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Last active August 23, 2023 23:04
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  • Save KLicheR/4088067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KLicheR/4088067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PHP script that perform a find and replace in a database dump (tested with MySQL) with adjustments of the PHP serialize founded.
* PHP script that perform a find and replace in a database dump (tested with
* MySQL) with adjustments of the PHP serialize founded.
* Don't forget to escape your "special characters":
* "a$b" -> "a\$b"
* "a"b" -> "a\"b"
* "a`b" -> "a\`b"
* "a!b" -> "a"'!'"b" or 'a!b'
* Usage:
* $ db-far [options] [search] [replace] [file]
* Example:
* Domain replacement with a backup file "dump.sql.old".
* $ db-far --backup-ext=".old" "http://old.domain.ext" "http://new.domain.ext" backup-dumps/dump.sql
* String replacement with quotes and exclamation mark.
* $ db-far "My \"special\" string" "My awesome string"'!' backup-dumps/dump.sql
// Options.
$options = array(
'backup-ext' => array(
'help' => 'The extension of the backup file that will be produce.',
'type' => 'string',
'value' => '.bak',
'encoding' => array(
'help' => 'Encoding with which length of string are calculated for PHP serialize conversion. You can find the complete list at this URL:',
'type' => 'string',
'value' => 'UTF-8',
'source-type' => array(
'help' => '(backslashed | raw) Use "backslashed" for replacements of PHP serialized that contain backslashed double quotes to delimit strings, ex: s:5:\\"hello\\"; Commonly founded in MySQL dump. Use "raw" for replacements in raw PHP serialized, ex: s:5:"hello";',
'type' => 'string',
'value' => 'backslashed',
'preview' => array(
'help' => 'Like "verbose" but without executing the replacement.',
'type' => 'boolean',
'value' => false,
'verbose' => array(
'help' => 'Show the different options and arguments.',
'type' => 'boolean',
'value' => false,
// Return the value of an option formatted to be print.
function format_option_value($option) {
switch ($option['type']) {
case 'boolean':
return ($option['value']?'true':'false');
if (strstr($option['value'], ' ') === false) {
return $option['value'];
return '"'.$option['value'].'"';
// "echo" in Terminal and add "new line" when 80 caracters is reach.
function e($txt = '', $indentation = 0) {
$max_length = 80;
$indentation = $indentation*4;
while ((mb_strlen($txt, 'UTF-8')+$indentation) > $max_length) {
$line = substr($txt, 0, $max_length);
$pos_space = strrpos($line, ' ');
if ($pos_space === false) {
$pos_space = $max_length;
echo str_repeat(' ', $indentation).trim(substr($line, 0, $pos_space)).PHP_EOL;
$txt = substr($txt, $pos_space+1);
if (mb_strlen(trim($txt), 'UTF-8') > 0) {
echo str_repeat(' ', $indentation).trim($txt).PHP_EOL;
function show_help() {
global $options;
e('db-far [options] [search] [replace] [file]', 1);
foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
e("--".$key." (".$option['type']."), default: --".$key."=".format_option_value($option), 1);
e($option['help'], 2);
// Delete the first argument (the command).
// Arguments (contain raw options + arguments at this time).
$arguments = $argv;
// For each argument found in the command.
for ($k=0;$k<count($argv);$k++) {
// If the command arg is an option.
if (preg_match('/^--([^=]+)=(.*)$/', $argv[$k], $matches)) {
// If the option is not valid.
if (!array_key_exists($matches[1], $options)) {
die('Invalid option: "'.$matches[1].'".');
// Override the option.
switch ($options[$matches[1]]['type']) {
case 'boolean':
$options[$matches[1]]['value'] = (strtolower($matches[2]) == 'true');
$options[$matches[1]]['value'] = $matches[2];
// Delete this "option" entry from the "arguments" array.
// No more options, the rest are arguments.
// Check if encoding is supported.
$supported_encodings = mb_list_encodings();
if (!in_array($options['encoding']['value'], $supported_encodings)) {
die('The encoding is not supported. See this page:');
// If the count of arguments is incorrect.
if (count($arguments) != 3) {
// Arguments.
$search = $arguments[0];
$replace = $arguments[1];
$file = $arguments[2];
// If a "backup-ext" option is provided, do a backup.
if (
|| (!empty($options['backup-ext']['value']) && copy($file, $file.$options['backup-ext']['value']))
) {
// If option "preview" is set to "false".
if ($options['preview']['value'] === false) {
// Database
$new_dump_sql = str_replace($search, $replace, file_get_contents($file));
// Correcting of lenght of string in PHP serialized
if ($options['source-type']['value'] == 'raw') {
$pattern = '/(s:)([0-9]*)(:\\")([^"]*'.str_replace('/', '\/', preg_quote($replace)).'[^"]*)(\\")/';
} else {
$pattern = '/(s:)([0-9]*)(:\\\\")([^"]*'.str_replace('/', '\/', preg_quote($replace)).'((?!\\\\\\").)*)(\\\\")/';
$new_dump_sql = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($m){
global $options;
if ($options['source-type']['value'] == 'raw') {
return($m[1].mb_strlen($m[4], $options['encoding']['value']).$m[3].$m[4].$m[5]);
} else {
return($m[1].mb_strlen($m[4], $options['encoding']['value']).$m[3].$m[4].$m[6]);
}, $new_dump_sql);
file_put_contents($file, $new_dump_sql);
else {
die('The backup file could not be created. Replacement aborted.');
// If we have to show verbose.
if ($options['preview']['value'] || $options['verbose']['value']) {
foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
e(str_pad($key, 12, ' ')."= ".format_option_value($option), 1);
e(str_pad("search", 12, ' ')."= ".$search, 1);
e(str_pad("replace", 12, ' ')."= ".$replace, 1);
e(str_pad("file", 12, ' ')."= ".$file, 1);
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4d47 commented Jul 4, 2013

It looks like I can't send you a pull requests in gist. maybe time to create a repo :)

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4d47 commented Oct 19, 2013

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Worked nicely! Might have to up the PHP memory limit manually for large databases (ini_set or something) but worked great otherwise.

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osoda commented Feb 14, 2022

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osoda commented Jul 22, 2022

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