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Created December 9, 2021 19:08
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Uppy example in clojurescript
(ns my.namespace.uppy
(:require [re-frame.core :as rf]
[reagent.core :as r]
[cs2.handlers :refer [debug-panel]]
[cs2.i18n :refer [tr]]
[clojure.string :as string]
[cs2.util :as util]
[cs2.components.widgets.modal :as modal]
[taoensso.timbre :refer [debug info error fatal warn]]))
;; use as inspiration :-)
(defn image-uploader
[{:keys [id endpoint on-insert]
:as opts
:or {endpoint "/file-upload"}}
& [active-tab-doc]]
(let [this (r/atom nil)
target (str "image-uploader-target-" (name id))
dashboard-target (str "image-uploader-dashboard-target-" (name id))]
(fn image-uploader-component-did-mount
(reset! this
(let [uppy (js/Uppy.
#js {:debug true
:autoProceed false
:restrictions #js {:allowedFileTypes #js [".jpg" ".jpeg" ".png" ".pdf"]}})
uppy (.use uppy
#js {
:trigger ".uppy-DashboardItem-edit"
:inline true
#_#_:locale #js {:strings
#js{:dropPaste "Sleep bestanden hier naar toe, of ",
:browse "kies bestand van je computer"}}
:target (str "." dashboard-target)
:replaceTargetContent false ;true
:maxHeight 450
:metaFields '({:id "caption"
:name "Caption"
:placeholder "describe what the image is about" })})
;;crop images <3
uppy (.use uppy
#js {:target js/Dashboard
:quality 0.8})
#_uppy #_ (.on uppy
(fn [file]
(debug "file added")
(debug file)))
uppy (.on uppy
(fn [file resp upload-url]
(let [resp (js->clj resp :keywordize-keys true)]
(rf/dispatch [:media/add-image resp])
(when on-insert
(on-insert (:body resp)))
(when active-tab-doc
(reset! active-tab-doc :media-grid)))))
uppy (.use uppy
#js {:endpoint endpoint
:formData true
:fieldName "file"})
uppy (.run uppy)]
:display-name (str "image-uploader-" (name id))
:reagent-render (fn []
[:div {:class-name dashboard-target}]
#_[:div {:id target}]])})))
;;; usage,
(defn my-widget
[:div [image-uploader {:id "myuploader" :on-insert #(do-something %)}]])
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