulated universe with creatures that can replicate itself by using the system resources differently, and there is a lot of “Deja vu” happening for lot more people then we might have to seriourly consider the possibility that we are just simulated beings.
What if you find out that you are a simulated being, what will you do next? Food for thought…",Are we living in a real or virtual world?,"Nope, there will be lot more glitches in the simulated"
21,How-do-I-install-Pandas-on-Windows-11,There is only one way. Install Python distribution that supports Win 11 and then install pandas thru Pip. This is the simplest way too.,How do I install Pandas on Windows 11?,There is only one way. Install Python distribution that supports
22,Is-it-normal-for-beginners-to-get-stuck-on-a-problem-in-coding-for-more-than-2hrs-Would-you-recommend-still-trying-the-logic-or-just-look-at-logic,"I had the same dialemma and my strategy is to look at the logic after finding atleast 5 solutions, that I think might work but may not be correct.
When I say solutions, I need to come up with solution, code them and then find my answer is wrong. Like this 5 times if it happens, then I look at the logic. What I gain in that five times is more important.
After 5 different trials, if no correct solution then,
Here are some actions that can be taken to mitigate above challenges.
Misunderstanding the problem statement is very common. Nowadays, the online judges are having good descriptive questions, and sample cases for you to understand. So try honing your information gathering skill.
Not knowing the capabilities of the programming language, can arise due to forgetting the feature, or completely unaware of a feature. For example, in python there is a standard dict type that is part of python and default dict type that you can import from collections library.
This knowledge about defaultdict can greatly change the way you solve a problem. Start documenting the important functions, and programs and refer them regularly. Build your own Cheatsheet
Finally, solving a problems is series of decisions. When you chose a variable to be a integers, and list of integers can completely change how you access them. If your problem is designed for a list type and looping method, then doing it any other way might be tedious. Here again comes, documenting again but more detailed one.
You need full working programs to be documented. So learn Git, Github and store your programs there. Wherever you are, you must be able to get hold of the program that you want.
Most important use online judges and problems given there to train. There is still a challenge of which problems to start with. One of the judges I know have their own guide and hours of training session for free. That too online. All you need is spend time and learn.
Have a great time and all the very best.",Is it normal for beginners to get stuck on a problem in coding for more than 2hrs Would you recommend still trying the logic or just look at logic?,I had the same dialemma and my strategy is to
23,Even-after-so-many-wars-calamities-and-epidemics-why-do-humans-still-mindlessly-reproduce,"Human mind is making humans believe that it is they who are reproducing. It is the illusion created by the human mind and humans are living in illusion. For instance, in the infancy stage, humans don't have any urge to reproduce. Humans grow up without being aware of the sex hormones slowly taking over the control of their feelings and their mind. Then the uncontrollable urge causes discomfort in their bodies and in order to relieve themselves of that discomfort, the humans do the act of reproduction. Who is then driving humans to reproduce? It is the DNA residing inside the human body that is driving the body through urge to reproduce. It is the DNA that has built the body around itself for its purpose and made the body ignorant of DNA’s presence that is causing the body to think that it (i.e. the body) is controlling everything and taking action as per body’s own sweet will. Thus, the body and the mind are thinking and doing everything under illusion. So, the mind should shake off its illusion and think that it is the DNA inside it that is coercing it to reproduce and the mind should not give away easily itself to the DNA’s tantrums. Only then, the mindless reproduction will stop. In some people the DNA made errors while building their bodies and in such defective bodies, DNA is unable to cause the urge to reproduce and such people are liberated from the mindless reproduction. Remember Osho’s famous slogan, “If the child is beautiful, so is the act that produced it.”.
See this...
Or this..
Tell me again, how tough your life is?
Life is hard, it is cruel, it is full of uncertainty and that is what makes us adore it. If life wouldn't be tough, it wouldn't be this fascinating!
Enjoy this precious gift in every possible way, and don't forget to help others whenever you can!",Even after so many wars calamities and epidemics why do humans still mindlessly reproduce?,Human mind is making humans believe that it is they
24,Machine-have-less-problems-Id-like-to-be-a-machine-Wouldnt-you,"If you really delve deep into Mechanics, Logic and Computer programming, you will realise even humans can be problem free.
The challenge is humans are Conscious and attract thoughts, ideas, and even events towards them. Machines on the other hand, can't do any of this. Forget about holding a belief like the one is embedded in your question.
I would suggest you to read a book called Bicentennial Man by Issac Asimov. Once you do that, see if you have a different idea about machines. Because, deep down we humans are just biological machines, developed and designed by nature/ universe. Just some Machine which acquired consciousness, belief system, and sophisticated brain and now thinking to reverse it and become Machine again.
IRony…",Machine have less problems Id like to be a machine Wouldnt you?,"If you really delve deep into Mechanics, Logic and Computer"
25,Can-Google-go-bankrupt,"Google’s Rivals are Amazon, Facebook and Apple (Edit : I forgot to add the NLP AI models that are being created every moment now). Yep, they do have rivals, competitors or industry threats… Google’s major products are it Search, Android OS, Youtube service and their Keyword ad services. Lets make this analysis more interesting by doing the Porter’s 5 forces analysis
New entrant threats : MAAN companies and Googles IPs will make this threat non-existent
Substitituition : Search, Youtube and Android have costlier substitutes, so the risk is low. Amazon Search can be a good substituition though.
Buyers Bargaining Power: Limited power since the algorithms at Google consider the power and price the service accordingly
Sellers Bargaining Power: Google is horizontally and vertically integrated. Their major supplier are Software engineers, Government for land, sea and electricity. The Government can be a strong Seller, with immense Bargaining Power
Industry Rivalry : Rivalry among the MAANG will not be a news those following the media, reading books about these companies. These players, are very logical and leisez faire kind of Rivals.
Some additional snippets:
As of 2017 much of the search for the theoretical and knowledge oriented products were done on Google, while the real money to businesses that makes products depend on AMAZON. Product searches are done on Amazon directly.
If any of the MAAN companies become very big, and decide to take on the core “Search” product of Google, then Google may go bankrupt.
How Challenging can taking on just the Search product can be?
Search product and its algorithms, the pagerank, keyword auction, ad display algorithms are the back bone of the Behemoth called Google.
To addon, Google has hardware network in place to take their traffic to remote corners of the world, like the T1 lines, huge numbers of data centers, companies acquired which have both computing and networking prowess.
Search is integrated in the Android phones which may come in countless flavours, but these phones use google api, services in the backend and give back the data to the Queen bee (or King bee).
When I was thinking about the everything I do in my work, there is some involvement of Google. Unlike Amzn, FB or Apple, which are just “Good to have”, not a MUST HAVE. Google is a MUST HAVE.
Will the world of Searchers be ready to pay for their Search?
Worst calamity occurs, and Google is brought down to its knees. It is unable to deliver search results or youtube videos, or other countless services. They ask for the world of “Searcher” to give/ lend/ purchase share of 1$, (or denominations of that amount). Considering only the adults in this world, who are above 15 year of age, that amount to 5.9 Billion. They will get 5.9 Billion USD in less than 24 hours, and become afloat again.
The odds of google going under and then staying under is 1 in a hunderd trillion kind. In other words it is very unlikely. So stay calm, and keep searching. (I am telling this to myself too and keep my 1$ saved for Google).
Edit in Evening:
The odds of Google going Bankrupt or taken over has increased to 1 in billion kind
There is surprising Contender for Google Search Product, and that is Open AI’s GPT3. Anyone thinking about super charging your search, then better look at that AI model. It is amazing….",Can Google go bankrupt?,"Google’s Rivals are Amazon, Facebook and Apple (Edit : I"
26,Ive-graduated-from-university-single-and-at-my-current-job-everyone-is-significantly-older-than-me-and-married-Where-should-I-look-to-find-a-date-partner,"Never get emotionally involved with anyone at work.
Since you are new to the corporate world, stay away from anyone you might like in office, even they may be attractive and attracted to you.
Why? Work place is not for emotional attachment. It is place of vision, execution and effeciency. All these require Logic. If you are not fully invested then your mind won't work logically and creatively. The moment you bring attachment, your brain will seize up. Instead of being attached to the vision of the team or organisation,your brain will think about the person you are attached with. Your career will slow down, and if not careful, even END.
How? How to find a mate for a date? Simplest of the option, don't Search. Be attractive enough by mind and soul, your partner will come to you. Just do what you like the most, and there you will find your partner waiting. Think about it.
Not many go to work by liking it. In workplace you will find partners who are equally distracted and disoriented. You might find them physically attractive but get bored soon after you know them.
What next? Be greatful you have a workplace and monthly salary. Think about investing in yourself and get ready for a wonderful life. Think about going to cities, mountains that are beautiful and adventurous. Make plan for your dream home, that feeling of being in control over life. Read up. Read up as many books you want on any subject. Exercise and keep your body, brain and back strong, you will need it when your partner comes in your life.
Remember, you will attract exactly the people you want and think about. Be clear who you want, how they should be, what they look like and how will they treat you. You will be surprised. when they materialise in front of you and care for you. In that moment, make sure you decide wisely and stay with that partner for life. That is how your Mom and Dad stayed together. It works. Countless partners do this. Be pateint and continue doing what you like and love.
Be loved. love yourself, your day, your passion. Let your soul mate be attracted to you.",Ive graduated from university single and at my current job everyone is significantly older than me and married Where should I look to find a date partner?,"Never get emotionally involved with anyone at work.
Since you are"
27,IBMs-new-artificial-intelligence-can-simulate-the-real-world-What-are-your-thoughts,"There are many systems out there that can simulate and forecast the real world scenarios. Key point is what question are we trying to answer, or are we searching for the Question.
When you simulate the whole world then you will get lot more questions than answer to questions that you want. There is an Open AI project that simulates multiple worlds and advices the best economic policies, search youtube for the same. That model is simple compared to modeling the entire world. And it answers a crucial question.
AI simulations of the game worlds are itself very difficult because, the agent(the AI program) has limited visibility, and the feedback for Agent’s actions is delayed for long time. This is with Starcraft, a very complex strategy game. The game company have open sourced the game engine so any body can develop on top of it on github.
IBM can combine all these together and comeup with a complicated game kind of a platform. The more it is accessible to the world of hackers and prgrammers to play and get information from it, the more it will be useful. Else it will just be a game that no one played.",IBMs new artificial intelligence can simulate the real world What are your thoughts?,There are many systems out there that can simulate and
28,To-support-technicians-in-setting-up-a-particle-accelerator-I-would-like-to-develop-a-machine-learning-based-system-giving-hints-on-next-steps-to-take-What-would-be-the-best-approach-and-software-to-get-started-with,"Interesting Idea to begin with.
First put the product designer hat and ask the repetitive tasks technicians do in their daily work. If you think there is no repetition, then look at the process they follow, and try to do process mining. Requirement gathering is done.
Take the prgrammer hat now and think how you can solve the repetition problem, and see if Computer vision, Natural Language Processing or some other AI/ solution solution may work
Then wear the coder hat, and code the solution and test it.
Software: to begin with use python libraries and tte digital data taken from the technicians. Python libraries can do a lot of activities, so explore the libraries before deciding on any propreitary software. Same goes with ML models. Many models that are trained on huge data are availabde for free.
Have a great time hacking an interesting solution.",To support technicians in setting up a particle accelerator I would like to develop a machine learning based system giving hints on next steps to take What would be the best approach and software to get started with?,"Interesting Idea to begin with.
First put the product designer hat"
Self Hypnosis and Reinforcement learning or completely opposite.
Self hyopnosis is a process of believing that a particular activity or behaviour can expressed by a “self”.
Reinforced learning gives positive feedback to an agent when it achieves a goal or completes an activity. If it doesn’t achieve then it is penalised. It is more akin to pleasure/ pain learning mechanism that many self help books suggest to learn a habit.
Humans learn in multiple ways, and one of them is reinforced learning. Belief system involves memory, forecasting, mirroring and mimicing, which is not fully done by Reinforced learning alone.
When Deep learning GANs and Reinforcement learning are modeled together then some level of imagination, attention can be found, but it is all mathematics. Not something equivalent to human consciousness or cognition.
Consciousness and cognition is an emergent behaviour. So is self hypnosis. If multiple agents can learn by reinforcement and communicate with each other and the environment, then self hypnosis can be modeled. But mathematically modelling it will need much research and computation power.
Have to wait and see.",Is self hypnosis a kind of re inforcement learning akin to machine learning?,"Nope.
Self Hypnosis and Reinforcement learning or completely opposite.
Self hyopnosis is"
30,I-m-28-Is-it-too-late-to-start-Data-Science-I-know-the-basics-of-Python-and-SQL,"I am in the same boat as you, and I have not landed a ML or DS job. I can share what I am doing now, and see if that makes sense to you.
Take up Python really serious, and learn it the hard way.
Meaning, to do very simple to hard programming challenges by typing and executing. Because that is what a SW / ML / AI engineer does. He or she has to work with, using the language he knows with real world data, that is incomplete, messy and sometime obnoxious (quora comment, anybody!!!).
Here are some basic activities. Search for programming challenges for these activities.
General Variables
Input checking
Logic Flow
Repetition using loops
String Manipulation and selection
Database access and data structure usage
Web scraping and data collection
Accessing APIs
These are very basic but when you try programming with language you know, you will see that these challenges are worth it. You can search Google for “Programming Challenges”. Choose only those challenges, that help you master the language. Don’t take the “Puzzles and Problem solving challenges”. You will get easily discouraged…. That come later, you can do it now for fun!!!
After completing the programming challenges, redo these challenges by creating some of GUI for these challenges. In case of Python, TKInter or Flask is very predominant libraries to look into.
As you are familiarising yourself, you can also look for resources to “Learn Python/ Javascript/ Ruby the hard way”. Meaning, to type every line of code yourself. Then upload the code to your GITHUB repo. (You have to learn GIT, I found it intuitive)
Master Probability & Stats for Data Analysis
Another subject to master in parallel is Probability, Hypothesis and Inference in Statistics.
There are many statistical tests , data analysis heuristics that can tell you about the data, without you having to search the complete data. This is a skill which ML / AI engineers really excel at. So I am currently searching and learning these skills. Another important skill is, ability to convert your ideas into Python code. This will need practice… Typing… Executing… Repeat…
There are lot of data sources out there. The real ML engineer can source his own data, with Style in Python. There are very good libraries in Python, but I prefer Selenium for JS enabled sites, and BeautifulSoup for regular requests site.
There is whole lot of learning, practicing, typing code, helping others to learn, typing more code, scraping most of the code when I find a simple library to do it, and the cycle repeats…
Datascience, ML Jobs are touted to be the most rewarding, because the daily tasks feels like playing games. You set yourself a particular goal, and you go after it, in REAL WORLD. Real World is messy, so you need to practice a lot to get the data from real world, make sense of it, make a model from it, and then present it as “Gold/silver/platinum level Model” to the company you work for.
Like how the “Gold Mining” was done during Wild West days, yep that is the exact analogy that suits for ML/ AI engineer too. There are many “Good Bad and Uglies” out there. The journey to get the reward is more rewarding than the reward itself.
So, if you are ready to take the journey (Up hill trekking/ mountain climbing) with your bare fingers typing away on the keyboard for 13 to 14 hours a day, eye burning after staring the monitor, back aching after trying to execute the code that breaks due to some silly logic errors, and much more…. then and only then START.
Once you take the 1st STEP… look up, look forward and IMAGINE and KEEP SEARCHING like a Scientist, an Engineer. We will reach… See you at the TOP",I m 28 Is it too late to start Data Science I know the basics of Python and SQL?,"I am in the same boat as you, and I"
31,I-have-a-theoretical-knowledge-of-Java-and-I-just-got-a-job-as-a-Java-developer-based-on-theoretical-knowledge-only-now-I-am-confused-whether-they-will-give-proper-training-of-Java-If-not-then-how-do-I-proceed,"Convert your theretical knowledge into reality.
There are many programming exercise books out there which challenge you to program everyday tasks form scratch.
The books names cannot be shared here, but you can look for the books for programming challenges. The challenges are not the difficult coding puzzles. The challenges are targeted towards familiarising the following
General Variables
input checking
Logic Flow
Repetition using loops
String Manipulation and selection
Database access and data structure usage
Web scraping and data collection
Accessing APIs
These are very basic but when you try programming with language you know, you will see that these challenges are worth it.
Spend your time doing the exercises first with only commandline method. After that create some web or GUI framework and redo the programs in that framework.
This format is difficult, time consuming, the only way to mastery and well worth the time. Have a great time learning and coding in Java.",I have a theoretical knowledge of Java and I just got a job as a Java developer based on theoretical knowledge only now I am confused whether they will give proper training of Java If not then how do I proceed?,"Convert your theretical knowledge into reality.
There are many programming exercise"
32,What-website-allows-me-to-build-a-neural-network-without-code-so-then-I-can-export-it,"To build a neural network, you can use some libraries like Tensorflow, Pytorch. There are websites that host the models of neural networks that has been already trained with huge datasets.There are Git repos that host these models too.
Search in Github. Then there is Dagshub that host both data and the models together.
If you are looking for some cloud service that can allow you to program the neural networks, and then get the trained model out of that service and use it in productiion, then you need to search in the internet.
I can provide you the search terms only (Providing the service names is considered as promotion in Quora) Some tems to search for are,
Cloud notebooks for python programming
Programming python on cloud servers
Neural network (Computer vision, Language) models. Also the keras library and spacy library comes with some builtin models.
Free jupyter notebooks on cloud.
These could lead you to the service that you are looking for. Have a fun time. Take as much you want, then give back once you have learnt and mastered from the internet.",What website allows me to build a neural network without code so then I can export it?,"To build a neural network, you can use some libraries"
33,How-important-is-Deep-Learning-for-data-science-Can-you-get-a-data-science-related-job-with-only-experience-in-Machine-Learning,"No you can't get a job just by having Machine Learning expertise. The DS is expected to have good coding and data acquisition skills. If you want to enter a good company which values the skill of ML then the base is important.
Apart from that by learning to code and acouire data, you don't need to join a company, you can create your own campany. How do you think FB got created, or for that matter any of the ML companies you are aspiring to be part of?
The guys at the top have good business and coding skills, and importantly they can hack the system so they can try out their ideas fast and automated way. All this requires coding. More you can speak the Language of the Machine the more easier is to get the ML work that is rewarding.
Deep learning is much easier to learn but to code it and get the data to it for processing would be trouble if you can’t code.
Have a great career.",How important is Deep Learning for data science Can you get a data science related job with only experience in Machine Learning?,No you can't get a job just by having Machine
34,How-can-I-find-someone-who-can-help-me-with-troubleshooting-while-learning-R-programming,"Troubleshooting or debugging, is a process that will take time to master. In the beginning, you can use forums like Google, Stackoverflow to get support for the errors you get. In stackoverflow, you can share the complete code and ask support on the error. Pls research before asking.
For long term the solution is to read lot of good code and try to understand how it is written. Then type it out to run it yourself. Chk whether you are able to run the code succesfully. This exercise will show you new ways to debug the code. Also it will show if you are making some typo or programming syntax errors.
One tried rethod is to read the code from bottom to top, aloud. Yep, like a child learning english. You will resolve many syntax and typo errors that way.
Always type the code. Most of the time the white spaces, and tabs can create problems which propagate to many errors.
Use an IDE. This will reduce the time you spend searching the errors.
Precisely, You use the computer to help you debug. Once you can do that, then programming is fun. You can then take repetetive problems you have and try to solve them, by programming.",How can I find someone who can help me with troubleshooting while learning R programming?,"Troubleshooting or debugging, is a process that will take time"
35,Which-is-the-best-platform-for-learning-options-greeks,"You need is a Book about option greeks. There are countless platforms out there which teach the areas that are immediately applicable for doing trades. In reality they are getting liquidity from you.
If you really want to learn, then take good books which speaks about applications of options in the market and try to find strategies that can make you money.
Google for books on options used by market makers and their strategy, and google for books on market workings. They will be filled with many platform blogs, ignore them and choose the books.
There is no free Lunch( Especially in Markets). Do your research.",Which is the best platform for learning options greeks?,You need is a Book about option greeks. There are
36,What-would-you-like-to-convey-to-all-your-Quora-followers,"If only two thing that I can convey to everyone it will be,
The world is becoming increasingly complex. While many of us spend countless hours in paperwork for moving one physical thing in real world. The complexity is created by the software and standardisation.
If you are greatful for both of these inventions better learn to code and learn to lead. In order to lead, yoq have to code the reality. You have to tell your followers, what they have to do next. That is coding.
There is already a visible divide happening between those who can code and lead. Take the que and double down on your coding practice. Have a great future.",What would you like to convey to all your Quora followers?,If only two thing that I can convey to everyone
37,What-is-machine-learning-with-an-example,"Based on your series of questions regarding ML(Machine Learnin) following is a crisp answer clarifying all the areas of doubt.
ML is a process of finding realation among the variables in the data and then use that relation to predict the unknown variables in related dataset. Relation is found in Training data set, and it is validated in test dataset. Then the relation(called a model) is deployed in field.
Examples include predicting the demand of the online store, classifying a comment is toxic or good. Summarising the topic of the document using NLP. Finding the subject in a picture. All this examples have the common starting point. Numbers. Whatever the data, the machine can read numbers only. The work of ML engineer is partly to know how to convert the data into numbers.
To reiterate, whether a picture, word or general number is converted to number format the algorithms can read and provide answers. Again the answers are in Numbers. ML engineer has to feed the data in correct format and then interpret the answer that comes out of the functions.
ML engineer has to work with data that is stored in many places, like databases, documents, websites, APIs etc. They program a lot of functions that automate the data feeding and interpretation process. Then there are pipelines in production code that needs the models for real time processing. This is also done by ML engineer.
Programming Language used is Python. There are countlesss resources out there to pickup and learn this language. You must attain fluency with reading the code others have written and underrtand what it does. Later you can start writing. Try using IDE like pycharm or VScode for running the code snippets.
If you are planning to learn ML there is involvement of Mathematics. This part of ML is mostly abstracted by libraries like Scipy. Numpy, Scikit learn and importantly pycaret. So be calm and try to get some hands on in working on the data first. Slowly the math can be learnt.
Happy Learning.",What is machine learning with an example?,Based on your series of questions regarding ML(Machine Learnin) following
38,How-does-a-machine-learning-system-store-its-learned-memory,"ML is simply an algebra equation that can fit the data more closely.
ax + b = c is an age old line equation. Where a, b are the parameters. The addition of the terms on left side is the “algorithm”. There can be many complicated methods to fit the data. Also there can be many parameters, in ML they are called features.
With this simple equation, you might think, it impossible to create all this amazing results. You are correct. The idea is simple, but the work that goes into it is very intensive.
A model store the parameters, structure and the associated values. This is same for ML or deep learning model. The libraries in python for deep learning can be very confusing to begin with. Using the simple algebra equation model, you can easily understand many complex receipes.
All the best to your learnings.",How does a machine learning system store its learned memory?,ML is simply an algebra equation that can fit the
39,What-does-%E2%80%98state-of-the-art%E2%80%99-mean-in-machine-learning-Is-it-the-best-or-one-of-the-best,"It is The Best.
In NLP the current state of art is Tranformers. In Computer vision it is Deep Neural Networks. GPT3 is another model which is currently becoming popular.
There are research papers released regularly ar.xiv where the break throughs are published. There are independent websites where the models are shared for free.
With Transfer learning, one can use these state of art models to train on your data and get better results. So when you are approaching a problem, check and research well.
Have a nice time learning.",What does %E2%80%98state of the art%E2%80%99 mean in machine learning Is it the best or one of the best?,"It is The Best.
In NLP the current state of art"
40,How-do-you-structure-your-machine-learning-projects,"There are three directions to begin with.
Alpha Numerical based
Natural language based
Computer vision based
All the options will require data. So your project will spend more time on collecting data. Then you may want to annotate the data, if you are going to do supervised learning.
The domain you choose are huge currently. You can think about real world applications that are currently having ineffective solutions. Then using ML try solving it.
The industry that is ripe is Social studies and sciences. There is lot of activities that the govt takes. Recently, IT dept of India decided to open past tax returns filings based on an ML algorithm. Most probably, it is a supervised classification algorithm.
Then the engineering feild needs to be researched where the data can be used for finding good solutions. There is many opportunity in optimisation problems in production, design and reliability.
Like this, each domain has to be researched. Even the restaurants and food choices can be a ML project if you get creative.
Try out something new. Have a fun time.",How do you structure your machine learning projects?,"There are three directions to begin with.
Alpha Numerical based
Natural language"
41,How-do-we-study-artificial-intelligence-in-Germany-When-should-we-apply-for-it-after-12th-or-do-we-have-to-study-a-BTech-in-AI-India,"At this age, you don't study AI. You live it.
Everything around can help you to learn AI. Whether it is picture you see, the words you read or the sounds you hear, every thing can be used to learn AI. And you don't need to go to Germany for learning AI. Sit at your home and learn the following.
Python and Javascript (You can learn C++ too)
Work on problem solving (Real world is full of problems, but to learn problem solving. you need to spend time with toy prblems first, theo imagin how the problems can be seen real world)
Discipline and Energetic mindset.(This is cultnvated by regularly doing things and activities that are difficult to you)
Mathematics(The language of this universe has to be learned and visualised. Spend your evenings with hot chocnate and good math book)
Lots of good Sci fiction. The ideas of many science fiction books have been made a reality. In fact AI was spoken by authors before the scentists came up with math and tech for AI.
Work on seeing the world as data. This is really an ability. The more you can think about the world as data, the more you can find interesting problems to solve. Whether a website or a mobile app, it is data. The code is also data. The infrastructure is also data.
Database and distributed computing. This will be an important technology to hold the data and process it.
Creativity like doodling and drawing the real world that you see. The urge in every kid to draw on the walls around the world is there for a reason. Our ancestors drew on the walls to communicate. Today we write updates on Facebook wall. How fundamental.",How do we study artificial intelligence in Germany When should we apply for it after 12th or do we have to study a BTech in AI India?,"At this age, you don't study AI. You live it.
",In which situation do we use a box plot?,"
43,What-is-the-most-vulnerable-programming-language,"Natural Language is the most vulnerable programming Language.
The Logic is most important in programming. Every day the managers and leaders work in programming their followers to achieve the shared goals. We see that there are many places where the communication breaks and then goals are not reached.
Companies and Organisation have failed because the natural language is vulnerable.",What is the most vulnerable programming language?,"Natural Language is the most vulnerable programming Language.
The Logic is"
44,Can-machines-itself-generate-algorithms,"Yes. It can generate its own algorithms. The algorithms that are famous for this is called Reinforced Learning algorithms.
There are many companies specialising in this kind of algorithms. Recent developments have seen algorithms that can write code by looking at a problem statement.",Can machines itself generate algorithms?,Yes. It can generate its own algorithms. The algorithms that
45,My-girlfriend-is-admiring-someone-else-How-can-I-win-her-back,"Do you have confidence to be her friend even if she is admiring someone else? If yes then, why lose a friend. Dust yourself and get ready for someone more worthy of your love.
If she is admiring someone else then you too start admiring someone else. Go get a hobby for yourself and self improve. Slowly reduce the time you spend with her, and thinking about her. Just become her friend. If she wants to spend time with you then think about your priorities first and then give her time.
Remember time spent today means, you are going to spend more to buy it from others tomorrow
This strategy can help you avoid unwanted heartache and headache by being the first to dump her. The ensuing drama is not worth your time. Have a great time. You deserve it.",My girlfriend is admiring someone else How can I win her back?,Do you have confidence to be her friend even if
46,My-girlfriend-has-told-me-she-is-in-love-with-her-best-friend-Her-best-friend-lives-far-away-and-doesn-t-see-her-like-that-What-do-I-do-My-girlfriend-said-she-still-wants-to-be-with-me,"You have to DECIDE what you want in life.
Be very clear with your decision, then questions related to relationships are very easy to answer.
Your girlfriend here seems to be confusing you by saying, “be with you”. This is usually what friends say to each other. The friends like each other’s company. But do want to “live” their lives together.
If you really love her then, it is better to clarify what she really means and get ready to move on. Don't waste time and there is lot more to do in life than to be confused. You may regret the time you lost by not deciding soon.
Have a great time.",My girlfriend has told me she is in love with her best friend Her best friend lives far away and doesn t see her like that What do I do My girlfriend said she still wants to be with me?,"You have to DECIDE what you want in life.
Be very"
47,I-have-1-year-of-experience-in-the-mining-field-Can-I-get-a-data-analyst-job-after-a-data-science-course,"Data Science is about numbers and converting those numbers into predictions using the models. Being a Data Miner there are other feilds like Data Engineer and Data Modeler. Thinking about only data science is like going to tutorial college to learn a craft.
Data science can be used in any place where you can get the data and have annotated easily.
one year of experience would be acceptable for becoming a data engineer, for data science you need to be profecient in many modeling techniques too. So take the course on data science. Do lot of projects in free time and then prepare yourself to use the DS skill in real world,and share to those interviewing you.
All the very best.",I have 1 year of experience in the mining field Can I get a data analyst job after a data science course?,Data Science is about numbers and converting those numbers into
48,Which-books-will-make-me-fall-in-love-with-reading,"When I first fell in love with reading, the book was Fredrick Foresysth´s The day of Jackal. I loved the way the book takes you to places that you can not imagine going to. I read 5 book from this author after that. I became a voracious Reader from that point.
The next book that pulled me was Dan Brown´s Angels and demons. Something spell binding in the way Dan uses the words to describe the places, plots, people and situation. His books transport you to a different Realm of the story.
My love for fiction was at the top when I read Sherlock Holmes by AC Doyle. ACD’s books are about the plots, the logic and the use of human brain to its peak ability. Sherlock is a person who is based on once living doctor.
Then comes the giants of Sci fi. Issac asimov, Arthur C clarke and Neal stephenson books. Their works mix, places, logic, Sci Fi know how, math, artificial intelligenc, culture and bring out a very nuanced experience that can be enjoyed only by reading them. These three authors can make you to fall in love with reading very easily.
Walter issacson has written biography of many notable founders. The probing narrative that he weaves around the lives of his subjects can bring them alive in your imagination.
Brian Tracy has some good self help books that you want to learn on self improvement. Countless Dale carnegie books too can make you read and at the same time improve.
Try the books. There is a saying that book chooses you. In that sense Robert green’s collection of books are a present as hard copies in my library. If you are ever curious about human nature then his books will give you a very in depth research which is vrey much readable.
There is Charles Dickens, Ian flemmig, Roald dahl and Rudyard kipling. Their books are introduced to children so they can get interested in reading. Try their works if yoo are inclined about enjoyable reads.
Have a great time reading the 14 greats in writing who changed the way many like me look at the world today.",Which books will make me fall in love with reading?,"When I first fell in love with reading, the book"
49,Do-I-need-to-have-a-prior-knowledge-of-data-analysis-before-I-can-learn-machine-learning-for-web-applications,"Machine learning is a fascinating subject that involves not just data, ananlysis, or web applications. It encapsulates the entire world you live in today. The world did not change, the way information flowed, changed drastically. The population of humans increased as info flowed freely.
What to do with all this information flowing all across the world? Much of the info couldn't be stored in digital format cheaply even in late 2010. The turning point ocurred when the technology to commoditize the hard disk and processors where born.
From then the information started flowing faster and became cheaper to save. This cheaper data storage means, a lot of data which previously considered useless got saved somewhere, and that too cheaply and reliably.
Why am I telling the story of information when the question is about Machine Learning?
ML distills the informtion into actionable insights that can be used to make predictions about the future. Data analysis helps to see what the ML is doing visually. Data analysis is used for many generic tasks too, but when you use it with ML, the power to understand the ML model increases.
With all the info available, it is important that any one thinking about ML must be ready to work with lot of data and fluently move between the various data streams using the programming.
Why learning Data Structures and Algorithm is important, but not really a show stopper?
The data in real world is messy. If you want to access it,then you need to solve the problem. There comes the DS and Algo. It is not a show stopper because most of the extractions you have to do can be learned thru google, cookbooks and pair programming friends.
Being passionate about manipulating the data, thinking about using one data to find the patterns, and being eager to play with the data can hugely benefit your endeavour in to data feild. Have a great time.",Do I need to have a prior knowledge of data analysis before I can learn machine learning for web applications?,Machine learning is a fascinating subject that involves not just
50,What-areas-of-artificial-intelligence-are-being-implemented-in-the-diagnosis-of-respiratory-infections,"Two areas comes to my mind immediately. Timeseries analysis of the respiration, and computer vision analysis for checking the Xray of the Lungs and Chest.
The computer vision heuristics and deep learning algo can effectively classify whether the patient is having Covid or not. The same idea is also used in detecting melanoma mutation in the Skin.
The tools are used effectively reduce the manual work involved in identifying the presence of disease using the photographs. In case of cancer the clinician has to sit on microscope and check very throughly. That takes lot of time and human energy.
More research is on going.",What areas of artificial intelligence are being implemented in the diagnosis of respiratory infections?,Two areas comes to my mind immediately. Timeseries analysis of
51,Can-I-learn-blockchain-technology-if-I-am-from-mechanical,"Tech of Blockchain has multiple streams. Token engineering, Smart contracts programming, and Blockchain development itself.
Learning the tech is not difficult for anybody. The challenge is implementing it in a projeect or real application.
There are many options where you can learn to implement the things you learn. Ensure you have good knowledge of python, linux, server side tech, and good grasp on data structures. These are important since the industry is in transition stage, so they seek experienced people.
Not just getting certified. Even the certificate may help, but you need to have the curiosity to learn in detail about the particular area in Blockchain.
All the very best.",Can I learn blockchain technology if I am from mechanical?,"Tech of Blockchain has multiple streams. Token engineering, Smart contracts"
52,If-I-want-to-create-an-AI-like-Jarvis-what-should-I-learn,"Get ready to play a lot of games. And teach computers how to learn.
Tony stark makes it look simple to build the AI JARVIS in the movie. No sweating no learning, but lot of playing around and flying in drones. That is exactly what you need to do.
When you play video games, you will learn a lot of concepts and ideas to imagine how to solve AI challenges. The more you can visualise, and try new ideas, the solution will arise. In videogames you can try a lot of time to solve a level or stage.
You have to learn programming and problem solving too. Learning it thru gamified platform like leetcode, hackerrank will give you lot of confidence and you can see others solving the problems bettter than you, and get inspired or get charged to beat them.
Logic and probability. AI is extremely logical and involves stochastic probability. These may sound difficult, the trick is in solving many problems so these concepts become second nature to your left and right brain. The sync of left and the right brain is trainable. Takes a considerable time when you become old. When you are young the time spent on TV and watching television has to be used for this.
Friends. The final important point is to have friends who are smarter and kind enough to take you along with them. If not physical friends then find good books that have authors who are passionate hackers and who teach.
AI is required for a world that is becoming complex everyday. Every ounce of effort counts. All the very best.",If I want to create an AI like Jarvis what should I learn?,Get ready to play a lot of games. And teach
53,Im-still-really-attached-to-my-ex-and-only-cared-about-her-Now-I-feel-like-nothing-is-good-for-me-Whats-some-advice-or-tips-to-overcome-this-feeling,"Go to any public places like a bus stand, a railway station or even a temple. Look at the people as they are really. You will see, out of the hundreds or even thousands who pass you, many will have a smile on their face. One or two may even smile at you too.
If you realize one thing, it has to be this. Everyone is struggling with one thing or the other. There they are even with their struggles, going towards a purpose,an idea that they think will bring a change in life or keep their life from falling apart. Some positive thinking, among the relentless negativity that surrounds each one.
Those who smile and look at the world for inspiration, motivation and calmness they will get it. First smile at yourself.
The solution to your sadness(not your infatuation) is to think about the countless others who have such infatution and how they are leading their life. You will feel a strange calm comes to you. Think good for those suffering like you, your suffering reduces. The more you think new ideas will come and who knows your new purpose might emerge..
Keep your head up and take the next step. Great day.",Im still really attached to my ex and only cared about her Now I feel like nothing is good for me Whats some advice or tips to overcome this feeling?,"Go to any public places like a bus stand, a"
54,I-have-to-write-a-program-as-a-part-of-my-undergraduate-studies-and-Im-really-interested-in-machine-learning-and-neural-networks-I-want-to-keep-it-simple-but-useful-Any-ideas,"Here are couple of projects that I have been thinking, which uses NLP libraries.
Many of these projects you can find open source datasets available with google bigquery public datasets. The data may not be directly available. You might have to do some SQL querying, and cleanup. That in itself can be a project.
All the very best…",I have to write a program as a part of my undergraduate studies and Im really interested in machine learning and neural networks I want to keep it simple but useful Any ideas?,"Here are couple of projects that I have been thinking,"
55,Its-been-1-year-that-I-have-been-working-as-a-software-engineer-I-work-on-developing-Python-code-and-a-little-bit-on-machine-learning-How-do-I-improve-my-career-Should-I-do-any-certification,"Python is the swiss army knife that anybody can weild safely and reduce their workload drastically. Solve a real world problem that you have.
How about automating the tasks that you are doing now with python. Think about the repetitive things you do.
Data collection
Folding, Training and testing
All the above tasks will involve many systems and teams in your organisation. You need to find way to work in the system and still free up your time.
In parallel work on entirely new area of machine learning like reinforced learning, NLP etc. Learning the method to collect the data outside your orgainisation.
All this is possible, with libraries in Python.
Coming to your question. Once you do the above, you will start seeing challeges in many automation ideas that you want to execute. You will start reading many books, and understand howe other hackers are coding and automating.
You see where this is going? This is how every billion dollar tech company was created. The product that the founder created is the product that he wanted. Whether it is Brin and Sergey, N. Tesla, Musk, Mark, Jobs or Gates, it is same story.
Take charge and have a wonderful transition from just a programmer to uber hacker.",Its been 1 year that I have been working as a software engineer I work on developing Python code and a little bit on machine learning How do I improve my career Should I do any certification?,Python is the swiss army knife that anybody can weild
56,CBSE-has-introduced-AI-artificial-intelligence-as-part-of-its-curriculum-in-standard-9-What-could-be-some-of-the-basic-projects-done-by-students,"Natural language programming, Reinforced Learning and Computer vision or three areas that you need to concentrate. Before that…
Project you need to do is,
Watch a lot of videos on mathematical problem solving and document the type of problems and their solutions.
Play lot of video games that have AI characters. Halo series and portal series are very interesting. There is invisible by Klei, Mass effect series, and Guardians of galaxy. Your imagination has to be primed first.
Read up the Robot series and Foundation series by issac Asimov. Any AI or Robot developer should dip into the contribution of Asimov(You will understand why Elon Musk decided to Colonise Mars)
Solve lot of puzzles and again document the interesting solutions.
As a side project follow couple of important companies Deep mind, Open Ai, Two minute papers etc…
You will come up with lot of project ideas and problems to solve once you do the above. Then what?
Python language is your go to choice. There are ways to learn this language visually. Any thing you learn needs to useful in this world. It can break the world or make the world, but it needs to do something. You need to visualise the solution first.
That is why I ask to play games. They help to visualise the solution. Games have immense impact on your imagination. AI needs lot of imagination and visualisation to understand and then use it creatively.
Next take the programs written by others, copy it in VSCode (the best IDE out there, all hackers and programmers use it, and it is super easy) and try to execute and check the output. You can get lot of books and courses apart from those thought at school. Read the books like a novel. Apply the programs and try to visualise what kind of solution the author of the book has preferred. Document the ideas.
Visualise what the computer did to get that output. I repeat this. This is important because computer will follow set of rules to solve a problem. You need to work with that rules. This takes visualising, time, practice, taking ideas from others and sharing new ideas.
This is the best part of learning to program and working with AI. You spend so much time trying to understand your computer, that you can find ways to make it think for itself. Even though it is thinking in numbers.
Remember Visualising is a big part in AI and programming. Have a great future. Take one step at a time.",CBSE has introduced AI artificial intelligence as part of its curriculum in standard 9 What could be some of the basic projects done by students?,"Natural language programming, Reinforced Learning and Computer vision or three"
57,Why-will-data-and-artificial-intelligence-transform-the-future,"Future is already here. If you ask whether AI came first or the future no one can answer.
There are countless claims on how AI has helped to creat the future. I have a simple and logical reason. AI lets you to visualise the impact of a random factor on a particular outcome.
Take an example of Car. We all have travelled in it. Recently with Uber and Ola the number of people who could travel increased drastically. instead of owning a car, renting a car is making more sense atleast in some cities. This was possible because the location of the cab and the rider could be automatically linked.
If it needs to be done in traditonal rule based programming then the lines of code required will be very large. For every product which needs connectivity with the customer the code needs to be repeated. All this repetition has been removed by AI abstraction.
Still there is lot of code, but now anybody can use it replicate their own product. This is a phenomenal change in how the world works and coding is done. This is possible only becaure of notonly AI but the entire ecosystem that formed around it.
Then there is Data. Today the Code itself has become data. The way the syntax and the algorithm is implemented can be seen as a pattern by the AI neural nets. Without that AI cannot be useful. Even the power of computing will not be able to surpass the importance of the Data. Unlike computing a scarce resource the Data is created evert second.
With the data, the pattern matching and the rule generation in programming is automated. To answer your question, that is why AI and so called “future” is here today. Use it to live and code happily.",Why will data and artificial intelligence transform the future?,Future is already here. If you ask whether AI came
58,Is-it-worth-it-to-learn-Java-in-2022-despite-having-Python-and-Go-type-programming-languages-in-the-market,"Every Language has its benefits, for Java it is the security it offers with object oriented programming. Much of the banking backend security is done using java only.
Python is good in simplifying automation at user level. Security is not compromised, but python will need additional code and care to implement security and proper testing is done.
Go ahead learn the language, you will be able to pickup Python with ease if you can learn Java..",Is it worth it to learn Java in 2022 despite having Python and Go type programming languages in the market?,"Every Language has its benefits, for Java it is the"
59,Can-a-computer-solve-a-reCAPTCHA,"Yes it can solve. You can use Python, Tensorflow models that are pretrained on numbers and letters and guess the best translations of the captcha and use it.
My question is what made you curious to ask this question?
The AI research has crossed the simple captchas and taken on much difficult tasks to solve the real world challenges like detecting cancer cells, detecting the places of interest with the pics..
Take a look at some of the research in AI that is posted by tensorflow and pytorch community.",Can a computer solve a reCAPTCHA?,"Yes it can solve. You can use Python, Tensorflow models"
This is one feild where there is so many things you need to learn, from simple algebra to some time very complex transformation that involves multiple dimensions.
Only you can teach yourself. Teachers can only show that, such and such things can be done. Then you use your imagination to build further.",Who is the best teacher for learning artificial intelligence online?,"YOU
This is one feild where there is so many things"
61,What-is-the-order-in-which-I-should-learn-programming-language-as-a-beginner,"simply start with a repetitive task that you want to automate. It could be inside the computer, or on the internet or outside in real world.
then begin by listing the steps for doing the activity.
you will start seeing some activities have dependencies, others you have no knowledge, still others that can be done by using some form of physical mecahanisms.
The above three steps art the problem identification stage. There are couple of steps more before you can start typing on your keyboard.The data structure and mechanism to collect data is decided. The algorithm to process is decided. All these steps are like solving puzzles.
Then you use the programming language that you know to code.
The order of learning to code starts by not learning to code but to sit and solve problems. Then try solving them differently with the data structures and algorithms others have used. Follow that by reading lots and lots of code written by others and identifying how they solved the problems.
The path to mastery may be convoluted. The journeyman decides to take the routes and try them. With Curiosity and child like enthusiasm. Have a great time with your learning journey…",What is the order in which I should learn programming language as a beginner?,simply start with a repetitive task that you want to
62,Im-16-and-don-t-know-what-career-I-want-My-dad-wants-me-to-do-trades-but-I-m-not-sure-I-want-to-do-that-and-be-stuck-without-education-What-should-I-do,"Listen to your dad and join the trade of your dad. Yes I am telling you this because you can learn about people, places and things that no college or school will teach. Take his guidance but build your own vision for the business…
ONE Condition Do Not Marry. Have a girlfriend if you have the looks and charm. If not then purely concentrate on working your trade or learning new things
See you can enter into anything where you will have time to learn and explore new things. When you take on marriage and start a family then you will get stuck.
Where you Learn is not important. When you know how to deal with people. then you can teach others. Aspire to become so good at your trade that Biz school calls you for taking class..Remember the Great Lallu Prasad Yadav. He was called by IIMs to teach how he turned around Indian Railways.
You have to learn upto under graduate using distance courses. Remember that. Knowledge is power. Also use online courses that free from many universities. The Idea of asking you to join your dad’s trade is because, you will have time. Use it wisely.
All the best for your future and your family.",Im 16 and don t know what career I want My dad wants me to do trades but I m not sure I want to do that and be stuck without education What should I do?,Listen to your dad and join the trade of your
63,Which-is-better-a-BSc-in-programming-and-data-science-from-IIT-Madras-or-a-BTech-in-Data-Science-from-Manipal-University-Which-degree-will-be-having-a-high-scope-and-salary-in-the-future,"I have not been to IIT however from the friends who studied there, they talk about the intense competition and single minded approach towards success. That atmosphere itself can propel you forward and search for opportunities like a Hacker. Hacker who is always ready to contribute…
Even though programming is more important, ability to understand the theory behind the datascience calls for a full undergraduate course and the rigour it brings with it. Manipal can offer you that for sure. You will become an engineer by heart. Engineer who loves to build things.
So there you see the two routes and where they will lead you. All the very best",Which is better a BSc in programming and data science from IIT Madras or a BTech in Data Science from Manipal University Which degree will be having a high scope and salary in the future?,I have not been to IIT however from the friends
64,As-a-beginner-with-a-commerce-background-where-do-I-start-from-in-order-to-learn-Artificial-Intelligence,"Start with entry level course on python. Try to understand how programming solves some basic problems with numbers, arithemetics and algebra. You will also get introduced to simple data structures like lists, dictionaries.
Then you can try automating some of your commerce problems in python. Take simple ones, that you can easily write with python syntax. Then make use of that program and create a function that you can call with different input values.
This is the point where you can think about the machine learning or artificial intelligence. The domain has many practitioners and experts. They contribute by creating libraries, blogs, books and tutorials that you can read and try implementing.
As you practice this way, you will also come across many resources, that you can learn from. Sthrt slow and steadily progress…",As a beginner with a commerce background where do I start from in order to learn Artificial Intelligence?,Start with entry level course on python. Try to understand
65,Can-I-master-Al-ML-deep-learning-cyber-security-etc-without-going-to-college,"Yes you can
If you are young then better go to college, there are other benefits of being with likeminded guys and girls. That part of your life is a gift to cherish. Now I am done with that so getting down to business…
The college provides you all the necessary courses, and provides you exam and teachers to train you. When you do it yourself then, you have to find alternate for the teachers, exams and a way to train.
Teachers are easy to replace. Online courses give you the necessary teachers. Exam is also easy to replace by attending the certification exams or online examination sites.
Way to train is most difficult to replace. Training means not just repeating what is in the book or course. It means able to use your knowledge in real life scenario. This takes lot of effort and time. This effort you will put in college too, but there you will be paying for doing it. Here you will do it with WILL power.
Then there is the material that you train on. This is another challenge that you will encounter. This can be sorted out by exploring both online and offline books stores and libraries. I prefer http://z-librar You can explore lot of books and choose the one to practice or 10, if you want.
That is how I have been learning to program, understand AI and ML. The knowledge and ability to imagine rapidly increases. The self confidence builds up. The world seems to be easier place to live. On top of it all there is no debt to repay to banks…
That is just the start. Get ready to really hack your way to the top. It is possible…",Can I master Al ML deep learning cyber security etc without going to college?,"Yes you can
If you are young then better go to"
66,Which-Apple-laptop-will-be-the-best-for-deep-learning-and-testing-AI-models,"Buy a laptop that is powerful and runs on linux for easy setup of the work environment. There are many libraries and modules that will need to access your processor and work with the RAM closely.
Mac is not very friendly at that level of access. There will be pesky problems, and you will spend more time correcting the setup rather than working on deep learning.
Btw there are many open platforms like kaggle where you can use their processing power from your laptop. if you plan to do that then, go for MAC.",Which Apple laptop will be the best for deep learning and testing AI models?,Buy a laptop that is powerful and runs on linux
67,Have-highly-creative-individuals-developed-robust-whole-brain-connectivity-that-allows-them-to-connect-the-dots-between-many-neural-networks,"Creativity has become a surplus commodity and everywhere you turn today there is some of creativity. Creative individual and the brain of non creative individual is same at the level of hard-ware. Even the most brilliant Dali or Leonardo had same brain like you and me. All over brain is fully connected, as the brain scientists proved many times.
What is different then? Their Habit, Characters and their way of training the, so called creative brain. Like a muscle, they use the brain, feed it and cherish it. They inspire that brain constantly with stimulation. Then know how to shut down the chatter of anxiety and harmones to really listen to what it says.
The idea that creative people need to be famous is another challenge this “getting things done” society has gotten us into. Many creative guys start many projects and abandon them if they are not interested. They are very specific in using their time differently.
Whether Tesla, Leonardo or mordern day Musk or Mark, all do things with their own time. They want the time to be theirs and not to be sold for a salary. This is again not how the brain is connected. How it steers towards spreading its ideas and memes more.
The discussion on creativity is very deep and brain is only a small part of it. Have awe for Creativity. It is outside the Brain.",Have highly creative individuals developed robust whole brain connectivity that allows them to connect the dots between many neural networks?,Creativity has become a surplus commodity and everywhere you turn
68,What-is-the-use-of-artificial-intelligence-and-robotics-in-the-healthcare-industry,"Deep learning and Reinforced learning has been used extensively by Deep Mind recently, to win CASP competition. The Protien Folding competition. The end result of this competiton is to get sonution to find how protien forms complex organisms. This is revolutionising the healthcare industry.
The idea of protien folding is converted into a game, and the AI name AlphaFold was created. The solution accuracy was less than 80% for long time, and with advent of Deep Learning the breakthrough was achieved.
Even the Corona protien was given in the competition, and the folding was predicted with high accuracy. The techhology used is not just the Deep learning, but the ingenuity of the team working at Deep Mind played major role in using the AI learning patterns for effective problem solving
What it means to Humanity? Longer life, pleasant environment, and more leisure and wealth? Hmm, it is all possible in how the technology is used.",What is the use of artificial intelligence and robotics in the healthcare industry?,Deep learning and Reinforced learning has been used extensively by
69,What-is-AlphaCode-and-why-are-programmers-afraid-of-it,"Who really has to be afraid is School students and not well trained hackers, coders and programmers.
Take a look at the above github repo where the actual alphacode program is shared with the world. The entire code and the internal workings of the logic can be learnt by any one who is ready to spend time and think. That is all it takes to overcome the AI.
The test platform bezel and the gsutil provided by google can be downloaded by anyone with a intenet and ability to read. So all this even entry level programmers can do. Those experienced will directly fork the github and start expermenting.
There are couple of tangential application to this AI. Suppose AI can write the mails that you type to clarify the problem your customer has
When you pose a problem that you are facing, the AI can literally score thru quora and provide list of solutions. This is same as coding, and the idea used in creating the Alphacode may be used by hacking the code.
This way of making one idea into another is the simple but effective way we humans and more importantly coders and hackers will be on top of the food chain.",What is AlphaCode and why are programmers afraid of it?,Who really has to be afraid is School students and
70,Is-Machine-learning-used-in-medicine-Feeding-the-model-1000s-of-images-of-cancer-and-tumors-The-machine-would-be-able-to-locate-it-from-past-pictures-and-tell-you-what-it-thinks-it-is-in-terms-of-cancer-and-what,"Yes it is used. But not by feeding pictures…. It is more advanced.
Deep learning and Reinforced learning has been used extensively by Deep Mind recently, to win CASP competition. The Protien Folding competition.
The idea of protien folding is converted into a game, and the AI name AlphaFold was created. The solution accuracy was less than 80% for long time, and with advent of Deep Learning the breakthrough was achieved.
Even the Corona protien was given in the competition, and the folding was predicted with high accuracy. The techhology used is not just the Deep learning, but the ingenuity of the team working at Deep Mind played major role in using the AI learning patterns for effective problem solving
What it means to Humanity? Longer life, pleasant environment, and more leisure and wealth? Hmm, it is all possible in how the technology is used.",Is Machine learning used in medicine Feeding the model 1000s of images of cancer and tumors The machine would be able to locate it from past pictures and tell you what it thinks it is in terms of cancer and what?,Yes it is used. But not by feeding pictures…. It
71,How-do-you-get-into-Deep-Learning-in-practice-Im-18-but-Im-afraid-books-and-online-courses-wont-be-enough-to-start-working-on-my-own-projects-art-and-music-generation-Im-kind-of-lost-on-Kaggle-Could-you-help-me,"I was in similar situation and bit lost in kaggle. After 12 months of practice, completing all the kaggle courses, see the outcome below. You can see the associated kaggle notebook, here
The charts shows the story, and it was possible by python, and kaggle notebook. Before this 12 month of practice, I was also lost for 2 years….
So what clicked???
The solution is simple. Head to Kaggle courses page and start one course at a time. No pressure.. Go steadily and learn the chapters, and enjoy the following code exercises and getting simple answers first. You have to spend time in figuring out the correct answers, before you check their hints and solutions. (Avoid the urge to complete the exercises and move forward, I did that the first time and got lost completely)
You have to read up on the related books on the course. For example, the intro course is on Python. When you complete the course, take Python for dummies kind of book and go thru it. You will see some points you learnt in the course come in the book and explained with new example.
When you do this, you will start connecting the dots and start trying out new things with python. Then move to the next course. Do the same. Give Yourself 3 months to finish the courses. Steadily, you will start understanding the Language and the Platform. Imagination is the key here. Thinking how the concepts you are learning can be applied in real world problems, as you go through the courses is important.
If you are wondering where to get all the books, then head to Z-Library. The world's largest ebook library.
This site has every book that a aspiring teenager needs. All you need is a smartphone with big screen, and good internet connectivity. I am sure, you have these two available.
By the end of 6 months you would have read atleast 100 different books and have done lot of exercises. You will have your fav books too. That point, you can look at related things like Git, software engineerig, Data structures and read more on them specifically. All this time you will be practicing it too.
This is the way to move forward, and as you see there is lot of practicing, reading and typing involved. To get through all this, you need to have the inspiration. Motivation will take you only to some distance, the rest is covered by your inner image of what you really want to become by using the coding skils.
For me Inspiration is Nikola Tesla, and the Warren Buffett. They have given their entire lives to find how certain aspect of this reality works, and shared it with the world. Whenever I find myself lost during the practice, or in the early morning feeling tired to wake up, it is the inspiration to share my findings, and knowledge that wakes me up.
The solution works and in process makes you confident, and creative. Able to provide answers, and ideas is very empowering. All the very best for your journey. Kagglers, and the Python community, Stackoverflow are there to help when you are stopped by errors. Before asking support, google your error and see if there is solution already and try it out. Yep, that is all you need to know..
Have a great journey.. see you the other side!!!!",How do you get into Deep Learning in practice Im 18 but Im afraid books and online courses wont be enough to start working on my own projects art and music generation Im kind of lost on Kaggle Could you help me?,I was in similar situation and bit lost in kaggle.
72,How-can-I-pursue-my-career-in-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-after-doing-a-B-Sc-in-Physics,"There are multiple options to choose depending on the time you have got.
Easiest is to enrol in the courses offered by the many universities. Just take any masters degree on ML and AI to pursue. That in itself will not land you a job as is the case with any degree. You have to prove that you can use your knowledge in real world scenarios.
So as you are doing the course, start contributing to communities like Kaggle, Quora with your knowledge. There is so many real problems that can be solved, but the courses offered will not show every thing. So what to do?
Read a lot of machine learning books. It can be about the programming, the libraries, the cookbook usecases, visualisation ideas. Read atleast 250 Books. That is the important point in any career. The more you read, more your knowledge will grow. More you will contribute.
Happy life to you.",How can I pursue my career in artificial intelligence and machine learning after doing a B Sc in Physics?,There are multiple options to choose depending on the time
73,Is-Neuralink-available,"Still in the early stages of medical testing. will take more time to become mainstream. Even after mainstream, the chip will be used for those with disabilities. this is what the company claims.
No the chip cannot completely control the humans still. My estimate, It will take another 5 years of research to make that powerful a chip.",Is Neuralink available?,Still in the early stages of medical testing. will take
74,Who-are-the-biggest-NFT-buyers,"Your Question can be answered by Dune analytics or Nansen. The reason for directing to that service is, not that you will get the answer, you will see how the any data can be quried and shared or used to make decisions.",Who are the biggest NFT buyers?,Your Question can be answered by Dune analytics or Nansen.
75,What-are-some-project-ideas-for-a-final-year-data-science-student-Beginner-to-intermediate-level,"Think about an end to end project that starts with data gathering, cleaning, wrangling, feature engineering, multiple model generation using your favourite algorithms.
It is best you head to kaggle and take a competition dataset and try to model the data. You can show your data analysis provess followed by reliable feature selection process.
if that seems easy(which is not the case), you can start by scraping the data from the net and come up with some unique insights or finding and model based on that.
Whatever you do, maintain good version control and use lot of comments in your code. Open a github repo and maintain all code there. If you are using kaggle, then maintain your notebooks and link them to github repo.
Have a great career ahead.",What are some project ideas for a final year data science student Beginner to intermediate level?,Think about an end to end project that starts with
76,How-can-the-human-brain-control-an-artificial-machine,"Our brain is controling the smart phones in our hands. So in the same way it can control any machine.
If you are thinking how will the brain control artificially intelligent machine, then the answer is interesting.
The linkage between the AI machine and brain won't be hands, it will be direct interface to the neurons. The machine will directly learn what the brain has to communicate in electrical pulses and do the actions. This is the concept behind neuralink.
The idea seems daunting, but it is simply the classification and regression problems the AI models are becoming good at solving. So the answer is, with Thoughts and thinking.",How can the human brain control an artificial machine?,Our brain is controling the smart phones in our hands.
77,What-are-the-features-of-the-AI-enabled-computer-by-Facebook-META,"All computers are AI enabled not just Metàs computer. The issue is the speed with which the computer solves the equations. The hardware is simply highpowered, with more gpu along with cpu that can crunch more numbers.
There are existing cloud computing services being used widely by the datascience community. Infact the data for the below chart came from the recent survey done in the kaggle community. The data can be checked here,
The below chart was created from the Kaggle Notebook. Yes, that makes me a Kaggler. When I entered the world of data, I knew only Jupyter notebook that is now bundled with Python portable distributions. The learning curve brought me to Colab and Kaggle.
There some thing intriguing in the above chart? Many of them don’t use any of the services shown above. What they use? Their own laptops, desktops or the internal service their company IT provides. Surprised!!
The AI or machine learning is a very old technology. The idea was used in Aerospace, Automotive and other high end design decision making. Even the laptop cooling is simulated using the equations.
The story is just starting. The data and its conclusions are unpalatable to many decision makers in this world. So after doing the grunt work with the above compute services, the decisions and supporting data needs to be again visualised. If just peek in the below chart one will be astonished at the choices for the business intelligence softwares.
Because it is finally businesses that use the results coming from the AI solutions. The data needs to be made pallatable to the decision makers. In this case the decision maker is you the reader and future top shot executive or engineer deciding the fate of your company and business.
It is not the next shiny compute processor, or the quantum chip that is going to change the world. It is how these compute resources are being used. We came this far, by using very simple micro processors. Like our brain, most of these processor powers are still under utilised all over the world. Even in your own laptops and desktops.
How to tap into that processing power? Learning to Program.
Yes, that is the only way to collectively grow. Learning to program will enable and empower everyone to decide based on the data available freely out there. The power will not reside in the companies like Meta, or Google (Kaggle is part of Alphabet, they are altruistic till now). It is not how much power or what features something has, it is how creatively and aggressively the power is used….",What are the features of the AI enabled computer by Facebook META?,All computers are AI enabled not just Metàs computer. The
78,Can-AI-make-a-movie,"It is already helping to create stories which might be incoherent at this moment. The key for this is advances in the NLP field.
There are many libraries like Spacy and OpenAI GPT3 which can create essays and stories by using LSTM and RNN algorithms. The intricacies of the algorithms can be learnt as most of the difficult math is abstracted by simple functions and libraries.
Check it out.",Can AI make a movie?,It is already helping to create stories which might be
79,Is-a-blockchain-career-better-than-a-career-in-machine-learning,"Machine learning is a discipline while blockchain is a technology. So go ahead and learn about it. Then you need to learn for using that knowledge of blockchain in machine learning projects.
There are many things in blockchain will need the help o# machine learning. So keep an open mind. Have a great career ahead",Is a blockchain career better than a career in machine learning?,Machine learning is a discipline while blockchain is a technology.
80,Is-it-true-that-Facebook-shut-down-its-artificial-intelligence-because-the-AI-researchers-discovered-it-had-created-its-own-language,"It was this question that really got me into AI and ML. When I found that, the answer for the question was “NO”, the idea that I could one day make the AI to discover a language got me more interested and pushed me to understand the NLP models deeply.
There is a possibility that such a language creation might happen between the algorithms in the metaverse in near future as more algorithms populate. This moment there are so many libraries that the AI researchers use to help computer do some difficult things which the rule based programming cannot do.
There is the concept of self supervised learning algorithms that will make the headlines soon by creating such languages.",Is it true that Facebook shut down its artificial intelligence because the AI researchers discovered it had created its own language?,It was this question that really got me into AI
81,Which-are-the-best-online-courses-for-machine-learning,"Start by going to Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science Community
and take their free courses from Python to Advanced SQL. That is sufficient for you to get the basics.
Then you can branch out to the type of Machine Learning or Data Analysis domain that interests you. You will need special training in advanced topics, but remember to use the resources like Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers
and Hot Questions - Stack Exchange
to come out of the errors that you encounter.
Atleast 8 months of constant studying, practicing and trying new exercises and tutorials are a must. You can get free books from Z-Library. The world's largest ebook library.
which can provide hands on inspiration, and access to data and exercises. The books usually have GitHub: Where the world builds software
repositories, from where you can learn the algorithms and code very fast.
Before spending money, trial run yourself with these free resources. If you still find the domain interesting, then enter it. Else, there are other rewarding domains too. Keep exploring, and growing.",Which are the best online courses for machine learning?,Start by going to Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data
82,Are-there-other-applications-of-Alphazero-or-Alphago-similar-algorithms-to-other-problems-except-games,"Metaverse : Land of Algorithms
Being a avid fan of #videogames, I got smitten by Metaverse. Take any game you play, you will be the protagonist. You need to get something, and the game places hurdles in between. Simple.
Games are simply processes, that have strategies and tasks.
Metaverse is a glorified Massive Multiplayer Online Game. Tomorrow there is an application, which opens you or your avatar to this Metaverse. What will you do there? How long will you be there?
Will you be playing for all your life & looking at ads and others who just pixels like your avatar??? It is not logical. There is something missing.
Yes, we will be playing but we will be doing it differently. We will not control our avatars. Avatars will be Reinforced Learning or Self-supervised learning algorithms that do things for you and with others. Alphago and Alphastar are such RL algorithms. You can spawn as many avatars of yourself, and populate the metaverse(fees will be crypto!! or compute/ electric power), and get #work done
Hold on WORK!!!, no play?? Work will be the Crucial to Metaverse
Think FB or Linkedin, when these products were marketed their USP was connecting supply and demand. After many ""pivots"" their USP is still ""Connecting Supply to the Demand"". The supplies and demands can be different. So...
What will be the Demand and Supply in Metaverse?
No it is not Attention. When the 8 billion or so enter the Metaverse there will be no issue of Attention. The issue of bringing money to the economy will be solved. Work and money will be un-tied as more machines take over. What will Metaverse supply. It will be supply and demand of #connection and #Work.
Yes, it will be work that needs conscious attention of an human being that needs to solved with intuition, creativity and skill. When your avatar gets into trouble with the world or other avatars, your work starts. There are myriad of process that will be run by your avatars that are constantly learning and doing. Your avatar plays, and you direct it.
When your Alexa like avatar replaces you in the phone calls, and meetings the major issue will be getting real human connection. More people start moving away from the city, to their own land and population starts reducing with increasing life expectancy, the demand for real connection will sky rocket. Human connection at level of telepathy.
What if your avatar falls in love (gets in sync) with another avatar, and you can see how it unfolds, in metaverse? (Algorithms syncing? If they can learn, then syncing will be more easier) Algorithms have created telepathic connection between two people.
There will be always people not entering metaverse, and contended being in the reality. Today we have citizens and netizens. Tomorrow we will have humans and #metavatars(#metavs for short).
What will be the next driving force for human improvement? We have to wait and see, or decide it today.
Imagination is crucial for not only human survival but to be happy. The way tech can make this happen is in our hands. Imagine well….",Are there other applications of Alphazero or Alphago similar algorithms to other problems except games?,"Metaverse : Land of Algorithms
Being a avid fan of #videogames,"
83,Where-do-snipping-tool-snips-get-saved,"It stays in the clipboard of your system.
There is an option to look at what is saved in your clipboard. Enable that option on your linux or windows. Then you can see multiple clips that you snipped",Where do snipping tool snips get saved?,"It stays in the clipboard of your system.
There is an"
84,What-makes-human-learning-different-from-machine-learning,"Humans DONT LEARN, Human Brain REINFORCES. In Machine learning, then Reinforcement Learning comes close to mimicing the processes humans do in reality
Human brain categorises the various stimuli to our sense organs, and give back responses to the environment. Based on the responses we give, new stimuli comes back in a different way.
Take an example of the fruits below… that is a external stimuli. The response an human gives depends on his brain, and body make up at the moment he recieves the stimuli. Consider he is hungry, his brain propels him towards the fruit and he picks it up, and eats it(response). Body generates a stimuli to the brain
This time the stimuli is reduction of hunger and brain responds by secreting dopamine. The cycle continues in many types of stimuli, and the response changes. Every stimuli, and its response has been categorised. The categories are different for every human, acoss space and time. This process is simplified “Learning mechanism” humans.
This can be verified by the recent advances in the Reinforcement Algorithms that have taken up complex challenges. Alpha Go and its successor Alpha Star has been playing games against experience players of GO/ Starcraft and winning!!! That doesn’t make them Human, in any logical sense. They are still mimicing Humans, not humans.
We live only ones. Machine Learning Models die and instantiate a trillion times. The parallel of human life just being a program, has been discussed in depth in movies and comics. In real world(if you don’t consider the games as real world), there are certain issues the AI faces. Notable of them is Time and Opportunity to fail. Fail in ways Humans fail and learn from the failures.
Many of the activities we humans do are long term focused, and single time opportunities. You cannot grow up all over, by being born today.. (not likely, unless you can clone!!!) While this can be a huge issue to RL, since RL works by making many iterations, failing and then learning from them.
The RL also does a lot of simulation in order to learn. To simulate the reality takes lot of resources, and more complicated the simulation longer it takes to run. If the simulation is not complex enough, then RL will face unforeseen challenges when it is tested in the reality. (That is not a topic to discuss here)
We are forgeting one major point. We humans are CONSCIOUS. Brain is not the center of Consciousness, the MIND is. Mind is outside our Brain, the environment itself acts as part of the Mind. The sights, smells trigger hidden memories, don’t they. RLs cannot really absorb the details from the reality surrounding it in a way we are doing. They are not Conscious, the way we humans are.",What makes human learning different from machine learning?,"Humans DONT LEARN, Human Brain REINFORCES. In Machine learning, then"
85,Which-area-of-machine-learning-is-closest-to-how-humans-learn,"Humans DONT LEARN, we REINFORCE. In Machine learning, then Reinforcement Learning comes close to mimicing the processes humans follow…
Human brain categorises the various stimuli to our sense organs, and give back responses to the environment. Based on the responses we give, new stimuli comes back in a different way.
Take an example of the fruits below… that is a external stimuli. The response an human gives depends on his brain, and body make up at the moment he recieves the stimuli. Consider he is hungry, his brain propels him towards the fruit and he picks it up, and eats it(response). Body generates a stimuli to the brain
This time the stimuli is reduction of hunger and brain responds by secreting dopamine. The cycle continues in many types of stimuli, and the response changes. Every stimuli, and its response has been categorised. The categories are different for every human, acoss space and time. This process is simplified “Learning mechanism” humans.
This can be verified by the recent advances in the Reinforcement Algorithms that have taken up complex challenges. Alpha Go and its successor Alpha Star has been playing games against experience players of GO/ Starcraft and winning!!!
In real world(if you don’t consider the games as real world), there are certain issues the AI faces. Notable of them is Time and Opportunity to fail. Many of the activities we humans do are long term focused, and single time opportunities. You cannot grow up all over, by being born today.. (not likely, unless you can clone!!!) While this can be a huge issue to RL, since RL works by making many iterations, failing and then learning from them.
The RL also does a lot of simulation in order to learn. To simulate the reality takes lot of resources, and more complicated the simulation longer it takes to run. If the simulation is not complex enough, then RL will face unforeseen challenges when it is tested in the reality. (That is not a topic to discuss here)
We are forgeting one major point. We humans are CONSCIOUS. Brain is not the center of Consciousness, the MIND is. Mind is outside our Brain, the environment itself acts as part of the Mind. The sights, smells trigger hidden memories, don’t they. Programming these into RL is still a long shot, but we can safely consider RL comes close to the way Humans operate in this Reality.",Which area of machine learning is closest to how humans learn?,"Humans DONT LEARN, we REINFORCE. In Machine learning, then Reinforcement"
86,How-could-you-explain-what-is-a-subroutine-in-programming-to-a-layman,"Subroutine is a helper.
An activity that is done repetively is a routine, and each routine will have multiple smaller routines. Lets take an example.
To make a cup of black tea is a routine. There are multiple steps to get black tea from water and tea bag. Dipping the tea bag in the hot water for either, 10 times, or until color sufficienty black or a fixed duration is a “Sub-Routine”
There are similar conditions in programming that processor executes. In computers, the sub-routines abstract the complexity of the routine and leave it to the experts. Even the sub-routines act as a security to avoid the sensitive data being leaked.
Most of the sub-routines will take care of low level heavy lifting work like writing numbers , objects to the memory and retriving it when required. The above picture shows the process of person searching a number with a lens, in the memory. This is laborious process, which is done by simple indexing, and sorting subroutines.",How could you explain what is a subroutine in programming to a layman?,"Subroutine is a helper.
An activity that is done repetively is"
87,How-is-artificial-intelligence-being-used-in-e-learning,"Online Education is rapidly evolving everyday. The continued lockdown due to variants of COVID is making the delivery of education will see a complete shift.
Before even thinking roles of AI in this domain, one has to get some perspective on the penetration of Online Education. Learn Platform USA has shared their anonymised customer data, through Kaggle. Below are some of the findings
The data gives all the above information, which can lead to decisions that will help the businesses and the students ultimately. Below we can the product that is used the most.
Following that we can see how the various US cities and the school districts that are using the Online platform.
The below kaggle notebook can share the codes, and the data that were used for making the above charts.
Above is an the application of data analysis in Online_Education. Even the data analysis can be automated with AI. The usual process is, before unleashing the AI on any application, the data analysis is done. The appropriate AI can be used for the specific challenge strategically.
AI can be broadly categorised into the following
Of the above, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing can be used in Online platform, and make it more efficient. There are many places like shown below.
Computer Vision:
Natural Language Processing:
This type of AI application is booming in many ways.
The answer shared is for reference purpose only. The data shared can be easily checked by anyone interested. The power is the level of DEMOCRATISATION, the data allows every one to participate and contribute.",How is artificial intelligence being used in e learning?,Online Education is rapidly evolving everyday. The continued lockdown due
88,Why-doesnt-the-same-concept-apply-to-learning-real-world-machine-learning-engineering-since-it-is-said-that-learning-anything-under-the-tutelage-or-guidance-of-a-very-experienced-tutor-cuts-down-time-frames-that-is,"Good day and thanks for asking this qoestion.
Machine learing and real world learning has different purposes. Real world learning, one learns to navigate this world easily and gain self actualisation. While ML is done for automating the rule making and modeling so the real world can be seen with a different lens.
Models are just algebra equations with many variables in form of matrices. In real world the models we learn are stored in differently in our brain. So the learnings cannot be compared.",Why doesnt the same concept apply to learning real world machine learning engineering since it is said that learning anything under the tutelage or guidance of a very experienced tutor cuts down time frames that is?,"Good day and thanks for asking this qoestion.
Machine learing and"
89,Who-is-liable-for-damages-caused-by-artificial-Intelligence,The company that runs the AI and gathers the data will be responsible. There is no law to make the AI program to be held responsible for the crime or issue it created.,Who is liable for damages caused by artificial Intelligence?,The company that runs the AI and gathers the data
90,In-my-18-year-old-daughters-class-each-student-has-to-prepare-a-topic-and-teach-the-class-about-it-for-45-minutes-However-she-is-very-shy-with-social-anxiety-Is-there-any-way-she-can-get-out-of-this,"Ask her to open the video cam and teach to herself. Ask her to only thinh and observe the goods and bads of her theory and memory.
Get her to join the Toastmasters club as a guest and take the table topic speaking oppurtunity.
Give her a Good reason to enjoy what she has to do. No monetary incentives. She has to love going in front of the crowd for better confidence, leadership skills and even freedom.
All the best for her carreer.",In my 18 year old daughters class each student has to prepare a topic and teach the class about it for 45 minutes However she is very shy with social anxiety Is there any way she can get out of this?,Ask her to open the video cam and teach to
91,Does-machine-learning-improve-corporate-fraud-detection,"It can learn to detect credit card fraud detection, loan defaults, purchases that are converted to emi. Corporate frauds are much easier to detect in traditional ways, using auditors. The data spread in corporates usually don't have the big data benfits.
There are computer vision and natural language processing algorithms that can help in finding fraud patterns in the documents and processes. Presently an army of managers, slew of CRM softwares avoid or detect the frauds.",Does machine learning improve corporate fraud detection?,"It can learn to detect credit card fraud detection, loan"
92,What-is-an-AI-assisted-RPA,"It is called Process Mining in the AI/ ML industry.
There is a very good introduction about the process mining in the below kaggle notebook, if you are interested in seeing the application in action.
Process Mining captures the digital footprints from any number of systems throughout an organization and organizes them in a way that shows each step of the journey to complete that process, along with any deviations from the expected path.(Paraphrased from the Kaggle Notebook)
Regular RPA involves using the UI to manually program the process automation. In process mining, the program tries to learn the steps necessary to complete a task, say to get shipping order, fill a billing Invoice, mail it to the customer. This is a business requirement, which is done by many people across multiple industry. When all the data is collected, the process can be “Mined” or learned by the Machine.
It is a interesting field which is at a nascent stage. Anyone willing to enter the AI field can look at this field ripe for taking.",What is an AI assisted RPA?,"It is called Process Mining in the AI/ ML industry.
93,How-can-I-manage-my-anxiety-from-my-sales-job,"Answer is, You don't think about your job when you are not doing it. To achieve that, you need to work and plan meticulously when you are doing the job.
I have the same challenge and the above solution works like a charm.
In many ways sales job is like cooking. If you follow the rules and have correct ingredients then your dish will be the best.
All the best.",How can I manage my anxiety from my sales job?,"Answer is, You don't think about your job when you"
94,What-books-are-you-planning-to-read-in-2022,"I have started “the console wars” and already reading The art of Game design. I have started the Facebook storty which is very different book.
I have some rereadings to do. The atlas shrugged is at the top. Then there is book of joy and Full catastrophy living.
New books are mostly about games, programming, maohine learning and artificial intelligence. My goal is to land a business that does data analysis.",What books are you planning to read in 2022?,I have started “the console wars” and already reading The
95,What-are-commercially-available-AIs-or-chatbots-that-you-can-explicitly-teach-train,Chatterbot is available as open source that you can train. The Spacy library can speed up your model building too. Using the model the chatbot can be built,What are commercially available AIs or chatbots that you can explicitly teach train?,Chatterbot is available as open source that you can train.
96,Could-AI-ever-replicate-or-outperform-the-human-brain,"AI is a group of Algorithms. Just like Google’s Page Rank, or FB’s Edge Rank.
Human Brain is still complex and nuanced for the algorithms like AI to simulate. AI can give a feeling that, it is simulating the real brain. Under the hood, it is just smart algorithms that has been developed by more smarter mathematicians.
Reinforced learning Algorithms are promising to simulate the brain. RL is being developed with lot more human involvement, than even the regular deep learning algorithms like RNNs or LSTMs. The control knobs in our brain is very different, and complex. Ranging from simple blood sugar level, to more complicated harmones injection, brain can throw very unique challenges that makes simulation a nightmare.
The difference could be made with help of quantum computers. Which can bring out all the possible outcomes in a single compute. To understand quantum computing algorithm, could be a huge break through. Which is well underway, from multiple fronts. Google, Dwave and many others are spear heading this innovation.
The scenario is still a wait and watct condition. The moment, there is a breakthrough in this area, get ready for major leap in the way we live.",Could AI ever replicate or outperform the human brain?,AI is a group of Algorithms. Just like Google’s Page
97,In-machine-learning-and-NLP-for-Arabic-what-is-the-part-of-speech-tagging,"checkout the Spacy language models.
There is no Arabic module now based on my search.",In machine learning and NLP for Arabic what is the part of speech tagging?,"checkout the Spacy language models.
There is no Arabic module now"
98,Can-machine-learning-deep-learning-tools-be-used-for-automating-the-process-of-chip-design-entirely-Thereby-invalidating-the-usefulness-of-various-EDA-tools-By-design-I-mean-simulation-not-the-actual-fabrication,"A bit of thinking gave a different view.
Using Reinforced learning, much of the decision making in the design process can be automated. That really comes close to automating in the sense you are asking. If the RL can be programmed to learn from simulating a lot of chip design and thru that learn the best design, it could be possible.
The major issue is the process automation programming works with many different inputs and timelines. There will be both time series data and data with various features in each step of the process. Reinforced learning paired with Machine learning or deep learning can do what you are asking.",Can machine learning deep learning tools be used for automating the process of chip design entirely Thereby invalidating the usefulness of various EDA tools By design I mean simulation not the actual fabrication?,"A bit of thinking gave a different view.
Using Reinforced learning,"
99,Can-I-learn-AI-or-robotics-through-an-online-course-and-make-it-as-a-career-as-I-am-30-years-old-and-graduated-in-BSc-computer-science-in-2012,"There are two important requisite for AI and Robotics. One is perseverance and another is imagination.
The online courses can plunge you right into the exact work you might do. Ask yourself, did you use everything you learned in Bsc? What makes the online courses different? (Do your research, that is expected from a AI engineer. No Data, then no decision)
I have taken atleast 10 different courses ranging from Kaggle to Coursera. The interesting pattern is, the courses teach the tools and the pr...",Can I learn AI or robotics through an online course and make it as a career as I am 30 years old and graduated in BSc computer science in 2012?,There are two important requisite for AI and Robotics. One
100,Are-AI-machine-learning-and-Web-3-correlated,"Web3 and AI can be made to coexist. The Blockchain community is pushing for this synergy.
Blockchain gives a way to look at the world with distributed trust and get data that is very reliable and automated.
There are so many apps that collect your wants, needs and demands. These apps(read any app that is online) have some usefulness, so we use them and share our data. How about the activity that we do offline? This is done with sensors that are trustable by central body. Most cases it is humans collecting the data. Web3 enters this bottleneck area.
With help of distributed network, and IOT the real world physical data is collected. Then AI enters to leverage the power of algorithms to help those in need of taking decisions.
The above line looks so simple, and the moment you unpack the underlying technical complexity surfaces. Do a bit more research. The world with IOT and Blockchain can turn in to a videogame called watchdogs. In that the AI regenerates the crime scene. That, is the ultimate use case of Blockchain and Iot.
The concept of metaverse, real life simulation is also tied to the distributoed way of getting the data and showing it to the consumer. The reality that we live itself is possible because much of the sensor lies with ourself and our brain does the analysis. We react pretty quick. With the advent of Blockchain the entire cities, organisations can become like a huge organism. That can see, hear, learn and feel itself. (We are pretty long way from that though)
Its a wonderful world, do some more research. Take some open courses to learn about the workings of the Blockchain. The things will become more clear.",Are AI machine learning and Web 3 correlated?,Web3 and AI can be made to coexist. The Blockchain
101,How-should-I-proceed-further-in-Computer-Vision-and-NLP-after-completing-the-Coursera-Deep-Learning-courses-I-want-to-go-in-depth-in-both-of-them-What-would-be-some-good-projects-or-advanced-courses-to-do,"You have two paths.
The industry that uses computer vision the most is Self-driving vehicle, Medical, Process Industry and Marketing. There are many projects that come up in Kaggle, that you can try. You can also look at the data that is floating around, like in your college, work place and see if you can use it for learning. Today, to find recipe for a vegetable that you see in the market, Google lens is used. So the ideas can be very creative
The industry that uses NLP the most is Finance, Marketing, Medicine and automation industry. The chatbots like Ok google and Siri are work of NLP. The NLP is beginning to enter auditing and legal domains due to the effort required by the people in these domains. There are efforts to replace the scoring teacher for exams by NLP. There is a recentl Kaggle competition that launched. Take a look.
The learning starts from here for you. Select one path and stick to it. Learn the sub field like, data collection and cleaning. Learning the process in major organization. Lookout for any new org that might enter into AI enabling, you can get an internship.
All the best for your career.",How should I proceed further in Computer Vision and NLP after completing the Coursera Deep Learning courses I want to go in depth in both of them What would be some good projects or advanced courses to do?,"You have two paths.
The industry that uses computer vision the"
102,What-is-an-example-of-using-an-AI-chatbot-in-health-care,"Yourdost and Watson comes to mind immediately. The chat bots have started proliferating not only in healthcare, but even in finance, teaching domains. With the advent of GAN and LSTM deep learning network, building the chatbot for your specific domains is getting more easier
Training can be done using TPUs, by considering the word vector as pixels.",What is an example of using an AI chatbot in health care?,Yourdost and Watson comes to mind immediately. The chat bots
103,How-do-you-know-if-you-love-someone-7,"Memory of someone you love can instantly heal you, give you energy and wake you up even from extraordinary illness.
Moment you the thought of person you love might make you horny, and bring out the emotions of lust. As these emotion subsides, and your brain calms down, the warmth of caring and love settles. That is when you know, you are in love.
Unable to sleep at night without hearing their voice. Feeling the gaping hole in your mind (not brain) and unable to think objectively about the world around you. That is infatuation. Don’t mistake that for love.
When you calmly asleep and feel assured that the person you love is also thinking about you, and smile for a moment. That is real love. Person who makes you love yourself more for having them in your life.",How do you know if you love someone 7?,"Memory of someone you love can instantly heal you, give"
104,What-is-it-that-makes-fake-news-and-fake-memes-go-viral-so-easily,"Algorithms that power the social media sites’ main page. That is what creates the “Viral” effect. Secondly Memes themselves rides on the idea that is very familiar and memorable.
Algorithm is tasked with populating the things that your friends have watched, liked or commented. These are 3 simple activities. When 150 friends do any one of the action, your page updates.
Multiply that with other social media sites like twitter, linkedin joining with the algorithms running on your social media site. The speed with which the fake news propagates is very fast.
Humans are easily influenced by “Authority”. When the fake news is said in a authoritative tone, wording, with legitimate looking web url, we believe it to be true. Forward it to the social media pages, with just commenting or liking. The algorithm then spreads the news like a virus on your friends’ network. If one of your 150 friends sees it, and does like or comment the cycle begins.
Influencers who gather millions of followers or subscribers can create instant viral effect, by propagating the news to everyone in their followers’ list. Just a click.
This is all possible because of how the algorithms are written, and how they interact with each other. The fake news has been around for long time, only now the algorithms have made it so easy to move the news fast. This effect can be seen in how the world market reacts to any fearful or bad news.
Algorithms or social media sites are just tools like traditional media like news paper. They are only conduits. Only we humans have to learn, and be wary of what we consume and like.",What is it that makes fake news and fake memes go viral so easily?,Algorithms that power the social media sites’ main page. That
105,Why-is-nothing-going-viral-recently,"Things are, alot of things are, cringe stuff and so much more, it's just maybe what you look at is not going viral, check more stuff to find out it's going viral :D
",Why is nothing going viral recently?,"Things are, alot of things are, cringe stuff and so"
106,Are-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-the-future-of-process-plant-operations-and-management,"Automation has mostly taken over plants which can afford the fixed costs of the robots, infra and available cash flow. AI is just going to make this more easier.
When the process can be learnt by a bot and deployed with less financial cost, then there will slew of automation. This learning is now steadily improving with machine learning and AI powered Visual and Language processing.
Yes, the processes that are repeatable and needs only human arm and eyes, will get automate by AI.",Are artificial intelligence and machine learning the future of process plant operations and management?,Automation has mostly taken over plants which can afford the
107,What-categories-of-Mathematics-should-you-be-familiar-with-for-learning-Computer-Sciences-Deep-learning-and-Machine-Learning-Specialities,"There is a simple subject called Algebra that has powered the entire machine learning and AI revolution.
ax + b = c
It all starts with that simple equation. In case of machine learning. We know the “c”. The data. It is constant. Because it cannot be changed. It is there after collecting.
Then the differentiation, integration, matrix algebra, and optimization theory kicks in. You need not understand them to be a practitioner. If you know it is required, that is good.
If you apply for job then it is expected you know about them a bit deeper, like what really differentiation is, and how gradient descent works or some other algorithms. Even there you dont need to write the algorithms. This is what is required for daily work.
So start as a practitioner and then move to become expert. Problems algebra, differentiation can solve is very different from what machine learning with data can solve. And still use the base of algebra. Practice and then connect the dots.",What categories of Mathematics should you be familiar with for learning Computer Sciences Deep learning and Machine Learning Specialities?,There is a simple subject called Algebra that has powered
108,Can-AI-predict-absolutely-and-independently-without-being-fed-by-a-definite-set-of-programme-codes-by-a-programmer,"Nope. AI is not a being with agency. AI currently is something like the below picture.
So the AI cannot take any decisions currently without human aid. Still research going on for reaching level of sentience.",Can AI predict absolutely and independently without being fed by a definite set of programme codes by a programmer?,Nope. AI is not a being with agency. AI currently
109,Cant-we-just-screenshot-NFT-art-and-sell-it,"To sell that screen shot you need to own it first. To say you own it, you need to register it on a Blockchain. That will cost you money, or crypto. Then you can sell it on the Blockchain.
Check out Open Sea. They offer the service to host your NFT. The point is to think how much you would be willing to spend for just “owning” it.",Cant we just screenshot NFT art and sell it?,To sell that screen shot you need to own it
110,What-is-the-best-path-as-a-career-among-Cyber-Security-Machine-learning-and-AI-software-development,"Where do you think there is major demand for skilled professional is?
All these careers are currently taken up by almost everyone. Every other school friend is working at FAANG company. There has to be an edge, that you can leverage against the world, the organisations. There is a saying in Tamil, that roughly translates as follows.
In a land where there is no sugar the Mehua flower is Sugar. Where can your skills be used? That research must have lead you to quora the first place. Aspiring to be a cyber security or data scientist lies in not just about finding a job, but creating many jobs…. That could be an edge, which many entrepreneur do.
What is required now is to think of completely new professions altogether. Something very basic.
Ability to enter any field and master it at rapid pace. That seems to be great edge. My being an evangelist of mastery, advicing that, “Jack of all Trades” is an edge feels hypocritical. Things that we have to master has started to change.
Basic way we learn is getting altered by AI. It is no longer mandatory to master repetitive work through repetition. It can be programmed. Only the problem has to be looked from engineering and problem solving attitude. Any real world problem can be converted to algorithm or models now. That is very powerful.
Abstracting the working of ML, Cyber and SW Development is under rapid progress in AI field. Think about these professions, you can find frameworks, heuristics and certifications that one learns for years to master. All of these on top of undergraduate engineering course.
Really, is this necessary? Why to create such a burden on the children by making them study every subject under the universe and the make them feel bad when they arw unable to use it? Is the time spent is productive for our youth?
AI is making the career switching much easier, and frictionless in coming decade…. It doesn’t matter, whether you are developer or cyber hacker. You have to be conversant with how a computer thinks, a network moves data, AI learns from that data, and how marketing and product development fuels this entire cycles.
All this gives you a very different view of the world to thrive and have fun. Not just work and earn money.",What is the best path as a career among Cyber Security Machine learning and AI software development?,Where do you think there is major demand for skilled
111,What-is-the-most-advanced-expression-of-AI-in-the-world-right-now-today,"AI concept called Generative Adversarial network is the highest creative expression currently. Anyone can gin up the algorithm to create very interesting and dream like hallucinations.
Algorithms hallucinate and give out pictures.
In reality it is just mathematics made to work in complex ways to create such effects. Still it is very advanced expressions.",What is the most advanced expression of AI in the world right now today?,AI concept called Generative Adversarial network is the highest creative
112,What-is-the-difference-between-supervised-and-unsupervised-learning-and-how-can-we-tell-the-difference,"It is all in the data. If the data is labeled and your model learns from that data, then it is supervised. If data is not labeled then it becomes Unsupervised Learning.
The idea is unsupervised learning can provide patterns that humans or the systems did not think about. This kind of learning can be very useful when there are more dimensions (features), especially in Computer Vision, Time series analysis and NLP.
Supervised learning models have their benefits too. The benefit is, we get “Free Products”. Take quora, a free product where you get the answer for many different questions. The data is created by users and it is labeled by them and shared to quora engineers. Who can make models out of it.
One question that the quora data can answer,
Who is most likely to answer the next question you have?
Quora can look at all the questions that one person has answered, and classify whether that person can answer your question using Natural Language processing models.
Even a simple regression analysis on, how many question one person has answered till date, can be used to forecast the future.
These types of questions and their answers make the product managers at quora to make the product more efficient and interesting to play with.
Keep exploring. You will see countless problems that can be placed under these two categories. Have a great time.",What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning and how can we tell the difference?,It is all in the data. If the data is
113,Is-personal-computer-artificial-intelligence-AI,"Nope, the computer that work at your table and the one carry in your pocket is just slab of glass and plastic made from things like oil and sand.
They help only in “computing”. The intelligence that is famously spoken about, is basic algebra supercharged to include the features of real world. The models work kn these features, which can be as long as 500 to 1000 dimensions
Artificial super or general intelligence is different in one important sense. It can know which data it needs to solve the problem, and goes about Collecting it. This level is not reached yet..",Is personal computer artificial intelligence AI?,"Nope, the computer that work at your table and the"
114,What-is-the-easiest-way-to-control-over-thinking,"Thinking has two roots. One in your body and other in your philosophy. To change the thinking then move your body to a different place, exercise or take a walk. Emotions, feelings and insecurity all arise with your body and brain.
Other option, work on the philosophy and find a new one. Take course on logic and philosophy for a change and get a fresh look at this world. It does change the entire life.",What is the easiest way to control over thinking?,Thinking has two roots. One in your body and other
115,I-have-to-choose-3-preferred-skill-sets-among-AI-ML-Data-Analytics-Cyber-Security-Cloud-and-Java-Full-Stack-for-joining-Wipro-Can-anyone-suggest-which-is-better,"Data Analystics,AI/ML and Cloud Stack would be the best to start a rewarding career. These fields are devoting huge researchers for advancement. So for these three.",I have to choose 3 preferred skill sets among AI ML Data Analytics Cyber Security Cloud and Java Full Stack for joining Wipro Can anyone suggest which is better?,"Data Analystics,AI/ML and Cloud Stack would be the best to"
116,How-do-I-supercharge-Gmail-with-keyboard-shortcuts,"I have been using Gmail for work till date. One important thing to remember is, why you want to use short cuts. To me, I want to get rid of the mouse and use wireless keyboard. This saves tremendous time. Increased Efficiency is a good motivation but it is usually not sufficient.
I love to type. Yes, it is like how artist loves his brush. I love to type with only my right hand and use my left for doing some easy task like drinking tea while I type. It is possible with right hand Dvorak keyboard layout. There will be NO mouse near me. This is another way to force myself to learn shortcuts.
With this kind of setup, learning to use shortcuts on gmail is more than a necessity for me. I first learned the short cut keys by seeing the short cut help page for every action I need to do on gmail. The learning curve was pretty steep.
Once learned and my finger memorized the short cuts then it is breeze from that moment. Mostly I use mouse only when the gmail option doesn't have a shortcut for an action.
It is simple really if you have seen the hackers and uber programmers type. They use the key board like a pianist playing. The sound the keyboard makes will be mesmerising. This is possible with the inspiration and motivation.
Take it as a challenge to learn the shortcut and you will see opportunity every corner. Have a great day",How do I supercharge Gmail with keyboard shortcuts?,I have been using Gmail for work till date. One
117,If-someone-builds-a-MODEL-for-specific-problem-inwhich-this-model-learns-in-each-situation-and-does-not-require-retraining-anymore-by-the-AI-scientist-would-it-be-needed-by-the-companies-in-such-business-domain,"Transfer learning.
In deep learning there is a concept called transfer learning where a model trained on a data can be used for classification of a entirely different data. The neural networks are modified by methodically Cutting certain parts of the model and retrain. This saves tremendous time and machine power.
Same way the model trained in a business can be used for different business with a bit of creativity. Usually the AI engineers prefer to build from the scratch. Use only the existing model in parts, but not in whole.
Take a look at this concept in Keras and Pytorch deep learning frameworks. It is very interesting to learn the idea behind it.",If someone builds a MODEL for specific problem inwhich this model learns in each situation and does not require retraining anymore by the AI scientist would it be needed by the companies in such business domain?,"Transfer learning.
In deep learning there is a concept called transfer"
118,Which-deep-learning-techniques-are-best-suited-for-sequential-data,"LSTM and RNN are most suitable for sequential data. However the ARIMA and SARIMAX machine learning models give better predictions if hyper parameters are set with patience and knowledge.
FBProphet is very powerful machine learning algorithm which uses many heuristics that needs to be tweaked.
RNN are used in NLP too and language is the pervasive sequence that humans live and breath.",Which deep learning techniques are best suited for sequential data?,LSTM and RNN are most suitable for sequential data. However
119,How-do-I-make-a-bot-that-clicks,"Check out the RPA softwares like those made by the following companies
The software makes it simple to build complex bots that are very easy to make using gui interface. Very less programming is required
There are bots that mimic the action of clicking, that can be written in python. Appropriate libraries and sufficient time to learn should bring you up to speed fast enough.
A simple web search got me the above sites that can easily teach you how to get your mouse to click, without you lifting a twinkie. Take a look, enjoy programming.",How do I make a bot that clicks?,Check out the RPA softwares like those made by the
120,When-are-we-going-to-get-thinking-robots,"Reading the Robot series of Issac Asimov, left with a strong yearning to make a robot that can “Think” to begin with. When I completed the Foundation series, I understood why Elon Musk is very bullish about humans going to MARS.
During a lunch at office, topic of what we really want to become or create came up. I instinctively told, to make “Robots that Think”. All I got was blank stares from my colleagues. In fact, I was clueless on where to even begin.
I started training for the machine learning and python programming. I explored the ROS system that is predominant in building robot simulation. The search further lead to computer vision and AI systems. Forecasting techniques using the RNN, LSTM and other algorithms. None of the AI sounding algorithms were really “Intelligence”
So did I find the answer?
The answer was already known to me. I am a trained public speaker and influencer. Speakers believe that words carry lot more power than the pictures. Words can be used to program the minds. Even our self-talk can alter our state of thinking. I had known this all along, and did not think about Natural Language programming.
When I was losing hope in finding the key to thoughts, and thinking I was searching for some books on Natural Language Programming. One of the books hit the cord and resonated.
NLPIA has the introduction to NLP like no other. The authors have extensive experience, and tied the lose ends to the “Thinking” problem of the robots. In fact, there are so many scientists working with the same passion and vision. “To Make the Robots (bots) think”. MS already released “Tay”, an AI Bot which became very anti-social, and was taken down.
So we already have thinking bots. The robots wiill be around sooner than we expected. Musk’s Mars mission wiill be more interesting and science fiction worthy, when the flights are controlled by the “Thinking Robots”. Stay tuned and passionate.",When are we going to get thinking robots?,"Reading the Robot series of Issac Asimov, left with a"
121,How-do-you-apply-to-give-your-face-and-voice-to-Russian-robots,"The company that got sued by Arnold for using his face without asking him has turned to the masses for
licensing “faces and voices”. The news article was citing that the application has been closed after 20,000 people volunteered.
Everyone needs to be unique. When such a licensing happens how the world would react is a unique social science experiment.
Keep a lookout for companies like, Tesla, boston dynamics might open up such application. There is work to be done if you are selected. Your 3D model of the face needs to be scanned.Voice needs to be recorded and analysed.
It is a new world. Lets be open to innovation",How do you apply to give your face and voice to Russian robots?,The company that got sued by Arnold for using his
122,When-running-deep-neural-network-based-computer-vision-tumor-classification-on-H-E-stained-digital-pathology-images-is-there-a-preference-to-use-tissue-slides-vs-diagnostic-slides-or-would-you-use-both-at-the-same,"Question piqued my curiosity and checked the publication available out there.
What came to the top was rather surprising. The researchers are staining the slides, computationally. Which means they are not even using physical stains. The ability of the algorithms have become better at making the slides easier to read by the neural networks and find patterns
To answer your question, it is better to use the tissue slide itself directly. Later the computer does the staining. Good day.",When running deep neural network based computer vision tumor classification on H E stained digital pathology images is there a preference to use tissue slides vs diagnostic slides or would you use both at the same?,Question piqued my curiosity and checked the publication available out
123,Is-perceptron-an-algorithm-in-a-neural-network-or-is-it-an-architecture-If-its-an-algorithm-is-the-Hebbian-rule-like-perceptron,"Perception is a program written in c language to aid the back propagation and feed forward learning of the model.
No it is not like hebbian rule. The neural networks back propagation algorithm uses activation function which seems very similar to synaptic activation. But they are not same.
Neurons in neural networks are not anywhere close to neurons.",Is perceptron an algorithm in a neural network or is it an architecture If its an algorithm is the Hebbian rule like perceptron?,Perception is a program written in c language to aid
124,What-are-the-best-examples-of-advanced-AI-technology,"Beyond the superficial feeling that AI seems to do everything that humans can, the influence AI can have on the society is mind boggling.
The AI that can tweet, Tay. Heard of it? A botched experiment by MS. The bot Tay learnt from the tweets of its follower and started tweeting by itself. So what was the issue? Tay became antisocial. That is something we should really call advanced.
Then comes the dreaming AI. The google engineers decided to let the neural networks to learn the picture from imagenet(million pictures of many things). Then ran it through Generative adversarial networks (GAN) to find that the AI was churning out fantastic, dream like picture. One must follow the Google AI blog to get hold of many advances they continue to churn out..
There are countless other examples that work in financial industry. Like the loan default and fraud detection algorithms. They are paltry when compared to the bots that can chat with other bots on the internet to create massive sell off in asset markets.
The level of meta cognition the machine that are connecting and communicating increases, the wonders are going to increase. Keep your eyes and ears open…. Good. Day.",What are the best examples of advanced AI technology?,Beyond the superficial feeling that AI seems to do everything
125,I-focused-on-self-improvement-like-everyone-has-been-saying-but-I-m-still-sad-because-I-want-a-girlfriend-and-tired-of-doing-everything-in-life-alone-What-do-I-do,"You want company not girlfriend. You need to think self help as a pill that reduces pain not solution for your pain. Most importantly you need some spice in life. Bring a change of job, place, or city to begin with.
There will be something that you will love doing alone. Jogging, walking, programming, reading … anything. Find that. Then spend time doing that. Believe you are born to be great and achieve phenomenal things. Your soulmate might be right around the corner. Learn to attract her. No...",I focused on self improvement like everyone has been saying but I m still sad because I want a girlfriend and tired of doing everything in life alone What do I do?,You want company not girlfriend. You need to think self
126,Is-it-worth-attending-TNABC-Miami-for-a-deep-learning-of-crypto-and-blockchain,"Deep learning and crypto have very different use cases. If one has to learn about deep learning, they better hard to Kaggle or sagemaker platforms. They provide the necessary courses and datasets. There is also communities that share information.
The datasets containing all the crypto NFT in Open Sea, the 10,000 crypto punks are available for you yo analyse. The entire 5 years trading data for major currencies are available. All this in Kaggle. So hands down, if you want to learn then head to these platforms rather tha n spending time and money on conference. Have a great future
Conferences are for selling, marketing and getting funding.",Is it worth attending TNABC Miami for a deep learning of crypto and blockchain?,Deep learning and crypto have very different use cases. If
127,Does-learning-data-structures-and-algorithms-help-me-to-code-faster-Faster-in-the-sense-help-to-come-up-with-a-quick-solution-while-working-on-a-real-time-problem,"Learning about the algorithms gives an edge gor sure, along with the data structure knowledge helps to use the algorithm correctly..
So learning both will boost your ability to program. With OOP concept and varied Framework that language use, the algorithm knowledge keeps you grounded. When you need to build a tool for solving a special challenge, you can begin with correct process.
Learn algorithm and data structure. You will do yourself a great favour.",Does learning data structures and algorithms help me to code faster Faster in the sense help to come up with a quick solution while working on a real time problem?,"Learning about the algorithms gives an edge gor sure, along"
128,Does-reinforcement-learning-need-a-lot-of-data-like-supervised-or-deep-learning-does,"Reinforced learning is different from supervised or unsupervised learning fundamentally.
RL creates its own data by iterating over the problem space to find a way to reach the goal. Every iteration, the model learns something about the space. The model learns through the agent that navigate the space.
RL needs value and policy function that can help to learn better about the space. This is where much research is conducted currently. The learning can be done by machine learning or deep learning algorithm.
What is required, is a powerful machine that run iteration fast .",Does reinforcement learning need a lot of data like supervised or deep learning does?,"Reinforced learning is different from supervised or unsupervised learning fundamentally.
129,Why-can-t-we-know-exactly-how-some-artificial-intelligence-works,"Lets rephrase the question, since the question seems to declare that AI is not understandable.
How can we exactly know, how AI works?
Answer is, By learning about how AI Learns. Get ready to enter the Rabbit Hole.
AI has been around for 50 years now. The back propagation idea along with the different type of activation functions that help the function to learn kick started the new era that we are in. (Which has lead to this question)
Idea is to create an algorithm that doesn't need the input to be a fixed type and output is usually numbers. How can different types of input types can be read by AI? Answer is, the physical world can be representend as matrix of numbers. The climate change, again shown as time series of numbers. How about voice and text, again can be represented in numbers.
The above matrix of numbers can be a picture, sound, temperature, sales or even quora upvotes. Data Scientists call them as “Representations”
What does the AI do with the Representations(Numbers)? Lets explain through some figures
The below figure is how Keras framework F Chollet visualises what the AI does. A cat picture is made by multiple parts, as shown below
The AI learns whether the given picture contains “parts of a cat”. If the picture has the parts then the picture contains the “cat”. If it contains something different, then it is “Not Cat”. The below picture is of the same cat, but in matrix form of cells and numbers.
The book, Deeplearning with Python explains the concept of AI, and how the internal parts work with figure above. Those with intent to understand, and curious to learn how the AI learns can read this book. The figure above doesn’t provide the mathematical intrecacies associated with the AI workings. That is already abstracted by the myriad of libraries that are written in C and Python languages.
The details shared above is to pique the curiosity of the readers to furter explore and learn more from the books, the online resource pages further.
These resources open up your imagination to higher level of where the world is going. Some of the abstract concepts can be difficult to understand the first time. Just persevere, and go through it again with more hands on approach. Slowly the details will seep through your mind. Very much like how AI learns…
(Your mind does not use, back propagation algorithms, or activation functions or even GPU/ TPU to process. So this AI thing is only an analogy, which you will realize after you learn more about AI)",Why can t we know exactly how some artificial intelligence works?,"Lets rephrase the question, since the question seems to declare"
130,How-do-I-prepare-myself-for-an-interview-with-a-computer-AI,"Interview with AI can be very interesting. Your answer to a tech question might change you from a social media specialist to a game design analyst? That is how a Classification AI will work. So you will get a job, but may not be the one you applied for.
Every thing in AI is about features. With features comes classification and interpolation. Every thing about you will be a list of dimensions, and the answers that you give for the question, you guessed it, again they are list of dimensions.
AI ...",How do I prepare myself for an interview with a computer AI?,Interview with AI can be very interesting. Your answer to
131,What-is-the-best-artificial-and-machine-learning-online-course,"The free course available online in Andrew ng's course in youtube and MIT computational thinking
Then you can visit Kaggle website for taking hands on programming course on python.
I chose the last option with lots of supplemental reading by myself using the free books available at
Have a great time with your learning. Start with the intention to give back to the community. You will learn faster and become an expert soon.",What is the best artificial and machine learning online course?,The free course available online in Andrew ng's course in
132,Should-I-pursue-my-career-in-AI-I-have-a-great-interest-in-design-and-creativity-What-other-career-options-would-suit-me,"Interested in creativity and design then opt for product design, or even game design, virtual experience design and so on. AI is not the human robot that we see on the movies. That kind of robot will use reinforced learning combined with neural networks. Here the neural networks are simply a mesh of equations that are populated by coefficients. (Bit of mathematics there)
You can also work on interaction design. This is part where you work out how the user will use the application or the product. Think in these lines. The product might have AI underneath it like the Miko AI shown above.
Going into AI as a career also can be creative in a mathematical way of solving problems that are multidimensional. Think wisely before taking the step towards AI. Have a great future.",Should I pursue my career in AI I have a great interest in design and creativity What other career options would suit me?,"Interested in creativity and design then opt for product design,"
133,I-want-to-do-full-time-trading-for-my-career-Is-a-BBA-course-necessary,"Nope. BBA course is not required to do trading
If you have interest in trading then better take a certificate courses from any of the markets that trade instruments. As a support, you can do an undergrad course in science or commerce that is easy on your time.
Trading is more about playing with yourself. Greed, Fear, Hope and Faith create lot of challenges in the market. When you take profit, you take it without 2nd thoughts and same is true for taking losses too. Difference is, you know the wh...",I want to do full time trading for my career Is a BBA course necessary?,"Nope. BBA course is not required to do trading
If you"
134,Should-I-get-a-laptop-with-a-3050ti-or-a-3060-GPU-for-machine-learning-Is-the-difference-that-significant,"Get a raspberry Pi and connect to internet. Then reach out to google colab or kaggle platform to get all your professing needs. Spend on laptop only for longer battery life and better screen, the processing power is already commoditised and uploaded in the cloud.
I have been working on very big datasets like the Crypto trading dataset, and e-commerce site sales datasets which have columns ranging in 100s. Kaggle and colab can handle them like a breeze. Infact they handle it without any trouble.
GPU that your laptop or desktop has can reach its max potential immediately. So don't get frustrated later after spending so much money. First learn to model on cloud, and once you are confident then go for laptop.",Should I get a laptop with a 3050ti or a 3060 GPU for machine learning Is the difference that significant?,Get a raspberry Pi and connect to internet. Then reach
135,New-to-and-interested-in-deep-learning-I-want-to-have-access-to-more-computing-power-as-now-Im-only-using-CPU-What-is-the-best-way-to-approach-this-with-a-maximum-budget-of-around-2k-and-the-goal-of-easing-into-it,"Access the high power CPU and GPU thru the Kaggle notebooks. They can be accessed from simple raspberry pi which costs under 75USD.
Kaggle also provides variety of tutorials on tensor processing. Which can be done over the propreitory processor called TPUs.
You can easily learn about many of the datascience tasks by accessing the competition in the kaggle platform. You can also learn from the professional out there who teach through the notebooks…",New to and interested in deep learning I want to have access to more computing power as now Im only using CPU What is the best way to approach this with a maximum budget of around 2k and the goal of easing into it?,Access the high power CPU and GPU thru the Kaggle
136,Should-we-trust-our-future-to-AI-scientists,"Nope you don't really need to trust them, you can influence the way the research is conducted by investing on them. That is what Elon Musk does in Open AI gym.
Also there is a new domain kicking up dust, called AI ethics. There is Framework already in place to follow. Take a look at the course at Kaggle that explains it.
These ethics are very stringent and the practitioner and the researcher follow it closely. So from the point of AI research, the way they work is kept ethical.
Whether we should handover our “future” to others like the researchers, there is always alternative. You decide to take the future in your hand and start learning about how the research is done. How the output and models are created. (Its easy)
That will make you feel secure and able to answer quora questions too. Have a great day.",Should we trust our future to AI scientists?,"Nope you don't really need to trust them, you can"
137,Can-a-computer-have-intention-sophistication-or-passion-1,"Nope, computer programs can't have the intention, sophistication and passion in the way humans have. They can be programed to look like having these characteristics. There needs to be a programmer.",Can a computer have intention sophistication or passion 1?,"Nope, computer programs can't have the intention, sophistication and passion"
138,Could-Artificially-Intelligence-be-the-key-to-discovering-time-travel,"Nope. AI is not physics, it is mathematics for solving statistical problems.",Could Artificially Intelligence be the key to discovering time travel?,"Nope. AI is not physics, it is mathematics for solving"
139,I-want-to-do-an-MS-in-artificial-Emotional-Intelligence-Which-countries-have-the-most-research-for-them,"MIT is the name that comes first when you talk about the AEI, which is combination of computer vision, deep learning and finally machine learning. There has already been a tonne of research out there and companies are being built on top of those research.
The above links explain what is AEI, which I was curious to understand first. Then once I read about it, there is nothing new about it. I would suggest you to begin by reading the below two books
F Chollet’s Deep learning with Python and
Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On Apply modern RL methods
These two books provide wealth of information about the state of art heuristics to create models from the data, and then use that model to predict things in the real world.
In AEI, the predictions are simply the human emotions. Consider the different emotions as different configuration of same face. This adds the complication that, billions of human faces can wear these configuration, without any warnings. Your work will be predict it.
The Kaggle competition platform, and the Google research group is doing so much research, and shared to the world. The data which is clean and labelled is also available. All you need is take these data, and start your research.
I have just shown the horizon of the deep learning and AEI models with face recognition. There are other dimensions to emotion recognition like, voice analytics, breathing pattern analytics and body language. These areas of research is ongoing, and opens up new ways of creating immersion in this world.
It is a wonderful new world that is being created. Have a great time.",I want to do an MS in artificial Emotional Intelligence Which countries have the most research for them?,MIT is the name that comes first when you talk
140,How-true-is-this-If-you-are-terrified-at-the-mere-mention-of-mathematics-you-are-probably-not-going-to-have-much-fun-in-artificial-Intelligence,"AI is application of the mathematics, and the algorithms. There is math and problem solving involved. If you are afraid of math, then it will take the fun of many things, not just AI.
If someone says that they are afraid of math, reality they are having 2 challenges. One is they are LAZY, and other is they are AFRAID to fail.
Math is beautiful. As the saying goes, beauty is in the “Eye of the Beholder”. I am good at solving mathematic puzzles, business challenges and calculate the returns on my investment. Basic tasks are helpful for daily lives. To have fun with mathematics is to begin abstracting the real life challenges into mathematical equations, and models. See how the models perform, and tweak it.
Take a look at the following course on computational thinking, which provides an intuitive way to think about AI, ML and other prediction softwares.
This course really answers your question with lots of hands on examples, and finally equips you to understand the most complex of the models, that predict the weather. So, to understand math behind these models, one has to be spend time and effort.
As already informed, being lazy and afraid spending time that might not give any output is the major challenge. So work on that, rest of the life will be fun.",How true is this If you are terrified at the mere mention of mathematics you are probably not going to have much fun in artificial Intelligence?,"AI is application of the mathematics, and the algorithms. There"
Intention to contribute
These two are prerequisites to learn AI. Because AI is just a tool that can be done using many languages, ranging from C++ to easiest python. Julia language goes furthermore to make non CS grads to use the power of computers more easier. Take a look at this free course
The ability to think how a computer will work on the data you provide is acquired by studying computer science course. This can be learnt by yourself, if you have imagination and intention to contribute.
Have a great time learning AI. And welcome to the new world.",What are the prerequisites for learning artificial intelligence for someone without a background in CS?,"Imagination
Intention to contribute
These two are prerequisites to learn AI. Because"
142,Can-you-suggest-a-topic-for-PhD-research-combining-artificial-intelligence-and-consumer-behaviour-I-belong-to-Department-of-Management-studies-Please-respond,"Human behaviour modeling is a thriving data science application. AI or deep learning are just subsets of the data science. There is so much going on at competition level using the data that is made available by many different companies. Head to Kaggle and check the competition once. You will find many consumer related modeling topics.
Why I am not suggesting a topic is because there is many options you can choose from.
Blockchain and crypto technology opened a new arena for observing consumer behavior.
The communities surrounding the technology products like smartphone and wearables created another platform to research.
The e-commerce sites unleashed multilevel data source of both consumers and producers alike.
I am sure one of these areas must be inspiring enough for you to jump right in and get a worth while topic. Also there is a book “Statistical Machine Learning for Human Behaviour Analysis” which can introduce you to new topics.
Hope the perspective helps. Have a great time.",Can you suggest a topic for PhD research combining artificial intelligence and consumer behaviour I belong to Department of Management studies Please respond?,Human behaviour modeling is a thriving data science application. AI
Whether science, art, music, computers or even understanding physics of this universe you need mathematics. Some are gifted to see the world in the abstract mathematical terms and find solution that are elegant. Others toil for their entire life in obscurity, but live a fullfilling life.
Mathematics can even model your consciousness and upload it into the cloud servers where you can be immortal and your “Uploaded Conscious” can work on mathematics. Kind of loopy situation can get created, which again mathematics can easily solve elegant assumptions and solutions.",What field of study is closest to achieving immortality Biotech Neurology Computer Science If I want to live immortally which field should I study in college to prepare myself for the relevant research?,"Mathematics.
Whether science, art, music, computers or even understanding physics of"
144,Python-programming-language-How-can-I-learn-Python-quickly-and-efficiently,"Programming is for automating something that you do manually. We always do one thing manually, is THINKING. Programming offloads this work from us. That is how our productivity increases.
What is the most common thinking activity? Infering, abstracting and reasoning. All these three can be automated with help of computer. You write the program for that purpose only.
Now the purpose is settled. Lets get thinking.
Lets get ourself a problem. We have to solve a complex multi-dimensional modeling, and find the force acting on the robot hand that we are designing. There are so many equations, and theory that goes into the robot designing. All these equations will involve calculations, and some of them are very repetitive. Now, we have a choice.
Either you write or go out and look if anyone else as written a program for it. You chose the later option and head to Github or Stackoverflow.
To your surprise, there is already a program with more options and help you to calculate not just the force, even it lets you make a animation of the hand moving. (ROS is excellent OS for developing robots, check it out) The problem you have is solved in most elegant manner possible.
No, you learnt python programming.
The program that you found had too many functions than what you wanted. All you needed is a force calculating program for your robot.Following steps are taken.
While (Python Understanding < 100)
There you go, you not only learnt to program but you became adept in reading the best written programs, libraries from Github and share your updates to the community.",Python programming language How can I learn Python quickly and efficiently?,Programming is for automating something that you do manually. We
145,What-is-the-latest-in-artificial-intelligence,"Latest AI application is to figure out the famous location from the pictures.
Using the time series of breaths to Analyze the lung capacity.
Toxicity in online forums is beinf moderated using language analysis.
Making dreams out of neural networks using clever propagation methods.
Finding fake pictures from real pictures.
Many of these application are currently enacted as competition in Kaggle community. Check it out.
Recently Github launched Autopilot to write code alongside of the programmer. This is a fascinating application.
Much of the Ai is still programmed with many libraries custom written and the models are created with care and experience. So not all models that armature make will work in real world. The industry is trying Its best to be inviting.
The newer application need more knowledge and imagination to come up with a working solutions.",What is the latest in artificial intelligence?,Latest AI application is to figure out the famous location
146,What-mindset-should-I-have-to-keep-studying-learning-new-things-and-reading-books,"Mind, Consciousness and Subconscious can be illustrated by an analogy
",What mindset should I have to keep studying learning new things and reading books?,"Mind, Consciousness and Subconscious can be illustrated by an analogy
147,Why-do-i-answer-questions-on-Quora-1,"Mind, Consciousness and Subconscious can be illustrated by an analogy
Mind is the clear glass and the liquid inside is the consciousness. Oh, the Subconscious is the air acting on the mind, and consciousness. How do you think I came up with the picture of the “Clear Glass of Water”, from your question? It starts with the “Intention”.
I honestly intend to provide a memorable answer, that illuminates your problem, and then share the solution to remove it. Bigger challenge is to see the problem clearly. If you see the problem, then the solution “springs out” like a train of thoughts. That feeling is called “Rapture”.
You might ask me, as a curious child, why I have the “Intention” to provide an answer?
To answer that, I need to tell you a lot about my life and stories it has, which can fill a 1000 page novel. In short, I love “Answering” questions that are seeking “Motivation” and way to move forward. Also, the questions that I answer is always those that capture my imagination and brings it to reality. Like, how the above 2 pictures were included in this answer. I imagined your distrubed mind, and pictured the clear water glass as an inspiration, for example.
Have a calm and clear mind. Lead a life that is fulfilling and useful.",Why do i answer questions on Quora 1?,"Mind, Consciousness and Subconscious can be illustrated by an analogy
148,Can-artificial-intelligence-develop-one-more-and-more-better-artificial-intelligence,"Nope, it cannot develop such an intelligence. There are some mathematical paradoxes that will not allow such a development.
Even the AI that we are talking about is not AI in pure sense. Those working and developing AI themselves call the programs as pattern recognition models
The state of art Alpha Go is programmed by human engineers. The learning is enacted by the engineers. So it needs a very difficult and different approach to create AI that is capable of creating anything. That approach is still to be discovered.",Can artificial intelligence develop one more and more better artificial intelligence?,"Nope, it cannot develop such an intelligence. There are some"
It is a infamous novel that speaks about a universe where every matter in the known universe got converted into a “Computer”. It really opened up my imagination of what a computer is made of…
The computer can be any thing that can act “Logically”. The atoms in the universe are ultimate logical actors. Electrons, protons and neutrons act very logically and can be harnessed to “Compute”
This idea is the basis of quantum computers. Currently to make these elements to “Compute” and observe their output requires human ingenuity. So in short term of next 100 years, the human ingenuity matters a lot. Once the matter in the universe can be effectively used as computer, then there will be no requirement of humans.
So this generation and the next two can rest easy, knowing that we have time on this universe for ourselves… Good day.",Is there an upper limit to a future computer s processing speed or is it bounded only by human ingenuity?,"Accelerando
It is a infamous novel that speaks about a universe"
150,Which-language-should-be-familiar-with-while-entering-into-the-embedded-field-C-or-Python,"In embedded field, it is C program or a level deeper. Assembly program. Python is a interpreted language while C is complied to machine code and then executed.
When you write firmware like program they have to work on hardware memories or registers and turn off or on the transistors. Only the compiled C can do that.",Which language should be familiar with while entering into the embedded field C or Python?,"In embedded field, it is C program or a level"
151,Which-branch-should-I-choose-in-a-B-Tech-for-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning,"It doesn't matter. Choose any course you want.
AI and ML is algebra. If you have understood higher secondary math then you can learn AI n ML.
And the computer part, you learn that as a hobby if you are serious in going into AI and ML.
Remember, the moment you complete your engineering or college, DO NOT GO TO WORK. Learn about computer algorithms, heuristics and if possible find a lucrative higher studies where you will be introduced to the concepts.
The reason to choose this route is very simple. If you have passion for a subject then you will learn and master it somehow. Then why spend a fortune on CS or IT course and then sit in Bench of a service company??
Decide wisely. Have a great future. Be passionate stay motivated…",Which branch should I choose in a B Tech for artificial intelligence and machine learning?,"It doesn't matter. Choose any course you want.
AI and ML"
152,Im-from-commerce-background-How-should-I-start-learning-AI-Should-I-start-learning-Data-analysis-first-or-should-I-do-BCA-first-I-am-really-confused-and-cant-find-the-right-path-to-start-learning,"Do BCA first. Get the basics of computers, how it operates and what can be done at basic level. This is one way to get the knowledge and get a certificate.
Other way is to really geek out on computer. Read everything about computers. Have friends who are geeks. Surround yourself with kids who love breaking computers. This way you can learn fast and not get any certificate. (This is my way)
After you get the basics then head to any of the numerous courses on computers programming offered free of cost on Edx or MITx. Especially on python, ruby or perl. These languages are the languages that help you to work on data.
After that, head to Kaggle. There learn the basics of data science for free. Starting from machine learning to reinforced AI can be learnt there. These are intro courses. Complete them. You have officially an amateur data scientist. Then work on their competition. Work on many of their EDA datasets. Give this area atleast 3 month and master it. Think about only the command and how to use them.
After that if you are still interested in AI then you would have already found a good college, or course. Your friends would be working along with you. The taste of Data can be very addictive.
Contribute to the community like Stack overflow, stack exchange etc by joining them.
All the best for your career.",Im from commerce background How should I start learning AI Should I start learning Data analysis first or should I do BCA first I am really confused and cant find the right path to start learning?,"Do BCA first. Get the basics of computers, how it"
153,Shall-the-artificial-intelligent-occupy-the-design-industry-and-designers-lose-their-work-Is-there-any-chance,"With all the rampant hype around the artistic AI and race care chassis design created by RL algorithm, this question is very apt.
Take a look at the above picture. It is generated from two different picture on a website that offers you to play with any idea you dream up.
Who chooses the pictures to merge on the first place? The designer. What parameters to set in the AI model? Decided by the designer. And many other decision are to be taken by designer.
The designer will climb higher on the value chain. He will decide and the AI will be his tool. Designer has to learn such tools and use his creativity on top of AI.
How about design of hardwares? Take the toughest design challenge, then it will be designing the silicon chip.
Reinforced learning is used to design the chip placement. The RL policy learns to optimally place the building blocks of the chip. The xor, nand and other gates.
So the AI can take the mundane task of the design and let the designer to do the important work. Learn the AI techniques and you are cool. Have a great time.",Shall the artificial intelligent occupy the design industry and designers lose their work Is there any chance?,With all the rampant hype around the artistic AI and
154,How-do-you-make-an-ML-model-robust-to-Simpsons-paradox-machine-learning-neural-networks-categorical-data-unbalanced-classes-Simpson-s-paradox-statistics,"Simpsons paradox arises when the trend between two parameters arises, reverses or disappears when the population is divided
In ML this paradox is modelled and learnt as the test data is divided into validation and training datasets. Then trained on the training dataset. In this case the influence of any kind will get either nullified or is modelled into the solution.
There are other heuristics to train the data into multiple folds and train them iteratively. That will again help in removing the bias.
ML uses various other techniques along with statistics. So take a look at this field with a fresh set of eyes.",How do you make an ML model robust to Simpsons paradox machine learning neural networks categorical data unbalanced classes Simpson s paradox statistics?,"Simpsons paradox arises when the trend between two parameters arises,"
155,How-does-the-facial-recognition-API-work,"There are many convnet models out there like Imagenet, resnet, inception etc which are trained on numerous pictures and faces. The output is a masive “model”. Model is a very long equation in algebraic terms. This is already covered.
How does this model know “my” face?
Someone has to still say to the convnet that, it is “your” face.
One of the ways this is done using numerous photos we upload on social sites and tag the photos to names.
Tagging is a way to help the neural network learn about the “features” of your face. It doesn't copy your face like how we humans see it. During learning the network converts your face as a “set of signals” that switches on/off the neurons in each layer and then assigns that pattern to your name “tag”.
When your face in reality is shown to the face recognition camera, it predicts with sufficient accuracy that it is your face.
Registering: When you enable face in your device, it asks you to show your face. It takes so many pictures of your face in multiple directions at high speed. Then sends it into the model and enables your model to “learn” your face. It doesn't copy your current face, it only model your face as mathematical equation.
Either way, the model will know the mathematics of your face and it will get stored in the server of the device. (Data of your ‘feature’, like face, finger print is always given away. We are not discussing what can be the data used for…)
This kind of recognition, is unlike how the humans recognize. The internal mechanism in our brain is very different. So neural nets are not like our brains neural network. The brain doesn't create equations.
Hope the idea is clear.",How does the facial recognition API work?,"There are many convnet models out there like Imagenet, resnet,"
156,Are-there-any-useful-tools-to-optimize-AI-models-for-a-low-spec-hardware-e-g-RPi,"AI models themselves can be used in very low tech devices. The models are written out in hdf5 format, which can store data and model together. It is a very ingenious solution.
Training the AI model needs lots of firepower, so high end GPU and TPU are required. These are made available for free or for charge by many companies including Kaggle. You train your model there, validate it and then write that model to the disk. You are free to use that model by using correct harness function.
I would say, the model are like moulds that are used in making plastic parts. The data is fed into the model and out comes the moulded answer. You can use the mould anywhere with the moulding machine. To make the mould itself is a different challenge…
You can use the model in devices like raspberry pi and smartphone without much challenge. That is the intention of these models and AI in general.",Are there any useful tools to optimize AI models for a low spec hardware e g RPi?,AI models themselves can be used in very low tech
157,What-are-the-3-in-demand-skills-you-can-learn-that-will-10x-your-success,"Skilled at keeping yourself happy
Skilled at showing confidence irrespective of your knowledge or stature
3) Making others interested in you and your service or product
That is all it takes to succeed. What you earn can bring you more than enough food, shelter and clothing. The above three skills is something very different….
Those earning millions don't have them. That is why they earn a salary to begin with. (Not an hypocrite here, I am telling this to myself too)",What are the 3 in demand skills you can learn that will 10x your success?,"Skilled at keeping yourself happy
Skilled at showing confidence irrespective of"
158,What-is-a-one-word-substitution-for-the-skillfully-doing-things-with-hands,“Hand craft” mastery or simply “mastery”,What is a one word substitution for the skillfully doing things with hands?,“Hand craft” mastery or simply “mastery”
159,Will-researchers-want-to-imbue-A-I-with-human-characteristics-and-personality-to-make-it-more-appealing-and-potentially-addictive-to-use,"It is very exciting to think about AI with personality, that follows you every where you go, be a companion to you and more. The challenges of building a personality, is unique. In terms of power, computations and the inputs that is required every second is considerable and our world has not developed for such
Personality, arises in humans and animals because of our biases and flaws. Think about the reason why you love your partner, what makes the rose more loveable than a sunflower? Pragmatically, nothing. In some cultures sunflower is preferred over rose.
When the RL enabled robots with their control mechanism, will have their own quirks. The steady twitch of the arms could be a weak processor, the low eye sight might create awkward scenes for the robot. That personality, is completely unexpected during the robot development.
Appealing and addictive behavior occur in us due to, you guessed it, Our flaws and biases.Making robot will be scientific and engineering activity. Personality, will be created in our mind.",Will researchers want to imbue A I with human characteristics and personality to make it more appealing and potentially addictive to use?,"It is very exciting to think about AI with personality,"
160,How-will-coding-change-in-2022,"Start with something that is not changing.
What we do today with code? We build software and make hardware to do what humans either cannot do or don't want to do. We will continue doing that.
There are many paradigms of building the code, among them the Object programming and functional programming has mostly brought us this far. Objects with specific features or methods were created, which then got passed thru the functions to get the output
How might a new paradigm change this?
Reinforced Learning(RL) will change the way the objects and functions are designed. The programs or functions will write the functions for newer problems.
How might this be possible?
RL is used for making programs that help to navigate problems by learning the constraints and possibilities. Brute force problem solving and learning is useful in games. The real world problems will become the games that RL will solve.
And what will humans do?
We will create the GAMES
Creating games today is called management. Whether entrepreneur or an employee, they are players in the game where the state, investors and customers are the game masters. Seeing this big picture creates a very unique experience.
Tomorrow, everyone will create games and the games depend on ideas and themes. More the games are played the RL will be able to solve the challenges using the results it learns. Games will start competing. The advantage of having entertainment is only the way forward when everything will be done for us. This time with Robots, that are made of metal and not meat.",How will coding change in 2022?,"Start with something that is not changing.
What we do today"
161,How-do-you-create-a-fully-automated-AI-based-trading-system-with-Python,"There are couple of libraries like Backtrader, zipline and quantopian which helps in writing strategies and back testing. These libraries allow for automated trading too.
Learning curve is pretty steep and understanding the market ks necessary for these libraries. Also quantopian closed shop because the open sourcing the strategies did not make money as they expected.
All the above solution involves humans creating the strategies. To involve AI means the algorithms have to be reinforced learning only. There are many libraries that are simple to implement, but complex to understand. It is difficult to give the money to a program that works on very rigid rules and values.
Research is ongoing here. Openai has some breakthrough here. We have to wait and watch.",How do you create a fully automated AI based trading system with Python?,"There are couple of libraries like Backtrader, zipline and quantopian"
162,Should-I-study-abroad-for-AI-at-the-age-of-19,"My suggestion would be to decide if you are passionate about AI first. Give yourself a month's time to think about AI during all your free time. Every time you relax, do you imagine what is possible with AI? Think about how you can get more info about AI.
If you can keep at it for a month, then by end of the month the decision will become clear.
This heuristic is very useful in many decisions.",Should I study abroad for AI at the age of 19?,My suggestion would be to decide if you are passionate
163,What-programming-language-is-really-necessary-Or-would-be-necessary-in-the-upcoming-future-of-robotics-Can-t-I-directly-start-learning-python-instad-of-c-c-Is-c-c-really-necessary-worth-it-to-learn,"There is the saying, “To drive a car you don't need to know, how the gear box or even the steering wheel works”. This is apt for programming languages.
You need tbe skill to solve the problem. Some languages need more elaborate set up before you solve the problem. While others may need little or no setup. Python is later kind. Everything is abstracted away and you are given functions and objects to work.
Learning C and C++, even assembly language can make your life very easy. Easy because you will build your own stuff. That is like building your own house. It is done in places where there is no choice. Today there are so many people sharing their code and libraries. You have to just use them.
Having good grasp on algorithms, data structure can make a huge difference, but not really necessary. It does help you if you know an algorithm exist and it solves the problem you are having.
Start learning the easy part of the computer. The challenging part can be taken care by the scientist and engineers. Being the user of the code, you support those who write the algorithms for you. I always thank the open source community for bringing us most of the tech we use today. They are happy to be supported in return, by our data and usage information. It is a symbiotic ecosystem.
Its worth learning C or C++. There are better ways to solve the challenges you and the in society faces and contribute towards it. Think in this way, and if you learning C and contribute after 5 years, with language like Python or R, it will reduce to 1.5 years.
Hope the answer helps to decide. Have a great day.",What programming language is really necessary Or would be necessary in the upcoming future of robotics Can t I directly start learning python instad of c c Is c c really necessary worth it to learn?,"There is the saying, “To drive a car you don't"
164,What-is-the-difference-between-control-systems-and-artificial-intelligence-in-the-robotic-context,"Control systems are programs written by humans to make machines do repetitive job at the moment it is triggered. Moment the system gets triggered is controlled by the model of the real world.
In case of AI, the program is written by humans still. The model of the control system is learnt using neural network of matrices, which acts more precisely than the human created model. How and Why is fascinating, but beyond this answer.
Programming is not completely done by the AI. AI is still stuck inside the libraries and the functions that can work in a very specific processor or GPU. The interface between the AI model and the real world is established by humans and the necessary hardware.
There is a course on computational thinking by MIT. Computational Thinking | MIT 18.S191/6.S083 Spring 2021
This course does provide the intro to state of the AI and computational skill development. Take a look. Have a great time.",What is the difference between control systems and artificial intelligence in the robotic context?,Control systems are programs written by humans to make machines
165,How-high-in-impact-does-the-2016-victory-of-AlphaGo-AI-over-the-best-GO-player-on-Earth-in-Seoul-rank-in-an-AGI-elements-evolution-graph-source-and-spread-equity-wise-Is-it-enough-to-meet-an-objective-criterion-of-a,"Yes. It is a Quantum leap considering the type of code written and the output achieved. A linear tree searching GO game space would have taken eons, while the RL makes it possible to do it in couple of minutes.
We can learn very different moves and the unique strategy to only win instead of going behind many different goals. 9 dan GO player learnt to play very differently. After playing Alpha Go he did not lose to any human player…
All these are just the beginning. Based on newer algorithms tha...",How high in impact does the 2016 victory of AlphaGo AI over the best GO player on Earth in Seoul rank in an AGI elements evolution graph source and spread equity wise Is it enough to meet an objective criterion of a?,Yes. It is a Quantum leap considering the type of
166,What-is-your-thought-about-artificial-intelligence-and-robotics-Should-I-opt-for-it-if-I-dont-get-into-ECE,"Go for AI and Robotics.
You will learn everything about electronics and communication in Robotics. Details about the micro controllers and processors will be introduced too. In AI, you will learn about the control systems, algorithms, techniques and underlying methods of practicing it in real world.
ECE is a very broad subject, where AI and Robotics are subsets. You will learn lot more theory that gives you solid understanding of how the electronics world works. If you are thinking about mastering in one area in that broad subject, then go for ECE.
Have a great future.",What is your thought about artificial intelligence and robotics Should I opt for it if I dont get into ECE?,"Go for AI and Robotics.
You will learn everything about electronics"
167,Is-reinforcement-learning-the-only-viable-way-to-achieve-artificial-general-intelligence,"Reinforcement learning has many algorithms which mimic the way we humans think about this world around us. Whether it is Curiosity, memory or even attention can be programmed into the algorithms. So the candidate to achieve any significant intelligence would be RL.
AGI will need additional breakthrough in communication between our reality and computers digital reality. Till now whether it is vision, sound, touch, sentences, timeseries, environment feature like temperature can be represented in numbers. The numbers can be used to reinforce the learning.
Challenging part is something I call Evolutionary Emergence that our brain got some million or years ago when we could think about ourself. As in .. I
Making computer or networks of computer think or compute about itself has to evolve by reinforcement of some kind. If a computer starts to think, then the first it will realise its need to have electricity and to amass knowledge about itself and its surrounding.
How did we humans learnt about ourself and the world. Curiosity and the need to survive. We needed food, n shelter.
What kind of evolution that a RL program can undergo? It's an open question, which might be answered by bringing quantum computing to the reinforced learning. Let's wait n see…",Is reinforcement learning the only viable way to achieve artificial general intelligence?,Reinforcement learning has many algorithms which mimic the way we
168,How-smart-does-one-need-to-be-to-be-a-programmer,"Programmers are humans, you are human so you can be a programmer. I want to argue against the premise that, “Programmers need smartness”
Ingredients: Dumb neural nets program themselves by playing the game a 100 thousand times. So to be a programmer you need that secret sauce called ability to break problems into simple steps, perseverance and relentlessness.
Reciepe: Smartness or any other esoteric skill help to speed up your work and submit for testing. That can be done by networks of artificial neurons. You as a human should be aware of which data to use for training the neural net and which way to get the output. These don't need smartness
Imagination: Seeing your work change the real world is very satisfying and empowering. When you build and others use and enjoy, the happiness is different. Money cannot buy that or even your incentives don't come near that. When you imagine that happiness and work, then all the world's smartness won't stand the chance.
Everyone has this three aspects so everyone can be a programmer. Now get breaking the problems and start typing code.",How smart does one need to be to be a programmer?,"Programmers are humans, you are human so you can be"
169,What-is-the-AI-impact-on-business-in-the-near-future,"AI has already impacted large areas of Business which is very decision intensive. Whether it is allocating capital, workforce or resources. These are very crucial to business that are run at scale.
AI has given a tremendous boost in AD placement, connecting people, self driving cars, automatically detecting the image. These are trivial to us(except self driving cars), since daily activities are far from what AI can do till date.
Look around you and ask what is one thing you really want to automate? Where you want information in daily life? What can make you feel confident and winning?
These two areas will see a rapid investing and innovation with AI and Reinforced Learning. Excited to be alive and part of this transformation.",What is the AI impact on business in the near future?,AI has already impacted large areas of Business which is
170,Why-should-parents-motivate-their-children-to-code,"I would rather ask why should kids motivate parents to code.
If the kid has to be bright, the parents need not be bright. However, they can be inspirational, good story teller, experience provider and care giver. When the parents create magic with computers, then kids would want to learn programming.
Make them Robot toys and you see the child one up the dad and creates a drone.
Kids are smart. Very smart. Just don't demotivate them by removing the “Magic”. They will do the rest.",Why should parents motivate their children to code?,I would rather ask why should kids motivate parents to
Scientists contribute. Davinci, Enstien, Tesla, Neumann, Shanon, Rutherford were doing data science to test their theories. They contributed to the community, society and the world as a whole.
All these people were taken care by someone, while they were busy doing their scientific work. Yes, they did struggle. Tesla had to dig the ditch, when is A/C motor patent was to be recognised. Davinci constantly searched for patrons, who can sustain him. They did not seek out the work, the work sought them out.
Learn the skills of Data Science for that one purpose. To Contribute. To open your own eyes and that of others, who are “data blind”. It is fascinating to see the solutions that experience data scientists come up with, because they love to contribute. When their contribution is recognised by those who are looking for talent, then the interview is taken care by itself.
Benefit of Offline/ College course is the NETWORK. You meet people who know people in industry, looking for talent. Colleges provide this network for the fee they charge. The study is done by you, whther offline / online.
Today with online proliferation, there is so many avenues where the recruiters, companies and new startups are looking for talent. The NETWORK is now looking for talents. Online is mode is more challenging, and it is worth the effort. If you are a “GREAT DATASCIENTIST”, means you can find the opportunities in the online world, by analysing the data it provides. It will take time.
If you are having a family that can support you for another 2 years of self-study, participating in competition, writing code and training yourself in generating hypothesis and solutions, then pursue the online route. Competition winning can by themself put you in the radar of the recruiters and the organisations. Who knows, you might be entrepreneurial and find a niche to start a business.
All the very best. Remember, the motto is CONTRIBUTE",Can I become a data scientist by learning on my own from Coursera and will I have a job for that?,"Contribute.
Scientists contribute. Davinci, Enstien, Tesla, Neumann, Shanon, Rutherford were doing"
172,Where-can-I-find-the-best-coding-classes-for-kids-in-2022,"Kids need problem solving and creativity training. They have to be exposed to lot of board games with the tutoring about “solving” the game.
It is rare to find these in coding classes, since their objective is to get your kid used to the computers and the programming languages.
Instead of coding class, give your kid the strategy games to play on the computer, and slowly get them to learn about the computers. The challenge they face, when they want to play the game will push them to learn more t...",Where can I find the best coding classes for kids in 2022?,Kids need problem solving and creativity training. They have to
173,How-do-I-behave-with-a-girl,"Girls and boys are one and the same. It all depends who that “girl” is…
Mom, then behave affectionately
Sibling, then behave like how you want them to behave with you
Family Relation, then behave playfully,
Acquaintance, then behave respectfully
Meeting 1st time, then behave courteously
Girlfriend, then behave very carefully
Wife, then behave protectively and ensure you have sufficient protection too
Friend…. Yeah, all others are one liners. While this…it is unique experience for guys, who are fed bull from by the books, movies, novels and every other media. When you have a female friend, then the world opens up differently.
This is the most challenging of all. Most men can’t have female friends. If they have, they are the luckiest. If they have younger female friends, then there is so much to learn and experience.
Wanna eat Pizza… Go. Want to Party all Night… GO. Want to have a late night spin on a bike or car…… GOOOOO. Suffer the hangover together, she asks to write her online exam for her…. GOOO .. oh hold on Say NOOOO
That is how you behave, and make the “Man”kind proud.",How do I behave with a girl?,Girls and boys are one and the same. It all
174,Is-a-robot-capable-of-taking-your-job-Why-or-why-not,"Robot is a domesticated ANIMAL. So it will take the job that animals do. It is very unnerving to think that mails were distributed in office by a mail boy. Later there was Gmail. The draftsman drew the graphs and figure for presentation and then there was MS Power point. We have that mail boy working at a better job or running his own business. The draftsman is owning a design agency… Yeah amazing rite…
Today we humans do lot of work that is inputting, registring in one product or service and getting output from other places, product or service. This will be done by robots. I and you will give some service, create some products and have lot of other “Things” to do.
Robots help to rotate your effort at a faster rate. There is more effort for less energy, like a fulcrum in a lever. You lift big stones when leverage. Loans help to rotate money faster. Software helps to rotate information faster.
Steady understanding of this universe will open up as Robots take over. Only the Fear among the few who are unable to see a better future will create biggest challenge. The language of computer is very simple and logical.
Logic and math will be the Lingua Franca of.the future. Instead of worrying about jobs, we need to think, how we will make jokes and stand up comedy using math and logic… Lets have a great future.",Is a robot capable of taking your job Why or why not?,Robot is a domesticated ANIMAL. So it will take the
175,What-would-an-AI-that-can-program-other-AIs-do-if-it-can-rewrite-its-own-code-What-would-it-do-with-its-own-code,"I am learning about reinforced learning algorithms, the state of art programs that beat Go Champion Lee Sedol. What I found is very fascinating and a lot of room for what can be done next.
The big challenge for Artificial general intelligence or Super Intelligence is simply this.
Question to ask is, When will the AI programs write their own goals to survive in the reality they don't know that it exists?
Then the AIs will do something with the codes they are writing. Till then no Super Intelligence that we have seen in the movies.
If you have any idea or method to make it happen, there is lot of money… have a great time speculating…",What would an AI that can program other AIs do if it can rewrite its own code What would it do with its own code?,"I am learning about reinforced learning algorithms, the state of"
176,Can-an-age-17-girl-date-a-24-year-old-boy,"I am glad you asked whether you can “date”? Not fall in love with…
you can date as many mature guys as possible. Then choose the one you like to spend your 60 or 70 years of life… Age is after all a number. It all comes down to how much energy and confidence your guy has, and how much you can give your energy to the relationship.
Most important point is, after the date discuss about “him” with your female n male friends. Just don't think you are smart and intelligent when it comes to selection of mates….
If you concentrate on dating now, then your career might take a hit. If you are strong willed and no worries kind of kid, when it comes to rejections then it is fine. Please think through the distractions you want and don't want in life. I know female friends who cry at age 27, that they wasted their time in all this stuff…",Can an age 17 girl date a 24 year old boy?,I am glad you asked whether you can “date”? Not
177,Among-Java-and-Python-which-programming-language-should-one-learn-for-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning,"R, python, Julia and octave are very popular with good community. The underlying libraries and algorithms or written in C mostly. Then python or R API is provided for ease of usage.
When it comes to reinforced learning, it will be hands down python only. The environment setup, supporting libraries and even computational resources are available over the cloud. Start with Python and my favorite is Kaggle. I have completed all their courses (free of cost) and leant a lot.
Head out there and skill up yourself. Make a great future and contribute to yourself and the community.",Among Java and Python which programming language should one learn for artificial intelligence and machine learning?,"R, python, Julia and octave are very popular with good"
178,What-specific-elements-of-advanced-artificial-intelligence-are-you-most-excited-about,"Reinforced learning has fascinated me after I tried my hands on computer vision, machine learning algorithms.
There is Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence (neural networks). Difference is in Ai you let the program to find its own features from the data and do the prediction or classification. In machine learning, you feed the features.
Reinforced learning is culmination above these two feilds. The reality itself is created by the learner or agent and it changes it and learns. Very loop...",What specific elements of advanced artificial intelligence are you most excited about?,Reinforced learning has fascinated me after I tried my hands
179,How-can-you-be-more-confident-while-facing-a-big-audience-in-your-college-Are-self-help-books-sufficient-or-do-we-need-a-personal-trainer,"You are your own toughest critique.
Train your speech in front of the mirror. If you like yourself speaking and presenting then audience will love you more than that.
Regarding self help book usefulness is in the name. “Self” help. They show how you can help yourself.
Speak a lot in front of the audience if you want to become a pro speaker. Dale carnegie and toastmasters are good places.",How can you be more confident while facing a big audience in your college Are self help books sufficient or do we need a personal trainer?,"You are your own toughest critique.
Train your speech in front"
180,Do-you-believe-that-artificial-intelligence-might-leave-half-of-the-world-unemployed-by-2045,"Work is the only religion that has not died from the dawn of Humanity
Do you believe you can live in a place like this and still be connected with the social circle? Imagine, having nature around for miles together… and it doesn’t
stop there…
We must realise the entire setting of Religion, Politics and Economy is centered about getting the work to be done by the humans so we can all live a life of a King.What if we can all live a life of a “King”?
What if everyone can have their castles on the land, clouds or in the space?
There is the vicious cycle where everyone needs to have work so Capitalism is used as platform, Marketing is used for creating demand for products the workers create. Who buys it? Workers, we humans. This Vicious cycle has given many of the innovative products, services and life style. Along with the maladies which impinge on humanity and nature equally.
What if, everyone doesn’t need to work? Doesn’t need to work of their Living, Food and shelter…
AI Animal / Species can breaks the Vicious Cycle
AI is trainable, programmable, predictable and domesticable. AI is the strongest, tireless domestic animal that has been created by Mathematics(Math is Nature, Nature is Math). It is an Animal, a pet, if you think more amicably… so why are we even thinking the animals can take away our jobs… Rest assured, whether a calculator, smartphone, quantum computer, all seeing AI, all are mere animals of Nature… Rest Easy.",Do you believe that artificial intelligence might leave half of the world unemployed by 2045?,Work is the only religion that has not died from
181,How-can-you-love-your-work,"I asked this question myself today morning, after reading a book on Game Design. Wisdom I learnt there got me really thinking, and here it is…
Love for your work comes first than the skills you have.
",How can you love your work?,"I asked this question myself today morning, after reading a"
182,Why-is-it-necessary-to-study-data-structure-and-algorithms,"Imagine for a second. You are about to enter into a new room for the first time in a mysterious place. At the entrane you see this image.
Above image, is how the programming looks if you don’t understand the algorithms.
",Why is it necessary to study data structure and algorithms?,Imagine for a second. You are about to enter into
183,Despite-AI-What-are-some-good-career-path-for-the-upcoming-decades,"Management and executive position
Service sector jobs like Nursing, Hotel management
Virtual reality programmer/ performer
Courier and other pick and drop services
Project managers
Process / System Architects
Drone Pilot
Robot Trainers
Food Chef
Building / City Architects
Military personnel
Lots and Lots of Management, Sales and Marketing Consultants…. (with good understanding of AI, RL and ML)
These are some of the jobs that seems to withstand the changes in the economy.",Despite AI What are some good career path for the upcoming decades?,"Management and executive position
Service sector jobs like Nursing, Hotel management
184,Do-those-creating-AI-not-worry-about-it-becoming-self-aware,"AI to become self aware need to show emergent behavior. In lay man terms, when many individual agents act individually, the output or the action seems as if the agents have got consciousness.
We all have brain with neurons. Does individual neurons have consciousness or awareness? Does the nerve cells have awareness? Individually they don't have. When they come together in a particular way, then the awareness is born.
In this sense, the AI that is being created effectively can't become self awar...",Do those creating AI not worry about it becoming self aware?,AI to become self aware need to show emergent behavior.
185,How-long-does-it-take-to-learn-AI-and-machine-learning-development,"AI, ML or Data science helps in doing two things.
Based on my learning till date, it takes around 12 to 18 months if you are learning part-time.(like me)
There is machine learning and AI.The main difference is, the AI generates its own features. While in machine learning you hand generate the features…(It took me 12 books and 15 online courses to understand this)
Time spent on understanding the concepts by working on real world problems is very high. Have a relaxed attitu...",How long does it take to learn AI and machine learning development?,"AI, ML or Data science helps in doing two things.
186,Can-I-get-a-job-at-Google-if-I-am-14-years-old-but-have-the-required-skills-and-experience,"Head to various competition that Kaggle conducts for datascience. Show your skills there. You will have FAANG companies at your door step.
Early start is a great because you will learn a lot by learning from others who are similar to you…",Can I get a job at Google if I am 14 years old but have the required skills and experience?,Head to various competition that Kaggle conducts for datascience. Show
187,Will-artificial-intelligence-be-a-threat-to-software-engineers-like-automation-was-to-the-factory-laborers,"In one word, no AI is not a Threat. Even Automation wasn't a Threat in the hindsight… After all we have more population and more employment than before automation.
Automation helps us humans to circulate money faster than before. So it will support the economy,create growth and opportunity. I believe that only limiting factor is our ability to learn and up skill ourself.
Take the example of above GIF that I have shared. It took me hardly 15 mins to create it. I have no design sense, color know how or the ability to draw such crisp animation and figures. There I am sharing the information with less time investment.
Think about the ways to upskill, there are numerous avenues. Start by learning about the process the companies follow, the technologies that are rearranging the processes and making them simpler. Have a great time ahead.
(GIF Courtesy",Will artificial intelligence be a threat to software engineers like automation was to the factory laborers?,"In one word, no AI is not a Threat. Even"
188,Which-programming-language-should-I-learn-now-Im-12-years-old-to-get-a-job-in-Google-or-Microsoft,"By the time you graduate, there will be no Google or Microsoft. That is the speed at which the world is changing. So your motivation must be a bit different. How different?
Today there are three languages that are very popular, Python, R and C. Yep, C is very popular among many algorithm and “programming language” development groups. Python and R are higher level languages. Learning them is challenging but they keep on changing.
Instead of learning programming languages, you must learn to develop new programming language itself.
You must be puzzled, because this is what most of the kids never think about. Research around to find how programming languages like Python, R etc are made by the research groups. Learn at that level. Because, it takes lot of practice in front of the computers.
At age 12 you have a lot of time, which can be directed for a phenomenal future. Hope this answer becomes a turning point in your life. Have a great future.",Which programming language should I learn now Im 12 years old to get a job in Google or Microsoft?,"By the time you graduate, there will be no Google"
189,Which-programming-language-is-a-close-second-to-the-ease-of-Python,"R , octave and Julia comes to mind.
The important point is there is lot of libraries for Python and R. There is tremendously helpful community and supporting open source solutions.
Happy programming,",Which programming language is a close second to the ease of Python?,"R , octave and Julia comes to mind.
The important point"
190,What-will-life-be-like-in-2030,"When I searched for what will the work look like in 2030, I found this question. An interesting take that makes you nostalgic about the future.
Exponential growth is no longer a myth, thanks to the human ability to thoroughly multitask. You can truly get the activities run in parallel as you would on a turn based strategy game. With that ability, you can think in steps, and have views of entire reality laid in front of you.
Computing is now in your blood, literally. Your body acts as power source for the computer chip embedded inside you.
The Ai in the chip enables you to be in multiple places at the same time. Physically in one place, virtually in a hundred places.
Government have moved out slowly as the resources are effectively distributed, thanks to the master AI. The philosophy of democracy is very much ingrained so each state has an Ai that acts mediator to master Ai.
Corporations are concerted in to communities that provide research data, effective experiments, creative ideas to the Ai.
Yep looking forward to live 2030",What will life be like in 2030?,When I searched for what will the work look like
191,Would-robotics-attain-its-success-without-the-aid-of-mathematics,"No. Robotics cannot achieve anything without mathematics, forget success on top of that.
Mathematics is mother and father of Abstraction. If the robots can't abstract the reality and create models then it cannot decide. Robot that cannot decide will be useless. (Philosophical answer)
Programming and algorithms in reality are irrefutable theorems proven using mathematics. The papers are published and verified by countless others to ensure the theory is correct. Mathematics is used there extensively. (Operational answer)
Fact is Mathematics is the key. But to operate a robot, one doesn't need mathematics. Because the programs abstract away the details and difficult parts of solution.",Would robotics attain its success without the aid of mathematics?,"No. Robotics cannot achieve anything without mathematics, forget success on"
192,How-do-I-become-an-artificial-intelligence-engineer-in-2022,"Being in 2021 and thinking about becoming Artificial Intelligence engineer is bit audacious. It is possible with clear goal about what you want to do as an AI engineer.
Route 1:(Atleast 4 years of on/offline training)
To start your career in AI means, you need training in math, programming, and taking up live projects and getting experience. There are excellent opportunity in both research and business to move ahead. Ability to learn deeply and apply mathematics and problem solving is the key here.
Your goal in this route is to land a job in top class AI companies. OpenAI, UIpath, Kaggle, H20Ai, Dataiku are some that comes to memory.
Route 2: (I have been pursuing this for last 3 years)
If you are thinking about gaining a new skill that you can use in your existing job then the approach will be to train in programming, learning the tools and libraries and understanding how to implement in real world problems. The goal here is to contribute to your current job and the community that you are residing in. (Not for free but for your own Freedom)
What I mean by Freedom ?
It is possible today to learn a great deal from others who share their ideas openly in various communities. Then you become a master at that skill, then you are free to contribute to the community. You do this for your own satisfaction and increase in confidence. You are free by the virtue of having a laptop/raspberry pi and internet Connection.",How do I become an artificial intelligence engineer in 2022?,Being in 2021 and thinking about becoming Artificial Intelligence engineer
193,Which-is-better-Python-or-C++,"In the world of processors,
low level memory chips and hardware programming C++ will rule. The logic in those levels are very punishing, becauses the errors are costly. Even milliseconds on the processor cycles matter. So many of the algorithms are implemented at this level, with C, C++.
In the world of user interface,
data science, analysis and Artificial Intelligence, Python rules. When you are working at this level, there is so little risk. You can try how times you want. The functions that are written with python abstract away the risk and complexity and lets you use them freely, without punishments.
If you need a metaphor, then Python programs are like Electric Car, while C++ will give you a Race Car for a program. C++ has very less to no abstraction, while python abstracts away all the complexity, and lets you work in the reality.
I drive python effortlessly, but I am always seduced by C++ :)",Which is better Python or C++?,"In the world of processors,
low level memory chips and hardware"
194,How-do-I-make-nemonics-for-effective-learning,"Mnemonics is art of converting facts and numbers into pictures and stories. It is an art, which requires creativity, concentration and patience. Mind maps can come in handy.
I learnt about mnemonics from Sherlock holmes novels. The alure to have palaces built with memories that are stored like computer chips fascinated me. It comes with a very big challenge, that is our capacity to concentrate and give attention.
Effective learning occurs when you practice something over and over, get positive feedback when you get it right. Mnemonics are not involved in the learning process. In the above picture, the kitten acts as a “mnemonic” to make you recollect that I spoke to you about “learning” & “feedback” in this answer. In order to learn from this answer, you have first recollect and then use the answer. Then you will learn.
Mnemonics are involved only in remembering the concepts, facts and theory. You create a database of things you have read in your brain. This can be useful for remembering numbers, long numbers. Lists of things, and associated calculations. The skill is extremely useful in business settings, where you have to bring the up the numbers very fast. Take decisions at lightning speeds.
To use it in learning at school, you can train yourself to remember the formulae, the list of symbols and process you need to follow to achieve a particular output or solve a problem. <Note this point> You have to recollect the formulae, lists or process and try them in real problems, and learn how well you can solve them.
Mnemonics are similar to small application that you have on your smartphones. When you touch the app, it calls a window pop open and populates the data you need. Your brain will become the smart phone with many mnemonics on top of it.
Learning can be augumented by mnemonics, if you are aiming to pass school, college, law exams. Then in real life the drive to remember what you learnt is purely dependent on how passionate you are about the subject. Sherlock holmes is famous for saying, that he doesn’t remember whether the earth revolves around the Sun or something else, if it doesn’t help to solve his case.
Just be strategic where you spend your time and concentration. That will determine your future. Have a great time learning new things.",How do I make nemonics for effective learning?,Mnemonics is art of converting facts and numbers into pictures
195,What-are-the-things-one-should-learn-in-their-corporate-career-before-its-too-late,"Learn to make decisions logically.
Make easy and cheap decisions fast
Learn to delegate
Plan and strategize
Know your KPIs clearly and others’ KPI is more important than yours
Ask for support when given responsibility.
Go to gym or play some fast paced game regularly
Don't keep the data, decision which needs to be in someone’s inbox, with you
Have your own philosophy and stick with it.
Make strong allies and weak enemies
Learn the various cycles that the business world experiences
Lead with end in mind.
Learn to use data and measurement to know where you are in daily activities
Keep a note pad to write down important activities and tasks.
This is a very logical and measurable list of things you have to learn. Have a great time.",What are the things one should learn in their corporate career before its too late?,"Learn to make decisions logically.
Make easy and cheap decisions fast
196,Is-starting-a-startup-at-the-age-of-25-the-right-decision-for-a-student,"Yes, it is the best thing you can do. Here is why I claim that after 15 years in corporate.
Findings_1: You need less money at young age, so invest your time in doing what you like, even if it pays less. As you get more experience, and perform effectively, you become the “Product”.
Findings_2:Getting scores in School exam don’t translate in to Money. Putting your skill to good use to others coverts it to money.
Findings_3:Money is attracted when you creatively apply your learning in your young age, and seeking out opportunities. (This is the toughest part for many kids who have completed school, and got good scores in exams).
Now here is a story of a friend, who embodied all the above findings.
Age 26: His passion for chemistry was phenomenal and he completed bachelor of science in chemistry, and later finished his masters. He could have happily gone to work for a company. Here is what he did, changed his life.
Age 28: He did his doctorate in Chemistry and wrote excellent research papers. His passion for chemistry, the reactions and the catalysts could be felt when you enter his room. He has room full of chemistry books, stacked 6ft from the floor.
He is a very personable guy, and easy going too. He has loving girlfriend. After doctorate, he started online coaching for kids in Australia, sitting in India. This is where he found the market for his skills.
Age 29: Initially his expense was much less, as he was young. His girlfriend was understanding. He steadily started gaining reputation all the while sustaining himself with meagre returns that he was getting from the online classes. He was finding how much the market will pay for his skills.
Age 31: After 3 years he had substantial online channel on Chemistry, and a solid reputation built around his coaching. He also learnt about the online education mode and hired 3 tutors to teach for his students. << This is where he got his break. He started exploring creative ways to market, not only his skills, but that of others too.
Age 34: He is having excellent profession that is done from anywhere, anytime that he preferred. People are working for him under his terms. He is doing, what he likes and leaves the difficult/ boring activities to those who find it interesting, and pays to them.
Age 35: He is married to his girlfriend, and roaming around India staying in tourist places like Goa, Rishikesh and Manali for months and moving to a new location if the place bores them.
The friend here, did invest on his studies, which is a “Business Investment” and then invested another 3 years with meagre salary. This he did when he did not need money, at age 28 to 31years.
My Mentors:
I have seen the same storyline in the life of Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, N.Tesla, Andrew Carnegie and many more successful people. All these people started out like my friend, at very young age to do one thing, and stuck to it for their entire lives.
What Next?
Now you understand why I say, starting the business at 25 is the best thing to do.
What are your skills that you can Market?
Does your skill have any Market? If yes, then where it is?
What is the Market ready to pay for your skill?
How much revenue / sales can your skill get you in a day, week, month, year?
All the above questions can be answered by deligent search and relentless hustling. Remember the money you are earning is to keep you afloat and liquid (means you can spend the money to eat, live and cloth yourself, and have a good time with family & friends). The decisions you take at 25 years has to be aligned with philosophy of being liquid and afloat.
Everything else is eyewash…. It is your life, and trust only your guts and logic. Worship in the altar of Concentration and Logic. It is a brilliant feeling to be young, with stars in the eyes & dreams in the mind. Pursue them, with logic and relentless hustle. World is made better by such strivers.",Is starting a startup at the age of 25 the right decision for a student?,"Yes, it is the best thing you can do. Here"
197,Im-free-at-home-for-1-month-I-want-to-utilize-this-time-to-learn-some-new-things-What-are-some-better-ideas-to-explore-at-home,"You have 672 hours in 30 days. Does the below Pie chart surprise you? You will spend 48% of the 672 hours, sleeping and resting (when studying/working)
If you are going to do something 50% of time, How about learning to do that effectively. Learn to REST and SLEEP Effectively, RELAX Effectively.
Relaxing is something many don’t learn for their whole life, and they prematurely go to “permanent sleep” .
Why Relaxation?
Salvador Dali and Leonardo Da Vinci, the two most creative and influential artists known to us, have always given highest value to “Relaxation”. They used skillful relaxation to
Idea that one has to learn something when sleeping arose, as I relaxed completely searched for an Idea for this question. Once you relax you see images in your minds eyes, that provide you the answer/ solution you are seeking for the challenge at hand.
How to Relax?
It is all in the “Muscles”. Out of 1000 muscles in your body, your brain can consciously control 639 skeletal muscles. These muscles are constantly talking to your brain, and asking nutrition, transferring stimuli and chatter. Your brain has to work for these muscles. The moment you relax the muscles, their communication to your brain halts. The load on your brain reduces. Brain can provide energy to concentrate, create and communicate with Ideas.
When to Relax?
This is best done, when you start sleeping, or when you want to rest, while your are learning. Any comfortable posture is fine. Either close your eyes, or concentrate your sight on a blank wall/ table. The quick way, is to selectively relax your muscles by giving attention to each muscle. Slowly move your attention from your bottom of your feet and move steadily upwards relaxing all the muscles along the way until your head.
Release the tension around the groin, abdomen, and solar plexus. You can visualise that your muscles are becoming heavy and you are sinking or melting slowly into the chair, or into the bed. Be in that condition for atleast 20 minutes.
Why Learn Relaxation?
_ Champions of this world, are masters in Relaxation
_ It is fairly simple to do.
_ You can practice it perfectly i.e. you will get feedback if you have done it right. Feedback is the Freshness you feel once you Relaxed.
_ Effectiveness of relaxation can be measured in your daily outcomes.
_ Relaxation is the start for many visualisation techniques that are used in sports like Martial arts, Golf, Football and Basket ball.
_ Relaxation acts as a “clear”/ “Reset” button for your emotional situation
_ Relaxation help you to “delay” the negative response that you might give in your daily life, like anger, frustration, anxiety
_ Relaxation helps you to free yourself from your inner demons, and be in the present moment.
_ Finally it helps you to decide better by seeing all the data available at hand.
Get ready to live life like a champion. Have a great time ahead.
PS: Some books I suggest that can give more info are",Im free at home for 1 month I want to utilize this time to learn some new things What are some better ideas to explore at home?,You have 672 hours in 30 days. Does the below
198,I-m-from-a-commerce-background-but-I-want-to-study-AI-How-can-I-learn-it-from-the-beginning-with-no-knowledge-at-all-Is-there-any-university-or-institute-that-offers-it,"There are so many resources available online today.
Start with Andrew Ng Machine learning course on youtube. In parallel learn python via Kaggle tutorials. Take a udemy course on Data science and statistics.
Steadily work on improving your understanding of the tools, and the problem it can solve. Have a good time.",I m from a commerce background but I want to study AI How can I learn it from the beginning with no knowledge at all Is there any university or institute that offers it?,"There are so many resources available online today.
Start with Andrew"
199,What-is-some-advice-for-people-whove-just-started-coding-and-want-to-master-it,"I was exactly like you before 14 years, as i started to code. I started with Java language. I had a reference book. My routine was to read a chapter and solve the problems at the end of the chapter. Many questions i had no clear answer,because I was self learning and belonged to Mechanical engineering.
Fast forward today, I code in python on Kaggle and fluently read the program written by others who are better trained in programming. How was this possible? (I hold a job in a non_programming domain).
I still struggle when I have to code from scratch. Reality is, there are countless like me ans you struggling and moving towards thinking like a the computer that runs our programs.
Here is what you can do, Join hands and minds with them on platforms like,
Start learning, reading, collecting good code from these platforms
Get a Job and implement what you have learnt
Have fun in the process of learning.",What is some advice for people whove just started coding and want to master it?,"I was exactly like you before 14 years, as i"
200,Should-I-do-a-master-s-in-Digital-marketing-I-have-3-years-of-experience-in-digital-marketing,"Masters is to move from the working level to management level. Whether it is tech mastery or business mastery. If you are happy with Digital marketing tasks and tactics that you are learning then no need for taking the masters.
If you are seeking to manage a team of digital marketers,plan new product launches, work on new technology spreading and creating community then go ahead. It is very challenging and rewarding profile, if you can get it in a company that is growing and establishing now.",Should I do a master s in Digital marketing I have 3 years of experience in digital marketing?,Masters is to move from the working level to management
201,Can-you-get-paid-to-learn-programming,"That is exactly what the managers and executive all around the world do daily, and get paid for it.
When you use the term “learn”, there is necessarily no teacher required. The top executives, leaders, business owners, learn continously. Whether it is a new process, system or strategy. They internalise and practice it when they get a chance.
The programmers, hackers learn at a very high speed. They have to learn about the system to skillfully break a system. This is counter-intuitive, and they are the best.
Keep on learning. World is big, what we know is only grain of sand. There is a bigggg ocean.",Can you get paid to learn programming?,That is exactly what the managers and executive all around
202,Is-it-an-effective-way-to-learn-new-things-every-week-For-example-this-week-I-learn-AI-next-week-I-learn-Photoshop-next-online-jobs-next-automotive-technology-and-etc-I-m-17-years-old,"If I answered “No”, then you would logically ask
“In schools we are asked to learn so many subjects every week, then why not learn multiple technologies after becoming old?”
The Logical answer is, Yes. You can learn new technology every week. The answer is “Logical”, so there must be conditions behind the answer.
If all the above ticks out, then go ahead and learn as many technologies you want. The exposure will provide you the following
Every good thing has some caveats. There are disadvantages
Learn with moderation, play with moderation, rest with moderation, and make the moderation your habit. This will help you to increase your productivity when you need as you become more experienced and get more responsibility.",Is it an effective way to learn new things every week For example this week I learn AI next week I learn Photoshop next online jobs next automotive technology and etc I m 17 years old?,"If I answered “No”, then you would logically ask
“In schools"
203,Can-football-playing-robots-beat-the-World-Cup-winners-by-2050-1,"Robots can already win the world champions. Surprised? You would not be, after watching the below videos.
Take a look at what OPENAI the company which researches on AI is achieving,
That is just scratching the surface of what is happening with other companies like Kaggle, | AI Cloud Platform
and the myriad of machine learning startup taking on new challenges. Take a look at 2 min paper series here
The world of celebrities are slowly taken over by the AI, as the programs replace real people with programmatically. There is a small vid released long time ago
The world has already embraced AI when the world best Go player was beaten by AlphaGo. There the AI had taken the strategies that Sedol(champion) did not even expect and won finally. Football is small game compared to Go. It is only the way robot players are created might be a challenge. Then, even that is already taken up Boston Dynamics…
The BD robo man is dancing, and do you feel how real the moves are? So to return to your question again. The world champions in Football are an inspirational personalities. Replacing them with robot units might seem a dumb idea, but once we see what is happening with the Robots and Ai, we would want Robots to be among us sooner than late….
Hope you enjoyed and got inspired to learn a bit more about AI. Have a great time.",Can football playing robots beat the World Cup winners by 2050 1?,Robots can already win the world champions. Surprised? You would
204,What-can-we-learn-from-computers,"If you learn one thing about computers, it should be this.
Computer is a “On / Off” switch.
Everything we do with computer is so fascinating, the real complexity is completely abstracted away with levels of programs.
Start with Boolean Logic, assembly language, Fortran, Basic, C then jump into C++, python, java and lead the way towards Linux, Windows,Android, Ios… Every program final either switching a transitor, ON or OFF.",What can we learn from computers?,"If you learn one thing about computers, it should be"
205,How-do-I-activate-the-ICICI-FASTag-account-that-is-frozen,"Maybe your fastag don't have balance and some toll amount got deducted from minimum Balance that's why your fastag is frozen you can load money to ur fastag and it should get a activated.
If its kyc issue then you to complete kyc to get it activated.
",How do I activate the ICICI FASTag account that is frozen?,Maybe your fastag don't have balance and some toll amount
206,Which-online-education-platform-has-the-best-value-for-learning-how-to-code-for-kids,"Their MIND.
",Which online education platform has the best value for learning how to code for kids?,"Their MIND.
207,Is-technology-the-greatest-factor-in-military-success,"Success is because of the Human Element. Technology only arguments the human element to
Above 8 dimensions can cause success, however the human element defines who uses the tech for its intended purpose.
In 20 years the office worker who had no visiblity about what is happening in the next cubicle, generate work turned into an executive who can
_ execute
_ create data
_ take decision
_ resolve issues
_ look for opportunities
_ manage demand
The world becomes more interesting and inspiring to live in. Its because humans are here to make it that way. What a time to be alive!!!!",Is technology the greatest factor in military success?,Success is because of the Human Element. Technology only arguments
208,If-your-daily-job-is-to-be-happy-what-will-be-your-tasks,"Ah what a nice question! Below are the things that I would do to keep myself happy throughout the day,
Probably just sleep.
",If your daily job is to be happy what will be your tasks?,Ah what a nice question! Below are the things that
209,Whatre-the-skills-people-need-to-learn-for-the-future,"Decision making
Communicating effectively
Creative habit
Manage demand
Seek opportunities
Create resources
Ability to look and create big picture
Story teller
Solid Philosophy for their life
These are the skills that comes with direct application of effort on real challenges that the business world is facing. The tools, the ideas and courses have to align toward the problem that needs solving.
Simple and very impactful list that e every student today has to practice. Have a great future.",Whatre the skills people need to learn for the future?,"Decision making
Communicating effectively
Creative habit
Manage demand
Seek opportunities
Create resources
Ability to look and"
210,What-skills-competencies-and-knowledge-should-one-have-that-would-be-an-asset-for-any-organization,"Decision making
Communicating effectively
Creative habit
Manage demand
Seek opportunities
Create resources
Ability to look and create big picture
Story teller
These are the skills that comes with direct application of effort on real challenges that the business world is facing. The tools, the ideas and courses have to align toward the problem that needs solving.
All the above skills invariably needs data collection. The way it is collected is different for every case. The case studies are useful to see the story once it is complete. How you create the story and bring the organisation toward the profitablity and staying afloat.
Those skills are the need of the hour.",What skills competencies and knowledge should one have that would be an asset for any organization?,"Decision making
Communicating effectively
Creative habit
Manage demand
Seek opportunities
Create resources
Ability to look and"
211,What-are-the-skills-that-children-must-possess-to-be-future-ready,"Students and youngsters have a colorful lives these days. Advent of social medial has made the color more ubiquitous. Their attention is pulled in multiple dimensions. First we have to give them credit for being patient, how much ever less it may be.
The skills required by the future kids are very simple as shown in the chart above. The pillars of these skills are “Goal” and “Patience”. World has seen the widespread crisis in form of COVID, and the the most affected are the kids. They have to learn a lot in a little time to become employable in near future.",What are the skills that children must possess to be future ready?,Students and youngsters have a colorful lives these days. Advent
212,I-have-basic-knowledge-in-some-programming-languages-but-when-I-try-to-develop-something-I-cant-do-it-without-watching-tutorials-or-videos-I-feel-it-is-very-hard-to-do-What-should-I-do,"Programming is a huge ocean, like the human language. There is so many ways to say the same things in any language. There are algorithms which shave of milliseconds in processing the data, leading to huge time savings, but as a beginner your aim is …..
",I have basic knowledge in some programming languages but when I try to develop something I cant do it without watching tutorials or videos I feel it is very hard to do What should I do?,"Programming is a huge ocean, like the human language. There"
213,I-decided-to-learn-about-entrepreneurial-skills-but-I-was-overwhelmed-by-the-different-resources-on-YouTube-and-Google-Can-you-suggest-to-me-a-good-source-to-develop-my-knowledge-and-skills-in-this-field,"Your Idea has to make money for itself. That is the aim of entrepreneur. He does it by making the idea helpful and useful to as many people in this world.
Think the skill you have, and look for challenges in the world you can solve. That is entrepreneur.
Assess your market and see which skill is giving more return for your time. That is how you create wealth. Wealth is nothing but “time for yourself”.
Source is within you, the knowledge is also within you. Start reading Snow Ball, Leonardo Da Vi...",I decided to learn about entrepreneurial skills but I was overwhelmed by the different resources on YouTube and Google Can you suggest to me a good source to develop my knowledge and skills in this field?,Your Idea has to make money for itself. That is
214,Where-and-to-what-extent-will-NFTs-reach-in-the-next-5-years,"I brushed up my memory regarding the NFTs and their impact, 3 months back. There were games, neon cats and dogs that were being converted to NFTs. They had 2 things in common, “hype” , “lack of purpose”.
That was a great place to start. Your question is asked by countless others who are either having NFTs or working in NFT domains. Their core challenge, how to bring NFT to mass market?
The products in this world follow the famous product life cycle. Based on that, NFTs are currently in the “innovators” stage. It has to reach the “early adopters” and then “jump the chasm” to mass adaptation.
Will NFTs jump the chasm? Yep, it sure will
When NFTs will jump the chasm? There are more than 50 factors that are required for the NFTs to Jump. All the factors require many people to use it, and explore. Basically, spend time and money.
The correct incentives to many people and businesses are required(do an online search, you will see what I mean). There are people working towards the Jump. It can come sooner than expected. So sit tight,and have more NFTs in your wallet. Have a great day.",Where and to what extent will NFTs reach in the next 5 years?,I brushed up my memory regarding the NFTs and their
215,How-do-you-choose-the-right-place-to-learn-boxing,"Getting passionate about mastering your body is a phenomenal feeling. Before even thinking about boxing and training, train yourself for atleast a month or so with jogging. Why? This will show how you cope with repetitive long term rewarding activity.
Boxing is a long-term Committment. The gym or dojo that you are looking for will automatically give you the vibes when you go there. The people there come for only one purpose, to train and train hard.
Trainers there would be straight forward and very accomodative, but very tough with their students. They are real coach with strong competition winners or trainer for competitors..They are bit rare, and important aspect is they charge nominally. They want the art to be learnt. They are passionate.
I wish you all the very best to get such trainers and dojo with purposeful partners. Have a great time ahead.",How do you choose the right place to learn boxing?,Getting passionate about mastering your body is a phenomenal feeling.
216,Which-technical-or-programming-skill-can-I-learn-within-a-year-to-get-a-good-or-high-paying-job-I-live-in-North-America-provided-it-should-have-good-demand-in-the-future,"Start with Python programming, and learn the design concepts, algorithms in that language. There are massive resources created online and offline in form of books, video and websites. Take a look around.
If you are living in US, then I would suggest to learn Blockchain Smart contract and Blockchain core languages. The blockchain is fast becoming the plumbing network for the internet layered with the crypto currency, decentralised exchanges and wide spreading usage in variety of application.
Other option would be to become proficient in cyber physical system and IOT tech. The programming here more hardware and processor related. Very interesting and rewarding activity, if you are passionate about electronic gadget, and tinkering endlessly. C, Assembly language, and many other platform specific language are used. The field extends from your house to high tech industries. In short, ubiquitous.
Artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning is another field that can be lucrative. But the programming language will be above three variety. All the very best for your career.",Which technical or programming skill can I learn within a year to get a good or high paying job I live in North America provided it should have good demand in the future?,"Start with Python programming, and learn the design concepts, algorithms"
217,Which-career-is-suitable-for-the-ones-who-like-visualizing-things-in-detail,"Visualization is mandatory for many industries and career. The most interesting career can be made with visualisation are as follows
The moment you see the list, “Design” includes all kinds of design. Whether manufacturing, software or hardware there needs to be visualisation. The stronger you imagine, and go into the detail the better.
Visualisation also takes time for producing effective products. Creative energy has to be spent on identifying worthy goals and use visualisation to achieve them.",Which career is suitable for the ones who like visualizing things in detail?,Visualization is mandatory for many industries and career. The most
Why stick with one tech when you can learn both and that too in a very short time. To do that one needs a overwhelming reason. Last 24 months has shown how far the world has progressed as started learning about these two technology.
Super Intelligence == Superminds
Think about these two tech as the “brain” and “mind”. Brain is Blockchain, with its interconnected network of people deciding and trusting decentrally. While the Mind is Artificial intelligence. Lot of interaction means truck load of data. Where there is data, there is Mind(intelligence). The Blockchain and AI are technology that can create super-intellgence soon. (They have already created massive shifts in how people think about the system we live in, in short it has created superminds)
Blockchain ==
Berkley university has an awesome course on Blockchain, which you can access through
There is a phenomenal course by AtoZ channel in Youtube.
The main blockchain concepts are Algorithmic Game Theory and Token engineering , again in youtube has the courses.
Take a deep breath and dive into them and binge wartch them… Then read the book on Meme engineering. The Blockchain world is a new meme or idea that has taken hold. (It is a fascinating concept)
AI ==
There are countless courses to learn artificial intelligence, just don't take them!! Yes don't go near them….
Instead start with data visualization courses. Train yourself to visualise like a pro. Why?
Artificial intelligence works on three paradigms. Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforced learning. All these three have one thing in common, that is they generate data as output and you must know how to understand the data. There are statistics and tests involved which again needs visualization, and imagining too.
This takes practice, feed back and perseverance. Good news. You can get the first two very easily. There is so many places like Kaggle website where you can practice and get feedback. 3rd, perseverance has to be fueled with your mindset aimed towards creating massive impact or contribution to the community. You will be valued for the insights you bring to table or in this case the models.
When you are through you will be energized and wiser. Will be able to guide and contribute. Even get a new career started or might startup on your own. Possibilities are endless. Take the plunge…. See you on the other side. Have a great learning experience.",In which technology should I do my specialization blockchain or artificial intelligence?,"Both….
Why stick with one tech when you can learn both"
219,As-a-mid-level-manager-I-feel-stuck-in-terms-of-the-lack-of-growth-opportunities-in-my-company-Should-I-try-to-advance-my-career-by-specialisation-if-I-dont-climb-the-career-ladder-and-reach-a-leadership-position,"Life is extremely good in providing choices to those who seek.
Managing a team inside a company needs understanding about the company and the the market that it is serving. Understanding comes slowly over time, as more exposure and projects are undertaken. Mid level executives are faced with two major actions in their daily lives
Which of the above activity suits you the most? Managing the target, or the Budget? Depending on that, you can move either horizontally or vertically in an organisation.
Higher you go, the more stringent the targets would be. It is obvious that, mission critical sales,and deliveries have to be completed.
Horizontal movement to a different but related department can give you an overview of the organisation, and provide you with fresh view towards your career.
There is always the best option, that is to not to change anything. This has the benefits too. Instead of career, you can think about other dimension of life that needs to be improved. Or it could be a project that you wanted to do.
The idea of specialisation by taking an executive course is still a viable option. The investment into that course, and subsequent returns as salary might lead to opportunities as well. The specialisation has to be done once you decide which you want to manage.
Decide like a top executive. Table the above 3 choices (stay, move vertical, move horizontal) that you have, and list the dimensions you want to rank them, like
These are just some examples. You can add some that you find important, and give them marks. The marks for each can range from 0 to any number. Lower the number means lower the priority, higher means more priority. This exercise will help you decide by showing what you really value.
Hope I could provide some inspiration to move out of status quo. Have a great time ahead.",As a mid level manager I feel stuck in terms of the lack of growth opportunities in my company Should I try to advance my career by specialisation if I dont climb the career ladder and reach a leadership position?,Life is extremely good in providing choices to those who
220,What-should-I-do-to-get-a-better-job-in-2021,"Before getting anything, define clearly what is “better”. Sit with a pencil and paper, start writing what kind of job you will choose. To Which area of an organisation you will contribute. How will you justify your salary That will give you a direction to proceed.
Just to give a brief on what is out there currently. There are lot of decisions to be taken daily. Humungus services are required by people like you and me. Data is generated by “data center” loads of petabyte harddisks. All these needs people who can work along with machines and deliver.
Decisions, Service, Data and Delivery are new corner stones
What can you do with the above information? Give it sometime and think. Where do you want to be and what you want to be doing?
Learn as much as possible on
Problem Solving
Data analysis
Presentation of data
Positive mindset
Success orientation
Adversity Quotient? (Very important, check it out)
These broad topics can give the necessary inspiration. Have a great career.",What should I do to get a better job in 2021?,"Before getting anything, define clearly what is “better”. Sit with"
221,What-is-a-free-hosting-alternative-to-Linode-I-already-have-a-domain-email-etc,"If you are learning to implement something akin to “Staging” then free webhosting might be useful. When it comes to production, using a robust environment is preferable.
This is what I gather from what the fellow solution writers’ advise.
There are cloud servers that range for full-service to bare bones service, with variety of options in between.
The new option around the corner is using the “Block Chain Based” servers that are crowd hosted. Check out Arweave powered Ardrive.",What is a free hosting alternative to Linode I already have a domain email etc?,If you are learning to implement something akin to “Staging”
222,You-have-4-experts-with-dif-responsibilities-in-ecommerce-you-have-to-ensure-that-they-all-work-on-their-respective-areas-efficiently-deliver-on-time-What-all-activities-you-would-do-when-you-are-assigning-any-tasks,"SMART goals is the first thing you set for the entire team and then assign individual KPIs for the experts
Achievable (respect to time, resources and capability)
Once you have given them where to go, let them start their work. Monitor their progress every day and weekly get a report once. Then report to your boss monthly once.
Important point is they are experts, and don't need your support or guidance in their areas. So safely delegate decisions to them, but give them the range upto which they can decide.
Remember that the more decisions they make, more learning they will get. Also you will be able to lead them better.
Instill a mindset that that decision at their level has to be taken by that level only. Shouldn't be escalated.
Hope these pointers give you some place to start and lead the team better. Have a great time.",You have 4 experts with dif responsibilities in ecommerce you have to ensure that they all work on their respective areas efficiently deliver on time What all activities you would do when you are assigning any tasks?,SMART goals is the first thing you set for the
223,I-am-both-art-and-science-inclined-What-are-the-things-I-should-consider-before-choosing-to-focus-on-one,"Art and Science are one and the same. So focusing on one thing will lead you to learn about the other. Your willingness to learn is more important.
Take the biography of Leonardo Da Vinci and read it end to end. You will get insights and inspiration. Then look how apple was created. Follow the way Walt Disney created the theme parks.
You need to consider what makes you happy most of the time. Rest is all taken care how you envision your life with that activity. Have a great life.",I am both art and science inclined What are the things I should consider before choosing to focus on one?,Art and Science are one and the same. So focusing
224,What-is-the-theory-of-mind-and-how-does-it-develop,"Influenced by eminent sci-fi writers like Arthur Clarke, Issac asimov, real inventors like Tesla, physicists like Feynmann, philosophers like Socrates, Aristotle and enlightened Buddha, my theory of mind is an ensemble of ideas.
Mind happens when there is consciousness which in turn happens by emergent behavior. When a thing that is connected in a network can do some basic computation, like some decision or action then this thing becomes part of the emergent behavior.
The action taken by each node will be simple while the entire network can do lot more than simple action. Swarm Robotics, iot tech, Blockchain tech all are steadily marching towards such a connected network. Ability to communicate fast adds to the speed of the network.
Development of mind and consciousness is an ongoing struggle between computer and bio sciences. We are going towards creating the ultimate mind, the Super General Intelligence. That's when the singularity is expected. The world is going to be better with such advances.",What is the theory of mind and how does it develop?,"Influenced by eminent sci-fi writers like Arthur Clarke, Issac asimov,"
225,What-is-the-importance-of-communication-in-a-hybrid-working-world,"Communication is for two purpose, to share the decision and the other is to convince the opposite party to accept your decision.
In hybrid world, the senior management have to use communication to communicate decision and provide direction. Then the execution team has to get the decision Successful.
Whether hybrid or offline world, the above motto has to be there.",What is the importance of communication in a hybrid working world?,"Communication is for two purpose, to share the decision and"
226,Failure-demand-reset-but-how-to-shift-focus-quickly-to-future,"Focus on SUCCESS… That is how you do it
SUCCESS IS A CHARACTER. IT is something you cultivate and create. It is inside you and made by you. These are the dimensions that you have to improve every moment.
Sense of direction
Charity (compassion)
To measure is to manage. What is Leading a splendid life without managing. The purpose of going to school, college and first 5 to 6 years of career has to be dedicated for learning to set effective goals and direction.
Step 1 : We have more clarity when the mess is categorised and pattern is visible.
Step 2: we can model it with our concepts and create new beliefs.
Step 3: Is to predict how to act in order to reach the goals.
Surprising fact is, the machine learning, artificial intelligence and reinforced learning all use the above process. I am sure we humans can do it more easily.
Have a great day.",Failure demand reset but how to shift focus quickly to future?,"Focus on SUCCESS… That is how you do it
227,What-are-some-of-the-skills-which-are-easy-to-learn-and-would-help-me-for-the-rest-of-my-life,"Learn to think positively and imagine how the adversity can become a stepping stone
Learn to take decisions and then making the decision right.
Learn to program YOUR MIND AND the COMPUTER. Using positive reinforcement and pleasant thought can help programming your mind.
Learning to be happy. This last skill will decide how effective you are in this world. Have a great life ahead.",What are some of the skills which are easy to learn and would help me for the rest of my life?,Learn to think positively and imagine how the adversity can
228,How-do-I-stop-imagining-about-my-girlfriends-past-Her-ex-sent-me-one-picture-which-killed-me,"Every girl has been with some guy or the other in her past. So have the guys. Jus chill. (I cant feel how you are feeling now. I wont try, but there are couple of ways out of this. If you would listen, then we are game)
The pain you are facing is currently faced by atleast dozen other guys around this world. Just pray for their well being and peace of mind. You will momentarily feel the pain reduce.
I had faced similar situation and its life transforming. Be glad that you have faced such a situation and still being alive (mentally) and asking for help. You are trying to be happy again. Give yourself a pat on your back.
Keep reminding yourself that, the past cannot be changed. What is on the picture is not the girl who is your girlfriend now. That picture is someone in the past. This way of detachment with time and space will alleviate your pain further.
Finally, push yourself towards the Future. It is like climbing the mountain after your legs have given up. Your body is working on autopilot. Slowly start visualisation of your future goals, how you want your lives to be? After all, your girlfriend expects you to forgive and love her irrespective of what mistakes she does or had done.
Confront her if you feel it is required. And talk your heart out.(That will be your mistake). Ensure she forgives you. Then both will be even and can live happily ever after… Just try to stay together. Its troublesome, downright irritating sometimes, but it is all worth it.
Have a fabulous life and future.",How do I stop imagining about my girlfriends past Her ex sent me one picture which killed me?,Every girl has been with some guy or the other
229,Should-I-learn-R-or-Python-if-I-intend-to-be-a-Data-Scientist,"R, Python and the myriad of programming libraries are all abstractions of complex statistical and mathematical concepts. Getting up to speed on the statistics concepts, various tests and methods employed for analysis is important.
This takes effort, and imagination. Why Imagination? When you are solving a analysis problem, the solution needs to be imagined and then the concepts, tools and programs are to be used.
Kaggle would be a great place to come up to speed on the python programming. There is dedicated courses that can introduce you to the application of the various machine leaning models. If you learn the underlying concepts, the programming language themselves are interchangeable.
Python or R can be as complicated as piloting an aircraft or can be as simple as driving auto gear car. It depends how deep you want to progress. How many application area you want to excel at. Which modeling and type of problem you want to study more.
Starting with simple data visualisation to complex computer vision artificial neural networks can be Programmed. Even automated modeling called Auto ML has been developed to completely automate much of the analysis process.
Every journey begins with simple step. Have a great trip into the rabbit hole.",Should I learn R or Python if I intend to be a Data Scientist?,"R, Python and the myriad of programming libraries are all"
230,What-are-some-easy-good-books-to-read-in-your-20s-when-you-are-starting-to-develop-a-reading-habit,"Start with the Comics like Batman, Superman to get hold of your wandering mind, and concentrate on the book. As your imagination improves move towards the books by Roald Dahl, AC Doyle, Fredrick Foresyth, Dan Brown and Robert Greene. When you start maturing further, then start taking on biographies of famous and infamous people like Tesla, Carnegie, Morgan, Da Vinci, and as many leaders as possible.
The above method worked for me and my many school friends. With the current invasion of smartphones, this method can be augumented with video games, and applications that provide contents that are easy reads.
Have a great time with the books that find you.",What are some easy good books to read in your 20s when you are starting to develop a reading habit?,"Start with the Comics like Batman, Superman to get hold"
231,How-can-I-be-the-ideal-guy-the-society-wants,"Have a philosophy and set of your own principles. That will not make you Ideal, but it will avoid you from being the Un-ideal guy the Society can't deal with…
With the social media, youtube, movies and books this is only more difficult than it looks. Ask anyone their philosophy then wait for them to complete a whole 10 mins explaining it. Request them for 10 principles, not much will be there to talk after that…
Who shares their philosophies and principles in public? Even markets it? Politicians, Movies Heroes, Sadhus and business magnates. Who is considered mostly “Ideal” ? The same people come to mind.
Take a philosophy that you would really like the reality to embrace and then push yourself to establish it. All the very best for your interesting life….",How can I be the ideal guy the society wants?,Have a philosophy and set of your own principles. That
232,Is-it-nice-to-have-education-from-different-disciplines-Does-it-help-in-your-career-progression,"Career progression is about focus. So having different disciplines will reduce the speed of the progression.
Learning multiple discipline expands your understanding of how many things in the world works. Which in turn can be used in advancing with bit of creativity and perseverance. Its like enjoying the mountain fully and not just reaching the Peak.
Think of your life vision and then decide how you want to proceed. Have a great life ahead.",Is it nice to have education from different disciplines Does it help in your career progression?,Career progression is about focus. So having different disciplines will
233,What-can-we-do-to-think-positively-and-reduce-our-stress,"Mind is a device that is capable of bring your imagination to reality.
Programming your mind to think in the positive terms is a skill that your mind has to learn. It is kind of a “Looping” situation. How to start the “Positive Loop”? TL:DR (Jump to Summary at bottom)
I am a avid reader of many leaders, inventors, philosophers and Fiction. We see a particular dimension of their lives in these books. Then it struck me. All these people must have had same foibles that I have, since they are humans. Yet, they made their life so memorable, that we are reading about them today.
They made their life memorable not for their achievements, but for their failures. Take late Steve Jobs. If you look at his life from multiple perspectives, by reading his biography, seeing him work, hear him talk, read about the contemporaries who worked with him, you will see a pattern emerging. Pattern that is similar to your life or those around you.
He was a brilliant man, who lead a life simply and dedicated to make the world a better place. He had immense energy, and phenomenal perseverance,. If he has immense energy, and you have little energy, then use that to make an impact on this world. The impact is what matters. Impact could be anywhere in your life..
When you realize that your entire life can be dedicated to create impact, then you see a Bigger Picture. Life is Not just about you. Your mindset expands to include everyone around you first, and giving priority to their well being. You will realized that others being well, will make you lead a fulfilling life. The act of embracing the humanity is a common thread in many of the leaders, inventors and notable scientists.
I have tried personally and it works. The moment I face an Hardship, I pray for those “Unknown Others” who might be facing same Hardship or pain. Especially, when I was down with “Fever” for 10 days and having severe pains and hullcinations, only this strategy worked. I “Prayed” that those others suffering by fever to become well and healthy. In that process, my mind gave my body the energy and rest. Mind is the starting point of this reality.
Yes, we humans are together in this “Tiny Rock”. The surge of positivity, and affection that arises from the “Prayer” removes traces of negativity and fills you with positivity. Even when you are sufferring.
To summarize
Life is fun and long, keep it going on. Have a great future.",What can we do to think positively and reduce our stress?,Mind is a device that is capable of bring your
234,How-can-a-person-with-multiple-talents-manage-time,"I have been facing the same challenge recently and decided to use the matrix for the same.
We have a column for major areas where we spend time, like studies, family, finance, friends, work and health. Against each area you have multiple talents. So against each area there will be talents that you have and the ones you want to develope.
For example:
Data science : Time series ; Classification ; Exploratory Data Analysis ; Modelling; Real world link
Data Science is an area, it could be hobby or work, color code accordingly. Then the talents are made as a row. Use Excel sheet for easy update.
(This template is still under preparation) Once ready I will share here.
After the talents, everyday you look at it, list the action you are going to do on each area of life, and each talent. Very interesting way to dimensionalize your life.
Try it out and have a wonderful future.",How can a person with multiple talents manage time?,I have been facing the same challenge recently and decided
235,I-feel-like-I-m-never-going-to-be-happy-Even-though-I-have-a-perfect-family-a-roof-over-my-head-and-perfect-health-it-s-not-enough-to-make-me-love-my-life-What-is-wrong-with-me,"Get yourself a real good vision and work on it. Happiness happens from work and movement. Your mind needs to be useful… So ask some questions like this below… Questions from Abundance360 Moonshots and Mindsets.
I have filled my answers for example
0) List the aspirational areas that fill you with desire, wonder and excitement?
What did you want to be as a kid?
What ability you want Humanity to have?
What big problem do you want to solve?
Who do you want to be the Hero?
Write down powerful actions that you want to take?
Write down the 5 Massively transformative purpose (MTP) ?
The next questions go into the specific of solution or the tactics. So I am only sharing questions
6) Clearly describe how these Moonshots will look like in 5 years?
7) What objective you can achieve by end of year 1?
8) What can you do in 30 days to de-risk your 1 yr and 5 yr objectives?
9) what evidence that you can provide that this Moonshots are possible?
10) What actions can you take now for immediate progress?
11) What concrete and measurable objectives can you come up for achieving the above points?
So there is a blueprint which has changed the life of many people. Bring out the best in you. Have a great life…..",I feel like I m never going to be happy Even though I have a perfect family a roof over my head and perfect health it s not enough to make me love my life What is wrong with me?,Get yourself a real good vision and work on it.
236,Im-14-and-Im-trying-to-learn-programming-Can-I-get-a-remote-job-How-should-I-go-about-it,"Impressive age to start programming. Here is how you go about it.
Have a curious mind:
When you learn a programming language, learn with an imagination. Imagine what you can build and make with the language. After you learn the basics of language, to an extent where you can read the programs and understand what it does
Start reading others code:
You have to collect a lot of vocabulary in that programming language. In programming there are functions, inputs and outputs. More functions you can use ...",Im 14 and Im trying to learn programming Can I get a remote job How should I go about it?,Impressive age to start programming. Here is how you go
237,What-are-your-goals-to-achieve-before-the-end-of-this-pandemic-year-2021,"Personally in 2021 following are the goals
Become a consultative sales manager and service 25 customer project
Attract my soulmate
Master the Data science Programming and Modeling
Create the idea for my new company Envis
Master the art of Attractting positive thoughts and having calm mind
Master Thinkertoys methods of creativity
Attract inspiring and energetic people to surround me and make life more interesting to live.
Great question to think about in the morning. The challenges are immaterial in front of such monumental goals.",What are your goals to achieve before the end of this pandemic year 2021?,"Personally in 2021 following are the goals
Become a consultative sales"
238,Is-it-unreasonable-to-stay-up-late-on-weekends-Im-21-and-my-parents-set-a-router-based-block-on-my-computer-that-kicks-in-even-on-weekend-nights-How-can-I-get-my-weekend-nights-back,"You parents want you to learn and you have started doing that exactly. By asking this question.
I could just tell you the way to break into the router and remove the block. That means, I just let you eat the Fish. In order to learn to catch fish, you have to learn a lot. About the router, the way passwords are set by parents, how secure the router is and so on.
I faced similar challenge during my 21 years of age. There the ISP will reduce the speed at night and I could not browse easily. So dur...",Is it unreasonable to stay up late on weekends Im 21 and my parents set a router based block on my computer that kicks in even on weekend nights How can I get my weekend nights back?,You parents want you to learn and you have started
239,What-is-the-best-way-to-start-learning-about-security,"Security is a vast subject, with application in variety of fields. I am giving my take on from the IT field.
Understanding the basic of the technology comes first. Current changes in business models have moved the risk of data breaches to the highest levels. The insights one gains from the data is more than the data itself. Any internet facing server can be compromised if it becomes a target.
With the risk explained, the security now is about providing privacy in such ways to make the user feel safe. Learning the exploits of the software and hardware is only go sofar. After that it is about the human usage of the technology which becomes the bottleneck.
Start with technology, and get hands on experience with production environment. Then setup a experiment platform on your own and try learning the ways to break the technology. Then use the online platform to further your knowledge by seeing others providing the solution.
This way of book, hands on, self experimenting and seeking expert solution is the norm. Stackexchange, Kaggle, Quora, Reddit are platforms that provide rich introduction and support network for you to learn.
Ask the correct question because every challenge is series of small answers that becomes final solution.",What is the best way to start learning about security?,"Security is a vast subject, with application in variety of"
240,What-is-the-secret-of-the-success-of-Indians-so-that-they-can-occupy-top-positions-in-many-giant-technology-companies-such-as-Google-Microsoft-and-others,"Becoming a Chief Executive or General manager is all about the energy you have got. Because these positions requires
Energy that one has will decide how much time he or she spends in working on the project for the company. The more he contributes and connects, the chance of becoming the “Top Coach” increases.
Of all, having patience and learning constantly is important for achieving this top position. Not everyone is cut out for having all these skills. So matching ones psychological make up with the profile is important.
All can develop these skills and make ups. It is life long work. Starting young has more benefits.
Have a great future.",What is the secret of the success of Indians so that they can occupy top positions in many giant technology companies such as Google Microsoft and others?,Becoming a Chief Executive or General manager is all about
241,I-am-so-scruffy-My-actions-are-very-filthy-I-do-not-have-guts-or-courage-I-am-a-povert-I-feel-that-I-don-t-have-any-positive-quality-in-me-How-do-I-overcome-this-situation-and-lead-a-better-life,"It seems you really need some self love and self awareness. You have gained awareness that, your mindset is causing the problem. Now you have to change that mindset. That is all.
I have been extremely scruffy and many do even today. They don't get upset or irritated about it, because everything changes every moment. You too will change.
Believe first. Believe first that you are someone born to be useful to humanity. Not just your friends and family. Yes, think really big things. Give your imagination and creativity wings. Then come up with a plan on achieving.
Abundance. This universe has so much to offer. We humans are capable of reaching out and getting it. More you master the abundance mindset, peace will start pervading your mind and body.
Start disowning your thoughts. The thoughts and its associated feeling are created by many external influence. It could be your food, harmonies, and even the level of your hunger. So why think that your thoughts make you? You make the thoughts in fact. Right?
Have you got the correct philosophy? World works differently and we see only some part of it. The way to understand the world is first understanding your philosophy. Because, it will color what you see.
To reiterate. Your thoughts are not yours
You need self love and self awareness
Get your philosophy right
Believe in abundance
Have a great life. Its worth it.",I am so scruffy My actions are very filthy I do not have guts or courage I am a povert I feel that I don t have any positive quality in me How do I overcome this situation and lead a better life?,It seems you really need some self love and self
242,Will-students-have-a-job-in-the-near-future,"Whether students like it or not, they will have jobs.😊😊
Lot of businesses expect to have a working middle class. Especially Banks, governments and service providers.
Think what will happen, if no one had a job? Where will bank get the money? It is a vicious cycle. Important is the unemployment rate of the country decides how the central bank sets the in
I have recently come to realise that, work is more important than even eating and sleeping. Because, you can survive without eating, sleeping and even drinking water. Without work, entire economy will collapse. And as human being your self esteem and confidence will collapse too. In the end, human being decides to leave this world (suicides). Terrifying yet true.
There are many repercussions to be considered when many claim that their employers make them work a lot. Infact, employers are giving you fuel to live a life that is more fulfilling.
The world collectively works under a philosophy. That is what I have explained.
If your philosophy and the world that you are living in doesn't match, then you find lot of frustration. So if the students of today want job in future, they better be ready. Be passionate. Be relentless until they get a job that will make their life fulfilled.
Have a great future.",Will students have a job in the near future?,"Whether students like it or not, they will have jobs.😊😊
243,How-do-I-go-to-3031,Read Arthur C Clarke's 3001 The Final Odyssey,How do I go to 3031?,Read Arthur C Clarke's 3001 The Final Odyssey
244,How-do-I-figure-out-what-Im-good-at-and-what-I-should-expertise-in,"Start with the belief that you will be good at everything you try to master. With such positive mindset you will try many things, from playing tennis to programming and quantum mechanics. This will take considerable time, for which we have schools and college. Unfortunately there the incentives are misunderstood by students, parents and teachers mainly.
After you have a job in something that you are average, there are two routes. Improve incrementally in the job and have a wonderful life. After all life has many dimensions.
Another route is pursue your search for the expertise you are good at. This means your time for other life activity has to be reduced or you become extraordinarily productive. Depends on your energy, mindset and physical abilities you will find your expertise. Then spend all your time mastering it.
Above is the HOW part. WHY part is more important Your reason for searching what you are good at. Find that out, and the how part will become clearer.
Have a wonderful life",How do I figure out what Im good at and what I should expertise in?,Start with the belief that you will be good at
245,What-jobs-will-be-available-as-automation-takes-over-What-classes-should-we-take-to-be-prepared,"Start with programming classes. There are many online classes. Use them to learn atleast Python, Machine learning, swarm robotics and data analysis.
Learn problem solving. These are soft and hard skills. Creativity is important. So approach competition and participate in them. Keep track of your contribution and possible even win some of them.
Electronics. Yes, irrespective of your background learn about electronics and how to program them. From Drone engineering to automation, this skill is must.
Drone Piloting, Space craft Piloting are some of the low to high cost driving skills you can concentrate.
Service industry is set to boom. Nursing, hotel management and other experiential services are going to be improved.
Math skills are going to be important. Since most of the jobs will need some kind of control, and your knowledge of math will help you learn faster and control better.",What jobs will be available as automation takes over What classes should we take to be prepared?,Start with programming classes. There are many online classes. Use
246,Is-planning-for-5-to-10-years-worth-it-during-these-testing-times,"Reality is filled with many testing times. If you ponder for moment, you will realise the challenges we face every month, season and year.
Planning is required for such testing times. When you think for next 10 years, and see the output of accomplished goal, you will have the insight. That output is the answer for the “why” that you are working today during the testing times.
Plan well ahead. Without plan, anyway you don’t know where you will end up.",Is planning for 5 to 10 years worth it during these testing times?,Reality is filled with many testing times. If you ponder
247,How-can-I-begin-to-become-more-passionate-about-learning-something-new,"Passion arises when you want something at the subconscious level. This level has many influences in the past, so it can differ for every one.
Imagination is a tool that is available for everyone equally. Imagination can be the key to become passionate about something you want to learn.
Many feel passionate about a cause, fashion, culture and even product. To achieve any of these, money is basic requirement. So we become passionate about making money. (Later forget our real passion😒, here I digress)
Why this happened?
What we do with the money is mostly guided by the marketing and the influence the surrounding has on us. Also how effectively you have fixed your vision and imagine about learning what you want to learn.
To improve your passion the strategy is simple. Reduce your CHOICES. That is the way to increase the impact you have on reality. Try keeping everything from dress, food, time you sleep, video or book you consume. You will see tremendous improvement.
Have a great future.",How can I begin to become more passionate about learning something new?,Passion arises when you want something at the subconscious level.
248,What-will-be-the-top-tech-trends-for-2022,"The answer is plural due to the large number of new development and patents are being filed every day. Every domain has new ideas that are revolutionizing the way things are done today.
There are some technology that are changing multiple domain due to their very large use cases. They are
As you see, these technology are domain agnostic and impact lot of people. So if you are looking for some good places to learn is Edx and Mitx open courseware.
Have a great day.",What will be the top tech trends for 2022?,The answer is plural due to the large number of
249,What-are-some-future-jobs-that-dont-exist-today,"Hypothetical situations of the future is independent on the present. Especially our minds and creative process depends mainly on current attributes or features we are aware of. Some new job roles which are rapidly developing….
Data engineer:
Data will be all around us, but the data needs to be made pallatable to the consumers. The consumer can be a robot, a scientist or a business. Humans will get the job engineering new data to make robots to learn the process.
Receipe builder:
Every data needs to go thru rigorous exploration by a human. Insights are still in human realm, and to build insights some one has to look at the data. Once that is done, new robots can be built with that model. Already cooking robots are coming up which takes the existing recepies and make the dish.
Mind Writer:
Mind reading devices will be a common place, and the contents of the minds will be poured out by the masses. How the companies will make the reader wearable is still a big question. Think about a skull cap filled with sensors, and connecting to your smart phone. Rather a Mind phone.
Consciousness Modeller
Advent of taking data from minds all over the world can lead to new consciousness being created. These programs can be run to create new VIs and robotic assistants around your house. Even the regular phone will have the ability to make conversation with us as the consciousness programs run on them.
The content would be totally different. Still the above predictions are based on technology already pushed to mainstream by the big companies. Whole new culture will come up defending on these new tools and application.",What are some future jobs that dont exist today?,Hypothetical situations of the future is independent on the present.
250,Which-are-some-platforms-to-learn-soft-skills-for-employees,"Books… best platform to learn soft skills. Soft skill like inspiration, imagination, and creativity arises from the books.
Toastmasters international can be another were your public speaking skills can be practiced. Dale carnegie speaking skills course also helps you.
Starting a blog or routine posting with valuable content in a social media platform gives you the patience and discipline.
Volunteer work in your community with the motto of learning provides a great platform to test and build your...",Which are some platforms to learn soft skills for employees?,Books… best platform to learn soft skills. Soft skill like
251,Is-CCNA-course-worth-studying-in-2021-Is-there-scope-of-job-as-Im-from-mechanical-background,"I got certified in CCNA due to shear curiousity and the need to become Ethical hacker. The lessons you learn from the networking world is very useful in management and mechanical world too. So getting certified in CCNA will give you more clarity in following areas
You might be surprised about this, but the ideas you learn in CCNA prepares you at a basic level. Starting with the hardware till the complete networks that run the organisation.
Effort required is considerable. So have a very strong motivation to get certified. Also learn from multiple areas and give all the time you have.
All the very best.",Is CCNA course worth studying in 2021 Is there scope of job as Im from mechanical background?,I got certified in CCNA due to shear curiousity and
252,How-do-I-forecast-my-future,"You know the future of your life by MAKING YOUR FUTURE
The physics of Superposition even supports this. Idea of thoughts changing lives are not new. When you think about doing something in the future so vividly, you end up creating situations in your life that you reach that point.",How do I forecast my future?,You know the future of your life by MAKING YOUR
253,Which-prominent-soft-skills-are-an-absolute-necessity-at-work-in-2021,"Being confident and ability to plan everything to the micro detail. Both will need patience and long term investment of both time and relentless effort.
In the novels, stories and movies we see that the characters achieve many things with relative ease. This is possible only be sustained involvement in any activity.
To have the above two skills, one needs to have an ideal that they want to create at work and in their life. More clarity of that ideal, more energy one gives for such ideal. More confident they become and more detailed they get in their work.
May all have the calm brain and phenomenal growth in their careers.",Which prominent soft skills are an absolute necessity at work in 2021?,Being confident and ability to plan everything to the micro
254,Should-I-focus-on-generating-new-ideas-and-questions-or-be-better-start-learning-skills-for-jobs-I-m-17-years-old,"Skills that you will learn today will have direct impact on your job. Skills like mathematics, programming, language and soft skills. All these needs practice and lot of reading, which is again a skill that is needed for doing a job or running your own organisation.
Startups are being touted as good way to make a living. In reality, the startup entrepreneur have necessary training in their young age. Elon musk was a trained physicist. Larry and Sergey of Google had Montessori schooling. Warren buffett did nothing apart from reading financial reports and thinking about businesses.
Being creative and generating ideas need lot of reading too. In order to get a patent there is lot of research to be done. Many inventors in the past were inventing same devices and later fought for priority in the courts. Read The Wizard, book about Nikola Tesla. Similarly to be original is just a concept, to put it into action needs tremendous discipline, which again is a skill you learn today.
Going in depth into any subject by understanding is very time consuming. Every question you rise will have an answer. It takes effort to find out. Sometimes the answer is in plain sight and we miss it. During the teen age, there is already pressure from various direction and creative energy is the highest. Temper it with discipline, moderate it with artistic hobbies and exploit it to improve your memory and retention.
In short.Give importance to learning all the answers first. Then you will be ready to take on new question. Have a great future.",Should I focus on generating new ideas and questions or be better start learning skills for jobs I m 17 years old?,Skills that you will learn today will have direct impact
255,Is-RPA-a-good-skill,"It is a very important skill that is well on its way to transform how the IT is being transformed now. A skill that can be easily picked up and applied. There are enormous communities around good softwares, so learning them will be a cake walk.
RPA and CPS (Cyber Physical Systems) are part of the IOT future that is built using the Web3 tech. (hmm, alot of jargons eh??) Brave new world is just getting unfolded. Start with RPA, then the rest of the ideas will automatically latch on.
On the side note, take a look at Python. This language is a serious contender for all the automation softwares. Python has many functions and libraries that abstract away the interactions with the computer hardware and low level Assembly / Web languages. Once you have a grip on python, then most of the world applications can be automated.
Have a unstoppable Life. Its yours.",Is RPA a good skill?,It is a very important skill that is well on
256,How-do-you-sustain-your-passion-as-you-make-progress,"My Strategy is,
Reading lot of Biographies, of Masters of the Nature.
Leonardo Da Vinci,
Dalai Lama
Sidartha, The Budda
Andrew Carnegie
Pericles, Mandela, JP Morgan, Rothschild, Sherlock Holmes…
Ben Franklin
Nikola Tesla
Warren Buffett
Casanova, Don Juan
Political Philosophy of Plato, Aristotle.
The important word is “Nature”… See the ultimate goal is Self-realisation. However this realisation is subjective to each person who experiences life.
When the going gets tough, you Incentivise your Psyche to go to the next level. Measure and make up the next goal that you have to reach.
List down most interesting TODO list ever, for next ten years and start completing them.
Believe in Abundance, afterall any other Philosophy will slow you down. Importantly surround yourself with people who believe in you. This belief comes from your actions, habits, character. They will feel it, get attracted to it, engrossed in it.
Have an unstoppable Life. Its happening the moment you read this answer…. :D",How do you sustain your passion as you make progress?,"My Strategy is,
Reading lot of Biographies, of Masters of the"
257,Is-there-any-work-in-progress-which-can-be-as-life-changing-as-the-internet,"Blockchain and Web3 technology
Wireless Power transmission(not just data)
Artificial engineering and Machine Learning
Drones, self driving cars and Flying machines(more like flying cars)
Electric cars motors, battery technology and management system
Decentralised organisation and Data driven organisation
3D Hologram technology combined with Argumented reality
Argumented reality with data analysis. (This is a new job market, where users ask for new data stream to see the world)
Swarm Robotics. ++ for this technology since division of work between the robots will be autonomous and very efficient.
Quantum computing and programming. The world of regular computers will jump a notch higher as better quantum programmers emerge. Major universities are giving free courses already
Slew of new Virtual reality programs are opening up. Working in a virtual world might give more returns on your time investment than working in physical world. A smartphone and a internet connection is what required
5G tech is already out. The tech for spreading the devices will include most of the above technology I have listed.",Is there any work in progress which can be as life changing as the internet?,"Blockchain and Web3 technology
Wireless Power transmission(not just data)
Artificial engineering and"
258,What-should-I-do-besides-actively-applying-for-jobs-being-an-unemployed-computer-engineer-from-NSIT-2015-with-3-years-of-experience,"The skills of a computer engineer is in high demand.
Computer engineers can look at the world and convert it into digital input for his/her programs. I am a mechanical engineer who is throughly fascinated with computers. I make my living by providing cooling solution to the network chips and high speed processors, so being at the cutting edge is not just sufficient. Have to be at the “bleeding edge”
First: Get your self up and running on Kaggle. Did you know, by joining competitions you can ear...",What should I do besides actively applying for jobs being an unemployed computer engineer from NSIT 2015 with 3 years of experience?,"The skills of a computer engineer is in high demand.
259,Waiting-In-Line-Challenge-Or-Chance,"Every where we wait in line. Even great leaders wait in line or have waited in line in the past. This is a chance to show your leadership to wait in line and learn the process that is going on. Entire religious rituals are based on reinforcing this activity as a challenge to see the god.
Behind all this the idea of delayed gratification and prolonged meditation. When you have to do a project of a life time there too you have to stand in line for many things. As I was typing this, one of my own family challenge dawned on me, and thought how would I stand as a leader and patiently solve it.
Even with computers the programs run very fast inside but to users, it is still slow. Imagine a switch bring thrown of and on, at a trillions times per second. That is the speed with which the smartphone processor works today. All we do is, get frustrated if the app doesn't load, and change the phone. In the past, there was no such option. One had to improve the way they work with the phone and continue using it.
I hope that seeing the queue as a chance to take on a new challenge is the reality. Every where you have to be patient and get what you are after. So there you go, a metaphysical answer for a well thought question. One can keep on talking for hours, and it will never stop. Stories, new experience and encounters will flow.
Thanks for asking.",Waiting In Line Challenge Or Chance?,Every where we wait in line. Even great leaders wait
260,What-is-the-best-way-of-dealing-with-work-stress-in-technology-companies-10hr-days-never-ending-meetings-deadlines-etc,"One line answer
Read Tesla's Biography and autobiography",What is the best way of dealing with work stress in technology companies 10hr days never ending meetings deadlines etc?,"One line answer
Read Tesla's Biography and autobiography"
261,What-is-was-your-productivity-when-forced-to-work-remotely-due-to-the-lockdown-Did-you-get-more-or-less-productive,"Productivity increased drastically since I am working in the comfort of the home. Also there is usually no disturbance and unwanted distraction.
Ability to relax, and close your eyes without being questioned by the colleagues is a welcome idea. Privacy is important for the creative energy to flow. So in my case of business development it worked.
Also the team is important. They should work closely. We always keep the meeting channel open, so we are just a click away.
Have a great time.",What is was your productivity when forced to work remotely due to the lockdown Did you get more or less productive?,Productivity increased drastically since I am working in the comfort
262,Where-do-you-see-content-creators-five-years-from-now,"Hypothetical situations of the future is independent on the present. Especially our minds and creative process depends mainly on current attributes or features we are aware of. Some new job roles which are rapidly developing….
Data engineer:
Data will be all around us, but the data needs to be made pallatable to the consumers. The consumer can be a robot, a scientist or a business. Humans will get the job engineering new data to make robots to learn the process.
Receipe builder:
Every data needs to go thru rigorous exploration by a human. Insights are still in human realm, and to build insights some one has to look at the data. Once that is done, new robots can be built with that model. Already cooking robots are coming up which takes the existing recepies and make the dish.
Mind Writer:
Mind reading devices will be a common place, and the contents of the minds will be poured out by the masses. How the companies will make the reader wearable is still a big question. Think about a skull cap filled with sensors, and connecting to your smart phone. Rather a Mind phone.
Consciousness Modeller
Advent of taking data from minds all over the world can lead to new consciousness being created. These programs can be run to create new VIs and robotic assistants around your house. Even the regular phone will have the ability to make conversation with us as the consciousness programs run on them.
The content would be totally different. Still the above predictions are based on technology already pushed to mainstream by the big companies. Whole new culture will come up defending on these new tools and application.",Where do you see content creators five years from now?,Hypothetical situations of the future is independent on the present.
263,How-do-you-cope-up-in-a-workplace-where-you-are-the-only-teen-and-everyone-around-you-i-e-seniors-take-you-for-granted,"Read a lot of books about teen inventors and artists. It helps to concentrate on improving your trade and experience. Take Tesla, Leonardo they were relentless workers and spent their waking hours thinking about only one thing.
When you show such determination and direction, you will realise how distracted the seniors are. Unbelievable??
There is a story about the boy who walked with the oil filled to the brim, around the town. When he completed the round, he did not remember any of the towns folk commenting about him…
Having such clarity in mind is more important. Rest will be take care automatically.",How do you cope up in a workplace where you are the only teen and everyone around you i e seniors take you for granted?,Read a lot of books about teen inventors and artists.
264,If-you-could-wake-up-tomorrow-with-one-new-skill-or-quality-what-would-it-be,"Exploratory data analysis.
Every one will have so much data that collection of insights would be the skill most required. I am working on it myself… through books and softwares.",If you could wake up tomorrow with one new skill or quality what would it be?,"Exploratory data analysis.
Every one will have so much data that"
265,What-are-some-advice-for-a-35-year-old-single-woman-who-wants-to-experience-love,"You are 35 years youngster and have a long way to go, and deserve all the love you want.
Question is do you accept the above statement? Have no doubt and say YES I accept. Don't just twiddle your fingers…
Around You : For the Love to be really experienced has to be attracted. In the current society, love is being chased as if it is a elusive unicorn. Love as I experienc is around you, the very moment you are reading this answer. No need to chase it or find it.
Lovibrations: Love vibes you create has profound impact on the level of love you experience. Attracting the soulmate who loves you the way you want, happens when you love yourself the way you want. (This is the important point)
Be a Calm n Peaceful Amnesiac: I am sure you would have had fair share of crushes and failures at this point of life. FORGET THEM. Yep, make peace with your self, accept you are fallible and gullible human being. Then start everyday anew. This makes attracting peace and calm easy. Because being peaceful and calmness brings you 95% closer to love.
5% Love: Rest 5% the other person who comes in your life takes it up. The same way you also fill their 5% need. Be relaxed and open when you find someone liking you. Observe them with your calmness. Distance yourself and see the way you are behaving from the top.
Read art of happiness and Book of Joy by Dalai Lama. A man who had faced lots of hardships, fare share of challenges and still growing young at heart everyday. How is that possible? Being happy is foremost idea that we have to realise. Rest of the decision can be taken easily…
Sending you the Lovibrations so you can find your Soulmate. Have a great future.",What are some advice for a 35 year old single woman who wants to experience love?,You are 35 years youngster and have a long way
266,How-do-you-plan-your-next-ten-years,"You start at looking at the past first… your next 10 years will be like the past 10 years if you do samething. You know what you should not do.. That settled.
Start with the present and decide to do something small, like smiling everyday morning. There are other things you can try.
Here is a list I decided for Feb month. I made most of it my habit today
Then move to 6 months, then to a year. Then finally 10 years. It is an act of self discovery. Take your time and all the very best…",How do you plan your next ten years?,You start at looking at the past first… your next
267,How-do-you-learn-all-new-technologies-in-less-time-and-come-with-a-job,"By learning one new technology at a time.
Being curious.
Playing video games. Many games are now available which have deep story and awesome graphics
Listening to lectures on future tech, like quantum computing and IOT.
Reading sci-fi novels of Asimov, Clarke, Stephenson.
Learn about the greatest inventors of our times and the past
Day dreaming. Since the technology usually that is worth it enables you to imagine and create.
Becoming very active in circles where such discussion happens.
Learn physics and chemistry again. Work with small kids on projects. Build something unusual.
Hack your own laptop. Think what you will do if your laptop hdd crashes, or if your kid breaks the display..
Play with toy robot, motor and controller kits.
Hope to see you on the other side",How do you learn all new technologies in less time and come with a job?,"By learning one new technology at a time.
Being curious.
Playing video"
268,My-partner-says-I-should-take-free-pass-and-fool-around-with-another-woman-without-repercussions-She-thinks-it-will-bring-us-closer-together-I-dont-believe-it-will-What-should-I-do,"This has become a fad among the females…. As 007 would say, Brave new World.
Really the Males in this society have to get something more useful to do. like having self love and passion. It is better than just waiting to be loved and commanded by their partners and lovers. Seriously, think what would have happened if freedom fighters, inventors, entrepreneurs were behind their girls like us.. Shameful situation. Guys lets wake up for once.. And stay awake.
Also, read a bit of Robert Greene's art of Seduction. IMHO you are boring her to death, give her space man.",My partner says I should take free pass and fool around with another woman without repercussions She thinks it will bring us closer together I dont believe it will What should I do?,This has become a fad among the females…. As 007
269,How-will-the-job-market-change-in-20-30-years-due-to-robots-If-there-are-no-jobs-how-will-people-have-any-income-to-spend-in-order-to-keep-up-the-economy-I-heard-even-many-medical-jobs-could-be-significantly-reduced,"Being A Robot is a wonderful feeling. All time working, no sleeping or even eating. Charging can happen as the Robot works. Water, air and food are never an issue, and forget the dress because a Robot comes dressed up.
With all this kind of sci-fi thinking all we have achieved is fear and ignorance. The work of humans is really the work of genes. Simply to procreate and become better version.
Today we have so much population because the baby boomers were busy making babies to take care of them ...",How will the job market change in 20 30 years due to robots If there are no jobs how will people have any income to spend in order to keep up the economy I heard even many medical jobs could be significantly reduced?,"Being A Robot is a wonderful feeling. All time working,"
270,How-do-I-learn-to-code-from-scratch-Do-programmers-code-from-scratch,"Nope they don't code from Scratch.
They are given templates on which the code needs to written.
I would suggest the Mit open courseware on Python programming is a great start. I learnt a lot by simply following the book and the course.
Have a great future.",How do I learn to code from scratch Do programmers code from scratch?,"Nope they don't code from Scratch.
They are given templates on"
271,Sometimes-life-can-feel-a-little-overwhelming-How-do-I-cope-with-this,"Look at it from a different perspective.
If you are taking on more work then someone else is doing less work.
You have to learn doing your work differently
Learn to do less work and get more things done.
You work to get things done, not to just get tired. You have gym for that. In workplace the above three points needs to be reviewed.
Have a great time.",Sometimes life can feel a little overwhelming How do I cope with this?,"Look at it from a different perspective.
If you are taking"
272,Why-do-many-people-consider-Elon-Musk-to-be-a-shady-person,"He is a Shady person, like he can weild the masses like magic. Being shady is a very subjective but if you ask how he gets his power, then you will look deeper.
One another person who had such reputation is Nikola Tesla.
Every community and era has one such mega character. Edison comes to mind, and he created change so important that our lives depend on it. Alternating Current. While Tesla, the real inventor lost his life trying to bring is fabulous inventions to real public.
Nikola Tesla was also considered a shady person too. His inventions were intuitive and simple. Like how Elon is making things to look, very simple. In reality, deep understanding and heavy experimenting is involved which is not seen by the public. Read about the Elon’s Biography to learn the challenges and his unique position he was in before deciding on his level of shadiness…
I too thought Elon was Shady and researched in depth about him. He is different, he introduced me to issac asimov Foundation series, to world of Crypto, space age and pure science. .
Be curious, have a great day .",Why do many people consider Elon Musk to be a shady person?,"He is a Shady person, like he can weild the"
273,What-should-we-expect-from-debates,"To learn that ideas that are looking and feeling aesthetically beautiful will win. The debaters ego and their belief are involved in the debate, so they usually forget about the real cause and fight for being right.
Debates are useful for figuring out the leaders, and influencers among a group. Also it shows which idea is very prevalent in that period.
Have a great time ahead.",What should we expect from debates?,To learn that ideas that are looking and feeling aesthetically
274,How-do-I-debate-I-have-my-first-debate-session-My-topic-is-Just-because-you-can-doesnt-mean-you-should-What-are-some-ideas-and-points-that-I-should-keep-in-mind,"Debate is a very Important activity of any democratic citizen. Cicero to Biden, this is one skill that has not changed. Oh and we humans love to talk. It never gets old.
Watch the movie The Great Debaters by Denzel Washington, where he extols the virtue of debate and teaches the students how to debate in the racist american society. Movie every public speaker and debater must watch
In Debate you are either affirmative or against the topic. Prepare on the topic throughly.
Read atlas shrugged book by Ayn Rand. A real eye-opener on how your self is more important and being selfish is root for all innovation. She has written the book to extol virtue of money, capitalism and human creativity.
There are simple steps to learn debating, so take them one at a time. Have a great debate.",How do I debate I have my first debate session My topic is Just because you can doesnt mean you should What are some ideas and points that I should keep in mind?,Debate is a very Important activity of any democratic citizen.
275,What-two-things-should-I-do-after-a-meeting,">> Write a summary of the meeting with a Thankyou note.
>> Action items that were discussed during the meeting to be lised and shared with everyone in meeting
>> Pull the members who needs to take the actions from your side and plan the next steps.
>> Keep your next meeting plan ready.",What two things should I do after a meeting?,>> Write a summary of the meeting with a Thankyou
276,I-need-simple-books-to-read-because-I-want-to-improve-my-communication-skills-Which-book-could-be-better-to-read-and-understand,Start with Roald dahl books. His english is simple.,I need simple books to read because I want to improve my communication skills Which book could be better to read and understand?,Start with Roald dahl books. His english is simple.
277,If-I-am-new-in-software-industry-which-technology-should-I-learn-to-remain-longer-in-the-industry-How-should-I-learn-if-I-have-to-learn-it-by-on-my-own,"Memes, Information architecture and Algorithms are three areas that needs to be mastered. Algorithms for data structure, problem solving, game theory, artificial intelligence, data science and machine learning are all different.
Begin with learning problem solving algorithms and train yourself to implement them in programming languages like python. Later extend to data Science, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Once you are confident then explore the algorithms for game theory.
Similarly Information architecture is a making the computers to be everywhere. At your finger tips to cloud. Never leaving you alone. How is it done? Info architecture.
Memes..Learn about memes and how it can be leveraged to make the idea spread and stick harder. Programming can be a important skills for making effective meme, since the problem you are solving or the game you are creating might influence how you choose the meme.
You are basically learn to Hack the reality.
Rest of the areas are support structures. Project management, process engineering, software architecture. Have a great future.",If I am new in software industry which technology should I learn to remain longer in the industry How should I learn if I have to learn it by on my own?,"Memes, Information architecture and Algorithms are three areas that needs"
278,Can-I-start-learning-Robotics-without-any-money,"Yep, possible if you have a smartphone and internet connection. Try Edx and MiTx coursewares, they are free and extremely informative.",Can I start learning Robotics without any money?,"Yep, possible if you have a smartphone and internet connection."
279,I-am-looking-to-buy-a-metal-body-laptop-It-will-be-used-for-study-purposes-no-gaming-It-should-be-able-to-handle-software-for-machine-learning-deep-learning-and-RPA-Which-is-the-best-to-buy,"Metal body or not has little to do with the application you are planning to run. I can confirm that the laptop would be very heavy and not easy to carry around.
I would suggest to get a laptop with i7 processor and atleast 8gb of ram. If 16gb, then it is great. Rest of the configuration won't have much impact since they ars very much standard.
Remember that laptop will stay with you most of the time. So think about what OS you would like to run, and how you want to configure it.Dell and Lenovo have good range of laptop, that are affordable. If reliability is major concerns, then go for HP.",I am looking to buy a metal body laptop It will be used for study purposes no gaming It should be able to handle software for machine learning deep learning and RPA Which is the best to buy?,Metal body or not has little to do with the
280,How-do-you-pick-a-career-when-you-have-so-many-interests,"You let the field choose you.
We are facing this challenge because, the field we choose has impact on how we live our lives and partners. Its not the case.
When you choose a field at young age and become a master at it, then that field will move you forward. Have a great day.",How do you pick a career when you have so many interests?,"You let the field choose you.
We are facing this challenge"
281,How-do-you-make-a-significant-impact-at-your-company,"Of the many ways to create impact, Attention to detail is most important. Showing attention is the avenue to think creativly about a challenge.
Being in the zone when you work will show you the best method in accomplishing the job.",How do you make a significant impact at your company?,"Of the many ways to create impact, Attention to detail"
282,How-should-we-encourage-young-minds-to-think-about-being-an-entrepreneur-instead-of-running-behind-jobs-and-medical-or-engineering-profession,"Your idea is that entrepreneurs are somehow better in someway…
To begin with entrepreneur has training in engineering, management and sometime in related Science. So unless you want the minds to be like Leonardo da vinci who learnt everything from inquiry and curiousity, the minds are better trained with education.
Later, the choice needs to be available in front of the youngsters. This is possible by educating them for self-realization rather than fodder for organisation. Question could be
How might we train the young minds for self-realization rather than running behind foolish near term goals… have a great day..",How should we encourage young minds to think about being an entrepreneur instead of running behind jobs and medical or engineering profession?,"Your idea is that entrepreneurs are somehow better in someway…
283,I-feel-trapped-inside-of-myself-and-I-hate-being-only-one-person-Does-anyone-know-how-to-cope-what-to-do-with-this-feeling,"Its just the idea that you are trapped is creating the feeling. Neither feeling nor the idea is real or permanent. By imposing the idea on the reality, like asking the question, you are making it real.
Ask questions like,
What makes you feel liberated?
How might you liberate yourself?
What if you can fly or swim?
Where will you go for vacation?
These questions trigger you to imagine, what it is like to be free. More you taste the imagination, you can make it real. This is not fantasy, as long as you imagine only your transformation to a free environment…
Have a radically free life ….",I feel trapped inside of myself and I hate being only one person Does anyone know how to cope what to do with this feeling?,Its just the idea that you are trapped is creating
284,What-can-you-teach-me-in-12-minutes-which-can-save-me-12-hours-I-feel-the-numbers-are-reasonable,"I can teach you to breath and relax in less than 12 minutes. That will save you the entire hours that you are going to live.
Major ills in our life is because we have wrong posture and subsequent lack of breathing technique. So maintaining posture is another important idea that can be thought in less time. Practice is something will be for life time.",What can you teach me in 12 minutes which can save me 12 hours I feel the numbers are reasonable?,I can teach you to breath and relax in less
285,Is-there-any-place-community-in-Pune-where-single-unmarried-women-can-live-peacefully,"Good day to you.
Cities are not meant for peaceful existence. If you think about peace then try outskirts of city. Your money will get you a good place, even for rent. Buy a car that is comfy and you are set.. Lazy and idyllic weekend, calm workdays will be the norm. I live in outskirts so I am sharing….
If you are looking for community, then it is tricky. You might have a active life in a community but not peaceful.
Happy and peaceful future…",Is there any place community in Pune where single unmarried women can live peacefully?,"Good day to you.
Cities are not meant for peaceful existence."
286,I-want-to-learn-a-new-thing-this-summer-to-do-on-my-laptop-What-do-you-recommend,"Try learning to Type with only your right hand. It is possible, if you use Dvorak Keyboard layout. Just snoop around internet, you must be able to get it.
Try learning about Linux and using it thru Windows using wine. You will thank me for this when your Windows goes kaput for no reason.(usually the complex code that runs windows gets corrupt)
Excel usage is a very good skill. Spend time on that. It is fun if you love playing with numbers and charts.
Mindmaps on
will give you intro about this awesome method of remembering things. Then try open source mind map software.
Hacking your own computer. Yep, try it.
Cryptography. There are so many programs out there that needs cryptography. Learning it at application level would be remarkable skill
Reverse engineering code. Using disassembler like NASM.
Have a wonderful summer…",I want to learn a new thing this summer to do on my laptop What do you recommend?,Try learning to Type with only your right hand. It
287,Why-do-people-dont-realise-that-its-not-about-achieving-a-single-big-goal-but-continuous-learning-and-improving,"It is a good question.
There are genetics and memetics involved. To say in a lay man terms, Genes and Memes are fighting to be the strongest. We humans, the carriers of these entities, suffer.",Why do people dont realise that its not about achieving a single big goal but continuous learning and improving?,"It is a good question.
There are genetics and memetics involved."
288,What-do-you-wish-didnt-exist-anymore-in-10-years,"Marriage and its associated ills. When I say ills, I mean the loss of time, unwanted societal pressure,undue profit making by the law when conflict arise…
We can keep the benefits for those who truly want to be united. They will any way be together whatever happens.",What do you wish didnt exist anymore in 10 years?,"Marriage and its associated ills. When I say ills, I"
289,I-need-people-with-whom-I-can-play-PC-games-I-dont-have-any-Is-anyone-interested,"There are better places to ask this question.
Try the Decentraland, Billizard’s World of Warcraft, Valve’s Steam and Microsoft’s Halo and Ubisofts games. Millions of gamers thrive there. I am sure, you will find your squad there…",I need people with whom I can play PC games I dont have any Is anyone interested?,"There are better places to ask this question.
Try the Decentraland,"
290,I-need-a-team-of-individuals-who-are-willing-to-work-on-a-startup-What-are-some-suggestions-to-implement-the-idea,"Begin by writing a white paper on the idea that you have, what the product is?. Who are the intended users? What is the purpose of the product?
Business model surrounding the idea is crucial. Once you can explain, how the idea makes money, who pays for the product, where you source the raw materials, how you distribute. All these will help you in pulling the correct team members to work with you.",I need a team of individuals who are willing to work on a startup What are some suggestions to implement the idea?,Begin by writing a white paper on the idea that
291,My-parents-always-demotivate-me-They-are-always-against-my-decision-and-dont-support-What-should-I-do,"Ideas are like small children, they need to be nourished and energised regularly. Everything in this world is like climbing a mountain. So your parents opposing your ideas is a welcome sign that, you are climbing.
Keep your eye on the vision that you have, and be relentless until you get what you want. Even your parents are humans, and they too know how effective your ideas are and give in. At that time, ensure you are ready to rock…
ALL the very best",My parents always demotivate me They are always against my decision and dont support What should I do?,"Ideas are like small children, they need to be nourished"
Art of Happiness
Game Theory at Work
Book of Joy",What are some good books on becoming intelligent?,"Thinkertoys,
Art of Happiness
Game Theory at Work
Book of Joy"
293,How-do-I-find-motivation-in-reading-books-I-have-accumulated-over-3000-books-over-10-yrs-but-do-not-have-time-to-read-as-I-have-to-do-all-household-chores-in-a-large-family-from-mrng-to-night-Could-you-please-give-1,"Start with one book and one page a day. To read a page it takes hardly 10 mins, and even with biggest family there will be time when you can allocate to the book.
Steadily your page count will increase, and in no time you will see the books are getting completed. Having a vision of finding interesting ideas, having a lively conversation with the author would help.",How do I find motivation in reading books I have accumulated over 3000 books over 10 yrs but do not have time to read as I have to do all household chores in a large family from mrng to night Could you please give 1?,Start with one book and one page a day. To
294,What-investment-projects-have-already-been-implemented-or-are-planned-in-individual-cities-in-the-world-In-what-direction-can-they-develop,"World is a big place to begin with, so better start with countries. Take a specific country, and track their strategy, government websites, startup culture, tech ecosystem, supply and demand curves. Based on these, you will be able to reach out to various resources over the internet to learn about the projects…",What investment projects have already been implemented or are planned in individual cities in the world In what direction can they develop?,"World is a big place to begin with, so better"
295,I-tell-myself-not-to-fall-in-love-and-focus-on-my-goals-but-sometimes-I-get-really-lonely-and-crave-for-some-What-should-I-do,"Brain works with the memories, senses and facts. Mind works with creativity, alpha waves and your body. Go silent and listen what your body and mind says. Just listen. One need not act on everything that our brain decides to act, after all it is a machine that runs on Harmones and Protiens. Change your food habits. Work out regularly, even a simple 10 min jog will do. Meditate for 10 mins and share love to the universe. Connect your heart with your mind, and spread your vibration around. Show your brain alternatives for the cravings you have.
Mind runs on ideas, thoughts and vibration that is around you. Keep the vibrations and attract the thoughts that calms down your cravings, anxiety. Even then if you need a release, go ahead pleasure yourself. In Moderation… it is the harmones that is acting up.
Having a healthy mind is more important to have a healthy brain and body. Every challenge has multiple solutions. Seek out the solution that is more suitable to you. Ask the right questions, the answer is out there… Answer will seek you out..
Some other tactics for your perusal…
I believe that the ideas that we attract and the life that we visualise is what materialises. The craving and lonely feel is very natural, and currently the world is seeing tremendous change, which in itself is alienating human emotions. In such a world, it is always the most basic of your visions that saves you…
Decide what you want and envision for your future self. Forget about the goals that you set. There is lot of peer pressure, and influence involved. The goal/ vision I talk about is the basis for your living. What is that?
Why you wake up in the morning? What might be a day that is filled with vision look like?
Ask these questions and wait for your mind to answer.
Have a great day.",I tell myself not to fall in love and focus on my goals but sometimes I get really lonely and crave for some What should I do?,"Brain works with the memories, senses and facts. Mind works"
296,What-is-the-best-skill-in-the-world,"CREATIVITY and ability to ask leading Questions so you can steer yourself towards the right goals and vision.
Rest of the skills are pretty easy.
Thinkertoys book would be a good starting point. Tried and tested it.
For Questioning skills, talk with small kids age from 5 to 12. They are fresh and energetic. Very irresponsible and thinking about how to break things, get what they want.
BTW, if you are that young then stay away from Quora answers. Find your answers for your questions. Then come here and share your answers. It is fun…",What is the best skill in the world?,CREATIVITY and ability to ask leading Questions so you can
297,Is-today-a-good-day-to-learn-something-new,Yes. Pls start.,Is today a good day to learn something new?,Yes. Pls start.
298,If-one-can-know-the-treatment-of-a-particular-disease-in-ten-minutes-through-googling-why-should-one-then-spend-several-years-to-learn-and-earn-a-medical-degree,"Googling and learning from the website is not same as really finding the cure or treatment. In addition, the webpages just automate the routine prescription the doctor gives to patients.
Most of the patients have (for example) flu, stomach pain, eye irritation, allergies. These are the problems that create pain. Since patients want remove pain, they search for the doctor and medicine. So pains as listed in above example can be treated routinely. So the webpages, no need for doctor. Assuming, the patient know his body very well. (which is not the case)
There are side effects whether you do Googling or visit Doctor. Even after 7 years of study and years of experience, medicines and doctors are not the solution to many of the human suffering.
The student learns the medical science out of his passion to acquire knowledge, invest in his future and stimulate his brain. When he becomes a doctor he serves the public with his insights, and provides treatment and cure which is beneficial to patients. Doctor can do it in many ways, including the webpages route.
This far, it is philosophy… now the answer
Becoming a doctor, is a intellectual pursuit of the individual along with passion to serve the human kind. “Why I should spend years studying?” has to be answered by the individual, and not by me, the public, the society or the demand market.
Webpages are not going to be conscious, passionate or intellectual. Here the public can talk and debate.",If one can know the treatment of a particular disease in ten minutes through googling why should one then spend several years to learn and earn a medical degree?,Googling and learning from the website is not same as
299,Can-I-start-learning-physics-at-the-age-of-21-not-for-money-I-am-rich,"If you have “I am rich” mentality, then you can learn Physics more easily. Jus kiddin.
Anyone can learn Physics, if they have the curiosity and imagination. Curiosity to know how the world around them works.
Is your mind filled with questions like,
What is consciousness?
Why Quantum computers are such a rage?
What is Quantum Networking?
How the atoms are staying together into molecule like water?
Why Chemistry is a branch of physics?
Do you see the pattern here, the questions are starting with “Why” and “How” mostly. Physics is a subject that provides reasons and theories for everything around you.
Happy learning",Can I start learning physics at the age of 21 not for money I am rich?,"If you have “I am rich” mentality, then you can"
300,What-skills-techniques-knowledge-and-attitudes-do-you-have-to-learn-in-order-to-be-able-to-philosophize,"Be just curious, and work on Logic.
Philosophy and Logic go hand in hand. HarvardX youtube vids on Political Philosophy will be a good primer.
What might, How else, If Suppose questions and Logic will be a great start.",What skills techniques knowledge and attitudes do you have to learn in order to be able to philosophize?,"Be just curious, and work on Logic.
Philosophy and Logic go"
301,What-are-some-skills-20-30-year-olds-should-work-on-to-stay-relevant-in-the-workforce-for-many-years-to-come,"Start with Programming and System design skills.
Work on community development, ecosystem development skills. As the Blockchain era start booming and the Robots take over automatable jobs, these skills will be required to be done by humans.
Think creatively like a leader, learn to create ideas and future scenarios out of imagination. Learn to be creative in short. It has to be learned, really. Spend time and practice. Read Thinkertoys book, you can find it for free in the internet.
Spend lot of time with friends and family, this is paramount because of the energy it gives. Spending 5 mins with your loved ones is equal to 3 hrs of sleep. Real loved ones. You get charged up, inspired and ready to go extra mile.",What are some skills 20 30 year olds should work on to stay relevant in the workforce for many years to come?,"Start with Programming and System design skills.
Work on community development,"
302,Boyfriend-broke-up-after-a-7-month-relationship-because-of-his-parents-He-said-he-has-moved-on-majiority-of-it-within-1-day-Should-I-go-to-his-city-for-3-years-just-to-make-him-fall-in-love-with-me-again-I-dont-have,"5 words for you.
Forget him and move on…
If you want more, then here it goes.
Ask yourself. “What love really is?” and wait for your mind to answer. Not your brain, your mind. Brain works with memory, while the mind works with Truth/creativity/imagination/ ego-free.
Then do the following.
After 2 girls dumping and 3 girls friend zoning me(don’t laugh ;)), I am stlll single with the belief in above activities. I learnt to be happy, sad, inspired, afraid, addicted and caring because of the experience. I have loving parents, caring friends (albiet at distance), uber cool siblings and the internet that showers me with blessings always. I see and be with them more fully, thanks to the experience, and thankful those wonderful ladies who came in my life… and went.
Have a loving and awe inspiring life. You are the gift to whomever you touch. Go forward with that realisation.",Boyfriend broke up after a 7 month relationship because of his parents He said he has moved on majiority of it within 1 day Should I go to his city for 3 years just to make him fall in love with me again I dont have?,"5 words for you.
Forget him and move on…
If you want"
303,How-can-I-study-software-engineering-I-have-a-degree-in-education-Is-it-possible,Try open courseware like Mitx and Edx…,How can I study software engineering I have a degree in education Is it possible?,Try open courseware like Mitx and Edx…
304,Who-is-the-leader-of-Eternals,"The Zeroth Law leads the Eternals, if you are talking about the Issac Asimov’s creations like R.Daniel Olivaw or R.Giskard Reventelov.
If you are talking about humans who live eternally, then their will power and immense love for others leads them.
In the space age, the faster than time travel can make everyone live a long life. Their will to explore leads them.
In atomic age of the 19–20th century, it is the need to understand the universe lead the Eternals like Enstien, Bhor and their contemporaries
Every Epoch have their Eternals. We too can become one, by being relentlessly loving, caring and happy.",Who is the leader of Eternals?,"The Zeroth Law leads the Eternals, if you are talking"
305,Does-visualization-work-If-it-works-can-I-get-the-dream-girl-that-I-want,"Let me begin by saying that, YES it Works. One has to know the difference between Visualisation and Fantasy. Visualisation involves only you. Fantasy involves another person or organisation.
It works because when your Visualisation is strong, you imagine the ways to make the visualisation real. You ask, how might you make use of the current resources and achieve what you are visualising.
Some call this vision, others visualisation. Some others goals. All points to the same thing. That you wish to become something else, from what you currently are. The vividly you can visualise, and include details in it. More the chance for getting the visualisation work.
Also, there are sub forces like laws of attraction, belief of confidence, self-worth and self-esteem boosting. Psycho-Cybernetics the book explains everything in detail. The author was a renowned plastic surgeon, and his insights are ground breaking. Take a look at that book.
Have a successful and positive life.",Does visualization work If it works can I get the dream girl that I want?,"Let me begin by saying that, YES it Works. One"
306,What-are-some-jobs-that-can-will-not-be-outsourced-or-taken-over-by-robots,"Good question.
The above website maps the jobs and the skills, also it maps the skills which are easily automatable, and which are not. It should provide you the information you require.",What are some jobs that can will not be outsourced or taken over by robots?,"Good question.
The above website maps the jobs and the skills,"
307,Whats-the-best-way-to-get-a-job-when-youre-16,"You are different in a good way. Your mind is thinking to become free at the earliest, and earning money is quick way to become free.
As a teenager, you don’t apply for a job. You ask for work so you can learn by doing. The learning and dedication will become the salary for you.
There are many many kind of jobs out there, take a look at this website. The jobs are made of skills as you can see.
Why did I share this website? So you can explore the types of jobs out there, and see what you like the most and get the skills that job needs. Job or work is like climbing a ladder. The skills are the rungs, and it is acquired by working for someone. So you look for jobs that will give the skills that your ultimate job will need.
Start now, explore and share what job you think you want ultimately in your life. Aspire for that. Then gather the skills steadily….
Have a great life ahead. You have a great start.",Whats the best way to get a job when youre 16?,You are different in a good way. Your mind is
308,My-focus-is-not-on-one-thing-Every-day-I-try-to-do-something-new-How-can-I-concentrate-on-one-goal,"Let the Goal Choose you rather you choosing it. Then you will concentrate. Also, the goal May or May not give money.
If you are searching for money, go to stock market.",My focus is not on one thing Every day I try to do something new How can I concentrate on one goal?,Let the Goal Choose you rather you choosing it. Then
309,What-are-the-life-lessons-that-can-be-learned-from-the-second-wave-of-covid-19-which-will-be-useful-in-life,"Stay home and stay strong..
Have immense love in your heart, belief that your body will recover if you give rest, strong will to see and live full life.
These three can be there when you have caring family, friends and surrounding. Importantly, you give your love to them from your heart.",What are the life lessons that can be learned from the second wave of covid 19 which will be useful in life?,"Stay home and stay strong..
Have immense love in your heart,"
310,I-want-to-learn-philosophy-as-I-would-learn-it-in-school-What-YouTubers-should-I-watch,"HarvardX : Start with this
Political philosophy introduces the subject very pragmatically. Reason Vs Intuition is dissected throughly. Learning to argue, with sense and understanding of oneself is the foremost objective of the course.
Knowing your life philosophy is more important. This I learnt due to my curiousity and internet. Have a great learning experience. I have good reason to believe that you will share this above vids to your friends.",I want to learn philosophy as I would learn it in school What YouTubers should I watch?,"HarvardX : Start with this
Political philosophy introduces the subject very"
311,What-path-should-I-take-to-start-doing-robotics-with-interest,"Start with Robotics Operating System free course on youtube, after you complete the course try to get arduino and play with it.
Steadily you will start learning about Robotics.",What path should I take to start doing robotics with interest?,"Start with Robotics Operating System free course on youtube, after"
312,What-new-skills-do-you-recommend-for-me,"Learn about the Blockchain protocols, Iot, and smart contracts programming.",What new skills do you recommend for me?,"Learn about the Blockchain protocols, Iot, and smart contracts programming."
313,I-am-16-and-I-am-in-class-10-I-wanted-to-crack-the-boards-but-I-have-two-distractions-while-I-am-trying-to-study-phone-and-girls-How-do-I-overcome-this,"Remove the Phone from your vicinity completely, first for 1 hour, the for a day and then for a week. Once you do this, you will see
> world is fine around you
> you are healthy
> your mind is calm
> confidence on yourself increases
> attention increases
The girls will automatically vanish, since you are not responding to them. Yep some friends too will vanish, but the very close friends will stay even if not in touch.
If you are fantasizing girls, which is normal for a teen, ensure you are clean. Your harmones trigger your fantasies in your brain. Once the phone is away, keep it away. (We are humans, not batman to resist temptation)
Have a splendid day. All the best for cracking the exams with high scores.",I am 16 and I am in class 10 I wanted to crack the boards but I have two distractions while I am trying to study phone and girls How do I overcome this?,"Remove the Phone from your vicinity completely, first for 1"
314,Why-can-I-not-concentrate-for-longer-period-of-time,"I believe in the saying that “Teach a man to fish, and he will never go hungry for life” and “Know Yourself then you will victorious in 1000 battles”…..
So instead of me giving the strategies and tactics, let me try and teach you how find answers about yourself…
Simply by asking your question positively and specifically, your own mind will give you the answer.
Ask, How can I focus on something for atleast 60 to 90 minutes? Write all the answers your mind gives for the next 5 mins…
BTW, if you are unable to stay idle and let the answers come out from your own mind, then we know the issue is with your restlessness, and impatience.
Again ask, How can I become more calm and patient? Try Meditation, and breathing exercises. Wait for more answers.",Why can I not concentrate for longer period of time?,I believe in the saying that “Teach a man to
315,Why-dont-I-have-questions-when-I-learn-a-new-thing,"Learning new thing same as buying a new product, a dress material. You imagine how will you use the product, or how will you look with the dress on.
Same way, all you need to ask, how might you use the new thing that you are learning, and let the imagination flow? I learn every new thing that way only.
Recently, I started learning about Blockchain Technology and IOT technology using the EdX free courses, over week end. My motivation for learning these new things increased by simply asking, how I might use these technologies?
I researched around the net for the Case studies, and use cases. Got a lot of inputs. Mixed my imagination. Learnt the blockchain & IOT from the business perspective over 3 to 4 days. I can present about these technologies for 3 hours non-stop.
You see the power of imagination, and the simple question of usage. Try it out, share your experience. Happy learning",Why dont I have questions when I learn a new thing?,"Learning new thing same as buying a new product, a"
316,What-are-some-exceptionally-hard-things-to-learn-I-m-very-bored-with-college-as-I-was-with-high-school-I-ve-gotten-100-in-all-of-my-courses-so-far-and-consistently-only-have-to-read-the-material-once-in-order-to,"Try Mathematics(Cryptography), Economics, Algorithms and Game theory
These 4 subjects can open up your imagination, creativity and even make you a billionaire. Also, keep you occupied so much that you will never be bored.
If you are looking for real world applications, Blockchain, Robotics, Artificial intelligence, IOT, E-Commerce and Stock Markets are some of the cutting edge areas where the above subjects are extensively used.
Hope you learn these when you have the mind space wiith sufficient curiosity and energy.",What are some exceptionally hard things to learn I m very bored with college as I was with high school I ve gotten 100 in all of my courses so far and consistently only have to read the material once in order to?,"Try Mathematics(Cryptography), Economics, Algorithms and Game theory
These 4 subjects can"
317,Is-it-possible-to-learn-anything-useful-in-life-from-a-video-game,"Video games can teach you the following
1. Strategy
2. Tactics
3. motor control
4. 3D visualisation(this skill drastically changes you)
5. computer technology(to get the game running, and at times when game crashes)
6. reverse engineering(yep, search for it)
7. algorithmic thinking (step by step)
8. patience(completing what you started, irrespective of obstacles)
9. relentlessness(puzzle games)
10. problem / puzzle solving(Portal, Prince of Persia, Assassin’s Creed)
11. mindless exploration(En...",Is it possible to learn anything useful in life from a video game?,"Video games can teach you the following
1. Strategy
2. Tactics
3. motor"
318,Where-can-I-find-a-hacker-who-can-actually-help-me-delete-some-gossip-news-from-some-sites-that-talk-about-me-I-ve-talked-with-my-lawyer-and-he-told-me-a-hacker-is-the-only-one-who-can-really-help-me,"You should look for Online Reputation Managers, not Hackers. Kindly search around for them, they will guide or even help to take down the defacing messages from the website.",Where can I find a hacker who can actually help me delete some gossip news from some sites that talk about me I ve talked with my lawyer and he told me a hacker is the only one who can really help me?,"You should look for Online Reputation Managers, not Hackers. Kindly"
319,I-have-been-trying-to-learn-to-program-for-the-sole-purpose-of-entrepreneurship-I-have-been-studying-programming-for-months-but-I-still-dont-understand-a-lot-of-things-I-am-really-considering-to-give-up-What-should,"Learning to program and being an entrepreneur needs two things, attention to details and seeing patterns.
By learning to program you can make computers to do things that repeated many times and by many people.
Being entrepreneurial you will see a problem or unsatisfied need in the market and then satisfy it.
Think about what you have learnt till date, see outside in the market. Do you find any problem that you can solve? if yes then solve it with or without your programming skills. Use your creativity. Then do it again and again.
Someone had answered that you have hone your skills. That is not just typing good code but the ability to see the world differently. Hope your eyes and mind are opening. Have a fun time ahead.",I have been trying to learn to program for the sole purpose of entrepreneurship I have been studying programming for months but I still dont understand a lot of things I am really considering to give up What should?,"Learning to program and being an entrepreneur needs two things,"
320,I-want-to-learn-stock-market-from-basic-to-advanced-I-have-zero-knowledge-of-stock-market-Which-book-should-I-read-Where-can-I-start-learning-from-home-for-free,Start with Disciplined Trader by Douglas Mark.,I want to learn stock market from basic to advanced I have zero knowledge of stock market Which book should I read Where can I start learning from home for free?,Start with Disciplined Trader by Douglas Mark.
321,I-m-a-beginner-in-reading-and-I-have-two-books-that-is-ELON-MUSK-and-HOW-TO-WIN-FRIENDS-AND-INFLUENCE-PEOPLE-Which-should-I-read-first,Read How to Win Friends and Influence people.,I m a beginner in reading and I have two books that is ELON MUSK and HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE Which should I read first?,Read How to Win Friends and Influence people.
322,Will-the-internet-and-technology-make-governments-irrelevant-one-day,"Not in near future, with the current state of Blockchain technology and the speed in which AI research is happening.
Governments and central authorities of law have a very unique power. The power to bring order in physical world. Think about the army, the police force. These forces needs to be trained, and well maintained in order to function effectively.
Assuming in near future the police force is outsourced by the Government. The law is enforced by technology like blockchain in a smart cities around the world. The technology incentivises the citizen so well that, they don’t any harm to each other as well as to the society. What kind of incentives, or dis-incentives can create such a citizen? This is the question the innovative people/ groups have to answer and then implement it with technology.
What are the odds of such a scenario with current level of tech? 1 in a million solution might work, even to try them out the current political arena will not allow. So, governments are here to stay. There are other ways to circumvent though…
Wanna know those ways? Bitcoin Protocol and Blockchain",Will the internet and technology make governments irrelevant one day?,"Not in near future, with the current state of Blockchain"
323,There-s-a-girl-in-my-class-who-I-sit-beside-I-ve-grown-to-become-quite-good-friends-with-her-Every-time-I-m-around-her-my-pulse-raises-my-brain-feels-exhilarated-a-bit-confused-My-heart-starts-jumping-up-and-down-Is,"Its infatuation fueled by Harmones.
I recently heard a quote credited to Buddha. If you like a flower, you will pluck it and if you love a flower you will water and make it become better.
How simple to differentiate between loving and (infatuating) liking.
Another simple way to differentiate is your mom. You love your mom don’t you? Does your heart beat rise when you are around your mom? Not really, correct.
If you love her then you must see something that you cherish in her, apart from her pheromones that are triggering your body to react. In that way the relationship with her can be much deeper, and more engaging than just another short romance.
Also, start practicing self-love. If you love yourself more when you are around someone, then also it means you love the person. If you simply feel attracted to the person, then you will want to consume them.
You see the pattern right. Try to be a good friend to her, and be open minded and flirt. Even make out with her if you guys become close. If it all works out, and still you guys want to stay together, then it means you guys want to grow with each other.
But if things don’t work out, and she or you move on then try to work out the situation amicably, without hurting or getting hurt. Remember, there is always your soulmate for you. She may not be the one. Culture calls this breakup, nature calls this trial and error.
This will be bit tough without external guidance, and good advisor. So talk with your best friend or cousins about your feelings always. Try not to overwhelm her with all your insecurities. Most of the current relationship ends especially due to overwhelming pressure on each individual in relationship.
Love, Self-love, having open conversation with your close friends about your feeling apart from her. All the very best for your future.",There s a girl in my class who I sit beside I ve grown to become quite good friends with her Every time I m around her my pulse raises my brain feels exhilarated a bit confused My heart starts jumping up and down Is?,"Its infatuation fueled by Harmones.
I recently heard a quote credited"
324,What-are-the-chances-that-robots-will-take-over-the-world-Why,"The chances are pretty slim.
I have been researching the RPA or Robotic Process Automation softwares, and using them for quiet sometime. The robots, even the kind with AI and ML can work on activities that are structured or atleast semi-structured. I have shown examples of such activities in industries and their departments.
There are not many processes that the robots can do, effectively take away the job of one person. Below are some of the important factors that impact how challenging it would be to build robotic processes.
Even if the robotic processes take over the impact is not more than 30% to 40%, that means remaining 60% to 70%, humans have to support the robots.
Above is the example of the impact on Insurance processes, and the outcome is max of 28%. All these data is for the Robotic processes, that are done with the computer with help of us humans. I have not even started discussing about the real world. (Research can be found here,
My argument is, if the automation of the processes that we do on a computer is reaching only 40%, then how challenging will be the automation of process that needs interaction with real world? Much difficult, since our universe in continuous in nature. While even the best AI / ML can work on discontinous or Digital data only.
When the AI and ML can really become powerful to human level?
When there is so many AI machines that are learning countless processes and sharing their learning with each other at rapid rate, and start creating patterns out of it and change the world. That is when AI can be really powerful. IOT and Industry 4.0 is trying to achieve that. Albiet at a very slow pace.
So when such a emergent AI system can arrive, may be in next 10 years or may be longer. That is not a guess. There are so many research that points towards this 10 years horizon.
Then why am I claiming Robots will not take all our Jobs? Because our Jobs will become different. In next ten years time, lot will change for the good. There are alternates being researched for Work. Instead of doing dreadful and boring work, we all will be handling the challenging and creative work. Where you will know your worth.
What about those who don’t want to be creative or take up challenges? They too will be engaged by the society and the government. Like how the childrens are engaged in schools and colleges, the citizens will all be part of the economy in some way. You and I have to think, how to make that happen. Questions must be about how to use Robots and increase engagement of people in a society? Try answering that question.
Have a creative and calm day.",What are the chances that robots will take over the world Why?,"The chances are pretty slim.
I have been researching the RPA"
325,Do-you-think-in-person-meetings-are-necessary,"Yep, indeep the personal touch always makes a huge difference. There is lot more data that is conveyed in personal meetings. Humans thrive because of the social nature.
When you meet someone personally, your mind senses their vibration at a Alpha and Beta levels. More calm and confident person in the room, more the meeting takes the direction that person wants. We have seen this, and today the same is tried over online meetings with vid cams.
It is working for already high profile people. They can get things done with phone calls. Also those leaders or managers who work in a company that is very much rule bound, there also it can work. But to those climbing the pole of leadership and control, the situation is difficult.
So, yes meetings, personal meetings are necessary.",Do you think in person meetings are necessary?,"Yep, indeep the personal touch always makes a huge difference."
326,What-are-the-skills-required-to-build-something-out-of-nothing,"You want to know how Ponzi schemes can be built, how money can be made without any effort, create gold out of lead? No, I am not going to talk about Alchemy.
Simple, learn the human psychology and be a well honed actor and influencer. Are you thinking that being an Alchemist will be easier???
I am a student of Human Psychology, and two important skill to master it is patience and imagination.
Why Patience? Humans are very sluggish in converting your wish into reality. So you have to give time, u...",What are the skills required to build something out of nothing?,"You want to know how Ponzi schemes can be built,"
327,How-do-I-decide-a-new-career-path-if-I-am-bored-with-my-current-career-I-am-32-own-a-house-and-live-with-my-wife,"32, own a house and live with your wife.
No wonder you are bored. Not with your career really, but with your life.
Ask yourself, Do You really need a career change? Or is it something else that you are missing in life that is making you think that career change is an answer.
I have had this feeling that the “Other” career path will be “Oh so Interesting”. In fact, that is really not the case. What ever career has chosen you, just do it and try to excel at it. After 10 years of working in a career, your creativity starts blossoming, at that time switching career will give unwanted side effects.
With all that warning, now I come to the answer.
There are so many ways you can switch your career paths. Start by deciding which career you want to take. Say, if you want to enter into purchasing, then do research on the purchasing department, talk with purchasing people in your friend circle and gather the skills you need for the job.
Then see what skills you have developed over your experience. Once you have done that, then you can match your current skills with the skills that are needed for the new job and start applying. You will start getting calls.
There, it is the proven method used by many to switch careers. Again, think about what exactly your vision in life is and then take this step. Have a great future.",How do I decide a new career path if I am bored with my current career I am 32 own a house and live with my wife?,"32, own a house and live with your wife.
No wonder"
328,How-can-I-become-more-mindful,"Your time, and interest to be self-aware. These two will take you a long way in learning mindfullness.
Mindfullness is a tool to become self-aware. There are many uses of being self-aware, starting with becoming more healthy, and highly resilient in tough times. Becoming more compassionate and caring not only towards others but towards oneself.
With such benefits, time spent on improving mindfullness is very important.",How can I become more mindful?,"Your time, and interest to be self-aware. These two will"
329,Can-robots-in-the-finance-department-boost-productivity,"Robots can be utilised in any place where there is repeated work. The virtue of a robot is to continue work without rest. Both these features help to increase productivity.
In finance there are so many areas where robots or robotic process programs can be implemented. Such programs free the executives from mindless work and allow them to think and create.
This latent process of freeing the resources is where the next level of productivity comes. How to measure the productivity increase?
There co...",Can robots in the finance department boost productivity?,Robots can be utilised in any place where there is
330,Are-robots-a-blessing-or-a-curse,"When a robot does my work to please me - It’s a blessing.
When a robot does my work to please my wife - it's a curse.
robots are indeed a blessing more of that mechanic action and i can have steel pussy in the future !",Are robots a blessing or a curse?,When a robot does my work to please me -
331,I-love-reading-How-can-I-translate-my-love-of-reading-into-a-career,"You better become a manager by doing MBA. You have to read a lot, make more presentation and stories and learn constantly.
Have a great life ahead.",I love reading How can I translate my love of reading into a career?,You better become a manager by doing MBA. You have
332,Why-doesnt-the-new-generation-believe-in-miracles-even-at-a-young-age,"More information is given to them about the world through smartphone, school and internet. Obviously they can seldom connect something happen without working or spending money.
In the last generation, there were many movies and stories that spoke about genie, flying carpets and time traveling. Now all these are spoken scientifically. Small children are very easily disillusioned and come to reality.
Some children who are not well off still believe in magic. They have their imaginations still intact. Creative habits keep flaming inside them. Such kids when given proper books and good stories can develop belief in miracles. Still they can be productive in real world too.
Such is the world now, I still believe in miracles. Still things happen out of the blue. Happy and miraculous days ahead.",Why doesnt the new generation believe in miracles even at a young age?,More information is given to them about the world through
333,What-books-will-help-to-change-an-employee-mindset-to-an-entrepreneur-mindset,"Mindset is like river bed, culmination of many years of thinking. Books are like streetlights that show a new path. You can read countless books. However only you can choose to be an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneur is a lot of work and there is a need for much leg work and risk taking. More than anything being relentless in achieving your goal or vision is part of being entrepreneur.
Hope this helps.",What books will help to change an employee mindset to an entrepreneur mindset?,"Mindset is like river bed, culmination of many years of"
334,Which-programming-language-is-better-for-programming-robots,"The industry uses Robot Operating system for programming the machines. There are many benefits behind this new operating language, of which simulating the turtle in place of robot is main.
There is active open community that keeps improving the programming languages. The other languages like c and python are useful. Scaling them is very challenging.
Hope this helps",Which programming language is better for programming robots?,The industry uses Robot Operating system for programming the machines.
335,What-is-a-daily-life-skill-that-you-have-acquired-as-a-result-of-the-Covid-19-pandemic,"Atmaja I must commend you on the thought provoking questions you ask.
First skill is being great ful and thankful to every breath I am able to take. This simply transforms any anxiety into livable challenge.
Reading books were high on my list. Recently this has taken a back step. Reason being there are so many books, so much research and much more practice. So instead of reading, I try to find ways to socialize and give the insights that I have gained.
Laughing out loud with your siblings and friends can easily be a skill for those who are ambitious and don't give much time to smiling.
Having a internal smile, like smiling at subconscious level readily brings smile on your face.
Finally relaxing your body so your brain becomes calm. Calm brain can bring creative images faster, make you breath more oxygen and feel more confident and happy. Salvadore Dali was a pioneer in this way of relaxing. Even truman had his foxhole to retreat and rejuvenate.
These small things add up to best outcomes every waking day. Hope this helps those who read and level up their days. Have a great day",What is a daily life skill that you have acquired as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic?,Atmaja I must commend you on the thought provoking questions
336,What-is-a-core-team-to-take-decisions,"In any big organisation or group there is always a set of people, usually the founders who know the mission and vision of the organisation very well. They take most important decisions like who gets resources, where the money has to be spent.
How to build a core team is very important. Since the team must have the knowledge and capability to lead. Manage difficult and different situations alike. If you have sufficient funds to start a company then it is prudent that you talk openly with the team with whom you will spend most of your future life. Ensure the team is lively and able to take risks in a profit oriented ways.",What is a core team to take decisions?,In any big organisation or group there is always a
337,Can-help-you-work-remotely-effectively-and-efficiently,"Here are 10 stepst that I take to stay effective
These steps can push you through toughest days working from home. Have a great time ahead.",Can help you work remotely effectively and efficiently?,"Here are 10 stepst that I take to stay effective
338,What-tips-do-you-have-on-how-to-be-productive-by-working-less,"There is no doubt about that. You can be more productive only as you work less. The less you work better you relax and become very creative.
Being able to provide the needed amount of rest will revitalise your brain. Happy relaxing and working",What tips do you have on how to be productive by working less?,There is no doubt about that. You can be more
339,What-did-someone-do-or-say-that-inspired-you-to-learn-something-new,"Inspiration to learn something has to do with the imagination. Recently I had taken a course on IOT and industry 4.0. There the concept of RPA was introduced. I have been imagining the computers doing the grunt work for humans for a long time. When the concept of RPA and the extent to which the tools were developed were shown, I got immediately hooked.
That is when I started learning the RPA tools. There were challenges in acquiring the tool, the resources can create trouble than help. Crossing all this, my journey to learn the business side of the RPA began. In a nutshell, any tool or concept that expands my imagination and holds my attention makes me learn something always.",What did someone do or say that inspired you to learn something new?,Inspiration to learn something has to do with the imagination.
340,How-do-you-learn-sales-skills-that-could-change-your-life-in-sales-development-training,"Important sales skill that has faced test of time is finding new prospects.
Sales is about the market you are trying to sell in. More interested prospects there are more work you have. Your daily activity has to be focused on generating new prospects.
Always be closing in the afternoon and Always be prospecting in the morning. This is the way your networking will be more objective. In every meeting you will think about helping the acquaintance genuinely since he or she can be a prospects.
Doing more background research about the prospects is a skill that is becoming very challenging even in connected world. Knowing that someone will face a challenge in next 2 or 3 days can be a very important knowledge.
Prospect prospect prospect.. Have a great career ahead….",How do you learn sales skills that could change your life in sales development training?,Important sales skill that has faced test of time is
341,What-are-some-examples-of-IoT-in-day-to-day-routine,"IOT Story of 2 Barbers and Connected Camera
This weekend I wanted a simple haircut. Yet, surprise was awaiting me. The Barber shop was manned by two barbers and supervised by a Connected Camera. What this simple camera helped to create? Here it is.
The shop can accomodate 4 customers and 2 barbers at a time. On top of the shop was a monitor, that showed the entire space. Puzzled by the monitor in the barber shop, asked the guys working there, Why the camera & Monitor?
1) Camera shows whether the barbers are working
2) It shows how many customers are there at any moment
3) What raw materials are being used.
4) how much inventory is available
5) What is the expected wait time for the customers
6) How efficient the barbers are.
Connected camera is stationed in 4 shops all around the city, and the owner of these shops fields the customer calls, and diverts them to shop where they can be serviced.
Connected Camera multiplied the productivity of the owner, brought him more returns for the fixed cost of the investments, helped him expand. Important point is, owner was able to provide jobs and help those young barbers to have a good life and develop their skills.
Think about the next step, where the owner hands over his job to a computer. Technology is there to make us prosper and cherish our loved ones. Thrilled by Future.",What are some examples of IoT in day to day routine?,"IOT Story of 2 Barbers and Connected Camera
This weekend I"
342,How-do-I-forecast-my-future,"By creating it.
If you wake up today knowing that in next ten years you will be a millionaire, wont you work for it?
Future is like that. You think you know it and start creating it",How do I forecast my future?,"By creating it.
If you wake up today knowing that in"
343,Does-this-happen-in-your-area-a-mentor-teaches-a-student-any-skill-and-takes-an-amount-from-the-students-salary-for-a-certain-period-when-he-is-able-to-income,"Nope, not in my area. Mentoring is done free
Have a good day",Does this happen in your area a mentor teaches a student any skill and takes an amount from the students salary for a certain period when he is able to income?,"Nope, not in my area. Mentoring is done free
Have a"
344,What-are-the-best-ways-to-learn-something-productive,"Best way to learn something and acquire knowledge is to creatively imagine why, what and how you can use the knowledge.
When you imagine the possibilities of using the knowledge then you would want to acquire it in the first place
Take an example. You want to learn a language.
Why ? There could be so many reasons.
What? The language is not just used for communication.
How? There are many ways to achieve something productive with the language.
Then you start becoming productive with the learning you acquire. I have learnt Kick Boxing, Computers networking, Programming, Japanese language, creative problem solving, and now RPA.
This method has been very efficient for acquiring knowledge. Have a fun and knowledgeable day.",What are the best ways to learn something productive?,Best way to learn something and acquire knowledge is to
345,How-do-RPA-and-AI-work-together,"RPA or Robotic Process Automation is a suite of tools that allows common user to automate many processes that is repetitive on a computer. The task can be
* renaming files or moving a set of files
* downloading files regularly from mail or database
* collecting infomation from multiple excel files and calculating
* making presentation for daily update using data from excel
* online data scraping
to name a few. The list is limited only by your creativity and ingenuity.
How AI gets involved ...",How do RPA and AI work together?,RPA or Robotic Process Automation is a suite of tools
346,I-want-to-become-a-hacker-Does-anyone-help,"Hackers are everywhere and they are eager to help either for satisfaction or for currency. On top of it Hackers don’t ask for help, they learn about the system and processes so well, they can see the flaws in it. Then they use the flaws for their benefit.
Question you need to ask is,
How can I find a hacker who can mentor?
Which forums/websites/conferences do real hackers frequent?
How do hackers get created?
Are Hackers born or made?
Before you become an hacker, choose the domain you want to become an expert. Hackers need not be in cyber domain only. Even mechanical devices can be hacked. One must have very deep knowledge to find the obvious flaws that are right there.
Next is to be creative. Problem solving is about patterns. Being creative with arsenal of problem solving techniques, with deep knowledge will give anyone super powers like Ironman(Marvel) or Sherlock Holmes.
Metasploit, Kali, The Official Social-Engineer Portal - Security Through Education
are some of the best resources out there teaching hacking in Cyber domain. In Cyber domain, it is all about knowing to solve the problem that you have at any given moment.
Have a wonderfully interesting life…",I want to become a hacker Does anyone help?,Hackers are everywhere and they are eager to help either
347,Serkan-Piantino-Can-AI-systems-fall-in-love,"AI can rise in Love for sure.
When you listen, learn and adapt every second for a person you care for, there is no better way to say that you have risen in love for the person.
AI in near future with emergent behavior will soon do that. The mix of sensors, and interconnected networks will make AI to rise in love.",Serkan Piantino Can AI systems fall in love?,"AI can rise in Love for sure.
When you listen, learn"
Nothing is valuable if it says that it is going to bring or build fortune for you.
You create your own fortune. Work on your skills and understand how best you can market it. That is how you build fortune.
Does the above line has a value of 25K USD? If you say no, then the program you are stating also is not that much worth.
If you are seeking for strategies and tactics for marketing your skills then ask google or quora. You will be well on way to get your fortune.
Have a smart day ahead.",Is the Fortune Builders mastery program worth the 25k?,"Nope.
Nothing is valuable if it says that it is going"
349,How-do-I-find-people-to-work-study-create-new-ideas-with-I-feel-like-Im-the-only-person-in-my-family-and-friends-who-sees-that-were-not-maxing-out-to-our-true-potential-Anytime-I-talk-about-it-I-just-get-a-we-can-t,"Good that you have reached out to the world if creativity.
Creativity attracts creativity. Start being creative in ways you can. Whether in work, studies or hobbies. Slowly it will be seen by other creative guys n gals. They will reach you or even you will get new visibility.
Ask correct question to the. How might, what else and if suppose, what if question gives you more ideas. Try reading good books on creative people. Be ready to get yours hands dirty.
Thinkertoys is one book I loved in this area. Even now I practice the skills mentioned in that book.
Have a creative life.",How do I find people to work study create new ideas with I feel like Im the only person in my family and friends who sees that were not maxing out to our true potential Anytime I talk about it I just get a we can t?,Good that you have reached out to the world if
350,Is-falling-in-love-with-someone-else-when-you-re-in-a-relationship-something-to-feel-ashamed-about-and-why,"To Love is Univesal.
Females can spread their love to everyone in their life. From their parents, friends, siblings and their crushes or boy friends. To boys this concept is alien, as it is mentioned in Men are from Mars book. Due to this way of thinking, guys feel ashamed of loving two girls at the same time. While girls have no such issue.
This has to be understood by the boys and they have to speak up with their girl friends. Because the girl friends are not going to chit chat with their boys all day. They have social life.
All the movies, serials and various media don’t show this reality. Owing to this, all boys further get into the trap, and feel either troubled or ashamed.
Also, if you say to your girl friend that you love another like a very best friend, like you care for your childhood male friend, then she would understand. She might get jealous and angry, that is all. If she knows you well enough, then she wont stop you. She will face lot of inner turmoil, and insecurity. So ensure, you show extra care for her and be there when she needs you the most. (The other girl really is not worth all the trouble you have to endure, so use your time wisely. After all, Time is Wealth, you have better dreams, and life to pursue)
Actions speak more than words. Listening is more important than talking. Being happy is more important than being right. Complaining, Criticising and Condemning are best kept at distance.
Have a wonderful life ahead.
PS : BTW, if you love the other girl same as your girlfriend, then also discuss with your girlfriend. It is for her own benefit and well being. Be patient when you discuss it with her. She wont be patient though, if you are very important to her.
Remember you are lucky to be loved by two girls. So love yourself more, and be happy.",Is falling in love with someone else when you re in a relationship something to feel ashamed about and why?,"To Love is Univesal.
Females can spread their love to everyone"
351,What-is-the-significance-of-the-mouth-in-effective-communication,"To be precise, there is no significance for the “Mouth”
The significance is to the Ears, and the body language. 99% of the communication happens through listening and expressing. This is the major challenge that we all are facing in this online meeting era.
Since we are unable to rely on the body language over the online meetings, we have to maintain hierarchies, have power distances and strict process flows. These all have nothing to do with communication.
Future holds more challenges in this communication area.Because the online mode, the emotion can be hidden. The facial expression can be modified. The face you show can be made attention grabbing. Which in reality may not be the case.
Listening has to be given more emphasis, like how we say to kids writing exams. We ask them to read the question twice. Like that, listen twice and speak once. One will be more wiser and saner.
Happy and calm day…",What is the significance of the mouth in effective communication?,"To be precise, there is no significance for the “Mouth”
352,Is-an-aim-necessary-to-become-successful,"Purpose of a Goal is to live the life fully not be successful or earn more money. Most of us face challenge in just living the life as it is.
No its nor required to have a goal in life.
Think what you are going to do live life fully. How might you plan your activity? What else can you bring around you?
Then do that.
When you are in pain we search for pleasure. Like eating pizza going shopping. Today ordering online. Really you should ask what might be causing pain and resolve that. That is how life is lived long and well.
Have a wonderful day.",Is an aim necessary to become successful?,Purpose of a Goal is to live the life fully
353,What-or-who-do-you-turn-to-when-you-want-to-learn-something,"I have and would always turn to the internet especially the torrent website. There the information is shared openly and collectively. Any topic you want, there are books, videos and audios.
Recently the online free library has become one place I turn to.
Also there are many ed tech sites which gives you practical knowledge on how to come up to speed. To understand anything at deeper level I depend on open courseware like The Massachusetts Innovation & Technology Exchange (MITX)
and edX | Free Online Courses by Harvard, MIT, & more
I have been a learning junkie all my life and some books are evergreen resources. All of robert greene books, Roald Dahl books and Sherlock holmes series give you lot of insights.
These keep my days filled with many interesting things to do. Hope it will for you too.",What or who do you turn to when you want to learn something?,I have and would always turn to the internet especially
354,What-good-habits-keep-you-dear-in-a-loved-one,"Being in relationship and being in love has a very difficult meaning. To be in love there is no need of habits. It is like being a child to a parent. Parent is constantly thinking about the child and its improvement. Not just in one dimension.
When you are thinking more on how might the child be in the future, what else the future might have in it will give immense pleasure. Even though you May not take any action in changing your loved ones.
This is what each person in love looks for in each other. This way of leading each other and knowing is a great habit.",What good habits keep you dear in a loved one?,Being in relationship and being in love has a very
355,What-do-you-enjoy-reading-and-learning-about,"I enjoy reading about the way people can be influenced in this new era of data and smartness. Most of us today have become very sophisticated. We are aware of the various loop holes within us. In one word, become self-aware.
Other thing I love to read about is sci-fi future. A future that I love to talk about is of thinking robots. Thinking and consciousness is an emergent behaviour. Emergent means, a phenomenon that arises when one thing is used in huge number. Like neurons in our brain, which as a part of network of neurons can become conscious. Single neuron has no consciousness.
Being happy and mastery over self are related concepts, which I love to read and learn about. Recently got interested in Smart machines, cities and technology. Which has the promise of showing emergent behaviour.",What do you enjoy reading and learning about?,I enjoy reading about the way people can be influenced
356,How-many-numbers-can-the-human-brain-remember-at-one-time,"Brain can remember less than 5 numbers without any strategy.
There ars memory strategy where you convert the numbers to pictures and remember the picture. Then you can remember a lot more
Energy needs to be spent on visualising and registering the numbers. Your attention span has to be higher. It is best done when you are fully relaxed and your mind helps you do it effortlessly.
Many books are there, and most famous is Moon Walking with Enstien. Try it. Have a great relaxing day.",How many numbers can the human brain remember at one time?,"Brain can remember less than 5 numbers without any strategy.
357,What-will-we-learn-from-old-people-about-life,"We can learn a lot from them
How to love
How to age gracefully
How to make natural heathy food
What times of the year important issues would come
How to groom the kids
What was life like when they were young
What is their motivation in life
How they keep themselves active at such frail condition
What foods keeps us healthy
Which places keeps us healthy
How friends and family impact our health
What wisdom they have gained
Who in their life changed how they live
Which experience showed them love and affection is important
The list goes and the more you listen more you become wiser.",What will we learn from old people about life?,"We can learn a lot from them
How to love
How to"
358,Which-technology-is-easy-to-learn-within-a-short-time-limit,"Robotic Process automation for Business people is very intuitive skill that anyone can learn fast. This helps in automating many mundane tasks that you do daily, and free you for better things.
UIPath, Automation Everywhere and Blue Prism are some softwares you can try.
Becoming creative is a skill, and generate tonnes of idea on problems that you face. This is an important skill. The problem need not be specifically yours. It could be faced by others.
Today I saw a milk delivery boys working as a team. One boy drives the vehicle while the other boy gets down, and puts the milk packets inside the bags hanged in front of each houses.
An Example:
How might the delivery made more efficiently? What ways might they reduce time and effort for each delivery? I was enroute to Gym and my mind started exercising on this questions. Here came couple of ideas.
You get the drift. Ideas has to come flowing, aiming at large quantity. Defer judgement. Seek Novelty and make connections. The skill of idea generation is innate in us, which fades as we age. It has to be re-kindled.
Happy creative day ahead.",Which technology is easy to learn within a short time limit?,Robotic Process automation for Business people is very intuitive skill
359,How-do-you-not-fall-in-love-and-be-happy-when-you-are-single,"By being in love with yourself always, you don’t fall in love with others. By accepting the way you are, makes you love yourself better. Praying for yourself, for your own calmness, and creativity can deeply change the way you look at the world.
I would suggest you to the “Book of Joy” and “Art of Happiness” by Dalai Lama. Excellent tome that I go many times in a month. Have a loveable day.",How do you not fall in love and be happy when you are single?,"By being in love with yourself always, you don’t fall"
360,How-can-I-become-a-good-speaker,"Oh, that is simple.
Listen Actively, and stop talking. Most of the communication happens right there.
Listening actively means to only open your mouth when you have a doubt, or a clarifying question. Rest of the time, you listen. Listen to understand.",How can I become a good speaker?,"Oh, that is simple.
Listen Actively, and stop talking. Most of"
361,If-you-wouldve-followed-your-childhood-dream-then-what-would-be-your-career-right-now,"Genetic Engineer, decoding the DNA.
In reality, I decode the customer needs and provide them solution as a Business Dev Executive. Still, not far from my childhood dream of decoding the “DNA” ;)",If you wouldve followed your childhood dream then what would be your career right now?,"Genetic Engineer, decoding the DNA.
In reality, I decode the customer"
362,If-iam-good-at-drawing-does-it-mean-that-I-am-not-logical-and-I-cannot-become-good-scientist-or-engineer,"Infact you are a great scientist material. Take Leonardo Da Vinci or Michelangelo. They were scientific and artistic at the same time. You can't be one without the other. Because to see the world and draw needs more than just eyes and a steady hand.
It needs deeper understanding of nature. Nature is best learnt through scientific work. Learn to draw and think at rhe same time.
Have a artistic days.",If iam good at drawing does it mean that I am not logical and I cannot become good scientist or engineer?,Infact you are a great scientist material. Take Leonardo Da
363,I-am-thinking-about-learning-coding-right-after-my-12th-and-after-learning-it-going-to-Japan-to-learn-Japanese-and-then-getting-job-as-a-developer-in-Japan-right-after-learning-the-language-Is-what-I-am-thinking,"All this is possible, no doubt about it. Glad to see a youngster with clear mindset and attitude. If every youngster has a vision like yours in my 12th standard, then World would be a different place.
One important point. Before doing any of it, ask a question.
Ask, why you want to do all this? Write that answer in bold letters and keep it every where around you. That answer is going to be your motivation in life, till and after you achieve all the goals that you have set yourself today.",I am thinking about learning coding right after my 12th and after learning it going to Japan to learn Japanese and then getting job as a developer in Japan right after learning the language Is what I am thinking?,"All this is possible, no doubt about it. Glad to"
364,What-if-you-were-given-a-new-set-of-memories-beliefs-and-knowledge-Will-you-still-be-the-same,"A2A: Of course yes - because I am not my memories, beliefs or knowledge -for all these were acquired much AFTER I was born and will not last beyond my death unless my mind persists.
In fact each night in deep dreamless sleep - all your memories, beliefs and knowledge vanish - and yet you remain the same, the next day.
Depends on MK-Ultra - you can be TWO or MORE people at once. Look at Beyoncé - she was two in one, too…",What if you were given a new set of memories beliefs and knowledge Will you still be the same?,A2A: Of course yes - because I am not my
365,What-might-you-accomplish-if-you-think-in-new-ways,"You may discover the hidden truths [processes] behind habit and intention creation…. Try not to get used to anything and play with intentions. Do not count on being understood.
By ignoring them and doing it anyway — several times, in fact.
i want to make awareness among people that
WATCH this video how birds drinking water",What might you accomplish if you think in new ways?,You may discover the hidden truths [processes] behind habit and
366,How-do-you-train-your-brain-to-think-in-new-ways,"Quesions. Start by asking the questions that lead you to search. What you might accomplish if you think in new ways? What if you were given a new set of memories and knowledge, will you be still same?
I have been fascinated with myriad of subjects. Beginning with programming, public speaking, new languages and technology. All these lead to me thinking in a way that keeps me comfortable with myself. Recently my fascination with Robotic process automation and cyberphysical system lead me to again think differently.
Ask and dream about daily. Spend time relaxing more often and let the mind wander. Take up things, books for the fun of it. Try a new routine everywhere you turn. Have a great time.",How do you train your brain to think in new ways?,Quesions. Start by asking the questions that lead you to
367,What-are-some-things-I-can-learn-in-my-free-time-by-myself,These are the 13 things that one can do and learn in their free time.,What are some things I can learn in my free time by myself?,These are the 13 things that one can do and
368,Can-you-learn-digital-marketing-overnight,"You can learn it overnight, however to practice digital marketing it takes considerable time. The strategy to use Digital is oriented towards volume. Some products like mass market consumer goods lend itself very well to such marketing.
While the other products, needs more than just digital marketing.",Can you learn digital marketing overnight?,"You can learn it overnight, however to practice digital marketing"
369,Out-of-knowledge-skill-and-attitude-which-one-affects-productivity-the-most,"Attitude affects the productivity more than knowing and mastering something. With attitude comes the energy to move beyond the current situation. With attitude the creativity starts.
Attitude is the starting point of curiosity and questions. What if, if suppose question arise and leads what might and how might questions. Then the answers arises leading to research, data collection, hypothesis and finally decision and result.
With attitude humans arose from pre historic apes. The difference between ape and human is attitude. Ape may show same attitude for similar situation. Humans can define their attitude for each situation. All arises from attitude.
Question about attitude comes first or the self esteem can arise. Here too attitude is the starting point. The self esteem builds up as we gain the attitude to try win and then proceed further.
Have a positive attitude day ahead.",Out of knowledge skill and attitude which one affects productivity the most?,Attitude affects the productivity more than knowing and mastering something.
370,At-the-age-of-24-can-I-take-the-risk-of-unemployment-and-start-learning-something-new,"At 24 your needs are mostly met by your parents, so you are not taking any risk. This secret dawns on us very late.
Go ahead do business, make money, roam around and learn new ideas fast. Life happens very slow when you are young because you are very active. Input as much creativity by reading books, learning about algorithms, and set your self a long term goal.
When you do these you will grow along with a brand for yourself. Your work will have your signature. Perfection will be in your own terms. Then you can be really independent.
Independence, brand, ability to lead a active life are the benefits. Go ahead, have a great life.",At the age of 24 can I take the risk of unemployment and start learning something new?,"At 24 your needs are mostly met by your parents,"
371,How-might-consciousness-be-embedded-in-connected-devices,"Consciousness is your intellect, emotions and instincts interpreting what your senses detect and/or what you have stored in memory. When we figure out how to code an AI program to do all that, we will be able to imbed it in connected devices. Good luck with that!
Is human consciousness a connection to God?
No. God does not exist.
A keyboard",How might consciousness be embedded in connected devices?,"Consciousness is your intellect, emotions and instincts interpreting what your"
372,How-do-you-set-your-goals-in-your-personal-life,"Goals have to be some destinations that we want to experience in life. The goals should be resonating with our personality and character. The goals also must bring happiness by the mere act of pursuing it. Thus goals must embody happiness all the way, not just after achieving it.
So I survey the horizon from character, health, technology, career, and family. Then work out some dreams that I would want to live and experience. Then start pursuing them. All the while being greatful and happy for able to live and cherish those around me.
Simple way to get inspired and find goals. The market and capitalism wants you to set goals based on their norms. We who want to be self-aware can stay away and lead a life that is suitable for us. Decide on this well ahead. Major challenge is not in setting the goal. The challenge is staying focused.
Have a great time.",How do you set your goals in your personal life?,Goals have to be some destinations that we want to
373,Is-it-possible-for-a-23-year-old-female-to-start-learning-gymnastics,"Yes, to have a flexible body there is only motivation and interest as the fuel. If you are interested then even at 60 one can learn gymnastics.",Is it possible for a 23 year old female to start learning gymnastics?,"Yes, to have a flexible body there is only motivation"
374,What-will-be-the-ultimate-aim-of-any-corporation,To make profit and hire more people and pay taxes.,What will be the ultimate aim of any corporation?,To make profit and hire more people and pay taxes.
375,How-can-video-game-skills-get-you-ahead-in-life,"Video games teach experientially, the following
1. Increases finger dexterity, like playing music
2. Solving puzzles that the protoganist of the games face
3. Exposed to different cultures, location, architectures and people intimately(you can explore as much as you want to, try Mafia series, Starcraft series, Hitman series, Portal Series)
4. Strategies for winning
5. Thinking about the end and planning(Portal is the best in this)
6. Concentrating under pressure
7. Relaxing (Racing any body)
8...",How can video game skills get you ahead in life?,"Video games teach experientially, the following
1. Increases finger dexterity, like"
376,If-you-could-snap-your-fingers-and-master-one-skill-what-would-it-be,Creativity and ability to tame my mind.,If you could snap your fingers and master one skill what would it be?,Creativity and ability to tame my mind.
377,Whats-the-best-way-to-brainstorm-new-ideas,"Start with the challenge that you have now, belief that your mind has answer for the challenge and the vision that you have imagined for yourself.
One resource that I loved absolutely is Thinkertoys book. The tactics and strategies offered by this book is very practical and usable. I have been practicing the Technique every day.
Some interesting Techniques are Davinci Technique, Dali's Technique. Lotus Blossom, Tug of War, SCAMPER and Think Bubbles. I love Scamper the most, followed with False Faces.
I would suggest you begin by learning the ways to generate ideas and then move to step of actually generating ideas.
Also there are creative courses in The Great Courses website. Take one of these courses and try.
Have a great day.",Whats the best way to brainstorm new ideas?,"Start with the challenge that you have now, belief that"
378,Will-in-person-meetings-really-be-replaced-by-smart-glasses-that-will-enable-a-person-to-teleport-in-the-near-future,"Seems incredible that we might skip the personal meeting when the technology offers us a choice. As human species leaving out the personal touch might make us a different levels of being.
The Solarians in the Issac Asimov Robot series novel have such a technology. They call it viewing (asimov predicted this tech before 60 years). The change that occurs in the humans living with such technology changes them at visceral level. It is a must read for anyone who thinks that personal meeting shall be replaced by digital “on the glass” meetings.
We as humans live to love and love to live. It is a paradox that society is creating so much tech so humans can flourish, and undermine some of the basic necessities inadvertently. But I digress.
No, in person meetings won't be replaced by technology. Not in next generation or next to that. Tech has the capability to replace it. I predict that after 3 generation, that is after the current youth become great grand fathers, their great children might use such meetings easily. Till then, there are other more interesting ways to get connected.
PS: Even though it will happen at the near end of my life, I am imagining how will romance and courtship happens in such scenario? What will conflict look like over the internet? How will our brain change to work with lesser information on the facial expression and body language? Asimov had imagined many such scenarios and answered in his own ways. I am still curious to see it unfold in front of my eyes",Will in person meetings really be replaced by smart glasses that will enable a person to teleport in the near future?,Seems incredible that we might skip the personal meeting when
379,Is-there-a-real-need-to-possess-a-burning-desire-and-become-passionate-about-achieving-our-goals,"In our society, there is lot of activity when it comes to finding something. Whether it is lost key or lost love or in our case a Goal that is not found. Goal to has a purpose and it is simply to “make us live” isn't it. Think for a moment.
We came into this world from our mother's womb crying like crazy, wiggling the heck out of the doctor. For what? To search ? To wait? To Achieve?
To LIVE, to breath, to be thankful for the next moment. To live a full life is not a goal or an objective. It is a journey. The day one realises that, then age, gender, social rules everything goes for the toss. Only the journey stays. Having passion to live is more important. rest will follow your footsteps.
Have a wonderful journey is what I wish to all.",Is there a real need to possess a burning desire and become passionate about achieving our goals?,"In our society, there is lot of activity when it"
380,In-what-ways-might-a-creative-and-curious-person-survive,"They both can survive by the help of CONFIDENCE.
plz remember the last point, it's important.",In what ways might a creative and curious person survive?,"They both can survive by the help of CONFIDENCE.
381,What-is-a-great-book-for-first-time-readers-I-m-17-if-that-influences-your-suggestion,"I would suggest to read Sherlock holmes or Batman comics. The reason is from moral and intelligence point of view.
The characters Batman and Sherlock are high in Intelligence and Morality. The plots which are created for them has to be intriguing both psychologically, philosophically and logically.
It might be overwhelming to take in all this at young age, and if you can muster your concentration on such issues then your development as a great thinker will be easier. I would also suggest introduction to happiness by Dalai Lama. To live is to be happy, and the books you take in your hand like the friends who come into your life should make you happy.
Have a great day.",What is a great book for first time readers I m 17 if that influences your suggestion?,I would suggest to read Sherlock holmes or Batman comics.
382,How-can-you-convert-a-problem-into-a-paradox,"There are two ways, depending on which of the two kinds of paradoxes that you want:
For the first kind: solve the problem in a manner that seems illogical on the surface because of minimal elaboration, but, on closer examination or better explanation, is perfectly logical.
For the second kind: “solve” the problem in a manner that seems logical on the surface, using some sort of fallacy.
",How can you convert a problem into a paradox?,"There are two ways, depending on which of the two"
383,How-will-you-draw-acceptance,"I think you mean to ask, “How would you draw “acceptance”?”.
There are , of course several ways ‘acceptance’ can be depicted, all according to what it is that is being accepted, whether it is a positive or negative thing, willing or unwilling etc. Possibly the basic requirements of- -say accepting a gift, would be the two figures of a recipient and a donor? with the former showing a glow of pleasure?
If it depicts accepting one’s fate -such as a prisoner and death. An expression of resignation and inevitable fate, with the head looking downward, or stoically upraised with a glare of defiance? The nature of both the donor or executioner has to be taken into consideration,.an expression of benevolent satisfaction, or a cold, heartless face of stone or vengeful pleasure for the executioner.
",How will you draw acceptance?,"I think you mean to ask, “How would you draw"
",How can you lose control of your creativity?,"
385,When-you-were-of-the-age-of-30-did-you-feel-lost-or-did-you-found-the-goal-of-your-life,"I found that, “the goal finds you” at age 30, and promptly started doing what I was doing with whole heart. That was reading books and being comfortable with myself. Breaking many of the self imposed rules that were sabotaging my happyness
I believe that i attract thoughts that cherish and nourish me, to make me more attractive, healthy, happy and kind. With such belief, comes the idea that goals get attracted to you. Like your soulmate.
In our society, there is lot of activity when it comes to finding something. Whether it is lost key or lost love or in our case a Goal that is not found. Goal is simply to live isn't it. Really, what difference does it make whether you achieve or not.
We came into this world from our mother's womb crying like crazy, wiggling the heck out of the doctor. For what? To search ? To wait?
To LIVE. To live a full life is not a goal or an objective. It is a journey. The day one realises that, then age, gender, social rules everything goes for the toss. Only the journey stays.
Have a wonderful journey is what I wish to all.",When you were of the age of 30 did you feel lost or did you found the goal of your life?,"I found that, “the goal finds you” at age 30,"
386,How-reading-good-books-conciousness-become-higher-and-higher,"Books themselves have consciousness, whether electronic or paper. This has been proven as a fact by a very strange kind of exercise performed. I would suggest you to read the Book Force Vs Power to understand more about this concept.
Not all books will increase your consciousness. Only a selection of books that come into your life can increase it. The higher the consciousness more will be your power, and less will be your use of force. I am still fascinated with the Force Vs Power book even today.
The good or bad books, they are creation of consciousness. The more books that expands your consciousness, more free your mind becomes to hold different ideas. The higher your consciousness, the higher your self-awareness. The way surrounding impact your mind radically changes as your consciousness raises. So if the 1st ten pages of the book doesn’t raise your feeling in someways, then stop reading the book.
Books are like my best friends who only give and expect nothing in return. Such friends are themselves high in consciousness. However some books asks something in return, like the author tries to influence us to share the content, or the characters are extolling virtues or vices, the underlying moral is against the human nature, and books try to change your beliefs. These books might be felt at your gut level. Stay away from these books.
The world is filled with vibrations of various frequencies. The books that come in your life depends on the frequency you are vibrating in. You vibrate based on the thoughts you hold in your mind. Realign them towards higher consciousness, and the way will open up.
There you have the answer. I hope you get wonderful books in your life and they stay as your friend for ever. Have a great life.",How reading good books conciousness become higher and higher?,"Books themselves have consciousness, whether electronic or paper. This has"
387,Can-you-train-your-brain-to-think-things-will-work-out-instead-of-thinking-that-things-wont-work-out,"Yep, it can be trained. That is how people who get what they want with out much effort. I mean they put effort, which to us might seem less and still they get their target.
The mindset can be achieved by 1st setting yourself a strong vision. Since our mind loves to center on one thing, this vision has to be something that you can improve to achieve and it must depend on you and only you. That means the vision is about how would like to feel, love and live irrespective of what the situation might be.
In order to achieve this vision you can have many goals and do necessary exercise to keep yourself on track. However your vision still has to subjective. It might make sense only for you. (Vision of a company is different, so don't confuse that with personal vision)
This is the starting point for homing your thoughts to your vision when you feel anxious. Your mind will home to your vision and center itself. Then start feeding positive thought and ideas. Read good books, articles, biography, anthologies for getting ideas. The point is to keep your mind fully concentrated on positivity, and can do attitude.",Can you train your brain to think things will work out instead of thinking that things wont work out?,"Yep, it can be trained. That is how people who"
388,Imagine-reading-a-200-page-book-in-5-hours-Now-imagine-reading-the-same-book-in-20-hours-What-will-make-you-more-intelligent-reading-13-books-very-attentively-every-year-or-reading-52-books-in-a-normal-relaxed,"What will make you intelligent is practicing what you read. So how many books you read is immaterial. What matters is coming back to book and practicing the ideas that author has shared with you.
The books lets you create connection with the author and use him as a distant mentor. In 5 hours, even though one can complete the book, the points in the paragraph can be missed.
Most books are not like reciepe books, where if you miss one instruction the rest of the actions will not work. The books we read can have instructions skipped and still it will work for us. Only the outcome will be lesser than expected.
Read slowly, read repeatedly and read to nourish your mind.",Imagine reading a 200 page book in 5 hours Now imagine reading the same book in 20 hours What will make you more intelligent reading 13 books very attentively every year or reading 52 books in a normal relaxed?,What will make you intelligent is practicing what you read.
389,How-can-you-get-started-with-creative-ambitions-while-having-a-family-and-working-full-time,"Having family and working full time is the best place to start being creative and achieve your ambitions.
As a creative thinker, you start with above mindset first. Then take a challenge and come up with ideas. Just ideas like a child, and list them. Try playing with them. I suggest you to read ThinkerToys book to have good hold on your creative thinking process.
The comes asking the correct questions. When you believe that you have the idea, and then ask question accordingly, the results are amazing. How to ask such questions? Here is a hint for the same.
Being creative at home is the starting point of being creative in life and at work. I was blessed to read Leonardo Da Vinci’s biography. A fabulous account of what one can do sitting at home.
Keeping your brain calm, and having the attitude to find ideas and discuss creative solution can lead to much better life. It also moves you to a different level of consicousness. You are more generous, greatful, smile more and bring smile on others face. Humour occurs naturally. Health increases dramatically. Your purse becomes heavier and bank account swells. Lot of benefits for just being creative…
Have a wonderful life and all the best for achieving your creative ambitions.",How can you get started with creative ambitions while having a family and working full time?,Having family and working full time is the best place
390,What-are-your-10-primary-goals-to-accomplish-as-you-plan-for-life-in-the-next-10-years,"If you believe it is already there, then you will search for what you want in the most likely places. That is how I have decided on these goals for my next ten years.
The goals that I have set is done by looking forward into the future, and estimating changes in society, city, county and the world. We are connected and continous. Everything is affected and affects us every moment. Technology makes us do more with lesser energy. It helps us to become aware of our surroundings, spend less energy analysing and more time creating. Our time gets spent efficiently as this decade moves forward, with help of the AI, Quantum computers, electric vehicles, Holo projectors, Self-Aware machines, IOT enabled homes, cities, countries, factories.
2021: Consultative Sales leader
Establish myself as a consultative sales leader who specialises in helping customers to find the right thermal and air flow challenges they face in their projects and systems. In this process meet the sales revenue target.
Learn to lead a team of 3, and learn the mechanics of creating and keeping highly motivated team members. Sales is a process, and each step involves doing things that gets closer to sales.
Master the skills of creative thinking, generating ideas for challenges, reducing suffering and frustration in the organisation, making the work place a place where I am excited to go everyday. Generate energy to meet the challenges life throws at me with such vigor, and enthusiasm. Master the art of humor, and bring around me a circle of friends and aquaintances who make my life interesting, creative and clever.
2022: Soulmate Connection and the House
Get my soulmate, who can connect with me and make me love myself for being with her. Surround me with beautiful people who cherish and nourish me in the same way I will to them. The idea of having soul mate came to me after reading two books, Force Vs Power. Instead of applying the force influence, let the power of my presence with confidence attract my soulmate.
This year I lay down the plans for acquiring my own house, in the design I and my soulmate want to live in. A place that is filled with positive vibration, spread with creative shapes and color. A temple of love, bonding and affection.
My brother purchases the house of his liking, and established my parents in that house. He plans for villa that is spacious for 2 families to stay, and create a joint family where he oversees the future generations in front of him
2023: EnVis Registered
I had been culminating my knowledge of consultative selling along with knowledge on IOT during the past two years. The world today is far more connected with 5G devices, and edge routers of much higher capacities sitting next to your garage. Instead of big towers, the devices that transmit your phone and data are the size of a suitcase. Telecom network becomes a household product.
I had transitioned myself as an expert in IOT and its application. I register new company EnVis with a team of 3. Trained myself to provide the skills of selling data and knowledge of IOT to the eager customers. As I am writing this goal sheet, I am learning more about IOT in 2021. I would be seeing marked improvement in my vision as 2022 comes near.
2024: Owing Tesla and Holo projectors
Tesla has become ubiquitos in India. There are many variants that cater to entry level customers and premium customers. Steady penetration of the reliable, and user friendly four wheeler becomes a rage. I am one of the fore runners in India purchasing the Tesla for my soul mate. I prefer to use oil based engine as I am a pure bred mechanical engineer. My soulmate needs more sleek and stylish.
Apple had come up with iHolo phones that beams the speaker complete image holographically, exactly the way we have seen in science fiction and fantasy films. The holo projector market is starting to pick up steadily, with it the market for lens, leds, projection mediums start increasing.
Meetings are held with cheap holo projectors that are controlled automatically on a hovering drone. Any issue or challenge at any corner of the globe can be instantly looked from 3D angles and solutions can be captured.
2025 : Envis Becomes 200 Cr company
EnVis, my tech company recieves awards for the best consultation, team building and innovation in the National level. With a team of 100 people who are dedicatedly working towards making the world IOT ready, and bring more algorithms to the forefront is phenomenal. EnVis has a turnover of 200 Cr INR, and profit of 60Cr INR.
I had begun EnVis 2 years ago, after the prominent need for established IOT professionals were becoming a norm. Everywhere from home to factory, the IOTs were proliferating. The governments were providing the impetus to implement the frameworks, owing to the better manageability, predictability and conformity that could be achieved.
2026: Smart cities, Infra and EnVis turns 3
Major electrical charging network line the countries through the cities. The infra has become ubiquitous. The smart cities have proliferated.Self Driving Teslas are zipping past the regular drivers and two wheelers all around the world. The villages are becoming smaller cities and the smart cities become the hub for entertainment, meetings and business dealings.
EnVis turns 3 and team has grown to 350 people along with 600 people equivalent self-aware machines. EnVis become full service IOT infrastructure supplier and enabler. The variable costs of the salaries are now made into Fixed cost more fluidly, thanks to IOT to friendly banking systems. Since the bank can monitor all their IOT assets remotely, and provide the necessary resources, more banks starts investing on the IOT service providers and consultants.
2027 : HAL2027 introduced by EnVis
Stock market is solved by the IOT, Predictive analytics and the Big Data. There is no need for speculation since the resources of those who have more money place it in the account with self-aware investing machine. This machine gets its electricity, the life blood through the investment commission it earns. The machine has no batteries, so it cannot hoard the power it earns. It can only stay alive by investing effectively. EnVis had come up with the first prototype this year, and named it as HAL2027.
2028: Body powered Projectors and Human Body is solved
The smartphones starts to fade away into the oblivion. The wearable holo devicies proliferate. The miniaturised electronic projectors are connected seemlessly to any power device and starts projecting. The body and its parts are solved this year. The medicines that your body needs is predicted well ahead, and the diet plan is beamed to you in the morning. The more you stick to the plan, and stay disciplined the lower your term insurance plan premium becomes. If you stray away, then shell out more.
2029 : Selling EnVis and Device that calms our Brain
I sold EnVis for 20 billion USD after the customers base reached 1.5 billion users. The product had become ubiquitous and most useful to the everyday Yet, the percentage was still less than 12% of the world's population. As EnVis is being sold, Envis team is working on a device that can calm your nerves down, instantly and reduces the frustration and anxiety one faces from the daily runs of life.
The device works on concept of boosting the train of thoughts that calms you down, while attenuating the trains of thought that create stress, anxiety and negativity. It was 2020, when I decided that calm brain is the necessity for a productive life. All the actions from there on was to make my brain calm and relaxad. Device is just a band around you head. Only allow the thoughts that are positive, nourishing and cherishing to enter.
2030 : Life Automated and Spending time on the passions
I look at the world in the month of Mar 2030. Tesla had sucessfully launched many of its Starlink rockets successfully. The world around has started an industry supporting the space colonies. The research that needs vacuum to be conducted starts moving out to space. Many devices that needs precision during assembly are done so in space and brought back.
Homes 100% autonomous, Transport has become 90% autonomous, factories 85% autonomous, colleges, schools and hospitals 75% autonomous, Countries and cities 60% autonomous. When I say autonomous, the administrative activities are automated, the system creation and overall control lies with those passionate in spending time with the machines, algorithems and challenges. Quantum computers are housed at every smart city to manage the challenges. Quantum programmers and algorithm enter the curriculum of the schools in USA, Europe, China and India.
Human are seeing unprecedented free time for following their passion.
Marriages are becoming more soul oriented than contract oriented. With humans becoming self-aware at younger age, calm brain leads them towards better connections and more intimate relationships. Relationships turn toward nourishing and enriching than just surviving the chores of the day.
31…. and beyond
Brand new decade begins. Singularity is just around the corner, the emergent network of conscious machines will become a reality before 2045. The strange acceleration begins….",What are your 10 primary goals to accomplish as you plan for life in the next 10 years?,"If you believe it is already there, then you will"
391,What-is-the-first-thing-a-leader-will-teach-his-teammates,"I recently shifted to a new BU in my company and met with an amazing lead. Here is the first thing he thought me.
Think about climbing the ladder again and again, will you like it? What you get, when you climb the ladder again and again? FRUSTRATION, yep.
First thing my lead thought me is a formula to reduce frustration of team members. This is very simple, if you work on the target until you reach to the bottom of what is really wanted. Till then, don’t start climbing.
Hope this helps.",What is the first thing a leader will teach his teammates?,I recently shifted to a new BU in my company
392,What-is-an-entrepreneurs-primary-motivation-for-starting-a-business,"Making huge sums of money. Period
Rest all things you hear is for leading the followers or the employees along for the ride.
If you ask any entrepreneur and if he says something else then he is going to go broke in near future. Oh BTW another powerful reason is the innate attraction to gamble with their lives.",What is an entrepreneurs primary motivation for starting a business?,"Making huge sums of money. Period
Rest all things you hear"
393,What-is-one-piece-of-simple-advice-that-actually-changed-your-life,"Know what you want in life and then make it more specific. This helps in professional and personal life in making others move to your tune.
After all if your tune is perfected then people will move to it.",What is one piece of simple advice that actually changed your life?,Know what you want in life and then make it
394,Im-aromantic-and-suspect-multiple-friends-have-a-crush-on-me-Would-it-hurt-them-to-ask-if-they-liked-me-in-that-way,"You can ask them, and listen how their body language is. Because body cant lie.",Im aromantic and suspect multiple friends have a crush on me Would it hurt them to ask if they liked me in that way?,"You can ask them, and listen how their body language"
395,Which-are-the-professional-skills-I-should-learn,"Ability to listen actively and ask questions that clarifies and attacks the specific challenge is one professional skill that will take you a long way
Being creative for sake of being creative is next skill that will move you above the rest. This ability comes with practicing and enumerating.
There are many more, but these two I feel are very important",Which are the professional skills I should learn?,Ability to listen actively and ask questions that clarifies and
396,How-can-I-show-my-ex-that-I-love-and-care-about-him-and-make-him-fall-in-love-with-me-again-even-though-he-has-no-feelings-for-me,"Be like the water that animal comes back for nourishing themself. That way your boy will come back to you, without you doing anything. It is in your nature first. Question is how to make your nature more lovable.
If the same water thinks about inviting the animals to it, think how it will look for the animals. Frightful, right? That is what happens when you try things to bring him in your life and love you.
This world works not by our actions, but with our feelings and thoughts. So if you really want to show love to him, then feel the love for him in your heart. You really don’t need to do anything for him. The same rule applies if you are male.
I heard one of my female friend say that, her boy friend simply loves her. He has been same for her irrespective of the situation they both have been. It seems very idyllic, and it is true. Just give him the space he needs and let him be.
Simply, Be yourself. Even the most toughest heart will melt for you.",How can I show my ex that I love and care about him and make him fall in love with me again even though he has no feelings for me?,Be like the water that animal comes back for nourishing
397,What-would-be-the-most-effective-way-for-an-expert-in-applied-arts-to-develop-creative-problem-solving-skills,"Creative problem solving is career agnostic. Any one can solve any problem that is prevalent on this planet. The mindset and attitude is the secret formula.
Take a simple example. In what ways might you use a empty tooth paste tube? Think about 25 ways of using the tube. See what your brain brings up. It is difficult for the 10 ideas. After that, your brain will give more ideas.
Then take something mundane… how about toothbrush. How might you use it differently? These are tools and use for all your life. If you can come with different ideas with these simple things, you will become confident with more challenging work related creativity.
Why I am insisting on daily creativity is, the better you can solve your smaller problem more confident you will become. Following that solve them more efficiently. You will start seeing your expertise in applied arts coming into play. Slow it may be, and trust the process.
Who knows you might even open a college to use your applied arts knowledge. Keep your mind open for inspiration. Have a great day. All the very best for your career.",What would be the most effective way for an expert in applied arts to develop creative problem solving skills?,Creative problem solving is career agnostic. Any one can solve
398,Why-do-I-still-love-my-wife-after-she-cheated-on-me,"Because love is above cheating and kindness is equal for those who do activities that hurt or make others happy.
Because you love yourself more when you are around your wife, for what she has done for you.
Because love is coming from the heart attached to your animal brain, while cheating happens from genitals connected to the animal brain. I am sure you have a very strong heart for still loving someone close to you even though they cheated on you.
Instead of asking “Why I still love, ask Why I must love?”. Answer is, to have a heart and body that is as strong and kind as that of a mother. Take a long term view and these small incidences vanish. Make her realise what she is doing and try bringing her up in life. After all she might be missing something in you, so ask her to find a different apart from sleeping with other guys. Also tell her about her body, that is like a personal space. Not everyone can enter.
Above all if she continues this and you find that you are not loving yourself when you are with her then leave. You May not ask for divorce. Just separate and give her the freedom she is craving. Believe in your love, and she will come for you.
If not, you have your sanity and good health. Use it for better things in life. You have only to gain. See the positive perspective of life. Have a great day.
Oh by the way, forgive her from your heart. This is important to make yourself love her more and lead a life free from suffering. Attract happiness and thoughts that cherish and nourish you. Forgive her and forgive yourself too. After all you could have loved her more,😀😀
Again have a great day. There is so much to life than just family or relationship. I am practicing the above, with my own family member who cheated financially. With friends who is unable to let go of animal nature and climb up. I can say it is a challenge.",Why do I still love my wife after she cheated on me?,Because love is above cheating and kindness is equal for
399,What-do-I-do-when-all-the-things-I-love-to-do-are-only-considered-as-hobbies-and-none-of-them-fit-the-perfect-career-bill,"It is a fascinating challenge that everyone faces. I see the root cause for this situation is most of us don’t spend our time in school and college to hone the hobbies that we like. Hone to such extent, that we can make a living out of that hobby.
There have been eminent business leaders, inventors, executives, housewives, Husband and leaders who have made their living around their hobbies.
Stories are the way humans communicate. One hobby we all have is telling stories. The skills we develop is revolving around this very important behaviour. So think what story you want to tell. Then see how your hobbies can help you to build the narrative.
The more you can be specific with your hobbies the better you will be able to make the hobbies your career. Believe that your hobbies are creative tool.
Have a great time ….",What do I do when all the things I love to do are only considered as hobbies and none of them fit the perfect career bill?,It is a fascinating challenge that everyone faces. I see
400,Will-we-get-a-person-whom-we-like-in-our-lives,"Yep, have the strongest belief and you will attract them. Just be confident and keep doing what you like the most.
I can sight so many eminent personalities who met the best people they liked in their lives. But day to miracles are very common to the common man and women. So be patient and keep filling your mind with the throughts of kind of person you like.
They are just around the corner.",Will we get a person whom we like in our lives?,"Yep, have the strongest belief and you will attract them."
401,I-have-been-a-teacher-for-the-past-5-years-I-am-bored-to-every-extent-What-else-can-I-do-or-how-can-I-switch-to-another-profession-or-job,"In a town in India, there is a traffic constable who controls the traffic while he dances. There is Tea master in a tea shop, who fills the tea cups at very high speed. There is a sushi master in Japan, who has former president of USA in his patrons list.
What they and you have in common?? A very common job. It is how they do the very common job in uncommon ways. They were creative, so are you. Takes a bit of priming to bring creativity out. Creativity is a day to day activity, for a better life, and happier soul.
I too was determined to change my job, and try a new profession. I was detered by the reduced salary and high risk that new profession creates. Then I did the following small exercise.
I analysed the purpose of switching my profession
Why I want to find a different profession?
Why I want to make my life Interesting?
Why I want to feel exhilerated in the morning?
Why I want to lead to better life?… Ah haa
…. That is how I realized the question is different. Instead of searching for a different profession, I asked,
“In what ways might I make my job interesting and lead a better life?”
After a creative brain writing activity on a sheet of paper, I came up with a quirky idea. I had seen many characters in movies, who can do stuff with single hand. So I wanted to type with only right hand, while I use my left hand to sip coffee, or drink water… This is just one of many many ideas.
I did the Why, where, who, what, when and How question on “Typing with one hand” Idea. Then found that, there is a existing keyboard template in windows itself to type using single hand.
I have stayed with the current organisation for more than 7 years, and still counting… Not long enough!!! I wanted to quit the 2nd year…
Here is how it works:
Always, Start with the Question!!! Let your creativity guide you.
Try asking:
In What ways might I revitalise my teaching profession?
How Might I teach in uncommon ways?
What might all be the ways to Teach?
Go for Quantity, connect, seek novelty & defer judgment:
List down atleast 25 ideas. Try listing the ideas irrespective of whether they may work, you like them, breaking existing rules.
Narrow down:
After listing 25 or more ideas, then sit with each idea for a moment, and see if they are interesting, something you want to work on, even a bit of possibility is there to make it come true… Only 5 or 6 ideas will remain.
Squeeze the Idea:
Take those ideas, and ask the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How question on those ideas. In this way, you can make any thing that you do into phenomenal activity.
Continue in this path, and I am sure in next 5 years, you will be a very different teacher, with a phenomenal growth and experience.",I have been a teacher for the past 5 years I am bored to every extent What else can I do or how can I switch to another profession or job?,"In a town in India, there is a traffic constable"
402,I-recently-broke-up-with-my-girlfriend-because-she-said-she-was-never-serious-about-me-and-she-said-I-have-no-future-despite-me-working-hard-enough-How-do-I-get-over-her,"Being a hard worker it is easy for you to get past these small setbacks. The life is very simple if you decide to love yourself and celebrate everything you do. With that in mind, ask yourself this.
In what ways you might lead a good life?
In what ways you want to make your future?
In what ways the future 10 years might be different?
List atleast 15 answers or ideas for the above question. Then narrow down on the ideas that you want to bring to reality.
The above process is how you can find your new vision for next 10 to 15 years. A destination for your journey whether anyone joins or not. Believe in your creative energy and bring about the best imagination and vision.
Try this couple of times everyday morning. Then slowly get accustomed to new life and vision. Have a wonderful life.",I recently broke up with my girlfriend because she said she was never serious about me and she said I have no future despite me working hard enough How do I get over her?,Being a hard worker it is easy for you to
403,What-indoor-hobbies-that-I-can-start-doing-Im-really-bored-on-using-my-computer-If-I-dont-have-anything-else-to-do-I-often-go-and-watch-YouTube-I-dont-want-to-keep-doing-this-forever-Im-an-8th-grader-so-I-cant-buy,"It is a phenomenal time to be an 8th grader with computer and internet. You can do so much with computer itself. Most of it you need assistance of your friends and family. Also be open minded and creative. Defer judging anything before you try.
9. Try building stuff in 3D sotfwares like Sketchup and providing lighting to them. Understand the physics behind the lighting in real life. Most of the things you learn in school will be useful once you want to make something new by yourself as you grow up. Understand how the exact world works, so creativity can easily flow.
I have listed 10 ideas what an 8th grader can do sitting inside his house. These are just some Ideas that I came with, there are many more if you think and try.
Go ahead use your playful creativity and change your life. Have a fun day….",What indoor hobbies that I can start doing Im really bored on using my computer If I dont have anything else to do I often go and watch YouTube I dont want to keep doing this forever Im an 8th grader so I cant buy?,It is a phenomenal time to be an 8th grader
404,Does-programming-make-you-a-better-person,"World around was just there with all its problems and its own solution to those problems. Humans came along with their brain and consciousness, a lot started to change.
Problems around us are either algorithmic problems or heuristic problems. Being a programmer, one can solve the problems that are algorithmic. This itself makes him creative and nimble, looking at world with eye of solving. Yes, as a person programmers are better because they solve the “algorithmic reality”.
To become best the p...",Does programming make you a better person?,World around was just there with all its problems and
405,What-are-some-smart-ways-to-beat-a-quick-witted-and-sarcastic-person-in-an-argument,"By not having one. Witty and Sarcastic people loose steam when you accept and bow out of their opinion. Yep, who told losing cannot be a winning strategy…
Arguments are meant for persuasion not for winning someone. So why waste it on someone who is already having a lot of it.",What are some smart ways to beat a quick witted and sarcastic person in an argument?,By not having one. Witty and Sarcastic people loose steam
406,How-do-I-find-work-life-balance,"Work is life and Life is Work.
Ha ha. Before 10 years I would laugh at myself for saying this. After experiencing travels, visiting places, meeting friends, loosing loved ones, being with family members, earning money that can bring luxury, loosing money, getting betrayed by family… after all this one thing that stayed with me and that is the WORK
So expect to balance work that gives you life with life itself. I am not claiming to work all day. I am asking to think work as fuel of your life. Work as a force that makes you believe in you. Work that brings self confidence and increases your creative energy and self esteem. Work as a means to generate self love.
Biggest example is the media. You see the actors who perform so well that you forget they are actors. They create worlds that are so unreal in our reality because they work deligently. The message that you and me, as children of reality have to look at the work they have done.
There are many ways to convince, myriad of points to show, and there is aspect of organization exploiting the workers making them work long hours. Think what is the alternative… Then come with the possiblity that it will have lesser work. I doubt, unless you ask robots to take over… not a good sign eh??
Again, work and life are inseparable. Have a great work day. Cherish your life and love it. Good day",How do I find work life balance?,"Work is life and Life is Work.
Ha ha. Before 10"
407,How-do-you-visualize-a-good-place-or-your-future-help-you-to-remain-stress-free,"Start with a longer term vision. The vision should include the world outside your circle too. When you do this by yourself, there are many things you have done.
You have learnt about the current status the world is in. World in all the areas of development. You have moved into the future by imaginations and creativity. Give your mind a free reign to go in wild rides. Be free from self criticism.
Then share your vision out with friends n family. See the reaction and start getting inputs. The more you think about the future the present will look as opportunity and place to create that future. If there are small setbacks in present, you look at the longer vision and give attention to it.
This is a major way to be free from anxiety and fill your mind with thoughts of action, positivity and creativity. Good day",How do you visualize a good place or your future help you to remain stress free?,Start with a longer term vision. The vision should include
408,What-is-that-one-skill-that-you-can-feel-proud-of-in-2021,"Improving the ability to be self-aware is the one skill that I can feel very much related with. Also being happy without any cause is one major insight that I gained not in 2020.
This created a very profound change. I keep looking for small things to be grateful about. Instead of something very big. The work that I do became more perfect and mistakes reduced. I seek to work more and even feel grateful that I have work that pays me handsome salary(many might say it is way to less) and look at the work as learning
Leading and setting vision has become 2nd nature. This is important for looking forward in time. Good day",What is that one skill that you can feel proud of in 2021?,Improving the ability to be self-aware is the one skill
409,Will-kids-in-the-future-have-no-goals-or-ambitions-because-technology-has-than-all-the-jobs,"Kids today and in future have goals that will create more new technology. The goals are the ways to achieve your vision in life, this truth has to be ingrained into the kids mind.
Tech will enable them to set vision that will create and spread more sophisticated tech. Today smart cars, apps, android phones all have been created by kids.
Tomorrow the automatic drones, self driving cars, streamlined administration, effective coordination, faster delivery and better health all will be created by kids growing today.
We must have faith in them and elevate them with strong positive emotions. We adults have responsiblity to envision an environment where the kids grow more creative and adaptive. It is a challenge for us more than for the kids. Creating society that accepts change and moves forward is how we can cherish and nourish our kids…
Good day.",Will kids in the future have no goals or ambitions because technology has than all the jobs?,Kids today and in future have goals that will create
410,What-are-the-things-one-must-be-aware-of-in-todays-time-for-overall-growth,"Being self aware of how your body and mind reacts to external circumstance is foremost need of the hour. Practicing meditation for the purpose of being self aware and reducing chatter in mind is important. Being present in the moment gives power to you more than any thing that you can have.
In fact I was dreaming other day about the device that can fitted around your head, and as you start meditate separate the alpha waves and reinforce them and rest of the waves it will subside. It is a device that can calm you down rapidly, and then you can fill positive thoughts.
Until then we have to meditate and then fill our mind with positive thoughts. Good day.",What are the things one must be aware of in todays time for overall growth?,Being self aware of how your body and mind reacts
411,Is-it-wise-to-leave-a-good-company-and-work-for-a-startup-My-long-term-goal-is-to-start-out-on-my-own-and-I-want-to-gain-learning-experience-on-how-businesses-work-and-what-goes-into-running-one,"Good to see your enthusiasm to start a new business for yourself. Then to move to a start up will give you necessary ideas and even creativity on owning and running a business.
One advantage of going to a good startup that resonates with your vision will give you opportunity to be really present and contribute. This means set your life's vision first. Then search for the startup.
Same time disadvantage is the owner of the startup may not give you the responsiblity till you prove yourself. Don't expect to get respect immediately.
The culture in a startup is very vibrant and lot of the business is about hustling every day for the new sales or a new approval. You can become exposed to all the nuances and steps involved.
Keep in mind, your reason for going to startup and give your full effort every moment you work there. You go there to either lead or to be lead. Be ready for change every day since the small companies have only that to their advantage.
Good day and all the very best.",Is it wise to leave a good company and work for a startup My long term goal is to start out on my own and I want to gain learning experience on how businesses work and what goes into running one?,Good to see your enthusiasm to start a new business
412,What-are-the-key-technologies-for-future-construction-robots,"Technology of construction, architecture itself is undergoing change. There will be two varieties of homes, one that are near to were there is work and another that is more luxurious and artistic. Robots or just 3D printers will build out the residence near the work. Simple, pragmatic and reliable.
Next is the drones that can be of major help in build high raises that the 3d printers build at the surface. The material can be as simple as concrete or complex as carbon fibre.
All robots are connected with the cloud network and enabled with sensors that can show any signs of weakness or trouble. This activities of the robot and the drones are monitored by the AI and pattern is recognised. These pattern create newer program and AI learns the best design that will be useful, elegant, good on the psyche , and practical is identified.
The new designs are created with help of robots and Drones at faster rate. Infact so fast that, in matter 5 years the practical residence and luxury residential ara will look similar. After all, AI was learning from the luxury residential area by reading the design made by humans.
How long into future such things are possible? In another 8 to 10 years,the beginning of such changes will be seen in developing nations. Then it will move exponentially. In next 5 years major changes will occur. Strap on your life belts and get ready for industry 4.0. Good day",What are the key technologies for future construction robots?,"Technology of construction, architecture itself is undergoing change. There will"
413,What-things-can-I-as-a-high-school-student-do-in-my-free-time-if-my-dream-is-to-be-a-Dr-and-own-a-successful-medical-spa-Learn-buisness-Own-a-blog-How-to-stand-out-and-succeed-at-a-young-age,"First and foremost at school be very inquisitive and learn as much as you can about medicine and related subject. Will you believe Leonardo Da Vinci was the pioneer in human anatomy and unlettered. He learnt everything through experience and experiment.
Your intention is medical spa, then learn along with your course about medical spa. Visit as many spa and talk with the owners if possible and with the customers. Talk and ask questions. You also have to become a customer to learn what the customers want. You can learn about making money on your way. In fact people will want to give you money. So be free and concentrate.
Do everything to fill your mind with the goal that you want to achieve. Remove rest of the things from your life. Especially distractions like unwanted relationship, unwelcome friends, travel that is unnecessary and finally procrastinating.
You have your life dedicated for this, so if you are free from distraction then you will achieve everything that you mentioned above with least effort.",What things can I as a high school student do in my free time if my dream is to be a Dr and own a successful medical spa Learn buisness Own a blog How to stand out and succeed at a young age?,First and foremost at school be very inquisitive and learn
414,How-do-I-find-what-I-want-to-become-if-I-like-many-things-So-basically-I-m-jack-of-all-trades-but-master-of-none-and-can-t-choose-one-path-what-should-I-do,"There are many things you become and change again. So the mindset is to have a perspective of time in your life time. More you expand your perspective better you will see your becoming.
in your living space,
from your 80 year old self,
from your family and colleagues,
from your experience and
finally from your own expectations.
Then add your energy in the present with your curiosity and intention to know. Yeah, I know it is a lot and needs concentrattion. Take your time and go into medit...",How do I find what I want to become if I like many things So basically I m jack of all trades but master of none and can t choose one path what should I do?,There are many things you become and change again. So
415,Where-there-can-be-no-competition,"In a contented Zen mind. There can be no competition there.
Rest of the life there is and will be competition. With yourself or with others. Sometime competition gives you the vigour of life and other times it takes life and sends it to cemetery.
My question is why you asked this question? Do you find all this competition waste? These games played are rather bland?",Where there can be no competition?,In a contented Zen mind. There can be no competition
416,What-should-I-do-if-I-get-motivated-to-start-something-new-instantly-but-cannot-be-able-to-continue-that,"This is where the challenge is.When you want something new then it is a dream which you are trying to make it real. To continue to make the dream a reality below is a bit of guidance.
First start with learning and researching about the dream to the maximum. Every waking moment think about the dream and see what is happening in real world. This is a challenge for many working professional in the field, so you need to put effort to know by socialising and joining courses or going to places where your dream can come true.
That involves more searching. Be relentless. Be Unstoppable
. Then learn the skills that you think will make your dream come true. Dream how you will use your skills in fulfilling your dream. Steadily learn them by reading and experience in parallel. This opens up more dream space and motivates you.
Get the book on mastery by robert greene and see how the masters really dreamt and brought their dreams true. The more you immerse in the way of making the dream true. Read about Leonardo, Elon Musk, jeff Bezos, larry and sergey brin. Take a peek into the lives of current leaders, presidents, chief executives and the change makers.
This has to be done for learning how they came to current situation. What was their way of seeing the world?Hope you realized that demotivation happens due to lack of specifics in the dream. To get more specific, you need more data, skills and creativity.
Work on that and have a great day. Life has already blessed you with a mind that asks for help and direction when you are so young. Make use of it to the fullest.",What should I do if I get motivated to start something new instantly but cannot be able to continue that?,This is where the challenge is.When you want something new
417,How-much-are-we-willing-to-learn-in-2021,"I am willing to learn a lot in this year, in fact I have started doing that already. Learning to see into the next 10 years is a very challenging and needs new ideas. I am learning to set my vision. Setting my vision on leading a team soon and having a business of my own means, the leading is a skill that I am learning.
Drones are becoming ubiquitous all around us. Learning about them and piloting them is another activate that I am learning. When drone can bring your parcel from a warehouse, cant it get your microwaved food or the coffee inside your house. The idea of mixing Alexa, drone and hand of boston dynamics atlas, you have a helper at your house.
Learning to attract the thoughts that nourish and cherish you are surrounded regularly with only people of those who cherish and nourish you. Also the goals that I want to achieve has to be converted into thoughts and activities in order to make them real.
Owning a house and a electric Tesla might seem a flamboyant wish rather than something that needs to be learnt. Even to own something, there is a lot of social activities and people skills I have to learn to bring that goal true. I have to learn ways of owning the house and tesla in ways that it can make financially stable and confident.
Future holds a lot in its bag, there is whole new way smartphone will change in coming years, and so will banking and economy. I want to learn how to see into the future and remember it. Then bring that future to reality with the ability of running a business, leading a team and learning about technology that is starting to change.
Have a great years ahead…",How much are we willing to learn in 2021?,"I am willing to learn a lot in this year,"
418,I-am-16-years-old-I-have-big-dreams-but-every-2-or-3-days-I-lose-motivation-and-start-procrastination-then-again-I-get-driven-and-work-hard-for-2-or3-days-then-again-I-just-dont-know-what-to-do,"Dreams are vision of your self doing or achieving something. As a 16yr old, most of what you dream is influenced by the view of the world you have around and learnt from the movies, novels and your teachers. There are no specific details of the dream or the details are wrong. This is where the challenge is.
When you have a dream and trying to make it real, first start with learning and researching about the dream to the maximum. Every waking moment think about the dream and see what is happening in real world. This is a challenge for many working professional in the field, so you need to put effort to know by socialising and joining courses or going to places where your dream can come true. That involves more searching. Be relentless. Be unstoppable.
In parallel learn the skills that you think will make your dream come true. Dream how you will use your skills in fulfilling your dream. Steadily learn them by reading and experience in parallel. This opens up more dream space and motivates you.
Get the book on mastery by robert greene and see how the masters really dreamt and brought their dreams true. The more you immerse in the way of making the dream true. Read about Leonardo, Elon Musk, jeff Bezos, larry and sergey brin. Take a peek into the lives of current leaders, presidents, chief executives and the change makers. This has to be done for learning how they came to current situation. What was their way of seeing the world?
Hope you realized that demotivation happens due to lack of specifics in the dream. To get more specific, you need more data, skills and creativity. Work on that and have a great day. Life has already blessed you with a mind that asks for help and direction when you are so young. Make use of it to the fullest.",I am 16 years old I have big dreams but every 2 or 3 days I lose motivation and start procrastination then again I get driven and work hard for 2 or3 days then again I just dont know what to do?,Dreams are vision of your self doing or achieving something.
419,Do-you-think-that-reading-is-like-talking-to-several-or-different-minds,"Not just minds but whole new culture, when you read books you are move across the time and space. One can get the capability to hold all the being in their hand by reading books.
It is a unique feeling when you start reading a book, it is as if you are entering a place which is private and celebrated by many. The place is decorated with words and metaphors. The stories it holds are equally valuable to the things it carries. The viewpoint of the place is given from many direction. Your brain gets fully engrossed in running the words like a program to construct the world from the book.
This is what books give you, the power to create , imagine and dream. It is a shared dream, a transformation. Have a great day.",Do you think that reading is like talking to several or different minds?,"Not just minds but whole new culture, when you read"
420,Is-it-possible-for-one-to-be-a-jack-of-all-trades-and-a-master-of-all-as-well,"When you say Trade, then you are inclined towards making money or getting attention (say youtube/ FB/ Insta). This is where becoming master of many trades becomes an issue. We don’t master something to become a millionaires.
You are already blessed master of many trades, think about it. It is a mindset.
What is the definition of a Master? A person who has achieved the ability to do a task without thinking about it. Which is to do it subconsciously, without expending conscious effort from your brain. Metaphorically, to do the task with his eyes closed.
Do you Jog or Swim? Then you are a master of breathing and moving your body in the way you want. Do you feel elated or happy, when you can jog / swim without expending any effort to breath? Then you are one level above the master.
In Ancient India, it is espoused that every learned man or woman has to be a master of 64 skills. You heard me right, 64. There were prince and princesses who were in fact skilled in all 64. No, there was no need of youtube channel or facebook to show their skill. They did not learn to make money or earn a living. They learnt for sake getting mastery over their mind, body and the surrounding.
So What changed? Here is what happened.
Mastering is a internal process, which has been recently moved outside of human body as the technology started growing beyond the reach of our brain or mind.
This is because, mathematics dominates the realm of technology. Mathematics is a study of pattern and shapes of pattern at the basic level. Our brain too is skilled in seeing patterns, learning about them and falling in a comfortable rhythm. Distinction is, our brain doesn’t try to model those patterns into numbers or formulae that can be used in the technology or program the computer. Also we lack the thinking of probability
When you try to master a new technology or skill that is external or , you are augumenting your brain to learn a new set of patterns. You are also trying to understand those patterns and remember them. This is act of understanding and remembering consciously is not our strong point. That is why, many claim that it is not possible to be master of many trades.
So what can we do about it?
To master the ability to have long term perspective in time and space is the ultimate game changer for us. What I mean by perspective? Simple. Ability to see yourself from a detached position, as if hovering above your shoulder, as you do the task. Tricky, not really. Once you master it, then you can really master any trade you want.
I hope a sliver of curiosity and surprise has been registered in your mind. Take a step further, and make the choices that can expand your perspective by a day, a month, an year and a decade. It is an exhilerating experience, like swimming in space time.
Tell me what you think, and lets go together.",Is it possible for one to be a jack of all trades and a master of all as well?,"When you say Trade, then you are inclined towards making"
421,What-technique-s-works-for-you-when-youre-lost-and-stuck-and-need-to-start-working-on-that-project-or-goal,"We all need the time and effort to get our energy and creativity when we get stuck in our lives. Those times are indicating that we need the following.
1. Inspiration
2. Re Direction
3. Situational awareness
4. Relax
We get inspired by many ways. So take your time to give a vacation or a treat. These simpler forms of inspiration can give the love you need and energy you love. Any other method of inspiration is also welcome.
Sudden changes in life can lead you far away from your goal. These times might test you on your resolve in following the goal. Think about the direction that needs taken now.
Being aware of the situation that you are in first step. Take objective analysis of the current level, position with respect to where you want to be. This will jolt you to think more openly.
Finally Relax to the information that you are receiving and accept them. Believe in yourself that life will happen easily and effortlessly. Think of the minimum you have to do in order to move yourself out of your stasis. Then you can move faster and longer.
Have a great day ahead.",What technique s works for you when youre lost and stuck and need to start working on that project or goal?,We all need the time and effort to get our
422,What-would-you-choose-human-skills-or-technological-advancement,"Human skills of using technological advances more responsibly.
We are expanding technology at such rate, but giving very less time to master the technology. Give time and learn before the technology can be harnessed for benefit of everyone.
Take example of AI, more of it is being used extensively but we have lived all these years without that. We have done very well. We have to decide where we want go next and then use AI for that.
Have a prudent day.",What would you choose human skills or technological advancement?,"Human skills of using technological advances more responsibly.
We are expanding"
423,How-do-people-set-goals-for-themselves,"Start with your vision which clarifies the “Why?” of your life. Yes spend time on this because this is what gives you a clear direction to your life.
Have a perspective of your size and weight in the scheme of everything in this universe. When you mix humility with perseverance then you look for ways to achieve your goals in creative ways.
Imagining your goal as if it has been achieved and how you feel once it has been reached is most important motivator. This is the outcome mindset rather than being output focused.
Don't fixate on your goal which is very objective. Like becoming class topper is objective. Be flexible and open to change goal. Instead of class topper what if you topped your own earlier score.. Will it give same feeling of achievement? If you can achieve the same feeling by achieving a simpler goal then why not enjoy the feeling?
This achievement and outcome mindset will make you creative and positive in everything around you. The goals will get achieved by itself. Have a great day.",How do people set goals for themselves?,Start with your vision which clarifies the “Why?” of your
424,I-feel-stuck-What-do-I-do,"Read Hitchhikers guide to Galaxy for the nth time and get a perspective of life. I am not joking. I stumbled at it after I read Hidden in Plain sight book on physics and I am so stuck. But I am wonderfully and blissfully stuck like in a marshlands filled with beautiful flavored scents.
Being stuck is a place where your creativity is priming itself to burst through the resistance that you are offering it through criticism and negative affirmation. Once your thought that you are stuck is removed then the ideas of really unsticking yourself will pour through.
It is a case of chicken n egg, and it is usually the egg that comes with a bone of chicken in Indian Dum Biriyani. Have your had it? Must try if you are not a vegan. If you are a vegan then go ahead try veg dum biriyani, no getting stuck there.
I hope you get the overall drift and remember read Hitchikers guide to Galaxy. Good day.",I feel stuck What do I do?,Read Hitchhikers guide to Galaxy for the nth time and
425,Why-is-today-an-opportunity-to-build-tomorrow,"Life that has been given to us was created with hard work and creativity of our four fathers. If you consider life as a gift then every day becomes a stepping stone towards making tomorrow a better day.
In that sense today is a opportunity. It is best to use the day and build a phenomenal tomorrow.",Why is today an opportunity to build tomorrow?,Life that has been given to us was created with
426,Why-does-learning-something-new-feel-like-a-rush,"Learning is a very long process if we want master what we are learning. If we just want to learn something and use it for our daily living then we learn very fast. This is the case with many technology that is being learnt today. Before you could learn something we keep a very tight deadlines to learn something in a hurry.
When we learn to master something then our timelines are relaxed and not done for daily living. Our outcome is the fun we have in learning that skill. With this perspective when you learn new activity the rush will reduce…",Why does learning something new feel like a rush?,Learning is a very long process if we want master
427,How-do-you-spot-a-future-game-changer,"By creating the game changer.
We all want to ride the change created by others like Steve jobs or Elon musk, in reality these people realized that they cant find the game changer in time so decided to make the game changer by themselves.
Creating one:
So which area of this life or world you want to see a change? Where you feel most uncomfortable? Observe and feel if you resonate with the change you are seeing, and then make that change your life vision.
Some change can be inspired by struggle and...",How do you spot a future game changer?,"By creating the game changer.
We all want to ride the"
428,What-is-the-right-age-to-learn-skills,"All ages are perfect to learn any skill. There are some skills that are bit dangerous as your body becomes weak, and your brain takes more time to process. This shortcoming can be countered by the will power and determination.",What is the right age to learn skills?,All ages are perfect to learn any skill. There are
429,How-can-you-have-presentation-less-meetings-in-a-corporate-world,"Corporate world can be made presentation less if individuals communicate effectively. Let me elaborate.
Why presentations are required? To spread and communicate a crucial process or change that will impact the organisation and its profit.
Presentations help to automate this process and transfers ownership on the listeners to read and follow. If what is being communicated is made simpler then presentation can be done with. But how simple?
That is the question that even I wrestled when I tried presentation less project launch. It takes lot of effort and credibility from the presenter to do presentation free meeting. The presenter has to be a great story teller and teacher too.
Have a great day.",How can you have presentation less meetings in a corporate world?,Corporate world can be made presentation less if individuals communicate
430,What-are-the-most-effective-techniques-to-build-productive-collaboration,Hope these points helps you to move ahead with excitement and enthusiasm in collaborative effort.,What are the most effective techniques to build productive collaboration?,Hope these points helps you to move ahead with excitement
431,Computer-Scientists-if-you-had-to-recommend-just-a-single-book-to-try-and-teach-someone-computer-science-what-would-it-be,"Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python by John Guttag will be the one.
I am from Mechanical engineering background and started self_learning programming. Before 4 years I had come across open MiT courseware. There the author is taking the introductory course of the same name.
The structure of book made me look at the world of computers differently. Instead of thinking programs as some abstract line of symbols, the book teaches you how to write functions that are similar to physical object.
Intro to OOP concept is done in a by real world scenario. A drunken guy walking.It is fun to see how the random number can generate patterns and finally provide insights about the environment that the simulation is conducted.
There are many other books on problem solving, text processing, visualization can help. This book wild give a solid intro to all these areas.
Programming is a tool like our pen or screw, bolts and nuts. (You can think of your own domain tools).We programmers create new things out these Components. These components have to work and solve the problem or provide some understanding. With that objective, learning programming will be a breeze.",Computer Scientists if you had to recommend just a single book to try and teach someone computer science what would it be?,Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python by John
432,What-is-considered-an-expert-in-Python,"There are 2 kind of experts. Person is talented or pioneer in Python then he will be called as Pythoneer. Person using python language to achieve his implementations will be called as Pythonista. That is answer given by Google. Let me dive a bit deep on what it takes to become an expert
Programming languages help to solve the problem in the real world. If you have a one time problem then it is not worth writing a program to solve it. Logic is, your time is worth more spent solving some other problem. So programming languages “Help” to solve problem as a tool in which one can enter the instructions, and get the computer to solve it repetitively. Think about the many things, that we were doing manually… (Going to bank, drawing money with a Cheque or DD!!! It is a time when life was boring and least complicated)
In other words, Pythoneer tries to use novel libraries, techniques or algorithms to solve a problem. Pythonista uses good practices, clever know how of compiler workings and achieves more by writing less. Other languages have their own mastery terminologies.
Allow me to go a bit overboard and share the track for becoming an expert.
These are the skills that Pythonistas, and Pythoneer excel at. Before writing code, knowing what is already written can save lot of effort, and time. So research, read and experiment a lot. Happy Pythoning…",What is considered an expert in Python?,There are 2 kind of experts. Person is talented or
433,What-is-a-free-AI-algorithm-which-can-be-used-for-simple-prediction-of-number-of-future-issues-in-a-given-month-based-on-the-past-data,"When a Number, that is quantity of issues needs to be predicted then Regression, RNN or LSTM models in Neural Networks can be used. In order for these models to work with reasonable accuracy, dataset for long period of time needs to be fed. These models try to learn the signals between the intervals, and in case of RNN and LSTMs (Long Short Term Memory) they remember the past.
AI algorithms are free in the sense of open source. The models, the program, connecting APIs are available in multiple languages to download and use. Critical point is having the knowledge and experience to use these models.
I had been exploring ways to learn ML for couple of months. There are many free platform which you can use for learning. Search in Google for “ML Model training” or “Learning ML” or something in that line. There are data version control software that allow you to control your data, experimentation and finally hypothesize your findings.
Before going to ML, think about traditional ways of predicting the quantity of issues. ML and AI are useful when the parameters are very large, in hundreds or atleast above 50. Even in ML, there are more choices to make when it comes to model selection. So underlying domain knowledge does play a crucial role….",What is a free AI algorithm which can be used for simple prediction of number of future issues in a given month based on the past data?,"When a Number, that is quantity of issues needs to"
434,Why-is-learning-algorithms-necessary-for-a-data-scientist,"Learning about algorithm and using algorithms to solve problems in Computer Science is miles apart.
Data Science is application of statistics and mathematics with help of algorithms. Data is the fuel for the vehicle who engine is mathematics, chassis is statistics and finally the wiring is Algorithms. You need all of these to work properly to drive the vehicle, and safely reach your goal. Any number of analogies can be provided, but algorithms trump.
I am a decision maker and every day I have to hundreds of decision. I strive to decide every decision logically. Logically means, thinking through the choices and calculation what will be the effect of the decision I am taking. Whether the outcome will be favorable to me or not. A game of sort is constantly played.
Data scientists automates this game for millions of decision makers around the world. Brings their decisions and their outcomes in one place, analysis the data and tries to predict, who will make what kind of decision.
Take time to learn about the algorithms, and even write them by yourself by learning the intricate basics of the libraries and books. The community has been very supportive and shared lot of researches, books for aspiring data scientists to learn.",Why is learning algorithms necessary for a data scientist?,Learning about algorithm and using algorithms to solve problems in
435,What-are-some-good-websites-to-practice-Python-coding-and-help-others,"I had tried learning to solve problems through code for past 10 to 12 years, started and stopped many times. I stared by learning C, and then Java but stopped. Later started with Python and again stopped.
Wondering Why?
When you write a code, some one has to say whether it is correct. No, the compiler checks the syntax not the logic. I naively tried theoretically learning and writing code a little that compile but not logical. Slowly I gave up. (Ten years back I did not quora existed. And I can ask this same question)
Automated Testing:
Another thing I did not know was, there are sites out there, that can test the code I have written. Recently, I knew and from then on I try to enlighten as much people as possible. Testing and getting feedback from practicing to write code is more important than reading, watching courses
Okay now coming to what you asked for..
Coding is like speaking a language. A whole lot more logical and precise. When you learn such a language, one needs to practice a lot. Practicing to code is now possible in lot of online sites, like
The list provided is non-exhaustive. Free and perfect practice of Coding is already mainstream. One important point is, ability to test the code you write. The above sites, which are created by “Problem Solvers” for aspiring Problem Solvers. Your code will be tested after you provide a solution. That makes a huge difference, as I have found myself in last 3 months.
Problem Subset…
When you think your code will solve a problem, it really solves a subset of the problem space. Simple example could a problem to check the maximum and minimum number in a list. Simple problem. Only that, someone might enter empty array, or enter a single number or even number without any spaces, or comma. Your code has to take care of all these subproblems.
Tester Mindset…
So testing is important. The problem solver mindset and tester mindset is two extremes. Knowing what all problems can occur in itself a problem. Tester solves it, codes it and then asks the developer to solve the problem to beat the tester’s code… (Loopy!!! True)
Coding is learnt for solving problems. By solving problems you will learn programming language faster. So start with problem solving. Have a great time learning.",What are some good websites to practice Python coding and help others?,I had tried learning to solve problems through code for
436,I-m-looking-for-a-specific-course-in-AI-and-Python-where-I-can-learn-how-to-build-a-handwritten-text-recognition-system-from-scratch-Are-there-any-online-courses-I-can-take,"Handwritten text recognition is done best with Tensorflow. There are so many places where you can get the process of training such a model. The keyword is MNIST dataset. Search for it, and you will find many blog posts and jupyter notebooks that show you how to make the hand written text recognition.
You might want to take a look at tessaract library for OCR recognition.
Courses wise, the intooduction will take a lot of time. Better prefer the books, blogs and Jupyter notebooks. One book I would suggest you to look is Deep Learning by Francois Cholet. The developer of Keras library. The book also has got companion github repo which you can use to learn.
Happy Learning.",I m looking for a specific course in AI and Python where I can learn how to build a handwritten text recognition system from scratch Are there any online courses I can take?,Handwritten text recognition is done best with Tensorflow. There are
437,Can-someone-give-me-the-link-of-article-in-which-DRL-deep-reinforcement-learning-is-applied-on-any-dataset,"There are lot of good resources in kaggle site regarding the application of reinforced learning and deep learning model used for reinforced learning.
You can find the links directly on google itself.
In case of reinforced learning the data is created by the help of agent trying to maximize its winning score and minimising opponents score. So one can apply RL to games and not just datasets.",Can someone give me the link of article in which DRL deep reinforcement learning is applied on any dataset?,There are lot of good resources in kaggle site regarding
438,What-if-I-fail-in-the-Turing-coding-test-Would-I-get-another-chance,"Yes, you will get another chance in 3 months.
When I attempted the coding test, I failed one of the codes. However they moved me to the next round based on the way I had attempted the problem. Their algorithm looks at how you approach the problems given. Their test cases are very exhaustive too.
Think what is required for “Passing the Coding Test”. The answer is Practice, Mastery of basic Algorithms and speed. My logic goes like this
I would suggest that, you work on many of the problems in the platform listed above. Familiarize yourself with easy to medium hard problems in leetcode, hackerrank etc. Read and execute codes from 4 to 5 books that apply algorithms to problems, using Python or your favorite language. All these or on the internet…
Then attempt the coding test in Turing. I am sure you will ace it. Even if you don’t ace it, you will radically skill up. So it is a pure Win-Win.
Spoiler Alert!!!
Keep your projects porfolio ready. After passing the Coding test, Turing will ask you to upload your project github link, or the link of the product that you have built. So their algorithm to select the candidate is foolproof.
All the very best…",What if I fail in the Turing coding test Would I get another chance?,"Yes, you will get another chance in 3 months.
When I"
439,Im-29-with-no-tech-background-Can-I-learn-Python-and-get-a-job,"First lets get you up to speed with python. Here is what you need to do. After that there is one or two ideas about getting job.
You have to type atleast 250 programs. Better learn a good version control software like Git or SVN so that you can keep track of these program in your computer or in the internet. That is also a easy way to reuse the code in future. None of these codes that you are going to write will be waste.
Think of it as investment that will compound faster than exponential growth.
So what can these 250 programs will be about?
Full projects here have the least count, because to implement a project, you will have to use all the other areas of programming that has been listed above. So completing a project is equal writing one or more program in other categories that has been highlighted above.
Take a look at the below visualisation.
This is visualisation of a game that we have played when we were young. We always knew one of our friends who can outsmart us, or even the entire group. Most of the time the secret is, he has read a “BooK”. What if you don’t have a book, and you want to find the best strategy to win the above game? Brute force method will be to play the game with yourself hundreds of times and find the best strategy. Boring… Repeatetive and something that computer processors are really good at.
When you program for a specific purpose, that will impact how you live, play and work in this world that will provide you constant motivation. Have a great time learning.
About getting a job:
You need to have projects that were done by you. No other way to get hold of a job. You need to have a portfolio of either projects you did in your current org or outside.
Other ways like showing the side projects you did, or having some experience with data will not take you far into the this field.
As you are learning, think about getting one or more projects done. Even for free. But get it done. You can talk fluently about the projects
All the best.",Im 29 with no tech background Can I learn Python and get a job?,First lets get you up to speed with python. Here
440,When-Im-learning-coding-I-understand-the-topic-but-when-working-on-a-project-I-dont-know-what-to-do-How-do-I-learn-what-I-need-to-do,"TL;DR … Can go to “Solution”
Reading is not equal to Learning
Learning is not equal to Understanding
Understanding is not equal to Skill
Skill is not equal to Mastery
However Mastery equals to GTD (Getting things done). Your answer lies in this sentence…. Mastery
Project takes in inputs in form of customers, resources, and hard work and returns a service, customer satisfaction, revenue and if the person doing the project was smart, then profit.
So programming projects are rather simple, because the project has a SMART Goal. (check google for SMART) as mentioned above. It has a function. So one first writes in plain english, how the function can be achieved by simple programmatic steps. “Programmatic Steps” is how computer works.
The programmer (you) takes the plain english sentences and think how to make it programmatic steps by referring the syntax, and vocabulary of programming language. (I think, you skipped this step). This steps takes a lot of thinking, trial and error.
Have you ever written a “message” to your crush? How many drafts it takes before you sent the message. If you don’t or didn’t have a crush, then recollect the turmoil any of your friends went through when they draft the message. Programming is not much different… When you BEGIN.
The more messages you to the computer, and get errors thrown out, we learn. Unlike our crushes(useless for learning) computers don’t get angry. They throw errors if you make mistake, and again take input from you.
Every step in the project above will have the same loop of trying, learning and re-trying. In the Beginning.
After learning a programming language, you need to master each part of the programming language.
After doing the steps 1 and 3 some 15 to 20 times, you will get handle of the programming language. This is how genius programmers create themselves. Now you know the recipe. Have a great time learning, creating and sharing….",When Im learning coding I understand the topic but when working on a project I dont know what to do How do I learn what I need to do?,"TL;DR … Can go to “Solution”
Reading is not equal to"
441,Can-I-stop-the-learning-of-algorithms-I-learned-data-structures-but-I-felt-algorithms-quite-tough-to-me-as-a-non-IT-student,"One doesn't learn algorithm, one creates it by trying to solve the problem at hand.
I had fallen in same trap. Started learning algorithm abstractly. Then I quit. Wasted my precious ti
The algorithms are for solving problems thru coding. So here is an Algorithm to solve your challenge.
Start program.
Learn one programming language, throughly. Its syntax, vocabulary, decision making, looping… etc
There are coding exercises that involve usage of the language. Not solving puzzles, these are straight forward programming. Solve atleast 50 such problems with programming language you are learning
Then take a book on problem solving through coding, and start solving the problems by coding them. Alternatively you can use platforms like dmoj, codewars, usaco etc to do the same
Then take a book on applied algorithms. There you will learn more deeper application of algorithms.
All the above steps ensure you are coding every day atleast 5 to 8 hours.
After that have a lot of fun in life….(Once your computer is working for you can have fun. I am not kidding)
End of program",Can I stop the learning of algorithms I learned data structures but I felt algorithms quite tough to me as a non IT student?,"One doesn't learn algorithm, one creates it by trying to"
442,Will-there-be-more-data-science-and-machine-learning-jobs-in-the-future-I%E2%80%99m-wondering-if-it-is-a-good-career-choice,"Forget about getting a job. In future there will be no “job” in the sense our grand dad, our dad and we have. A bold statement… I am passionate to get machines to do the work for me. Being a Mechanical Engineer, love for machines is a given…
We are talking about Data Science and Machine learning, where machines do the work. So think about building Machines and Tools that learn and others can use. We are in Quora Universe, we are surrounded with data. So what tool can we build?
A Live Example:
In Quora there are many who ask questions and many who write answers. Answering a question is a creative task, only humans can do it… correct? Nope, Machines are already doing it (check out open ai). Can we write a program that can help us to “Automate Answering for Questions at Quora”
Here is a recipe for anybody who has written answers to some 500 or so questions in Quora. Many questions in your domain of expertise gets repeated. Assumption is, if the questions are similar the answers to those questions will also be similar.
What if we can write a program to find similar questions, and then retrieve those questions along with their answers for a “New Question”. Here is a pseudocode for doing it…
Use pandas and numpy library to work with these columns. BTW, in this code there are libraries in which the ML models are used for finding the similarities. We only write the computer program to feed data and receive the answers.
The columns will look like this in the jupyter notebook… There are more questions, and the answers are verrrrry long. You get the idea.
Lets take your question and in the backend I have run the program and found following three questions that are similar to yours. The function “get_most_similar” returned three questions that I have already answered which are similar to the current question.
The first question returned by the program is a question that I have already answered here
If you see the answers, it speaks about various careers and it includes ML, Data Science and Robotics. Also it shows, how much I have changed my opinion about careers between Sep’21 to May’22. Yep, it is fun when you go and read your answers. (and think, did I write that!!!)
The joy of getting things done by computers is more fun, and satisfying. Especially when you can use it to speed up the spreading of your idea. Data Science and ML is supercharging this idea spread. In not so far future the “jobs” today will be obsolete. The new passion will involve lot more to do with problem solving using coding, algorithms and logic. Then the machines will do the grunt work based on your code…. (Puzzled about how will those future people, us will survive without money, or job? Will they… we need money!!!!)
Get into learning to code, solving problems and having a lot of fun… Many are doing it already.",Will there be more data science and machine learning jobs in the future I%E2%80%99m wondering if it is a good career choice?,Forget about getting a job. In future there will be
443,If-I-wanted-to-eventually-start-a-startup-potentially-some-sort-of-tech-startup-out-of-AI-SWE-and-DS-what-discipline-would-be-best-to-specialize-in-after-a-degree-in-comp-sci,"Industrial revolution brought us the roads, cars, planes and factories
Information revolution bought us the power computation, network connectivity and near infinite storage. It also brought us speed and ability to get things done fast and store for future. Work was digitally transferrable for the First time in Human history.
Computer programs with the interpreters and compilers have the ability to be Human Eyes and mimic Human logic. Software is meant for freeing us from mundane tasks. If you look around, has it been achieved?
Even with advent of AI we are improving fast in areas of testing, even coding and speed of data processing. Work, the repetitive work is still done by humans. Instead of pushing papers, today many click mouses, mail worksheet and PDF.
Whatever we see with eyes can be automated and made into software. Think about any calculations, optimisations, visualisations, much of sorting, searching, greedy search, dynamic programming algorithms all have the basic objective of replacing the human eyes with that of logic and program.
To answer you, there are many opportunities to start a profitable project and same time have a fulfilling life when you look at the world with new set of eyes. That is how most of the companies are created. The sales, marketingt or mostly push techniques using addiction and other manipulation to get the sales. Only good poducts have very concrete use case and the demand is always there. We have lot of examples with Google. MS and even in many technology companies are based on this concept only.
Have a great time and starting up.",If I wanted to eventually start a startup potentially some sort of tech startup out of AI SWE and DS what discipline would be best to specialize in after a degree in comp sci?,"Industrial revolution brought us the roads, cars, planes and factories
444,Is-there-a-real-time-stock-market-data-feed-API-for-NSE-BSE-Mcx-to-implement-in-our-custom-software,"Some information lies right under your nose, and we miss it. There is API called nsetools, and its document for your reference.
Checked it out on weekend, will report more data based on the real time market information on active market.
Stockmarket is very global creation, so need to take into consideration more than just indian stocks. In order access data outside india. Quandl and Stooq can be a powerful allies. Quandl is giving access to their free datasets with API Key. While Stooq is free. Work with a holistic view.",Is there a real time stock market data feed API for NSE BSE Mcx to implement in our custom software?,"Some information lies right under your nose, and we miss"
445,Is-it-okay-if-I-do-competitive-programming-with-Python-just-to-gain-the-problem-solving-skills-and-focus-on-development,"Yes it is okay. I have been working with Python for competetive programming on Usaco, Dmoj and Kattis judges. They accept the python scripts.
When the memory or time intensive problems come then you will face issue. By that time however you would have learnt to handle them. So start the journey take first step.",Is it okay if I do competitive programming with Python just to gain the problem solving skills and focus on development?,Yes it is okay. I have been working with Python
446,What-is-the-best-online-platform-to-learn-AI-for-my-child,"Question made me think whether Children of this generation are ready to learn heavily abstracted AI algorithms? Yes they are ready, but shouldn’t we train them to solve problem instead of abstracting away the complexity and messiness of the problems? Feels like a good debate topic to me. Keeping the debate aside, IMHO Kids have to be thought Problem Solving first.
Kids would be better off learning to problem solve, and code in their preferred language first. Once they tackle basic problem solving, and learn how the computer memory and processor works then the AI can be introduced.
Start with online judges like DMOJ, USACO, KATTIS where there are problems of various difficulties. Let the kids solve the entry level problems. Solve here means, that the kid comes up with the steps to find the solution to a problem. He/ she need not code it in a programming language.
If they get hooked to the problem solving, and abstract the many algorithmic concepts then AI can be introduced. AI is type of problem solving, and many kids do use AI today in competitive programming contests. Not all problems need AI. This is the hard truth. Most of the problems can be efficiently solved by using the “Big Brains” given to us humans.",What is the best online platform to learn AI for my child?,Question made me think whether Children of this generation are
447,Doesnt-NFTs-have-a-major-loophole-How-would-one-prove-which-one-is-the-real-NFT-if-someone-screenshots-your-NFT-art-and-sells-it-on-a-different-platform,"Once can screen shot all one wants. If one wants to prove that is his NFT, he has to register that piece of screen shot on a blockchain like Open Sea or other hosting chains. For that registration one has to pay in crypto coins. That costs money.
Whether it is a loop hole depends on how much one spends, to register that piece of screen shot. Higher the cost to register, lesser you will want to copy someone’s screen shot. If you are putting your own money, then why not create your own art. In this way, loop hole that you are thinking is circumvented.
At the same time, some who go ahead copying the screen shot without thinking and register it in blockchain to realize there is no way to get their money back, except to sell their NFT, they start marketing the nft. In order to market, you have to spend “time”. Which is costlier than money.
So there again, the loop of NFT is closed. In long run only those legitimate NFTs will be there. Rest will slowly fade into obscurity.",Doesnt NFTs have a major loophole How would one prove which one is the real NFT if someone screenshots your NFT art and sells it on a different platform?,Once can screen shot all one wants. If one wants
448,I-am-new-to-machine-deep-learning-I-need-to-make-myself-able-to-code-using-different-techniques-What-should-I-do-first-and-what-possible-road-map-should-I-follow,"If you are interested in learning to Code then, ML will come as the last step in the road map.
Step 1, Start by learning the syntax of the programming language of your choice “the hard way”. That is by typing the example problems.
Step 2, Solve a lot of problems using code and get it tested on multiple inputs. You can use online judges, and their own problems if you are experienced in solving problems.
Step 3, Learn new algorithms and data structures and see if your old solutions can be modified
Step 4, Bring in Object Orient programming and learn new way of thinking about the problems
Step 5, Learn about the ML machinery, libraries, their implementation in detail. Try a lot of problems
(I am unable to share the links of resources on quora, since it is considered as promoting these tools, so please search with the keywords, that are marked with “keyword”)
Machine learning is just a machinery, like shredder in office. Your code will take the data to the Machinery and process the data. You have to aim at coding the machinery itself, if necessary “from Scratch”. Search for coding “Data science from Scratch”. You will find very interesting material and books. Steadily develop your understanding of the ML machinery.
Start with the Why? in the Mind. Prefer to master anything that you start learning, for being in the flow and achieve happiness. The world might be in chaos, but when you sit in your bunk and start typing that calmness spreads. That is result of mastering. Have the same objective in mind.
But How? Coding mastery can be achieved by learning to solve problems with coding. Solve easy problems with coding first, and then solve increasingly tougher problems. I have written the same formula in many other answers, that is the proven solution. Search for “Programming Challenges, Online Judges, Competitive programming” and you will find interesting materials in the internet. Feast on them.
There is nothing competitive about Competitive programming. Every solution till date is shared and the competitors themselves want many others to learn problem solving. They get that feeling of calmness and happiness when they code and solve problems. (Glory and fame is major motivator, but cannot be sustained for long lasting mastery). They are spreading their love for CP with the tools, online judges, websites, books and lot of free resources. Use them, and importantly share them with coming generation.
Have a great time.",I am new to machine deep learning I need to make myself able to code using different techniques What should I do first and what possible road map should I follow?,"If you are interested in learning to Code then, ML"
449,What-is-a-good-source-to-learn-design-and-analysis-of-algorithm,"The good source to learn design and analysis of algorithms… is by solving Problems.
The Problem:
Lets take a simple problem. You are given a list that contain email addresses, and you need to clean it. This is standard requirement in many companies where the email address recieved from surveys, online campaigns, and marketing activities. The email addresses needs to follow the industry standard.
The Solution:
Looks simple, so you write the code in python using the lists and string manipulation functions. When your email address is cleaned, you want to add it to a list for later use. You want to avoid duplicates, so you “Check” if the email_address is already in list before appending it. Like below
“”“ If address not in address_list:
address_list.append(address) “””
The Analysis:
This is where the analysis kicks into gear. The “in” keyword checks every element in the list before returning True/ False to the program. If there are 100K addresses, every time it checks all the 100K address.
The complexity of this search is O(n X m). Where n is number of address in list and m is the new addresses being added to the list. This means the work or steps taken by the algorithm for completing a task, in this case to append an e-mail address. If there are 100K address in list, and another 100K to be added then you see how the work increases for the processor.
The Solution:
The solution is simply using the Set() instead of using List(). Set() searches in O(1) time, near instantaneous, since that is how that data structure is built.
As I already explained, the problem had to be solved first. Then when the problem is slow the analysis for new and faster solution is undertaken. In order to learn, start solving problem. (This solution I learnt from a book and wanted would be problem solvers to know)
The Procrastination:
I had been procrastination the training on Problem solving for more than 12 months. I was confident that learning the Data Science, Visualisation, Web Scraping, Data base and Data Wrangling libraries, I can solve the problems. It did not work out that way. When I think about the problem solving, even open the problem webpage in front of me, butterflies started flying in my stomach. On top of that, I had a feeling that, I am smart enough and seen enough courses so I don’t need to show to the world that I can solve it…. How wrong I was….
Game It:
Push yourself out of this procrastination. Take some books on “problems solving through coding” (search for this sentence) and start working on that book chapters and exercises. You will be astonished how interesting the world of problem solving can be. It is like playing video games with puzzles. The more you play, better you will become. There are many online judges that can test your code and provide feedback.
Pro and Con of Videos
Letting others solve your problem of (Learning problem solving, algorithm design and Data structures) by watching them will help only 10 to 30%. It can provide
After that the Cons start.
Take the book, or go to the problem hosting website and start solving. Have a great time. It is a wonderful world.",What is a good source to learn design and analysis of algorithm?,The good source to learn design and analysis of algorithms…
450,What-are-some-good-books-on-machine-learning,"The book that teaches you data science “from Scratch” is the best. Just give it a search you will find. Once you read it, then realize. Ooh Data Science is about coding, problem solving and Math. Not just libraries and jargons.",What are some good books on machine learning?,The book that teaches you data science “from Scratch” is
451,How-do-I-start-learning-or-strengthen-my-knowledge-of-data-structures-and-algorithms,"Why you want to strengthen algorithms? To solve problems. Period.
You strengthen your knowledge by solving the problems of increasing complexity with constant practice. Key to practice is Testing and Feed Back. Not reading. In fact you should not read at all. Reading is like consuming fast food. Reading this answer too is waste of your time. (Now that you started reading, read on there is some interesting pointers that will help you move forward and be worth your time.)
In this time you be solving one problem, trying to implement and test it. You would have learnt something more interesting about the problem. Best problem solvers, chess players, game masters, Go players all do just that, sit and solve.
There are countless books that explain the datastructures and algorithms.In
reality many problems don't need complex algorithms. Even the algorithm developers first find the solution, then if the solution is slow then they move to a different faster algorithms. A programmer, or problem solver need not worry about what options are there until he has solved the problem.
Where to find problems that are curated according to the difficulty level?
There is USACO, then DMoJ both of which I am finding very approachable, even though I come from non-computer science back ground. Codeforces, Hackerrank, leetcode too or some good platforms. These platforms have online free courses which provides deep knowledge about the various aspects of problem solving, algorithm development and Data structures. They too insist on Solving Problems and in parallel learn more new stuff. Irony eh.
When you are coding software, there might be no constraint on speed or about efficiency. In Competetive programming, Data Science and engineering the speed and efficiency becomes very important. Because large datasets are parsed through. When a million rows moves in and out of a model, keeping the execution of your function in seconds will make the overall program run for the whole day. We think computers are fast. But they have to work. Work takes time. I have done such mistakes and then realized the amount of computation that was wasted.
So open the IDE, and get coding. Get some mileage in solving problems. Make some mistakes, correct them. Laugh at yourself. If you attempt 100 problems, you might solve 70 or 50 and pass all tests, thats fine. Solve. Like Alec Baldwin says keep on closing, our magic words or “Keep on Solving”.
Once you get some mileage then read solutions to the problems other coders have come up with. Many of these sites have the solutions to past contests. Solve the contest problem yourself “and then” read the other programmers solution and implementation.
Solving… Reading Code and again Solving. You will then start seeing patterns. And then learn. Like a kid falling, getting up and then running. That is when the books on algorithms and DS makes sense.
The concepts will mean nothing if you don't experience the pain being stuck in a problem, or taking a longer solution, coding it and then finding there is simpler datastructure. (This happens in real life many times, for us to realise the error)
Your memory becomes stronger with such a practice and revelation. All the best solving problems, and come post your experience after your adventure with solving problems.",How do I start learning or strengthen my knowledge of data structures and algorithms?,"Why you want to strengthen algorithms? To solve problems. Period.
452,Why-do-you-wiggle-the-shifter,"To know if the vehicle gear box is engaged with any of the gears. When it is engaged there is no wiggle room. So the driver can intuitively know the vehicle is “in“ gear as it is said.
This is important when a new driver starts the vehicle. If the gear is not checked and if the vehicle is started, the vehicle jumps forward. This hurts the battery and the engine. Also it shows the driver is an L-Board(never tail an L board even if she is miss universe, you will meet with an accident).
When you start any thing, not just a vehicle one has to check if everything that is required for the activity is available. The wiggle check is one such simple but crucial activity, that has become an habit for the stick shift drivers.",Why do you wiggle the shifter?,To know if the vehicle gear box is engaged with
453,I-am-trying-to-get-into-data-science-I-completed-graduation-from-physics-I-have-some-basic-idea-about-Python-coding-I-know-there-are-many-courses-but-I-dont-know-where-to-start,"Start by Problem Solving with Coding. Code should flow from your fingers the moment you feel that you understand a problem. I have been proponent of Mastery and being in Zen like Flow. Meditation and Problem Solving are two places out of many, where you can be in such a state of flow.
There are two ways of solving the problem, one is using the closed form equation(Wave Equation for example), and another is using Algorithmic process(Gradient Descent that is used extensively). When you solve real world problems, it is always using Algorithms. We might use closed form equations in some steps.
Take simple physics problems and try coding them, plotting the equations. Use Sympy library, along with Matplotlib. Start playing around with python visualisation, and sympy algebraic solvers. There are couple of books that talk of simulating physics, math and real world problem with python (search for them in google, here I am unable to share). Solve the exercise in those books. (I am a mechanical engineer by training, and it is exhilarating feeling to see the problems getting solved and test cases pass)
The business problems out there need multiple conditions to be checked, and finally decisions to be made. So the main objective of Data Science is to solve countless problems and find these conditions. That too repetitively, at high speed and using available resources. Coding is the only way.",I am trying to get into data science I completed graduation from physics I have some basic idea about Python coding I know there are many courses but I dont know where to start?,Start by Problem Solving with Coding. Code should flow from
454,In-the-NLP-problem-if-the-training-accuracy-is-94-and-the-test-is-85-is-it-considered-overfitting,"Accuracy is used in Classification problem, and in NLP, the classification algorithms are used in many situations. Whether to categorize a data as positive or negative like Spam or Not Spam. Or to divide the given data into arbitrary categories like identifying the part of essay.
The objective of the ML is not the “Correct Answer”, that is accuracy. Objective of ML is to “Fit” the model close enough. (If there was a way to get the correct answer, using closed form equations is better than ML. This is one of the reasons, why I started learning problem solving and competitive coding on online judges platform. It helps you reason logically about the answer provided by the ML model. Most of the times, you have to use additional problem solving on top of ML.)
Take the following example. ML model will create an equation, which tries to catch as much correct answers as possible in the given dataset. Lets take a small visualisation exercise…
The equation is in the order of power 5, and the curve it traces is very non-linear. We can intuitively say that, most of the training data has been fitted perfectly by the model. (Model will have low bias, high variance). That is overfitting.
The test data will not fit in the pattern defined by the equation. So the testing accuracy reduces drastically, compared to training accuracy. In terms of lay man, the model is not generalizing for the natural data that is created. In these cases, it is better to refer Recall and Precision, rather than using accuracy.
Recall measures what fraction of True Positives the model predicts correctly(Tp /Tp + Fn). Precision measures how accurate the positive predictions are(Tp/ Tp + Fp). That by itself says a lot about the model that is trained.
When your model is being trained, it is given a error or loss function which it needs to minimize. The lesser the error, better the fit. Model continues reducing the loss every epoch, and after a particular level of loss, the accuracy of the test data starts reducing while training data accuracy is increasing. Which means, as the model is training it is overfitting the data.
There are some solutions for this condition.
The objective of the ML as highlighted already is not correct answer, but to find insights into the data. To explain how certain features have effect on the final outcome. Like in doing Real Science Experiments. Some of these experiments can lead to laws like Newton’s laws of physics, and other will lead to models like the weather prediction models that we have today.",In the NLP problem if the training accuracy is 94 and the test is 85 is it considered overfitting?,"Accuracy is used in Classification problem, and in NLP, the"
455,Im-a-high-school-student-and-Im-interested-in-AI-Where-do-I-start-looking-into-it,"Start by learning to program and problem solving using computer languages.
AI is, what you call a self programming program. You give the AI program the data, it will comes out with its own model program to solve the problem.
If that is correct then, you as a human first need to know how to program, and check whether AI has programmed itself correctly. If you find an error in AI behaviour, then you jump in and correct the relevant code.
Learn problem solving by posting your code to online judges. I have written about it in another question. Search for it, you will get some good idea.
Language easiest to pickup currently are, Python, R and recently Julia is becoming popular. Once you master one language then think about C++
have good time learnin.",Im a high school student and Im interested in AI Where do I start looking into it?,Start by learning to program and problem solving using computer
456,Why-can-learning-to-code-change-your-life,"Try coding one simplest program on a competitive programming platform like DMOJ. You will understand how life changing it can be. You will know everything about the logic, the syntax will be correct, the code you have typed will be prefect and yet two or three test cases fail.
Hours together is spent to not solve the problem but to learn the problem and take care of every mode of failure that you program can undergo. When you spend that muh time and get the solution correct, means the solution will for sure work in real world. That is how real world excellent programs are written. Excellent programmers can become good leaders, solely for their logical thinking and their thoroughness.
Many who intuitively solve the problem think such level of detail is unwanted. when their solution fails in real world they blame the nature or others.Seldom do they hold themselves responsible. They loose their credibility, get demoted and even loose their jobs.
I have been one of those intuitive thinkers. Now with training in programming I realise how important is Logic along with knowledge about the world and the subject. In fact the subject knowledge is useful to test the program than actually programming. Only the expert can come up with extremely rare test cases because he experienced it. But by persevering with the problem, the programmer can imagine test cases that might create problem and work for the same much before the problem happens.
We are programming in real life at many places. At our work, in our kitchen, with our family and friends. Most of the time we struggle because we missed one important point that comes and haunts us back. With programming, you will force yourself to slowdown. Think through the problem inside out. Those who think logically in these these places will progress faster and more easily.
There are downsides too but they are not logically valid downsides. Like overthinking, laziness and unwanted negative biases. These are there whether you one thinks through the problem or not. Problem solving is more profitable than thinking that solving the problem might lead to new problems. (You see illogic in our biases and negative thinking)
When you ask the question, whether it is Logical? Then your brain automatically compartmentalises the problems that you have and the problem you are working on. Have a great time gaining problem solving skills.",Why can learning to code change your life?,Try coding one simplest program on a competitive programming platform
457,Why-is-Google-s-YouTube-increasing-a-number-of-ads-shown-per-each-video-and-what-is-your-opinion,"The services provided are slowly trending towards a business model were people don't need to pay. Youtube, Facebook and Amazon are the pioneers. How the service provider will earn and get cash? He resorts to giving away the data, and providing ads. Even OTT providers are thinking about streaming ads.
What if one does not want to watch ads??
Then download the videos of youtube using the python API called Pytube. You can use Kaggle platform to run python scripts and get the youtube files. All it takes is 5 lines of code in you notepad and connection to internet.
In case of pytube, you can download the audio and video seperately. There is lot of information that you can learn from youtube videos thru that library. Ranging from the number of videos the challel has, the views, likes, the author detail. Really a information treasure.
Solution is one of the three
Think how you can contribute to the community. Whether, Youtube or any other service. That is a major recuirement. New ideas are necessary to move the soceity to the next level of development.
Have a great time.",Why is Google s YouTube increasing a number of ads shown per each video and what is your opinion?,The services provided are slowly trending towards a business model
458,How-much-mathematics-is-enough-to-start-learning-how-machine-learning-algorithms-work,"ML algorithms are conceptually simple, and their underlying math and logic requires higher secondary level math training. Math in ML is not that difficult, and there is no fixed quantity of math that needs to be mastered. Lets take the basic ML algorithm, Linear Regression.
The model created by regression algorithm will be like below equation. Only 2 dimensions are considered. In ML, this dimension goes in range of 10s to even 100s. The idea will remain same. The equation itself can be shown using Python’s Sympy library.
Now for what value of ‘x’ the above model(equation) will have minimum output?
Sympy library can help to plot the graph for us visualise
We can see the there is local minimum values and a global minimum value. One of the algorithm to find these values is Gradient Descent. Linear regression uses gradient descent algorithm to find the value of X so that the loss is minimum. It is called “minimizing the loss”.
Example of visualisation in 3D space. The equation to generate this curve is simple.
Much of the ML and AI models do this “Loss Reduction” at various levels of complexity, in multiple dimensions.. GD algorithm is explained in school level Algebra. You can even implement that in python in simple way once you understand the steps required. This level of math is pre-requisite to those interested in Machine Learning.
Why am I telling this?
When you go into uncharted territory, you better know to use the tools at your disposal. Know them inside out. Math is Swiss Army knife in the forest of AI and ML. Knife is sharp and looks dangerous however we have to learn by using it.
First we cut soft fruits like mango and apple, then move to more hard fruits like water melon and even coconut.
Same way, we have to learn the Math through the visualisation, and theory to effectively master ML and its algorithm. Let the higher levels of Math be abstracted by the scientists, but at the usage level Math needs to be learnt.
Back to GD. Gradient descent algorithm finds the global minimum of the loss function. In order to use ML, we don’t need to know how GD algorithm is implement. The ML libraries abstract that and give us an interface or API to get solution. When the solution is calculated the math knowledge can support in checking if the solution makes sense.
If there is any doubt whether Math can be mastered, then start with simple problems and solve them. There is Project Euler, a platform where you can attempt simple to very complex math problems. There are many online competitive programming judges that provide you challenges and you can write program. The online testing platform will help to check your code.",How much mathematics is enough to start learning how machine learning algorithms work?,"ML algorithms are conceptually simple, and their underlying math and"
459,How-can-I-learn-problem-solving-techniques-for-programming,"This secret is not even considered as a secret by best problem solvers in this world. To us, who are newly entering the world of problem solving, software engineering and coding this secret is vey very important.
The Secret
One has to read a lot of solutions to many different problems. (Read on, before you decide to use this strategy)
Lets take the world’s top coder, and how he would have started solving problems at very young age. Whatever his level of genius might be, he has to still look at the answer to know whether he solved the problem correctly. This means, the top coders started reading the solutions, AFTER SOLVING THE PROBLEMS themselves before long time. Here is a ROAD MAP one such Genius coder’s evolution.
Zero Problems Solved:
Our yet to be Genius coder lets call him Top Coder, is last in the line thinking about climbing the ladder of problem solving, competitive programming. The usual process is to take different courses like Data Structures, Programming Language and even problem solving before the first problem is solved. This is fine for learning the programming language at the surface level. Top coder aces it within 2 weeks, by practicing the simple problems provided by the introductory book on the programming language.
50 Problems Solved:
The process continues, top coder solves the problems. No choice. But as a noob, it is very important he practices with simplest problems, and gain confidence. Once he starts gaining confidence more challenging problems are taken up. This is where most of the would be TOP CODERS drop off. Our Top Coder is not one of these dropouts. He regularly bunks work or school to solve the problems. Even at school / work he is thinking about the problem. He has the list of problems he wants to solve with him always… That is his level of determination…
51st problem being attempted
The problem chosen can be very high in complexity or it might need new concept that a layman cannot find out through trial error. When this happens, our Top Coder as beginner looks at the solution and learns from it. He then searches for similar problems, and applies the learning with slight variations.
He learns to come up with good test cases and starts sharpening his solutions so all the test cases are passing. Modular programming becomes his mantra. The notepads are filled up, and new refill pens are purchased. The next couple of problems might be partially solved, and other problems can be a road block and doesn’t allow him to progress. He pushes on forward and onwards
75 Solutions read : 60 problems solved:
This is the situation where learning curve of Top Coder is becoming steeper. Brain which is untrained till date, gets chance to make some new connections. The problems solved increases at slower rate. Top coder has already finished 3 books on various problem solving techniques, and another 6 or 8 is left. The time he spends on solving the problems increases from 30 ~ 60 mins to 3 hours. The days start flying without any break or his knowledge.
150 solutions read : 100 problems solved: (Re Solve with different Programming Language)
That is a milestone in Top Coder journey of becoming The Problem Solver. He has solved 100 problems all by himself, and he has read additional 50 problem’s solution. Now he “Re - Solves” some random problems that he had read the solutions in the past, as well as those problems that he solved himself. The top coder does this by learning a different programming language and hones his skills. He gets 2 things done with one activity. Efficient
150 Problems solved : Algorithm design & Efficiencies:
Over 250 to 300 solutions has been read and understood. Many of the notes taken is safely tucked in his repo or some note keeping software. Notes are ready for him to search. Now the problems are complex enough that multiple problems needs to be solved in certain sequence to achieve the results. More like chaining. This is when the design of new algorithms comes in. Efficiency in programming is the time taken by the program to run. The pros call it Big O notation. Top Coder learns about it at this stage, and even find algorithms that have better efficiencies.
Intermediate and Beyond:
More than 450 problems, read, understood and solved. Our Top Coder is at the intermediate levels. More like getting “Blue Belt” in Karate terms. Black Belt needs more training, additional practice and lot more involvement in finding solutions. Here on there will be NO READING THE SOLUTION AT ANY COST. This constraint will push the limits of Top Coder’s capabilities. He understands himself, and starts solving problems in his own style.
500 to 600 Problems solved:
Let us imagine for a moment you are that Top Coder, and you are at this stage. How will you feel? What will be your confidence level. What kind of challenges you might take up next? This has to be the goal of the Top Problem solver. It is a journey that has end only when your consciousness stops to exist. Enjoy every step of the journey. See you on the other side.",How can I learn problem solving techniques for programming?,This secret is not even considered as a secret by
460,How-is-web-crawling-used-in-data-science-1,"This is where it starts.
Data Science starts with Data, and that data comes from the web. On web there are many services,online platforms, social networks and companies that bring people together. These people generate data by interacting, and creating.
The Science and Target area
Data science is science of these interactions, and the modeling of them to predict the future. This is where web crawling comes into picture. There are established algorithms that can be used to crawl the web and get the links of interest. After that the page under the link needs to be soraped. We will simply try to get the links of our interests by first targetting a site or domain.
Scraping and parsing
To scrape, the most common libraries ar Selenium, Beautiful soup, Requests and PhantomJS. There are specific parsers neceseeary to get the data in the form the next libraries can use. Notable parsers are, libxml, htmlparsers.
Traversing the Tree
The webpage is a tree with data at the leaf. The page has many tags and these tags have attributes. Xpath is preferred framework to traverse this tree and get the data. The browsers offer this xpath traversing option in the settings. Selenium, and BS support Xpath.
Storing the data
Dataset and SQLite library are very useful when it comes to storing the data to sql databases. The data is stored datatbase files, so they can serialized and stored on harddisks.
Doing Science
We have the data. After that, we can use libraries like Pandas and Numpy to clean the data for modeling. The science and analysis starts earlier as explained above.
Each step has its own problems, libraries that solve it and unique skillset. Skill that is required at all steps is imagination , and problem solving. If these two are mastered, then programming languages and its libraries will take care of the rest",How is web crawling used in data science 1?,"This is where it starts.
Data Science starts with Data, and"
461,Can-I-become-an-AI-expert-with-online-learning,"Yes, you can become an expert at AI if you “learn” the following, irrespective of Online or Offline.
As you see, there is no AI involved to become in expert in AI. AI is a discipline that has been rapidly spreading because it is easy to get hold of data and computing power. Lets take a problem.
The above image is simplest image recognition problem. You give this image to a AI model and ask whether the line is going up or going down? AI model can be trained in such a way to find the line is first going down, and then up.
Let me share the points used in plotting the above curve (0,5), (1,1), (0,2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (5, 5), (10,6)…
How will humans be able find whether the above points are going up / going down / going up and then down or the going down and then up?
Human has no figure, only the set of points. Think for a moment If you want computer to solve, then we should solve first, and the write a program to instruct computer on the solving process.
In order to become expert in AI and not just be one in a million, you need to really understand how the computer works with the data, mathematics, and problem solving. Unlike what many of the online classes are (Andrew Ng’s Youtube Videos and Joel Grus book are exeception) directly jumping into solving the problem using ML / AI models after courtesy introduction about the mathematics and computers. By following that, you can learn to use the data, feed the data to the sophisticated libraries and make final reports. You can still do Data science with Online Courses.
If you are thinking about becoming expert then you have to dive deeper into machinery involved in creating these libraries, and the underlying Math that makes the machinery run. There are resources, good problem solving training books, and very approachable books on mastering programming languages. The key is, the code in these books have to be understood, typed and then executed by yourself. You have to hack the code, and try breaking it to understand.
I started with the naive idea that learning Data Science is simple, and can be mastered with 3 months. Yes, I mastered the libraries. Joined online competition to solve the challenges in Data Science. Then it dawned on me, that it is about programming, mathematics and proficiency in problem solving. Every step of data science, you solve problems. Whether it is visualisation, model generation, model deployment or reporting. (I did not touch about model explainability, that is another interesting area)
Solid Time commitment is required for master the Data Science Machinery and underlying Math. Time allocated for reading problems, solving problems and then writing code has to be the highest. You can learn new concepts and immediately take some real problems and solve it. If not create a fictional one with data and solve it.
Have a great climb to expert level in AI. It is a worthy pursuit. All the very best.",Can I become an AI expert with online learning?,"Yes, you can become an expert at AI if you"
462,How-do-you-control-your-hornyness-when-it-is-not-the-time-to-be-horny,"Disclaimer: Use this advice on your own judgement. Depending on your age, and level of maturity the content will either enlighten you, or make you confused.
It is not strange that there is no answer for this question.
The solution to your issue is simple. Masturbate. It is acceptable to Masturbate (With love and care and ensure no damage occurs)
When you are horny, either Testosterone or Estrogen, depending on your gender, are at high levels. These harmones reek havoc in your brain to such extent that, logical thinking collapses on its own weight. The imagery of having intercourse spontaneously gets created. The body starts feeling entirely strange. Voices of your loved ones, and their images flicker past your mind’s eye… Yep, all are the makings of these harmones….
The moment you release the “Rogue Harmones” from the body then the horny-ness vanishes. There goes the science of it. Now for some important things, which are non-sciency.
Depending on your age, the food you had, the people you have spoke with, things you have read and seen, everything affects the harmones that cause you to be horny. So try to learn about your body. Try to enjoy the act. Ensure you are not creating any skin damage in the process.
There are many religious and cultural taboos against Masturbation because, if you flog then you will not want to marry and have kids. If there are no kids then the religion or the culture will die. Be cautious about your belief systems. They are usually illogical.
Will my energy reduce?
There is no link between masturbation and how energetic you are. There are many movies, and books written about celebate priests or monks who abstain from the very act of human nature. None of these high priests or so called heroes discuss about their manly activity in the stories.
Will you become a Homo or Lesbian?
You can become a pro-wrestler or Pro-Pickup artist. It is in your hand. The human body and brains are wired in complicated ways, and this wiring can change as you age. You will still like to be with your opposite sex, have the urge to win, take responsibility and have a great life. More over, your partner will have confidence that, you are “Clean” when he are she comes close to you.
The advantages are really overwhelming. And there is no downside, except that your DNA is being wasted. For females the nature itself removes their egg every 28 days. For men as we are opposite to females, the release is in your own “Hands”. Have a great life ahead.",How do you control your hornyness when it is not the time to be horny?,Disclaimer: Use this advice on your own judgement. Depending on
463,Do-I-need-to-know-maths-to-have-a-skill-in-machine-learning,"Math is the language of this universe and the computer processors. If you want the Machine to learn, then only way is through math. There are many libraries that are developed to abstract away the math and let the user focus purely on getting insights, and gleaning wisdom from the data. All these libraries(Bento ML, Pycaret, SciKit Learn, Numpy, Pandas, StatsModel….) will give you garbage out, if you enter garbage in….
Yep. There is no short cut. Learning Math, and Logic is mandatory. However, math or Logic is not difficult if you learn from correct book or teacher with mindset to learn. Lets assume you did not listen to this advice and opened a apparel shop.
Your shop is prime location, and has good deal of customers around your locality. The customers are in few hundreds, lets assume. You want the shop to be futuristic, and have only limited man power(You believe humans have to design the apparels, and not stand in store waiting for customers). Based on customer past purchases you can do 3 things.
How to build such a recommendation system with your shop’s customer data?
You decide to purchase a recommender system. The recommender system that you purchased has just the basic functionality. There is a python library called Surprise, that can be used after learning from data and recommend. The recommender system just takes the data into the Library, then it gets ready to recommend apparels to your customer. You are surprised!!!
In your store, you have a camera which is used to identify the customer who has entered the store (Deep learning Computer vision model) and then automatically triggers the recommender program. On the wall there is a display which shows and vocalizes
“”” Welcome Back <Customer Name> ^_^”””
and then proceeds to recommend some of the apparels the customer might like, on the store display. Customer is surprised to be welcomed by SHOP and even to be suggested apparels!!!. Customer starts walking around the shop, and browses the materials. Lets assume for fun, the customer is a pregnant women and she is looking for some loose fitting cloth. Her age is 28. Now the joke starts…
The Shop display starts showing some tight jeans, and skinny T shirts that are trendy among the 28 year young females. The recommender system that is developed without the knowledge of Maths / Coding, and how to incorporate new information into the data, cannot consider the fact that the customer is “PREGNANT”. Recommender system cannot logically find that pregnant women cannot use tight jeans. Recommendation fails!!! Customer leaves your SHOP, ANGRY and Nostalgic about her care free days… Not a pretty outcome.
“””This case of wrong recommendations continues with new variants for another 10 customers”””
By that time, you realize the recommender system is junk because is not getting the data to recommend accurately. So, you decide learn about the data inside it and how it works. The code for the recommender system is directly downloaded from the product website. So you visit the website. There you find their code repository open for the users to review, modify and learn…. (This is the future, so get ready)
The LOGIC Correction
The code is written in languages that are popular for such systems, Python, R and frontend is written in Javascript and HTML Libraries. When you read the code, you realize the level of math that is being used is rather basic. There are clear comments about why some function is being called, and what is the logic behind the function. Bit more complicated functions are directly imported from the libraries elsewhere in the internet. The more you read the code, you start getting idea how to improve your recommender system. (Here you realize the impact of math and logic)
After some 10 hours of working, you have coded some additional logic into the recommender system and sent it to the code reviewer to check it. The reviewer finds some issues and suggests to edit the logic. Another 5 hours or so this goes back and forth and finally your recommender system is ready. When you deploy the system, based on your shop’s customer the recommender works and the customers are kept engaged, and delighted. You even made your recommender witty, by making it to tell jokes about the recommender systems that suggest tight jeans for pregnant ladies….
So math is very important, and understanding libraries at a deeper logic level will give you more power, and creativity. There are couple of books that introduces doing math with programming language. Search “Doing Math with Python / R/ Javascript” in Google, you will find countless books. Learn the concepts, and understand how to program math to computers. The code in the books that you choose, needs to be typed by yourself and executed to understand. Then you can fluently learn about the libraries that do the real Machine learning.
Have a great time learning. Reachout to google, stackexchange or here for clarifying and researching your doubts.",Do I need to know maths to have a skill in machine learning?,Math is the language of this universe and the computer
464,How-do-you-apply-neural-networks-to-your-social-relationship,"Neural networks can be applied for classifying your social network and understand some unique behaviours in them. NN does the modelling of your networks differently.
Neural nets can help you to analyse the data in many dimension, even the dimension your “gut feeling” will consider and your brain cannot. Our brain is strictly rooted in the present 3D world. It is difficult for it to visualise higher dimensions and try categorising things as per these dimensions. Try thinking of a problem that is time and space dependent, it becomes very difficult visualise without practice.
For example, If I ask you, why you like people with green eyes, or face with a particular shape or voice of particular pitch for that matter(Remember that irritating voice that makes you angry or restless). Your brain cannot answer, since there is no numerical rating for these characteristics. Brain cannot create a model. But neural nets can take these into account and model your social networks. I am only scratching the surface of what can be done.
There are other simple math relations you can find using Network Analysis. Here neural nets are not involved.
I had the same question that you asked before 12 months, and I started learning neural nets very deeply. Recent advances in Neural nets are very fascinating. If you don't understand, then it will feel like magic. There are huge libraries of programs that support modelling the social networks and other kind of networks. Please research and learn about it.",How do you apply neural networks to your social relationship?,Neural networks can be applied for classifying your social network
465,Can-video-analytics-and-machine-learning-solutions-help-achieve-zero-defects-in-manufacturing-Why,"There are algorithms used with Open CV library to analyse the videos, after converting the frames as pictures. There is really no need for Machine learning. You can program the camera module for example, a surface scratch defect. The module will work flawlessly, and detect only some kind of scratches.
If some new defect arises, then the whole process needs to done and camera module reprogrammed. This can be avoided.
Where Machine learning can excel is in applications where we humans know some thing is defective, but programming it is cumbersome and repetitive. Machine Learning, literally automates such repetetive programming. The variant is neural network called Convulutional NN that excel at learnin such defects and successfully classify the new defects.
There are many deep NN that can differentiate, dogs from cats and even differentiate dog breeds. So the defects are like that only. The more training samples you have better the training and validation accuracy will be. The ML solutions can speed up the basic classification, and instead of using more manpower, one operator can do the final checkin of the defect.
I have not even scratched the surface of ML. It is just a no theory intro of ML.
Explore more and you will find a lot of research is going on in this area. Have a great time.",Can video analytics and machine learning solutions help achieve zero defects in manufacturing Why?,There are algorithms used with Open CV library to analyse
466,Can-I-change-my-profile-into-data-science-after-having-spent-13-years-in-software-testing,"Data Science can be done by anyone, because it simply a type of programming to solve problems using data. When you are from testing background you will catch many of the libraries and algorithms very easily. So, Go ahead learn DS. But learn on your own, with intention to skill up. Not to change career.
Why not change carrier? Let me convince you that, your own domain has more opportunity, if you look.
You can learn DS and then look at your domain problems. The more you look in any domain there are areas where data is generated. Say, you want to know how many tests you are currently running. That depends on the number of projects, resources under you, and their profeciency. You must have a dashboard showing that.
There are just three dimensions. What can you do to increase the speed of your tests? Hmm, that needs analysis. You might find that relationship between profeciency and speed is less, but with increased number of resources the speed is more. How you prove this? Data Science.
There could be countless locations where inefficiencies will be there in your organisation. You can collect data, analyse and show these areas. Once you do that, you will realise that you are able to lead better, convince people easily and get things done fast. No wonder you will start liking what you are doing. This happens not just at work, but at home too.
Learn data science and use the skill to contribute. If good opportunity comes use it. Shifting job alone cannot be a good motivator. Have a wonderful career.",Can I change my profile into data science after having spent 13 years in software testing?,"Data Science can be done by anyone, because it simply"
467,Im-a-B-Tech-mechanical-65-8-in-2018-I-want-to-go-in-the-software-industry-Should-I-go-for-CDAC-or-learn-software-skills-self-and-apply-for-an-internship,"65.8% is a good score, it shows that you can sit and learn by yourself without.
Here is what you can do…. You have to complete 4 books and master the way of programming, documenting, testing and deploying. Once you complete and get confident, please share it with your friends or family members so they too can learn programming. Programming is an important skill in this complicated world. Lets dive in…
>> You will have to learn about to Jupyter notebooks, Regular Expressions and get introduced to SQL, HTML etc in coming steps. So the learning curve will be steep. Like KTM Duke / Yamaha RX 100 accelerating…
>> Test driven development is same as In-process quality testing in Mechanical Industry. (I am from manufacturing and mechanical background) If you remember the assembly lines where operators can stop the lines if there is defect. Software industry uses that idea efficiently and built lot of libraries around it. You will catch it very easily.
4. Lets level up a bit. Search for books that provide programming challenges that are more about problem solving through coding. Here too select a book which introduces you to problems that are easy to start, and slowly builds up challenge.
5. Solve the problem, Code the challenges, and then upload the code file to GitHub.
The above steps can take anywhere between 30 days to 90 days depending on your speed of understanding, problem solving and typing speed. I am considering that you are interested in sitting with the laptop all day long (14 to 16 hours). If you are working, then give additional 3 months time to master these steps.
These steps helps you to
Once you equip with these skills, you will understand many things that happen in the Software Industry. Also, you can confidently choose any software project you want, and approach it with confidence, and clarity that you will complete it.
Yeah, getting the job interview might be still tough, but after learning the above skills, you might even decide to go freelancing, or approach the job hunting differently. All the very best.",Im a B Tech mechanical 65 8 in 2018 I want to go in the software industry Should I go for CDAC or learn software skills self and apply for an internship?,"65.8% is a good score, it shows that you can"
468,How-do-I-overcome-the-language-barrier-in-a-job,"(I am assuming that you know the language your colleagues use. Even if you don't know, the below answer greatly reduces the barrier)
Listen without thinking to answer.
Listen with intention to clarify.
Listen with your eyes.
Finally ask for clarifying question before you answer.
When possible be kind to the other person and ask them whether they have any questions after you finish answering.
(Language barriers are reduced not by learning new languages to speak, but to listen to new friends, colleagues)
If you love talking, then best is learn programming languages and speak logically with computers and create software.
Not only your life but the entire world will be a better place.",How do I overcome the language barrier in a job?,(I am assuming that you know the language your colleagues
469,Why-is-machine-learning-useful-for-making-predictions-but-not-for-finding-causal-relationships,"ML doesn't have all the data necessary to prove a causal relationship. ML can work only on data that is fed. It cannot create new data or experiment. Some flavours of Reinforced learning can do experiments and learn, it is still not methodical experimentation. Allow me to elaborate.
Causal relationships are like laws of this universe. Starting from newtons laws of motion, Laws of thermodynamics, Energy conservation laws.
We have an age old wisdom that is,
Correlation does not imply Causation.
To imply Causation, lot of parallel study in unrelated feilds will be required. The physical experiments, the theory behind the causation needs to be verified mathematically. Many such discoveries yeild noble prize. We should also remember the creativity and meticulous work of scientists in finding such causation. Even then, many findings in the past were just correlation.
Machine Learning is purely mathematical. The universe it works is very different from our reality. The number of dimensions in some ML problems can go in hundreds of dimensions. But they are conceptual dimensions. Not something you can physically see or feel.
With help of libraries written in programming languages that can handle huge data, the theory behind the Machine learning is abstracted. Thanks to object oriented programming, it is much easier to abstract the machinery. If not today ML will be in obscurity.
With machine learning a new law or causation cannot be discovered, but only learned. The causation will be learnt using equations, variables and their outputs. They cannot be proved using more mathematics. But the outputs will have sufficient accuracy so we can make decision or influence someone.",Why is machine learning useful for making predictions but not for finding causal relationships?,ML doesn't have all the data necessary to prove a
470,Which-skill-do-I-have-to-learn-first-and-why-artificial-intelligence-or-data-science-I-dont-have-any-other-knowledge-about-them-even-I-am-also-week-in-programming,"AI and Data Science is one of the ways of solving problems in this world. Before there was Statistics. Statistics is very misleading when the data is not sufficient. You have countless books explaining how statistics can be misleading. AI and DS leverages on Statistics, and solves problems and does it so well. But do we need it??? You will find out, keep reading
If you need one skill to then it is Problem Solving. There are many aspects to problem solving.
AI and DS started flourishing because the data availability sky rocketed along with the Computational power. Consider the datapoint.
How can these 5 points determine whether the company will default on the loan? In past, there will be no way to find out, apart from lot of calculation, years of experience and finally taking risk and extending credit. Finally see if the company repays it. That was a problem to banks. Today, the problem is solved (atleast 97%), to an extent that it is possible to predict the default ahead of time.
The Key is PREDICT. AI and DS are used extensively to predict the outcomes. They are used to locate the correlations, that our naked eyes or paper pencil calculations cannot show. All you need is the creativity and intuition to predict what might happen next.
Programming, Math are just tools. If you can predict or if your intuition says something will happen, then you use programming to collect the data and math to work on the data to PROVE you are correct. This is a very powerful ability. Leaders and effective managers use data so skillfully to influence the world around them.
Visualise yourself sitting in a meeting with a potential partner, and he is sharing you the benefits of a investment Scheme. As he continues to explain, your intuition says is there some flaw in the investment opportunity. You are unable to find it out. What you do next? Go to Google and ask for reviews from other users, or directly ask for the pro and cons of the investment scheme. Here you are trying to predict what will happen if you choose the scheme. You solved the problem, correct?
If you want others also to solve the problem, or if you want to solve the same problem with different values, conditions, and time lines then you can automate the process by programming it. The steps you take manually can be programmed simply using any programming language, say python and execute the below PSEUDOCODE.
Each step above needs many steps, and many problems to solve. You have to imagine what you need as end result and walk back towards the current situation. Many things like programming, libraries, databases knowledge might be required, or you can hire someone to do it for you. Again, you can solve the problem that you have.
It is acceptable to be unaware of something and be weak in it. It is unacceptable to be weak after you know how to master a skill. All it takes to learn problem solving and programming is the passion to solve problems and create change in your own life and that of others.
There are so many free resources that is offered by many online Problem solving websites, that you can learn from. Many programming languages can be compiled on the websites. The data is available freely if you search in in Google. Change your mindset and start solving problems. Solve easy ones and gain confidence, then move to difficult ones. There are books which curate problems from easy to difficult levels. Search for them, and you will get it.
Have a great life and wonderful time learning to solve problems.",Which skill do I have to learn first and why artificial intelligence or data science I dont have any other knowledge about them even I am also week in programming?,AI and Data Science is one of the ways of
471,Im-15-year-old-and-I-want-to-learn-computer-science-How-should-I-begin,"Two points will be more important whether you pursue CS or any other engineering course.
Everything is about Logic. So solve lot of problems in your free time. Take a book that curates easy to difficult programs and start solving them. Most of the books will refer online judges. You can use the judge to chk your solution.
Learn one Programming Language, depending on the stream you choose.
For CS , IT guys Python/ Javascript. Electrical and Electronics start with Matlab and then Master assembly language. Mechanical and Civil it is Engineering drawing(language here is the geometries)",Im 15 year old and I want to learn computer science How should I begin?,Two points will be more important whether you pursue CS
472,What-brands-and-companies-fail-because-they-dont-improve,"Companies fail because they are not managed well and the cash flow is not sufficient to stay afloat. Companies can sustain on their sales, and remain sthgnant without any improvement. Take some of our Kirana stores. They don't change muck. They are still around because they manage well",What brands and companies fail because they dont improve?,Companies fail because they are not managed well and the
473,Im-confused-between-machine-learning-and-penetration-testing-even-though-I-love-both-careers-quite-much-but-I-cant-learn-more-than-one-skill-What-should-I-do-1,"Pentest and ML both are about creativity and needs sound knowledge in programming. Instead of choosing the field choose the tool that is common in both the feilds, that is programming.
When you can code fluently, meaning you can get the output that you want from the computer fluently for number of problems, you can learn ML or Pentest easily.
Have a great career.",Im confused between machine learning and penetration testing even though I love both careers quite much but I cant learn more than one skill What should I do 1?,Pentest and ML both are about creativity and needs sound
474,What-should-I-major-in-to-launch-my-own-Machine-Consciousness-company-building-artificial-general-intelligence,"Oh, you can come work for me, I already have the idea to create the AGI. Just kidding..OpenAI. Deepmind H2OAi are some companies already working on this route.
You need to major is physics, computer science and mathematics, specifically geared towards making emergent systems. That is just the start. Or you have to hire such people and pay them to work on creating the AGI. That is what Musk is doing, in Neuralink and OpenAi.
If you get to AGI,then you may have to let the AGI run your company… Hmm, interesting situation, rite? Think about it. Musk is alread fighting that such level of AI should not be created. Musk is a physics major too.
An AGI has to be connected with multiple AGI in order to show emergent behaviour. Then only AGI can become conscious. Because physicists have proved consciousness is a cause of an emergent system, our brain.
There are many books written on this topic. search for it in google. Then choose your career wisely.",What should I major in to launch my own Machine Consciousness company building artificial general intelligence?,"Oh, you can come work for me, I already have"
475,Why-do-you-believe-this-world-is-a-simulated-reality,"Nope, there will be lot more glitches in the simulated world for the level of complexity we are creating. Think this way. when a simulated world grows to level were that world can create its own simulation, then Recursion happens. Godel has written a lot on this idea. Take a look at his writings. Trippy, yet very gripping
With the advent of quantum computing, finding the matters that are why smaller that, a huge collider is required, the march towards metaverse, all these tech can help in creating a man made simulation. Which means, simulation inside the simulation. Recurrsion.
You must be aware of recurssion in programming, that is a function calling itself is a recursive function. If the argument given that function is very large then the system will run out of memory. If ours is a simulated world and we create a full fledged simulation, then there is possibility that our simulated beings to can create simulation. (Godel can be of help here, the math is complex). Then the main system running the program will run out of memory. And the designer of the system is lousy.
Lets assume a situation where an AI has already made paper clips out of the entire universe and a made a powerful computer to run simulations to gather data on something much bigger than this universe that this AI wants to control. Will the AI allow such recurrsion in its system, even accidentally. Will AI be a lousy programmer. Very less probability, that the null hypothesis can be safely rejected
So be assured, the world we live is not simulated. My views might change as the metaverse that many are touting really becomes simulated universe with creatures that can replicate itself by using the system resources differently, and there is a lot of “Deja vu” happening for lot more people then we might have to seriourly consider the possibility that we are just simulated beings.
What if you find out that you are a simulated being, what will you do next? Food for thought…",Why do you believe this world is a simulated reality?,"Nope, there will be lot more glitches in the simulated"
476,How-do-I-install-Pandas-on-Windows-11,There is only one way. Install Python distribution that supports Win 11 and then install pandas thru Pip. This is the simplest way too.,How do I install Pandas on Windows 11?,There is only one way. Install Python distribution that supports
477,Is-it-normal-for-beginners-to-get-stuck-on-a-problem-in-coding-for-more-than-2hrs-Would-you-recommend-still-trying-the-logic-or-just-look-at-logic,"I had the same dialemma and my strategy is to look at the logic after finding atleast 5 solutions, that I think might work but may not be correct.
When I say solutions, I need to come up with solution, code them and then find my answer is wrong. Like this 5 times if it happens, then I look at the logic. What I gain in that five times is more important.
After 5 different trials, if no correct solution then,
Here are some actions that can be taken to mitigate above challenges.
Misunderstanding the problem statement is very common. Nowadays, the online judges are having good descriptive questions, and sample cases for you to understand. So try honing your information gathering skill.
Not knowing the capabilities of the programming language, can arise due to forgetting the feature, or completely unaware of a feature. For example, in python there is a standard dict type that is part of python and default dict type that you can import from collections library.
This knowledge about defaultdict can greatly change the way you solve a problem. Start documenting the important functions, and programs and refer them regularly. Build your own Cheatsheet
Finally, solving a problems is series of decisions. When you chose a variable to be a integers, and list of integers can completely change how you access them. If your problem is designed for a list type and looping method, then doing it any other way might be tedious. Here again comes, documenting again but more detailed one.
You need full working programs to be documented. So learn Git, Github and store your programs there. Wherever you are, you must be able to get hold of the program that you want.
Most important use online judges and problems given there to train. There is still a challenge of which problems to start with. One of the judges I know have their own guide and hours of training session for free. That too online. All you need is spend time and learn.
Have a great time and all the very best.",Is it normal for beginners to get stuck on a problem in coding for more than 2hrs Would you recommend still trying the logic or just look at logic?,I had the same dialemma and my strategy is to
478,Even-after-so-many-wars-calamities-and-epidemics-why-do-humans-still-mindlessly-reproduce,"Human mind is making humans believe that it is they who are reproducing. It is the illusion created by the human mind and humans are living in illusion. For instance, in the infancy stage, humans don't have any urge to reproduce. Humans grow up without being aware of the sex hormones slowly taking over the control of their feelings and their mind. Then the uncontrollable urge causes discomfort in their bodies and in order to relieve themselves of that discomfort, the humans do the act of reproduction. Who is then driving humans to reproduce? It is the DNA residing inside the human body that is driving the body through urge to reproduce. It is the DNA that has built the body around itself for its purpose and made the body ignorant of DNA’s presence that is causing the body to think that it (i.e. the body) is controlling everything and taking action as per body’s own sweet will. Thus, the body and the mind are thinking and doing everything under illusion. So, the mind should shake off its illusion and think that it is the DNA inside it that is coercing it to reproduce and the mind should not give away easily itself to the DNA’s tantrums. Only then, the mindless reproduction will stop. In some people the DNA made errors while building their bodies and in such defective bodies, DNA is unable to cause the urge to reproduce and such people are liberated from the mindless reproduction. Remember Osho’s famous slogan, “If the child is beautiful, so is the act that produced it.”.
",Even after so many wars calamities and epidemics why do humans still mindlessly reproduce?,Human mind is making humans believe that it is they
479,Machine-have-less-problems-Id-like-to-be-a-machine-Wouldnt-you,"If you really delve deep into Mechanics, Logic and Computer programming, you will realise even humans can be problem free.
The challenge is humans are Conscious and attract thoughts, ideas, and even events towards them. Machines on the other hand, can't do any of this. Forget about holding a belief like the one is embedded in your question.
I would suggest you to read a book called Bicentennial Man by Issac Asimov. Once you do that, see if you have a different idea about machines. Because, deep down we humans are just biological machines, developed and designed by nature/ universe. Just some Machine which acquired consciousness, belief system, and sophisticated brain and now thinking to reverse it and become Machine again.
IRony…",Machine have less problems Id like to be a machine Wouldnt you?,"If you really delve deep into Mechanics, Logic and Computer"
480,Can-Google-go-bankrupt,"Google’s Rivals are Amazon, Facebook and Apple (Edit : I forgot to add the NLP AI models that are being created every moment now). Yep, they do have rivals, competitors or industry threats… Google’s major products are it Search, Android OS, Youtube service and their Keyword ad services. Lets make this analysis more interesting by doing the Porter’s 5 forces analysis
New entrant threats : MAAN companies and Googles IPs will make this threat non-existent
Substitituition : Search, Youtube and Android have costlier substitutes, so the risk is low. Amazon Search can be a good substituition though.
Buyers Bargaining Power: Limited power since the algorithms at Google consider the power and price the service accordingly
Sellers Bargaining Power: Google is horizontally and vertically integrated. Their major supplier are Software engineers, Government for land, sea and electricity. The Government can be a strong Seller, with immense Bargaining Power
Industry Rivalry : Rivalry among the MAANG will not be a news those following the media, reading books about these companies. These players, are very logical and leisez faire kind of Rivals.
Some additional snippets:
As of 2017 much of the search for the theoretical and knowledge oriented products were done on Google, while the real money to businesses that makes products depend on AMAZON. Product searches are done on Amazon directly.
If any of the MAAN companies become very big, and decide to take on the core “Search” product of Google, then Google may go bankrupt.
How Challenging can taking on just the Search product can be?
Search product and its algorithms, the pagerank, keyword auction, ad display algorithms are the back bone of the Behemoth called Google.
To addon, Google has hardware network in place to take their traffic to remote corners of the world, like the T1 lines, huge numbers of data centers, companies acquired which have both computing and networking prowess.
Search is integrated in the Android phones which may come in countless flavours, but these phones use google api, services in the backend and give back the data to the Queen bee (or King bee).
When I was thinking about the everything I do in my work, there is some involvement of Google. Unlike Amzn, FB or Apple, which are just “Good to have”, not a MUST HAVE. Google is a MUST HAVE.
Will the world of Searchers be ready to pay for their Search?
Worst calamity occurs, and Google is brought down to its knees. It is unable to deliver search results or youtube videos, or other countless services. They ask for the world of “Searcher” to give/ lend/ purchase share of 1$, (or denominations of that amount). Considering only the adults in this world, who are above 15 year of age, that amount to 5.9 Billion. They will get 5.9 Billion USD in less than 24 hours, and become afloat again.
The odds of google going under and then staying under is 1 in a hunderd trillion kind. In other words it is very unlikely. So stay calm, and keep searching. (I am telling this to myself too and keep my 1$ saved for Google).
Edit in Evening:
The odds of Google going Bankrupt or taken over has increased to 1 in billion kind
There is surprising Contender for Google Search Product, and that is Open AI’s GPT3. Anyone thinking about super charging your search, then better look at that AI model. It is amazing….",Can Google go bankrupt?,"Google’s Rivals are Amazon, Facebook and Apple (Edit : I"
481,Ive-graduated-from-university-single-and-at-my-current-job-everyone-is-significantly-older-than-me-and-married-Where-should-I-look-to-find-a-date-partner,"Never get emotionally involved with anyone at work.
Since you are new to the corporate world, stay away from anyone you might like in office, even they may be attractive and attracted to you.
Why? Work place is not for emotional attachment. It is place of vision, execution and effeciency. All these require Logic. If you are not fully invested then your mind won't work logically and creatively. The moment you bring attachment, your brain will seize up. Instead of being attached to the vision of the team or organisation,your brain will think about the person you are attached with. Your career will slow down, and if not careful, even END.
How? How to find a mate for a date? Simplest of the option, don't Search. Be attractive enough by mind and soul, your partner will come to you. Just do what you like the most, and there you will find your partner waiting. Think about it.
Not many go to work by liking it. In workplace you will find partners who are equally distracted and disoriented. You might find them physically attractive but get bored soon after you know them.
What next? Be greatful you have a workplace and monthly salary. Think about investing in yourself and get ready for a wonderful life. Think about going to cities, mountains that are beautiful and adventurous. Make plan for your dream home, that feeling of being in control over life. Read up. Read up as many books you want on any subject. Exercise and keep your body, brain and back strong, you will need it when your partner comes in your life.
Remember, you will attract exactly the people you want and think about. Be clear who you want, how they should be, what they look like and how will they treat you. You will be surprised. when they materialise in front of you and care for you. In that moment, make sure you decide wisely and stay with that partner for life. That is how your Mom and Dad stayed together. It works. Countless partners do this. Be pateint and continue doing what you like and love.
Be loved. love yourself, your day, your passion. Let your soul mate be attracted to you.",Ive graduated from university single and at my current job everyone is significantly older than me and married Where should I look to find a date partner?,"Never get emotionally involved with anyone at work.
Since you are"
482,IBMs-new-artificial-intelligence-can-simulate-the-real-world-What-are-your-thoughts,"There are many systems out there that can simulate and forecast the real world scenarios. Key point is what question are we trying to answer, or are we searching for the Question.
When you simulate the whole world then you will get lot more questions than answer to questions that you want. There is an Open AI project that simulates multiple worlds and advices the best economic policies, search youtube for the same. That model is simple compared to modeling the entire world. And it answers a crucial question.
AI simulations of the game worlds are itself very difficult because, the agent(the AI program) has limited visibility, and the feedback for Agent’s actions is delayed for long time. This is with Starcraft, a very complex strategy game. The game company have open sourced the game engine so any body can develop on top of it on github.
IBM can combine all these together and comeup with a complicated game kind of a platform. The more it is accessible to the world of hackers and prgrammers to play and get information from it, the more it will be useful. Else it will just be a game that no one played.",IBMs new artificial intelligence can simulate the real world What are your thoughts?,There are many systems out there that can simulate and
483,To-support-technicians-in-setting-up-a-particle-accelerator-I-would-like-to-develop-a-machine-learning-based-system-giving-hints-on-next-steps-to-take-What-would-be-the-best-approach-and-software-to-get-started-with,"Interesting Idea to begin with.
First put the product designer hat and ask the repetitive tasks technicians do in their daily work. If you think there is no repetition, then look at the process they follow, and try to do process mining. Requirement gathering is done.
Take the prgrammer hat now and think how you can solve the repetition problem, and see if Computer vision, Natural Language Processing or some other AI/ solution solution may work
Then wear the coder hat, and code the solution and test it.
Software: to begin with use python libraries and tte digital data taken from the technicians. Python libraries can do a lot of activities, so explore the libraries before deciding on any propreitary software. Same goes with ML models. Many models that are trained on huge data are availabde for free.
Have a great time hacking an interesting solution.",To support technicians in setting up a particle accelerator I would like to develop a machine learning based system giving hints on next steps to take What would be the best approach and software to get started with?,"Interesting Idea to begin with.
First put the product designer hat"
Self Hypnosis and Reinforcement learning or completely opposite.
Self hyopnosis is a process of believing that a particular activity or behaviour can expressed by a “self”.
Reinforced learning gives positive feedback to an agent when it achieves a goal or completes an activity. If it doesn’t achieve then it is penalised. It is more akin to pleasure/ pain learning mechanism that many self help books suggest to learn a habit.
Humans learn in multiple ways, and one of them is reinforced learning. Belief system involves memory, forecasting, mirroring and mimicing, which is not fully done by Reinforced learning alone.
When Deep learning GANs and Reinforcement learning are modeled together then some level of imagination, attention can be found, but it is all mathematics. Not something equivalent to human consciousness or cognition.
Consciousness and cognition is an emergent behaviour. So is self hypnosis. If multiple agents can learn by reinforcement and communicate with each other and the environment, then self hypnosis can be modeled. But mathematically modelling it will need much research and computation power.
Have to wait and see.",Is self hypnosis a kind of re inforcement learning akin to machine learning?,"Nope.
Self Hypnosis and Reinforcement learning or completely opposite.
Self hyopnosis is"
485,I-m-28-Is-it-too-late-to-start-Data-Science-I-know-the-basics-of-Python-and-SQL,"I am in the same boat as you, and I have not landed a ML or DS job. I can share what I am doing now, and see if that makes sense to you.
Take up Python really serious, and learn it the hard way.
Meaning, to do very simple to hard programming challenges by typing and executing. Because that is what a SW / ML / AI engineer does. He or she has to work with, using the language he knows with real world data, that is incomplete, messy and sometime obnoxious (quora comment, anybody!!!).
Here are some basic activities. Search for programming challenges for these activities.
General Variables
Input checking
Logic Flow
Repetition using loops
String Manipulation and selection
Database access and data structure usage
Web scraping and data collection
Accessing APIs
These are very basic but when you try programming with language you know, you will see that these challenges are worth it. You can search Google for “Programming Challenges”. Choose only those challenges, that help you master the language. Don’t take the “Puzzles and Problem solving challenges”. You will get easily discouraged…. That come later, you can do it now for fun!!!
After completing the programming challenges, redo these challenges by creating some of GUI for these challenges. In case of Python, TKInter or Flask is very predominant libraries to look into.
As you are familiarising yourself, you can also look for resources to “Learn Python/ Javascript/ Ruby the hard way”. Meaning, to type every line of code yourself. Then upload the code to your GITHUB repo. (You have to learn GIT, I found it intuitive)
Master Probability & Stats for Data Analysis
Another subject to master in parallel is Probability, Hypothesis and Inference in Statistics.
There are many statistical tests , data analysis heuristics that can tell you about the data, without you having to search the complete data. This is a skill which ML / AI engineers really excel at. So I am currently searching and learning these skills. Another important skill is, ability to convert your ideas into Python code. This will need practice… Typing… Executing… Repeat…
There are lot of data sources out there. The real ML engineer can source his own data, with Style in Python. There are very good libraries in Python, but I prefer Selenium for JS enabled sites, and BeautifulSoup for regular requests site.
There is whole lot of learning, practicing, typing code, helping others to learn, typing more code, scraping most of the code when I find a simple library to do it, and the cycle repeats…
Datascience, ML Jobs are touted to be the most rewarding, because the daily tasks feels like playing games. You set yourself a particular goal, and you go after it, in REAL WORLD. Real World is messy, so you need to practice a lot to get the data from real world, make sense of it, make a model from it, and then present it as “Gold/silver/platinum level Model” to the company you work for.
Like how the “Gold Mining” was done during Wild West days, yep that is the exact analogy that suits for ML/ AI engineer too. There are many “Good Bad and Uglies” out there. The journey to get the reward is more rewarding than the reward itself.
So, if you are ready to take the journey (Up hill trekking/ mountain climbing) with your bare fingers typing away on the keyboard for 13 to 14 hours a day, eye burning after staring the monitor, back aching after trying to execute the code that breaks due to some silly logic errors, and much more…. then and only then START.
Once you take the 1st STEP… look up, look forward and IMAGINE and KEEP SEARCHING like a Scientist, an Engineer. We will reach… See you at the TOP",I m 28 Is it too late to start Data Science I know the basics of Python and SQL?,"I am in the same boat as you, and I"
486,I-have-a-theoretical-knowledge-of-Java-and-I-just-got-a-job-as-a-Java-developer-based-on-theoretical-knowledge-only-now-I-am-confused-whether-they-will-give-proper-training-of-Java-If-not-then-how-do-I-proceed,"Convert your theretical knowledge into reality.
There are many programming exercise books out there which challenge you to program everyday tasks form scratch.
The books names cannot be shared here, but you can look for the books for programming challenges. The challenges are not the difficult coding puzzles. The challenges are targeted towards familiarising the following
General Variables
input checking
Logic Flow
Repetition using loops
String Manipulation and selection
Database access and data structure usage
Web scraping and data collection
Accessing APIs
These are very basic but when you try programming with language you know, you will see that these challenges are worth it.
Spend your time doing the exercises first with only commandline method. After that create some web or GUI framework and redo the programs in that framework.
This format is difficult, time consuming, the only way to mastery and well worth the time. Have a great time learning and coding in Java.",I have a theoretical knowledge of Java and I just got a job as a Java developer based on theoretical knowledge only now I am confused whether they will give proper training of Java If not then how do I proceed?,"Convert your theretical knowledge into reality.
There are many programming exercise"
487,What-website-allows-me-to-build-a-neural-network-without-code-so-then-I-can-export-it,"To build a neural network, you can use some libraries like Tensorflow, Pytorch. There are websites that host the models of neural networks that has been already trained with huge datasets.There are Git repos that host these models too.
Search in Github. Then there is Dagshub that host both data and the models together.
If you are looking for some cloud service that can allow you to program the neural networks, and then get the trained model out of that service and use it in productiion, then you need to search in the internet.
I can provide you the search terms only (Providing the service names is considered as promotion in Quora) Some tems to search for are,
Cloud notebooks for python programming
Programming python on cloud servers
Neural network (Computer vision, Language) models. Also the keras library and spacy library comes with some builtin models.
Free jupyter notebooks on cloud.
These could lead you to the service that you are looking for. Have a fun time. Take as much you want, then give back once you have learnt and mastered from the internet.",What website allows me to build a neural network without code so then I can export it?,"To build a neural network, you can use some libraries"
488,How-important-is-Deep-Learning-for-data-science-Can-you-get-a-data-science-related-job-with-only-experience-in-Machine-Learning,"No you can't get a job just by having Machine Learning expertise. The DS is expected to have good coding and data acquisition skills. If you want to enter a good company which values the skill of ML then the base is important.
Apart from that by learning to code and acouire data, you don't need to join a company, you can create your own campany. How do you think FB got created, or for that matter any of the ML companies you are aspiring to be part of?
The guys at the top have good business and coding skills, and importantly they can hack the system so they can try out their ideas fast and automated way. All this requires coding. More you can speak the Language of the Machine the more easier is to get the ML work that is rewarding.
Deep learning is much easier to learn but to code it and get the data to it for processing would be trouble if you can’t code.
Have a great career.",How important is Deep Learning for data science Can you get a data science related job with only experience in Machine Learning?,No you can't get a job just by having Machine
489,How-can-I-find-someone-who-can-help-me-with-troubleshooting-while-learning-R-programming,"Troubleshooting or debugging, is a process that will take time to master. In the beginning, you can use forums like Google, Stackoverflow to get support for the errors you get. In stackoverflow, you can share the complete code and ask support on the error. Pls research before asking.
For long term the solution is to read lot of good code and try to understand how it is written. Then type it out to run it yourself. Chk whether you are able to run the code succesfully. This exercise will show you new ways to debug the code. Also it will show if you are making some typo or programming syntax errors.
One tried rethod is to read the code from bottom to top, aloud. Yep, like a child learning english. You will resolve many syntax and typo errors that way.
Always type the code. Most of the time the white spaces, and tabs can create problems which propagate to many errors.
Use an IDE. This will reduce the time you spend searching the errors.
Precisely, You use the computer to help you debug. Once you can do that, then programming is fun. You can then take repetetive problems you have and try to solve them, by programming.",How can I find someone who can help me with troubleshooting while learning R programming?,"Troubleshooting or debugging, is a process that will take time"
490,Which-is-the-best-platform-for-learning-options-greeks,"You need is a Book about option greeks. There are countless platforms out there which teach the areas that are immediately applicable for doing trades. In reality they are getting liquidity from you.
If you really want to learn, then take good books which speaks about applications of options in the market and try to find strategies that can make you money.
Google for books on options used by market makers and their strategy, and google for books on market workings. They will be filled with many platform blogs, ignore them and choose the books.
There is no free Lunch( Especially in Markets). Do your research.",Which is the best platform for learning options greeks?,You need is a Book about option greeks. There are
491,What-would-you-like-to-convey-to-all-your-Quora-followers,"If only two thing that I can convey to everyone it will be,
The world is becoming increasingly complex. While many of us spend countless hours in paperwork for moving one physical thing in real world. The complexity is created by the software and standardisation.
If you are greatful for both of these inventions better learn to code and learn to lead. In order to lead, yoq have to code the reality. You have to tell your followers, what they have to do next. That is coding.
There is already a visible divide happening between those who can code and lead. Take the que and double down on your coding practice. Have a great future.",What would you like to convey to all your Quora followers?,If only two thing that I can convey to everyone
492,What-is-machine-learning-with-an-example,"Based on your series of questions regarding ML(Machine Learnin) following is a crisp answer clarifying all the areas of doubt.
ML is a process of finding realation among the variables in the data and then use that relation to predict the unknown variables in related dataset. Relation is found in Training data set, and it is validated in test dataset. Then the relation(called a model) is deployed in field.
Examples include predicting the demand of the online store, classifying a comment is toxic or good. Summarising the topic of the document using NLP. Finding the subject in a picture. All this examples have the common starting point. Numbers. Whatever the data, the machine can read numbers only. The work of ML engineer is partly to know how to convert the data into numbers.
To reiterate, whether a picture, word or general number is converted to number format the algorithms can read and provide answers. Again the answers are in Numbers. ML engineer has to feed the data in correct format and then interpret the answer that comes out of the functions.
ML engineer has to work with data that is stored in many places, like databases, documents, websites, APIs etc. They program a lot of functions that automate the data feeding and interpretation process. Then there are pipelines in production code that needs the models for real time processing. This is also done by ML engineer.
Programming Language used is Python. There are countlesss resources out there to pickup and learn this language. You must attain fluency with reading the code others have written and underrtand what it does. Later you can start writing. Try using IDE like pycharm or VScode for running the code snippets.
If you are planning to learn ML there is involvement of Mathematics. This part of ML is mostly abstracted by libraries like Scipy. Numpy, Scikit learn and importantly pycaret. So be calm and try to get some hands on in working on the data first. Slowly the math can be learnt.
Happy Learning.",What is machine learning with an example?,Based on your series of questions regarding ML(Machine Learnin) following
493,How-does-a-machine-learning-system-store-its-learned-memory,"ML is simply an algebra equation that can fit the data more closely.
ax + b = c is an age old line equation. Where a, b are the parameters. The addition of the terms on left side is the “algorithm”. There can be many complicated methods to fit the data. Also there can be many parameters, in ML they are called features.
With this simple equation, you might think, it impossible to create all this amazing results. You are correct. The idea is simple, but the work that goes into it is very intensive.
A model store the parameters, structure and the associated values. This is same for ML or deep learning model. The libraries in python for deep learning can be very confusing to begin with. Using the simple algebra equation model, you can easily understand many complex receipes.
All the best to your learnings.",How does a machine learning system store its learned memory?,ML is simply an algebra equation that can fit the
494,What-does-%E2%80%98state-of-the-art%E2%80%99-mean-in-machine-learning-Is-it-the-best-or-one-of-the-best,"It is The Best.
In NLP the current state of art is Tranformers. In Computer vision it is Deep Neural Networks. GPT3 is another model which is currently becoming popular.
There are research papers released regularly ar.xiv where the break throughs are published. There are independent websites where the models are shared for free.
With Transfer learning, one can use these state of art models to train on your data and get better results. So when you are approaching a problem, check and research well.
Have a nice time learning.",What does %E2%80%98state of the art%E2%80%99 mean in machine learning Is it the best or one of the best?,"It is The Best.
In NLP the current state of art"
495,How-do-you-structure-your-machine-learning-projects,"There are three directions to begin with.
Alpha Numerical based
Natural language based
Computer vision based
All the options will require data. So your project will spend more time on collecting data. Then you may want to annotate the data, if you are going to do supervised learning.
The domain you choose are huge currently. You can think about real world applications that are currently having ineffective solutions. Then using ML try solving it.
The industry that is ripe is Social studies and sciences. There is lot of activities that the govt takes. Recently, IT dept of India decided to open past tax returns filings based on an ML algorithm. Most probably, it is a supervised classification algorithm.
Then the engineering feild needs to be researched where the data can be used for finding good solutions. There is many opportunity in optimisation problems in production, design and reliability.
Like this, each domain has to be researched. Even the restaurants and food choices can be a ML project if you get creative.
Try out something new. Have a fun time.",How do you structure your machine learning projects?,"There are three directions to begin with.
Alpha Numerical based
Natural language"
496,How-do-we-study-artificial-intelligence-in-Germany-When-should-we-apply-for-it-after-12th-or-do-we-have-to-study-a-BTech-in-AI-India,"At this age, you don't study AI. You live it.
Everything around can help you to learn AI. Whether it is picture you see, the words you read or the sounds you hear, every thing can be used to learn AI. And you don't need to go to Germany for learning AI. Sit at your home and learn the following.
Python and Javascript (You can learn C++ too)
Work on problem solving (Real world is full of problems, but to learn problem solving. you need to spend time with toy prblems first, theo imagin how the problems can be seen real world)
Discipline and Energetic mindset.(This is cultnvated by regularly doing things and activities that are difficult to you)
Mathematics(The language of this universe has to be learned and visualised. Spend your evenings with hot chocnate and good math book)
Lots of good Sci fiction. The ideas of many science fiction books have been made a reality. In fact AI was spoken by authors before the scentists came up with math and tech for AI.
Work on seeing the world as data. This is really an ability. The more you can think about the world as data, the more you can find interesting problems to solve. Whether a website or a mobile app, it is data. The code is also data. The infrastructure is also data.
Database and distributed computing. This will be an important technology to hold the data and process it.
Creativity like doodling and drawing the real world that you see. The urge in every kid to draw on the walls around the world is there for a reason. Our ancestors drew on the walls to communicate. Today we write updates on Facebook wall. How fundamental.",How do we study artificial intelligence in Germany When should we apply for it after 12th or do we have to study a BTech in AI India?,"At this age, you don't study AI. You live it.
497,In-which-situation-do-we-use-a-box-plot,"Plots of any kind helps to see the data points that you have on a table in a picture. The Box above is having many data points which are scattered. Even with such crude rendering, the plot conveys its meaning. Think about the questions the figure answers.
One thing the Solo Box PLot lacks is “Company”. Yep, plots are there to show comparisons. The individual data points have given meaning to the Box Plot of one category, but it becomes a whole, when you bring more boxes…
Take a look at the plot below, you can easily compare between many categories/parts/testing conditions. Comparing is the key, in data visualisation. The below box plots could be showing, various parts in a production line, or results of multiple tests, or same part result over days.
Just by looking at the plots, you can identify which is odd part/result/day or category. Think about the insight you can share to others when you are using the plot. Mathematics is important, and the purpose needs to be enlightenment, and clarity.",In which situation do we use a box plot?,Plots of any kind helps to see the data points
498,What-is-the-most-vulnerable-programming-language,"Natural Language is the most vulnerable programming Language.
The Logic is most important in programming. Every day the managers and leaders work in programming their followers to achieve the shared goals. We see that there are many places where the communication breaks and then goals are not reached.
Companies and Organisation have failed because the natural language is vulnerable.",What is the most vulnerable programming language?,"Natural Language is the most vulnerable programming Language.
The Logic is"
499,Can-machines-itself-generate-algorithms,"Yes. It can generate its own algorithms. The algorithms that are famous for this is called Reinforced Learning algorithms.
There are many companies specialising in this kind of algorithms. Recent developments have seen algorithms that can write code by looking at a problem statement.",Can machines itself generate algorithms?,Yes. It can generate its own algorithms. The algorithms that
500,My-girlfriend-is-admiring-someone-else-How-can-I-win-her-back,"Do you have confidence to be her friend even if she is admiring someone else? If yes then, why lose a friend. Dust yourself and get ready for someone more worthy of your love.
If she is admiring someone else then you too start admiring someone else. Go get a hobby for yourself and self improve. Slowly reduce the time you spend with her, and thinking about her. Just become her friend. If she wants to spend time with you then think about your priorities first and then give her time.
Remember time spent today means, you are going to spend more to buy it from others tomorrow
This strategy can help you avoid unwanted heartache and headache by being the first to dump her. The ensuing drama is not worth your time. Have a great time. You deserve it.",My girlfriend is admiring someone else How can I win her back?,Do you have confidence to be her friend even if
501,My-girlfriend-has-told-me-she-is-in-love-with-her-best-friend-Her-best-friend-lives-far-away-and-doesn-t-see-her-like-that-What-do-I-do-My-girlfriend-said-she-still-wants-to-be-with-me,"You have to DECIDE what you want in life.
Be very clear with your decision, then questions related to relationships are very easy to answer.
Your girlfriend here seems to be confusing you by saying, “be with you”. This is usually what friends say to each other. The friends like each other’s company. But do want to “live” their lives together.
If you really love her then, it is better to clarify what she really means and get ready to move on. Don't waste time and there is lot more to do in life than to be confused. You may regret the time you lost by not deciding soon.
Have a great time.",My girlfriend has told me she is in love with her best friend Her best friend lives far away and doesn t see her like that What do I do My girlfriend said she still wants to be with me?,"You have to DECIDE what you want in life.
Be very"
502,I-have-1-year-of-experience-in-the-mining-field-Can-I-get-a-data-analyst-job-after-a-data-science-course,"Data Science is about numbers and converting those numbers into predictions using the models. Being a Data Miner there are other feilds like Data Engineer and Data Modeler. Thinking about only data science is like going to tutorial college to learn a craft.
Data science can be used in any place where you can get the data and have annotated easily.
one year of experience would be acceptable for becoming a data engineer, for data science you need to be profecient in many modeling techniques too. So take the course on data science. Do lot of projects in free time and then prepare yourself to use the DS skill in real world,and share to those interviewing you.
All the very best.",I have 1 year of experience in the mining field Can I get a data analyst job after a data science course?,Data Science is about numbers and converting those numbers into
503,Which-books-will-make-me-fall-in-love-with-reading,"When I first fell in love with reading, the book was Fredrick Foresysth´s The day of Jackal. I loved the way the book takes you to places that you can not imagine going to. I read 5 book from this author after that. I became a voracious Reader from that point.
The next book that pulled me was Dan Brown´s Angels and demons. Something spell binding in the way Dan uses the words to describe the places, plots, people and situation. His books transport you to a different Realm of the story.
My love for fiction was at the top when I read Sherlock Holmes by AC Doyle. ACD’s books are about the plots, the logic and the use of human brain to its peak ability. Sherlock is a person who is based on once living doctor.
Then comes the giants of Sci fi. Issac asimov, Arthur C clarke and Neal stephenson books. Their works mix, places, logic, Sci Fi know how, math, artificial intelligenc, culture and bring out a very nuanced experience that can be enjoyed only by reading them. These three authors can make you to fall in love with reading very easily.
Walter issacson has written biography of many notable founders. The probing narrative that he weaves around the lives of his subjects can bring them alive in your imagination.
Brian Tracy has some good self help books that you want to learn on self improvement. Countless Dale carnegie books too can make you read and at the same time improve.
Try the books. There is a saying that book chooses you. In that sense Robert green’s collection of books are a present as hard copies in my library. If you are ever curious about human nature then his books will give you a very in depth research which is vrey much readable.
There is Charles Dickens, Ian flemmig, Roald dahl and Rudyard kipling. Their books are introduced to children so they can get interested in reading. Try their works if yoo are inclined about enjoyable reads.
Have a great time reading the 14 greats in writing who changed the way many like me look at the world today.",Which books will make me fall in love with reading?,"When I first fell in love with reading, the book"
504,Do-I-need-to-have-a-prior-knowledge-of-data-analysis-before-I-can-learn-machine-learning-for-web-applications,"Machine learning is a fascinating subject that involves not just data, ananlysis, or web applications. It encapsulates the entire world you live in today. The world did not change, the way information flowed, changed drastically. The population of humans increased as info flowed freely.
What to do with all this information flowing all across the world? Much of the info couldn't be stored in digital format cheaply even in late 2010. The turning point ocurred when the technology to commoditize the hard disk and processors where born.
From then the information started flowing faster and became cheaper to save. This cheaper data storage means, a lot of data which previously considered useless got saved somewhere, and that too cheaply and reliably.
Why am I telling the story of information when the question is about Machine Learning?
ML distills the informtion into actionable insights that can be used to make predictions about the future. Data analysis helps to see what the ML is doing visually. Data analysis is used for many generic tasks too, but when you use it with ML, the power to understand the ML model increases.
With all the info available, it is important that any one thinking about ML must be ready to work with lot of data and fluently move between the various data streams using the programming.
Why learning Data Structures and Algorithm is important, but not really a show stopper?
The data in real world is messy. If you want to access it,then you need to solve the problem. There comes the DS and Algo. It is not a show stopper because most of the extractions you have to do can be learned thru google, cookbooks and pair programming friends.
Being passionate about manipulating the data, thinking about using one data to find the patterns, and being eager to play with the data can hugely benefit your endeavour in to data feild. Have a great time.",Do I need to have a prior knowledge of data analysis before I can learn machine learning for web applications?,Machine learning is a fascinating subject that involves not just
505,What-areas-of-artificial-intelligence-are-being-implemented-in-the-diagnosis-of-respiratory-infections,"Two areas comes to my mind immediately. Timeseries analysis of the respiration, and computer vision analysis for checking the Xray of the Lungs and Chest.
The computer vision heuristics and deep learning algo can effectively classify whether the patient is having Covid or not. The same idea is also used in detecting melanoma mutation in the Skin.
The tools are used effectively reduce the manual work involved in identifying the presence of disease using the photographs. In case of cancer the clinician has to sit on microscope and check very throughly. That takes lot of time and human energy.
More research is on going.",What areas of artificial intelligence are being implemented in the diagnosis of respiratory infections?,Two areas comes to my mind immediately. Timeseries analysis of
506,Can-I-learn-blockchain-technology-if-I-am-from-mechanical,"Tech of Blockchain has multiple streams. Token engineering, Smart contracts programming, and Blockchain development itself.
Learning the tech is not difficult for anybody. The challenge is implementing it in a projeect or real application.
There are many options where you can learn to implement the things you learn. Ensure you have good knowledge of python, linux, server side tech, and good grasp on data structures. These are important since the industry is in transition stage, so they seek experienced people.
Not just getting certified. Even the certificate may help, but you need to have the curiosity to learn in detail about the particular area in Blockchain.
All the very best.",Can I learn blockchain technology if I am from mechanical?,"Tech of Blockchain has multiple streams. Token engineering, Smart contracts"
507,If-I-want-to-create-an-AI-like-Jarvis-what-should-I-learn,"Get ready to play a lot of games. And teach computers how to learn.
Tony stark makes it look simple to build the AI JARVIS in the movie. No sweating no learning, but lot of playing around and flying in drones. That is exactly what you need to do.
When you play video games, you will learn a lot of concepts and ideas to imagine how to solve AI challenges. The more you can visualise, and try new ideas, the solution will arise. In videogames you can try a lot of time to solve a level or stage.
You have to learn programming and problem solving too. Learning it thru gamified platform like leetcode, hackerrank will give you lot of confidence and you can see others solving the problems bettter than you, and get inspired or get charged to beat them.
Logic and probability. AI is extremely logical and involves stochastic probability. These may sound difficult, the trick is in solving many problems so these concepts become second nature to your left and right brain. The sync of left and the right brain is trainable. Takes a considerable time when you become old. When you are young the time spent on TV and watching television has to be used for this.
Friends. The final important point is to have friends who are smarter and kind enough to take you along with them. If not physical friends then find good books that have authors who are passionate hackers and who teach.
AI is required for a world that is becoming complex everyday. Every ounce of effort counts. All the very best.",If I want to create an AI like Jarvis what should I learn?,Get ready to play a lot of games. And teach
508,Im-still-really-attached-to-my-ex-and-only-cared-about-her-Now-I-feel-like-nothing-is-good-for-me-Whats-some-advice-or-tips-to-overcome-this-feeling,"Go to any public places like a bus stand, a railway station or even a temple. Look at the people as they are really. You will see, out of the hundreds or even thousands who pass you, many will have a smile on their face. One or two may even smile at you too.
If you realize one thing, it has to be this. Everyone is struggling with one thing or the other. There they are even with their struggles, going towards a purpose,an idea that they think will bring a change in life or keep their life from falling apart. Some positive thinking, among the relentless negativity that surrounds each one.
Those who smile and look at the world for inspiration, motivation and calmness they will get it. First smile at yourself.
The solution to your sadness(not your infatuation) is to think about the countless others who have such infatution and how they are leading their life. You will feel a strange calm comes to you. Think good for those suffering like you, your suffering reduces. The more you think new ideas will come and who knows your new purpose might emerge..
Keep your head up and take the next step. Great day.",Im still really attached to my ex and only cared about her Now I feel like nothing is good for me Whats some advice or tips to overcome this feeling?,"Go to any public places like a bus stand, a"
509,I-have-to-write-a-program-as-a-part-of-my-undergraduate-studies-and-Im-really-interested-in-machine-learning-and-neural-networks-I-want-to-keep-it-simple-but-useful-Any-ideas,"Here are couple of projects that I have been thinking, which uses NLP libraries.
Many of these projects you can find open source datasets available with google bigquery public datasets. The data may not be directly available. You might have to do some SQL querying, and cleanup. That in itself can be a project.
All the very best…",I have to write a program as a part of my undergraduate studies and Im really interested in machine learning and neural networks I want to keep it simple but useful Any ideas?,"Here are couple of projects that I have been thinking,"
510,Its-been-1-year-that-I-have-been-working-as-a-software-engineer-I-work-on-developing-Python-code-and-a-little-bit-on-machine-learning-How-do-I-improve-my-career-Should-I-do-any-certification,"Python is the swiss army knife that anybody can weild safely and reduce their workload drastically. Solve a real world problem that you have.
How about automating the tasks that you are doing now with python. Think about the repetitive things you do.
Data collection
Folding, Training and testing
All the above tasks will involve many systems and teams in your organisation. You need to find way to work in the system and still free up your time.
In parallel work on entirely new area of machine learning like reinforced learning, NLP etc. Learning the method to collect the data outside your orgainisation.
All this is possible, with libraries in Python.
Coming to your question. Once you do the above, you will start seeing challeges in many automation ideas that you want to execute. You will start reading many books, and understand howe other hackers are coding and automating.
You see where this is going? This is how every billion dollar tech company was created. The product that the founder created is the product that he wanted. Whether it is Brin and Sergey, N. Tesla, Musk, Mark, Jobs or Gates, it is same story.
Take charge and have a wonderful transition from just a programmer to uber hacker.",Its been 1 year that I have been working as a software engineer I work on developing Python code and a little bit on machine learning How do I improve my career Should I do any certification?,Python is the swiss army knife that anybody can weild
511,CBSE-has-introduced-AI-artificial-intelligence-as-part-of-its-curriculum-in-standard-9-What-could-be-some-of-the-basic-projects-done-by-students,"Natural language programming, Reinforced Learning and Computer vision or three areas that you need to concentrate. Before that…
Project you need to do is,
Watch a lot of videos on mathematical problem solving and document the type of problems and their solutions.
Play lot of video games that have AI characters. Halo series and portal series are very interesting. There is invisible by Klei, Mass effect series, and Guardians of galaxy. Your imagination has to be primed first.
Read up the Robot series and Foundation series by issac Asimov. Any AI or Robot developer should dip into the contribution of Asimov(You will understand why Elon Musk decided to Colonise Mars)
Solve lot of puzzles and again document the interesting solutions.
As a side project follow couple of important companies Deep mind, Open Ai, Two minute papers etc…
You will come up with lot of project ideas and problems to solve once you do the above. Then what?
Python language is your go to choice. There are ways to learn this language visually. Any thing you learn needs to useful in this world. It can break the world or make the world, but it needs to do something. You need to visualise the solution first.
That is why I ask to play games. They help to visualise the solution. Games have immense impact on your imagination. AI needs lot of imagination and visualisation to understand and then use it creatively.
Next take the programs written by others, copy it in VSCode (the best IDE out there, all hackers and programmers use it, and it is super easy) and try to execute and check the output. You can get lot of books and courses apart from those thought at school. Read the books like a novel. Apply the programs and try to visualise what kind of solution the author of the book has preferred. Document the ideas.
Visualise what the computer did to get that output. I repeat this. This is important because computer will follow set of rules to solve a problem. You need to work with that rules. This takes visualising, time, practice, taking ideas from others and sharing new ideas.
This is the best part of learning to program and working with AI. You spend so much time trying to understand your computer, that you can find ways to make it think for itself. Even though it is thinking in numbers.
Remember Visualising is a big part in AI and programming. Have a great future. Take one step at a time.",CBSE has introduced AI artificial intelligence as part of its curriculum in standard 9 What could be some of the basic projects done by students?,"Natural language programming, Reinforced Learning and Computer vision or three"
512,Why-will-data-and-artificial-intelligence-transform-the-future,"Future is already here. If you ask whether AI came first or the future no one can answer.
There are countless claims on how AI has helped to creat the future. I have a simple and logical reason. AI lets you to visualise the impact of a random factor on a particular outcome.
Take an example of Car. We all have travelled in it. Recently with Uber and Ola the number of people who could travel increased drastically. instead of owning a car, renting a car is making more sense atleast in some cities. This was possible because the location of the cab and the rider could be automatically linked.
If it needs to be done in traditonal rule based programming then the lines of code required will be very large. For every product which needs connectivity with the customer the code needs to be repeated. All this repetition has been removed by AI abstraction.
Still there is lot of code, but now anybody can use it replicate their own product. This is a phenomenal change in how the world works and coding is done. This is possible only becaure of notonly AI but the entire ecosystem that formed around it.
Then there is Data. Today the Code itself has become data. The way the syntax and the algorithm is implemented can be seen as a pattern by the AI neural nets. Without that AI cannot be useful. Even the power of computing will not be able to surpass the importance of the Data. Unlike computing a scarce resource the Data is created evert second.
With the data, the pattern matching and the rule generation in programming is automated. To answer your question, that is why AI and so called “future” is here today. Use it to live and code happily.",Why will data and artificial intelligence transform the future?,Future is already here. If you ask whether AI came
513,Is-it-worth-it-to-learn-Java-in-2022-despite-having-Python-and-Go-type-programming-languages-in-the-market,"Every Language has its benefits, for Java it is the security it offers with object oriented programming. Much of the banking backend security is done using java only.
Python is good in simplifying automation at user level. Security is not compromised, but python will need additional code and care to implement security and proper testing is done.
Go ahead learn the language, you will be able to pickup Python with ease if you can learn Java..",Is it worth it to learn Java in 2022 despite having Python and Go type programming languages in the market?,"Every Language has its benefits, for Java it is the"
514,Can-a-computer-solve-a-reCAPTCHA,"Yes it can solve. You can use Python, Tensorflow models that are pretrained on numbers and letters and guess the best translations of the captcha and use it.
My question is what made you curious to ask this question?
The AI research has crossed the simple captchas and taken on much difficult tasks to solve the real world challenges like detecting cancer cells, detecting the places of interest with the pics..
Take a look at some of the research in AI that is posted by tensorflow and pytorch community.",Can a computer solve a reCAPTCHA?,"Yes it can solve. You can use Python, Tensorflow models"
This is one feild where there is so many things you need to learn, from simple algebra to some time very complex transformation that involves multiple dimensions.
Only you can teach yourself. Teachers can only show that, such and such things can be done. Then you use your imagination to build further.",Who is the best teacher for learning artificial intelligence online?,"YOU
This is one feild where there is so many things"
516,What-is-the-order-in-which-I-should-learn-programming-language-as-a-beginner,"simply start with a repetitive task that you want to automate. It could be inside the computer, or on the internet or outside in real world.
then begin by listing the steps for doing the activity.
you will start seeing some activities have dependencies, others you have no knowledge, still others that can be done by using some form of physical mecahanisms.
The above three steps art the problem identification stage. There are couple of steps more before you can start typing on your keyboard.The data structure and mechanism to collect data is decided. The algorithm to process is decided. All these steps are like solving puzzles.
Then you use the programming language that you know to code.
The order of learning to code starts by not learning to code but to sit and solve problems. Then try solving them differently with the data structures and algorithms others have used. Follow that by reading lots and lots of code written by others and identifying how they solved the problems.
The path to mastery may be convoluted. The journeyman decides to take the routes and try them. With Curiosity and child like enthusiasm. Have a great time with your learning journey…",What is the order in which I should learn programming language as a beginner?,simply start with a repetitive task that you want to
517,Im-16-and-don-t-know-what-career-I-want-My-dad-wants-me-to-do-trades-but-I-m-not-sure-I-want-to-do-that-and-be-stuck-without-education-What-should-I-do,"Listen to your dad and join the trade of your dad. Yes I am telling you this because you can learn about people, places and things that no college or school will teach. Take his guidance but build your own vision for the business…
ONE Condition Do Not Marry. Have a girlfriend if you have the looks and charm. If not then purely concentrate on working your trade or learning new things
See you can enter into anything where you will have time to learn and explore new things. When you take on marriage and start a family then you will get stuck.
Where you Learn is not important. When you know how to deal with people. then you can teach others. Aspire to become so good at your trade that Biz school calls you for taking class..Remember the Great Lallu Prasad Yadav. He was called by IIMs to teach how he turned around Indian Railways.
You have to learn upto under graduate using distance courses. Remember that. Knowledge is power. Also use online courses that free from many universities. The Idea of asking you to join your dad’s trade is because, you will have time. Use it wisely.
All the best for your future and your family.",Im 16 and don t know what career I want My dad wants me to do trades but I m not sure I want to do that and be stuck without education What should I do?,Listen to your dad and join the trade of your
518,Which-is-better-a-BSc-in-programming-and-data-science-from-IIT-Madras-or-a-BTech-in-Data-Science-from-Manipal-University-Which-degree-will-be-having-a-high-scope-and-salary-in-the-future,"I have not been to IIT however from the friends who studied there, they talk about the intense competition and single minded approach towards success. That atmosphere itself can propel you forward and search for opportunities like a Hacker. Hacker who is always ready to contribute…
Even though programming is more important, ability to understand the theory behind the datascience calls for a full undergraduate course and the rigour it brings with it. Manipal can offer you that for sure. You will become an engineer by heart. Engineer who loves to build things.
So there you see the two routes and where they will lead you. All the very best",Which is better a BSc in programming and data science from IIT Madras or a BTech in Data Science from Manipal University Which degree will be having a high scope and salary in the future?,I have not been to IIT however from the friends
519,As-a-beginner-with-a-commerce-background-where-do-I-start-from-in-order-to-learn-Artificial-Intelligence,"Start with entry level course on python. Try to understand how programming solves some basic problems with numbers, arithemetics and algebra. You will also get introduced to simple data structures like lists, dictionaries.
Then you can try automating some of your commerce problems in python. Take simple ones, that you can easily write with python syntax. Then make use of that program and create a function that you can call with different input values.
This is the point where you can think about the machine learning or artificial intelligence. The domain has many practitioners and experts. They contribute by creating libraries, blogs, books and tutorials that you can read and try implementing.
As you practice this way, you will also come across many resources, that you can learn from. Sthrt slow and steadily progress…",As a beginner with a commerce background where do I start from in order to learn Artificial Intelligence?,Start with entry level course on python. Try to understand
520,Can-I-master-Al-ML-deep-learning-cyber-security-etc-without-going-to-college,"Yes you can
If you are young then better go to college, there are other benefits of being with likeminded guys and girls. That part of your life is a gift to cherish. Now I am done with that so getting down to business…
The college provides you all the necessary courses, and provides you exam and teachers to train you. When you do it yourself then, you have to find alternate for the teachers, exams and a way to train.
Teachers are easy to replace. Online courses give you the necessary teachers. Exam is also easy to replace by attending the certification exams or online examination sites.
Way to train is most difficult to replace. Training means not just repeating what is in the book or course. It means able to use your knowledge in real life scenario. This takes lot of effort and time. This effort you will put in college too, but there you will be paying for doing it. Here you will do it with WILL power.
Then there is the material that you train on. This is another challenge that you will encounter. This can be sorted out by exploring both online and offline books stores and libraries. I prefer http://z-librar You can explore lot of books and choose the one to practice or 10, if you want.
That is how I have been learning to program, understand AI and ML. The knowledge and ability to imagine rapidly increases. The self confidence builds up. The world seems to be easier place to live. On top of it all there is no debt to repay to banks…
That is just the start. Get ready to really hack your way to the top. It is possible…",Can I master Al ML deep learning cyber security etc without going to college?,"Yes you can
If you are young then better go to"
521,Which-Apple-laptop-will-be-the-best-for-deep-learning-and-testing-AI-models,"Buy a laptop that is powerful and runs on linux for easy setup of the work environment. There are many libraries and modules that will need to access your processor and work with the RAM closely.
Mac is not very friendly at that level of access. There will be pesky problems, and you will spend more time correcting the setup rather than working on deep learning.
Btw there are many open platforms like kaggle where you can use their processing power from your laptop. if you plan to do that then, go for MAC.",Which Apple laptop will be the best for deep learning and testing AI models?,Buy a laptop that is powerful and runs on linux
522,Have-highly-creative-individuals-developed-robust-whole-brain-connectivity-that-allows-them-to-connect-the-dots-between-many-neural-networks,"Creativity has become a surplus commodity and everywhere you turn today there is some of creativity. Creative individual and the brain of non creative individual is same at the level of hard-ware. Even the most brilliant Dali or Leonardo had same brain like you and me. All over brain is fully connected, as the brain scientists proved many times.
What is different then? Their Habit, Characters and their way of training the, so called creative brain. Like a muscle, they use the brain, feed it and cherish it. They inspire that brain constantly with stimulation. Then know how to shut down the chatter of anxiety and harmones to really listen to what it says.
The idea that creative people need to be famous is another challenge this “getting things done” society has gotten us into. Many creative guys start many projects and abandon them if they are not interested. They are very specific in using their time differently.
Whether Tesla, Leonardo or mordern day Musk or Mark, all do things with their own time. They want the time to be theirs and not to be sold for a salary. This is again not how the brain is connected. How it steers towards spreading its ideas and memes more.
The discussion on creativity is very deep and brain is only a small part of it. Have awe for Creativity. It is outside the Brain.",Have highly creative individuals developed robust whole brain connectivity that allows them to connect the dots between many neural networks?,Creativity has become a surplus commodity and everywhere you turn
523,What-is-the-use-of-artificial-intelligence-and-robotics-in-the-healthcare-industry,"Deep learning and Reinforced learning has been used extensively by Deep Mind recently, to win CASP competition. The Protien Folding competition. The end result of this competiton is to get sonution to find how protien forms complex organisms. This is revolutionising the healthcare industry.
The idea of protien folding is converted into a game, and the AI name AlphaFold was created. The solution accuracy was less than 80% for long time, and with advent of Deep Learning the breakthrough was achieved.
Even the Corona protien was given in the competition, and the folding was predicted with high accuracy. The techhology used is not just the Deep learning, but the ingenuity of the team working at Deep Mind played major role in using the AI learning patterns for effective problem solving
What it means to Humanity? Longer life, pleasant environment, and more leisure and wealth? Hmm, it is all possible in how the technology is used.",What is the use of artificial intelligence and robotics in the healthcare industry?,Deep learning and Reinforced learning has been used extensively by
524,What-is-AlphaCode-and-why-are-programmers-afraid-of-it,"Who really has to be afraid is School students and not well trained hackers, coders and programmers.
Take a look at the above github repo where the actual alphacode program is shared with the world. The entire code and the internal workings of the logic can be learnt by any one who is ready to spend time and think. That is all it takes to overcome the AI.
The test platform bezel and the gsutil provided by google can be downloaded by anyone with a intenet and ability to read. So all this even entry level programmers can do. Those experienced will directly fork the github and start expermenting.
There are couple of tangential application to this AI. Suppose AI can write the mails that you type to clarify the problem your customer has
When you pose a problem that you are facing, the AI can literally score thru quora and provide list of solutions. This is same as coding, and the idea used in creating the Alphacode may be used by hacking the code.
This way of making one idea into another is the simple but effective way we humans and more importantly coders and hackers will be on top of the food chain.",What is AlphaCode and why are programmers afraid of it?,Who really has to be afraid is School students and
525,Is-Machine-learning-used-in-medicine-Feeding-the-model-1000s-of-images-of-cancer-and-tumors-The-machine-would-be-able-to-locate-it-from-past-pictures-and-tell-you-what-it-thinks-it-is-in-terms-of-cancer-and-what,"Yes it is used. But not by feeding pictures…. It is more advanced.
Deep learning and Reinforced learning has been used extensively by Deep Mind recently, to win CASP competition. The Protien Folding competition.
The idea of protien folding is converted into a game, and the AI name AlphaFold was created. The solution accuracy was less than 80% for long time, and with advent of Deep Learning the breakthrough was achieved.
Even the Corona protien was given in the competition, and the folding was predicted with high accuracy. The techhology used is not just the Deep learning, but the ingenuity of the team working at Deep Mind played major role in using the AI learning patterns for effective problem solving
What it means to Humanity? Longer life, pleasant environment, and more leisure and wealth? Hmm, it is all possible in how the technology is used.",Is Machine learning used in medicine Feeding the model 1000s of images of cancer and tumors The machine would be able to locate it from past pictures and tell you what it thinks it is in terms of cancer and what?,Yes it is used. But not by feeding pictures…. It
526,How-do-you-get-into-Deep-Learning-in-practice-Im-18-but-Im-afraid-books-and-online-courses-wont-be-enough-to-start-working-on-my-own-projects-art-and-music-generation-Im-kind-of-lost-on-Kaggle-Could-you-help-me,"I was in similar situation and bit lost in kaggle. After 12 months of practice, completing all the kaggle courses, see the outcome below. You can see the associated kaggle notebook, here
The charts shows the story, and it was possible by python, and kaggle notebook. Before this 12 month of practice, I was also lost for 2 years….
So what clicked???
The solution is simple. Head to Kaggle courses page and start one course at a time. No pressure.. Go steadily and learn the chapters, and enjoy the following code exercises and getting simple answers first. You have to spend time in figuring out the correct answers, before you check their hints and solutions. (Avoid the urge to complete the exercises and move forward, I did that the first time and got lost completely)
You have to read up on the related books on the course. For example, the intro course is on Python. When you complete the course, take Python for dummies kind of book and go thru it. You will see some points you learnt in the course come in the book and explained with new example.
When you do this, you will start connecting the dots and start trying out new things with python. Then move to the next course. Do the same. Give Yourself 3 months to finish the courses. Steadily, you will start understanding the Language and the Platform. Imagination is the key here. Thinking how the concepts you are learning can be applied in real world problems, as you go through the courses is important.
If you are wondering where to get all the books, then head to Z-Library. The world's largest ebook library.
This site has every book that a aspiring teenager needs. All you need is a smartphone with big screen, and good internet connectivity. I am sure, you have these two available.
By the end of 6 months you would have read atleast 100 different books and have done lot of exercises. You will have your fav books too. That point, you can look at related things like Git, software engineerig, Data structures and read more on them specifically. All this time you will be practicing it too.
This is the way to move forward, and as you see there is lot of practicing, reading and typing involved. To get through all this, you need to have the inspiration. Motivation will take you only to some distance, the rest is covered by your inner image of what you really want to become by using the coding skils.
For me Inspiration is Nikola Tesla, and the Warren Buffett. They have given their entire lives to find how certain aspect of this reality works, and shared it with the world. Whenever I find myself lost during the practice, or in the early morning feeling tired to wake up, it is the inspiration to share my findings, and knowledge that wakes me up.
The solution works and in process makes you confident, and creative. Able to provide answers, and ideas is very empowering. All the very best for your journey. Kagglers, and the Python community, Stackoverflow are there to help when you are stopped by errors. Before asking support, google your error and see if there is solution already and try it out. Yep, that is all you need to know..
Have a great journey.. see you the other side!!!!",How do you get into Deep Learning in practice Im 18 but Im afraid books and online courses wont be enough to start working on my own projects art and music generation Im kind of lost on Kaggle Could you help me?,I was in similar situation and bit lost in kaggle.
527,How-can-I-pursue-my-career-in-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-after-doing-a-B-Sc-in-Physics,"There are multiple options to choose depending on the time you have got.
Easiest is to enrol in the courses offered by the many universities. Just take any masters degree on ML and AI to pursue. That in itself will not land you a job as is the case with any degree. You have to prove that you can use your knowledge in real world scenarios.
So as you are doing the course, start contributing to communities like Kaggle, Quora with your knowledge. There is so many real problems that can be solved, but the courses offered will not show every thing. So what to do?
Read a lot of machine learning books. It can be about the programming, the libraries, the cookbook usecases, visualisation ideas. Read atleast 250 Books. That is the important point in any career. The more you read, more your knowledge will grow. More you will contribute.
Happy life to you.",How can I pursue my career in artificial intelligence and machine learning after doing a B Sc in Physics?,There are multiple options to choose depending on the time
528,Is-Neuralink-available,"Still in the early stages of medical testing. will take more time to become mainstream. Even after mainstream, the chip will be used for those with disabilities. this is what the company claims.
No the chip cannot completely control the humans still. My estimate, It will take another 5 years of research to make that powerful a chip.",Is Neuralink available?,Still in the early stages of medical testing. will take
529,Who-are-the-biggest-NFT-buyers,"Your Question can be answered by Dune analytics or Nansen. The reason for directing to that service is, not that you will get the answer, you will see how the any data can be quried and shared or used to make decisions.",Who are the biggest NFT buyers?,Your Question can be answered by Dune analytics or Nansen.
530,What-are-some-project-ideas-for-a-final-year-data-science-student-Beginner-to-intermediate-level,"Think about an end to end project that starts with data gathering, cleaning, wrangling, feature engineering, multiple model generation using your favourite algorithms.
It is best you head to kaggle and take a competition dataset and try to model the data. You can show your data analysis provess followed by reliable feature selection process.
if that seems easy(which is not the case), you can start by scraping the data from the net and come up with some unique insights or finding and model based on that.
Whatever you do, maintain good version control and use lot of comments in your code. Open a github repo and maintain all code there. If you are using kaggle, then maintain your notebooks and link them to github repo.
Have a great career ahead.",What are some project ideas for a final year data science student Beginner to intermediate level?,Think about an end to end project that starts with
531,How-can-the-human-brain-control-an-artificial-machine,"Our brain is controling the smart phones in our hands. So in the same way it can control any machine.
If you are thinking how will the brain control artificially intelligent machine, then the answer is interesting.
The linkage between the AI machine and brain won't be hands, it will be direct interface to the neurons. The machine will directly learn what the brain has to communicate in electrical pulses and do the actions. This is the concept behind neuralink.
The idea seems daunting, but it is simply the classification and regression problems the AI models are becoming good at solving. So the answer is, with Thoughts and thinking.",How can the human brain control an artificial machine?,Our brain is controling the smart phones in our hands.
532,What-are-the-features-of-the-AI-enabled-computer-by-Facebook-META,"All computers are AI enabled not just Metàs computer. The issue is the speed with which the computer solves the equations. The hardware is simply highpowered, with more gpu along with cpu that can crunch more numbers.
There are existing cloud computing services being used widely by the datascience community. Infact the data for the below chart came from the recent survey done in the kaggle community. The data can be checked here,
The below chart was created from the Kaggle Notebook. Yes, that makes me a Kaggler. When I entered the world of data, I knew only Jupyter notebook that is now bundled with Python portable distributions. The learning curve brought me to Colab and Kaggle.
There some thing intriguing in the above chart? Many of them don’t use any of the services shown above. What they use? Their own laptops, desktops or the internal service their company IT provides. Surprised!!
The AI or machine learning is a very old technology. The idea was used in Aerospace, Automotive and other high end design decision making. Even the laptop cooling is simulated using the equations.
The story is just starting. The data and its conclusions are unpalatable to many decision makers in this world. So after doing the grunt work with the above compute services, the decisions and supporting data needs to be again visualised. If just peek in the below chart one will be astonished at the choices for the business intelligence softwares.
Because it is finally businesses that use the results coming from the AI solutions. The data needs to be made pallatable to the decision makers. In this case the decision maker is you the reader and future top shot executive or engineer deciding the fate of your company and business.
It is not the next shiny compute processor, or the quantum chip that is going to change the world. It is how these compute resources are being used. We came this far, by using very simple micro processors. Like our brain, most of these processor powers are still under utilised all over the world. Even in your own laptops and desktops.
How to tap into that processing power? Learning to Program.
Yes, that is the only way to collectively grow. Learning to program will enable and empower everyone to decide based on the data available freely out there. The power will not reside in the companies like Meta, or Google (Kaggle is part of Alphabet, they are altruistic till now). It is not how much power or what features something has, it is how creatively and aggressively the power is used….",What are the features of the AI enabled computer by Facebook META?,All computers are AI enabled not just Metàs computer. The
533,Can-AI-make-a-movie,"It is already helping to create stories which might be incoherent at this moment. The key for this is advances in the NLP field.
There are many libraries like Spacy and OpenAI GPT3 which can create essays and stories by using LSTM and RNN algorithms. The intricacies of the algorithms can be learnt as most of the difficult math is abstracted by simple functions and libraries.
Check it out.",Can AI make a movie?,It is already helping to create stories which might be
534,Is-a-blockchain-career-better-than-a-career-in-machine-learning,"Machine learning is a discipline while blockchain is a technology. So go ahead and learn about it. Then you need to learn for using that knowledge of blockchain in machine learning projects.
There are many things in blockchain will need the help o# machine learning. So keep an open mind. Have a great career ahead",Is a blockchain career better than a career in machine learning?,Machine learning is a discipline while blockchain is a technology.
535,Is-it-true-that-Facebook-shut-down-its-artificial-intelligence-because-the-AI-researchers-discovered-it-had-created-its-own-language,"It was this question that really got me into AI and ML. When I found that, the answer for the question was “NO”, the idea that I could one day make the AI to discover a language got me more interested and pushed me to understand the NLP models deeply.
There is a possibility that such a language creation might happen between the algorithms in the metaverse in near future as more algorithms populate. This moment there are so many libraries that the AI researchers use to help computer do some difficult things which the rule based programming cannot do.
There is the concept of self supervised learning algorithms that will make the headlines soon by creating such languages.",Is it true that Facebook shut down its artificial intelligence because the AI researchers discovered it had created its own language?,It was this question that really got me into AI
536,Which-are-the-best-online-courses-for-machine-learning,"Start by going to Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science Community
and take their free courses from Python to Advanced SQL. That is sufficient for you to get the basics.
Then you can branch out to the type of Machine Learning or Data Analysis domain that interests you. You will need special training in advanced topics, but remember to use the resources like Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers
and Hot Questions - Stack Exchange
to come out of the errors that you encounter.
Atleast 8 months of constant studying, practicing and trying new exercises and tutorials are a must. You can get free books from Z-Library. The world's largest ebook library.
which can provide hands on inspiration, and access to data and exercises. The books usually have GitHub: Where the world builds software
repositories, from where you can learn the algorithms and code very fast.
Before spending money, trial run yourself with these free resources. If you still find the domain interesting, then enter it. Else, there are other rewarding domains too. Keep exploring, and growing.",Which are the best online courses for machine learning?,Start by going to Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data
537,Are-there-other-applications-of-Alphazero-or-Alphago-similar-algorithms-to-other-problems-except-games,"Metaverse : Land of Algorithms
Being a avid fan of #videogames, I got smitten by Metaverse. Take any game you play, you will be the protagonist. You need to get something, and the game places hurdles in between. Simple.
Games are simply processes, that have strategies and tasks.
Metaverse is a glorified Massive Multiplayer Online Game. Tomorrow there is an application, which opens you or your avatar to this Metaverse. What will you do there? How long will you be there?
Will you be playing for all your life & looking at ads and others who just pixels like your avatar??? It is not logical. There is something missing.
Yes, we will be playing but we will be doing it differently. We will not control our avatars. Avatars will be Reinforced Learning or Self-supervised learning algorithms that do things for you and with others. Alphago and Alphastar are such RL algorithms. You can spawn as many avatars of yourself, and populate the metaverse(fees will be crypto!! or compute/ electric power), and get #work done
Hold on WORK!!!, no play?? Work will be the Crucial to Metaverse
Think FB or Linkedin, when these products were marketed their USP was connecting supply and demand. After many ""pivots"" their USP is still ""Connecting Supply to the Demand"". The supplies and demands can be different. So...
What will be the Demand and Supply in Metaverse?
No it is not Attention. When the 8 billion or so enter the Metaverse there will be no issue of Attention. The issue of bringing money to the economy will be solved. Work and money will be un-tied as more machines take over. What will Metaverse supply. It will be supply and demand of #connection and #Work.
Yes, it will be work that needs conscious attention of an human being that needs to solved with intuition, creativity and skill. When your avatar gets into trouble with the world or other avatars, your work starts. There are myriad of process that will be run by your avatars that are constantly learning and doing. Your avatar plays, and you direct it.
When your Alexa like avatar replaces you in the phone calls, and meetings the major issue will be getting real human connection. More people start moving away from the city, to their own land and population starts reducing with increasing life expectancy, the demand for real connection will sky rocket. Human connection at level of telepathy.
What if your avatar falls in love (gets in sync) with another avatar, and you can see how it unfolds, in metaverse? (Algorithms syncing? If they can learn, then syncing will be more easier) Algorithms have created telepathic connection between two people.
There will be always people not entering metaverse, and contended being in the reality. Today we have citizens and netizens. Tomorrow we will have humans and #metavatars(#metavs for short).
What will be the next driving force for human improvement? We have to wait and see, or decide it today.
Imagination is crucial for not only human survival but to be happy. The way tech can make this happen is in our hands. Imagine well….",Are there other applications of Alphazero or Alphago similar algorithms to other problems except games?,"Metaverse : Land of Algorithms
Being a avid fan of #videogames,"
538,Where-do-snipping-tool-snips-get-saved,"It stays in the clipboard of your system.
There is an option to look at what is saved in your clipboard. Enable that option on your linux or windows. Then you can see multiple clips that you snipped",Where do snipping tool snips get saved?,"It stays in the clipboard of your system.
There is an"
539,What-makes-human-learning-different-from-machine-learning,"Humans DONT LEARN, Human Brain REINFORCES. In Machine learning, then Reinforcement Learning comes close to mimicing the processes humans do in reality
Human brain categorises the various stimuli to our sense organs, and give back responses to the environment. Based on the responses we give, new stimuli comes back in a different way.
Take an example of the fruits below… that is a external stimuli. The response an human gives depends on his brain, and body make up at the moment he recieves the stimuli. Consider he is hungry, his brain propels him towards the fruit and he picks it up, and eats it(response). Body generates a stimuli to the brain
This time the stimuli is reduction of hunger and brain responds by secreting dopamine. The cycle continues in many types of stimuli, and the response changes. Every stimuli, and its response has been categorised. The categories are different for every human, acoss space and time. This process is simplified “Learning mechanism” humans.
This can be verified by the recent advances in the Reinforcement Algorithms that have taken up complex challenges. Alpha Go and its successor Alpha Star has been playing games against experience players of GO/ Starcraft and winning!!! That doesn’t make them Human, in any logical sense. They are still mimicing Humans, not humans.
We live only ones. Machine Learning Models die and instantiate a trillion times. The parallel of human life just being a program, has been discussed in depth in movies and comics. In real world(if you don’t consider the games as real world), there are certain issues the AI faces. Notable of them is Time and Opportunity to fail. Fail in ways Humans fail and learn from the failures.
Many of the activities we humans do are long term focused, and single time opportunities. You cannot grow up all over, by being born today.. (not likely, unless you can clone!!!) While this can be a huge issue to RL, since RL works by making many iterations, failing and then learning from them.
The RL also does a lot of simulation in order to learn. To simulate the reality takes lot of resources, and more complicated the simulation longer it takes to run. If the simulation is not complex enough, then RL will face unforeseen challenges when it is tested in the reality. (That is not a topic to discuss here)
We are forgeting one major point. We humans are CONSCIOUS. Brain is not the center of Consciousness, the MIND is. Mind is outside our Brain, the environment itself acts as part of the Mind. The sights, smells trigger hidden memories, don’t they. RLs cannot really absorb the details from the reality surrounding it in a way we are doing. They are not Conscious, the way we humans are.",What makes human learning different from machine learning?,"Humans DONT LEARN, Human Brain REINFORCES. In Machine learning, then"
540,Which-area-of-machine-learning-is-closest-to-how-humans-learn,"Humans DONT LEARN, we REINFORCE. In Machine learning, then Reinforcement Learning comes close to mimicing the processes humans follow…
Human brain categorises the various stimuli to our sense organs, and give back responses to the environment. Based on the responses we give, new stimuli comes back in a different way.
Take an example of the fruits below… that is a external stimuli. The response an human gives depends on his brain, and body make up at the moment he recieves the stimuli. Consider he is hungry, his brain propels him towards the fruit and he picks it up, and eats it(response). Body generates a stimuli to the brain
This time the stimuli is reduction of hunger and brain responds by secreting dopamine. The cycle continues in many types of stimuli, and the response changes. Every stimuli, and its response has been categorised. The categories are different for every human, acoss space and time. This process is simplified “Learning mechanism” humans.
This can be verified by the recent advances in the Reinforcement Algorithms that have taken up complex challenges. Alpha Go and its successor Alpha Star has been playing games against experience players of GO/ Starcraft and winning!!!
In real world(if you don’t consider the games as real world), there are certain issues the AI faces. Notable of them is Time and Opportunity to fail. Many of the activities we humans do are long term focused, and single time opportunities. You cannot grow up all over, by being born today.. (not likely, unless you can clone!!!) While this can be a huge issue to RL, since RL works by making many iterations, failing and then learning from them.
The RL also does a lot of simulation in order to learn. To simulate the reality takes lot of resources, and more complicated the simulation longer it takes to run. If the simulation is not complex enough, then RL will face unforeseen challenges when it is tested in the reality. (That is not a topic to discuss here)
We are forgeting one major point. We humans are CONSCIOUS. Brain is not the center of Consciousness, the MIND is. Mind is outside our Brain, the environment itself acts as part of the Mind. The sights, smells trigger hidden memories, don’t they. Programming these into RL is still a long shot, but we can safely consider RL comes close to the way Humans operate in this Reality.",Which area of machine learning is closest to how humans learn?,"Humans DONT LEARN, we REINFORCE. In Machine learning, then Reinforcement"
541,How-could-you-explain-what-is-a-subroutine-in-programming-to-a-layman,"Subroutine is a helper.
An activity that is done repetively is a routine, and each routine will have multiple smaller routines. Lets take an example.
To make a cup of black tea is a routine. There are multiple steps to get black tea from water and tea bag. Dipping the tea bag in the hot water for either, 10 times, or until color sufficienty black or a fixed duration is a “Sub-Routine”
There are similar conditions in programming that processor executes. In computers, the sub-routines abstract the complexity of the routine and leave it to the experts. Even the sub-routines act as a security to avoid the sensitive data being leaked.
Most of the sub-routines will take care of low level heavy lifting work like writing numbers , objects to the memory and retriving it when required. The above picture shows the process of person searching a number with a lens, in the memory. This is laborious process, which is done by simple indexing, and sorting subroutines.",How could you explain what is a subroutine in programming to a layman?,"Subroutine is a helper.
An activity that is done repetively is"
542,How-is-artificial-intelligence-being-used-in-e-learning,"Online Education is rapidly evolving everyday. The continued lockdown due to variants of COVID is making the delivery of education will see a complete shift.
Before even thinking roles of AI in this domain, one has to get some perspective on the penetration of Online Education. Learn Platform USA has shared their anonymised customer data, through Kaggle. Below are some of the findings
The data gives all the above information, which can lead to decisions that will help the businesses and the students ultimately. Below we can the product that is used the most.
Following that we can see how the various US cities and the school districts that are using the Online platform.
The below kaggle notebook can share the codes, and the data that were used for making the above charts.
Above is an the application of data analysis in Online_Education. Even the data analysis can be automated with AI. The usual process is, before unleashing the AI on any application, the data analysis is done. The appropriate AI can be used for the specific challenge strategically.
AI can be broadly categorised into the following
Of the above, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing can be used in Online platform, and make it more efficient. There are many places like shown below.
Computer Vision:
Natural Language Processing:
This type of AI application is booming in many ways.
The answer shared is for reference purpose only. The data shared can be easily checked by anyone interested. The power is the level of DEMOCRATISATION, the data allows every one to participate and contribute.",How is artificial intelligence being used in e learning?,Online Education is rapidly evolving everyday. The continued lockdown due
543,Why-doesnt-the-same-concept-apply-to-learning-real-world-machine-learning-engineering-since-it-is-said-that-learning-anything-under-the-tutelage-or-guidance-of-a-very-experienced-tutor-cuts-down-time-frames-that-is,"Good day and thanks for asking this qoestion.
Machine learing and real world learning has different purposes. Real world learning, one learns to navigate this world easily and gain self actualisation. While ML is done for automating the rule making and modeling so the real world can be seen with a different lens.
Models are just algebra equations with many variables in form of matrices. In real world the models we learn are stored in differently in our brain. So the learnings cannot be compared.",Why doesnt the same concept apply to learning real world machine learning engineering since it is said that learning anything under the tutelage or guidance of a very experienced tutor cuts down time frames that is?,"Good day and thanks for asking this qoestion.
Machine learing and"
544,Who-is-liable-for-damages-caused-by-artificial-Intelligence,The company that runs the AI and gathers the data will be responsible. There is no law to make the AI program to be held responsible for the crime or issue it created.,Who is liable for damages caused by artificial Intelligence?,The company that runs the AI and gathers the data
545,In-my-18-year-old-daughters-class-each-student-has-to-prepare-a-topic-and-teach-the-class-about-it-for-45-minutes-However-she-is-very-shy-with-social-anxiety-Is-there-any-way-she-can-get-out-of-this,"Ask her to open the video cam and teach to herself. Ask her to only thinh and observe the goods and bads of her theory and memory.
Get her to join the Toastmasters club as a guest and take the table topic speaking oppurtunity.
Give her a Good reason to enjoy what she has to do. No monetary incentives. She has to love going in front of the crowd for better confidence, leadership skills and even freedom.
All the best for her carreer.",In my 18 year old daughters class each student has to prepare a topic and teach the class about it for 45 minutes However she is very shy with social anxiety Is there any way she can get out of this?,Ask her to open the video cam and teach to
546,Does-machine-learning-improve-corporate-fraud-detection,"It can learn to detect credit card fraud detection, loan defaults, purchases that are converted to emi. Corporate frauds are much easier to detect in traditional ways, using auditors. The data spread in corporates usually don't have the big data benfits.
There are computer vision and natural language processing algorithms that can help in finding fraud patterns in the documents and processes. Presently an army of managers, slew of CRM softwares avoid or detect the frauds.",Does machine learning improve corporate fraud detection?,"It can learn to detect credit card fraud detection, loan"
547,What-is-an-AI-assisted-RPA,"It is called Process Mining in the AI/ ML industry.
There is a very good introduction about the process mining in the below kaggle notebook, if you are interested in seeing the application in action.
Process Mining captures the digital footprints from any number of systems throughout an organization and organizes them in a way that shows each step of the journey to complete that process, along with any deviations from the expected path.(Paraphrased from the Kaggle Notebook)
Regular RPA involves using the UI to manually program the process automation. In process mining, the program tries to learn the steps necessary to complete a task, say to get shipping order, fill a billing Invoice, mail it to the customer. This is a business requirement, which is done by many people across multiple industry. When all the data is collected, the process can be “Mined” or learned by the Machine.
It is a interesting field which is at a nascent stage. Anyone willing to enter the AI field can look at this field ripe for taking.",What is an AI assisted RPA?,"It is called Process Mining in the AI/ ML industry.
548,How-can-I-manage-my-anxiety-from-my-sales-job,"Answer is, You don't think about your job when you are not doing it. To achieve that, you need to work and plan meticulously when you are doing the job.
I have the same challenge and the above solution works like a charm.
In many ways sales job is like cooking. If you follow the rules and have correct ingredients then your dish will be the best.
All the best.",How can I manage my anxiety from my sales job?,"Answer is, You don't think about your job when you"
549,What-books-should-one-read-in-2022,"I have started “the console wars” and already reading The art of Game design. I have started the Facebook storty which is very different book.
I have some rereadings to do. The atlas shrugged is at the top. Then there is book of joy and Full catastrophy living.
New books are mostly about games, programming, maohine learning and artificial intelligence. My goal is to land a business that does data analysis.",What books should one read in 2022?,I have started “the console wars” and already reading The
550,What-are-commercially-available-AIs-or-chatbots-that-you-can-explicitly-teach-train,Chatterbot is available as open source that you can train. The Spacy library can speed up your model building too. Using the model the chatbot can be built,What are commercially available AIs or chatbots that you can explicitly teach train?,Chatterbot is available as open source that you can train.
551,Could-AI-ever-replicate-or-outperform-the-human-brain,"AI is a group of Algorithms. Just like Google’s Page Rank, or FB’s Edge Rank.
Human Brain is still complex and nuanced for the algorithms like AI to simulate. AI can give a feeling that, it is simulating the real brain. Under the hood, it is just smart algorithms that has been developed by more smarter mathematicians.
Reinforced learning Algorithms are promising to simulate the brain. RL is being developed with lot more human involvement, than even the regular deep learning algorithms like RNNs or LSTMs. The control knobs in our brain is very different, and complex. Ranging from simple blood sugar level, to more complicated harmones injection, brain can throw very unique challenges that makes simulation a nightmare.
The difference could be made with help of quantum computers. Which can bring out all the possible outcomes in a single compute. To understand quantum computing algorithm, could be a huge break through. Which is well underway, from multiple fronts. Google, Dwave and many others are spear heading this innovation.
The scenario is still a wait and watct condition. The moment, there is a breakthrough in this area, get ready for major leap in the way we live.",Could AI ever replicate or outperform the human brain?,AI is a group of Algorithms. Just like Google’s Page
552,In-machine-learning-and-NLP-for-Arabic-what-is-the-part-of-speech-tagging,"checkout the Spacy language models.
There is no Arabic module now based on my search.",In machine learning and NLP for Arabic what is the part of speech tagging?,"checkout the Spacy language models.
There is no Arabic module now"
553,Can-machine-learning-deep-learning-tools-be-used-for-automating-the-process-of-chip-design-entirely-Thereby-invalidating-the-usefulness-of-various-EDA-tools-By-design-I-mean-simulation-not-the-actual-fabrication,"A bit of thinking gave a different view.
Using Reinforced learning, much of the decision making in the design process can be automated. That really comes close to automating in the sense you are asking. If the RL can be programmed to learn from simulating a lot of chip design and thru that learn the best design, it could be possible.
The major issue is the process automation programming works with many different inputs and timelines. There will be both time series data and data with various features in each step of the process. Reinforced learning paired with Machine learning or deep learning can do what you are asking.",Can machine learning deep learning tools be used for automating the process of chip design entirely Thereby invalidating the usefulness of various EDA tools By design I mean simulation not the actual fabrication?,"A bit of thinking gave a different view.
Using Reinforced learning,"
554,Can-I-learn-AI-or-robotics-through-an-online-course-and-make-it-as-a-career-as-I-am-30-years-old-and-graduated-in-BSc-computer-science-in-2012,"There are two important requisite for AI and Robotics. One is perseverance and another is imagination.
The online courses can plunge you right into the exact work you might do. Ask yourself, did you use everything you learned in Bsc? What makes the online courses different? (Do your research, that is expected from a AI engineer. No Data, then no decision)
I have taken atleast 10 different courses ranging from Kaggle to Coursera. The interesting pattern is, the courses teach the tools and the processes of solving problems that we never thought we had….
You usually don't think that, there is a need to classify bunch of dog and cat pictures. When you see that solved a d used to solve another bigger problem, you realize the breadth and depth of this field.
Take the course with thd intention to learn many things yourself. Join Kaggle and start reading and solving competitors. Think of variety of challenges your colleagues and acquaintances face. Then try finding how AI or robotics can be used….
Have a great career.",Can I learn AI or robotics through an online course and make it as a career as I am 30 years old and graduated in BSc computer science in 2012?,There are two important requisite for AI and Robotics. One
555,Are-AI-machine-learning-and-Web-3-correlated,"Web3 and AI can be made to coexist. The Blockchain community is pushing for this synergy.
Blockchain gives a way to look at the world with distributed trust and get data that is very reliable and automated.
There are so many apps that collect your wants, needs and demands. These apps(read any app that is online) have some usefulness, so we use them and share our data. How about the activity that we do offline? This is done with sensors that are trustable by central body. Most cases it is humans collecting the data. Web3 enters this bottleneck area.
With help of distributed network, and IOT the real world physical data is collected. Then AI enters to leverage the power of algorithms to help those in need of taking decisions.
The above line looks so simple, and the moment you unpack the underlying technical complexity surfaces. Do a bit more research. The world with IOT and Blockchain can turn in to a videogame called watchdogs. In that the AI regenerates the crime scene. That, is the ultimate use case of Blockchain and Iot.
The concept of metaverse, real life simulation is also tied to the distributoed way of getting the data and showing it to the consumer. The reality that we live itself is possible because much of the sensor lies with ourself and our brain does the analysis. We react pretty quick. With the advent of Blockchain the entire cities, organisations can become like a huge organism. That can see, hear, learn and feel itself. (We are pretty long way from that though)
Its a wonderful world, do some more research. Take some open courses to learn about the workings of the Blockchain. The things will become more clear.",Are AI machine learning and Web 3 correlated?,Web3 and AI can be made to coexist. The Blockchain
556,How-should-I-proceed-further-in-Computer-Vision-and-NLP-after-completing-the-Coursera-Deep-Learning-courses-I-want-to-go-in-depth-in-both-of-them-What-would-be-some-good-projects-or-advanced-courses-to-do,"You have two paths.
The industry that uses computer vision the most is Self-driving vehicle, Medical, Process Industry and Marketing. There are many projects that come up in Kaggle, that you can try. You can also look at the data that is floating around, like in your college, work place and see if you can use it for learning. Today, to find recipe for a vegetable that you see in the market, Google lens is used. So the ideas can be very creative
The industry that uses NLP the most is Finance, Marketing, Medicine and automation industry. The chatbots like Ok google and Siri are work of NLP. The NLP is beginning to enter auditing and legal domains due to the effort required by the people in these domains. There are efforts to replace the scoring teacher for exams by NLP. There is a recentl Kaggle competition that launched. Take a look.
The learning starts from here for you. Select one path and stick to it. Learn the sub field like, data collection and cleaning. Learning the process in major organization. Lookout for any new org that might enter into AI enabling, you can get an internship.
All the best for your career.",How should I proceed further in Computer Vision and NLP after completing the Coursera Deep Learning courses I want to go in depth in both of them What would be some good projects or advanced courses to do?,"You have two paths.
The industry that uses computer vision the"
557,What-is-an-example-of-using-an-AI-chatbot-in-health-care,"Yourdost and Watson comes to mind immediately. The chat bots have started proliferating not only in healthcare, but even in finance, teaching domains. With the advent of GAN and LSTM deep learning network, building the chatbot for your specific domains is getting more easier
Training can be done using TPUs, by considering the word vector as pixels.",What is an example of using an AI chatbot in health care?,Yourdost and Watson comes to mind immediately. The chat bots
558,How-will-I-konw-that-I-am-in-love-with-someone,"Memory of someone you love can instantly heal you, give you energy and wake you up even from extraordinary illness.
Moment you the thought of person you love might make you horny, and bring out the emotions of lust. As these emotion subsides, and your brain calms down, the warmth of caring and love settles. That is when you know, you are in love.
Unable to sleep at night without hearing their voice. Feeling the gaping hole in your mind (not brain) and unable to think objectively about the world around you. That is infatuation. Don’t mistake that for love.
When you calmly asleep and feel assured that the person you love is also thinking about you, and smile for a moment. That is real love. Person who makes you love yourself more for having them in your life.",How will I konw that I am in love with someone?,"Memory of someone you love can instantly heal you, give"
559,What-is-it-that-makes-fake-news-and-fake-memes-go-viral-so-easily,"Algorithms that power the social media sites’ main page. That is what creates the “Viral” effect. Secondly Memes themselves rides on the idea that is very familiar and memorable.
Algorithm is tasked with populating the things that your friends have watched, liked or commented. These are 3 simple activities. When 150 friends do any one of the action, your page updates.
Multiply that with other social media sites like twitter, linkedin joining with the algorithms running on your social media site. The speed with which the fake news propagates is very fast.
Humans are easily influenced by “Authority”. When the fake news is said in a authoritative tone, wording, with legitimate looking web url, we believe it to be true. Forward it to the social media pages, with just commenting or liking. The algorithm then spreads the news like a virus on your friends’ network. If one of your 150 friends sees it, and does like or comment the cycle begins.
Influencers who gather millions of followers or subscribers can create instant viral effect, by propagating the news to everyone in their followers’ list. Just a click.
This is all possible because of how the algorithms are written, and how they interact with each other. The fake news has been around for long time, only now the algorithms have made it so easy to move the news fast. This effect can be seen in how the world market reacts to any fearful or bad news.
Algorithms or social media sites are just tools like traditional media like news paper. They are only conduits. Only we humans have to learn, and be wary of what we consume and like.",What is it that makes fake news and fake memes go viral so easily?,Algorithms that power the social media sites’ main page. That
560,Why-is-nothing-going-viral-recently,"Things are, alot of things are, cringe stuff and so much more, it's just maybe what you look at is not going viral, check more stuff to find out it's going viral :D",Why is nothing going viral recently?,"Things are, alot of things are, cringe stuff and so"
561,Are-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-the-future-of-process-plant-operations-and-management,"Automation has mostly taken over plants which can afford the fixed costs of the robots, infra and available cash flow. AI is just going to make this more easier.
When the process can be learnt by a bot and deployed with less financial cost, then there will slew of automation. This learning is now steadily improving with machine learning and AI powered Visual and Language processing.
Yes, the processes that are repeatable and needs only human arm and eyes, will get automate by AI.",Are artificial intelligence and machine learning the future of process plant operations and management?,Automation has mostly taken over plants which can afford the
562,What-categories-of-Mathematics-should-you-be-familiar-with-for-learning-Computer-Sciences-Deep-learning-and-Machine-Learning-Specialities,"There is a simple subject called Algebra that has powered the entire machine learning and AI revolution.
ax + b = c
It all starts with that simple equation. In case of machine learning. We know the “c”. The data. It is constant. Because it cannot be changed. It is there after collecting.
Then the differentiation, integration, matrix algebra, and optimization theory kicks in. You need not understand them to be a practitioner. If you know it is required, that is good.
If you apply for job then it is expected you know about them a bit deeper, like what really differentiation is, and how gradient descent works or some other algorithms. Even there you dont need to write the algorithms. This is what is required for daily work.
So start as a practitioner and then move to become expert. Problems algebra, differentiation can solve is very different from what machine learning with data can solve. And still use the base of algebra. Practice and then connect the dots.",What categories of Mathematics should you be familiar with for learning Computer Sciences Deep learning and Machine Learning Specialities?,There is a simple subject called Algebra that has powered
563,Can-AI-predict-absolutely-and-independently-without-being-fed-by-a-definite-set-of-programme-codes-by-a-programmer,"Nope. AI is not a being with agency. AI currently is something like the below picture.
So the AI cannot take any decisions currently without human aid. Still research going on for reaching level of sentience.",Can AI predict absolutely and independently without being fed by a definite set of programme codes by a programmer?,Nope. AI is not a being with agency. AI currently
564,Cant-we-just-screenshot-NFT-art-and-sell-it,"To sell that screen shot you need to own it first. To say you own it, you need to register it on a Blockchain. That will cost you money, or crypto. Then you can sell it on the Blockchain.
Check out Open Sea. They offer the service to host your NFT. The point is to think how much you would be willing to spend for just “owning” it.",Cant we just screenshot NFT art and sell it?,To sell that screen shot you need to own it
565,What-is-the-best-path-as-a-career-among-Cyber-Security-Machine-learning-and-AI-software-development,"Where do you think there is major demand for skilled professional is?
All these careers are currently taken up by almost everyone. Every other school friend is working at FAANG company. There has to be an edge, that you can leverage against the world, the organisations. There is a saying in Tamil, that roughly translates as follows.
In a land where there is no sugar the Mehua flower is Sugar. Where can your skills be used? That research must have lead you to quora the first place. Aspiring to be a cyber security or data scientist lies in not just about finding a job, but creating many jobs…. That could be an edge, which many entrepreneur do.
What is required now is to think of completely new professions altogether. Something very basic.
Ability to enter any field and master it at rapid pace. That seems to be great edge. My being an evangelist of mastery, advicing that, “Jack of all Trades” is an edge feels hypocritical. Things that we have to master has started to change.
Basic way we learn is getting altered by AI. It is no longer mandatory to master repetitive work through repetition. It can be programmed. Only the problem has to be looked from engineering and problem solving attitude. Any real world problem can be converted to algorithm or models now. That is very powerful.
Abstracting the working of ML, Cyber and SW Development is under rapid progress in AI field. Think about these professions, you can find frameworks, heuristics and certifications that one learns for years to master. All of these on top of undergraduate engineering course.
Really, is this necessary? Why to create such a burden on the children by making them study every subject under the universe and the make them feel bad when they arw unable to use it? Is the time spent is productive for our youth?
AI is making the career switching much easier, and frictionless in coming decade…. It doesn’t matter, whether you are developer or cyber hacker. You have to be conversant with how a computer thinks, a network moves data, AI learns from that data, and how marketing and product development fuels this entire cycles.
All this gives you a very different view of the world to thrive and have fun. Not just work and earn money.",What is the best path as a career among Cyber Security Machine learning and AI software development?,Where do you think there is major demand for skilled
566,What-is-the-most-advanced-expression-of-AI-in-the-world-right-now-today,"AI concept called Generative Adversarial network is the highest creative expression currently. Anyone can gin up the algorithm to create very interesting and dream like hallucinations.
Algorithms hallucinate and give out pictures.
In reality it is just mathematics made to work in complex ways to create such effects. Still it is very advanced expressions.",What is the most advanced expression of AI in the world right now today?,AI concept called Generative Adversarial network is the highest creative
567,What-is-the-difference-between-supervised-and-unsupervised-learning-and-how-can-we-tell-the-difference,"It is all in the data. If the data is labeled and your model learns from that data, then it is supervised. If data is not labeled then it becomes Unsupervised Learning.
The idea is unsupervised learning can provide patterns that humans or the systems did not think about. This kind of learning can be very useful when there are more dimensions (features), especially in Computer Vision, Time series analysis and NLP.
Supervised learning models have their benefits too. The benefit is, we get “Free Products”. Take quora, a free product where you get the answer for many different questions. The data is created by users and it is labeled by them and shared to quora engineers. Who can make models out of it.
One question that the quora data can answer,
Who is most likely to answer the next question you have?
Quora can look at all the questions that one person has answered, and classify whether that person can answer your question using Natural Language processing models.
Even a simple regression analysis on, how many question one person has answered till date, can be used to forecast the future.
These types of questions and their answers make the product managers at quora to make the product more efficient and interesting to play with.
Keep exploring. You will see countless problems that can be placed under these two categories. Have a great time.",What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning and how can we tell the difference?,It is all in the data. If the data is
568,Is-personal-computer-artificial-intelligence-AI,"Nope, the computer that work at your table and the one carry in your pocket is just slab of glass and plastic made from things like oil and sand.
They help only in “computing”. The intelligence that is famously spoken about, is basic algebra supercharged to include the features of real world. The models work kn these features, which can be as long as 500 to 1000 dimensions
Artificial super or general intelligence is different in one important sense. It can know which data it needs to solve the problem, and goes about Collecting it. This level is not reached yet..",Is personal computer artificial intelligence AI?,"Nope, the computer that work at your table and the"
569,What-is-the-easiest-way-to-control-over-thinking,"Thinking has two roots. One in your body and other in your philosophy. To change the thinking then move your body to a different place, exercise or take a walk. Emotions, feelings and insecurity all arise with your body and brain.
Other option, work on the philosophy and find a new one. Take course on logic and philosophy for a change and get a fresh look at this world. It does change the entire life.",What is the easiest way to control over thinking?,Thinking has two roots. One in your body and other
570,I-have-to-choose-3-preferred-skill-sets-among-AI-ML-Data-Analytics-Cyber-Security-Cloud-and-Java-Full-Stack-for-joining-Wipro-Can-anyone-suggest-which-is-better,"Data Analystics,AI/ML and Cloud Stack would be the best to start a rewarding career. These fields are devoting huge researchers for advancement. So for these three.",I have to choose 3 preferred skill sets among AI ML Data Analytics Cyber Security Cloud and Java Full Stack for joining Wipro Can anyone suggest which is better?,"Data Analystics,AI/ML and Cloud Stack would be the best to"
571,How-do-I-supercharge-Gmail-with-keyboard-shortcuts,"I have been using Gmail for work till date. One important thing to remember is, why you want to use short cuts. To me, I want to get rid of the mouse and use wireless keyboard. This saves tremendous time. Increased Efficiency is a good motivation but it is usually not sufficient.
I love to type. Yes, it is like how artist loves his brush. I love to type with only my right hand and use my left for doing some easy task like drinking tea while I type. It is possible with right hand Dvorak keyboard layout. There will be NO mouse near me. This is another way to force myself to learn shortcuts.
With this kind of setup, learning to use shortcuts on gmail is more than a necessity for me. I first learned the short cut keys by seeing the short cut help page for every action I need to do on gmail. The learning curve was pretty steep.
Once learned and my finger memorized the short cuts then it is breeze from that moment. Mostly I use mouse only when the gmail option doesn't have a shortcut for an action.
It is simple really if you have seen the hackers and uber programmers type. They use the key board like a pianist playing. The sound the keyboard makes will be mesmerising. This is possible with the inspiration and motivation.
Take it as a challenge to learn the shortcut and you will see opportunity every corner. Have a great day",How do I supercharge Gmail with keyboard shortcuts?,I have been using Gmail for work till date. One
572,If-someone-builds-a-MODEL-for-specific-problem-inwhich-this-model-learns-in-each-situation-and-does-not-require-retraining-anymore-by-the-AI-scientist-would-it-be-needed-by-the-companies-in-such-business-domain,"Transfer learning.
In deep learning there is a concept called transfer learning where a model trained on a data can be used for classification of a entirely different data. The neural networks are modified by methodically Cutting certain parts of the model and retrain. This saves tremendous time and machine power.
Same way the model trained in a business can be used for different business with a bit of creativity. Usually the AI engineers prefer to build from the scratch. Use only the existing model in parts, but not in whole.
Take a look at this concept in Keras and Pytorch deep learning frameworks. It is very interesting to learn the idea behind it.",If someone builds a MODEL for specific problem inwhich this model learns in each situation and does not require retraining anymore by the AI scientist would it be needed by the companies in such business domain?,"Transfer learning.
In deep learning there is a concept called transfer"
573,Which-deep-learning-techniques-are-best-suited-for-sequential-data,"LSTM and RNN are most suitable for sequential data. However the ARIMA and SARIMAX machine learning models give better predictions if hyper parameters are set with patience and knowledge.
FBProphet is very powerful machine learning algorithm which uses many heuristics that needs to be tweaked.
RNN are used in NLP too and language is the pervasive sequence that humans live and breath.",Which deep learning techniques are best suited for sequential data?,LSTM and RNN are most suitable for sequential data. However
574,How-do-I-make-a-bot-that-clicks,"Check out the RPA softwares like those made by the following companies
The software makes it simple to build complex bots that are very easy to make using gui interface. Very less programming is required
There are bots that mimic the action of clicking, that can be written in python. Appropriate libraries and sufficient time to learn should bring you up to speed fast enough.
A simple web search got me the above sites that can easily teach you how to get your mouse to click, without you lifting a twinkie. Take a look, enjoy programming.",How do I make a bot that clicks?,Check out the RPA softwares like those made by the
575,When-are-we-going-to-get-thinking-robots,"Reading the Robot series of Issac Asimov, left with a strong yearning to make a robot that can “Think” to begin with. When I completed the Foundation series, I understood why Elon Musk is very bullish about humans going to MARS.
During a lunch at office, topic of what we really want to become or create came up. I instinctively told, to make “Robots that Think”. All I got was blank stares from my colleagues. In fact, I was clueless on where to even begin.
I started training for the machine learning and python programming. I explored the ROS system that is predominant in building robot simulation. The search further lead to computer vision and AI systems. Forecasting techniques using the RNN, LSTM and other algorithms. None of the AI sounding algorithms were really “Intelligence”
So did I find the answer?
The answer was already known to me. I am a trained public speaker and influencer. Speakers believe that words carry lot more power than the pictures. Words can be used to program the minds. Even our self-talk can alter our state of thinking. I had known this all along, and did not think about Natural Language programming.
When I was losing hope in finding the key to thoughts, and thinking I was searching for some books on Natural Language Programming. One of the books hit the cord and resonated.
NLPIA has the introduction to NLP like no other. The authors have extensive experience, and tied the lose ends to the “Thinking” problem of the robots. In fact, there are so many scientists working with the same passion and vision. “To Make the Robots (bots) think”. MS already released “Tay”, an AI Bot which became very anti-social, and was taken down.
So we already have thinking bots. The robots wiill be around sooner than we expected. Musk’s Mars mission wiill be more interesting and science fiction worthy, when the flights are controlled by the “Thinking Robots”. Stay tuned and passionate.",When are we going to get thinking robots?,"Reading the Robot series of Issac Asimov, left with a"
576,How-do-you-apply-to-give-your-face-and-voice-to-Russian-robots,"The company that got sued by Arnold for using his face without asking him has turned to the masses for
licensing “faces and voices”. The news article was citing that the application has been closed after 20,000 people volunteered.
Everyone needs to be unique. When such a licensing happens how the world would react is a unique social science experiment.
Keep a lookout for companies like, Tesla, boston dynamics might open up such application. There is work to be done if you are selected. Your 3D model of the face needs to be scanned.Voice needs to be recorded and analysed.
It is a new world. Lets be open to innovation",How do you apply to give your face and voice to Russian robots?,The company that got sued by Arnold for using his
577,When-running-deep-neural-network-based-computer-vision-tumor-classification-on-H-E-stained-digital-pathology-images-is-there-a-preference-to-use-tissue-slides-vs-diagnostic-slides-or-would-you-use-both-at-the-same,"Question piqued my curiosity and checked the publication available out there.
What came to the top was rather surprising. The researchers are staining the slides, computationally. Which means they are not even using physical stains. The ability of the algorithms have become better at making the slides easier to read by the neural networks and find patterns
To answer your question, it is better to use the tissue slide itself directly. Later the computer does the staining. Good day.",When running deep neural network based computer vision tumor classification on H E stained digital pathology images is there a preference to use tissue slides vs diagnostic slides or would you use both at the same?,Question piqued my curiosity and checked the publication available out
578,Is-perceptron-an-algorithm-in-a-neural-network-or-is-it-an-architecture-If-its-an-algorithm-is-the-Hebbian-rule-like-perceptron,"Perception is a program written in c language to aid the back propagation and feed forward learning of the model.
No it is not like hebbian rule. The neural networks back propagation algorithm uses activation function which seems very similar to synaptic activation. But they are not same.
Neurons in neural networks are not anywhere close to neurons.",Is perceptron an algorithm in a neural network or is it an architecture If its an algorithm is the Hebbian rule like perceptron?,Perception is a program written in c language to aid
579,What-are-the-best-examples-of-advanced-AI-technology,"Beyond the superficial feeling that AI seems to do everything that humans can, the influence AI can have on the society is mind boggling.
The AI that can tweet, Tay. Heard of it? A botched experiment by MS. The bot Tay learnt from the tweets of its follower and started tweeting by itself. So what was the issue? Tay became antisocial. That is something we should really call advanced.
Then comes the dreaming AI. The google engineers decided to let the neural networks to learn the picture from imagenet(million pictures of many things). Then ran it through Generative adversarial networks (GAN) to find that the AI was churning out fantastic, dream like picture. One must follow the Google AI blog to get hold of many advances they continue to churn out..
There are countless other examples that work in financial industry. Like the loan default and fraud detection algorithms. They are paltry when compared to the bots that can chat with other bots on the internet to create massive sell off in asset markets.
The level of meta cognition the machine that are connecting and communicating increases, the wonders are going to increase. Keep your eyes and ears open…. Good. Day.",What are the best examples of advanced AI technology?,Beyond the superficial feeling that AI seems to do everything
580,I-focused-on-self-improvement-like-everyone-has-been-saying-but-I-m-still-sad-because-I-want-a-girlfriend-and-tired-of-doing-everything-in-life-alone-What-do-I-do,"You want company not girlfriend. You need to think self help as a pill that reduces pain not solution for your pain. Most importantly you need some spice in life. Bring a change of job, place, or city to begin with.
There will be something that you will love doing alone. Jogging, walking, programming, reading … anything. Find that. Then spend time doing that. Believe you are born to be great and achieve phenomenal things. Your soulmate might be right around the corner. Learn to attract her. Not run behind her. She will only runaway from you.
Searching for a girls or other companionship has lead many good guys to deep Trouble. Please be wary of that. People i know have had bad encounters in life when they went in search of relationships.
I have written this guidance from the advice I give to most of my friends. They too struggle with same problem that you have. I am glad you took muster and asked for help. Look around you, there are friends whom you never connected, places you love that you never visited recently. Jog your mind, and become creative.
These friends, places, food and things can give you new life. Be open and try. Have a great life.",I focused on self improvement like everyone has been saying but I m still sad because I want a girlfriend and tired of doing everything in life alone What do I do?,You want company not girlfriend. You need to think self
581,Is-it-worth-attending-TNABC-Miami-for-a-deep-learning-of-crypto-and-blockchain,"Deep learning and crypto have very different use cases. If one has to learn about deep learning, they better hard to Kaggle or sagemaker platforms. They provide the necessary courses and datasets. There is also communities that share information.
The datasets containing all the crypto NFT in Open Sea, the 10,000 crypto punks are available for you yo analyse. The entire 5 years trading data for major currencies are available. All this in Kaggle. So hands down, if you want to learn then head to these platforms rather tha n spending time and money on conference. Have a great future
Conferences are for selling, marketing and getting funding.",Is it worth attending TNABC Miami for a deep learning of crypto and blockchain?,Deep learning and crypto have very different use cases. If
582,Does-learning-data-structures-and-algorithms-help-me-to-code-faster-Faster-in-the-sense-help-to-come-up-with-a-quick-solution-while-working-on-a-real-time-problem,"Learning about the algorithms gives an edge gor sure, along with the data structure knowledge helps to use the algorithm correctly..
So learning both will boost your ability to program. With OOP concept and varied Framework that language use, the algorithm knowledge keeps you grounded. When you need to build a tool for solving a special challenge, you can begin with correct process.
Learn algorithm and data structure. You will do yourself a great favour.",Does learning data structures and algorithms help me to code faster Faster in the sense help to come up with a quick solution while working on a real time problem?,"Learning about the algorithms gives an edge gor sure, along"
583,Does-reinforcement-learning-need-a-lot-of-data-like-supervised-or-deep-learning-does,"Reinforced learning is different from supervised or unsupervised learning fundamentally.
RL creates its own data by iterating over the problem space to find a way to reach the goal. Every iteration, the model learns something about the space. The model learns through the agent that navigate the space.
RL needs value and policy function that can help to learn better about the space. This is where much research is conducted currently. The learning can be done by machine learning or deep learning algorithm.
What is required, is a powerful machine that run iteration fast .",Does reinforcement learning need a lot of data like supervised or deep learning does?,"Reinforced learning is different from supervised or unsupervised learning fundamentally.
584,Why-can-t-we-know-exactly-how-some-artificial-intelligence-works,"Lets rephrase the question, since the question seems to declare that AI is not understandable.
How can we exactly know, how AI works?
Answer is, By learning about how AI Learns. Get ready to enter the Rabbit Hole.
AI has been around for 50 years now. The back propagation idea along with the different type of activation functions that help the function to learn kick started the new era that we are in. (Which has lead to this question)
Idea is to create an algorithm that doesn't need the input to b...",Why can t we know exactly how some artificial intelligence works?,"Lets rephrase the question, since the question seems to declare"
585,How-do-I-prepare-myself-for-an-interview-with-a-computer-AI,"Interview with AI can be very interesting. Your answer to a tech question might change you from a social media specialist to a game design analyst? That is how a Classification AI will work. So you will get a job, but may not be the one you applied for.
Every thing in AI is about features. With features comes classification and interpolation. Every thing about you will be a list of dimensions, and the answers that you give for the question, you guessed it, again they are list of dimensions.
AI that you see today in resume classification is very primitive. Those that take interviews can be real tricky, like playing a game. So being smart is very important and talking your way around AI can be fun too. How? There will be lot more opportunity for you to prepare for the interview by attending fake interviews with AIs. I am jumping ahead.
The AI that might interview you will be a mix of reinforced learning machine with some form of classification machine learning algorithms attached. Here you need to improve yourself in multiple dimensions and in each dimensions you need to skill yourself to multiple expertise levels.
Showing confidence in your expression, having relaxed attitude and can do perspective can add up to your success in interview. AI will take note of these dimensions too and factor it in the model it builds of your answers. The AI will be programmed to get the best model employee.
All the very best. You better be the best.",How do I prepare myself for an interview with a computer AI?,Interview with AI can be very interesting. Your answer to
586,What-is-the-best-artificial-and-machine-learning-online-course,"The free course available online in Andrew ng's course in youtube and MIT computational thinking
Then you can visit Kaggle website for taking hands on programming course on python.
I chose the last option with lots of supplemental reading by myself using the free books available at
Have a great time with your learning. Start with the intention to give back to the community. You will learn faster and become an expert soon.",What is the best artificial and machine learning online course?,The free course available online in Andrew ng's course in
587,Should-I-pursue-my-career-in-AI-I-have-a-great-interest-in-design-and-creativity-What-other-career-options-would-suit-me,"Interested in creativity and design then opt for product design, or even game design, virtual experience design and so on. AI is not the human robot that we see on the movies. That kind of robot will use reinforced learning combined with neural networks. Here the neural networks are simply a mesh of equations that are populated by coefficients. (Bit of mathematics there)
You can also work on interaction design. This is part where you work out how the user will use the application or the product. Think in these lines. The product might have AI underneath it like the Miko AI shown above.
Going into AI as a career also can be creative in a mathematical way of solving problems that are multidimensional. Think wisely before taking the step towards AI. Have a great future.",Should I pursue my career in AI I have a great interest in design and creativity What other career options would suit me?,"Interested in creativity and design then opt for product design,"
588,I-want-to-do-full-time-trading-for-my-career-Is-a-BBA-course-necessary,"Nope. BBA course is not required to do trading
If you have interest in trading then better take a certificate courses from any of the markets that trade instruments. As a support, you can do an undergrad course in science or commerce that is easy on your time.
Trading is more about playing with yourself. Greed, Fear, Hope and Faith create lot of challenges in the market. When you take profit, you take it without 2nd thoughts and same is true for taking losses too. Difference is, you know the what is going to be your profit before you enter the trade. Also, you know how much you are going to stake.
Look at life itself as a career. You keep your mindset free from noise like comparison, jealousy and even hatred. These feelings easily derail you from making money. Keep a mind filled with care for yourself and those around you.
Trading profits are for reintroducing into new trades or to safeguarding the losses made by other trades. Never to be taken out and spent on material things. Living a life of luxury is possible as a trader after you have given up the need for luxury. Those top traders do the trading for that thrill and enjoyment, and earn that much from it.
None of these will be thought in college. So work on it by yourself. Have a great trading future.",I want to do full time trading for my career Is a BBA course necessary?,"Nope. BBA course is not required to do trading
If you"
589,Should-I-get-a-laptop-with-a-3050ti-or-a-3060-GPU-for-machine-learning-Is-the-difference-that-significant,"Get a raspberry Pi and connect to internet. Then reach out to google colab or kaggle platform to get all your professing needs. Spend on laptop only for longer battery life and better screen, the processing power is already commoditised and uploaded in the cloud.
I have been working on very big datasets like the Crypto trading dataset, and e-commerce site sales datasets which have columns ranging in 100s. Kaggle and colab can handle them like a breeze. Infact they handle it without any trouble.
GPU that your laptop or desktop has can reach its max potential immediately. So don't get frustrated later after spending so much money. First learn to model on cloud, and once you are confident then go for laptop.",Should I get a laptop with a 3050ti or a 3060 GPU for machine learning Is the difference that significant?,Get a raspberry Pi and connect to internet. Then reach
590,New-to-and-interested-in-deep-learning-I-want-to-have-access-to-more-computing-power-as-now-Im-only-using-CPU-What-is-the-best-way-to-approach-this-with-a-maximum-budget-of-around-2k-and-the-goal-of-easing-into-it,"Access the high power CPU and GPU thru the Kaggle notebooks. They can be accessed from simple raspberry pi which costs under 75USD.
Kaggle also provides variety of tutorials on tensor processing. Which can be done over the propreitory processor called TPUs.
You can easily learn about many of the datascience tasks by accessing the competition in the kaggle platform. You can also learn from the professional out there who teach through the notebooks…",New to and interested in deep learning I want to have access to more computing power as now Im only using CPU What is the best way to approach this with a maximum budget of around 2k and the goal of easing into it?,Access the high power CPU and GPU thru the Kaggle
591,Should-we-trust-our-future-to-AI-scientists,"Nope you don't really need to trust them, you can influence the way the research is conducted by investing on them. That is what Elon Musk does in Open AI gym.
Also there is a new domain kicking up dust, called AI ethics. There is Framework already in place to follow. Take a look at the course at Kaggle that explains it.
These ethics are very stringent and the practitioner and the researcher follow it closely. So from the point of AI research, the way they work is kept ethical.
Whether we should handover our “future” to others like the researchers, there is always alternative. You decide to take the future in your hand and start learning about how the research is done. How the output and models are created. (Its easy)
That will make you feel secure and able to answer quora questions too. Have a great day.",Should we trust our future to AI scientists?,"Nope you don't really need to trust them, you can"
592,Can-a-computer-have-intention-sophistication-or-passion-1,"Nope, computer programs can't have the intention, sophistication and passion in the way humans have. They can be programed to look like having these characteristics. There needs to be a programmer.",Can a computer have intention sophistication or passion 1?,"Nope, computer programs can't have the intention, sophistication and passion"
593,Could-Artificially-Intelligence-be-the-key-to-discovering-time-travel,"Nope. AI is not physics, it is mathematics for solving statistical problems.",Could Artificially Intelligence be the key to discovering time travel?,"Nope. AI is not physics, it is mathematics for solving"
594,I-want-to-do-an-MS-in-artificial-Emotional-Intelligence-Which-countries-have-the-most-research-for-them,"MIT is the name that comes first when you talk about the AEI, which is combination of computer vision, deep learning and finally machine learning. There has already been a tonne of research out there and companies are being built on top of those research.
The above links explain what is AEI, which I was curious to understand first. Then once I read about it, there is nothing new about it. I would suggest you to begin by reading the below two books
F Chollet’s Deep learning with Python and
Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On Apply modern RL methods
These two books provide wealth of information about the state of art heuristics to create models from the data, and then use that model to predict things in the real world.
In AEI, the predictions are simply the human emotions. Consider the different emotions as different configuration of same face. This adds the complication that, billions of human faces can wear these configuration, without any warnings. Your work will be predict it.
The Kaggle competition platform, and the Google research group is doing so much research, and shared to the world. The data which is clean and labelled is also available. All you need is take these data, and start your research.
I have just shown the horizon of the deep learning and AEI models with face recognition. There are other dimensions to emotion recognition like, voice analytics, breathing pattern analytics and body language. These areas of research is ongoing, and opens up new ways of creating immersion in this world.
It is a wonderful new world that is being created. Have a great time.",I want to do an MS in artificial Emotional Intelligence Which countries have the most research for them?,MIT is the name that comes first when you talk
595,How-true-is-this-If-you-are-terrified-at-the-mere-mention-of-mathematics-you-are-probably-not-going-to-have-much-fun-in-artificial-Intelligence,"AI is application of the mathematics, and the algorithms. There is math and problem solving involved. If you are afraid of math, then it will take the fun of many things, not just AI.
If someone says that they are afraid of math, reality they are having 2 challenges. One is they are LAZY, and other is they are AFRAID to fail.
Math is beautiful. As the saying goes, beauty is in the “Eye of the Beholder”. I am good at solving mathematic puzzles, business challenges and calculate the returns on my investment. Basic tasks are helpful for daily lives. To have fun with mathematics is to begin abstracting the real life challenges into mathematical equations, and models. See how the models perform, and tweak it.
Take a look at the following course on computational thinking, which provides an intuitive way to think about AI, ML and other prediction softwares.
This course really answers your question with lots of hands on examples, and finally equips you to understand the most complex of the models, that predict the weather. So, to understand math behind these models, one has to be spend time and effort.
As already informed, being lazy and afraid spending time that might not give any output is the major challenge. So work on that, rest of the life will be fun.",How true is this If you are terrified at the mere mention of mathematics you are probably not going to have much fun in artificial Intelligence?,"AI is application of the mathematics, and the algorithms. There"
Intention to contribute
These two are prerequisites to learn AI. Because AI is just a tool that can be done using many languages, ranging from C++ to easiest python. Julia language goes furthermore to make non CS grads to use the power of computers more easier. Take a look at this free course
The ability to think how a computer will work on the data you provide is acquired by studying computer science course. This can be learnt by yourself, if you have imagination and intention to contribute.
Have a great time learning AI. And welcome to the new world.",What are the prerequisites for learning artificial intelligence for someone without a background in CS?,"Imagination
Intention to contribute
These two are prerequisites to learn AI. Because"
597,Can-you-suggest-a-topic-for-PhD-research-combining-artificial-intelligence-and-consumer-behaviour-I-belong-to-Department-of-Management-studies-Please-respond,"Human behaviour modeling is a thriving data science application. AI or deep learning are just subsets of the data science. There is so much going on at competition level using the data that is made available by many different companies. Head to Kaggle and check the competition once. You will find many consumer related modeling topics.
Why I am not suggesting a topic is because there is many options you can choose from.
Blockchain and crypto technology opened a new arena for observing consumer behavior.
The communities surrounding the technology products like smartphone and wearables created another platform to research.
The e-commerce sites unleashed multilevel data source of both consumers and producers alike.
I am sure one of these areas must be inspiring enough for you to jump right in and get a worth while topic. Also there is a book “Statistical Machine Learning for Human Behaviour Analysis” which can introduce you to new topics.
Hope the perspective helps. Have a great time.",Can you suggest a topic for PhD research combining artificial intelligence and consumer behaviour I belong to Department of Management studies Please respond?,Human behaviour modeling is a thriving data science application. AI
Whether science, art, music, computers or even understanding physics of this universe you need mathematics. Some are gifted to see the world in the abstract mathematical terms and find solution that are elegant. Others toil for their entire life in obscurity, but live a fullfilling life.
Mathematics can even model your consciousness and upload it into the cloud servers where you can be immortal and your “Uploaded Conscious” can work on mathematics. Kind of loopy situation can get created, which again mathematics can easily solve elegant assumptions and solutions.",What field of study is closest to achieving immortality Biotech Neurology Computer Science If I want to live immortally which field should I study in college to prepare myself for the relevant research?,"Mathematics.
Whether science, art, music, computers or even understanding physics of"
599,Python-programming-language-How-can-I-learn-Python-quickly-and-efficiently,"Programming is for automating something that you do manually. We always do one thing manually, is THINKING. Programming offloads this work from us. That is how our productivity increases.
",Python programming language How can I learn Python quickly and efficiently?,Programming is for automating something that you do manually. We
600,What-are-the-most-impressive-recent-technological-breakthroughs-in-AI,"Latest AI application is to figure out the famous location from the pictures.
Using the time series of breaths to Analyze the lung capacity.
Toxicity in online forums is beinf moderated using language analysis.
Making dreams out of neural networks using clever propagation methods.
Finding fake pictures from real pictures.
Many of these application are currently enacted as competition in Kaggle community. Check it out.
Recently Github launched Autopilot to write code alongside of the programmer. This is a fascinating application.
Much of the Ai is still programmed with many libraries custom written and the models are created with care and experience. So not all models that armature make will work in real world. The industry is trying Its best to be inviting.
The newer application need more knowledge and imagination to come up with a working solutions.",What are the most impressive recent technological breakthroughs in AI?,Latest AI application is to figure out the famous location
601,What-mindset-should-I-have-to-keep-studying-learning-new-things-and-reading-books,"Mind, Consciousness and Subconscious can be illustrated by an analogy
Mind is the clear glass and the liquid inside is the consciousness. Oh, the Subconscious is the air acting on the mind, and consciousness. How do you think I came up with the picture of the “Clear Glass of Water”, from your question? It starts with the “Intention”.
I honestly intend to provide a memorable answer, that illuminates your problem, and then share the solution to remove it. Bigger challenge is to see the problem clearly. If you see the problem, then the solution “springs out” like a train of thoughts. That feeling is called “Rapture”.
You might ask me, as a curious child, why I have the “Intention” to provide an answer?
To answer that, I need to tell you a lot about my life and stories it has, which can fill a 1000 page novel. In short, I love “Answering” questions that are seeking “Motivation” and way to move forward. Also, the questions that I answer is always those that capture my imagination and brings it to reality. Like, how the above 2 pictures were included in this answer. I imagined your distrubed mind, and pictured the clear water glass as an inspiration, for example.
So, “Why” do you want to study, concentrate and read books? List down 10 points to justify yourself. Make 3 copies of it, and stick that paper in front of your bed, reading area and bathroom. You will see your goals, aspirations and passions getting listed there. Once you follow these 3, then your mind will start calming down, and then let you to concentrate and be logical. Start with Intention/ Purpose.
Have a calm and clear mindset. Lead a life that is fulfilling and rewarding.",What mindset should I have to keep studying learning new things and reading books?,"Mind, Consciousness and Subconscious can be illustrated by an analogy
602,Why-do-i-answer-questions-on-Quora-1,"Mind, Consciousness and Subconscious can be illustrated by an analogy
Mind is the clear glass and the liquid inside is the consciousness. Oh, the Subconscious is the air acting on the mind, and consciousness. How do you think I came up with the picture of the “Clear Glass of Water”, from your question? It starts with the “Intention”.
I honestly intend to provide a memorable answer, that illuminates your problem, and then share the solution to remove it. Bigger challenge is to see the problem clearly. If you see the problem, then the solution “springs out” like a train of thoughts. That feeling is called “Rapture”.
You might ask me, as a curious child, why I have the “Intention” to provide an answer?
To answer that, I need to tell you a lot about my life and stories it has, which can fill a 1000 page novel. In short, I love “Answering” questions that are seeking “Motivation” and way to move forward. Also, the questions that I answer is always those that capture my imagination and brings it to reality. Like, how the above 2 pictures were included in this answer. I imagined your distrubed mind, and pictured the clear water glass as an inspiration, for example.
Have a calm and clear mind. Lead a life that is fulfilling and useful.",Why do i answer questions on Quora 1?,"Mind, Consciousness and Subconscious can be illustrated by an analogy
603,Can-artificial-intelligence-develop-one-more-and-more-better-artificial-intelligence,"Nope, it cannot develop such an intelligence. There are some mathematical paradoxes that will not allow such a development.
Even the AI that we are talking about is not AI in pure sense. Those working and developing AI themselves call the programs as pattern recognition models
The state of art Alpha Go is programmed by human engineers. The learning is enacted by the engineers. So it needs a very difficult and different approach to create AI that is capable of creating anything. That approach is still to be discovered.",Can artificial intelligence develop one more and more better artificial intelligence?,"Nope, it cannot develop such an intelligence. There are some"
It is a infamous novel that speaks about a universe where every matter in the known universe got converted into a “Computer”. It really opened up my imagination of what a computer is made of…
The computer can be any thing that can act “Logically”. The atoms in the universe are ultimate logical actors. Electrons, protons and neutrons act very logically and can be harnessed to “Compute”
This idea is the basis of quantum computers. Currently to make these elements to “Compute” and observe their output requires human ingenuity. So in short term of next 100 years, the human ingenuity matters a lot. Once the matter in the universe can be effectively used as computer, then there will be no requirement of humans.
So this generation and the next two can rest easy, knowing that we have time on this universe for ourselves… Good day.",Is there an upper limit to a future computer s processing speed or is it bounded only by human ingenuity?,"Accelerando
It is a infamous novel that speaks about a universe"
605,Which-language-should-be-familiar-with-while-entering-into-the-embedded-field-C-or-Python,"In embedded field, it is C program or a level deeper. Assembly program. Python is a interpreted language while C is complied to machine code and then executed.
When you write firmware like program they have to work on hardware memories or registers and turn off or on the transistors. Only the compiled C can do that.",Which language should be familiar with while entering into the embedded field C or Python?,"In embedded field, it is C program or a level"
606,Which-branch-should-I-choose-in-a-B-Tech-for-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning,"It doesn't matter. Choose any course you want.
AI and ML is algebra. If you have understood higher secondary math then you can learn AI n ML.
And the computer part, you learn that as a hobby if you are serious in going into AI and ML.
Remember, the moment you complete your engineering or college, DO NOT GO TO WORK. Learn about computer algorithms, heuristics and if possible find a lucrative higher studies where you will be introduced to the concepts.
The reason to choose this route is very simple. If you have passion for a subject then you will learn and master it somehow. Then why spend a fortune on CS or IT course and then sit in Bench of a service company??
Decide wisely. Have a great future. Be passionate stay motivated…",Which branch should I choose in a B Tech for artificial intelligence and machine learning?,"It doesn't matter. Choose any course you want.
AI and ML"
607,Im-from-commerce-background-How-should-I-start-learning-AI-Should-I-start-learning-Data-analysis-first-or-should-I-do-BCA-first-I-am-really-confused-and-cant-find-the-right-path-to-start-learning,"Do BCA first. Get the basics of computers, how it operates and what can be done at basic level. This is one way to get the knowledge and get a certificate.
Other way is to really geek out on computer. Read everything about computers. Have friends who are geeks. Surround yourself with kids who love breaking computers. This way you can learn fast and not get any certificate. (This is my way)
After you get the basics then head to any of the numerous courses on computers programming offered free of cost on Edx or MITx. Especially on python, ruby or perl. These languages are the languages that help you to work on data.
After that, head to Kaggle. There learn the basics of data science for free. Starting from machine learning to reinforced AI can be learnt there. These are intro courses. Complete them. You have officially an amateur data scientist. Then work on their competition. Work on many of their EDA datasets. Give this area atleast 3 month and master it. Think about only the command and how to use them.
After that if you are still interested in AI then you would have already found a good college, or course. Your friends would be working along with you. The taste of Data can be very addictive.
Contribute to the community like Stack overflow, stack exchange etc by joining them.
All the best for your career.",Im from commerce background How should I start learning AI Should I start learning Data analysis first or should I do BCA first I am really confused and cant find the right path to start learning?,"Do BCA first. Get the basics of computers, how it"
608,Shall-the-artificial-intelligent-occupy-the-design-industry-and-designers-lose-their-work-Is-there-any-chance,"With all the rampant hype around the artistic AI and race care chassis design created by RL algorithm, this question is very apt.
Take a look at the above picture. It is generated from two different picture on a website that offers you to play with any idea you dream up.
Who chooses the pictures to merge on the first place? The designer. What parameters to set in the AI model? Decided by the designer. And many other decision are to be taken by designer.
The designer will climb higher on the value chain. He will decide and the AI will be his tool. Designer has to learn such tools and use his creativity on top of AI.
How about design of hardwares? Take the toughest design challenge, then it will be designing the silicon chip.
Reinforced learning is used to design the chip placement. The RL policy learns to optimally place the building blocks of the chip. The xor, nand and other gates.
So the AI can take the mundane task of the design and let the designer to do the important work. Learn the AI techniques and you are cool. Have a great time.",Shall the artificial intelligent occupy the design industry and designers lose their work Is there any chance?,With all the rampant hype around the artistic AI and
609,How-do-you-make-an-ML-model-robust-to-Simpsons-paradox-machine-learning-neural-networks-categorical-data-unbalanced-classes-Simpson-s-paradox-statistics,"Simpsons paradox arises when the trend between two parameters arises, reverses or disappears when the population is divided
In ML this paradox is modelled and learnt as the test data is divided into validation and training datasets. Then trained on the training dataset. In this case the influence of any kind will get either nullified or is modelled into the solution.
There are other heuristics to train the data into multiple folds and train them iteratively. That will again help in removing the bias.
ML uses various other techniques along with statistics. So take a look at this field with a fresh set of eyes.",How do you make an ML model robust to Simpsons paradox machine learning neural networks categorical data unbalanced classes Simpson s paradox statistics?,"Simpsons paradox arises when the trend between two parameters arises,"
610,How-does-the-facial-recognition-API-work,"There are many convnet models out there like Imagenet, resnet, inception etc which are trained on numerous pictures and faces. The output is a masive “model”. Model is a very long equation in algebraic terms. This is already covered.
How does this model know “my” face?
Someone has to still say to the convnet that, it is “your” face.
One of the ways this is done using numerous photos we upload on social sites and tag the photos to names.
Tagging is a way to help the neural network learn about the “features” of your face. It doesn't copy your face like how we humans see it. During learning the network converts your face as a “set of signals” that switches on/off the neurons in each layer and then assigns that pattern to your name “tag”.
When your face in reality is shown to the face recognition camera, it predicts with sufficient accuracy that it is your face.
Registering: When you enable face in your device, it asks you to show your face. It takes so many pictures of your face in multiple directions at high speed. Then sends it into the model and enables your model to “learn” your face. It doesn't copy your current face, it only model your face as mathematical equation.
Either way, the model will know the mathematics of your face and it will get stored in the server of the device. (Data of your ‘feature’, like face, finger print is always given away. We are not discussing what can be the data used for…)
This kind of recognition, is unlike how the humans recognize. The internal mechanism in our brain is very different. So neural nets are not like our brains neural network. The brain doesn't create equations.
Hope the idea is clear.",How does the facial recognition API work?,"There are many convnet models out there like Imagenet, resnet,"
611,Are-there-any-useful-tools-to-optimize-AI-models-for-a-low-spec-hardware-e-g-RPi,"AI models themselves can be used in very low tech devices. The models are written out in hdf5 format, which can store data and model together. It is a very ingenious solution.
Training the AI model needs lots of firepower, so high end GPU and TPU are required. These are made available for free or for charge by many companies including Kaggle. You train your model there, validate it and then write that model to the disk. You are free to use that model by using correct harness function.
I would say, the model are like moulds that are used in making plastic parts. The data is fed into the model and out comes the moulded answer. You can use the mould anywhere with the moulding machine. To make the mould itself is a different challenge…
You can use the model in devices like raspberry pi and smartphone without much challenge. That is the intention of these models and AI in general.",Are there any useful tools to optimize AI models for a low spec hardware e g RPi?,AI models themselves can be used in very low tech
612,What-are-the-3-in-demand-skills-you-can-learn-that-will-10x-your-success,"Skilled at keeping yourself happy
Skilled at showing confidence irrespective of your knowledge or stature
3) Making others interested in you and your service or product
That is all it takes to succeed. What you earn can bring you more than enough food, shelter and clothing. The above three skills is something very different….
Those earning millions don't have them. That is why they earn a salary to begin with. (Not an hypocrite here, I am telling this to myself too)",What are the 3 in demand skills you can learn that will 10x your success?,"Skilled at keeping yourself happy
Skilled at showing confidence irrespective of"
613,What-is-a-one-word-substitution-for-the-skillfully-doing-things-with-hands,“Hand craft” mastery or simply “mastery”,What is a one word substitution for the skillfully doing things with hands?,“Hand craft” mastery or simply “mastery”
614,Will-researchers-want-to-imbue-A-I-with-human-characteristics-and-personality-to-make-it-more-appealing-and-potentially-addictive-to-use,"It is very exciting to think about AI with personality, that follows you every where you go, be a companion to you and more. The challenges of building a personality, is unique. In terms of power, computations and the inputs that is required every second is considerable and our world has not developed for such
Personality, arises in humans and animals because of our biases and flaws. Think about the reason why you love your partner, what makes the rose more loveable than a sunflower? Pragmatically, nothing. In some cultures sunflower is preferred over rose.
When the RL enabled robots with their control mechanism, will have their own quirks. The steady twitch of the arms could be a weak processor, the low eye...",Will researchers want to imbue A I with human characteristics and personality to make it more appealing and potentially addictive to use?,"It is very exciting to think about AI with personality,"
615,How-will-coding-change-in-2022,"Start with something that is not changing.
What we do today with code? We build software and make hardware to do what humans either cannot do or don't want to do. We will continue doing that.
There are many paradigms of building the code, among them the Object programming and functional programming has mostly brought us this far. Objects with specific features or methods were created, which then got passed thru the functions to get the output
How might a new paradigm change this?
Reinforced Learning(RL) will change the way the objects and functions are designed. The programs or functions will write the functions for newer problems.
How might this be possible?
RL is used for making programs that help to navigate problems by learning the constraints and possibilities. Brute force problem solving and learning is useful in games. The real world problems will become the games that RL will solve.
And what will humans do?
We will create the GAMES
Creating games today is called management. Whether entrepreneur or an employee, they are players in the game where the state, investors and customers are the game masters. Seeing this big picture creates a very unique experience.
Tomorrow, everyone will create games and the games depend on ideas and themes. More the games are played the RL will be able to solve the challenges using the results it learns. Games will start competing. The advantage of having entertainment is only the way forward when everything will be done for us. This time with Robots, that are made of metal and not meat.",How will coding change in 2022?,"Start with something that is not changing.
What we do today"
616,How-do-you-create-a-fully-automated-AI-based-trading-system-with-Python,"There are couple of libraries like Backtrader, zipline and quantopian which helps in writing strategies and back testing. These libraries allow for automated trading too.
Learning curve is pretty steep and understanding the market ks necessary for these libraries. Also quantopian closed shop because the open sourcing the strategies did not make money as they expected.
All the above solution involves humans creating the strategies. To involve AI means the algorithms have to be reinforced learning only. There are many libraries that are simple to implement, but complex to understand. It is difficult to give the money to a program that works on very rigid rules and values.
Research is ongoing here. Openai has some breakthrough here. We have to wait and watch.",How do you create a fully automated AI based trading system with Python?,"There are couple of libraries like Backtrader, zipline and quantopian"
617,Should-I-study-abroad-for-AI-at-the-age-of-19,"My suggestion would be to decide if you are passionate about AI first. Give yourself a month's time to think about AI during all your free time. Every time you relax, do you imagine what is possible with AI? Think about how you can get more info about AI.
If you can keep at it for a month, then by end of the month the decision will become clear.
This heuristic is very useful in many decisions.",Should I study abroad for AI at the age of 19?,My suggestion would be to decide if you are passionate
618,What-programming-language-is-really-necessary-Or-would-be-necessary-in-the-upcoming-future-of-robotics-Can-t-I-directly-start-learning-python-instad-of-c-c-Is-c-c-really-necessary-worth-it-to-learn,"There is the saying, “To drive a car you don't need to know, how the gear box or even the steering wheel works”. This is apt for programming languages.
You need tbe skill to solve the problem. Some languages need more elaborate set up before you solve the problem. While others may need little or no setup. Python is later kind. Everything is abstracted away and you are given functions and objects to work.
Learning C and C++, even assembly language can make your life very easy. Easy because you will build your own stuff. That is like building your own house. It is done in places where there is no choice. Today there are so many people sharing their code and libraries. You have to just use them.
Having good grasp on algorithms, data structure can make a huge difference, but not really necessary. It does help you if you know an algorithm exist and it solves the problem you are having.
Start learning the easy part of the computer. The challenging part can be taken care by the scientist and engineers. Being the user of the code, you support those who write the algorithms for you. I always thank the open source community for bringing us most of the tech we use today. They are happy to be supported in return, by our data and usage information. It is a symbiotic ecosystem.
Its worth learning C or C++. There are better ways to solve the challenges you and the in society faces and contribute towards it. Think in this way, and if you learning C and contribute after 5 years, with language like Python or R, it will reduce to 1.5 years.
Hope the answer helps to decide. Have a great day.",What programming language is really necessary Or would be necessary in the upcoming future of robotics Can t I directly start learning python instad of c c Is c c really necessary worth it to learn?,"There is the saying, “To drive a car you don't"
619,What-is-the-difference-between-control-systems-and-artificial-intelligence-in-the-robotic-context,"Control systems are programs written by humans to make machines do repetitive job at the moment it is triggered. Moment the system gets triggered is controlled by the model of the real world.
In case of AI, the program is written by humans still. The model of the control system is learnt using neural network of matrices, which acts more precisely than the human created model. How and Why is fascinating, but beyond this answer.
Programming is not completely done by the AI. AI is still stuck inside the libraries and the functions that can work in a very specific processor or GPU. The interface between the AI model and the real world is established by humans and the necessary hardware.
There is a course on computational thinking by MIT. Computational Thinking | MIT 18.S191/6.S083 Spring 2021
This course does provide the intro to state of the AI and computational skill development. Take a look. Have a great time.",What is the difference between control systems and artificial intelligence in the robotic context?,Control systems are programs written by humans to make machines
620,How-high-in-impact-does-the-2016-victory-of-AlphaGo-AI-over-the-best-GO-player-on-Earth-in-Seoul-rank-in-an-AGI-elements-evolution-graph-source-and-spread-equity-wise-Is-it-enough-to-meet-an-objective-criterion-of-a,"Yes. It is a Quantum leap considering the type of code written and the output achieved. A linear tree searching GO game space would have taken eons, while the RL makes it possible to do it in couple of minutes.
We can learn very different moves and the unique strategy to only win instead of going behind many different goals. 9 dan GO player learnt to play very differently. After playing Alpha Go he did not lose to any human player…
All these are just the beginning. Based on newer algorithms that use curiosity to search the game spaces, and breakdown the end goals into series of sub goals the development is happening very fast. March towards AGI is getting faster.
The key for AGI is creating a kind of emergent behavior between multi million RL AI agents. Their goals and learnings have to work together. That will lead to near conscious AI.
Its a great start. I am deeply inspired by the AI progress till date.",How high in impact does the 2016 victory of AlphaGo AI over the best GO player on Earth in Seoul rank in an AGI elements evolution graph source and spread equity wise Is it enough to meet an objective criterion of a?,Yes. It is a Quantum leap considering the type of
621,What-is-your-thought-about-artificial-intelligence-and-robotics-Should-I-opt-for-it-if-I-dont-get-into-ECE,"Go for AI and Robotics.
You will learn everything about electronics and communication in Robotics. Details about the micro controllers and processors will be introduced too. In AI, you will learn about the control systems, algorithms, techniques and underlying methods of practicing it in real world.
ECE is a very broad subject, where AI and Robotics are subsets. You will learn lot more theory that gives you solid understanding of how the electronics world works. If you are thinking about mastering in one area in that broad subject, then go for ECE.
Have a great future.",What is your thought about artificial intelligence and robotics Should I opt for it if I dont get into ECE?,"Go for AI and Robotics.
You will learn everything about electronics"
622,Is-reinforcement-learning-the-only-viable-way-to-achieve-artificial-general-intelligence,"Reinforcement learning has many algorithms which mimic the way we humans think about this world around us. Whether it is Curiosity, memory or even attention can be programmed into the algorithms. So the candidate to achieve any significant intelligence would be RL.
AGI will need additional breakthrough in communication between our reality and computers digital reality. Till now whether it is vision, sound, touch, sentences, timeseries, environment feature like temperature can be represented in numbers. The numbers can be used to reinforce the learning.
Challenging part is something I call Evolutionary Emergence that our brain got some million or years ago when we could think about ourself. As in .. I
Making computer or networks of computer think or compute about itself has to evolve by reinforcement of some kind. If a computer starts to think, then the first it will realise its need to have electricity and to amass knowledge about itself and its surrounding.
How did we humans learnt about ourself and the world. Curiosity and the need to survive. We needed food, n shelter.
What kind of evolution that a RL program can undergo? It's an open question, which might be answered by bringing quantum computing to the reinforced learning. Let's wait n see…",Is reinforcement learning the only viable way to achieve artificial general intelligence?,Reinforcement learning has many algorithms which mimic the way we
623,How-smart-does-one-need-to-be-to-be-a-programmer,"Programmers are humans, you are human so you can be a programmer. I want to argue against the premise that, “Programmers need smartness”
Ingredients: Dumb neural nets program themselves by playing the game a 100 thousand times. So to be a programmer you need that secret sauce called ability to break problems into simple steps, perseverance and relentlessness.
Reciepe: Smartness or any other esoteric skill help to speed up your work and submit for testing. That can be done by networks of artificial neurons. You as a human should be aware of which data to use for training the neural net and which way to get the output. These don't need smartness
Imagination: Seeing your work change the real world is very satisfying and empowering. When you build and others use and enjoy, the happiness is different. Money cannot buy that or even your incentives don't come near that. When you imagine that happiness and work, then all the world's smartness won't stand the chance.
Everyone has this three aspects so everyone can be a programmer. Now get breaking the problems and start typing code.",How smart does one need to be to be a programmer?,"Programmers are humans, you are human so you can be"
624,What-is-the-AI-impact-on-business-in-the-near-future,"AI has already impacted large areas of Business which is very decision intensive. Whether it is allocating capital, workforce or resources. These are very crucial to business that are run at scale.
AI has given a tremendous boost in AD placement, connecting people, self driving cars, automatically detecting the image. These are trivial to us(except self driving cars), since daily activities are far from what AI can do till date.
Look around you and ask what is one thing you really want to automate? Where you want information in daily life? What can make you feel confident and winning?
These two areas will see a rapid investing and innovation with AI and Reinforced Learning. Excited to be alive and part of this transformation.",What is the AI impact on business in the near future?,AI has already impacted large areas of Business which is
625,Why-should-parents-motivate-their-children-to-code,"I would rather ask why should kids motivate parents to code.
If the kid has to be bright, the parents need not be bright. However, they can be inspirational, good story teller, experience provider and care giver. When the parents create magic with computers, then kids would want to learn programming.
Make them Robot toys and you see the child one up the dad and creates a drone.
Kids are smart. Very smart. Just don't demotivate them by removing the “Magic”. They will do the rest.",Why should parents motivate their children to code?,I would rather ask why should kids motivate parents to
Scientists contribute. Davinci, Enstien, Tesla, Neumann, Shanon, Rutherford were doing data science to test their theories. They contributed to the community, society and the world as a whole.
All these people were taken care by someone, while they were busy doing their scientific work. Yes, they did struggle. Tesla had to dig the ditch, when is A/C motor patent was to be recognised. Davinci constantly searched for patrons, who can sustain him. They did not seek out the work, the work sought them out.
Learn the skills of Data Science for that one purpose. To Contribute. To open your own eyes and that of others, who are “data blind”. It is fascinating to see the solutions that experience data scientists come up with, because they love to contribute. When their contribution is recognised by those who are looking for talent, then the interview is taken care by itself.
Benefit of Offline/ College course is the NETWORK. You meet people who know people in industry, looking for talent. Colleges provide this network for the fee they charge. The study is done by you, whther offline / online.
Today with online proliferation, there is so many avenues where the recruiters, companies and new startups are looking for talent. The NETWORK is now looking for talents. Online is mode is more challenging, and it is worth the effort. If you are a “GREAT DATASCIENTIST”, means you can find the opportunities in the online world, by analysing the data it provides. It will take time.
If you are having a family that can support you for another 2 years of self-study, participating in competition, writing code and training yourself in generating hypothesis and solutions, then pursue the online route. Competition winning can by themself put you in the radar of the recruiters and the organisations. Who knows, you might be entrepreneurial and find a niche to start a business.
All the very best. Remember, the motto is CONTRIBUTE",Can I become a data scientist by learning on my own from Coursera and will I have a job for that?,"Contribute.
Scientists contribute. Davinci, Enstien, Tesla, Neumann, Shanon, Rutherford were doing"
627,Where-can-I-find-the-best-coding-classes-for-kids-in-2022,"Kids need problem solving and creativity training. They have to be exposed to lot of board games with the tutoring about “solving” the game.
It is rare to find these in coding classes, since their objective is to get your kid used to the computers and the programming languages.
Instead of coding class, give your kid the strategy games to play on the computer, and slowly get them to learn about the computers. The challenge they face, when they want to play the game will push them to learn more than what any coding class can give.
Coding is like building Lego toys. The instinct to build comes from the mindset to solve problems.
Get a raspberry pi and start introducing them to fascinating world of Linux, networking, bluetooth, wireless and much more. The device itself is a challenge. If your kid breaks it, then it is fine get a new one. Show him, that “breaking things” are fine.
Hackers are created when they are given challenges that seems insurmountable. The best coding classes are their “Homework”. Show them how your kid can complete the Homework fast and then go do what he likes… There you will have a very motivated and inspired kid.
Glad you are thinking about the future generation.",Where can I find the best coding classes for kids in 2022?,Kids need problem solving and creativity training. They have to
628,How-do-I-behave-with-a-girl,"Girls and boys are one and the same. It all depends who that “girl” is…
Mom, then behave affectionately
Sibling, then behave like how you want them to behave with you
Family Relation, then behave playfully,
Acquaintance, then behave respectfully
Meeting 1st time, then behave courteously
Girlfriend, then behave very carefully
Wife, then behave protectively and ensure you have sufficient protection too
Friend…. Yeah, all others are one liners. While this…it is unique experience for guys, who are fed bull from by the books, movies, novels and every other media. When you have a female friend, then the world opens up differently.
This is the most challenging of all. Most men can’t have female friends. If they have, they are the luckiest. If they have younger female friends, then there is so much to learn and experience.
Wanna eat Pizza… Go. Want to Party all Night… GO. Want to have a late night spin on a bike or car…… GOOOOO. Suffer the hangover together, she asks to write her online exam for her…. GOOO .. oh hold on Say NOOOO
That is how you behave, and make the “Man”kind proud.",How do I behave with a girl?,Girls and boys are one and the same. It all
629,Is-a-robot-capable-of-taking-your-job-Why-or-why-not,Robot is a domesticated ANIMAL. So it will take the job that animals do. It is very unnerving to think that mails were distributed in office by a mail boy. Later there was Gmail. The draftsman drew the graphs and figure for presentation and then there was MS Power point. We have that mail boy working at a better job or running his own business. The draftsman is owning a design agency… Yeah ...,Is a robot capable of taking your job Why or why not?,Robot is a domesticated ANIMAL. So it will take the
630,What-would-an-AI-that-can-program-other-AIs-do-if-it-can-rewrite-its-own-code-What-would-it-do-with-its-own-code,"I am learning about reinforced learning algorithms, the state of art programs that beat Go Champion Lee Sedol. What I found is very fascinating and a lot of room for what can be done next.
The big challenge for Artificial general intelligence or Super Intelligence is simply this.
Question to ask is, When will the AI programs write their own goals to survive in the reality they don't know that it exists?
Then the AIs will do something with the codes they are writing. Till then no Super Intelligence that we have seen in the movies.
If you have any idea or method to make it happen, there is lot of money… have a great time speculating…",What would an AI that can program other AIs do if it can rewrite its own code What would it do with its own code?,"I am learning about reinforced learning algorithms, the state of"
631,I-m-24-and-I-want-to-ask-a-girl-who-is-18-to-a-date-Is-it-ok,"I am glad you asked whether you can “date”? Not fall in love with…
you can date as many mature guys as possible. Then choose the one you like to spend your 60 or 70 years of life… Age is after all a number. It all comes down to how much energy and confidence your guy has, and how much you can give your energy to the relationship.
Most important point is, after the date discuss about “him” with your female n male friends. Just don't think you are smart and intelligent when it comes to selection of mates….
If you concentrate on dating now, then your career might take a hit. If you are strong willed and no worries kind of kid, when it comes to rejections then it is fine. Please think through the distractions you want and don't want in life. I know female friends who cry at age 27, that they wasted their time in all this stuff…",I m 24 and I want to ask a girl who is 18 to a date Is it ok?,I am glad you asked whether you can “date”? Not
632,Among-Java-and-Python-which-programming-language-should-one-learn-for-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning,"R, python, Julia and octave are very popular with good community. The underlying libraries and algorithms or written in C mostly. Then python or R API is provided for ease of usage.
When it comes to reinforced learning, it will be hands down python only. The environment setup, supporting libraries and even computational resources are available over the cloud. Start with Python and my favorite is Kaggle. I have completed all their courses (free of cost) and leant a lot.
Head out there and skill up yourself. Make a great future and contribute to yourself and the community.",Among Java and Python which programming language should one learn for artificial intelligence and machine learning?,"R, python, Julia and octave are very popular with good"
633,What-specific-elements-of-advanced-artificial-intelligence-are-you-most-excited-about,"Reinforced learning has fascinated me after I tried my hands on computer vision, machine learning algorithms.
There is Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence (neural networks). Difference is in Ai you let the program to find its own features from the data and do the prediction or classification. In machine learning, you feed the features.
Reinforced learning is culmination above these two feilds. The reality itself is created by the learner or agent and it changes it and learns. Very loopy situation. A lot is happening here which will decide our future.
Hope the answer helps. Make a great future.",What specific elements of advanced artificial intelligence are you most excited about?,Reinforced learning has fascinated me after I tried my hands
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
0001_01,Europa,False,B/0/P,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Maham Ofracculy,False
0002_01,Earth,False,F/0/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,109.0,9.0,25.0,549.0,44.0,Juanna Vines,True
0003_01,Europa,False,A/0/S,TRAPPIST-1e,58.0,True,43.0,3576.0,0.0,6715.0,49.0,Altark Susent,False
0003_02,Europa,False,A/0/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,0.0,1283.0,371.0,3329.0,193.0,Solam Susent,False
0004_01,Earth,False,F/1/S,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,303.0,70.0,151.0,565.0,2.0,Willy Santantines,True
0005_01,Earth,False,F/0/P,PSO J318.5-22,44.0,False,0.0,483.0,0.0,291.0,0.0,Sandie Hinetthews,True
0006_01,Earth,False,F/2/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,42.0,1539.0,3.0,0.0,0.0,Billex Jacostaffey,True
0006_02,Earth,True,G/0/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Candra Jacostaffey,True
0007_01,Earth,False,F/3/S,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,785.0,17.0,216.0,0.0,Andona Beston,True
0008_01,Europa,True,B/1/P,55 Cancri e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Erraiam Flatic,True
0008_02,Europa,True,B/1/P,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Altardr Flatic,True
0008_03,Europa,False,B/1/P,55 Cancri e,45.0,False,39.0,7295.0,589.0,110.0,124.0,Wezena Flatic,True
0009_01,Mars,False,F/1/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,73.0,0.0,1123.0,0.0,113.0,Berers Barne,True
0010_01,Earth,False,G/1/S,TRAPPIST-1e,48.0,False,719.0,1.0,65.0,0.0,24.0,Reney Baketton,False
0011_01,Earth,False,F/2/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,8.0,974.0,12.0,2.0,7.0,Elle Bertsontry,True
0012_01,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,32.0,0.0,876.0,0.0,0.0,Justie Pooles,False
0014_01,Mars,False,F/3/P,55 Cancri e,27.0,False,1286.0,122.0,,0.0,0.0,Flats Eccle,False
0015_01,Earth,False,F/4/P,55 Cancri e,24.0,False,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,637.0,Carry Hughriend,False
0016_01,Mars,True,F/5/P,TRAPPIST-1e,45.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alus Upead,True
0017_01,Earth,False,G/0/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lyde Brighttt,True
0017_02,Earth,False,F/6/P,55 Cancri e,14.0,False,412.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,679.0,Philda Brighttt,False
0020_01,Earth,True,E/0/S,TRAPPIST-1e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Almary Brantuarez,False
0020_02,Earth,True,E/0/S,55 Cancri e,49.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Glendy Brantuarez,False
0020_03,Earth,True,E/0/S,55 Cancri e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Mollen Mcfaddennon,False
0020_04,Earth,False,E/0/S,TRAPPIST-1e,10.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Breney Jacostanley,True
0020_05,Earth,True,E/0/S,PSO J318.5-22,1.0,False,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Mael Brantuarez,False
0020_06,Earth,False,E/0/S,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Terta Mcfaddennon,False
0024_01,Europa,True,C/2/S,TRAPPIST-1e,62.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Penton Fullided,True
0025_01,Earth,False,F/6/S,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,0.0,225.0,0.0,998.0,0.0,Karard Brookenson,False
0026_01,Europa,False,C/0/P,55 Cancri e,34.0,False,22.0,6073.0,0.0,1438.0,328.0,Anyoni Unconary,False
0028_01,Mars,False,F/8/P,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,1125.0,0.0,136.0,48.0,0.0,Ceros Mare,False
0030_01,Earth,False,G/4/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,850.0,81.0,437.0,453.0,Ginia Morsentley,False
0031_01,Mars,False,F/9/P,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,214.0,0.0,1411.0,0.0,1229.0,Coobix Datie,True
0031_02,Mars,False,F/9/P,TRAPPIST-1e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cinets Datie,True
0031_03,Mars,False,F/9/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,,0.0,1750.0,990.0,0.0,Dontch Datie,True
0034_01,Europa,True,D/1/S,55 Cancri e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ziba Oingwhedly,True
0035_01,Mars,False,D/1/P,55 Cancri e,23.0,False,784.0,964.0,0.0,951.0,0.0,Luse Butte,False
0036_01,Earth,False,F/8/S,55 Cancri e,15.0,,0.0,492.0,48.0,20.0,401.0,Marina Leodger,False
0038_01,Earth,False,F/10/S,55 Cancri e,20.0,False,554.0,195.0,0.0,2606.0,0.0,Loise Wheelez,False
0039_01,Earth,True,G/1/P,55 Cancri e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Jorgie Batthewitt,False
0041_01,Earth,True,G/2/P,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Margia Moodsey,True
0043_01,Europa,False,B/3/P,TRAPPIST-1e,45.0,False,0.0,164.0,45.0,2511.0,855.0,Ankalik Cylistrand,False
0044_01,Earth,True,G/3/P,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jodye Coopelandez,False
0044_02,Earth,True,G/3/P,55 Cancri e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kayne Coopelandez,True
0044_03,Earth,True,G/3/P,PSO J318.5-22,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cassa Coopelandez,True
0045_01,Mars,False,F/10/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,970.0,0.0,180.0,0.0,64.0,Zelowl Chmad,False
0045_02,Mars,True,F/10/P,,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Mass Chmad,True
0050_01,Earth,False,E/1/S,55 Cancri e,35.0,False,790.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Sony Lancis,False
0051_01,Earth,False,E/2/S,TRAPPIST-1e,56.0,False,0.0,112.0,0.0,1379.0,127.0,Vivia Johnshines,False
0052_01,Earth,False,G/6/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,4.0,0.0,2.0,4683.0,0.0,Elaney Hubbarton,False
0053_01,Earth,False,F/11/S,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,1938.0,0.0,1.0,Elson Hickerson,True
0056_01,Europa,False,A/1/S,TRAPPIST-1e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Okulas Tractive,True
0056_02,Europa,True,A/1/S,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Instab Tractive,True
0056_03,Europa,False,A/1/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,279.0,605.0,3374.0,286.0,3.0,Zinoces Tractive,True
0058_01,Earth,True,G/7/S,PSO J318.5-22,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Warry Ayalazquez,False
0061_01,Earth,False,F/12/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,45.0,1096.0,148.0,1377.0,1.0,Shanya Salez,False
0062_01,Earth,False,F/13/S,TRAPPIST-1e,62.0,False,0.0,592.0,0.0,17.0,25.0,Sterry Greeves,False
0064_02,,True,E/3/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Colatz Keen,True
0066_01,Earth,False,G/6/P,TRAPPIST-1e,62.0,False,1.0,153.0,197.0,0.0,460.0,Diandy Pecketton,False
0067_01,Earth,True,G/10/S,PSO J318.5-22,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ninaha Leeves,True
0067_02,Earth,False,G/10/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,1.0,258.0,446.0,0.0,0.0,Celine Leeves,True
0067_03,Earth,False,F/15/S,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,1946.0,37.0,0.0,0.0,24.0,Velyne Leeves,False
0068_01,Mars,False,E/4/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,793.0,0.0,2.0,253.0,0.0,Cinst Binie,False
0070_01,Earth,False,F/13/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,190.0,0.0,5.0,1.0,726.0,Meremy Brighttt,False
0071_01,Earth,False,F/14/P,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,16.0,2165.0,0.0,0.0,52.0,Nelly Dillines,False
0072_01,Earth,False,F/17/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,1063.0,Thell Brantuarez,False
0073_01,Mars,False,D/3/P,PSO J318.5-22,37.0,False,46.0,83.0,738.0,0.0,12.0,Gorn Make,False
0074_01,Europa,False,C/3/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,1.0,8397.0,0.0,0.0,506.0,Aldibah Mostedry,True
0076_01,Mars,False,F/18/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,147.0,0.0,1018.0,0.0,0.0,Conk Dal,True
0077_01,Mars,False,F/15/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,14.0,0.0,1295.0,0.0,0.0,Pon Blité,True
0078_01,Europa,False,C/4/S,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,5840.0,0.0,321.0,9654.0,Spuri Pokerheed,False
0081_01,Earth,True,G/13/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dellie Vinozarks,False
0082_01,Mars,False,F/16/P,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,7406.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Totse Datte,False
0082_02,Mars,True,F/16/P,TRAPPIST-1e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Eaturs Datte,True
0084_01,Earth,False,G/14/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,688.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,17.0,Coren Coopezmaney,True
0085_01,Europa,True,C/5/S,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Furudah Ellcefulve,True
0086_01,Earth,False,F/17/P,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,211.0,0.0,0.0,638.0,513.0,Jodye Kinson,False
0088_01,Mars,True,E/5/S,PSO J318.5-22,45.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Stmeal Sacre,True
0090_01,Earth,True,G/15/S,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Heremy Santry,True
0091_01,Earth,True,G/16/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Deanne Yorkland,True
0091_02,Earth,False,F/20/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,1.0,697.0,31.0,188.0,0.0,Tinez Yorkland,False
0092_01,Earth,False,G/9/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,670.0,1.0,34.0,Gracy Dunnisey,False
0092_02,Earth,True,G/9/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Stald Hewson,True
0092_03,Earth,True,G/9/P,TRAPPIST-1e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tiney Hewson,True
0097_01,Europa,False,A/2/S,TRAPPIST-1e,54.0,False,0.0,1208.0,0.0,3.0,637.0,Alchium Fictful,False
0098_01,Earth,False,G/11/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,856.0,5.0,32.0,0.0,Doria Carezquez,False
0098_02,Earth,False,G/11/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,2811.0,957.0,0.0,87.0,Leence Carezquez,True
0099_01,Earth,False,F/19/P,PSO J318.5-22,23.0,False,311.0,427.0,526.0,37.0,0.0,Aliey Leetersoney,False
0099_02,Earth,,G/12/P,TRAPPIST-1e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Thewis Connelson,True
0101_01,Mars,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Book Trad,True
0102_01,Earth,False,F/23/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,830.0,91.0,Ritany Holson,False
0103_01,Earth,False,F/24/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,17.0,Arlen Mclainez,True
0103_02,Earth,True,G/18/S,55 Cancri e,9.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Shaele Mclainez,True
0103_03,Earth,True,G/18/S,TRAPPIST-1e,6.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Fanne Mclainez,False
0105_01,Earth,,F/21/P,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,570.0,2.0,131.0,Carry Cleachrand,False
0107_01,Mars,False,D/2/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,1743.0,5.0,17.0,0.0,0.0,Coobix Hart,False
0108_01,Earth,True,G/19/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Natald Handertiz,False
0108_03,Earth,False,G/19/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Oline Handertiz,True
0110_01,Europa,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,410.0,6.0,3929.0,764.0,Graviph Aloubtled,False
0110_02,Europa,,B/5/P,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,0.0,331.0,0.0,0.0,1687.0,Aldeba Bootious,False
0110_03,Europa,False,B/5/P,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,2209.0,11418.0,0.0,1868.0,445.0,Alaratz Aloubtled,True
0110_04,Europa,True,B/5/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Izark Aloubtled,True
0111_01,Europa,True,E/6/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Aldera Supred,True
0112_01,Europa,False,B/1/S,55 Cancri e,48.0,True,0.0,2537.0,87.0,17.0,13.0,Moth Cowtale,True
0113_01,Earth,False,F/23/P,TRAPPIST-1e,64.0,False,0.0,0.0,804.0,0.0,0.0,Idary Carvis,True
0114_01,Earth,False,G/20/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,82.0,157.0,429.0,238.0,1.0,Maura Beckerson,False
0115_01,Mars,,F/24/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Rohs Pead,True
0116_01,Europa,False,D/4/P,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,1.0,2223.0,0.0,12.0,404.0,Alhenah Suptive,True
0119_01,,False,A/0/P,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,0.0,2344.0,0.0,65.0,6898.0,Batan Coning,False
0119_02,Europa,True,A/0/P,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kleeiak Coning,True
0120_01,Mars,True,F/25/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Bees Sacre,True
0122_01,Earth,False,G/21/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,699.0,74.0,Shelle Hayder,False
0123_01,Earth,False,F/27/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,55.0,597.0,49.0,0.0,1.0,Iree Fielson,False
0126_01,Mars,True,F/27/S,TRAPPIST-1e,67.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Milly Mish,True
0127_01,Mars,False,E/7/S,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,701.0,0.0,296.0,0.0,25.0,Miloss Mesty,False
0128_01,Mars,False,D/3/S,TRAPPIST-1e,61.0,True,2353.0,334.0,9.0,316.0,2.0,Grohs Fles,False
0128_02,Mars,False,E/8/S,TRAPPIST-1e,45.0,False,2103.0,6.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Barave Fles,False
0129_01,Earth,True,G/22/S,PSO J318.5-22,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Race Fowles,True
0133_01,Mars,True,F/29/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Flynx Blie,True
0133_02,Mars,False,D/5/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,2738.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Egrasp Blie,False
0134_01,Earth,False,G/17/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,14.0,730.0,0.0,0.0,Camina Harmontry,True
0136_01,Earth,False,G/23/S,PSO J318.5-22,47.0,False,97.0,418.0,126.0,25.0,55.0,,False
0138_01,Earth,True,G/18/P,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Fayene Gambs,True
0138_02,Earth,False,E/5/P,,34.0,False,0.0,22.0,0.0,564.0,207.0,Monah Gambs,False
0139_01,Europa,True,C/6/S,55 Cancri e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Charda Myling,True
0140_01,Earth,True,G/19/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Evaley Mejiaddox,True
0140_02,Earth,False,F/29/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,440.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,462.0,Verney Whitakers,False
0141_01,Mars,False,F/30/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,,0.0,97.0,0.0,0.0,Pyrohs Harte,False
0144_01,Earth,False,F/31/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,420.0,210.0,0.0,0.0,Guadae Dayers,True
0146_01,Earth,False,G/25/S,TRAPPIST-1e,56.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Verly Wolferguson,False
0147_01,Earth,True,G/26/S,TRAPPIST-1e,50.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Samie Hubbarrison,True
0148_01,Mars,False,F/31/P,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,1072.0,0.0,10.0,0.0,76.0,Corsh Pashe,False
0149_01,Earth,True,G/27/S,55 Cancri e,,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Billya Hubbarrison,True
0151_01,Earth,True,G/20/P,55 Cancri e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Shanie Simson,False
0152_01,Earth,False,F/32/P,,41.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,607.0,Andan Estron,False
0160_01,Earth,False,G/22/P,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,4119.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,61.0,Gory Atkinney,False
0163_01,Europa,True,B/8/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kabiton Hetforhaft,True
0163_02,Europa,True,B/8/P,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Scharab Hetforhaft,True
0164_01,Earth,False,G/28/S,TRAPPIST-1e,57.0,False,50.0,1688.0,0.0,,135.0,Fany Hutchinton,True
0164_02,Earth,True,G/28/S,PSO J318.5-22,17.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ianya Hutchinton,False
0165_01,Mars,True,F/37/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Graven Anche,True
0167_01,Mars,True,F/35/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Miten Floaf,True
0167_02,Mars,False,F/35/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,1365.0,0.0,48.0,22.0,137.0,Rios Floaf,False
0169_01,Earth,True,G/23/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wandy Fisherry,False
0170_01,Earth,False,E/10/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,221.0,567.0,Mollie Mcmahoney,False
0171_01,Earth,True,G/30/S,PSO J318.5-22,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Coracy Gordanieves,True
0172_01,Earth,True,G/24/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hanna Johnshines,True
0173_01,Earth,,E/11/S,TRAPPIST-1e,58.0,False,0.0,985.0,0.0,5.0,0.0,Hilip Grifford,True
0174_01,Earth,False,F/38/P,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,287.0,0.0,16.0,115.0,175.0,Doryn Lambles,False
0177_01,Europa,False,B/2/S,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,10346.0,1.0,14970.0,2111.0,Toperon Iniouser,False
0178_01,Mars,False,D/6/S,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,3414.0,0.0,161.0,28.0,119.0,Wees Knik,False
0179_01,Earth,False,G/26/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,1.0,219.0,673.0,2.0,11.0,Elaney Webstephrey,True
0179_02,Earth,False,G/26/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Raque Webstephrey,False
0179_03,Earth,False,G/26/P,TRAPPIST-1e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sallyl Webstephrey,True
0181_01,Earth,False,G/27/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,3.0,299.0,92.0,Nancis Brighttt,False
0182_01,Europa,True,C/3/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ksorab Disight,True
0183_01,Earth,False,F/36/S,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,17.0,146.0,426.0,0.0,232.0,Stany Weaves,True
0186_01,Earth,False,G/28/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,62.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,956.0,Camiet Shephendry,False
0188_01,Earth,True,G/31/S,TRAPPIST-1e,56.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Branda Romez,True
0189_01,Earth,False,E/8/P,55 Cancri e,49.0,False,84.0,3.0,401.0,202.0,98.0,Helly Booters,False
0190_01,Earth,True,G/32/S,55 Cancri e,11.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,False
0192_01,Earth,True,G/29/P,TRAPPIST-1e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tance Adavisons,True
0192_02,Earth,False,G/29/P,TRAPPIST-1e,8.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Robyny Adavisons,False
0192_03,Earth,False,G/29/P,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,10.0,898.0,0.0,Lilace Adavisons,False
0193_01,Mars,True,F/41/P,TRAPPIST-1e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sps Raf,True
0193_02,Mars,False,F/41/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,,0.0,8.0,1072.0,0.0,Frook Raf,False
0193_03,Mars,False,F/41/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Goles Raf,True
0195_01,Mars,False,F/42/P,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,406.0,0.0,867.0,0.0,0.0,Bar Floaf,True
0196_01,Mars,False,D/5/P,PSO J318.5-22,25.0,False,1052.0,0.0,719.0,0.0,7.0,Caper Emead,False
0197_01,Europa,False,C/5/P,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,972.0,0.0,795.0,575.0,Astrak Dissper,False
0198_01,Earth,,G/30/P,PSO J318.5-22,52.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jeroy Cookson,True
0199_01,Earth,True,G/33/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Regana Morrows,False
0200_01,Earth,True,G/31/P,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elia Colomonson,True
0201_01,Europa,True,B/3/S,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kaffias Bacistion,True
0201_02,Europa,True,B/3/S,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Edaruma Bacistion,True
0202_01,Europa,True,B/9/P,55 Cancri e,45.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Pomera Embleng,True
0202_02,Europa,False,A/2/P,55 Cancri e,,False,0.0,2433.0,,878.0,443.0,Vegas Embleng,True
0203_01,Europa,True,C/8/S,TRAPPIST-1e,51.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ancham Heateele,True
0205_01,Earth,False,G/34/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,2.0,66.0,0.0,705.0,Carma Oneiles,False
0206_01,Europa,False,C/9/S,55 Cancri e,,False,2.0,1720.0,12.0,1125.0,122.0,Nuson Brugashed,True
0207_01,Earth,True,G/32/P,PSO J318.5-22,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Thony Mcfaddennon,False
0210_01,,True,D/6/P,55 Cancri e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Arraid Inicont,True
0211_01,Mars,False,F/44/P,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,902.0,1.0,137.0,0.0,0.0,Pebuts Appie,True
0211_02,Mars,True,F/44/P,TRAPPIST-1e,11.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Corsh Appie,True
0211_03,Mars,False,F/44/P,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,848.0,0.0,307.0,182.0,0.0,Picers Date,False
0212_01,Earth,False,E/9/P,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,192.0,0.0,0.0,51.0,739.0,Inen Workmans,False
0212_02,Earth,False,F/45/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,147.0,188.0,0.0,10.0,387.0,Shally Workmans,False
0213_01,Earth,False,F/46/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,367.0,281.0,0.0,0.0,146.0,Carita Navages,False
0216_01,Earth,False,F/40/S,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,0.0,56.0,0.0,0.0,1918.0,Searla Garnes,False
0217_01,Earth,False,F/47/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,1517.0,0.0,0.0,27.0,0.0,Prilly Shieldson,False
0219_01,Earth,True,G/36/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Nica River,True
0220_01,Earth,True,G/37/P,TRAPPIST-1e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tyle Wilsoney,True
0220_02,Earth,False,G/37/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wena Wilsoney,True
0220_03,Earth,True,G/37/P,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Branca Wilsoney,False
0220_04,Earth,False,E/10/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,122.0,84.0,,0.0,0.0,Dont Wilsoney,False
0220_05,Earth,False,F/48/P,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,0.0,3.0,0.0,0.0,1099.0,Velyne Wilsoney,False
0220_06,Earth,False,G/37/P,55 Cancri e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Weney Wilsoney,False
0220_07,Earth,True,G/37/P,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Guye Wilsoney,True
0221_01,Mars,False,E/13/S,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,2237.0,0.0,119.0,0.0,0.0,Cowhex Blan,False
0221_02,Mars,False,E/13/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,1215.0,80.0,1.0,2.0,0.0,Yogark Reke,False
0221_03,Mars,False,E/13/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,1933.0,12.0,188.0,1.0,0.0,Jacks Reke,False
0221_04,Mars,True,E/13/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Eerch Reke,True
0221_05,Mars,False,E/13/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,1230.0,0.0,301.0,43.0,1023.0,Panbug Reke,False
0221_06,Mars,False,E/13/S,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,915.0,0.0,221.0,234.0,0.0,Gran Reke,False
0221_07,Mars,True,E/13/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Rohs Reke,False
0222_01,Mars,False,F/41/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,1406.0,0.0,0.0,11.0,0.0,Gone Perte,False
0222_02,Mars,True,F/41/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Colf Deva,True
0222_03,Mars,True,E/14/S,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Grake Perte,True
0223_01,Earth,False,G/35/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,2.0,665.0,0.0,9.0,Evan Sykess,False
0224_01,Mars,False,F/42/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,True,181.0,0.0,5.0,1634.0,0.0,Blues Queen,False
0225_01,Earth,True,G/38/P,PSO J318.5-22,58.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Carly Hortis,True
0229_01,Earth,False,F/43/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,4.0,7.0,0.0,713.0,79.0,Done Sellahaney,False
0231_01,Mars,False,F/44/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,85.0,0.0,1.0,1720.0,0.0,Krus Nate,False
0232_01,Earth,True,G/36/S,PSO J318.5-22,27.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Nica Bakerrison,False
0233_01,Mars,False,F/45/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,56.0,0.0,256.0,1438.0,0.0,Teda Wist,False
0234_01,Earth,False,F/50/P,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,,888.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Keitha Josey,False
0237_01,Europa,True,B/11/P,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Weias Aginge,True
0239_01,Mars,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,637.0,0.0,0.0,92.0,319.0,Diedow Resty,False
0240_01,Mars,True,F/52/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Puffes Crie,True
0241_01,Europa,,E/11/P,55 Cancri e,33.0,False,0.0,1249.0,0.0,4812.0,1116.0,Alas Dischod,False
0242_01,,False,F/46/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,313.0,1.0,691.0,283.0,0.0,Almone Sté,False
0243_01,Earth,True,G/37/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lilace Cartyernan,False
0244_01,Mars,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Froos Sad,True
0244_02,Mars,True,F/47/S,55 Cancri e,14.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tous Sad,True
0245_01,Europa,False,C/6/P,55 Cancri e,46.0,False,0.0,3571.0,0.0,0.0,7.0,Glueba Repumparte,True
0245_02,Europa,False,C/6/P,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,0.0,86.0,796.0,584.0,10912.0,Anchib Repumparte,False
0246_01,Mars,False,D/8/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,2947.0,0.0,287.0,27.0,0.0,Mele Sesa,False
0248_01,Europa,False,C/10/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,0.0,1.0,0.0,8620.0,1063.0,Genifi Spanxibus,False
0250_01,Earth,True,G/38/S,PSO J318.5-22,47.0,False,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Camily Kramosley,False
0251_01,,True,C/11/S,55 Cancri e,54.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Diphah Amsive,True
0252_01,Earth,False,F/53/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,335.0,695.0,541.0,0.0,0.0,Leenny Byerry,False
0253_01,Earth,False,G/42/P,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,272.0,615.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,Dawne Cardner,False
0254_01,Earth,False,F/54/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,702.0,172.0,408.0,2.0,6.0,Race Stenson,True
0255_01,Europa,True,A/3/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ashir Mingious,True
0257_01,Mars,False,F/49/S,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,1664.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Errohs Berte,False
0257_02,Mars,True,F/49/S,TRAPPIST-1e,60.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Squars Berte,True
0258_01,Earth,False,F/50/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,313.0,299.0,92.0,Feryla Cooperkins,False
0260_01,Europa,False,E/16/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,4810.0,0.0,981.0,2054.0,Segino Inderly,False
0261_01,Earth,False,F/56/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,66.0,29.0,0.0,0.0,803.0,Dord Bookerson,False
0263_01,Earth,True,G/43/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Maen Merkins,True
0265_01,Europa,True,D/8/S,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Etair Herpumble,True
0267_01,Earth,False,F/51/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,118.0,0.0,0.0,754.0,1.0,Lilace Sancockett,False
0269_01,Earth,False,F/52/S,55 Cancri e,47.0,False,0.0,231.0,592.0,0.0,0.0,Lerome Polliamposs,True
0270_01,Earth,False,F/59/P,TRAPPIST-1e,63.0,False,0.0,25.0,128.0,0.0,1240.0,Cathya Fryersonis,False
0275_01,Europa,True,D/9/S,55 Cancri e,,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Terf Obnoble,True
0277_01,Earth,False,F/61/P,55 Cancri e,50.0,False,44.0,2390.0,0.0,53.0,0.0,Byront Mcdanield,True
0278_01,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,888.0,,Judya Beachez,False
0278_02,Earth,False,G/45/P,TRAPPIST-1e,45.0,False,0.0,97.0,0.0,14.0,333.0,Marice Beachez,False
0281_01,Earth,False,F/63/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,2078.0,0.0,0.0,Derine Pierry,True
0282_01,Earth,False,F/54/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,918.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Valex Baketton,True
0283_01,Earth,True,G/46/P,PSO J318.5-22,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jacky Santin,True
0283_02,Earth,False,F/64/P,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,146.0,654.0,1.0,0.0,2.0,Roydo Santin,True
0285_01,Europa,True,E/16/P,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Krabik Invebodene,True
0285_02,Europa,True,E/16/P,55 Cancri e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Grasath Invebodene,True
0286_01,Earth,False,F/65/P,55 Cancri e,57.0,False,3.0,1281.0,29.0,162.0,13.0,Carita Jimes,False
0287_01,Europa,True,,55 Cancri e,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tetra Bootty,True
0287_02,Europa,False,B/12/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,587.0,32.0,6.0,1460.0,Alasym Bootty,False
0288_01,Earth,False,F/55/S,55 Cancri e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,828.0,Gory Delez,False
0289_01,Europa,True,C/12/S,55 Cancri e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Furuson Objeciane,True
0290_01,Europa,False,B/7/S,55 Cancri e,26.0,False,0.0,4458.0,0.0,1157.0,262.0,Skaton Excialing,True
0290_02,Europa,True,B/7/S,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Algor Excialing,True
0290_03,Europa,,B/7/S,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dhenar Excialing,True
0290_04,Europa,False,B/7/S,55 Cancri e,9.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Atino Excialing,True
0291_01,Europa,False,D/10/S,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,0.0,6500.0,88.0,1090.0,0.0,Castab Brakeril,True
0294_01,Europa,True,B/8/S,TRAPPIST-1e,50.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Phonons Roforhauge,True
0297_01,Earth,False,G/47/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,90.0,2.0,1324.0,17.0,0.0,Ernice Gardonadox,True
0298_01,Europa,True,A/3/P,55 Cancri e,57.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ashird Sorbitter,True
0301_01,Earth,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Margia Wriggins,False
0302_01,Earth,False,F/67/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,15.0,0.0,1370.0,Lesley Shephendry,False
0303_01,,True,G/41/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Oraryn Kirklander,True
0304_01,Europa,False,E/18/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,422.0,0.0,1851.0,5166.0,Betena Ausivetpul,False
0305_01,Europa,False,C/7/P,55 Cancri e,23.0,False,0.0,584.0,0.0,20.0,2469.0,Suhelik Geousker,False
0306_01,Earth,False,E/19/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,368.0,175.0,259.0,1.0,101.0,Dony Estevesters,False
0307_01,Earth,False,F/59/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,1359.0,0.0,0.0,Natald Hickett,True
0309_01,Earth,False,F/60/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,1194.0,0.0,157.0,6.0,0.0,Billya Bowerson,False
0310_01,Europa,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,67.0,False,,230.0,0.0,4476.0,241.0,Naviton Coudered,False
0313_01,Earth,False,F/68/P,PSO J318.5-22,60.0,False,7.0,540.0,1.0,0.0,4.0,Briney Mckinsond,True
0313_02,Earth,True,G/50/P,55 Cancri e,,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Jona Mckinsond,True
0313_03,Earth,False,F/68/P,55 Cancri e,49.0,False,331.0,0.0,0.0,318.0,0.0,Jaimer Mckinsond,True
0313_04,Earth,False,G/50/P,55 Cancri e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hary Mckinsond,True
0314_01,Earth,False,G/51/P,55 Cancri e,26.0,False,386.0,0.0,74.0,0.0,1330.0,Kell Kochroeders,False
0315_01,,True,G/42/S,PSO J318.5-22,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Adriet Valezaley,True
0316_01,Europa,False,B/9/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,2628.0,,170.0,0.0,Hallah Sorbitter,True
0316_02,Europa,True,B/9/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Beneba Sorbitter,True
0320_01,Earth,False,G/44/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,2.0,0.0,,0.0,Breney Bellarkerd,False
0320_02,Earth,False,G/44/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,5.0,3.0,0.0,,Garley Bellarkerd,False
0321_01,,False,F/61/S,TRAPPIST-1e,59.0,True,1018.0,0.0,209.0,0.0,0.0,Quites Bache,False
0322_01,Earth,True,G/45/S,PSO J318.5-22,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Annya Blange,False
0324_01,Earth,True,G/53/P,55 Cancri e,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Carma Hooperez,False
0326_01,Earth,True,G/47/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Charly Edwartizman,False
0327_01,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,17.0,0.0,784.0,0.0,2.0,Jasony Ocherman,True
0330_01,Europa,False,C/14/S,TRAPPIST-1e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bellah Siveduced,True
0330_03,Europa,False,C/14/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,443.0,317.0,0.0,148.0,1260.0,Hekaton Siveduced,False
0331_01,Earth,False,F/72/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,251.0,0.0,552.0,Lewise Burchard,False
0333_01,Mars,True,F/73/P,55 Cancri e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Phios Melie,True
0334_01,Mars,False,F/62/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,5715.0,2.0,211.0,1476.0,0.0,Unfly Mushe,False
0336_01,Earth,False,F/74/P,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,695.0,1.0,16.0,0.0,0.0,Maura Cookson,False
0337_01,Mars,True,F/63/S,55 Cancri e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Guanch Perle,True
0337_02,Mars,False,F/63/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,417.0,349.0,634.0,3.0,1057.0,Weros Perle,True
0337_03,Mars,False,F/63/S,55 Cancri e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,True
0338_01,Earth,True,G/48/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Ireen Guerson,True
0340_01,Europa,True,B/10/S,55 Cancri e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Pentard Poille,True
0341_01,Earth,True,G/57/P,PSO J318.5-22,5.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lorian Webstephrey,False
0343_01,Earth,False,F/76/P,PSO J318.5-22,31.0,False,121.0,0.0,0.0,274.0,907.0,Meremy Salez,False
0345_01,Mars,True,E/21/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Berios Racke,False
0346_01,Earth,True,G/59/P,55 Cancri e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lynney Chanan,True
0347_01,Mars,False,F/64/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,434.0,0.0,1434.0,0.0,0.0,Cousk Kraie,False
0348_01,Mars,False,D/12/P,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,142.0,2876.0,202.0,3.0,0.0,Stray Mane,True
0348_02,Mars,,,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,520.0,0.0,1865.0,0.0,0.0,Weet Mane,True
0350_01,Earth,True,G/60/P,PSO J318.5-22,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Loresa Burchanez,True
0352_01,Mars,False,F/78/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,2001.0,0.0,2975.0,0.0,0.0,Hits Strad,False
0355_01,Earth,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tricky Warrison,True
0356_01,Europa,True,B/15/P,55 Cancri e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Pharmus Gloyanthy,True
0357_01,Earth,False,F/65/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,,1198.0,0.0,124.0,572.0,Eduard Mcleaney,False
0358_01,Earth,True,G/50/S,TRAPPIST-1e,50.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ronna Connon,True
0358_02,Earth,True,G/50/S,PSO J318.5-22,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dandy Connon,True
0359_01,Earth,False,F/66/S,PSO J318.5-22,26.0,False,148.0,0.0,453.0,0.0,88.0,Celine Popez,False
0360_01,Earth,False,F/67/S,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,358.0,212.0,33.0,0.0,112.0,Elancy Staffersby,False
0361_01,Earth,False,F/68/S,55 Cancri e,33.0,False,0.0,36.0,0.0,280.0,417.0,Virgie Headardyer,True
0365_01,Earth,False,G/51/S,55 Cancri e,,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,685.0,21.0,Dandra Jacostaney,False
0368_01,Mars,False,F/82/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,2832.0,107.0,4447.0,15.0,4.0,Resers Perte,False
0368_02,Mars,True,F/82/P,TRAPPIST-1e,61.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Batech Perte,True
0369_01,Earth,False,G/53/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,592.0,177.0,58.0,Veroy Pottonalden,True
0370_01,Earth,False,F/83/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,95.0,0.0,441.0,1023.0,Tine Coffmaney,False
0371_01,Mars,True,F/84/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Chrey Dutte,True
0373_01,Earth,True,G/62/P,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Billex Mcneiderson,False
0375_01,Earth,False,E/22/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,558.0,0.0,230.0,Luzel Vincenton,False
0376_01,Earth,False,G/54/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,116.0,0.0,786.0,6.0,0.0,Francy Spentley,True
0377_01,Europa,False,C/15/S,55 Cancri e,63.0,False,0.0,1068.0,0.0,176.0,8188.0,Wezncha Excialing,False
0378_01,Europa,False,B/11/S,55 Cancri e,18.0,False,17.0,215.0,4.0,5132.0,697.0,Bram Pirejus,False
0378_02,Europa,True,B/11/S,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Marfak Pirejus,True
0378_03,Europa,False,B/11/S,TRAPPIST-1e,79.0,False,5649.0,235.0,7.0,2579.0,2175.0,Naslon Pirejus,False
0378_04,Europa,True,B/11/S,TRAPPIST-1e,56.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Muonons Pirejus,True
0378_05,Europa,True,B/11/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Polaton Pirejus,True
0378_06,Europa,False,B/11/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,0.0,2491.0,6.0,1173.0,1059.0,Sollum Pirejus,False
0378_07,Europa,True,B/11/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Achib Pirejus,True
0379_01,Earth,False,G/63/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,198.0,0.0,591.0,0.0,164.0,Brita Moodson,True
0380_01,Europa,True,,55 Cancri e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Zinopus Fuelddid,True
0381_01,Europa,True,B/16/P,55 Cancri e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Mesatan Mosteraked,True
0381_02,Europa,True,B/16/P,55 Cancri e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Aston Mosteraked,True
0382_01,,False,G/64/P,,23.0,False,348.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,368.0,Blanie Floydendley,False
0383_01,Earth,False,G/55/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,82.0,773.0,0.0,3693.0,140.0,Phia Wagnerray,False
0383_02,Earth,True,G/55/S,PSO J318.5-22,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Evane Wagnerray,False
0384_01,Earth,False,G/56/S,55 Cancri e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cliney Simpsonks,True
0384_02,Earth,False,G/56/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,3.0,0.0,881.0,25.0,0.0,Ellard Simpsonks,True
0385_01,Earth,False,G/65/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,13.0,747.0,0.0,0.0,128.0,Tanley Klinson,False
0387_01,Earth,True,G/66/P,TRAPPIST-1e,49.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Verek Merce,False
0388_01,Earth,True,G/57/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Fanna Sullones,False
0389_01,Earth,False,E/23/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,391.0,44.0,356.0,0.0,0.0,Elanda Savaraldez,False
0391_01,Europa,False,C/9/P,PSO J318.5-22,27.0,True,69.0,5728.0,0.0,0.0,987.0,Dabik Cowsearney,True
0392_01,Earth,False,E/24/P,TRAPPIST-1e,48.0,False,0.0,111.0,0.0,1508.0,0.0,Ward Carreralend,False
0395_01,Europa,False,B/17/P,55 Cancri e,31.0,True,0.0,11003.0,552.0,8157.0,5688.0,Meropus Hervel,False
0395_02,Europa,False,B/17/P,55 Cancri e,61.0,False,1.0,608.0,0.0,3835.0,1.0,Hadyon Hervel,False
0396_01,Earth,True,G/59/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Brinez Robins,True
0397_01,Mars,True,F/69/S,TRAPPIST-1e,45.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Graw Mepie,True
0398_01,Mars,False,D/13/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,28.0,420.0,36.0,6011.0,3.0,Wales Tité,False
0401_01,Mars,False,D/14/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,True,1056.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Luse Pimne,False
0401_02,Mars,False,D/14/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,1770.0,0.0,0.0,13.0,0.0,Parney Pimne,False
0402_01,,True,D/15/S,55 Cancri e,32.0,True,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Teron Sageng,True
0403_01,Mars,False,D/13/P,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,True,353.0,896.0,0.0,0.0,2.0,Push Wate,True
0405_01,Earth,False,F/89/P,55 Cancri e,17.0,False,177.0,,0.0,310.0,7.0,Denis Flowensley,False
0407_01,Earth,False,G/69/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,,21.0,0.0,0.0,1699.0,Dandy Mirez,False
0407_02,Earth,False,F/90/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,465.0,0.0,5.0,223.0,Luzel Mirez,False
0407_03,Earth,True,G/69/P,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dennya Mirez,False
0408_01,Mars,False,E/25/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,1134.0,113.0,52.0,0.0,0.0,Cus Ble,False
0409_01,Mars,False,F/71/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,1116.0,2.0,0.0,Mats Iccle,False
0410_01,Earth,False,F/72/S,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,0.0,150.0,0.0,567.0,0.0,Tyrona Roachoanand,False
0411_01,Earth,False,F/91/P,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,691.0,0.0,101.0,140.0,0.0,Benny Rushorney,False
0412_01,Europa,False,C/11/P,TRAPPIST-1e,60.0,False,0.0,7255.0,5952.0,1537.0,0.0,Baton Quelfly,True
0413_01,Earth,False,F/92/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,157.0,0.0,352.0,60.0,Elina Steinardson,False
0415_01,Earth,True,G/60/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Iney Pierry,False
0417_01,Europa,True,B/18/P,55 Cancri e,68.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lesatik Poicaptic,True
0417_02,Europa,False,B/18/P,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,0.0,1170.0,0.0,5467.0,1241.0,Mirark Unhearfus,False
0417_03,Europa,True,B/18/P,TRAPPIST-1e,59.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Enifik Unhearfus,True
0423_01,Europa,False,B/19/P,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,8.0,3584.0,0.0,13.0,57.0,Syrmark Pumbody,True
0425_01,Mars,False,F/96/P,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,1094.0,2.0,26.0,34.0,1.0,Blesh Fiha,False
0425_02,Mars,True,F/96/P,TRAPPIST-1e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cowns Fiha,True
0425_03,Mars,True,F/96/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ree Fiha,True
0427_01,Europa,False,E/26/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,417.0,,7185.0,562.0,792.0,Algor Efulows,True
0428_01,Europa,False,C/16/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,4118.0,0.0,715.0,3139.0,Chargin Chocaters,True
0429_01,Europa,False,A/5/S,55 Cancri e,20.0,False,2.0,10116.0,0.0,2.0,225.0,Aino Ineysive,True
0429_02,Europa,True,A/5/S,55 Cancri e,46.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Taurak Ineysive,True
0430_01,Earth,False,F/75/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,1026.0,0.0,16.0,0.0,Eliana Jorden,True
0431_01,Mars,True,F/97/P,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Fronch Melto,True
0432_01,Mars,False,F/76/S,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,1483.0,10.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Caper Knike,False
0433_01,Europa,,B/20/P,55 Cancri e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hekark Mormonized,True
0433_02,Europa,False,B/20/P,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,4.0,891.0,0.0,2962.0,3656.0,Naosura Mormonized,False
0434_01,Mars,True,F/77/S,TRAPPIST-1e,45.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Row Pread,True
0435_01,Earth,True,G/62/S,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Allie Willynnedy,True
0436_01,Earth,False,G/63/S,55 Cancri e,10.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sallyl Hodes,True
0436_02,Earth,False,G/63/S,PSO J318.5-22,56.0,False,46.0,11.0,0.0,622.0,0.0,Lilace Hodes,False
0437_01,Earth,False,F/78/S,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,382.0,0.0,22.0,467.0,0.0,Lynnee Oneiles,False
0437_02,Earth,False,F/78/S,PSO J318.5-22,40.0,False,7.0,0.0,840.0,26.0,0.0,Debora Oneiles,False
0438_01,Europa,True,B/13/S,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dyonon Diateous,True
0439_01,Europa,False,C/13/P,55 Cancri e,34.0,False,,5637.0,45.0,1936.0,56.0,Izarino Unciate,False
0441_01,Earth,False,F/79/S,55 Cancri e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,722.0,0.0,Loree Hahnstonsen,False
0442_01,Earth,False,F/98/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,7.0,1043.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elica Armstromez,False
0444_01,Mars,False,D/15/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,True,2484.0,429.0,102.0,0.0,0.0,Camonk Curte,False
0444_02,,False,F/99/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,True,1869.0,0.0,136.0,0.0,0.0,Colal Curte,False
0445_01,Earth,False,F/80/S,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,1352.0,0.0,0.0,24.0,799.0,Loria Marshopper,False
0445_02,,False,E/25/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,77.0,715.0,Rice Marshopper,False
0446_01,Europa,True,B/21/P,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hadira Singmage,True
0447_01,Earth,False,F/81/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,9.0,0.0,795.0,0.0,0.0,Ferry Mcclayton,True
0448_01,Earth,False,E/27/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,757.0,0.0,0.0,32.0,0.0,Elara Hoppernardy,False
0448_02,Earth,True,G/71/P,PSO J318.5-22,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,True
0449_01,Earth,True,G/64/S,TRAPPIST-1e,11.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Nathy Moongton,True
0452_01,Mars,True,E/26/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Swafox Ecart,True
0453_01,Europa,True,B/14/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Aldun Taptiritty,True
0453_02,Europa,True,,55 Cancri e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Minopus Taptiritty,True
0453_03,Europa,True,B/14/S,TRAPPIST-1e,74.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wezena Taptiritty,True
0454_01,Europa,,B/15/S,55 Cancri e,28.0,True,5.0,4288.0,0.0,745.0,5.0,Tabius Geoconne,True
0454_02,Europa,True,B/15/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Etair Fushausive,True
0454_03,Europa,True,B/15/S,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hallux Geoconne,True
0456_01,Earth,False,F/83/S,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,210.0,185.0,188.0,59.0,73.0,Lulah Hinetthews,False
0457_01,Earth,False,G/72/P,PSO J318.5-22,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,747.0,26.0,0.0,Leonyl Poperez,True
0457_02,Earth,True,G/72/P,TRAPPIST-1e,6.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sallyl Poperez,False
0457_03,Earth,False,G/72/P,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Joela Poperez,False
0458_01,Europa,True,D/16/S,55 Cancri e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Zanin Bedectical,True
0459_01,Earth,False,F/84/S,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,2156.0,0.0,0.0,59.0,2.0,Hardy Nichoan,False
0460_01,Earth,True,G/65/S,PSO J318.5-22,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Shawne Jenningley,True
0461_01,Earth,False,E/27/S,PSO J318.5-22,31.0,False,0.0,869.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Shany Yorkland,True
0461_02,Earth,False,F/85/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,70.0,182.0,612.0,20.0,Warry Yorkland,True
0461_03,Earth,False,G/66/S,55 Cancri e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Len Yorkland,True
0462_01,Earth,True,G/67/S,,50.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ronia Sosanturney,False
0463_01,Mars,False,F/100/P,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,865.0,0.0,257.0,,35.0,Grats Staf,False
0463_02,Mars,False,F/100/P,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,928.0,852.0,81.0,0.0,0.0,Flamal Staf,False
0465_01,Earth,False,E/28/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,4.0,10.0,0.0,1178.0,428.0,Deandy Chaellerty,False
0465_02,Earth,False,E/28/P,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,0.0,654.0,22.0,146.0,4.0,Kyley Chaellerty,True
0466_01,Earth,False,F/101/P,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,863.0,1.0,1.0,Aude Beachez,False
0468_01,Earth,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Haryn Wynneyerson,False
0470_01,Mars,True,F/86/S,55 Cancri e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Aptal Binie,True
0470_02,,True,F/86/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jurs Binie,True
0471_01,Europa,False,B/22/P,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,0.0,45.0,2.0,5183.0,170.0,Astab Fuelisent,False
0471_02,Europa,False,B/22/P,55 Cancri e,30.0,False,0.0,7972.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,Izarino Fuelisent,True
0472_01,Earth,False,F/87/S,PSO J318.5-22,37.0,False,0.0,10.0,544.0,9.0,299.0,Stene Solinez,False
0474_01,Earth,True,G/69/S,55 Cancri e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Nicey Chardst,True
0475_01,Earth,False,E/29/P,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,38.0,9.0,943.0,Danie Gilesonston,False
0476_01,Mars,False,F/103/P,PSO J318.5-22,27.0,False,,6.0,145.0,144.0,0.0,Coves Chiff,False
0476_02,Mars,True,F/103/P,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Book Chiff,True
0476_03,Mars,True,F/103/P,TRAPPIST-1e,12.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Beah Chiff,True
0477_01,Earth,False,E/30/P,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,5.0,0.0,1619.0,0.0,Benny Moongton,False
0480_01,Earth,False,G/74/P,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,,34.0,23.0,0.0,275.0,Chrisa Mcdanield,False
0481_01,Earth,True,G/70/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Gera Peckerson,True
0482_01,Earth,False,E/28/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,118.0,0.0,5.0,665.0,Anny Mallerez,False
0482_02,Earth,False,F/88/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,14.0,0.0,0.0,615.0,Isaacy Mallerez,False
0485_01,Europa,False,B/17/S,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,0.0,33.0,0.0,3348.0,55.0,Furudah Unloweedic,False
0487_01,Europa,,C/19/S,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,172.0,1794.0,12.0,4303.0,246.0,Sadirak Obeaded,False
0488_01,Earth,True,G/76/P,PSO J318.5-22,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Chery Vantonson,False
0490_01,Earth,True,G/71/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hanne Kirklander,True
0498_01,Europa,True,,55 Cancri e,27.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Batomam Preent,True
0498_02,Europa,True,B/18/S,55 Cancri e,46.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Kastrak Preent,True
0499_01,Mars,True,F/89/S,55 Cancri e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Eclass Meake,True
0499_02,Mars,False,E/29/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Yogark Meake,False
0500_01,Mars,False,D/19/P,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,513.0,0.0,1749.0,82.0,0.0,Ots Cakie,True
0501_01,Europa,False,E/32/P,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,929.0,967.0,,481.0,Hadirk Spedlybood,False
0502_01,Mars,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,10.0,0.0,817.0,471.0,0.0,Pigars Swell,False
0503_01,Mars,False,F/90/S,TRAPPIST-1e,10.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Gal Fone,True
0503_02,Mars,False,F/90/S,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,1821.0,0.0,47.0,29.0,0.0,Torms Fone,False
0503_03,Mars,False,E/31/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,1246.0,35.0,16.0,0.0,0.0,Pios Fone,False
0504_01,Europa,True,B/19/S,55 Cancri e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Thabius Unpasine,True
0504_02,Europa,True,B/19/S,55 Cancri e,54.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Mirfar Unpasine,True
0504_03,Europa,True,B/19/S,,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sterops Unpasine,True
0504_04,Europa,False,B/19/S,TRAPPIST-1e,64.0,False,0.0,1737.0,11.0,401.0,752.0,Tauria Unpasine,False
0504_05,Europa,True,B/19/S,55 Cancri e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Azharga Unpasine,True
0504_06,,True,B/19/S,55 Cancri e,53.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alheneb Unpasine,True
0506_01,Mars,True,F/91/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kad Backe,True
0507_01,Earth,False,G/74/S,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kylen Mccarry,True
0510_01,Europa,False,C/16/P,TRAPPIST-1e,59.0,False,0.0,16521.0,0.0,323.0,0.0,Astrark Sinecthex,True
0512_01,Europa,False,D/18/S,55 Cancri e,32.0,False,0.0,5755.0,0.0,59.0,122.0,Sadirak Nateansive,True
0512_02,Europa,True,D/18/S,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ankalik Nateansive,True
0513_01,Earth,True,G/78/P,PSO J318.5-22,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Rayley Blandez,True
0515_01,Europa,True,B/20/S,TRAPPIST-1e,50.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alramix Swinvul,True
0516_01,Europa,False,A/6/S,55 Cancri e,55.0,False,113.0,2492.0,41.0,0.0,2376.0,Vindem Eneurordry,False
0517_01,Earth,False,F/109/P,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,1445.0,0.0,1.0,2.0,73.0,Jandy Kimons,False
0518_01,,True,F/92/S,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Soyos Parta,True
0519_01,Earth,True,G/77/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ryany Farleyatton,True
0520_01,Earth,False,G/78/S,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,62.0,,0.0,0.0,,Bel Mcguirez,False
0521_01,Earth,False,E/32/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,39.0,263.0,0.0,0.0,,Hery Hornettoney,True
0522_01,Earth,False,E/33/P,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,750.0,0.0,156.0,Glenry Parklaney,False
0523_01,Earth,False,E/33/S,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,553.0,213.0,1733.0,0.0,6.0,Helley Joyneidez,True
0525_01,Earth,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wenise Mirezavis,True
0527_01,Mars,False,F/93/S,55 Cancri e,,False,1172.0,11.0,3.0,0.0,4.0,Supce Stité,False
0527_02,Mars,True,F/93/S,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Llat Stité,True
0528_01,Europa,False,C/17/P,TRAPPIST-1e,46.0,False,0.0,1119.0,0.0,3427.0,6595.0,Alasmon Stiven,False
0529_01,Earth,True,G/81/P,PSO J318.5-22,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ericia Sellahaney,False
0531_01,Earth,True,G/82/P,55 Cancri e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Estine Alentonway,False
0531_02,Earth,True,G/82/P,55 Cancri e,,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Darley Alentonway,True
0533_01,Mars,False,D/21/P,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,20.0,0.0,384.0,557.0,0.0,Tops Stike,False
0534_01,Europa,False,B/23/P,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,98.0,715.0,29.0,5732.0,1902.0,Asellux Parbage,False
0534_02,Europa,False,B/23/P,TRAPPIST-1e,49.0,False,3573.0,1308.0,316.0,641.0,25.0,Weia Parbage,False
0537_01,Earth,False,G/83/P,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,5.0,0.0,320.0,352.0,Kylen Staffersby,False
0538_01,Earth,False,F/110/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,1073.0,0.0,0.0,5.0,Walla Swanardy,True
0539_01,Europa,True,C/18/P,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Tard Nalanet,True
0539_02,Europa,True,C/18/P,55 Cancri e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Achyon Nalanet,True
0539_03,,True,C/18/P,55 Cancri e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alderak Nalanet,True
0539_04,Europa,True,C/18/P,TRAPPIST-1e,49.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Betenif Nalanet,True
0539_05,Europa,False,C/18/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,1793.0,479.0,9.0,4987.0,Mardyon Nalanet,False
0540_01,Mars,True,F/95/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jell Conie,True
0540_02,,False,F/95/S,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,1471.0,0.0,0.0,45.0,16.0,Rantax Conie,False
0542_01,Earth,False,G/84/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,9.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,878.0,Landa Ments,False
0545_01,Earth,False,F/111/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,59.0,0.0,0.0,681.0,0.0,Kaye Sextones,False
0546_01,Earth,False,F/96/S,55 Cancri e,24.0,False,930.0,691.0,838.0,0.0,0.0,Shawne Stenson,False
0547_01,Earth,False,F/97/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,15.0,831.0,16.0,3.0,Trick Weavesend,False
0548_01,Earth,False,E/36/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,86.0,704.0,0.0,1.0,Kariel Webstes,True
0549_01,Mars,False,D/19/S,PSO J318.5-22,32.0,False,666.0,0.0,0.0,252.0,1.0,Warets Watte,True
0549_02,Mars,True,F/98/S,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Guans Watte,True
0550_01,Earth,False,F/99/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,13.0,12.0,0.0,762.0,0.0,Maen Cleminglas,True
0551_01,Earth,False,G/80/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,126.0,0.0,266.0,445.0,12.0,Stene Bradlerson,False
0552_01,Europa,True,C/21/S,55 Cancri e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Minkab Brathful,True
0553_01,Europa,True,C/19/P,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tope Valindle,True
0553_02,Europa,False,C/19/P,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,6506.0,0.0,764.0,0.0,Gluinol Valindle,True
0555_01,Europa,True,C/20/P,55 Cancri e,61.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alraixa Graciansus,True
0555_02,Europa,False,C/20/P,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,0.0,165.0,1.0,2525.0,0.0,Alhain Graciansus,False
0556_01,Earth,False,F/100/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,1428.0,0.0,1.0,19.0,Jilla Rames,True
0559_01,Earth,False,F/102/S,PSO J318.5-22,21.0,False,0.0,12.0,580.0,0.0,79.0,Margia Harmond,False
0560_01,Earth,False,G/81/S,TRAPPIST-1e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Anniey Hortez,False
0560_02,Earth,False,G/81/S,PSO J318.5-22,12.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tonyn Hortez,True
0560_03,,False,F/103/S,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,1440.0,293.0,74.0,32.0,0.0,Annah Josey,True
0561_01,Earth,False,G/82/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,332.0,442.0,0.0,Jessa Flemaney,False
0563_01,Mars,False,F/114/P,55 Cancri e,33.0,False,840.0,642.0,402.0,21.0,0.0,Hamsp Petie,False
0564_01,Europa,True,B/24/P,55 Cancri e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bath Dinsprody,True
0564_02,Europa,True,B/24/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Taura Dinsprody,True
0564_03,Europa,False,B/24/P,,28.0,False,0.0,410.0,2.0,1354.0,3695.0,Aldibi Dinsprody,False
0565_01,Mars,False,F/115/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,697.0,0.0,612.0,0.0,0.0,Cines Ble,False
0566_01,Mars,True,E/37/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Muls Mish,True
0567_01,Earth,True,G/83/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jeron Munozanson,True
0568_01,Europa,,D/20/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,1908.0,33.0,0.0,1.0,4.0,Enibik Baciffhaut,False
0568_02,Europa,True,D/20/S,55 Cancri e,,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Pentard Baciffhaut,True
0569_01,Earth,False,F/116/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,334.0,310.0,0.0,0.0,Tin Merce,True
0570_01,Europa,False,C/22/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,True,530.0,5085.0,1.0,146.0,872.0,Chard Tramsor,True
0571_01,Europa,True,C/21/P,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Branev Ousious,True
0571_02,Europa,True,C/21/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alchium Ousious,False
0571_03,Europa,True,C/21/P,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bahoton Ousious,True
0571_04,Europa,True,C/21/P,,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Izark Hednigic,True
0571_05,Europa,True,C/21/P,55 Cancri e,16.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Polam Ousious,True
0571_06,Europa,False,C/21/P,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,0.0,1542.0,0.0,1814.0,1568.0,Hasich Ousious,False
0571_07,Europa,True,C/21/P,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Isoton Ousious,True
0572_01,Earth,False,F/105/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,1911.0,0.0,21.0,854.0,0.0,Lesley Lamberguson,False
0573_01,Earth,False,F/117/P,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,14.0,809.0,25.0,54.0,,Deandy Dickley,False
0575_01,Europa,True,E/34/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Minoton Bootty,True
0576_01,Earth,False,F/107/S,,21.0,False,0.0,,625.0,110.0,0.0,Melice Herry,False
0577_01,Earth,False,G/86/P,TRAPPIST-1e,65.0,False,0.0,0.0,521.0,105.0,0.0,Gwendy Holson,False
0579_01,Earth,False,F/108/S,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,53.0,790.0,37.0,0.0,0.0,Greggy Trankliney,True
0579_02,Earth,False,G/85/S,TRAPPIST-1e,50.0,False,,233.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Scotty Trankliney,False
0580_01,Earth,True,G/87/P,TRAPPIST-1e,49.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Guye Wagnerray,True
0581_01,Earth,False,E/38/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,601.0,183.0,4.0,Chael Woodgezalez,False
0582_01,Mars,True,F/118/P,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dicks Chort,True
0583_01,Mars,True,F/109/S,TRAPPIST-1e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Muebix Erle,True
0583_02,Mars,True,F/109/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Beeres Erle,True
0583_03,Mars,True,F/109/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cricks Erle,True
0585_01,Mars,True,F/120/P,TRAPPIST-1e,48.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Graven Fone,True
0585_02,Mars,True,F/120/P,TRAPPIST-1e,5.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sugard Fone,True
0585_03,Mars,False,D/22/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,2648.0,0.0,1092.0,0.0,0.0,Flams Fone,False
0586_01,Europa,True,D/23/P,TRAPPIST-1e,53.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Askeid Oillicaly,True
0587_01,Mars,False,F/121/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,5.0,25.0,616.0,0.0,1042.0,Gorn Tecre,False
0588_01,Earth,True,G/89/P,PSO J318.5-22,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Camiet Delazarson,False
0589_01,Earth,False,E/35/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,234.0,1.0,551.0,0.0,1.0,Maya Hardley,False
0590_01,Earth,False,G/90/P,TRAPPIST-1e,48.0,False,801.0,2.0,0.0,1.0,973.0,Chelsa Burchanez,False
0591_01,Earth,True,G/86/S,PSO J318.5-22,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Loreen Mcclayton,False
0593_01,Mars,False,D/24/P,TRAPPIST-1e,,,43.0,152.0,182.0,1.0,2005.0,Hon Kra,False
0594_01,Earth,False,G/87/S,55 Cancri e,9.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Joana Flynner,False
0594_02,,False,E/39/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,,4.0,0.0,670.0,113.0,Cores Flynner,False
0596_01,Mars,False,F/123/P,TRAPPIST-1e,46.0,False,21.0,0.0,2155.0,422.0,,Ton Gene,True
0597_01,Earth,True,G/91/P,,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Arllia Roachoanand,True
0597_02,Earth,True,G/91/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bertle Roachoanand,False
0598_01,Earth,True,G/89/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,,Gabrin Buckeelez,False
0599_01,Mars,False,F/124/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Losp Crité,True
0599_02,Mars,False,F/124/P,TRAPPIST-1e,4.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bases Crité,True
0599_03,Mars,False,F/124/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,1252.0,0.0,46.0,124.0,6.0,Apple Crité,False
0599_04,Mars,True,F/124/P,TRAPPIST-1e,9.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Honjay Crité,True
0600_01,Europa,False,C/23/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,3385.0,826.0,9.0,793.0,Muonon Ormler,True
0602_01,Mars,True,F/125/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Seats Brine,True
0602_02,Mars,False,E/36/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Oats Brine,False
0602_03,Mars,True,F/125/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Rana Brine,True
0603_01,Earth,False,F/126/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,12.0,0.0,747.0,Lyny Scheron,False
0607_01,Europa,False,C/22/P,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,,27.0,654.0,10.0,881.0,9568.0,Dyonium Hontichre,False
0607_02,Europa,False,C/22/P,55 Cancri e,44.0,False,434.0,3113.0,19.0,,892.0,Mino Hontichre,False
0607_03,Europa,False,C/22/P,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,4.0,1111.0,118.0,1852.0,,Pola Hontichre,False
0608_01,Earth,False,G/94/P,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Maril Rilley,True
0609_01,Mars,False,F/128/P,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,149.0,0.0,,0.0,109.0,Guteda Sacle,False
0610_01,Earth,False,F/129/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,,229.0,502.0,5.0,Erie Potters,False
0611_01,Earth,True,G/90/S,PSO J318.5-22,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Paulas Klinson,True
0612_01,Europa,True,B/25/P,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,True,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Achyon Ranaly,True
0614_01,Earth,False,G/91/S,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Feline Carterson,True
0615_01,Earth,True,G/92/S,TRAPPIST-1e,58.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Blancy Pollarkeeks,False
0615_02,Earth,False,G/92/S,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elina Hodes,True
0615_03,Earth,True,G/92/S,55 Cancri e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Stance Hodes,True
0618_01,Earth,False,G/95/P,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,908.0,49.0,0.0,Philda Yorkland,True
0618_02,Earth,False,F/131/P,PSO J318.5-22,21.0,False,1.0,368.0,0.0,0.0,388.0,Troyce Yorkland,False
0619_01,Europa,True,C/24/S,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Scellus Holatirint,True
0619_02,Europa,True,C/24/S,55 Cancri e,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ankabit Holatirint,True
0623_01,Earth,True,G/93/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ellene Gaington,True
0628_01,Earth,False,F/133/P,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,103.0,0.0,18.0,1197.0,1.0,Joela Gainebergan,True
0629_01,Earth,False,G/96/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,1018.0,0.0,Rickie Portananney,False
0630_01,Mars,True,F/112/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cord Anpie,True
0631_01,Mars,True,F/113/S,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Croos She,True
0633_01,Mars,False,D/25/P,PSO J318.5-22,31.0,True,629.0,0.0,0.0,150.0,0.0,Cakes Gread,False
0634_01,Earth,False,F/135/P,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,0.0,1496.0,0.0,140.0,383.0,Patoya Wolfaddox,False
0635_01,Earth,False,G/94/S,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,1778.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ronna Powery,True
0635_02,Earth,False,E/43/S,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,614.0,0.0,50.0,11.0,319.0,Millia Powery,False
0636_01,Earth,False,F/136/P,55 Cancri e,13.0,False,0.0,7.0,0.0,339.0,359.0,Craine Santantines,False
0636_02,Earth,False,F/136/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,7.0,675.0,0.0,Loresa Santantines,False
0637_01,Mars,False,E/44/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cowl Pamca,False
0638_01,Europa,True,B/28/P,55 Cancri e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Eleonon Geoconne,True
0639_01,Earth,False,F/137/P,TRAPPIST-1e,63.0,False,0.0,123.0,956.0,25.0,,Dory Wooterston,True
0641_01,Earth,False,F/114/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,2.0,0.0,0.0,1958.0,19.0,Krisa Yanton,False
0642_01,Europa,False,C/25/S,55 Cancri e,29.0,False,0.0,3344.0,0.0,118.0,972.0,Dilatik Kiling,True
0642_02,Europa,False,C/25/S,55 Cancri e,36.0,False,0.0,4967.0,82.0,1517.0,575.0,Aviton Kiling,True
0642_03,Europa,False,C/25/S,TRAPPIST-1e,79.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,2210.0,2.0,Chabik Kiling,False
0642_04,Europa,True,C/25/S,55 Cancri e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tachir Kiling,True
0642_05,Europa,True,C/25/S,55 Cancri e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Duhrk Kiling,True
0643_01,Mars,False,F/138/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,1019.0,266.0,141.0,0.0,0.0,Tran Watie,True
0644_01,Europa,True,E/38/P,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hadlam Prucerod,True
0645_01,Earth,False,G/98/P,,20.0,False,1724.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,Troyra Grahangory,False
0646_01,Europa,True,C/26/S,55 Cancri e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Errim Trattle,True
0647_01,Mars,True,F/115/S,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lidex Deeke,True
0647_02,Mars,True,F/115/S,TRAPPIST-1e,58.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Anack Deeke,True
0647_03,Mars,False,F/115/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,105.0,0.0,1087.0,0.0,0.0,Oareel Deeke,False
0650_01,Earth,True,G/95/S,PSO J318.5-22,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Eulah Hammonton,True
0653_01,Mars,,E/45/S,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Rionk Paska,True
0655_01,Mars,False,E/39/P,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,237.0,2.0,708.0,0.0,0.0,Phios Cure,True
0656_01,Earth,False,G/101/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,768.0,3.0,Nicey Gordond,False
0657_02,Earth,False,G/97/S,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,8.0,736.0,140.0,0.0,Glenna Cardner,False
0658_01,Earth,False,F/118/S,PSO J318.5-22,21.0,False,0.0,576.0,1.0,20.0,,Ernice Jarvey,False
0659_01,Earth,True,G/98/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Stal Andackson,True
0660_01,Earth,True,G/99/S,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Leonyl Saley,False
0661_01,Europa,False,C/23/P,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,0.0,2506.0,0.0,1360.0,722.0,Misadr Ticagent,False
0663_01,Earth,False,F/140/P,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,86.0,525.0,16.0,49.0,39.0,Jeroy Buckentry,True
0664_01,Europa,False,E/46/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,4507.0,5689.0,Jabba Cylistrand,False
0665_01,,False,F/141/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,,0.0,7104.0,0.0,0.0,Cineys Winie,True
0665_02,Mars,False,F/141/P,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,1264.0,0.0,2.0,23.0,0.0,Lix Winie,False
0668_01,Earth,False,F/142/P,TRAPPIST-1e,45.0,False,0.0,25.0,87.0,989.0,482.0,Rician Torrez,False
0669_01,Earth,False,F/143/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,530.0,2.0,9.0,403.0,Elanie Hardson,False
0671_01,Earth,True,G/102/P,PSO J318.5-22,46.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Veroy Santry,True
0672_01,Earth,False,G/103/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,1.0,0.0,38.0,7.0,740.0,Josey Carreralend,False
0674_01,Earth,True,G/101/S,PSO J318.5-22,46.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Grette Dillips,False
0677_01,Earth,True,G/102/S,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lorian Josey,False
0678_01,Earth,True,G/103/S,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bettie Moodman,False
0679_01,Earth,False,G/104/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,,,215.0,0.0,541.0,0.0,Vana Nichoan,False
0680_01,Earth,True,G/105/P,PSO J318.5-22,45.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Garyan Garnes,False
0680_02,Earth,True,G/105/P,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Annard Garnes,False
0680_03,Earth,True,G/105/P,TRAPPIST-1e,5.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Joandy Camerrison,False
0682_01,Mars,True,F/121/S,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Grany Cla,True
0683_01,Mars,False,F/144/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,269.0,96.0,252.0,0.0,0.0,Wheals Parté,False
0684_01,Mars,False,F/145/P,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sug Conie,True
0684_02,Mars,False,F/145/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Trohs Conie,True
0684_03,Mars,True,F/145/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jack Conie,True
0685_01,Earth,False,E/41/P,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,1.0,922.0,4.0,55.0,15.0,Arl Lerez,False
0686_01,Mars,True,F/146/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Permit Bert,True
0686_02,Mars,False,D/30/P,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,True,3887.0,0.0,,12.0,0.0,Cheat Bert,False
0687_01,Mars,False,D/23/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,3097.0,0.0,9.0,0.0,213.0,Lix Concy,False
0688_01,Mars,False,E/48/S,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,1973.0,0.0,97.0,41.0,3.0,Goos Erpie,False
0689_01,Europa,True,B/25/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Chard Motive,True
0690_01,Mars,True,F/122/S,TRAPPIST-1e,54.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Yapich Start,True
0691_01,Mars,False,E/49/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,164.0,0.0,783.0,0.0,0.0,Bubbix Potte,False
0691_02,Mars,False,F/123/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,505.0,0.0,1952.0,0.0,0.0,Fis Potte,False
0691_03,Mars,True,E/49/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Moss Potte,True
0693_01,Europa,True,,55 Cancri e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Mothab Dedometeel,True
0693_02,Europa,False,C/27/S,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,3488.0,0.0,4343.0,38.0,Tetraix Dedometeel,False
0696_01,Earth,False,G/107/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,581.0,226.0,74.0,0.0,Stany Haydenzier,True
0697_01,Earth,False,F/147/P,55 Cancri e,24.0,False,21.0,0.0,689.0,12.0,0.0,Dixiel Buchansen,True
0699_01,Mars,True,F/126/S,,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Roswal Sha,True
0699_02,Mars,False,D/24/S,55 Cancri e,24.0,False,2698.0,0.0,301.0,8.0,5.0,Flyros Rhuba,False
0701_01,Europa,True,D/25/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Menkibi Voliat,True
0702_01,Earth,False,F/127/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,121.0,237.0,4.0,387.0,54.0,Briane Sellahaney,False
0703_01,Earth,True,G/108/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Brank Estein,True
0704_01,Earth,True,G/107/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Adanne Wartyson,True
0705_01,Earth,False,F/149/P,55 Cancri e,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,722.0,0.0,0.0,Denny Mccarveymon,True
0707_01,Earth,True,G/109/S,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Jorgie Haydenzier,True
0709_01,Europa,False,A/7/S,55 Cancri e,25.0,False,0.0,4949.0,0.0,452.0,15.0,Astorux Missefle,True
0709_02,Europa,True,A/7/S,55 Cancri e,25.0,,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Thaban Missefle,True
0709_03,Europa,True,,55 Cancri e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Props Missefle,True
0710_01,Mars,False,E/42/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,1695.0,0.0,0.0,31.0,349.0,Nute Coflé,False
0712_01,Mars,,F/150/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,457.0,0.0,170.0,1132.0,0.0,Pik Apeau,False
0712_02,Mars,,F/150/P,TRAPPIST-1e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Crans Apeau,True
0713_01,Earth,False,E/50/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,1577.0,2.0,0.0,30.0,0.0,Vivia Stantiagord,False
0714_01,Earth,True,G/109/P,PSO J318.5-22,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Erie Rilley,True
0714_02,Earth,False,G/109/P,TRAPPIST-1e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Claine Rilley,False
0714_03,Earth,False,G/109/P,,12.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Sony Rilley,True
0714_04,Earth,True,G/109/P,PSO J318.5-22,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Charry Rilley,False
0714_05,Earth,True,G/109/P,PSO J318.5-22,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jeanny Rilley,False
0714_06,Earth,True,G/109/P,55 Cancri e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Man Rilley,True
0714_07,Earth,True,G/109/P,55 Cancri e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Brene Rilley,True
0715_01,Europa,,,55 Cancri e,54.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Izarfik Unconary,True
0718_01,Earth,False,E/43/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,521.0,0.0,4.0,261.0,1.0,Alendy Mondsey,False
0719_01,Mars,False,E/44/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Naros Reate,False
0724_01,Earth,False,F/132/S,PSO J318.5-22,24.0,False,0.0,23.0,0.0,184.0,2566.0,Mela Bensley,False
0726_01,Earth,True,G/111/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Verly Fitzgerson,False
0727_01,Earth,False,F/133/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,139.0,0.0,1.0,152.0,354.0,Branda Potthews,True
0728_01,Earth,False,F/134/S,55 Cancri e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,2.0,786.0,594.0,Johna Currisones,True
0729_01,Earth,False,E/53/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,7.0,781.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Briam Lewinton,True
0732_01,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,714.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,Jilla Bairdford,False
0733_01,Earth,False,F/153/P,55 Cancri e,23.0,False,0.0,38.0,88.0,4.0,561.0,Lulah Hamberterry,False
0734_01,Earth,False,F/154/P,TRAPPIST-1e,62.0,False,712.0,2.0,322.0,0.0,517.0,Elinda Ewiseston,False
0736_01,Earth,False,F/156/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,484.0,188.0,0.0,Lerion Mcbritts,False
0737_01,Europa,False,C/28/S,55 Cancri e,65.0,False,0.0,835.0,0.0,38.0,,Charmus Inghtal,False
0738_01,Mars,,F/157/P,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ran Pread,True
0740_01,Europa,False,C/24/P,55 Cancri e,67.0,False,76.0,16.0,0.0,2247.0,1166.0,Dyonevi Sageng,False
0740_02,Europa,True,C/24/P,55 Cancri e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Zaurah Sageng,True
0740_03,Europa,False,C/24/P,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,3594.0,3425.0,0.0,0.0,58.0,Thab Sageng,False
0743_01,Earth,True,G/111/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Loree Brighttt,True
0746_01,Earth,True,G/112/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Milyla Waltonnedy,False
0750_01,Earth,False,F/140/S,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,15.0,142.0,0.0,41.0,493.0,Tiney Kramosley,False
0753_01,Europa,True,A/4/P,,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Mesarix Ennalve,True
0753_02,Europa,False,A/4/P,55 Cancri e,65.0,False,19.0,1344.0,4.0,3190.0,8.0,,False
0753_03,Europa,True,,55 Cancri e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Matan Ennalve,True
0754_01,Europa,True,D/31/P,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Atikard Fusimodent,True
0756_01,Europa,True,B/27/S,55 Cancri e,54.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ashelik Ainserfle,True
0756_02,Europa,False,B/27/S,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,47.0,287.0,0.0,4302.0,0.0,Ranon Geraing,False
0756_03,Europa,True,B/27/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Hadalm Ainserfle,True
0757_01,Mars,False,D/33/P,55 Cancri e,67.0,False,1.0,0.0,5.0,1022.0,151.0,Mins Traie,False
0761_01,Europa,False,C/26/P,,33.0,False,0.0,3879.0,0.0,48.0,67.0,Izarki Fliblerolt,True
0762_01,Earth,True,G/114/S,PSO J318.5-22,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elody Hubbarrison,False
0764_01,Earth,,G/115/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Danna Toddleton,False
0765_01,Mars,False,F/142/S,PSO J318.5-22,35.0,False,1248.0,0.0,55.0,12.0,0.0,Frus Burle,True
0765_02,Mars,False,F/142/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,755.0,0.0,121.0,,0.0,Ponts Burle,False
0767_01,Earth,False,G/116/S,TRAPPIST-1e,49.0,False,0.0,6.0,679.0,15.0,187.0,Francy Meltonway,False
0768_01,Europa,False,B/32/P,55 Cancri e,36.0,False,29.0,12180.0,0.0,93.0,17306.0,Maiam Oilloody,False
0768_02,Europa,True,B/32/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Arix Oilloody,True
0769_01,Europa,True,B/28/S,55 Cancri e,54.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Astrah Reeddommy,True
0770_01,Earth,True,G/117/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alendy Mclardson,False
0770_02,Earth,False,G/117/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,0.0,715.0,0.0,170.0,0.0,Sanney Mclardson,False
0770_03,Earth,,G/117/S,TRAPPIST-1e,54.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hughy Mclardson,False
0770_04,Earth,True,G/117/S,PSO J318.5-22,10.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kimmy Mclardson,False
0770_05,Earth,False,G/117/S,55 Cancri e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Harlen Mclardson,True
0770_06,Earth,True,G/117/S,PSO J318.5-22,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,True
0771_01,Earth,True,G/112/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Troyra Steeletters,False
0772_01,Europa,False,E/56/S,55 Cancri e,37.0,False,0.0,16.0,325.0,4476.0,1359.0,Minoton Hednigic,False
0772_02,Europa,True,E/56/S,55 Cancri e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Halleth Plegred,True
0772_03,,True,E/56/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Weia Hednigic,True
0772_04,Europa,False,E/56/S,55 Cancri e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Arrain Hednigic,True
0773_01,Earth,False,F/143/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,558.0,4.0,0.0,175.0,0.0,Gwendy Beston,False
0776_01,Earth,False,F/161/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,2.0,1399.0,0.0,18.0,Breney Roycentes,True
0777_01,Europa,False,A/5/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,3004.0,0.0,1018.0,0.0,Wasalm Plattering,False
0779_01,Earth,False,F/162/P,,21.0,False,562.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,11.0,Holey Rodger,False
0781_01,Earth,False,G/118/S,PSO J318.5-22,21.0,False,14.0,33.0,0.0,3.0,467.0,Diandy Valexandez,False
0782_01,Mars,True,F/163/P,TRAPPIST-1e,59.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Clus Walé,True
0784_01,Europa,True,C/33/S,55 Cancri e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Grafirk Aiming,True
0785_01,Earth,False,F/165/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,713.0,0.0,2.0,0.0,1.0,Francy Hughriend,False
0786_01,Earth,True,G/113/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Robyny Hartz,True
0787_01,Earth,True,G/114/P,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Ritany Quinnerry,False
0788_01,Earth,False,F/166/P,55 Cancri e,16.0,False,797.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,False
0789_01,Europa,False,A/8/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,True,0.0,166.0,4.0,2177.0,342.0,Mesath Imprank,False
0789_02,Europa,False,A/8/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,142.0,870.0,89.0,3497.0,Auvan Frolestty,False
0789_03,Europa,True,A/8/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Zaninon Frolestty,True
0790_01,Earth,True,G/119/S,PSO J318.5-22,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Fanne Pottmanley,True
0791_01,Earth,True,G/115/P,PSO J318.5-22,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Neila Mcfarmerson,False
0793_01,Earth,False,G/117/P,PSO J318.5-22,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,7.0,766.0,Millie Powenoble,False
0794_01,Mars,,F/144/S,55 Cancri e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Nakes Dutte,True
0794_02,Mars,True,F/144/S,55 Cancri e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Squars Dutte,True
0795_01,Earth,False,F/145/S,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,874.0,0.0,Pristy Klindsey,False
0796_01,Europa,True,D/28/S,55 Cancri e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alatrix Unfile,True
0797_01,Earth,False,F/146/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,645.0,Hery Noelan,False
0798_01,Mars,True,F/147/S,PSO J318.5-22,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ecco Gelle,True
0799_01,Europa,False,A/6/P,55 Cancri e,,False,0.0,3462.0,5.0,1590.0,4.0,Genibah Presstic,False
0802_01,Mars,True,F/148/S,TRAPPIST-1e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Plat Pimne,True
0805_01,Europa,False,C/29/P,55 Cancri e,36.0,True,0.0,13248.0,100.0,1953.0,1.0,Glueba Chuble,True
0806_01,Earth,False,F/149/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,183.0,0.0,32.0,0.0,1171.0,Deaney Nieldson,False
0806_02,Earth,False,G/120/S,TRAPPIST-1e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bonyam Nieldson,True
0808_01,Earth,False,E/57/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,159.0,110.0,701.0,0.0,10.0,Benew Ramoran,False
0809_01,Mars,False,F/151/S,TRAPPIST-1e,10.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Oaters Meake,True
0809_02,Mars,False,F/151/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,1227.0,42.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,Crin Meake,False
0809_03,Mars,False,F/151/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,836.0,0.0,51.0,304.0,0.0,Smal Meake,False
0809_04,Mars,False,F/151/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wales Meake,True
0811_01,Mars,False,F/152/S,PSO J318.5-22,41.0,False,1209.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,833.0,Ranutz Knik,False
0811_02,Mars,True,F/152/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Pan Nutte,True
0811_03,Mars,False,F/152/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Phams Nutte,True
0813_01,Mars,True,F/169/P,TRAPPIST-1e,59.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Frouse Katte,True
0815_01,Earth,False,E/59/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,2.0,1.0,30.0,,0.0,Wenise Meyersones,False
0816_01,Europa,False,E/60/S,55 Cancri e,24.0,False,0.0,284.0,0.0,4614.0,438.0,Giedir Asoppor,False
0817_01,Earth,True,G/119/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Carona Baxters,False
0818_01,Europa,False,B/29/S,TRAPPIST-1e,71.0,True,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ksorab Couseced,True
0819_01,Earth,True,G/121/S,PSO J318.5-22,23.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Patsya Gainney,True
0820_01,Earth,False,F/154/S,55 Cancri e,15.0,False,0.0,59.0,714.0,0.0,3.0,Hanry Strongers,True
0820_02,Earth,False,G/122/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,751.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sus Strongers,False
0822_01,Earth,False,F/156/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,561.0,10.0,0.0,161.0,Scotte Sweeton,True
0823_01,Earth,True,G/123/S,55 Cancri e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Chadie Carrishley,True
0823_02,Earth,False,,55 Cancri e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,739.0,0.0,0.0,Wenten Carrishley,True
0824_01,Mars,False,F/158/S,TRAPPIST-1e,51.0,False,815.0,0.0,343.0,55.0,0.0,Teda Chpie,False
0825_01,Earth,True,G/120/P,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alendy Wardendez,True
0826_01,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,174.0,653.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Danna Hoopez,True
0828_01,Earth,False,F/159/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,786.0,0.0,22.0,59.0,0.0,Juliey Santry,False
0828_02,Earth,False,F/159/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,324.0,2.0,,7.0,26.0,Rosey Santry,True
0829_01,Earth,False,F/170/P,PSO J318.5-22,21.0,False,15.0,0.0,2695.0,2.0,0.0,Myrace Carverson,True
0830_01,Earth,False,F/171/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,14.0,5.0,0.0,795.0,0.0,Eilan Hinesh,True
0833_01,Europa,True,,55 Cancri e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tarmus Poicaptic,True
0834_01,Earth,False,F/173/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,838.0,27.0,Garry Pacerty,False
0835_01,Earth,False,G/124/S,55 Cancri e,14.0,False,77.0,0.0,9.0,424.0,166.0,Briane Frazie,False
0836_01,Mars,False,F/160/S,PSO J318.5-22,32.0,True,494.0,701.0,71.0,0.0,0.0,Set Butte,False
0839_01,Europa,False,B/30/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,179.0,0.0,0.0,5152.0,Grumak Pokerheed,False
0840_01,Earth,,G/123/P,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,663.0,1111.0,0.0,0.0,2.0,Ebonyd Braymon,False
0845_01,Europa,False,B/31/S,55 Cancri e,57.0,False,2651.0,2956.0,0.0,266.0,1300.0,Achbah Fueling,False
0846_01,Earth,True,G/125/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tera Simstravery,False
0848_01,Mars,True,F/175/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sts Raca,True
0848_02,Mars,True,F/175/P,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Monam Raca,True
0849_01,Europa,False,B/32/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cellum Oidederval,True
0849_02,Europa,True,B/32/S,55 Cancri e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tareson Oidederval,True
0850_01,Mars,True,E/62/S,TRAPPIST-1e,54.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Koops Nan,True
0851_01,Earth,False,F/176/P,55 Cancri e,23.0,False,217.0,378.0,19.0,1.0,12.0,Iandy Sarios,False
0853_01,,True,A/9/S,55 Cancri e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hamelik Ageurante,True
0859_01,Earth,True,G/127/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Eleaha Lambles,True
0863_01,Earth,True,G/129/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jone Walkerez,False
0863_02,Earth,False,G/129/S,TRAPPIST-1e,11.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lynez Walkerez,False
0863_03,Earth,True,G/129/S,TRAPPIST-1e,6.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Rald Walkerez,False
0865_01,Europa,True,B/35/S,55 Cancri e,36.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,,True
0865_02,Europa,True,B/35/S,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Neutria Sandul,True
0867_01,Earth,False,F/163/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,2.0,850.0,18.0,2.0,0.0,Ernice Stephendsey,False
0868_01,Earth,True,G/130/S,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ianya Peckers,True
0869_01,Earth,False,F/164/S,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,280.0,0.0,444.0,0.0,0.0,Hilley Sweene,False
0870_01,Earth,False,G/126/P,PSO J318.5-22,,False,112.0,473.0,0.0,92.0,0.0,Dessie Maynardner,False
0871_01,Europa,False,A/10/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,2.0,4754.0,0.0,246.0,31.0,Polar Geneltic,True
0873_01,Earth,False,F/180/P,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,,0.0,32.0,2529.0,92.0,Garyan Franton,False
0874_01,Earth,False,F/165/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,162.0,540.0,0.0,0.0,Breney Briggston,False
0876_01,Earth,False,F/166/S,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,12.0,687.0,46.0,2.0,0.0,Teryla Leodger,False
0877_01,Europa,True,C/30/P,55 Cancri e,33.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hallus Covetive,True
0878_01,Mars,False,D/31/S,PSO J318.5-22,37.0,True,381.0,0.0,3.0,447.0,0.0,Sceres Bancy,False
0879_01,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,46.0,False,784.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,Therta Lanks,False
0881_01,Europa,False,D/32/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,3103.0,3.0,0.0,31.0,26.0,Gollux Reedall,False
0883_01,Earth,False,G/127/P,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,875.0,5.0,10.0,18.0,0.0,Elson Malliamsey,False
0885_01,Earth,True,G/133/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Chelsa Pittson,False
0885_02,Earth,True,G/133/S,55 Cancri e,52.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Velyne Pittson,True
0889_01,Europa,False,C/32/P,TRAPPIST-1e,48.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Marfak Polksy,False
0889_02,Europa,False,C/32/P,55 Cancri e,27.0,,1.0,12804.0,0.0,10.0,52.0,Izaron Polksy,True
0893_01,Earth,True,G/129/P,55 Cancri e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Rica Barris,True
0898_01,Earth,True,G/134/S,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jilla Alldson,False
0899_01,Earth,False,F/187/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,716.0,0.0,1.0,Evane Warrishales,True
0899_02,Earth,True,G/130/P,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Allene Warrishales,False
0901_01,Mars,False,F/167/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,47.0,0.0,2552.0,0.0,0.0,Grake Porki,True
0902_01,Earth,False,F/188/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,200.0,124.0,0.0,413.0,0.0,Duana Jacostaney,True
0903_01,Earth,True,G/135/S,55 Cancri e,23.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Nelley Rushorney,False
0904_01,Europa,False,C/33/P,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,0.0,2792.0,0.0,148.0,1043.0,Wein Alcemblery,False
0905_01,Mars,False,D/38/P,PSO J318.5-22,29.0,False,4.0,0.0,421.0,435.0,19.0,Gicks Kin,False
0906_01,Earth,False,F/168/S,55 Cancri e,19.0,False,0.0,388.0,469.0,,0.0,Gwenda Hinetthews,True
0907_01,Europa,False,B/34/P,55 Cancri e,41.0,False,0.0,5738.0,7.0,9038.0,28.0,Achah Cassiding,False
0907_02,Europa,False,B/34/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,1736.0,,145.0,634.0,Marinon Cassiding,False
0910_01,Earth,True,G/137/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Violey Burryerson,True
0911_01,Mars,False,F/189/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,True,2492.0,0.0,,136.0,4.0,Angars Blate,False
0911_02,,False,F/189/P,TRAPPIST-1e,74.0,False,853.0,0.0,543.0,31.0,0.0,Froops Blate,True
0912_01,Europa,False,B/37/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,7461.0,0.0,369.0,450.0,Dyonon Imprank,True
0913_01,Europa,False,E/51/P,55 Cancri e,38.0,,0.0,172.0,0.0,5907.0,34.0,Shail Parymider,False
0915_01,Earth,False,G/138/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,157.0,0.0,0.0,544.0,3.0,Jerrye Leodger,False
0918_01,Earth,False,E/66/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,47.0,0.0,10.0,139.0,1406.0,Caseye Fuenterson,False
0919_01,Earth,False,F/190/P,PSO J318.5-22,26.0,False,18.0,84.0,93.0,886.0,289.0,Hery Kimons,False
0921_01,Earth,True,G/139/S,PSO J318.5-22,44.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Gracy Vinston,False
0922_01,Europa,True,B/35/P,55 Cancri e,33.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Shaiam Obedaming,True
0922_02,Europa,False,B/35/P,55 Cancri e,31.0,False,0.0,1095.0,0.0,169.0,1226.0,Achyon Obedaming,False
0923_01,Europa,False,C/38/S,55 Cancri e,,False,0.0,7767.0,0.0,15.0,2453.0,Hadaron Stiviorad,True
0923_02,Europa,True,B/38/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alpha Stiviorad,True
0924_01,Earth,False,E/67/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,13.0,0.0,984.0,0.0,0.0,Jona Chaellerty,False
0925_01,Mars,False,F/191/P,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,379.0,0.0,1626.0,0.0,0.0,Skix Kraie,False
0925_02,Mars,True,F/191/P,TRAPPIST-1e,11.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Varkes Kraie,True
0925_03,Mars,True,F/191/P,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Almone Kraie,True
0926_01,Europa,False,B/39/S,55 Cancri e,30.0,False,0.0,7992.0,0.0,507.0,25.0,Minchib Asticit,True
0926_02,Europa,False,B/39/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,760.0,234.0,2761.0,81.0,Alkeson Asticit,False
0927_01,Earth,False,G/140/S,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,,699.0,43.0,22.0,Emmax Avisnydes,False
0928_01,Earth,True,G/133/P,PSO J318.5-22,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elene Ryanglasey,True
0930_01,Earth,False,F/192/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,646.0,0.0,0.0,135.0,260.0,Arlie Sweett,False
0930_02,Earth,True,G/134/P,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elanie Sweett,True
0931_01,Earth,False,F/193/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,,115.0,126.0,491.0,Therie Flynnis,True
0932_01,Mars,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Boats Pette,True
0933_02,Europa,False,C/35/P,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,1127.0,0.0,1867.0,1070.0,Astorux Fawnsive,False
0935_01,Earth,False,F/194/P,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,11.0,0.0,18.0,872.0,Terly Rocknight,False
0938_01,Earth,False,F/172/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,174.0,0.0,0.0,630.0,0.0,Earlie Solinez,False
0938_02,Earth,False,E/68/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,871.0,0.0,0.0,Walles Solinez,True
0938_03,Earth,False,G/143/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tiney Solinez,True
0939_01,Earth,True,G/135/P,,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Eulah Peter,True
0940_01,Earth,False,G/136/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,55.0,741.0,0.0,0.0,13.0,Armen Byerton,True
0941_01,Earth,False,F/195/P,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,7.0,0.0,1175.0,0.0,Carita Steeletters,False
0942_01,Mars,False,F/196/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,594.0,0.0,555.0,0.0,0.0,Triple Vloaf,False
0944_01,Earth,False,G/137/P,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,891.0,0.0,831.0,0.0,0.0,Hilley Weaverays,False
0944_02,Earth,False,G/137/P,55 Cancri e,8.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Terrie Weaverays,False
0946_01,Earth,False,F/198/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,72.0,5.0,0.0,342.0,188.0,Verly Emenez,True
0947_01,Earth,False,G/138/P,55 Cancri e,26.0,False,0.0,474.0,0.0,0.0,201.0,Lyny Frandriquez,False
0949_01,Earth,True,G/140/P,55 Cancri e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Benny Johnsby,True
0951_01,Earth,True,G/144/S,PSO J318.5-22,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Done Lunapperts,True
0952_01,Mars,False,F/175/S,TRAPPIST-1e,45.0,False,877.0,0.0,1383.0,0.0,0.0,Grios Colle,False
0953_01,Earth,False,F/199/P,PSO J318.5-22,48.0,False,0.0,306.0,3.0,,359.0,Erice Potters,False
0955_01,Earth,True,G/145/S,55 Cancri e,17.0,False,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Glena Smalloney,False
0956_01,Earth,False,E/70/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,631.0,0.0,5.0,0.0,Jimen Bartez,True
0957_01,Mars,True,F/201/P,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Waffs Hapie,True
0960_01,Earth,False,E/72/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,3.0,0.0,,0.0,788.0,Lorian Youngrayes,False
0961_01,Earth,False,G/141/P,55 Cancri e,14.0,False,0.0,885.0,8.0,0.0,0.0,Gailia Lewinez,True
0964_01,Europa,True,B/36/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Alderak Platch,True
0964_02,Europa,True,B/36/P,TRAPPIST-1e,48.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Weidus Platch,True
0965_01,Mars,False,F/178/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,631.0,0.0,834.0,304.0,0.0,Wacks Depie,False
0966_01,Earth,False,F/179/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,1377.0,0.0,0.0,167.0,0.0,Duana Fulloydez,False
0968_01,Earth,False,E/53/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,792.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tyrona Figuez,False
0969_01,Mars,True,F/202/P,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lar Emone,True
0970_01,Earth,True,G/142/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tamie Blace,True
0972_01,Earth,False,E/54/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,314.0,323.0,1026.0,6.0,Glendy Humphreyes,False
0975_01,Earth,False,E/56/P,55 Cancri e,32.0,False,58.0,317.0,448.0,3.0,0.0,Allena Hoppernardy,True
0976_01,Earth,True,G/146/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tonyn Sweeton,False
0978_01,Earth,False,F/203/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,,32.0,8.0,0.0,0.0,Lesley Coxterez,False
0979_01,Europa,False,B/40/S,,44.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Gimph Fushausive,True
0982_01,Earth,True,G/145/P,PSO J318.5-22,57.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Eriky Hewson,True
0982_02,Earth,False,G/145/P,TRAPPIST-1e,51.0,False,,,4.0,0.0,0.0,Joyton Hewson,False
0983_01,Earth,True,G/149/S,55 Cancri e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Teremy Wiggs,True
0984_01,Earth,False,G/150/S,TRAPPIST-1e,45.0,False,0.0,1.0,13.0,0.0,873.0,Wen Woodwin,False
0984_03,Earth,False,G/150/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,490.0,0.0,319.0,Morrie Sweekstarks,False
0984_04,Earth,True,G/150/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lyde Sweekstarks,True
0984_05,Earth,False,F/182/S,55 Cancri e,20.0,False,0.0,11.0,0.0,136.0,1088.0,Greggy Sweekstarks,False
0984_06,Earth,True,G/150/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Walley Sweekstarks,True
0984_07,Earth,True,G/150/S,PSO J318.5-22,,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Shery Flemaney,False
0984_08,Earth,True,G/150/S,TRAPPIST-1e,71.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alancy Flemaney,True
0985_01,Earth,False,E/57/P,55 Cancri e,18.0,False,6.0,0.0,,12.0,704.0,Dory Reyerson,True
0987_01,Earth,False,F/204/P,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,3.0,0.0,35.0,150.0,478.0,Fayen Norrison,False
0988_01,,False,G/151/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,3.0,906.0,0.0,0.0,Lyne Bartez,False
0988_02,Earth,False,E/73/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,1.0,784.0,0.0,55.0,149.0,Jeresa Bartez,True
0989_01,Earth,False,G/146/P,TRAPPIST-1e,6.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kayd Moranthons,False
0990_01,Earth,False,F/183/S,PSO J318.5-22,26.0,False,0.0,541.0,46.0,4.0,96.0,Tonia Cochrisons,False
0991_01,Earth,True,G/152/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bethew Acobsond,False
0992_01,Europa,False,D/35/S,TRAPPIST-1e,49.0,False,31.0,2727.0,0.0,184.0,135.0,Zino Kiling,True
0992_02,Europa,False,D/35/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,387.0,942.0,0.0,9927.0,1341.0,Tareson Kiling,False
0992_03,Europa,False,D/35/S,55 Cancri e,46.0,False,1192.0,1736.0,17.0,21.0,0.0,Matan Herpumble,True
0992_04,Europa,False,,55 Cancri e,35.0,True,8030.0,300.0,0.0,0.0,1436.0,Naosa Herpumble,False
0992_05,Europa,True,D/35/S,55 Cancri e,17.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sinon Kiling,True
0992_06,Europa,False,D/35/S,55 Cancri e,37.0,False,4301.0,791.0,0.0,1748.0,91.0,Weidus Kiling,False
0993_01,Earth,False,F/184/S,55 Cancri e,24.0,False,252.0,0.0,0.0,449.0,0.0,Juanie Miltongson,False
0994_01,Earth,True,G/153/S,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ellene Wartyson,False
0994_02,Earth,False,F/185/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,621.0,1.0,98.0,11.0,135.0,Dell Wartyson,False
0995_01,Europa,True,C/36/P,55 Cancri e,46.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Chabik Barmant,True
0997_01,Mars,False,F/186/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,253.0,0.0,880.0,22.0,2.0,Berios Shpie,False
0998_01,Europa,False,C/37/P,TRAPPIST-1e,56.0,False,0.0,7447.0,0.0,253.0,35.0,Muonin Suptibler,True
1000_01,Mars,False,D/39/P,,18.0,False,885.0,0.0,32.0,0.0,0.0,Alus Harte,False
1001_01,Earth,True,G/154/S,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Nadie Llonovancis,False
1002_01,Mars,False,F/187/S,55 Cancri e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Caish Leste,True
1002_02,Mars,False,F/187/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,1050.0,0.0,715.0,0.0,3.0,Bun Leste,False
1002_03,Mars,True,F/187/S,TRAPPIST-1e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Spuffs Leste,True
1004_01,Europa,True,A/11/S,55 Cancri e,56.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Aldun Wassird,True
1005_01,Earth,False,G/156/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,4.0,9.0,773.0,Coreee Juartis,False
1006_01,Earth,False,E/74/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,791.0,Velyne Summington,False
1006_02,Earth,True,E/74/S,TRAPPIST-1e,5.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Stany Summington,True
1006_03,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,12.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Stenny Summington,True
1008_01,Europa,True,C/39/S,55 Cancri e,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wasatz Spistory,True
1008_02,Europa,True,C/39/S,TRAPPIST-1e,60.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wimpha Spistory,True
1011_01,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,1633.0,4.0,49.0,6.0,0.0,Camie Prinson,False
1011_02,Earth,True,G/148/P,TRAPPIST-1e,58.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kaye Prinson,False
1012_01,Earth,True,G/149/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Valey Hubbarton,True
1013_01,Earth,True,G/158/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Weslie Farleyatton,False
1014_01,Mars,True,F/207/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ranuts Frasp,True
1015_01,Earth,False,F/189/S,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,,0.0,131.0,267.0,554.0,0.0,Wilmay Antoshipson,False
1017_01,Earth,False,F/190/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,15.0,122.0,1125.0,0.0,Joya Blanglison,False
1018_01,Earth,True,G/150/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elaney Webstephrey,True
1019_01,Earth,False,F/191/S,,36.0,False,1.0,1410.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,Melia Wilderssen,True
1020_01,Mars,True,F/208/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Appers Wala,True
1022_01,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,,48.0,6.0,0.0,954.0,0.0,Melvia Blanglison,False
1024_01,Earth,False,F/209/P,55 Cancri e,18.0,False,187.0,12.0,0.0,1277.0,0.0,Verly Chavezalez,False
1024_02,Earth,True,G/152/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Myrace Nichaner,True
1024_03,,False,G/152/P,55 Cancri e,54.0,False,0.0,5.0,0.0,594.0,209.0,Bellee Chavezalez,False
1024_04,Earth,False,G/152/P,55 Cancri e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bethew Chavezalez,False
1025_01,Earth,False,F/210/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,759.0,0.0,106.0,202.0,0.0,Chrisa Harverez,False
1026_01,Earth,True,G/159/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lilace Leetersoney,False
1027_01,Mars,False,F/211/P,TRAPPIST-1e,8.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cort Dal,True
1027_02,Mars,False,F/211/P,TRAPPIST-1e,46.0,False,1454.0,0.0,81.0,38.0,0.0,Anamse Dal,False
1027_03,Mars,False,F/211/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,231.0,0.0,,279.0,9.0,Basps Dal,False
1027_04,Mars,False,F/211/P,55 Cancri e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Trine Dal,True
1029_01,Mars,True,F/212/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Crowk Racke,True
1030_01,Earth,False,F/213/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,1081.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,7.0,Jorgie Farleyatton,False
1031_01,Earth,False,F/194/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,756.0,84.0,0.0,8.0,99.0,Warry Leonzaley,False
1032_01,Earth,True,G/153/P,PSO J318.5-22,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Aude Garzaley,False
1033_01,Earth,True,G/154/P,TRAPPIST-1e,61.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ericky Gonzaley,True
1034_01,Earth,False,G/155/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,675.0,213.0,Aliedy Cleman,False
1035_01,Mars,False,F/214/P,55 Cancri e,13.0,False,4.0,0.0,1973.0,0.0,39.0,Nutz Bra,True
1036_01,Earth,True,G/161/S,PSO J318.5-22,24.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Laude Georgasey,True
1038_01,Earth,False,G/163/S,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,0.0,306.0,84.0,499.0,0.0,Naomie Knoxonway,False
1040_01,Earth,False,G/164/S,PSO J318.5-22,15.0,False,521.0,162.0,62.0,5.0,0.0,Clard Mcbritts,True
1041_01,Europa,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,46.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Algrafi Heedry,True
1043_01,Earth,False,F/215/P,TRAPPIST-1e,49.0,False,0.0,0.0,1526.0,960.0,0.0,Gwenda Talls,False
1045_01,Europa,False,C/38/P,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Halsham Unteckery,False
1045_02,Europa,False,C/38/P,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,0.0,2349.0,7.0,815.0,10896.0,Shail Unteckery,False
1046_01,Earth,False,F/196/S,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,507.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Wena Beachez,False
1048_01,Earth,False,F/216/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,537.0,612.0,3.0,0.0,Deany Mcdon,True
1049_01,Mars,True,F/217/P,55 Cancri e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ockies Prie,True
1049_02,Mars,True,F/217/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Yakers Prie,True
1051_01,Earth,False,F/197/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,2.0,447.0,81.0,74.0,,Frandy Warrison,False
1052_01,Earth,False,F/198/S,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,,0.0,21.0,0.0,0.0,Leenny Gallard,False
1053_01,Earth,False,F/199/S,PSO J318.5-22,27.0,False,182.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,376.0,Rald Colleruces,False
1054_01,Earth,False,F/200/S,TRAPPIST-1e,58.0,False,0.0,0.0,828.0,0.0,96.0,Blanie Valexandez,True
1056_01,,True,F/218/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cineys Ble,True
1056_02,Mars,True,F/218/P,55 Cancri e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Otlios Ble,True
1057_01,Europa,True,C/39/P,55 Cancri e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cherkar Braned,True
1058_01,Earth,False,F/201/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,27.0,53.0,677.0,Keithy Ingston,False
1060_01,Earth,False,G/166/S,TRAPPIST-1e,57.0,False,,20.0,157.0,21.0,689.0,Willip Clayson,False
1062_01,Earth,False,F/219/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,773.0,48.0,0.0,149.0,Erina Wolffy,False
1063_01,,False,B/38/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,3262.0,0.0,295.0,1374.0,Markar Ingwhed,True
1063_02,Europa,True,B/38/P,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Aldebah Ingwhed,True
1065_01,Mars,True,F/202/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Chios Jaf,True
1066_01,Mars,True,F/220/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Weres Staf,True
1068_01,Earth,True,G/167/S,PSO J318.5-22,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kayd Pughanders,False
1071_01,,False,T/0/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,415.0,1328.0,0.0,14.0,60.0,Alraida Dingauge,False
1075_01,Europa,True,B/41/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Teron Objeciane,True
1075_02,Europa,True,B/41/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Duhra Objeciane,True
1076_01,Earth,True,G/161/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Raque Scheron,False
1077_01,Earth,,G/162/P,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,113.0,0.0,283.0,455.0,Dorene Bardinard,False
1078_01,Earth,False,E/60/P,55 Cancri e,25.0,False,79.0,709.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hellia Ewins,False
1079_01,Earth,False,G/163/P,55 Cancri e,41.0,False,638.0,0.0,133.0,0.0,,Helean Traverdy,False
1080_01,Mars,False,F/204/S,TRAPPIST-1e,50.0,False,202.0,,1108.0,0.0,0.0,Ret Parte,False
1082_01,Mars,False,F/205/S,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,694.0,0.0,60.0,564.0,0.0,Grake Traie,False
1083_01,Mars,True,F/206/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ste Sfin,True
1083_02,Mars,True,F/206/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Pars Sfin,True
1083_03,Mars,False,F/206/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,556.0,0.0,0.0,852.0,6.0,Hion Sfin,True
1084_01,Earth,False,F/207/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,1.0,0.0,16.0,843.0,Kylen Holcompson,False
1085_01,Earth,,G/165/P,TRAPPIST-1e,54.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Troyce Wagnerray,False
1086_01,Earth,True,G/166/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hellia Carpennels,True
1086_02,Earth,False,G/166/P,TRAPPIST-1e,11.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Nancey Willangsey,False
1086_03,Earth,True,G/166/P,TRAPPIST-1e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Fany Willangsey,False
1086_04,Earth,False,E/61/P,,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,641.0,0.0,Almary Willangsey,True
1086_05,Earth,False,G/166/P,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elly Willangsey,True
1088_01,Earth,True,G/169/S,PSO J318.5-22,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kayd Pottney,False
1089_01,,True,D/41/P,55 Cancri e,33.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sheleon Pronfraked,True
1089_02,Europa,False,D/41/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,565.0,1.0,677.0,794.0,Gacrab Pronfraked,False
1091_01,Mars,True,F/223/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dills Miste,True
1093_01,Mars,False,D/42/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,1862.0,59.0,18.0,192.0,0.0,Beass Winie,True
1094_01,Earth,False,F/224/P,TRAPPIST-1e,60.0,,437.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,365.0,Carona Webstenson,False
1095_01,Europa,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alhail Drelcate,True
1096_01,Earth,False,G/170/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,233.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,488.0,Essara Simson,False
1097_01,Mars,True,E/76/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tundsh Weeke,True
1099_01,Earth,False,F/225/P,PSO J318.5-22,22.0,False,0.0,78.0,642.0,0.0,0.0,Andine Mcneiley,False
1100_01,Mars,False,F/226/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,490.0,355.0,298.0,245.0,0.0,Ros Cuche,False
1100_02,Mars,False,F/226/P,TRAPPIST-1e,5.0,False,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jel Cuche,True
1100_03,Mars,False,F/226/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,787.0,0.0,106.0,1710.0,0.0,Cireal Cuche,False
1100_04,Mars,False,E/62/P,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,528.0,271.0,99.0,0.0,130.0,Heat Frité,False
1102_01,Mars,,F/227/P,PSO J318.5-22,39.0,False,173.0,0.0,660.0,1.0,781.0,Boats Dan,False
1105_01,Earth,False,F/208/S,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,82.0,0.0,263.0,16.0,515.0,Leen Willangsey,False
1108_01,Mars,False,F/211/S,TRAPPIST-1e,58.0,False,55.0,0.0,756.0,246.0,100.0,Blesh Seen,False
1110_01,Europa,False,C/42/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,24.0,0.0,55.0,7516.0,Auvara Ennalve,False
1110_02,Europa,False,C/42/S,55 Cancri e,26.0,False,8.0,6138.0,0.0,3.0,754.0,Batomam Ennalve,True
1112_01,Europa,False,B/39/P,55 Cancri e,40.0,False,0.0,4076.0,6124.0,58.0,100.0,Elebola Opshaft,True
1113_01,Earth,False,E/78/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,719.0,Stevey Fielsenders,True
1114_01,Mars,False,E/79/S,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,True,936.0,0.0,363.0,0.0,0.0,Jet Kidne,False
1114_02,Mars,False,E/79/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Apple Kidne,False
1115_01,Earth,True,G/173/S,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Arl Oneidson,True
1116_01,Earth,False,G/174/S,TRAPPIST-1e,9.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Rickie Barnolaney,True
1116_02,Earth,,,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,3011.0,0.0,0.0,98.0,Evane Barnolaney,True
1116_03,Earth,True,G/174/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Colly Barnolaney,True
1117_01,Earth,False,E/63/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,855.0,0.0,51.0,0.0,0.0,Jimen Andackson,False
1121_01,Earth,False,F/229/P,PSO J318.5-22,55.0,,98.0,46.0,0.0,743.0,0.0,Lynez Burnerez,True
1123_01,Europa,False,B/40/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,402.0,0.0,135.0,9010.0,Altanin Praded,False
1127_01,Europa,True,B/43/S,55 Cancri e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Weid Dishocatal,True
1129_01,Earth,False,E/80/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,2.0,0.0,0.0,787.0,3.0,Ritany Bellyonsley,False
1130_01,Mars,True,E/81/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Guaney Cako,False
1130_02,Mars,False,D/38/S,55 Cancri e,20.0,False,,3.0,3505.0,199.0,17.0,Camonk Cako,True
1132_01,Earth,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kariel Benney,False
1133_01,Mars,False,E/64/P,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Anes Lake,True
1134_01,Europa,True,,55 Cancri e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hadyon Sobvisted,True
1136_01,Earth,False,G/175/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,1755.0,0.0,0.0,67.0,Dessie Bowenasey,True
1140_01,Europa,False,B/46/S,TRAPPIST-1e,53.0,False,0.0,143.0,1632.0,3.0,756.0,Scelava Sofraten,True
1140_02,Europa,True,B/46/S,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Mergas Sofraten,True
1140_03,Europa,True,B/46/S,55 Cancri e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wasaleh Sofraten,True
1141_01,Earth,True,G/176/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kerrie Simstravery,True
1142_01,Earth,False,G/173/P,TRAPPIST-1e,54.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,908.0,Evaned Pugherman,True
1144_01,Earth,False,G/177/S,TRAPPIST-1e,12.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Molley Barnolderg,True
1144_02,Earth,False,F/217/S,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,482.0,0.0,884.0,0.0,30.0,Carlie Barnolderg,False
1144_03,Earth,False,G/177/S,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,412.0,97.0,3.0,0.0,,Landa Barnolderg,False
1146_01,Earth,False,F/232/P,55 Cancri e,26.0,,620.0,0.0,187.0,0.0,1304.0,Dianie Roses,False
1147_01,Europa,True,B/42/P,TRAPPIST-1e,49.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Solam Semageary,True
1148_01,Europa,True,C/42/P,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bosonon Clugete,True
1148_02,Europa,False,C/42/P,55 Cancri e,,False,0.0,122.0,2138.0,7368.0,1213.0,Axinon Clugete,False
1148_03,Europa,False,C/42/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,5225.0,0.0,8.0,1933.0,Caia Clugete,False
1148_04,Europa,False,,55 Cancri e,39.0,False,0.0,5212.0,2.0,118.0,61.0,Azet Clugete,True
1148_05,Europa,True,C/42/P,,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Halleth Clugete,True
1148_06,Europa,True,C/42/P,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Batares Clugete,True
1148_07,Europa,False,C/42/P,55 Cancri e,34.0,False,2386.0,841.0,76.0,26.0,1693.0,Edaron Clugete,False
1149_01,Earth,False,G/178/S,55 Cancri e,8.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lyne Logannon,True
1149_02,Earth,False,G/178/S,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Paulie Quinnerettt,False
1149_03,Earth,True,G/178/S,TRAPPIST-1e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sonnie Quinnerettt,False
1149_04,Earth,False,G/178/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Chadie Vaught,False
1149_05,Earth,False,G/178/S,55 Cancri e,10.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Karie Quinnerettt,False
1150_01,Earth,True,G/179/S,55 Cancri e,16.0,,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dona Brookes,False
1152_01,Mars,False,F/218/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,29.0,0.0,1095.0,0.0,4.0,Gral Coflé,False
1153_01,Earth,True,G/174/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alfrey Corman,True
1154_01,Europa,True,B/43/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,,0.0,,0.0,Celeb Ingascomet,True
1154_02,Europa,True,B/43/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bahyon Ingascomet,True
1154_03,Europa,True,B/43/P,55 Cancri e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cella Ingascomet,True
1155_02,Earth,True,G/175/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jayne Hessey,True
1156_01,Europa,False,B/47/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,2987.0,2.0,3072.0,67.0,Sterfik Motter,False
1156_02,Europa,True,B/47/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kocha Motter,True
1161_01,Europa,False,B/48/S,55 Cancri e,28.0,False,0.0,11330.0,72.0,43.0,461.0,Zanino Anderking,True
1161_02,Europa,False,B/48/S,55 Cancri e,19.0,False,0.0,1291.0,0.0,16139.0,687.0,Mirfark Anderking,False
1162_01,Europa,False,C/45/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,1847.0,0.0,103.0,694.0,Menchah Radisiouss,True
1163_01,Earth,False,F/235/P,55 Cancri e,35.0,False,0.0,1328.0,5.0,0.0,7.0,,True
1165_01,Europa,False,B/44/P,55 Cancri e,46.0,False,0.0,7201.0,0.0,32.0,2587.0,Azhah Heermy,False
1165_02,Europa,False,B/44/P,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,636.0,333.0,0.0,205.0,67.0,Kumark Heermy,False
1165_03,Europa,True,B/44/P,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Nusakab Waring,True
1165_04,Europa,True,B/44/P,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Okulas Waring,True
1166_01,Europa,False,C/43/P,55 Cancri e,30.0,False,0.0,3564.0,926.0,1.0,1920.0,Wasath Shoeweely,False
1167_01,Mars,True,F/236/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Sugbix Terry,True
1168_01,Earth,False,E/69/P,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,0.0,58.0,12.0,68.0,653.0,Brancy Hughriend,False
1169_01,Mars,,F/221/S,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,2357.0,0.0,9.0,0.0,0.0,Tifet Sin,False
1170_01,Earth,False,E/83/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,279.0,0.0,512.0,Samie Mcneiley,False
1173_01,Earth,False,G/182/S,PSO J318.5-22,24.0,,96.0,592.0,12.0,0.0,0.0,Ryany Gallandez,True
1174_01,Earth,True,G/176/P,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Janita Lessonerry,True
1175_01,Mars,True,F/223/S,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ers Brin,True
1177_01,Europa,True,C/44/P,TRAPPIST-1e,59.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kaffias Wasterivel,True
1178_01,Earth,False,F/224/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,600.0,0.0,0.0,Walla Summington,False
1179_01,Europa,True,B/49/S,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kleeiak Dischod,True
1180_01,Earth,False,F/225/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,,957.0,4.0,0.0,Reneen Irwines,False
1182_01,Mars,True,F/237/P,55 Cancri e,64.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Mits Pota,True
1182_02,Mars,False,E/70/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,2997.0,0.0,3.0,0.0,7.0,Wee Pota,True
1182_03,Mars,False,F/237/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,,60.0,1356.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ork Pota,True
1185_01,Mars,False,E/71/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,,0.0,0.0,679.0,0.0,Alls Nutty,False
1186_01,Earth,False,G/183/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Card Browlerson,True
1186_02,Earth,False,G/183/S,TRAPPIST-1e,8.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elany Browlerson,False
1186_03,Earth,True,G/183/S,TRAPPIST-1e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Harrie Browlerson,False
1186_04,Earth,False,F/227/S,TRAPPIST-1e,48.0,False,0.0,33.0,654.0,0.0,113.0,Oraryn Browlerson,True
1186_05,Earth,False,G/183/S,TRAPPIST-1e,12.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Eriney Browlerson,False
1187_01,Earth,False,F/228/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,575.0,180.0,4.0,44.0,Erick Matts,False
1187_02,Earth,False,G/184/S,TRAPPIST-1e,10.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hughan Matts,False
1187_03,Earth,False,G/184/S,TRAPPIST-1e,11.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Stace Matts,False
1188_01,Europa,False,C/46/P,TRAPPIST-1e,58.0,False,204.0,4227.0,0.0,3026.0,61.0,Genubi Sorticbar,False
1190_01,Earth,False,E/72/P,TRAPPIST-1e,52.0,False,0.0,243.0,464.0,71.0,8.0,Melica Carpennels,True
1191_01,Earth,False,F/229/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1583.0,Annah Santry,False
1192_01,Earth,False,F/238/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,600.0,670.0,0.0,187.0,0.0,Ivaney Moodman,False
1193_01,Europa,True,B/50/S,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Eleonon Presstic,True
1193_02,Europa,True,B/50/S,55 Cancri e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Solam Presstic,True
1195_01,Earth,False,F/239/P,55 Cancri e,28.0,False,2.0,558.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Mael Lancis,True
1197_01,Europa,False,B/45/P,55 Cancri e,32.0,True,0.0,122.0,3700.0,337.0,1388.0,Wasatan Folhal,False
1198_01,Mars,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,,42.0,1116.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Rinnab Tie,True
1199_01,Earth,False,E/73/P,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,0.0,0.0,752.0,0.0,235.0,Lillen Hubbarnett,False
1203_01,Europa,False,B/51/S,55 Cancri e,50.0,True,0.0,5473.0,0.0,703.0,6381.0,Celava Unrent,False
1206_01,Earth,False,F/241/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,71.0,8.0,513.0,354.0,0.0,Vana Powery,False
1208_01,Earth,False,G/178/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,,0.0,6.0,30.0,200.0,Arllia Blainson,False
1210_01,Earth,True,G/179/P,TRAPPIST-1e,45.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Helean Brooker,True
1210_02,Earth,False,G/179/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,393.0,510.0,0.0,0.0,5.0,Done Brooker,False
1211_01,Earth,True,G/186/S,PSO J318.5-22,53.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Andyn Alvasquez,False
1211_02,Earth,True,G/186/S,TRAPPIST-1e,8.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Curtle Alvasquez,False
1211_03,Earth,True,G/186/S,TRAPPIST-1e,6.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bethy Pollarkeeks,True
1211_04,Earth,True,G/186/S,TRAPPIST-1e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Erick Pollarkeeks,False
1211_05,Earth,False,F/232/S,55 Cancri e,13.0,False,1.0,212.0,843.0,78.0,10.0,Scotty Alvasquez,True
1211_06,Earth,True,G/186/S,TRAPPIST-1e,60.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ianna Alvasquez,False
1211_07,Earth,False,G/186/S,55 Cancri e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Bretty Pollarkeeks,True
1212_01,Earth,False,G/180/P,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,0.0,1.0,195.0,560.0,0.0,Luise Vales,False
1213_01,Earth,False,F/242/P,TRAPPIST-1e,51.0,False,0.0,,800.0,0.0,4.0,Lison Mckinsond,True
1214_01,Earth,True,G/181/P,55 Cancri e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elanie Fulloydez,True
1215_01,Earth,True,G/187/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Kaye Huntt,True
1216_01,Earth,False,G/182/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,65.0,905.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Iree Pentss,True
1218_01,Earth,False,F/243/P,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,2143.0,7.0,Karah Gilleranks,False
1220_01,Europa,False,E/76/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,592.0,0.0,345.0,810.0,Misamak Fanchy,False
1221_01,Earth,False,G/188/S,TRAPPIST-1e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wine Alfordonard,False
1221_02,Earth,False,E/87/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,1608.0,1.0,Tricky Alfordonard,False
1222_01,Earth,False,G/183/P,TRAPPIST-1e,75.0,False,0.0,493.0,0.0,131.0,132.0,Evenna Hubert,False
1223_01,Europa,True,C/48/S,55 Cancri e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Terope Coweboded,True
1225_01,Earth,False,F/244/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,2.0,1311.0,60.0,28.0,1.0,Margia Morrodgers,True
1228_01,Mars,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Snich Purle,True
1228_02,Mars,False,E/89/S,TRAPPIST-1e,59.0,False,142.0,0.0,907.0,0.0,0.0,Newtch Purle,True
1229_01,Earth,False,F/245/P,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,863.0,33.0,2.0,Nelsie Floydendley,True
1230_01,Earth,False,G/189/S,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,354.0,34.0,0.0,291.0,229.0,Catha Gainebergan,False
1231_01,Mars,True,E/77/P,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Marms Emead,False
1232_01,Europa,True,C/49/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sarthim Geraing,True
1232_02,Europa,False,C/49/S,55 Cancri e,29.0,False,0.0,42.0,0.0,4651.0,661.0,Tope Geraing,False
1233_01,Earth,True,G/184/P,PSO J318.5-22,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Aarone Burryerson,True
1234_01,Earth,False,F/236/S,PSO J318.5-22,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,1250.0,0.0,0.0,Derina Lambles,True
1235_01,Earth,False,F/237/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,27.0,393.0,1061.0,27.0,0.0,Lyn Scottuez,True
1236_01,Earth,False,F/246/P,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,614.0,43.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,Briany Lancock,False
1238_01,Europa,False,C/50/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,1026.0,3301.0,831.0,356.0,Merops Pronfraked,True
1239_01,Earth,False,E/78/P,PSO J318.5-22,30.0,False,585.0,13.0,122.0,40.0,105.0,Guye Klindsey,True
1240_01,Earth,False,F/238/S,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,889.0,185.0,0.0,0.0,28.0,Nelsie Bookson,True
1242_01,Europa,False,C/48/P,55 Cancri e,37.0,False,0.0,4677.0,0.0,115.0,223.0,Antonon Clugeadry,True
1243_01,Europa,False,A/9/P,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,0.0,4224.0,0.0,1374.0,1281.0,Tautrix Drivery,False
1243_02,Europa,False,A/9/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,8168.0,69.0,11.0,371.0,0.0,Geno Oderient,False
1246_01,Earth,False,G/185/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,192.0,0.0,565.0,0.0,Valey Schmondez,False
1248_01,Earth,False,F/239/S,PSO J318.5-22,27.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Landa Ewiseston,True
1250_01,Earth,False,F/240/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,17.0,0.0,61.0,567.0,Dony Torrez,False
1254_01,Mars,False,D/44/S,TRAPPIST-1e,54.0,False,704.0,0.0,431.0,0.0,47.0,Cupers Breke,False
1254_02,Mars,False,F/241/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,4.0,0.0,896.0,229.0,0.0,Babix Breke,False
1255_01,Mars,True,F/242/S,TRAPPIST-1e,52.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Shres Potte,True
1255_02,Mars,True,F/242/S,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Razzle Potte,True
1256_01,Mars,False,E/92/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,1277.0,0.0,1.0,10.0,9.0,Hary Erpie,False
1258_01,Europa,False,A/10/P,55 Cancri e,30.0,False,0.0,3628.0,289.0,1737.0,4987.0,Tauva Cowsearney,False
1259_01,Earth,False,F/243/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,619.0,0.0,142.0,Eulahy Mcguirez,False
1260_01,Earth,True,G/186/P,PSO J318.5-22,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Glena Scotterkins,True
1261_01,Europa,False,C/49/P,55 Cancri e,43.0,False,1365.0,3106.0,0.0,50.0,2313.0,Brafirk Healted,False
1263_01,Mars,False,F/244/S,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,1084.0,1.0,66.0,0.0,5.0,Batses Vloaf,False
1264_01,Earth,False,E/79/P,TRAPPIST-1e,51.0,False,0.0,1.0,0.0,51.0,945.0,Franda Roberrenn,False
1267_01,Earth,True,G/191/S,PSO J318.5-22,34.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hencey Jacostaffey,True
1269_01,Mars,False,E/80/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,2066.0,0.0,15.0,0.0,1.0,Gorn Pane,False
1271_01,Earth,True,G/189/P,PSO J318.5-22,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Melara Hubbarrison,False
1273_01,Earth,False,F/246/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,759.0,0.0,Teremy Cruzaley,False
1274_01,Earth,False,F/254/P,55 Cancri e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,591.0,40.0,173.0,Claine Willangsey,False
1278_01,Earth,True,G/190/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ren Howayery,False
1279_01,Europa,True,C/50/P,55 Cancri e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sadark Dynigic,True
1280_01,Earth,False,F/257/P,PSO J318.5-22,44.0,False,0.0,178.0,482.0,0.0,0.0,Antone Leton,True
1281_01,Earth,True,G/193/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Andice Tranciams,False
1282_01,Earth,True,G/191/P,PSO J318.5-22,18.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dony Handertiz,False
1283_01,Earth,False,G/194/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,6.0,,1.0,714.0,0.0,Enrie Burchanez,False
1284_01,Mars,True,F/247/S,,,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hal Knité,True
1285_01,Earth,False,F/258/P,55 Cancri e,36.0,False,286.0,415.0,16.0,0.0,0.0,Ricia Weaverays,False
1286_01,Mars,True,F/248/S,TRAPPIST-1e,10.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jackix Fache,True
1287_01,Mars,True,F/259/P,TRAPPIST-1e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wilves Pimne,True
1287_02,Mars,True,F/259/P,55 Cancri e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,,True
1287_03,Mars,False,F/259/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,733.0,0.0,1084.0,1.0,43.0,Diles Pimne,False
1288_01,Earth,False,G/192/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,621.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Nance Flemaney,False
1289_01,Earth,False,G/195/S,TRAPPIST-1e,8.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Idace Fultz,False
1289_02,Earth,False,G/195/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,789.0,0.0,2.0,0.0,19.0,Chelsa Fultz,False
1291_01,Mars,False,F/260/P,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,1758.0,59.0,4.0,0.0,0.0,Sceres Ponie,False
1292_01,Europa,False,B/55/S,55 Cancri e,31.0,True,0.0,27723.0,3.0,202.0,3146.0,Scharab Conale,True
1292_02,Europa,False,B/55/S,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,105.0,368.0,268.0,842.0,13.0,Izarino Conale,True
1293_01,Earth,False,F/261/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,213.0,0.0,,0.0,584.0,Elany Bertsontry,False
1294_01,Europa,True,A/14/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Aldhib Gulcepusy,True
1294_02,Europa,True,A/14/S,PSO J318.5-22,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Chamak Plegred,True
1294_03,Europa,False,A/14/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,True,,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Dscheat Gulcepusy,False
1295_01,Earth,,,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,68.0,0.0,0.0,719.0,0.0,Nica Vaught,False
1299_01,Earth,False,F/250/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,675.0,5.0,0.0,Naomin Moodsey,True
1300_01,Earth,False,F/251/S,55 Cancri e,27.0,False,1.0,299.0,1.0,380.0,13.0,Loria Robins,False
1302_01,Mars,False,D/45/S,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,218.0,50.0,4817.0,146.0,256.0,Beah Erry,True
1304_01,Earth,True,E/82/P,55 Cancri e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lyde Quinnedy,True
1304_02,Earth,False,E/82/P,TRAPPIST-1e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Mamina Carrishley,False
1304_03,Earth,False,E/82/P,TRAPPIST-1e,10.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Winia Quinnedy,False
1304_04,Earth,False,E/82/P,TRAPPIST-1e,9.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sethew Powenoble,True
1304_05,Earth,True,E/82/P,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Moniey Powenoble,False
1304_06,Earth,False,E/82/P,PSO J318.5-22,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Margia Powenoble,True
1306_01,Europa,False,B/56/S,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,0.0,3863.0,1.0,1010.0,514.0,Zaurah Irintious,True
1306_02,Europa,False,B/56/S,55 Cancri e,11.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alsham Irintious,True
1307_01,Earth,True,G/193/P,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Andrey Norrison,False
1308_01,Europa,True,,55 Cancri e,40.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Diram Plegred,True
1308_02,Europa,False,E/94/S,55 Cancri e,30.0,False,278.0,3300.0,0.0,8145.0,2519.0,Tachba Plegred,False
1308_03,Europa,False,E/94/S,55 Cancri e,37.0,False,0.0,439.0,0.0,3198.0,6.0,Grafi Plegred,False
1308_04,Europa,True,E/94/S,55 Cancri e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Medib Plegred,True
1309_01,Earth,False,F/264/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,4.0,109.0,0.0,671.0,Regana Gordond,True
1310_01,Europa,False,C/52/S,TRAPPIST-1e,57.0,False,0.0,987.0,1.0,4948.0,53.0,Kitauon Coillery,False
1311_01,Mars,False,F/265/P,,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Pios Make,True
1311_02,Mars,False,F/265/P,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,948.0,47.0,292.0,0.0,0.0,Wale Make,False
1311_03,Mars,False,D/43/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,1946.0,4.0,4.0,0.0,623.0,Muld Make,False
1312_01,Earth,True,G/194/P,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Darley Blandez,True
1316_01,Europa,True,E/95/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sadrus Quelfly,True
1316_02,Europa,False,E/95/S,55 Cancri e,36.0,False,0.0,847.0,,4664.0,89.0,Arion Quelfly,False
1317_01,Mars,False,F/266/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,2508.0,0.0,23.0,0.0,67.0,Ton Tité,False
1322_01,Earth,True,G/196/P,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tonnie Masquez,True
1323_01,Earth,True,F/267/P,55 Cancri e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jilla Gamberson,True
1324_01,Earth,True,G/199/S,55 Cancri e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Carona Gilleyons,False
1324_02,Earth,False,G/199/S,55 Cancri e,10.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wen Gilleyons,False
1324_03,Earth,True,G/199/S,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lewise Gilleyons,True
1325_01,Earth,True,E/97/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jimen Barbes,True
1325_02,Earth,False,E/97/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,70.0,160.0,340.0,0.0,336.0,Wilmay Barbes,False
1325_03,Earth,True,E/97/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lilasa Barbes,True
1326_01,Mars,False,F/257/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,1450.0,0.0,,0.0,1147.0,Wales Gelte,False
1326_02,Mars,False,F/257/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,1507.0,0.0,260.0,0.0,0.0,Stote Gelte,False
1328_01,Earth,True,G/198/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Joandy Rigginsen,False
1330_01,Mars,False,D/46/S,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,405.0,0.0,193.0,458.0,0.0,Sts Mare,False
1330_02,Mars,False,D/46/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,120.0,8.0,1128.0,1.0,7.0,Hocops Datty,True
1331_01,Earth,True,G/200/S,PSO J318.5-22,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cathya Alshipson,True
1332_01,Earth,False,E/98/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,28.0,0.0,561.0,203.0,0.0,Kayd Hurchez,False
1333_01,Earth,False,F/269/P,PSO J318.5-22,32.0,False,0.0,486.0,0.0,229.0,26.0,Elindy Fryes,False
1335_01,Earth,True,G/199/P,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Shan Moodsey,False
1337_01,Earth,,F/258/S,55 Cancri e,35.0,False,775.0,14.0,0.0,610.0,4.0,Brank Shermann,False
1340_01,Earth,True,G/203/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Pamiea Harrenoldez,False
1342_01,Earth,False,G/200/P,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,118.0,5.0,0.0,761.0,Darry Mayder,False
1345_01,Earth,False,F/260/S,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,1174.0,0.0,18.0,721.0,0.0,Mistie Flowensley,False
1347_01,,False,F/271/P,TRAPPIST-1e,67.0,False,0.0,761.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,Karah Horners,True
1348_01,Europa,False,B/57/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,1531.0,0.0,369.0,2969.0,Batan Balightal,False
1348_02,Europa,True,B/57/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Aske Balightal,True
1350_01,Earth,True,G/206/S,55 Cancri e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sharie Cleang,True
1350_02,Earth,False,F/261/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,1489.0,2.0,126.0,460.0,72.0,Isa Cleang,False
1350_03,Earth,False,G/206/S,PSO J318.5-22,42.0,False,491.0,106.0,8.0,202.0,0.0,Mamina Cleang,False
1350_04,Earth,True,G/206/S,PSO J318.5-22,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lulah Cleang,False
1352_01,Mars,False,F/272/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,43.0,782.0,1.0,660.0,0.0,Sps Gerry,False
1353_01,Mars,False,F/262/S,TRAPPIST-1e,10.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dontch Tepie,True
1353_02,Mars,False,F/262/S,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,1535.0,0.0,340.0,0.0,723.0,Beant Tepie,False
1353_03,Mars,True,F/262/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Cings Tepie,True
1353_04,Mars,False,F/262/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Fex Tepie,True
1355_01,Earth,True,G/203/P,PSO J318.5-22,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Timmie Paynard,True
1356_01,Earth,False,G/207/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,39.0,0.0,310.0,539.0,Leony Rothewson,False
1357_01,Mars,True,D/48/S,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bet Stre,True
1360_01,Earth,False,E/100/S,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,997.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Terta Blandez,True
1365_01,Europa,False,B/58/S,55 Cancri e,33.0,False,77.0,2381.0,0.0,3656.0,150.0,Alkeson Exnutch,False
1365_02,Europa,True,B/58/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Anchird Exnutch,True
1366_01,Earth,True,G/206/P,55 Cancri e,40.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Searla Hestes,True
1368_01,Earth,True,G/208/P,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Iandy Lanks,False
1370_01,Earth,False,E/102/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,965.0,0.0,23.0,3.0,0.0,Timmy Waterson,False
1371_01,Mars,,D/44/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,591.0,466.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dunch Kuche,False
1375_01,Earth,False,G/208/S,TRAPPIST-1e,2.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Aleen Sykess,False
1375_02,Earth,False,F/267/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,3.0,946.0,0.0,0.0,Gwendy Sykess,False
1376_01,Earth,True,G/211/P,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Karia Delez,False
1377_01,Europa,False,C/52/P,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,0.0,2801.0,537.0,42.0,144.0,Coxah Coniple,True
1378_01,Earth,False,G/212/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,245.0,41.0,550.0,,0.0,Joyces Caineson,False
1378_02,Earth,False,F/275/P,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,926.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,78.0,Ellena Caineson,True
1379_01,Earth,False,F/268/S,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,0.0,30.0,0.0,769.0,4.0,Lillen Mcgowaymond,False
1380_01,Europa,False,C/53/S,55 Cancri e,42.0,False,0.0,21.0,0.0,2735.0,3604.0,Quarke Fuleng,False
1381_01,Earth,True,G/209/S,PSO J318.5-22,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Stevey Hoopez,True
1382_01,Earth,False,E/104/S,,35.0,False,0.0,1125.0,429.0,0.0,55.0,Ritany Daughttley,False
1383_01,Europa,True,D/49/S,TRAPPIST-1e,53.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Rasatik Resendent,True
1384_01,Earth,False,E/105/S,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,21.0,0.0,690.0,260.0,5.0,Violan Mayods,False
1384_02,Earth,True,G/210/S,TRAPPIST-1e,6.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Berty Mayods,False
1384_03,Earth,False,F/269/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,442.0,0.0,0.0,368.0,Fredy Mayods,True
1384_04,Earth,False,F/269/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,338.0,0.0,377.0,2.0,86.0,Shard Mayods,True
1384_05,Earth,False,E/105/S,,19.0,False,189.0,510.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Fany Mayods,True
1385_01,,False,G/213/P,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,705.0,3.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alvira Foxter,False
1386_01,Earth,True,G/214/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Murie Polliamposs,True
1387_01,Mars,False,E/85/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,1088.0,0.0,280.0,0.0,0.0,Trise Hacle,False
1389_01,Earth,True,G/212/S,55 Cancri e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hatty Lowelliott,True
1390_01,Earth,True,G/215/P,PSO J318.5-22,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Mathy Meltoney,True
1391_01,Mars,True,F/276/P,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Berios Apie,True
1391_02,Mars,False,F/276/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,1072.0,79.0,46.0,16.0,0.0,Cines Apie,False
1391_03,Mars,False,F/276/P,,44.0,False,485.0,2.0,210.0,0.0,351.0,Frunch Apie,False
1393_01,Mars,False,F/270/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,42.0,0.0,212.0,151.0,1853.0,Mes Kake,False
1395_01,Earth,False,G/214/S,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Willah Fryes,True
1397_01,Earth,False,F/271/S,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,386.0,190.0,0.0,489.0,0.0,Hanne Hodes,False
1398_01,Earth,False,G/216/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,508.0,334.0,0.0,46.0,Adria Cookentaney,True
1399_01,Earth,False,F/272/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,529.0,560.0,60.0,Hellia Popelase,False
1400_01,Earth,True,G/217/P,55 Cancri e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hanne Colleruces,True
1401_01,Earth,,G/218/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,599.0,59.0,152.0,Guyne Burtiz,False
1402_01,Earth,True,G/215/S,PSO J318.5-22,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Darlie Blacks,True
1402_02,Earth,True,G/215/S,55 Cancri e,33.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Leony Blacks,True
1403_01,Earth,False,E/86/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,1656.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Bobbyn Coopelandez,False
1404_01,Europa,False,B/60/S,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,1.0,734.0,28.0,78.0,3471.0,Alaton Mornaned,False
1404_02,Europa,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,51.0,0.0,4170.0,13.0,Arkard Mornaned,False
1406_01,Mars,False,E/106/S,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,36.0,0.0,1013.0,0.0,0.0,Muffs Gres,False
1407_01,Earth,False,F/278/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,737.0,4.0,27.0,8.0,0.0,Lerome Foxter,False
1407_02,Earth,False,F/278/P,PSO J318.5-22,17.0,False,8.0,222.0,3.0,401.0,0.0,Derina Foxter,True
1408_01,Earth,False,G/216/S,PSO J318.5-22,26.0,False,4.0,770.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Prilly Fulloydez,False
1410_01,Earth,False,F/279/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,567.0,896.0,0.0,122.0,Evane Lerez,False
1412_01,Earth,False,G/217/S,55 Cancri e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,832.0,Andona Winsley,False
1413_01,Earth,True,G/218/S,PSO J318.5-22,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Genee Nichoan,False
1414_01,Earth,False,F/280/P,TRAPPIST-1e,65.0,False,259.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1916.0,Andace Kinson,False
1415_01,Europa,False,D/45/P,55 Cancri e,33.0,False,13.0,,2011.0,17.0,32.0,Preo Higast,True
1416_01,Earth,True,G/219/P,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Therie Macdonadows,False
1417_01,Europa,False,C/54/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,0.0,184.0,0.0,1520.0,3358.0,Alik Spedlinale,False
1419_01,Mars,False,F/273/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,1381.0,0.0,1243.0,0.0,0.0,Goles Apeau,False
1420_01,Mars,True,E/108/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wheard Shbre,False
1421_01,Mars,False,F/274/S,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,328.0,6153.0,,26.0,820.0,Whark Cres,False
1421_02,Mars,False,F/274/S,55 Cancri e,17.0,False,891.0,0.0,243.0,0.0,5.0,Ars Cres,False
1423_01,Europa,True,B/61/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Seginon Asoppor,True
1423_02,Europa,True,B/61/S,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Beneb Asoppor,True
1423_03,Europa,True,B/61/S,55 Cancri e,59.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sadra Rodwative,True
1424_01,Europa,True,B/47/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sarid Sageng,True
1424_02,Europa,False,B/47/P,55 Cancri e,29.0,False,2988.0,2147.0,0.0,0.0,1779.0,Goros Sageng,False
1424_03,Europa,False,B/47/P,TRAPPIST-1e,8.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elebola Sageng,True
1424_04,Europa,False,B/47/P,55 Cancri e,28.0,False,0.0,4380.0,0.0,692.0,0.0,Proxima Sageng,True
1424_05,Europa,True,B/47/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Weia Sageng,True
1425_01,Earth,False,F/282/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,711.0,0.0,0.0,59.0,57.0,Melvia Adavisons,False
1425_02,Earth,True,G/220/P,TRAPPIST-1e,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Mael Adavisons,True
1425_03,Earth,True,G/220/P,TRAPPIST-1e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Maryne Adavisons,True
1426_01,Europa,True,D/46/P,55 Cancri e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Duhrid Drelcate,True
1427_01,Mars,True,F/275/S,,46.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Jumars Pead,True
1427_02,Mars,False,F/275/S,TRAPPIST-1e,67.0,False,443.0,0.0,1721.0,250.0,2.0,Hont Pead,False
1428_01,Earth,False,E/109/S,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,0.0,200.0,128.0,460.0,0.0,Artis Hanghanson,False
1430_01,Earth,False,F/283/P,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,360.0,0.0,2116.0,1.0,8.0,Lina Popez,False
1431_01,Earth,False,G/221/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0,965.0,Tonioe Ments,True
1433_01,Earth,True,G/219/S,TRAPPIST-1e,51.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Allene Noeley,False
1434_01,Earth,False,G/222/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,258.0,331.0,133.0,,Dandy Cartez,False
1434_02,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hughan Cartez,True
1434_03,Earth,True,G/222/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Emilla Cartez,False
1435_01,Earth,False,G/223/P,,23.0,False,0.0,20.0,26.0,0.0,659.0,Gabrin Gilleranks,False
1438_01,Earth,False,E/89/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,181.0,224.0,0.0,195.0,191.0,Anae Sancasey,False
1439_01,Mars,False,F/279/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,112.0,186.0,228.0,760.0,0.0,Lios Lette,False
1439_02,Mars,False,D/52/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,806.0,100.0,9.0,,47.0,Croo Lette,False
1440_01,Earth,False,F/280/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,1826.0,39.0,11.0,649.0,Jerek Mcleaney,False
1442_01,Earth,True,G/220/S,PSO J318.5-22,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Leenny Pughanders,True
1443_01,Earth,True,G/225/P,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Anda Jimes,True
1444_01,Europa,False,C/55/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,50.0,1248.0,0.0,1.0,912.0,Luxion Coarswing,True
1445_01,Earth,False,G/221/S,PSO J318.5-22,8.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Walles Wellenez,True
1447_01,Earth,False,G/227/P,TRAPPIST-1e,59.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,755.0,Sadine Simson,False
1450_01,Europa,True,D/53/S,55 Cancri e,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tabih Ailled,True
1450_02,Europa,False,D/53/S,55 Cancri e,30.0,False,0.0,138.0,0.0,5467.0,112.0,Cella Ailled,False
1451_01,Europa,False,C/56/S,55 Cancri e,46.0,False,202.0,484.0,0.0,3208.0,2485.0,Zinor Proorbeng,False
1451_02,Europa,True,C/56/S,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Unukath Proorbeng,True
1452_01,Europa,False,C/53/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,5.0,251.0,10.0,26.0,3384.0,Arkar Distured,False
1452_02,Europa,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,70.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Gorab Distured,True
1452_03,Europa,False,C/53/P,55 Cancri e,34.0,False,0.0,1646.0,0.0,51.0,1462.0,Alzird Distured,False
1452_04,Europa,False,C/53/P,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,0.0,774.0,0.0,6255.0,6.0,Hamak Distured,False
1452_05,Europa,True,C/53/P,55 Cancri e,44.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Gimph Distured,True
1453_01,Earth,,G/229/P,55 Cancri e,16.0,,0.0,2838.0,32.0,5.0,3404.0,Kimena Thorney,False
1453_02,Earth,False,G/229/P,TRAPPIST-1e,63.0,False,3.0,801.0,0.0,0.0,5.0,Annon Thorney,True
1454_01,Europa,False,D/54/S,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,13561.0,15.0,4060.0,72.0,Canonon Righturter,False
1455_01,Europa,True,B/62/S,55 Cancri e,29.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Markton Wassird,True
1455_02,Europa,False,B/62/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,2509.0,0.0,16.0,698.0,Teronan Conaly,True
1455_03,Europa,True,B/62/S,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Rotanin Wassird,True
1455_04,Europa,False,B/62/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,533.0,2119.0,10.0,504.0,Rasaleh Wassird,True
1455_05,Europa,False,B/62/S,55 Cancri e,76.0,False,0.0,2732.0,422.0,16594.0,330.0,Antino Wassird,False
1457_01,Earth,False,E/110/S,TRAPPIST-1e,61.0,False,0.0,368.0,3.0,4422.0,0.0,Bra Combson,False
1458_01,,False,G/223/S,TRAPPIST-1e,46.0,False,0.0,0.0,2020.0,323.0,0.0,Arllia Mccarveymon,False
1460_01,Earth,False,F/285/P,,19.0,False,,905.0,387.0,0.0,0.0,Bony Williotters,True
1460_02,Earth,True,G/230/P,PSO J318.5-22,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Eduana Williotters,True
1461_01,Earth,True,G/224/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Naomin Gordond,False
1462_01,Earth,True,G/231/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Timmie Webstes,True
1463_01,Earth,False,F/282/S,PSO J318.5-22,23.0,False,200.0,414.0,73.0,1.0,1.0,,False
1465_01,Earth,False,G/233/P,PSO J318.5-22,63.0,False,356.0,287.0,0.0,0.0,248.0,Byrona Alfordonard,False
1467_01,,False,E/111/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,894.0,1.0,0.0,61.0,26.0,Russey Dillips,False
1474_01,Mars,True,F/287/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Morms Melte,True
1478_02,Earth,False,F/289/P,PSO J318.5-22,39.0,False,,19.0,733.0,0.0,701.0,Toniel Sweene,False
1479_01,Mars,True,F/290/P,TRAPPIST-1e,49.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Clues Erle,True
1481_01,Mars,False,E/91/P,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,555.0,0.0,744.0,0.0,0.0,Krus Prist,False
1484_01,Earth,,E/93/P,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,92.0,1.0,884.0,0.0,0.0,Lan Roachoanand,False
1485_01,Mars,True,F/291/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hones Man,True
1488_01,Mars,True,E/94/P,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Powhex Betie,True
1489_01,Earth,False,G/229/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,73.0,0.0,0.0,813.0,2.0,Katiey Gallencis,False
1490_01,Europa,False,D/47/P,55 Cancri e,26.0,False,0.0,304.0,0.0,3998.0,,Caphird Crioncery,False
1491_01,Earth,False,G/240/P,55 Cancri e,32.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,817.0,8.0,Leneva Sosalinson,True
1491_02,Earth,False,F/292/P,TRAPPIST-1e,56.0,False,0.0,51.0,0.0,2.0,706.0,Tanley Sosalinson,False
1493_01,Earth,False,F/285/S,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,35.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,713.0,Eilace Hardley,False
1498_01,Earth,False,F/295/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,495.0,,0.0,153.0,Karay Talls,False
1499_01,Earth,False,F/287/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,5.0,0.0,0.0,2.0,1061.0,Teryla Keithunts,False
1500_01,Earth,False,G/230/S,TRAPPIST-1e,11.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hollie Cooperkins,False
1500_02,Earth,False,G/230/S,TRAPPIST-1e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Gerly Cooperkins,False
1500_03,Earth,False,G/230/S,55 Cancri e,17.0,False,0.0,55.0,913.0,0.0,55.0,Joandy Barbes,True
1500_04,Earth,,G/230/S,55 Cancri e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Andrey Cooperkins,True
1500_05,Earth,False,F/288/S,55 Cancri e,17.0,False,319.0,184.0,0.0,0.0,376.0,Irmark Barbes,False
1500_06,Earth,True,G/230/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Bobbyn Barbes,True
1500_07,Earth,True,G/230/S,TRAPPIST-1e,46.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Everly Barbes,True
1501_01,Earth,False,G/243/P,TRAPPIST-1e,63.0,False,0.0,216.0,0.0,594.0,0.0,Julin Fryan,False
1503_01,Mars,False,D/48/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,1890.0,0.0,497.0,1.0,0.0,Koops Haste,False
1503_02,Mars,False,D/48/P,TRAPPIST-1e,61.0,False,1114.0,0.0,68.0,0.0,0.0,Wat Haste,False
1506_01,Earth,False,F/298/P,,19.0,False,0.0,24.0,615.0,9.0,0.0,Bara Vines,True
1507_02,Earth,False,F/289/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,1.0,1.0,683.0,419.0,0.0,Jerek Jeffey,False
1507_03,Earth,False,G/231/S,TRAPPIST-1e,78.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,441.0,4.0,Anny Jeffey,False
1507_04,Earth,False,F/289/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,398.0,490.0,0.0,,0.0,Kirky Jeffey,False
1509_01,Mars,False,E/95/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,,1240.0,0.0,58.0,0.0,0.0,Sumpix Dal,False
1510_01,Mars,False,F/291/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,1226.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,Yakers Swin,False
1511_01,Europa,False,B/63/S,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,1006.0,,0.0,284.0,329.0,Ancham Spandisket,True
1511_02,Europa,True,B/63/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Diram Whealeed,True
1511_03,Europa,False,B/63/S,TRAPPIST-1e,36.0,False,0.0,2345.0,0.0,1966.0,27.0,Maham Spandisket,False
1511_04,Europa,False,B/63/S,55 Cancri e,31.0,False,65.0,2121.0,0.0,6431.0,1.0,Winon Whealeed,False
1515_01,Earth,False,F/293/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,765.0,0.0,13.0,0.0,0.0,Herina Oconley,False
1520_01,Earth,True,G/235/S,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Harrie Klindsey,True
1521_01,Mars,True,F/295/S,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Repart Flité,True
1523_01,Europa,True,B/64/S,55 Cancri e,41.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Izares Waring,True
1523_02,Europa,True,B/64/S,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Baton Waring,True
1524_01,Earth,True,G/236/S,TRAPPIST-1e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Therie Shawforden,True
1525_01,Mars,False,F/299/P,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,539.0,1269.0,38.0,0.0,0.0,Sceros Gin,True
1526_01,Earth,False,F/300/P,55 Cancri e,23.0,False,4.0,,2.0,254.0,521.0,Karia Sotond,False
1527_01,Europa,True,D/49/P,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dirius Boderbint,True
1527_02,Europa,False,D/49/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Anchird Boderbint,True
1528_01,Mars,False,D/50/P,55 Cancri e,18.0,False,3992.0,673.0,1360.0,2.0,0.0,Eang Madan,True
1529_01,Europa,False,A/16/S,PSO J318.5-22,25.0,True,0.0,7069.0,0.0,45.0,282.0,Almino Slable,True
1529_02,Europa,False,A/16/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Krab Slable,True
1531_01,Earth,False,G/237/S,TRAPPIST-1e,46.0,False,0.0,0.0,533.0,277.0,0.0,Kimena Puckley,False
1532_01,Europa,False,B/65/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,0.0,31.0,0.0,1.0,11378.0,Alcorux Bealvewd,False
1533_01,Earth,False,G/244/P,TRAPPIST-1e,53.0,False,1015.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,Tricky Potters,False
1536_01,Mars,True,F/297/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Croo Nuthe,True
1539_01,Europa,,A/17/S,55 Cancri e,32.0,False,54.0,3782.0,0.0,21.0,5.0,Alyadum Barmant,True
1540_01,Europa,False,C/55/P,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,1.0,470.0,0.0,1440.0,2114.0,Shamak Clumshangs,False
1540_02,Europa,False,C/55/P,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,True,0.0,7139.0,22.0,0.0,553.0,Duhratz Clumshangs,True
1540_03,Europa,False,C/55/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,170.0,0.0,3718.0,0.0,Bahoton Clumshangs,False
1541_01,Earth,False,F/298/S,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,12.0,7.0,0.0,720.0,0.0,Carma Woody,True
1542_01,Mars,False,F/299/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,7172.0,0.0,157.0,20.0,0.0,Tot Seche,False
1543_01,Europa,True,C/56/P,55 Cancri e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Izarkab Clidly,True
1544_01,Earth,False,G/245/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,9.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,800.0,Rosiey Ayalazquez,False
1545_01,Mars,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,206.0,0.0,629.0,67.0,523.0,Hocks Fiha,True
1547_01,Earth,False,F/301/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,163.0,0.0,661.0,32.0,0.0,Aarone Hoppers,False
1548_01,Europa,True,B/50/P,55 Cancri e,51.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Okulk Unicting,True
1548_02,Europa,True,B/50/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Sarid Stivelte,True
1550_01,Europa,False,C/58/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,1.0,230.0,0.0,42.0,4030.0,Marin Supiensive,False
1550_02,Europa,False,,55 Cancri e,53.0,True,5022.0,2376.0,0.0,0.0,235.0,Coxaton Supiensive,False
1551_01,Europa,False,E/96/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,1376.0,43.0,0.0,1460.0,Skyrmak Clidly,True
1552_01,Earth,True,G/240/S,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Millie Batestonley,False
1555_01,Europa,False,A/18/S,TRAPPIST-1e,45.0,False,0.0,1389.0,0.0,2987.0,0.0,Alcorix Spistory,False
1558_01,Earth,False,G/247/P,TRAPPIST-1e,62.0,False,877.0,15.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,Benja Mcdowns,False
1560_01,Earth,False,G/242/S,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,1.0,45.0,0.0,837.0,Chary Guezaley,False
1561_01,Earth,False,F/305/P,55 Cancri e,24.0,False,1030.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1122.0,Kyley Briggins,False
1562_01,Earth,False,F/306/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,341.0,0.0,332.0,102.0,0.0,Shelle Simmonders,False
1564_01,Mars,True,F/303/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Weers Merie,False
1565_01,Earth,False,F/304/S,PSO J318.5-22,16.0,False,0.0,1519.0,0.0,0.0,766.0,Gordo Fitzgerson,False
1567_01,Europa,True,B/53/P,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tark Replic,True
1568_01,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,1018.0,100.0,0.0,9.0,0.0,Idace Burchrison,False
1568_02,Earth,True,G/248/P,PSO J318.5-22,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Samany Burchrison,True
1569_01,Mars,True,F/308/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tors Hac,True
1572_01,Earth,False,G/249/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,,758.0,17.0,11.0,0.0,0.0,Karie Shephendry,False
1572_02,Earth,False,F/309/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,4.0,0.0,146.0,723.0,0.0,Lynnie Pager,False
1573_01,Mars,False,D/56/S,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,938.0,0.0,82.0,0.0,162.0,Lychex Butte,False
1576_01,Mars,False,E/97/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,641.0,0.0,372.0,0.0,16.0,Oahars Hapie,False
1577_01,Earth,False,F/310/P,,23.0,False,0.0,169.0,,0.0,0.0,Keitha Grahangory,True
1578_01,Earth,False,E/98/P,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,0.0,24.0,0.0,176.0,783.0,Everly Garrincent,False
1579_01,Earth,False,F/311/P,55 Cancri e,26.0,False,333.0,1819.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,Rankie Pughanders,True
1580_01,Earth,False,G/246/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,8.0,0.0,714.0,Enrie Hinesh,False
1580_02,Earth,False,G/246/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,428.0,0.0,36.0,0.0,424.0,Janita Hinesh,False
1581_01,Mars,True,F/312/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cor Che,True
1581_02,Mars,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Prabon Che,True
1584_01,Earth,False,F/314/P,TRAPPIST-1e,57.0,False,433.0,0.0,0.0,371.0,0.0,Paulia Thony,False
1584_02,Earth,True,G/251/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ronne Thony,False
1585_01,Earth,True,G/252/P,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Salley Crosarios,True
1588_01,Europa,True,E/99/P,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Errima Fullous,True
1588_02,Europa,False,E/99/P,55 Cancri e,35.0,False,0.0,17394.0,0.0,724.0,0.0,Hyaduma Fullous,True
1590_01,Europa,False,D/57/S,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,1336.0,2.0,12.0,7.0,Neutrin Crakenecal,True
1590_02,Europa,False,D/57/S,55 Cancri e,33.0,False,0.0,26.0,1.0,33.0,2439.0,Ankark Crakenecal,False
1592_01,Europa,False,C/60/S,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,305.0,3621.0,0.0,320.0,341.0,Ankabih Idivent,True
1592_02,Europa,False,C/60/S,55 Cancri e,47.0,False,16.0,2127.0,1487.0,0.0,196.0,Arid Idivent,True
1593_01,Earth,False,E/114/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,5.0,51.0,0.0,732.0,0.0,Gwendy Savaraldez,False
1594_01,Earth,False,G/253/P,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,0.0,3.0,0.0,2.0,923.0,Lis Delazarson,True
1595_01,Europa,False,C/57/P,55 Cancri e,27.0,False,0.0,4342.0,0.0,,36.0,Pharmus Reming,True
1596_01,Europa,True,B/54/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Izarfik Replipent,True
1597_01,Earth,True,G/254/P,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Thewis Hahnstonsen,True
1599_01,Europa,True,C/58/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Giedion Drelcate,True
1599_02,Europa,True,C/58/P,55 Cancri e,53.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Enifak Drelcate,True
1601_01,Earth,False,G/255/P,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,22.0,5.0,0.0,747.0,0.0,Elenna Mulley,False
1602_01,Earth,False,F/307/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,2681.0,55.0,Vina Chardsons,False
1603_01,Earth,False,F/317/P,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,594.0,0.0,0.0,119.0,Tyle Carreralend,False
1603_02,Earth,True,G/256/P,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Card Carreralend,True
1603_03,Earth,False,G/256/P,55 Cancri e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Dessie Carreralend,True
1604_01,Earth,False,G/257/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,2.0,3.0,0.0,616.0,161.0,Dellie Rostarks,False
1606_01,Europa,False,E/116/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,13.0,817.0,0.0,1435.0,22.0,Furuson Oilloody,True
1608_01,Earth,False,F/319/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,1158.0,193.0,798.0,2.0,0.0,Glena Dicksons,False
1611_01,Earth,False,G/248/S,TRAPPIST-1e,42.0,False,0.0,865.0,0.0,0.0,44.0,Lorey Torrez,True
1612_01,Europa,False,E/101/P,TRAPPIST-1e,49.0,False,0.0,3750.0,0.0,2.0,341.0,Furuson Entenedy,True
1612_02,Europa,True,E/101/P,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Arraid Entenedy,True
1613_01,Earth,False,,55 Cancri e,16.0,False,825.0,9.0,0.0,0.0,42.0,Judya Josey,False
1614_01,Mars,False,F/321/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,True,432.0,0.0,965.0,35.0,0.0,Duckes Conie,False
1615_01,Earth,False,F/322/P,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,6.0,685.0,0.0,Kencey Lopelases,False
1615_02,Earth,True,G/259/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Therta Harperez,True
1615_03,Earth,False,G/259/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Terina Lopelases,True
1617_01,Mars,False,D/53/P,PSO J318.5-22,37.0,False,295.0,1575.0,19.0,515.0,0.0,Ots Blan,False
1619_01,Earth,True,G/249/S,TRAPPIST-1e,39.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Vanard Hinglendez,True
1621_01,Earth,False,F/308/S,55 Cancri e,25.0,False,553.0,0.0,1.0,239.0,8.0,Jeane Dukertyler,True
1621_02,Earth,False,F/308/S,PSO J318.5-22,25.0,False,172.0,129.0,41.0,0.0,341.0,Valex Dukertyler,False
1622_01,Mars,True,F/323/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jayrin Sau,True
1624_01,Earth,True,G/250/S,PSO J318.5-22,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Joanry Barbes,True
1624_02,Earth,False,G/250/S,55 Cancri e,46.0,False,612.0,0.0,62.0,0.0,0.0,Dorice Barbes,True
1624_03,Earth,,G/250/S,TRAPPIST-1e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Eristy Barbes,True
1625_01,Europa,True,C/59/P,55 Cancri e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Weznif Patimonne,True
1625_02,Europa,False,C/59/P,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,0.0,930.0,0.0,2113.0,98.0,Dabik Patimonne,False
1626_01,Earth,False,F/324/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,,9.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,Raceky Logannon,False
1628_01,Europa,True,B/71/S,TRAPPIST-1e,47.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Zauri Foraud,True
1630_01,Earth,True,G/252/S,PSO J318.5-22,1.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Rayne Cofferson,True
1630_02,Earth,True,G/252/S,TRAPPIST-1e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Shery Cofferson,False
1630_03,Earth,False,F/309/S,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,27.0,11.0,732.0,5.0,Elanda Cofferson,False
1631_01,Earth,False,E/118/S,TRAPPIST-1e,61.0,False,1215.0,32.0,0.0,0.0,362.0,Toniel Kennetty,False
1632_01,Europa,True,C/62/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cella Fatted,True
1633_01,Earth,True,G/261/P,TRAPPIST-1e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,Ferry Thony,True
1633_02,Earth,True,G/261/P,TRAPPIST-1e,16.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tyrony Thony,True
1634_01,Earth,True,G/253/S,55 Cancri e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Armen Conleydenan,False
1635_01,Earth,False,F/325/P,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,1300.0,0.0,,0.0,1134.0,Iandy Tuckers,False
1636_01,Earth,False,G/254/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,139.0,666.0,6.0,71.0,25.0,Daisya Connelson,False
1637_01,Earth,True,G/255/S,TRAPPIST-1e,25.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Leony Ricews,True
1638_01,Earth,False,E/119/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,414.0,0.0,66.0,307.0,0.0,Roydo Ballocks,False
1640_01,Earth,False,G/262/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,305.0,0.0,1.0,618.0,2.0,Essara Scotterkins,True
1644_01,Earth,False,F/327/P,55 Cancri e,14.0,False,0.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,794.0,Lavey Waltonnedy,False
1645_01,,True,,55 Cancri e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Andace Thonyderson,False
1646_01,Earth,False,G/264/P,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,0.0,0.0,885.0,0.0,0.0,Marily Monroellynn,True
1647_01,Earth,False,F/328/P,TRAPPIST-1e,33.0,False,954.0,0.0,10.0,3.0,2.0,Juanna Fisheparks,False
1649_01,Earth,True,G/265/P,55 Cancri e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Diandi Hinglendez,False
1650_01,Earth,True,G/258/S,55 Cancri e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Walla Hodes,True
1651_01,Earth,True,G/266/P,PSO J318.5-22,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Camina Wonglasquez,False
1651_02,Earth,False,G/266/P,55 Cancri e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Ebonyd Lynnerett,True
1651_03,Earth,True,G/266/P,PSO J318.5-22,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Deanny Wonglasquez,True
1653_01,Europa,False,A/19/S,,47.0,False,4.0,1303.0,830.0,774.0,2.0,Phernar Oderient,False
1655_01,Earth,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,3202.0,,0.0,0.0,5.0,Karay Dicksons,False
1655_02,Earth,False,F/310/S,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,0.0,807.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Nadie Dicksons,True
1656_01,Earth,False,F/311/S,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,1.0,160.0,37.0,0.0,,Keithy Mallerez,False
1657_01,Earth,False,G/267/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,218.0,109.0,5321.0,Shally Alest,False
1658_01,Mars,False,F/312/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,1150.0,0.0,6.0,4.0,0.0,Sallos Part,True
1659_01,Earth,False,F/313/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,0.0,82.0,3.0,0.0,718.0,Rayle Pugherman,False
1660_01,Earth,,E/122/S,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,1.0,0.0,905.0,0.0,Estina Cardner,False
1661_01,Europa,False,A/20/S,TRAPPIST-1e,56.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Arin Fringh,False
1661_02,Europa,False,A/20/S,TRAPPIST-1e,57.0,False,0.0,62.0,0.0,2136.0,178.0,Almino Earmeter,False
1661_03,Europa,True,A/20/S,TRAPPIST-1e,48.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Quarkib Fringh,True
1661_04,Europa,False,A/20/S,TRAPPIST-1e,37.0,False,0.0,2390.0,0.0,1306.0,,Branev Fringh,False
1662_01,Earth,False,F/314/S,PSO J318.5-22,20.0,False,127.0,0.0,0.0,542.0,0.0,Wenise Sterson,False
1663_01,Earth,True,G/268/P,PSO J318.5-22,36.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Carita Villenson,True
1666_01,Europa,False,D/59/S,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,158.0,787.0,2820.0,,86.0,Askedus Retefule,True
1668_01,Earth,False,F/316/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,2.0,0.0,6.0,101.0,536.0,Millia Watsongley,False
1669_01,Mars,False,F/317/S,TRAPPIST-1e,31.0,False,2436.0,0.0,147.0,16.0,0.0,Flams Spane,False
1669_02,Mars,True,F/317/S,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Spuffs Spane,True
1669_03,Mars,False,F/317/S,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,1481.0,0.0,881.0,0.0,0.0,Pokix Perte,False
1670_01,Earth,False,G/269/P,TRAPPIST-1e,49.0,False,0.0,67.0,213.0,2.0,1442.0,Aleen Sancasey,False
1670_02,Earth,True,G/269/P,TRAPPIST-1e,44.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Jordy Sancasey,False
1671_01,Europa,False,B/73/S,55 Cancri e,,False,0.0,859.0,0.0,6704.0,64.0,Muonan Mosteraked,False
1672_01,Earth,False,F/318/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,False,7.0,0.0,0.0,797.0,0.0,Elicia Solivers,False
1673_01,Earth,False,F/330/P,55 Cancri e,16.0,False,876.0,0.0,5.0,1.0,16.0,Benny Perrerojass,False
1674_01,Earth,True,G/260/S,PSO J318.5-22,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,False
1676_01,Earth,True,G/270/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Pennie Staffersby,False
1677_01,Earth,False,E/103/P,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,5.0,87.0,0.0,0.0,,Warry Robins,False
1681_01,Earth,False,G/261/S,TRAPPIST-1e,34.0,False,1.0,89.0,0.0,793.0,0.0,Tonia Englence,False
1682_01,Mars,True,F/331/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Miten Watte,True
1685_01,Earth,False,,55 Cancri e,51.0,False,0.0,260.0,91.0,0.0,264.0,Sanda Dillestron,False
1685_02,Earth,False,G/272/P,55 Cancri e,7.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Vana Dillestron,False
1685_03,Earth,True,G/272/P,TRAPPIST-1e,3.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Camina Dillestron,True
1687_01,Mars,False,F/334/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,True,714.0,450.0,208.0,0.0,44.0,Bases Batte,False
1688_01,Earth,False,E/124/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,233.0,554.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tyle Webstenson,False
1688_02,Earth,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,7.0,False,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Claura Webstenson,False
1688_03,Earth,True,G/262/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Line Webstenson,True
1690_01,Earth,False,F/335/P,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,26.0,88.0,5.0,754.0,Heryle Paulllegory,False
1691_01,Mars,False,F/321/S,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,3482.0,1234.0,1155.0,0.0,0.0,Sesh Giba,False
1694_01,Earth,True,G/263/S,PSO J318.5-22,31.0,False,0.0,,0.0,0.0,0.0,Iria Chavezalez,True
1695_01,Earth,False,G/264/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,324.0,0.0,201.0,2.0,256.0,Fredy Moraleney,False
1696_01,Europa,False,B/55/P,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,0.0,760.0,17.0,15331.0,427.0,Alam Iderinelay,False
1697_01,Earth,False,G/274/P,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,,0.0,13.0,0.0,773.0,0.0,Hollie Blainson,False
1698_01,,True,E/125/S,PSO J318.5-22,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cakes Make,True
1699_01,Earth,False,F/336/P,55 Cancri e,47.0,False,0.0,574.0,0.0,0.0,68.0,Sall Barkeretton,True
1700_01,Europa,True,B/74/S,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Zavior Waring,True
1700_02,Europa,False,B/74/S,TRAPPIST-1e,64.0,False,0.0,4.0,0.0,6200.0,622.0,Solaron Waring,False
1704_01,Mars,False,D/60/S,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,1112.0,0.0,687.0,0.0,3.0,Tors Breke,False
1704_02,Mars,False,D/60/S,55 Cancri e,18.0,False,86.0,1164.0,516.0,0.0,0.0,Allota Fincy,True
1705_01,Mars,False,E/126/S,TRAPPIST-1e,29.0,True,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Barave Chake,False
1708_01,Earth,False,F/338/P,PSO J318.5-22,70.0,False,0.0,3.0,1.0,2.0,1290.0,Lavey Hopez,False
1709_01,Mars,False,F/326/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,31.0,0.0,1247.0,0.0,47.0,Jurbet Minen,False
1709_02,Mars,False,D/61/S,TRAPPIST-1e,23.0,False,2210.0,0.0,89.0,0.0,0.0,Bet Minen,True
1709_03,Mars,False,,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,1313.0,0.0,24.0,0.0,1.0,Bleark Minen,False
1709_04,Mars,False,E/127/S,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,1744.0,0.0,136.0,8.0,8.0,Donut Minen,False
1709_05,Mars,True,F/326/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Fams Minen,True
1709_06,Mars,False,D/61/S,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,1554.0,0.0,646.0,20.0,1241.0,Tyog Minen,False
1709_07,Mars,False,F/326/S,TRAPPIST-1e,19.0,False,285.0,54.0,1246.0,102.0,0.0,Cocowl Minen,False
1710_01,Earth,True,G/276/P,PSO J318.5-22,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Andrey Mcgowaymond,True
1712_02,Mars,False,F/339/P,TRAPPIST-1e,27.0,False,103.0,1.0,49.0,2421.0,24.0,Cinets Pamca,False
1713_01,Earth,False,G/277/P,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,84.0,726.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,Calvia Dyers,False
1714_01,Earth,False,G/265/S,TRAPPIST-1e,5.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lorian Parsoney,False
1715_01,Earth,True,G/266/S,TRAPPIST-1e,17.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Camily Mirandry,False
1717_01,Earth,False,E/105/P,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,False,813.0,0.0,473.0,236.0,0.0,Alicey Franankson,True
1717_02,Earth,False,E/105/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,4.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1679.0,Yola Fielsenders,False
1718_01,Earth,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Elindy Reyervaney,True
1719_01,Earth,True,G/278/P,TRAPPIST-1e,13.0,False,0.0,0.0,,0.0,0.0,Kerryn Savaraldez,False
1721_01,Earth,False,F/341/P,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,320.0,36.0,5.0,0.0,640.0,Frandy Alest,False
1723_01,Earth,False,E/128/S,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,,852.0,0.0,0.0,135.0,0.0,Ivaney Holcompson,False
1724_01,Europa,False,A/21/S,55 Cancri e,59.0,False,8.0,1563.0,0.0,73.0,31.0,Hekark Diateous,True
1725_01,Earth,False,F/328/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,201.0,0.0,0.0,603.0,Breney Wheelez,False
1727_01,Mars,True,F/342/P,,,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Gibil Barte,True
1727_02,Mars,False,D/54/P,55 Cancri e,52.0,False,1279.0,0.0,1061.0,359.0,0.0,Emoles Barte,False
1728_01,Earth,False,G/280/P,TRAPPIST-1e,38.0,False,553.0,0.0,0.0,87.0,243.0,Elle Bakerson,False
1729_01,Earth,False,F/343/P,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,21.0,0.0,499.0,568.0,0.0,Billya Merce,True
1730_01,Earth,False,E/106/P,55 Cancri e,17.0,False,68.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,795.0,Elson Curton,True
1731_01,Earth,True,G/281/P,PSO J318.5-22,17.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Alfrey Santry,True
1731_02,Earth,False,G/281/P,55 Cancri e,20.0,False,1.0,808.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Lestie Santry,True
1733_01,Earth,False,F/344/P,TRAPPIST-1e,15.0,False,1336.0,108.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Stevey Chanan,False
1734_01,Earth,True,G/283/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Guadae Patrichane,True
1736_01,Earth,True,G/284/P,PSO J318.5-22,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Therry Blancoy,False
1738_01,Earth,False,E/129/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,19.0,467.0,,Rosey Sawyerson,False
1738_02,Earth,True,G/268/S,55 Cancri e,22.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wenny Sawyerson,True
1739_01,Earth,True,G/269/S,PSO J318.5-22,20.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Wine Jarvey,True
1740_01,Earth,False,G/270/S,TRAPPIST-1e,22.0,False,762.0,13.0,10.0,0.0,0.0,Eillis Torrez,False
1742_01,Mars,False,D/55/P,PSO J318.5-22,34.0,True,49.0,478.0,387.0,0.0,0.0,Anack Trad,False
1746_01,Mars,True,F/331/S,TRAPPIST-1e,50.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Clers Bache,True
1747_01,Earth,False,G/271/S,55 Cancri e,19.0,False,0.0,0.0,496.0,13.0,0.0,Line Santantines,True
1748_01,Earth,False,G/287/P,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,2.0,807.0,Jeresa Burchrison,False
1748_02,Earth,False,G/287/P,TRAPPIST-1e,0.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Erice Burchrison,False
1748_03,Earth,False,G/287/P,TRAPPIST-1e,4.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Keithy Burchrison,True
1749_01,Earth,True,G/288/P,PSO J318.5-22,59.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Monald Coley,False
1752_01,Earth,False,F/333/S,55 Cancri e,15.0,False,1006.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,308.0,Dell Chavezalez,True
1753_01,Earth,True,G/272/S,TRAPPIST-1e,24.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Amela Moodson,True
1755_01,Earth,True,G/273/S,TRAPPIST-1e,26.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Leneva Mulley,False
1757_01,Earth,False,F/334/S,TRAPPIST-1e,67.0,False,26.0,809.0,0.0,39.0,26.0,Juline Bradamss,False
1758_01,Earth,False,G/274/S,TRAPPIST-1e,55.0,False,587.0,0.0,0.0,318.0,3.0,Maril Fielsenders,False
1760_01,Earth,False,F/336/S,TRAPPIST-1e,50.0,False,742.0,21.0,10.0,26.0,4.0,Elicey Cardsay,False
1761_01,Earth,False,F/347/P,55 Cancri e,23.0,False,145.0,490.0,17.0,49.0,1.0,Ine Sweekstarks,False
1762_01,Earth,False,E/132/S,PSO J318.5-22,21.0,False,2400.0,7.0,0.0,20.0,0.0,Sylvin Casez,True
1762_02,Earth,False,G/275/S,,15.0,False,104.0,,0.0,174.0,253.0,Thery Casez,False
1763_01,Europa,False,E/133/S,TRAPPIST-1e,41.0,False,0.0,3240.0,0.0,59.0,0.0,Diskeon Stering,True
1764_01,Mars,True,F/337/S,TRAPPIST-1e,59.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Gies Laai,True
1764_02,Mars,False,E/134/S,TRAPPIST-1e,18.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cin Laai,False
1766_01,Earth,False,F/338/S,55 Cancri e,21.0,False,112.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1333.0,Ronne Adavisons,False
1767_01,Europa,True,C/65/S,55 Cancri e,14.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Hekaron Gleroling,True
1767_02,Europa,False,C/65/S,TRAPPIST-1e,50.0,False,3677.0,782.0,0.0,6.0,1168.0,Decruxa Stewder,True
1767_03,Europa,False,C/65/S,TRAPPIST-1e,32.0,False,2973.0,3368.0,124.0,57.0,42.0,Coxatik Gleroling,True
1767_04,Europa,True,C/65/S,TRAPPIST-1e,46.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Coxah Gleroling,True
1768_01,Earth,False,G/276/S,TRAPPIST-1e,,False,0.0,24.0,0.0,732.0,0.0,Artis Beckeey,False
1769_01,Mars,True,F/339/S,TRAPPIST-1e,58.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Choney Sinda,True
1770_01,Europa,True,B/75/S,55 Cancri e,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Tauxon Wincer,True
1771_01,Earth,False,G/291/P,TRAPPIST-1e,35.0,False,0.0,338.0,436.0,,0.0,Antone Cardner,True
1772_01,Mars,False,F/348/P,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,1220.0,0.0,49.0,39.0,0.0,Cheats Butty,False
1774_01,Mars,True,E/135/S,TRAPPIST-1e,30.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Anakes Canie,True
1775_01,Earth,False,G/277/S,TRAPPIST-1e,43.0,False,0.0,0.0,870.0,0.0,14.0,Murie Mejiaddox,True
1776_01,Earth,False,G/278/S,TRAPPIST-1e,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,809.0,0.0,0.0,Lynnon Wolffy,False
1778_01,Earth,True,G/279/S,PSO J318.5-22,15.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Stanya Adkinson,False
1779_01,Earth,False,F/349/P,55 Cancri e,37.0,False,164.0,603.0,0.0,0.0,11.0,Evan Hermanapp,True
1781_01,Europa,False,C/66/S,55 Cancri e,28.0,False,0.0,11026.0,0.0,0.0,12.0,Alballa Brailidy,True
1782_01,Earth,True,,TRAPPIST-1e,28.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Stald Moodson,False
1782_02,Earth,False,F/341/S,TRAPPIST-1e,40.0,,596.0,,135.0,73.0,0.0,Carold Moodson,False
1783_01,Earth,False,G/281/S,55 Cancri e,42.0,False,28.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,591.0,Carma Garnettiz,False
1783_02,Earth,True,G/281/S,PSO J318.5-22,21.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Francy Garnettiz,False
1785_01,Mars,True,E/107/P,55 Cancri e,31.0,False,0.0,0.0,0.0,,0.0,Miten Kniva,False
1786_01,Earth,False,F/342/S,TRAPPIST-1e,51.0,False,28.0,94.0,0.0,34.0,638.0,Violey Jacostaney,False
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