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Still working from home, what about you?

Anders Einar Hilden Kagee

Still working from home, what about you?
View GitHub Profile
#! /usr/bin/env bash
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
printf "Usage: %s: <grep arguments> [filename]\n" "$(basename "$0")"
exit 1
function _grep {
// Get amazon book list as JSON data
// Based on
// 1 open i.e.
// 2. Open developer console
// 4. If required, adapt the fetch url below.
// 5. If required ajust batchSize
// 6. paste into developer console and press enter
// 7. Promise {<Pending>} will appear
// 8. AFter a while a js structure starting with {success: true, .... should appear.
// 9. Right click that line, "Copy object"
@echo off
rem Loop on multiple input files and auto
rem trim them using magick "!item_%%n!" -trim "!item_%%n!"
rem Take the cmd-line, remove all until the first parameter
set "params=!cmdcmdline:~0,-1!"
set "params=!params:*" =!"
set count=0
'ApacheSecureAuth' => array (
'apacheEnv' => 'REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER', # Eventuelt REMOTE_USER
'ldapServer' => 'ldap://',
'starttls' => true, # kommer i 2.4.169, burde fortsatt kunne bli med
'updateUser' => false,
'ldapProtocol' => 3,
'ldapNetworkTimeout' => -1,
'ldapReaderUser' => 'CN=srv_misp,OU=Service Users,DC=example,DC=com',
# For LDAP debug
# LDAPLibraryDebug 7
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin serveradmin@misp.local
ServerName misp.local
Header always unset "X-Powered-By"
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]
Kagee / MISP and LDAP using the ApacheSecureAuth
Last active November 27, 2023 10:00
MISP and LDAP using the ApacheSecureAuth module


- The ApacheSecureAuth / LDAP login code in MISP is a 
- 3rd party contribution and untested (including security)
- by the MISP-project team. However, you are free to enable
- it and report back to the developers if you run into any issues.
hildenae@spune:~$ echo "foo" | gist-paste
Please log in with `gist --login`. (Github now requires credentials to gist
hildenae@spune:~$ gist-paste --login
Obtaining OAuth2 access_token from github.
GitHub username:
GitHub password:
Error: Requires authentication
GitHub username:
GitHub password:
Error: Requires authentication
- name: loop test
gather_facts: no
hosts: localhost
- array_usage:
- id: 0
usage: 89
- id: 1
usage: 70
- id: 2
- name: loop test
gather_facts: no
hosts: localhost
- array_usage:
- id: 0
usage: 89
- id: 1
usage: 70
- id: 2
- name: loop test
gather_facts: no
hosts: localhost
- array_usage:
- id: 0
usage: 89
- id: 1
usage: 70
- id: 2