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ruby converting an unsigned int to hexadecimal (java-like implementation)
# In Java, the following expression
# Integer.toHexString(1286933134)
# produces:
# "4cb50a8e"
# and
# Integer.toHexString(-1286933134)
# produces:
# "b34af572"
# ref doc:
# In Ruby, to acheive same results:
# for positive number:
# produces:
# "4cb50a8e" which matches with the Java's,
# but if the number is negative:
# then the result is not what we expect:
# "-4cb50a8e"
# so, to acheive same result for negative
# numbers too, we've to mod that number
# by 2^32 (i.e. in terms of Ruby: 2**32):
(-1286933134 % 2**32).to_s(16)
# and the result is similar as of Java's:
# "b34af572"
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